k 1 -PIS VOL. IVs 1LBANY-, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1891. NO 124 V' I mr nin-iH W. I.. Iloiiulu. mi rr...ifv. nml '' I "em lor mil. "UiV'l'AKK NO M IIMTITUTK. CJ ferS" WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS W. F. READ, i Highest of all in LArening Power. V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iSJj, ' i sj ij u uh v55 . rowcter TEl-EOKAPHIO NEWS 3 SHOE CEnHIWn BEST shoe ih ihe wohlo foh the honey? TtilTu .-.Mil. "Ii...-. nllli iiolu.k"or wn; "'"" ijtturt llinfeet: ma ' "" ,,""t , ill i-iihv unil 6r-iii..; i''" "'I'' ""' " 7 :fiiV"'l "" nOi' lu'Of. It tijuuU Imiiil- Stf! ......... ,., 55. h v. r olf.r.-.l l"f 3.ius equals 1-lvueU 1)11 llnml.-i'tveit H i-ll Shnr, fills ealf, m hlvllHti. i'ointorliilil'iiil iliiral.ln. Uw Is-st i.v..r otT.nil ill llil" prle" : "'" r'' " r.jnu'li' Hh"-i-onlliii; rroin s "S'V: . .'id I'ullei. Hli.ii-l farmers, mii Hii.l l..-tt..rliirrl.-rsall w.-arthi-m; fltmcuir, lUll.-M. HIIMHllt HIKlur. ii.-.i.j ....... L Ii Is-tter slis)evr offered nt llil l.rlr.-; ".Ill' tl Inl will Unco tllose 1wantaalHH.f..rrs.Nirorlun.lservie. ,. .,,. 52 . Jr " V" y ." I "Jrl!t Tl" who jk .....i mi . lu-hixil BhM'M arn I OYS worn ly Um h..yHt'viTywliiTo; they. BSOUUTEIW PURE Uthi.Tr iru'rUn, fi iiicrvitsliiK wilmmhuw. ladies fiA'Mr813 fcW'Efif'a'S tT!$s to, fc'.JiroUiSii'Ht Hi"' l."li- f '):'' "'rM,1- i till taluui.l on tlir Niltom of ai-h li"- Call anl soe what a stock of lOi'Gss Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, ljosiory, Wo havo to select from. Our stock is not onlj th largest but the cheapest ever shown in Albanj. Star IJiilccry Corllromlnlbtu and Flrnt t. OOXKAD NEVER, : Proprietor. ltRAt.RH IK Itannnl mill". M(M UlnMAwarr, Uacenitwarr Orlcd I'roll". VeeetaWen, Tobnccii. Cluars, NuKwr, Kplcea, 'olirt-. Tea, Klc lLtt., InbctonrytMiiK tli:it in kept in ""' variety and KHiMiiiry ature, HiyheMt mrkut price paid for .ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE iWn lifivn inst nl.icod on sale a oomnlete arisortment f cloaks and jackets, in both ciotn ancipiusn goods, plain and fur trimmed. wiiKin iiiif.ihm-'. F. M. French kcojn railroad tiint. Buy your groceries of I'arlu-r liroa How cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 oent oiar at Julius Joseph's. A lanroatoclt of wall Daner. with latede- ijins. at Fortmiller 1 Irvinii's.iust received. Have yoa socd those parlor suits that T Brmk has just received T i hey are nice. 1 W Bentlov. best boot and shoe maker in city, three doors uortn oi democrat uuiuu E W Achison ; Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for lemetery lots. rhese walls can be furnished at half the coat of any other and are far superior. Dr M H E'.lis, tihysician and snrncon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country . Ladies can do their shoppinu in San r ran- cisco without visiting tbo city, and without extra commission. Miss B J Barrowi ? r chasin? aijeut, 1609 drove 3t, Oakland. Patronize heme industry and buy hand made harness, warranted, from O C Mc Karl i nd, at Dubrutlle s old stand. We want yourtrade and we feel confiden' we an sav you money. W. F. EEAD. lUaiiy, -:- -:- -:- Oreffn JIAS.ACIII .VKTTS AMI THE WEST. A large assortment of heavy robss and horse blankets at u u mcranauu . TWO MKN AND ONE HOY FOUND DEAD.!! .fT- II t bS- CUBES 1 Nav Zw 9 TggTrTIV-.im- for infants and Children. Holbera I Castoria! is iecommendedjby physicians for fthilrlren taethinir. It is a purely vege- ahle oreDa ation. its ingredients are pnb- ished aroun d each bottle. It is p'easant to ha taste and absolutely Uariilina. It relieves constipation, regulates tho bowel,- quiets paiu, cures diarrnoea ana wiaa omiu, uyo feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsiogs, soothes the ehild and gives it refreshing and natural sloep. vaiconaio the children's panacea the mothers'. friend. 