Ill It, '"rib,. 1 I wo 111. 1 mm lis Ik YOL. JVI ' Pr"'TM w:l:'.-. ALBANT, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1891. NO 127 sit, l I, i to to 1c lu i WJl. iA iON, on4 cm VIU TEF Avc.yri he he(. ! furni ifactui to .GHOUL. full t-xcMV-. Korii)M id' Wosic U ical oKill-' lose rcce ivi"! aIiy counts tttont. lineM ;20. ( Tuiti0" If ten wtrtl"; ..i .t Son ndliti. roois rd in r"? limf. Help. :GON , Benedlo nge.foO .m -t i ..u mr niipniN fur W. ! OmitriiiH r-iio V JT V i ml fur for phi It' ': I'lMt i- it. tf t'llllllllUIH't ill fur viiu. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOk CENT CEMEN m BEST SHOE IN I HE WUI1LU FOR THE MONEY? ItU I,i1iurl H ft; titmll? nt (In In Kt lino iulf, NUtMi t ltllH.l ivi- imtic iimiv xtii'i thin -mMf rh" "'""" ". " f'U4MB IIHlI'l- X,.,) ,-..-thiK st.Hl to $". . (e io (I'liniiii' iiiimUHt .!, i)h' niM'Ht mir JftJJ si 'VI V nlttTfil f'T 'i.tJ t'(1UllH iTfllrll KpTrt i ! i wlih'h vml finin -. I.. $1 Jr oo HimhI--. ! Writ Mior, I mlf. jpra rt I ili, r-inf"rtalil' iiikI lnr;ll. Tin- In-( i-rr nftiTi'il al tlii t'li.T ; kaini' urudt ax ctw ilfri iiiii'l- sh'H'hti'ohMiiK from (sti.iRi lo$'i.(. rfr .11 I'olir Miiiet riirinniH. ICillnunl Men ami l.t ltiT CurritTHiill wear lli-in; llm-culf, Hrlh'in it nit ulhrr miinitjiu-iurrr. It t-iimiM Iiuinl- li lnMe heavy llirt'it bulea, txtt-u- ..,n i-U''- "' l,1,lr .wm w,'r uyar. 0 I,,M " 3)af a Ihis irln I'll II I IK offered at on villi iWim w;mt a mr rnmmi i ami niti ire. s -iA mill M'i.llO VYrMnumitn' ur- viry Kli-'iiic ami liurulili-. IIh.mi who oys' Kll I' " mm " 1 ?'.II1P IIIMI "l.f n'M itiiMi-n urn ril-i. ut tlif huTt'iitliii wiI. m hIiiiw. worn iiy i in- iiojMi-viT.vvt ihti-; inry ih-ii . Ki.IM) llitiiilMini'il hIi-m. iN'xt (JUIvS i..riK"la, Mlitlr.i'Ual)tfT(.'tii'U .lli.-' 'l.rtU. M'i.llll iimiI Hiiw for ..... tin- l.i-Kt flu,- liutiifulu. MvlKh ami HtiraMu. ..nil. ii. -s i lliut . I,. UoUifiaN- liruiiu ttim nrht W BtuiniK-noii im uoiiom . ach hIii , JjoUUi.AS, IiroL-kUiU. Most. JK"- I j. E. HLAINr. Star Bakery CornroiuliilM 11 ami Vlvtit Mm, MEYER, Proprietor. Fuaiifd rruilH, OIliHNHIlTV. Dried FruiiN I'ntlrrt tr Cnuur.l Meals, (liiReiiNirnre, VecetalilfN, ClKHi 8, Npiro, Tea, Iilc., In I. I flvervllii'iK Out In kupt in a general variety iiml if hoc cry titn HIj-iiuhv iiinrkul pricu piiid fur ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE 1 Albany, IRONWORKS MHtiufartnrerN IEAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW VILL MACHINERY IRON HiONTS AHO ALL KIFD3 OF HEAVY ANO LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. peolal. attention nU o pairing -ds of marhinom HaVirrns Made on Short Notim TWO MEN AND ONE BOY. FOUND DEAD!! 4 - r fl'hik- trying to Crowd then -WAV INTO- . of JDEY05 & PROLAN BROS u . I Store, where they always have on band yam! Kfj laruest Stock south of Portland, of J. I e latest improved Kitles and Shot Jjnns; an immense stock of Fishing lacnie ot every description ; 1 ents, mm'ck. Cams Chairs and thousands other thiiiL's too numerous to mention Jlcimir Sliop tonncrtinn ML-ith Hip Vtuce .iml one ol bet workmen In the State to do any "d ail kinds of work. Come on!. Come nl. No rouble to ow eond. Smfi1I nrrfit and nulck iW i oui motto. FORTMILLER & IRVING, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS- '"lerial Kmbaliuinff Anna R..lnlinnnilv. CHOICOiEATS Or All Krwiu '','",.