.uaiy- (i SIITT11Q. Kil iturs nn J Prop'r. uitlm lJnt Office ttt Allmny, ()r- I Vuhu lit All matlMiv Hi"'1 HHi'i r.HnrK :iit, ihvi -77'?' OFFICIAL PAP Mi. nKMiHKATs:--iii-iimi nuiy at ai- FiUnv, Oil. J. iSyi, nt 7:10 p. in. ('Ii.inncv I' lllack, of IVun., Wi 111 ll v.(iri;ji 11 in fit 1 t'iniicrailc Ihin l.;iwrinrc warmier, 111 wasli- I) (j, s 'iTi'iarv 01 mc rwtional (lltiin "I I nun rai ic i.iims. 1:011 M Iitk, i'. iiv. mi v, rcnn. Innri I" a mc-uuitf. I'.verv unuv lilies "ji'Cl in lliviicu. .-t-iii. Mi-:k ri! 1 of tin' "it v Council i.,.l.l).i"t I'Vi'iiinn. Tim Trninirer Jr,i ,. himl Bitln ol thei:lv liotuls, ... , .1... Ii ........ "'PI... !.. 1 .1.1 It'll III in I '' ln:a.l I . I II" lit; runs instruct'"! lo iulvrtiu for 'r IllltlT.ll KPWIT IIITO-S t'lllllIOIliH I. Tin' tnatlcr of the Icukinti- of tin ,linl (til Ch'h liiit tank wan rcfcri-cil .tn'i't ivniiiiiiHiioiH'r reported II inrh il'ilttil fewer pipt'H I'lMIl IIHI'il illHtca.l IH'll IilU IIH O'lhTI'll. Kl'h'I'N'll (inu'il until ni'xtTiicmliiy I'vciiinir. 1: Kximsi noN'. IVoplo returning l"u rt 1 :i ii-1 . iifti'r viHil mvt tint cxpo- nthiTi', proiiimnri" it the-ifrcu tost i.pI.I h'i tin! mint. I lie exhibits am i.,i I of any pri'viom year, not. only imiH.T ami arraii.'i!niriil., Imt also in Ivainl ii'wral appearance. The at- i.ins, i'"i''cially the iiiiihu; ami art, ,:u' a'i'ivi! I'Xpi'ctalioiiH. The Zap- .uliaii'l, frui 11 iln! ('ity of Mexico, is .nriiiir oii'li'i fiil mimic, ami Iiiih Aili'riili'il liit The art irallerv in itlinii. Tli,' ininiTiil. Iiorticultural ricultural t'xIiiliilH are a iit'iniine .'.,'. Ani'iii'4 tin mineral exhibits .jr.' from the Hatitiaiu iiiincH 8?n! l.v the Alli.inv company, are at ijiir irr- at attention, anil, liy cxperia ,11'iiini'i'il the richest ami liest ore . The iseiieral expremiuii io tliat :.iia will lie h''arl Irom. mil III, AMI ft UHOMI, Willi. K I'OIC I.IIIIKM. llio new ion .foiirnali ptililiHlicil liv A Mi II Jt Cu., -1 West Mth Street, .New , nrenuain on our talile. The mi ritynf 1 1 1 iHC journal In abundantly in on every pajje. I.a Moiie ih the list 11I the three, ami la intenileu for Iv ilia'. It has inanv Htvlea for Ircii, anil ia only $1 " per year, or 1.1 n per i!upv- "La Muili! ile Tarin" ih i li-puil journal, tillcil with evervtliiim iln! latest gtylu in l'aria. This, in a nt favorite with lailii'H. "Allium les ilcs" isalsoa popular 1'ariHian ptihli iuii. It is replete with sneh Htyles as latrunizi'il liv the ini'lille classes, its lins Ileitis neat ami plain, yet till of rti'hest eharai'ter. these threi Inthlv i'lnnials elaini to itive the ear- H faslimiiH, ami they ate all printeil in 9. ' I.a M win de fans' ami the nun iles Moiles" are eai'h t'.i.M per nn, or .'i.i cents for a sinejle copy pies ran he olitaineil from the house null: copy prices if there is any tlilli- 1 111 iiiitainiiiu them Irom newa- i-rs. I.li i'iiv ii :,s jhMiril I01l.1v for the ninr- ri,i(ei.f W I'aioilu ri. mid rii nielia Wood. J W ll.iimoii, a former ''ori-allis man. Iioppeil il.'inl in I'ai, Haven a few iluys Mr li hn I hmanl ami wile reliirncil to- il.iy fmiii 1 hdr hip enst ami rciolc at bi iiiL' uti'iin In iVehfool, Due Conn anil l'cte lliictlner rrturneil nsl cveiiiiii' from n' Kin in tin; Shislaw. They claim to have killed ilx deer. Mr and Mm .1 M Kheiianl, of linker (ity, pnreoU of M-h Coll 'aiiCleve. ar rived in Albany lastcvenini.' on a visit. . Mr Daniel Wil-on, of Michigan, Is In e rilv Hie enest of his vii-trr, Mr. ICIIa- lielh lilain. II w ill 1 el tun hoim- on Sat -111 day. Mr ami Mrs (ieoiv" I'ath rs.,11 left for Spokane Falls