33 doles, 35 cents . While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEYOE & FROMAN 3R0S Store, where they alwajs have on hand the larijest Slock bouth of Portland, of the latent improved RUles and Shot Unns; an iminensc stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chain and thousands of other tilings too numerous to mention Jtepixir Shop in connection with the Store, and one ol Jia best workmen in the State to do any ind all kinds ol work. r, ,.. Pnme al. No rouble to ,.nrA. "Small prcfit and nu . al.V is oui motto. Xerer Travel Williimt Them. I'ei son i should nover t'avol without a box of Brandreth's Pills, A few doses taken before goingon r hip will prtve.lt sea sic -rfcs, and one pill every nigh on shipboard will counteract the costive action of the fea air. When si r, troubled with pains, colds or dizziness, or having rheumatism take from three to live pills and if thev do not operate in an hour or so take three or four more. . Brandreth's Fills are purely vegetable, absolutely harmless, aud sfe to take at niiv timn. Sold in every drug anil mcaicine either plain or BOgar coated. store, Ick Cast or la Is so well ailnptod to children that recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnnx, il. l.. Ill So. Oiford St, Brooklyn, N. Tt. FORTimUER & IRVJNC, 9 (V ,. -FCXEUAL DIRECTORS. Arlerinl Kiiibalinlng done Seientiftoally, Albany, OrtK'". "FRUITS AN J FLOWERS." . v it i ii-tp a T Rn H ORTTCITM' A iiml mrin'hlv li.urnal. editod by Pro rc u i..i, v f.rm.mr fruit "rower n aff iril to bn without i'. It HaYS rhnuvur l.k.ia it. SU Hr VOr. Si MX montliM, M pi:t( single niiiiibnr. A,i,lr-. 1. 11. STEARNS, Portland. Oiegon RedCrownMills FAMIU 8DH, I.VNJIISH & W PROOKM fLOVR BPrBBIOR tOK AND BAKERS 9HK. REST STORAGE FACILITIES, FOSHAY & MASON T0Ltlil.l ARB TAflr Druggists and Booksellers Aoi t fnr Jrwin R. Alditn' ouUlleaUom' 'aleh w at pnbliiber'n jm-Im wi'l- "nagoanaftr' ALBANY. OK : Hirt & Phillips, the tailors, make to order ashi malile snits in latent styles, in a manner to give aiui-facthn. Call at their rooms.up 'tails, Strihan Block, ai l see uoods nd get pricas . New Process. Mrs A M Tall is now ellinir a new proesi for canning fruits .nd vegetables without cooking or sealing tight. Samples ol ner worn i seen at Brownell's rlore. The Massachusetts state report on man ufacturers for iSoc shows that there are 20,000 persons emploved in Massachu setts cotton factories af'under $5 aweek,1 while the United States census shows that in the ten years since 1S80 the wealth of the state has increased $569,000,000, The only way to understand the mean ing of such figures is by comparison, and this increase in the wealth of the wealthy class of Massachusetts can be understood better by comparing the figures for Mass. with those for Illinois, Iowa, Indiana.Ohio and Wisconsin, which give a total inciease in asressed property ol $591,000,000 as against the increase of $569,000,000 for Massachusetts alone. When wc seek to find who has the money accumulated by Massachusetts, we find that the factory operatives are living from hand to mouth," and that Massa chusetts farmers, becoming too poor to I own their farms, are obliged to abandon them. The immense sums Massachusetts darws from the Western states are not dis. tributed among the people of the state. They go to the beneficiaries of the Massa chusetts tariff. It is not hard to trace he process by which Massachusetts forces money from the west. Take the case of an Iowa farmer in a good crop year when there is no fam ine in Europe. He has bought his supplies from Massachusetts during the year, and he will have to settle for them when he sells his crop. In selling to him Massa chusetts is protected bv a tariff averaging over 50 cents on the dollar's worth. When he comes to sell his crop Massachusetts is still protected against him, for the same tariff prevents him exchanging It lor fcu ropean goods, in which he could get 50 per cent, more than Massachusetts will pay. So, whether he buys or sells, Mass- achusels is protected at his expense. With the price of farm products cut down by the laws preventing their ex change with Europe and robbing them in so much of their exchange value.and wun the price of Massachusetts goods increased by the same law, the western producer is robbed when he sells and when nc nuys At this rate he Is soon obliged to borrow monev, and Massachusetts lends him at high "interest what It has taken from him under the operations of the tariff. So the western states go deeper into depl. and so the Immense wealth they produce every year enriches the nutlheast, while all the went i-uts t ut ot it it a bare living for its I producers. W hile Deer Hunting. As'FOklA, Or, Sept, 30. Another hunting accident happened yesterday at Mishwauka, on the tower Xchalem, by which John Gron