-,'"hm''"r' lt""y '''le. noit " IllMnrtl l'.,n(r Co', .tore. W . F. Call and su what a sUck of V ancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, l)ross Goods, losi(jrr, Wo have to select from. Our hut the cheapest ever We have just placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain find We want your trade anil we vou monev. Albany, for Infants "Cast or i a is so well adapted to children that rivcomnu-ud It as suin-rior to any prescription known tu 1110." II. A. AacltKR, M. D., Sll So. O-foru St., l)rookl-n, K. Y. "Tli tw of Tastorirt' is fo mul ii.-: iiiiTitH o w'H knov.-n th:it it Btvn;sa v-rk !' snpi'ifroM-fttion tocntlore,- it. Vow uretlio innlH(fiit fiiinilitfswho duuuL keep Cuatuna vi itliia easy reach. " Carlos II Ann's. P.I . New York City. Ijite Pastor Bloomicdale luiormixl Church. Tnic Ckstaup PATR0!ilZE HOME S3E2S2SSS THE FARMERS k WKMll INSURANCE Cfl Alhuny, W F RK.AI), President. J L C't)WAN, Treasurer. -DIKKCTORS-" SV V Read, j jvnt - . ii t -i flat V ITIIIISIin. W HDn, ,1 IV iwinri i'uw - - AI.80 PDTRICT Several Solid Eastern ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN Al SANY. 11 THOMAS run READ, stock is not onlv the largest shown in Albany. a complete assortment of both cloth and plush fur trimmed. feel coiifklen' we can save W. F. READ. Oregon AHY EADAGHE While You Wait" BUI CURES NOTHING ELSE. and Children. CnKtnrfn cures Colio, Constlrmtion, StMir Stumaeh, Piarrhpa. Kriietation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes di- fpKtion. out injurious medication. " For several years I havi reeommrndi'd your ' Castoria.' and shall always contini.t to do ko it has invariably produced btueikial results." Edwin F. Pardeb. M. D., Tbe Winthrop," 13th Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. Comi-anv T7 Murray Street, New York. INSTITUTIONS. Orogon. .1 O WRITSMA.N. Secretary. Cieo F SIMPSON, Vice President. Dr X Foley, W CJt T TO Unrnnll wtrahan. J o vVritamau. ' - ' j o. - - - . AOKNTH FOR- and Foreign Companies. It vou M-ant the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur Hjcd in the city go to BRINK'S 1 nri Highest of all in Lcarening Powers- MO It HI (VII51 ttlVJ F. M. French keups railruaa timt. Buy your groccritia of Parker Bros Hew cream cheese just received at Col r ad Meyers. Smoke thficolobratnil Havana filled 5 cnt ciar At Julius Joseph's. A 'ah: stock of wall paper, with late de ainafat Fortmiller t Irviny's.just received. Have you seen those parlor suits that T Brink has just deceived ? They are nice. J W Bcntley, best boot and shoe maker in city, three doora north of Democrat office V Achison & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. Thcso walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Dr M II Ellis, ithysician and aureou, Albany, Oregon. Calls made in cit or country. Lalio3 can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting the city, aod without extra commission. Miss h J Barrow 3 r chis:n aeut, Grove St. Oakland, . Patroniza heme industry and buy hand made harness, warranto I, from 0 C Mq Fail, nd, at Dubrullle s old stand. Testimony of 11 Painter, T II Bickus, 105 Ci'lton avonue, Brook Porous Ivn, N. Y- writes: "Allcock's Y, 1'lasters are undoubtedlv the best external remedy manufactured. I make thi) asier- tion to the public from my own personal experience of their wond-jrful virtues. aunerintr from severe pns 11 my aide and cheMt, contracted through a severe cold, I applied a couple of Allcock's Porous Platters upon going to bed at mht. The results was, that in eiphthonrs after applying them I could net up and walk about wkh very little pain or ache, when the uiuht previous 1 could neither get up nor down without