a lew days ao,bein' called there by the dangerous illness of Mr Pat terson's daughter. ChaK. Schmidt, rcantlv of the Yaquina hotel was hi Albany t,i.l;iv. He has leased the Oct id, ntal liolel at (' irvallis tor live years anil purchased the (nrnl'tire, anil will lake possession at once Samuel J Cole, 01 Iowa, a nephew of Mrs N J ilenton, Is In iheiiiv. Mr Cote is an ciiuini'er, anil is on' on a tilp lo see the count! v, just having rotm!' thioueh New Meiico atr.oni oilier placei, AN ANSi'Ai, si -ri;i(. f.ast cvenini; Hie V C T IT Kiive their .-1 n 11 11.1 1 supper at their liu'l in th'HCity. .McinberH of the tininii with their hus bands and a few invited ituesls were pi'esent, lillini; three laa'e tables, binm tif ill ly loaded with choice dishes. The repast w as a line one, (ireatlv appreciated, hut not more so than most of the toasts ''liich followed. Some bright lemarks were made ami a H'm.Kkable spirit of Kooil w ill xiid fellowship prevailed, speak- 1111; for the cnntiniieil prosperil" ot this noble band of women of the YV. ( T. I', The follow inn loats wee pri sented : The Day we Celebratii ; The birthday of Francis E Willard, by MrsTathani. The Woman's Christiiin I'liion ; an ellective ally of the Christian church, by K K Sox, who presented ltov Hates, of l'.uu'ene, as a substitute. The I'rcss; fearir.u (iod and fearless nt man, a powerful factor in p:'orm work, by I'" 1' Niittinu. Our Citv l'astors; Iciiilers in temper ance thotijiht and work, by Dr Irvine. Our Free Vublic Schoo's; a t-'reat na tional bulwark, by I'rof I It Homer. Our OHicers, by Mrs Wilson. Our (iuests, by Mrs llellu Cook, of Sa'elil. The nrotbers-iii-I.aw ; w ho furnish the sinews of war. bv I) II McCullat'li. TneDutyof the Hour; vigilance nnu ;ietivily, by Key G VV Hill. I ill l III. ll. Thia morning about 8 o'clock Mr. C. K. Conlcy, fori iuan of liays, Ii ll'iies & Co., the sewer contractors, not having come from his room, Su. 21, in the He vere House, a sUHpicinus noise having occurred duriiii! the niht, the door to the room was liried open, when Mr Con Icy was found lying on the lloor dead, w ith bis face to the cni-pct, attired in an undershirt. He had evidently b'-ondcail for several hours. A coroner's jury was called by Coroner Farrell and the evi dence of witnesses and of Dr W II Davis who examined the deceased showed that lie probably came to his death from hav ini; aspirited a small piece of food into the larynx, causinu' straii!ulatioii of the ulolis, and a verdict was found accord ingly. The face of the deceased was black from the strun'iilation and there ,icru indications ol the spasm. On the llrmr was most of the contents ol the un fortunate man's supper. The boarder in the next room had heard considerable of a noise about 1 o'clock, and had tried to enlir the room; but failinj; concluded iinlhiiiK serious bad occurred. The de ceased, a youiiK man about i!S years of anc.canic to Albanvon Sept. 17th from I'ortland, where he iuul been an inmate ol Chief of l'ulice 1'arrish home for sonic time, to take charge of the run strnction of Maide and Ferry street sew ers. It is not know n where his parents reside, but probably in San Francisco. He in supposed to have been a youiij; man of steady habits and is well spoken of by those who bad met hnu. Nothing now, thoiiL'h, is known of biin be'ore he came to Albany, Mr Hamilton, who is here overseeini' the startiii of the con tract, never having met him until he started for Albany. On the stand in Mr Conly's ro 1111 was found $15.1)5, a pass book and one or two other thing's. lie had retired early about J o clock. IIIIMK AM) 1IIUIIAH . r.n jru can ij j irry '.T.