nell lost his life. His brother came in today and cave the puticulars. The unfortunate I man was going on a vi:-it to his father's house a short distance Irom Ins own, and while on his way thither, saw two deer loitering on the outside of some slashing. He hurried to the house and procured his fadiei's Winchester and relumed to the spot where lie had seen ihe deer Harty Olsen saw him making for the brush, and asked him what he was after. Gronnell told him there were two deer close by He disappeared in the thicket and Olsen, waiting for him to return, heard two shots some moments after. Gronnell did not re turn as soon as Olsed thought he should. He shouted for him. but received m answer. Fearing some accident had happened, Olsen wint in search of him. He proceeded to the spot where he sow the smoke rise last, and lound Gronnell lying dead in the brush, witn a bullet hole in his forehead, he having shot himself accidently. BlKUt In N. T. Stale, Utica, N Y, Sept 30 The special Ameri can express train due at 3.10 A M today, was lobbed between here and Little Falls. The robber brought the tiain to a standstill, one mile east ol this city , by applying the airbrakes by means ol a valve in the car. He then es caped in the darknets. The express agent in charge ol the car was u A Moore, wno lives in Buffalo. The train only stopped here a short time, but a part of his story was secured. It seerrs the roblier bored the front door of the car and got the fastenings oren, surprising Moore, whom he covered with a revolver. He then sorted over the packages, taking such as he supposed were valuable. It is not known how much was taken, but one package of j S5000 in currency was concealed by Moore, and was saved. Ihe robDer was masked. Moore has been in the emyloy of the company ten or twelve years, and there is no probaDllity that his story is other than a true one. Boaianger Dead. Brussels, Sept 30. A little before noon today, General Boulange, accompanied by an attendant, visiled the last resling place of Madam de Bonnemain, his late mistress. Sending the attendant to a respectful distance to await him, Boulanger stood alone for sone time by the grave of Madam de uonnematn, appearing to be affected by the most sorrowful reflections. About noon the attendant was startled by a shary repoit, and filled with grave apprehensions, hurried to the spot irora whence the report had emanated. The man wai shocked to tind uoulanger lying aeaa upon the ground wit 1 a revolver clenched in his right hand, A Train M'reek Akron, 0, Sept 30. Early ihis morning a collision ocourrtd a few miles east of Kent, on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, be a fre'ght ana a passenger train. Three . were killed and twenty injured, several fatally. The pussenger train was the Michigan section, which contained the Olin Family excursion, the members of which and many frienJs weie going to a national rsunion of their kindred at Bennington Vt. Bom Burkley In Montreal. Montreal, Sept 30, Christopher Buckley the well known San F'rancisco politician, ar rived here today and is stopping at the St Lawrence hotel. He delined to discuss poli tics, but said he imended to visit Quebec Toronto anil New York and then r;turn San Francisco be "T no or 'Castoria' Is so universal and ii.s no-rim bo well known that it spoil's ft work of Kiim-reroiin.ionwM'iiuurnoiu. jnlolliuont families who do not keep Castoria wilhiu easy reach." ,.-, m Nov ork City. Lato Taste Bloomicgdilo ltoforuiod Chui-eu. Castoria cnnn Colie, Constipation, frour Stoma jh, Diarrhrea. Eructation, UHIli Worma, give sloop, and promotes tu- rwiltnn. 'ILuout injurious medication. For several years I havo recommendod your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to So an as it has invariably produced bcucuuiul results.'1 Edwin F. Parpeb, M. D., The Wtnthrop," l'-iSth Street aud 7ih Ave., Kew York City. We in?ureagain st tramps Town.sekdJ& Wilson. to The best roast coffee in tho city at Com a ol r . Tns Cbktaub Col?- r jIuanAT Stuiet, New York. Tho DRM ifv.AT will mt:hwi:;e a ewin machine nf a'iy mate. il-ir1, except one or wo, for so-iri oak grub wood aim parr, casnj ot wi'l e.inider other proc sitions by any ne d.isiriu;: a new machine. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. W FMBi MERCHAHTSJNSURUCE CO., Oregon. .1 O WRITMAN Secretary. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President. M Sternberg, J W Burnett, Albany, W F READ, President. J L COWAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS'- ... T . T . .1 I. T TfnlAV J Li Lowan, s. '''"! :.u.. to sirahan. J Writsmau. J eauioi iviui " - AI.Se ITRICT AORWTS TB Traders, Ci.ioago, III. Atnene-n, Philadelphia, P. P-nl, London, England, Korwieb Union, London, Eng Uunrdinn, London, Eng. Man chester, Manchester. England. Caledonian, KdiAbnrg. Scotland. Woncbewor, Iew York. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN AIHANY.- 1 fwrrr Ct its. C'llec. Influents. Bronchitis, UU'wi- t... ;(-: heiJ Conjh.CrOM, 7!;roa.. L-" ' '' r iidinnPhotographeraA any ''ret;on. W e ha-e bought all them gativ. made by L W Clai-k and W H Greei od up to Nov 15th, 1S'J. Duplicates can bo had from hmn'onlv of ns at reduced lates. We have also about 1S.O00 negatives made by our selves, tiom wnic' duplicates can be had at a:e. We carry the on .y I'J" "no "i ..f . l.tb anil rlo enlarge d at loweitrstes for tirst clam worn. v esiian pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman s Mnk, 'lexidour to oiasonic irmioo. like v.ewi .-.!ii'iion of lite sumritlon. i. E." Albany L. LEADING DRUGGIST DRliCS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &C man -.Maiiiifaotiirers M lEAS ENGINES CRIST AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY IRON rHONTS m ALL OF HEAVY AMD LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. pairing h-vhh' attnntinn slei l of liiacblnen All -mfi Katie on Short Notics j shaken Onl or enr. P.v malarial disease, the human machinery cannot .. iform its 1 tfice. Digestion, aecre- tion.evMMintion are disnrdi red, the blood becomes watery, me nervi ier,c, ...o oonnteiia ce cha tly. sleep disturbed and appetite o prieious. Terribleis this disease, fell its e- nssqueuces. There is. however, a knowu i.ntiilote to the miasmatic poiacn. and a c 'tain safeguard against 11 . In .i-:..... ....inni nf nur 5od'h and l est, m.rii. Guatemala and on the t.,u.. f Pminii. u well as in trans- ... no. .here the scourge exists, ...I. la i.reventive ar.d remedy, Hosteti Stomach Bitters, has, during the last thirty-live year., been constantly widening h area of its nseiinneso, 1 demonstrating its sovereign value. Li 1-;-. ..dt.a.Mia. constmatioD, kidl . ...1.1. .i'..",ti.m and debility are all IIU.'C. . icmedied by it. Aikasy avnet. vTnwrt- It' 1 Mis Ms. liilu !! prio R.r-6 , to 8.09, f set--'t Pr I B,t-v ft, VX to Pork-We nor reie Bsenste iains He heasMsrs Te trie. Lvd lpr. rJr-rreraier hbl. Te Tea Drinkers Probably three fourthsof the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant as the fact may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar tn us all is not ihe natural color, but isdue to the facing ir glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral colors. That coloring hides I lie effects of poor teas is undoubted; but is it healthful, and does It not call loudly for the Importation of a br.niu of pure, ur.colored, unman ipulatcd tear It was this condition of affairs that prompted Ihe placing of Beech's 'lea before the public Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it is different In color from any you ever used. It draws a canarv color of a delightful frucrani-e that is a revelation te te.'. drinkers, and its purity makes ii more economical than the nni ficial teas, less of it being.required per cup. Sold only in packages. 60 cents per poui d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn black, Albany. linu.rtnat to n.e.ek.epe r.. It girs Julius Gradwi.bl ere' ,stufae- lion in snllinclhis nne;Gililen P.ule lets and bakinu powder, with eletant prizes or with out them, lint Ins cin-ioiuer no naye 1 based invariably teium ann av tney aro well pleased, that the tea is N.i. 1 and the b.king powder is as good as 1h best. All hl teas .nil hiking p..voer nesrs tne name of Julius lirunwor 1 uoiuen ivuia tUalsar, and are esiire.slv put np lor his busine-.aMl hs itil. eonnnne. in g.vs wi's each pound of tea or bakiug wwder so ele gant pieet of glassw sre. When Baby was slca, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave tlwin Cestorie. Whereto Get Them. When wanting . r-r, ..r nlap call mGL Blackman -w .on en selrt from a first class - j tOi. 1 1;"'.-.'',; : - l-i.t m I t I'll r , , , '' . . 1 ! ' l! t - .