help, nor stoop to remoe my shoes. I have sineo used them in my family tor various ailments, and have never known them to fail to give almost immediate relief.'' A Inriie assortment of heivy n bjs aid horse blankets at O C McFailind's. Cotton gooda have not been a cheap iace the war at tnev are now. Call and see what 1 arguing Y Re'id has. The best roast coffee in the city at Coma Kt 1 ding Photographers A "aay Oregon. Me have boucht-all the negative t made by L W Clark and W H Greeowood up to Nov loth, 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from hem only of ub at reduced late. We have also snout 13,000 negatives made by our afilveB, from which duplicates can be had at like la xa. We carry the on v full line of viewi of this state and do cuiaiei d work at loweitrates for tirat c1jp work. V cshall be pleased to see yon at our .Studio in Kroman hluuk, noxtdoorto Masonic IVniple. Co; Cclits. Influenta, OroneMtls, CCt Hv.ener.ii, Whoop: r. 3 Couih, Croup, Sore Tltroot. AMhn-J. ;"t! tvi-:y a.ifctitm of the Kiroat, mfi: i J t;',' onsumpiion. Red CrownMills !it. v ' .. 1 .uti'st's- AMO BAKKKA VH MESTSTORiC" FACILITIES. FOSHAY & MASON 11.B' AMI HV KKTAlb- Oruggisib and Booksellers, Ail." to for Jobn B. Allien' puollcstlunn, .iob wt sell p'jhllHher'. price, witb 4 I.MAX V, Ki f EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTH K IS I1KKKKY OIVEN THAT Tllfi umlt-nilirnwl han lven by the ctiinty court (or Linn county, OreKm, duly npNliiUil exwrulnr of ;he Irwtt Kill a'ij teiiam-jTit of Jwiatliftii Caril, ileofasoil, Kte i( Linn county. Ori-jfon, All uriii hftvin claims anltirtt said estate arc liun ly rvipiiretl U irt-flctit the Mine pr)ie.l vcritieil tty law rttiirfil to the uniienivner at Wtttvrloo. (iivffon. within ix mnntli' from thii Tiiis ;.th div of Supumber 8'.H. o. i. r.un. J K WfATHKIIKRI. KKwUtor. A'tj for Kxecutor. (Ml) V. &. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, JM9, The only really important elections to be l:cM the 3rd of next month are those in New Vork, Oliio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Iowa. All elect full state tickets and legis latures except Pennsylvania where minor state officers and a legislature are tt be ele:led, All these states, except New Vork, have for long years been reliably republican. They all appear deubtful now with the chances favor of the democrats in New Vork and Iowa and in favor of the republicans in the others. Harrison has taken it into his head that New Vork must be carried for the republicans and the whole power of the administration is to be brought into rerjuisiiion to secure that object, Report of bureau of Statistics on immi gration shows that since iSjo nearly 000,000 ImmiKants have come to thi country from European countries, of which over 4,500,000 were Germans, 3,5000,000 Irish and 2.500,1)00 English. Immigration fot year ending June 3, 1S91, was largest 6ince tSS3. Total arrivals 555,49s, an in crease of 104,205 ever 1S90, No man who you may have to consult for anything in regard 10 your business can do you aS much teal good for the money cliatged, at the printer. His worJs and works ar lasting and ke;p the people always in minj of your dtsire rnd ability to meet their wants. Vou should call on him often; you will be ben efitted evety time. IlillsboroZJewocat See VV F Read's linn of dress gocds and siiki before buying elsewhere. Iinporlnut t.i llan.ckeepers. It gies Julius Gradwohl fire it catufao- tion in aellinJtiis lneGolden Rule teaJDd bakins powder, with decant prizes