-.-i' iiiajcirirv of our exchanges are ini; a l)i( fake aib-crtisemcnt for a lei pnviler tirm at a rate they would ilT"reil bv home advertisers. If 1 fi nt im-ilicine or baking powder firms 'tobitv the very vlluals of ft neivspa tliev uuht to pay enough so that you lofforil to sell it, anil this they nerrr -t'orvallis Times. The Times is cotn--ly ft sea so far as the Dkmucrat is erncd. We tieat all advertisers sub 'iallv alike, anil will tlailly duplicate iwkins; ponder coniiact In the IIkm ' it fur home advertisers Business is ims ami haktn! powder firms have as 'ti rlijlit to aitvertlse asanyof pariiru 1 of the e,reat rliilii.itv of Mie one rred to. iff. Exiiiiiitiiim. Theie will lie an MHon of nit needlework nt Will -!ii mu-ic store, ciiMsiitini; 'if hninl 'ly i:riiir. .il -. red em-tains, 'lambrequins, Ivitiiii-r.; and nutrcious oilier orna NiimiI f..r honii.. ilecinalitlij purposes product of the popular "New Home" inichine. You cannot afford to Jin: opportunity to visit this exhibition b iien in ymir Interest. Exhihitijn Oct jth. closes Oct Ki;h: everv r invited. Uvb TJ noticed that Allen Bros' sto P 'tore is always full of fruits, teg fie, tie yery latest 111 the niar- II there is anvthiiiL' to b had thv s II. reaches, Herrits, Cabbages, Turnipt, Kiw rotates. In May be seen the fi nest stock of 1.1 1 ;..A, t ISO'll HUH OlIICI h' vi.' ",aillon'l anl other rings, jew- ,nc, ie, iiiiiieciiy. better hist. roii,l1rir .. ,i,. : . . . - K'3l Olll.lfl At A lltonv I.,n .nIu L 23. I'bwius CAllinr for f' let ten ywea,ivcnii.,i ron. VV T "1. l'rci H.Othns ll,e't, M,rvi "t"n. 7,lu vy. sj . Ad.w r'-i'-w'. w i) ''in. 11. l..i. fi:.i '"In.. Hi '!i'il(.r, V n. "".(: A must ijivo the date 011 which Unuskn, Daniel Hrutitnliurijh, F D.ixsie, Win Orat, Sam llolate, I.illie' lltlnl, Mai'Kie K irk 11, I I M Milnev, Miss Murv Mifine'r, W J M. I) 111M. I'aik Miller, (i 1 l'1'.t , .1 '!'!, !s!niii, A::n'rioii " -rl, Kiikiu m.-'.p, K I. Sii.iih, I. ii I :.-. -. :o', M r,r,;e - & John luNTlilVII. r, M, it 1:11. isi nr. Kills, Fyley etux to Mrs M A Keel, lot tl lilk 4 in Lebanon $ '. 1) W Hardin etnx to ACadwaiader 5 acres tn 12 S 11 2 w 300 Geo r.uhl to Daliileish l'.verctt, lut 7 blk 5 It's ml to Lebanon llf State to C A rowell, lots 2 and 3 secISIitp 12 SHI w 07 W (I Davis eta I to Mm I? I'.ailev, lots 4 and 5 blk 3 Shcdd S00 Stale to liobt (I Huston, w 'j. sue Hi tp'.l S K 4 e 400 Jonathan Wassoni etux to W W Craw ford lot 12 blk 2 W's ad. 12.1 J M Waters etal to F F Ames, lots I 2 3 4 blk 15 X r.rown'lle .... 200 John Wilson to Mary Wilson lots I 2 4 blk H 1 I s a'l llalscy... mu J L Hillef.ix to 1' Al Hansbaw, lots 17 is 111 20 blk !l H's ail Sii-laville 100 C W Filler by i IV Davis, admr.to V M llnduers, 2(10.117 acres in D M'nl K M Klder 310 F.i'.wd Johnson etal to W II John son 32ii acres ill sees 22 and 23 tp III S li Ii W Win F Harrows etux to ( has 1-. Towers lots 7 S blk 4 Shedd. . . 20U Total sales WIIKAT. SI CENTS. T Tilt: I. HUES. On Thursday and Friday. Oct 1st and 2nd, the Ladies Hazaar will have their grand opening ol fall and w inter millin ery. All are most cordially invited to lie present. -Mas. II. J. Siiwek. A lina line i f cnwirry ware at Conn & IIcHdrien.