or with out them, that his customers who have purchased luvnriably return and say they are well pleuned, that the tea Is No. 1 and the baking powder is as good as the best. All his tas and baking powder beam the name of Julius GradwoM's Golden Kule Bazaar, aid are expressly put up for bis business. and he ttill continues to give with each 'pound of tea or baking powder an ele gant pieoe of glassware. Notice. MrJ Julius Gradwohl inforn.s the Demotic at that his Golden Kule Bazaar will be kuown herafter as Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar. Dated Albany, Sept; 2Sth. A large aud choice line of carpets lino leum and oil cloths just received at A B Mcllwai.i's. which will be sold cheaper than abewhere in Albany. Fortmiller & living have some Renais sance l-tce cuit.iii fr $18 a pair, a tineas anything tfcr ntit-o in tho fits . They range dwn to $7 a pair. Other lace cur tains down to $1 01 Iff. a pair. 'sj oofl jO ipois jtj Jietu psntuinxo sahm b p' iojj maA aooundoqi 90a no.? jiun t.a.d.8 put 8400U jno ,tu ;(hj oq sure xiib'vi st tramps. Townsenu k Wilson. The DrM-irkAT will exchmuo a iewiiic michinc 1 . ny m:ike doirid, i.xopt one or wo. i"nn oak crub wood and rt tash; r,r will consider other propt.s.tion.4 .t pn ne detirinva new machinn. Mmken nl or ieur. By inalari! disease, the human machinery cannot peiform its otii!e, 1.) ideation, aecie-1 tion, evat uarioQ are disordered, the blood Leciinte watery, tlio nervfts feeble, the cnuntenai c t'h-tiy. sleep disturbed end appetite c pritiou-. Terrible is this disease, fell its c-ii juences. There is, however, , ki'own in tidnte to the miasmatic poisrn. 1 land a crirnin afeuftrd ginst 11. In 'malarious regions of our South and West, (in South A titrica, Guatemala and on the rttbmus ol I'anama, as well an in trans marine on ntnea where the scourge exists, this ininn hle preventive atd remedy, HottotterV Stomach Bittprs has, during ilie last thirty-rive years, been constantly widemug area of its uaefulness, and dcmonstraung its sovereign value. I.iver compUiut. iyf.peisia, constipation, kidney tioub-e. th'iimatiam and debility are all temedied h it. A 1 ken y. Mara si. tTket-St . nt-34r.. notinra sr in nav ,n t-8.9. f (iiimm-H per bnalieW M-t fiH, 8 Pork - tM Per W rMi. Bhimmm 7e Vtesfesn4M dlsa. TELEGHAPHIC NEWS ripruk 1'i.r Tree Trade! Newcastle, Oct 3 In his speech today before the liberal, cong-ess, refftrin to free, trade, Gladstone said: "Our children and kinsmen in America, to whom we have looked and might still look to teach us many useful legislative lessons, have set us in this matter an example of a retrograde nation. Thev thought for the moment, though I believe on ly for tne moment, that the secret of prosper ity was to he found in fixing by 'government the channels in w hich enterprise should run and the forms in whirh ingenuity should be exercised " Continuing Gladstone said: 'England is amonc the creat nations sfthe world, and had become almost so literally a witness of the principle ol freedom as applied to trade as she has long been in Europe a sol- i.ary witness 01 ireedom ol social and political institutions. That stewardship in regard to freedom in general we have now in regard to commerce. They Itrnrli nlirorulu. San Francisco, Oct, 4. The distinguished democrats who aie touring the Pacific coast, arrived here this morning. They are Ex Governor Chauncy F lilack, Lawrence Gard ner, Representative W D Hynum and Senator Charles J Faulkner. They were met at Sac . ramento by a delegation from Iroquois clubs of the state. The party is here to assist in the formation of a party club, as proposed by the democra'ic national committee. A public meeting will be held Monday niht, at which rauikner and Kynur.i will speak, and Tuesday a conference vtitn leadirg democrats will be held. An Oregon Wreck. Marshfield, Or Oct 4. The Oregon Coal & Navigation company's outbound steam cr, Arago, which went ashore on the south spit, near Guano rock, at the entrance to Coos bay yesterday, had a cargo of coal and mis cellaneous freight. All passengers fifteen in number, were rescued by the life saving crew stationed three miles from the scene of the disaster, after several hours hard labor. 4 Fulal Accident, CmCAfid, Oct 4, Eight persons were al most instantly kil'ed and a dozen others in jured '.hie afternoon by the explosion of the iug wnancs w raiker in the sown branch oi the river neat the Archer-avenue bridge. Three of the dead belonged to the crew of the boat, while the others were brstinders, who were killed by the flying debrfs. A rearelul Queen. New York, Oct 4 The Berlin corres pondent of the Herald says: Hid it not been for the excellent commonsense of Queen Vic toria and :he sound judgment of the Czar, who in a moment of emergency, acted in perfect accord, Europe wcHd pernaps this very mo ment he in the throes of war. The Kvrlilbfllon I losl. Treves. Oct 4. The exhibition of the holy coat closed today. Bishop Morum con ducted an elaborate service and pronDunced the benediction. The tatal number of pil grims who viewed the coat is 1,925,140. The relic is now enshrined. To Tea Drinkers. Probablv three fourths of the teas consumed , are "Green Teas " Unpleasant as the fact may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all is not Hie natural color, but isdue to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue, Indigo and other mineral colors. That coloring hides 1 he effects of poor teas Is undoubted; but is it healthful, and does it not call loudly for the importation of a bnnu of pure, uncolored, unman ipulnted tea? It was thi condition of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public ISeing the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color of n dcMirhtful fragrance that is a revelation to te.! drinkers, and Its pinky makes it mure economical than the arti ficial t".'is, less of it bidnL' required per cup. Sold only in packages. 60 cents pt:r pout d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as chiidhrvKl, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn block, Afbanv, An I'xavpik The Utn for tvptkan corsumpiiuti ri! nought m Lhina by fcviro ne.m experr. who aie e llt d "ten taster?. ' The enc clopfdinH r Hit'lmiitv for the. fnet tbt in n few earn ihev havn to cive tip their luorativa positicn with nhattc-td enn- atitutiorti. The utihe 'lth'n,np(i of hj adul- terationH and tuinrl cl iri-i tr.itw cni- not be more 'rm jjlv cut. B"-r;t'i 1V is pure as cniklb.Ktd, l'r mh'.o by Allen Bros. Vaikir Brcs, grner-. K W Achtfnti &( ' at I'mtliiid prin. For biiruAuia in nmtiuturptH, b.-rt-'-i etc., goto K W Achinr.& 4.',A(,(- When Baby was slca, we gave her Caatoria. When slip was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she hecaaie Miss, alio clunjf tr Castoria. When sho had Children, she gave than CasMrla. Whkketo C?ct '1 IIKM. n organ or niai a en'1 wh e you :an st!i-n Grt In 7W CnxU. wr Sinit, Khnu Bli-ck, r if ail kin 1. - V'U ( , I. 1 1 Ttv; i I " I.M 1 1 1 i ! 'if i ; if l tf !' Ul H..I- ! ', .t H H I ! ': ing L .fl-