-iii's. LARGEST -: -"ASSORTMENT or HEATING STOVES, AT MATTHEWS & WASHBURN'S tjii: o .iniin n 11 ims The annual meeting of the association ot Congregational churchei of Oregon was opened in the Congregational church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with d4 delegateo anil ministers present. Kev C L Corwin was elected moderator; Kev C II Curtis, scrilie; W II Morrow, assisetant Bcribe. The report of Y 1' C I" showed IS so cieties in the state. An assessment of 10 cents ner capita was levied, and other business transacted not of general interest. In the evening Rev C T WhiltUsey, of I'ortland, delivered the annual sermon, a bright ell'ort, and Kev Honiincer gave an address on "A Month in the Holy Land," a very interesting affair WEDNESDAY MORNING. Devotional exercises led by Rev A Rogers Report of College Com. rtyid bi ll A Shorev. On motion the com. was continued another year. Rev Hill of the Baptist church and Rev Fisher of the hvangebcal church of this city were invi ted 10 sit as corresponlng members. A resolution was adopted that the agree ment of the trustees of Pacific University be accepted supplying the needful basis of the harmonious cooperation of the churches with the amendment that we reccotnmend to the trustees of the University to place a minimum number of trustees at 1 s and al so that the newlv elected members be representative Congregationalists of Ore gon. Pres. McClellan then addressed the association. Committee on Nominations reported the billowing committee on 1 rhUr. work, to receive information concerning work among Congregational churches, W II Morrow, Fast I'ortland, C II Dye.Ore gon Citv, Sirs Dr l',arrett,iIod River. Dr Heard, Sec. of A M A, and Rev I'richardjOf the Presbyterian church, and llr Irvine, of the v V church, ol Albany were invited toseats in the association Dr C C Crugan and Dr Heard addressed the association by invitation. Kllllimy. I wish to say to my friends and cus tomers that 1 have niv fall nnd white styles in millinery ready for trade. Will tie pleased to show goods at any time. Iiia M liltl'Sll. If von wiuitftliicM ilintnot, gi t it at. F M Kiil.ijhV. Tlirtl'isi un fur ilin.i r 11! the 1 );-!n.r 11:1:0 resUnrant tuii.mri'W ihiup. Mr W r:r, hxrii Ij. im.v.-l his tuil it shnp t 1 the H I.TI nnillri-l lil.u k. Don't forgi t to ut.l. i il the n illinerv oi,cn- llig i.l the I.iiIiih II .,r ThiiraiUy Hliil Friday i f thii vei:l , The. Lndies Sntii-tv i.f Mm l ,t l'ril;vtsli.'n church will .ma t with li AUIi'Uso to- infirrew alterlifoii f. .r wml;. Two i or-llilie l.al'.i in'Je V!ii- brou:.'hf. to Alliany If.dnv fli.111 il:ii- !,,- Mr II 1'it - inn. nni w:li ho tal;,Mi ;r, hn :,1 neur Merlin. At the time ef iii.ii 11 t.iwes .NT r K ihriirn Turner was r. t.rte l a iv, v. ithi.ut heper. tliniiuh, uf his !; win.; ar.y It-iith 1 f urn". On a'!C-.uiit ;.f the ini-d'.iag nf thn Cnnt'ri- g'llenul AsciKiiar.ii.n tin-M l.u no pl'avw il.ci-ting at tliu I'ra.uj tcnaa c'.mlch tcl.iht. D 'ci lfiily the hirt'i-st. (l,,i cii.-:rit vuiii-t-.y nf tna in t'in i nt C K lir'.lllleilV. Sri, dried. I :;i.l'.it liml, g i-i n, I.Ucli, Kn,i-. !i lueaLfist, 1 tie r-mdeneu i.f Mrs A n.r.njgr', i.f Curiid.is, v.as ha i Meii'i-iv r.ii'if. It was nnu;i"l w i,li tliu fi:ri,L!::e i.-i tin, tittle if Silvir. f.ir 1000. Atti.r-ev Gfmr.d Ciisii.lii-r:aia i" wori.ir l.aril 011 tho railln-et civi-n-n-l will leskn s:ui)i.orii iieiii :ii seep liit' ".-iii's trim reinij rcmovi-il 10 ine Iclere c ut Jourral. I he cfiiitruet fer l.-riiiiii g ili. r.ev- ci'y nan 1.1 i.orvaiiH iisk hen lei. to w .ll;atn Rutl -r at ?I0.2.V). The lochi-sl bid t ?14.S32. Th hill wili he 1 retted juit tmt i,t tho upcra itnu-e. T!ie tourni'ini-iit at Victoria owin ' to rsiny weather was nit livgim 11 11 til yen i 1 lay aftf.rnonn, when orly 0110 race wad 111:1, the dry ti:st,w ith the fi Uiiiving reiui':: Astoria, no tim; Vi:Ht.aiii,i6t.!i'.34 s.ioonils; Alti-my, 32 1-15: Vancouver, li ('.. 31 3-15: Xuiia imn,33 11-15: Seattle, 37 1-15. Vancouver i;et'.iu2 iirst aril Alliany secocd piiz't. In the wot te:it Albany also gut sccicd i.iize, the fi.llowietr beiei the time iii.id-' : X'ini- iu.o. 0:44 1 5; Alliany, 0 45 2 5; Vventiain iater.0:4 4-5; Astnria.0:47 2 5: Var.ccuvett 0:48 1-5; Seattle. 0-52 3 5. Naauiaia.'he winner, t-ji.V. $5110. A.lnuy i. o-iiifl, :-3t'; Westminster thin!, S1C0. ' A Shoe Iti.m.-S ; Young has jutt re-. A l'KAD ,OB r.i'HNKSs. No lean or reived a large sti ck of shoes, for men, "o"'" lCa Ior business wonieii ami children, including part ien-j "inn nllord to buy groceries without lirst 1 1"' I twill mu 1.11 Conn ic Irendricson. in the Pfcilfer blm k. It will pay for several i reasons, liny keep a tirst-class stock of goods, sell at uniformly low prices, without bail wait on you promptly and larly a fine line ol school shin s. tiest makes in the market ciin be found in I. is shoe department. I M.Uililt'.!'. DIXON-MMCHICK. On Wednesday forenoon, Sept .'111, 1MH, at, the l'rcshy terian manse, in Albanv, bv Rev. F. 11. I'rii hiird, Mr Jaines Dix in and Miss Josio .V'iincliick, hotli of Linn conntv. Tlie groom it a prosperous voiiiil' far mer, nnd the bride is a youn Hnlv of L'reat worth, for many veins a resident of Albany. The happy" ciimle left on tut noon train on a trip to I'ortUnd. treat voti well. .Now is the timo to or der peaches for putting up, as well ai ther fruits in their season. They liavn some choice brands of teas, coffees, &c, and can give you bargains in all lines. ( heai'Ist. I or the next 30 days A. rlownid Son will saw wood, cut twice, r 40 ct ni& ptrcord. Souk Sai.rm Wholes. W U (irahain mis received some line suitings from the aleiii Woolen Mills, which he invites Uic public to call and examine. They arelirst-class gooi's and will make rery durable, handsome suits. For Sale. Twenty-four acre tract of land, nil in cultivation, suitable for prune orchard, 5 per acre. Inquire on prem ises ot m M John, 4 miles west of lan gent. NoTic'i:. Mr Julius Ciriidwohl iufurms the EkmochAT that his (Jnlden Rule Raznnr will lie kDOWu heri.aft.eraB Juliustii-flilivclil's liiZ-iar. Dated Albany, Sept. 2S;h. Kor liArga-ns in monuments, headstones etc. .goto E W Achisonft ('o, Albany, Oregon Karpains in cleiice jfroi-'rins mq aliry i pecuTd of Allen Bros,, Flinn kl.ock. E W Achisnn &Co ar MlKng numtnta t Portlaiul prices. Parker Bros, grocers. Poison in the Kitchen. No article entering so generally into the food of every household is so generally and vill:i:nously adultered as bak ing powder. These adulterated powders are shoved upoav the public with the greatest persistency. Throbbing advertisements in newspapers claiming this brand or that i -s absolutely pure, backed by analyses and cer tificates, and yet they are r.duiterated with ammonia or alum. It is to be hoped the law will take hold of these merciless manufacturers and punish them for destroying the stomachs of the un:u::;'ic"t:ng consume Amid , ing PowiVr continues t the spin -2 "; this fraud and deceit Dr. Price's Cream Bak- nds- almost alone b.itilinj; for pure food and v'.h "'.ire cream of tartar powder at almost 1 j v, j.'r'-iils! .".3 the UiUDioina and alum pow- inutacture. the highest v.::) ; V.i'.ig - 'IV t nia or :'.n Ilousewivc :i" a-.lultcrr.tii.:: -, who have tested iVr :s oi t; t 1 ' ler.vcning power a -r. l it! free from ammo-Z- powder does such work. :ul r.Q Dr. Prices only. fiST. 24. In Just 21 hours J. v. S. relieves constipation ud sick hcailaches, After it gets tho system under control an occasional dose prevents return. We refer by permission to W. II. .Marshall, limns wick House, 8. V.; Geo. A. Werner. 5J1 California bt, a F.; Mrs. C. Melvln, 138 Keaniy St. S. I nd many others who have found relief from constipation and sick headaches. G.W. Vincent, ol C Terrenco Court, 8. F. writes: "1 am CO yeart of age and have been troubled with constlpution for 25 years. I was recently induced to try Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla. I recognized in it at once an herb that tho Mexicans used togivo us In the early 60' for bowel troubles. (I came to California la 183),) and I knew it would help me ana it nas. t or the unt time in years I can sleen well and my system is regular nnd in splendid oondition. 'i ucold Mexican herbs in this remedy are a certain euro in constipation and bowel troubles." Ask for Joy's Vegetable SarsapariHa ron. salh mr STAMP.D'& CUSICK- ALBAKY ii "That is the first READY MADE suit I have worn for Twelve Years," sasd a prominent busi ness man the other day, as h't w alked out of the store of T. L. Wallace & Co. with one of those handsome patterns and richly tailored garments under his arm. OX SATURDAY, OCT. 17 I'M, WE will sell (o ili liiuliest bidder with out reserve, 25 head ot youuir trotting; and ilrafi Htock. 3 and 4 "yoais o d; trot ters airid liy Onna 1. (aire of llelco. 2:I3!i) Alverta, (s-.n i f Altamoiit) bh-i soiiio ctioi- maro: liv Edward Kveiett. si-e nf thn dam nf linlo-, 2:SRVi. Giaile drnlt slnck, b'i: li l'crchermi and Ulydiii dalc; sho saddlH pnuiefi, and nno Jersey litili 2 year' I'I'f-frmii tlialieidot Kk' Onverncr Mnndy. win! m. vortil prudn lnllcl: cows. -T K Ii MS:- Or.o jcr' tliiin wlrhruit intrnst, wirli Kocid ii'iir.-.v,"l seciiriiy, or 10 or cent iliscouiit tor cunIi. We will effnr a purse of 2it bo trotted for over our IracK on iho farm. 011 that date It .h r.pnn to i ll road horses owned In I. Inn 1'i.uiitv. hurting Mr Giurlev's and Mr .liinkin'M nurse that trotted last July. Hace 10 lie mi lo heats, beat two In thre. An emrance fee of $b will lie oharfred and added to the pur.se. This fee iiiu!t acxoaipauy enlriia. which will close on Oct i.'ith, 6u per cnt to the lirst bcrse Sn to the second and 10 to the third. We will enter 110 horse in the rr.ee. p0Arr.inKeniHtitji will he maoe for a pond Uinc1' so a 1 can come early and tee 1I10 unys' sport A Perfect Fit is Craaranteed. No matter what shape the man, b ho long and slim or short and stout, we selected ovy stook' to fit ANY and ALL. A Large and 1'aautifu1 Line of Overcoats, Macintosh nnd Rubber Goods. A Complete Line of BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, New and Novel Ncekwear, Latest Styles in Hats. McKnight Bros. GOLD WITCHES C0LD5F1LLED WATCHES, COIN SILVER WATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, . CHEAP FOB ICABU P.M.-FRENCH'S Thn Ccrner Jewelry Storo.---9 And we would especially UNDERWEAR, which is lected with a view to please iho:-c winter. To sec it you will buy it. say that our daily inarease in sales fpeak volumes,although we make no pretensions to sell cue class of people cheaper than anj other. call attention to our line of Large and Complete and se- who puffer with cold in As reganls prices would We believe in strictly ONE PRICE to all and hav marked sll orr goods in Hain Figures, T.L. WALLACE'S CO. Leading Clothiers and Furnisfcars. AJL.BANY, Strahan Block, OREGON F. L. KENTON, Choice real Gol!s9s. Slices. 1: ?z rv iz .a. o't s , Ami a I'l t'Tnl aEortincnt of ir't iv "r'yri nrw. mmi Hear tho Post Cfiice, Albrvny, Oregnr 'i ?7 i :-::'t!: