'Jfk . VSSSSSSk - rcirt VOL. I VI ALBANT, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1891. NO 123 M: AKM my tii-nlN lor V. I. Onnulaa niion. if iHtf tir iiU in otn- iiluif unit your tli'llli r l M'ttA lor 'iilnliuitt- nitutu iguriit-y, mill tii' I lliftn fir imii, gjr-'l'AliE NO Hl llHTITl'TE. 3 bud tif.H W. L $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN M BEST SHOE IN THE WUilLU FOR THE MONEY? it Is it M-mnli'i. xtiM, w li ti ni fiii-kn or whx Ihrc:n1 Hfliurt (In fi'i'l: inii'lo of tin ln'ht Unit citlf, Hlvllnli ullij niHv, Hint tVrn.i Hr nutkr mum kUui-h uf thin ,it,uli: thnn titty "thrr intitnitu-lnrrr. It t-qiiulrt IiuU'i wvil bilKH'i io-4tliiK from l.m H'.tlr. fi 110 riiulnr HuiMlNi'ail, llii' finest rnlf jpJ kIum' i-v.t ntfiTeil for $T; rqitaU Kruncii iT(i'i''T '." : wtilrli it from fc-t.tn to i P A lliiiid-Si'Heil Welt Mum, linn ralf. Sj K(i IWIi, oiiirnrliihli atKl 1urll. Tin- l--.t u it t'ver nfTi-ri'tt nt this irlte : u;irint Krmlo u cuit-lifn-ntltili' Mliot-H i-ohllnic fnuii (If.Hi to $' . CCO SO I'fillt-o flnMt l-nrnifrtt, Itullrontl Men utitl l.t tli rC'itrrl rnll Hi ur lliein; II in-calf, sisiliih'HH, NliiH)tli Iiihi'. lii'itvy ttin-A MolrB, vxtru sltMi eilK'. mh :ilr will wear a -ar. (CO J0 flm i-ull'i iio heitt-r KliiifrvrrofTcreil nt 3dC ttiU rlei' ; ne trial ivlll eonvliicu tliuo wtt want a Khue for r unfurl nml nrrvWo. Sr$ t3 u ml S-i.00 YVorliiiiifitiiiirn atiora Ab are very Mphik rind ilundile. Tlioxo who ttavi- K'veii them ft trial will wi-iir lumthcr iimke. BnVcl '.. 110 mill M. ?.1 t!-hMl hIkh-h nrn DUTd worn hy the lHiyHi-v-rywliire; thi-yiK-ll Mi lln-ir meruit, at me hi'ti-h-iiik mth- nnow. lpdU ICO lioiiuoln. vcr Kl)lli;(JUulBFrfUcll I.IMI I 111 iHl-weweil Hiioe, ifKt nia. vr k11IIi-, ij fn.rn il.ni lo iHiil ii(lMrl l.iulleH -i.ltl. 2.IHI nml 1.7A Rhon for IP -4 iini the hi'Nl flin- iJoiittdla. St yltsli and 1urahlc. I'nuiluii.- S'u thut W. I.. IxxikIhh' iiiiiuu uud frk'o uru Laiuii-il on ihr Itottom of eucli ho. W. L. lxU(il.AS, lirocktou, Maiw. -HIV L. E. JILAIP?. Star Bakery CurCroiKlitlhlu null First His, I'OMIAD MEYER, rropridor. I'ainifd KrnilM, Ul una ware, I)rl-1 Friiiln. ToIhcco, t'ollrt, Kc ueeinwart- V'k'Ih1i1ok, ClKUl'H, NpireK, Tea, In t.ict flvcrytli'mi: tint It k:it In a Konsrul market irii': tiij f-r ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE TWO MEN AND ON K J!OY FOUN0 !)I:A1)!! While trying to Crowd theii WAV I N TO DEYOZ & FROStflAN BROS Store, where they alwas have on hand the largest Stock south of Ilirllaiul, of the latest improved Rilles and Shot Uuns; an immense ntoek of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Catnp Chairs and thousands of other tilings too numerous to mention Tiepirir Shop In connection with the Store, and one of :he best workmen in the State to do any lud ail kinds of work. Comic ono, Come al. No rouble to ;hoiv goods. "Small pre fit and quick nls" is oui motto. FORTBHLLER & (SVIMC, -FUNEKAL D1KECT0IIS.- Arlcril KuibulniinK done Seiontificitly. Albany, Kr;ii. "FRUITS AMD FLOWERS." AN ILMJsTllATBD II ORITCUM' Ural mon'hly j.Miriml.eilitfld hy Prof G- K l.akn. No liirmr f)r fruit -rownr n alV.iil in without 1. It PaYM whwvnr I ik..i it, ?J per yir. Jl six aionttiH, 20 routs n Hitiklts mimbor. AddrwM. 1). It. STUAKNS, rortlnnii. Oregou RedCrownMills w R0CHS fLODR (UTKKIOK fOK tAHI' l AND BAKEK9 'ISK EST STORAGE FACILITIES. posh ay & mason Tioitibita ino K ST AIL Nnifigistsand Rooksellers .ta for John B. Alden's puhlicBtion.-s t2 w "pJI at publisher, price, witi "WIIW F'Ac- Flint. mm if IS THE DOUGLAS W. F. Gull and son what a stock of Dross Goods, Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Wo have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest hut the cheapest ever shown in Albany. Wo have just placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and We want your trade and we you money. Albany, for infants and "Cant or! a Is so well n.lnptod to cMMren that I rccommpuJ Itos superior toany prescription known to mc." II. A. Ancnta, SI. I)., Ill So. Oxford lit., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tii" urp of -C'nstnria' Ifl so universal and M niHi ita so wi-ll known that it Bwm a. work .f MiM'r?ro;;Atlonto'iidfrseit. Few an-ttte inti-llieiit lainili who du uul keep Castoria v.ithiu eatoy reutfli." CARL03 5'ATtTYV, T. l. Ni-w York City. I-ito Ta3tor IJIoomingJale lietormea Church. PATRGKIZE Tiir rnnMrn? p HOME nt rflnvinj gl iv xv '.-r t k - j . ;v;x - . ;1 h s a ! lltiaD)', Oresou. W F KB AO. Presidof. -1 O WRITSMN Swcrctnry. J h COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMl-SON. Vice President. DIKKCTOBS- f ' J I Cowan. Geo F Simpson. IrFHisd, IT L, Foley, M Sternberg, J W Burnett. L- ' j K Vveaihertord, K S Strain n, J O Writsman. ALSO DISTIlIfT AOFNTS felt Traders, OLicaso, III. Amenr-an, Philadelphia, Pa. Pheenix, London, KuBhitid, Norwich Union, London, Eng tluardiitn, London, Eng Man chester, Manchester, England. Caledonian, KdiJbtirg. Scotland. Wescbealer, Now York.. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN A! 1ANY. LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS-MEDICINES STATIONARY &G READ, a complete assortment Loth cloth and plush fur trimmed. of feel confiden we can save W. F. READ. Oregon ANY ACHE "While Yea Wait" BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. Children. Castorla nircn Col if. Constipation, f;ni;r tiiuiniu-h, jDiurrhrra. Eructation, KHla ViOnud, gived bleep, and promotes di gestion, W'lliiout injurious medication. For vornl years I havo rec-ommemlM your ' Castoria, ' ami sliidl always contini'O to do no as it liaa iuvariaMy produced beaeflciul results." Edwis F. Paudes. LI. D., 'The To'inthrop," 1'otU Street and 7th Ave., New York Cit7. 7 Murrat Street, New YoaK. INSTITUTIONS.- in Esghert of aB fa Leayening Power BSOUUTEI PURE- 1VOIM1I C'IDEHI4: F. M. French kcups railroad turn. Bay your grocerws of Parker Broj Hew cream cheese just received at Cotrad 52eyer6. Smoke thft celebrated Hay ina filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, AhrftVock of wall paper, with late de iiisf at Foitmiller k Irving sf just roceived. Have you seen thope parlor suits that T Brink has just received? They are nice. J W Bontley, best boot and shoe maker io city, three doors north of Democrat office. E W Achison & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for oemetery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Dr M H E!lu, physician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made la cit or country. Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting the city, and without extra commission. Mis K J Barrow r chasiug aut, 1G69 Grove St, Oakland, Patronisa heme industry and bny hand mad o harness, warrantel, from O C Mc Karlind,atDubruiliea old utaud. A large assortment of heavy robes and horse blankets at O C Mctarland s. MvCliera I CastoriaJ is lecommendedVbv physicians for children teething. It is a purelv veg- able pre pa ation, its ingredients ae pun ished aroun d each bottle Is i p'eaiuc to he taste and absolutely h-ir nleu. It relieves constipation, regulates ttu bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrnoea and wnd colic, allays feveriBliness, destroys worms, aud prevents convulsions, soothes the elu'd and gives it refreshing and natural sleep, tutorials the children's pmacea tho mothers friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. Sever Travel Willi out Tfieiu. l aisons should never travel without box of Brandreth's Pi lie, A few doses taken btfore going on ihip will prevent pea sic nesf, and one pill every nigh on shipboard will counteract the entire action of the nca air. When sijk, troubled with ptins, colds or dizziness, or having rheumatism take from three to five pills and if thev do not operate in an hour or so take three or four more. Hrandreth's Pills are purely vegetable. absolutely harmless, and efo to take at any time. Sold in every drug and medicine ttore, eith?r p'atti or sugar coated. Ilirt Phillips, the tailors, make to order ashi'inable suits in latent Rtyles.in a manner o -zive aati-f ACtim, Call at their rooms,up taiin. Stnhiu tilock, and see goods und get prices. New Process. -Mrs A M Talt is now elling a new process for canning fruits nd vegetables without cooking or sealing tight. Samples of her work mav be seen at Brownell's stor.?. We iiiureniMii nr. tramps TowNsEKuJt Wilson. hf st rnru-t coff' e in the citv at t'oni a iui Dr"i irv.VP will r--c'hi ige a riwinif muni-ij ft; j ly m tko iVmr.-o, xcpr, -me or v . t r wiirnnk irnib wood a"d part cash; :1r v,il 0'oMid it othnr urop sltionj by any ni -bir'n .1 new machine. OiiiiC H.r.,':'. Wav.'Jir,3 Cough, Croup, F'j.-O Yui jfi. n.tf..r"'. : v' v-r .-I'-iimn of ttm Th'na1 .. 1' '"' ' l- Oinsumption. Ibany MtimifAcuirera am imm crist aho saw VSILIMAQHIMERY IRON hKONTS W ALL X1HU3 OF HEAVY m UCHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. , Liu-m Made on Short Notici U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89, O AKVILLK, Tlicio wns no porvicea nt tlie UP cliurch last Salinath, the iii.nitor and conuretration went to Sliedd to dedicate the new L r church at that place. MrC WCnwav. of Klkton, Don elan county, pave an exhibition at the school house raturuav niirlit. The exhibition consisted of music, fife and drum on the outaide, violin, piccolo and tambourine inside, and a magic lantern with 100 ele gant views. nnd last but not least a negro speech and songs. The audience was small but the entertainment was excel lent. The musicians are first-class. Mr T B Griffin brats the tenor drum and also plays on the tambourine. As a tambou rine player be has no equal. MrJE Baker plays the fife and piccolo, and for negro actions be is bard to beat. Mr C w Conway plavs the violin and is an ex cellent player. He also explains the views in the lantern in a manner that can be understood by all. These men are all farmers. They cive a first-class, moral entertainment, and will exhibit to an audience of two the same as one of fifty. Two yonntr men from Iowa have been lookir.ii at our fine fruit land. They want to uuy a tract .arjre enough lor six fami lies. They have come to the right place, James Morvan and Archie Morrison are attending the Agricultural College this wmier. Mr J C Mobr lias sold bis fruit farm, nnd win move to corvaliis this winter, Mr M. will buy another farm soon. He has great faith in the fruit business. The Ancient custom of serenading newly married couple with tin cans and other hideous instruments has gone out ot date among civilized people. Amici's, Attention. The very latest news is that ion can bny if JtOiuB Gradwohl'a Baztar, for it c&nh. 15 pounds prn nuta ted fMftar for $1.00 and 18 pound Extra C supar. AH eond-t fold for net cash from 1 0 to 25 per c.fiit le the resnlar price, as I intend Ut run a ctrict evsh'store. Albmy, Or, July 21. An Example. The teas for American consumption are bought in China by E iro pean experts, who aro chilled tea-tashers. The enc3 clopedias ar- authority for the fact tht in a few ears they have to giyo up tneir lucrative positions with shattered con stitutions. The uubealthfutuess of the adul terations and mineral coloring matter can not be more strongly put. Beech's Tea is pure as childhood. For sale by Allen Brcs. liidin(. riiott(;raplier8A any Oregon. We have bintuM-all tbeiu gativt -'ad- by L W 0-rl t- W K Greet, -ocd . p to Nov 15th, lH'J. Duplicates car be had from hfMii nnU of us at reduced tjuch. We have alfso ah tit 1S,(M)0 notativi' ntadt by our- selves, troiii nhicw duplicates can be had at like la: . Wp carry tht- mi y full line of viewi .t this state and do enUr d work at loweitrttes for first claps work. Vt e shall be pleased to see you at our Studio in Fromau's blsck, rinxtdoor to Masnmt len.ple. hJinUrn 41 ut orticiir. li) ir. hriil itifaip, the bunion tnichinprv cnntict i i:tfoim i's ( Hjce. iJii'ftioit. occe-tjoi',i- .tju amn are diori1- red, the blood hei'-tniie- watery, the nerves fet-blt. the connl'-ii'f.C' iba-tly. leeii disturbed and apprtiiH c .pru t' U. Terrihleis tliis dbeae, iVU it u-(ii-nct'H. There i, hnwMver, a l-Kiwr '!' i't"tt tn the niiacntAtic oi n. and n0'MrT.r(in rafesuard heainft U . In inaln-i i'" r. piorta of nr . j h nnd Wi'ft, in Sun h Atnt-ricn, G-itteniila nnd on the I'thttiiif i f I'anr.mw, an well as in trans ti.firine t ntira where the scourun exist?, this ini'..rb1o prevpntive and remedy, Hotet ':( Stomach Bittern, ha", durinu h ift 'iiTtv-five yrar.f hen constantly wjilfnuit.' It"1 area of its nMfnlnrss, and d mnn.ti.itinc is sovereign vIe. Liver Complat dyppepin. constution, kidney t ouh'e uinhtixin and debility are all etnedifd h it. A lar, Viim ai'! M.IIwRi bewheii A n?w pnta Vonny's pth choice line of oarpeta, liuo id' cloths just ic-lv.-d ( A B which will be sold chfaper than in Albany, nut of witvloW ah vie 1 50 each complete, at : Albany liar let . from 50 Mmut'l K TTBnnt- , Mi fltifo-r pi i F ca 'A' IW-m ta Ir Pork - H psr W 5rwwrt PrtfiltM rV sM P F awtjiSa'.tM Vrt) fca, at. TEI.EOKAPHIC NEWS Tbc I'lremeus Asvurlntliiii. Victoria, U C, Sept 2o.Alihough terday waj set for te first race of the Noith wes'.frn Fireir.cn's Association, owinj; to lain the contest had to be postponed till this morn ing. The visiting firemen and local depart ment contented themselves yesterday with a street parade a' d a meeting of the association when tht following officers were elected: Chief I.illis; president, Seattle, Wash; Chief Car Ihe, first vice-president, Vancouver, 11 C; Chief Aills, second vice-president. Port Townsend; S I! Lynn, third vice-president, Aberdeen, Chief Mrrritt, fourth vice-president, I'ort Angelei, Chief Scales, filth vice president, Xmaimo; C V Watts, secretary, Albany. Ore; W F Uagan, taeisurer, Salem; W li Warner, statistician, Albany Or. Hoard of directors: T 1 Howard, Salem Or: Foreman I lines, Victoria; K N Hart, Walla Walla. Committee on revision of hy laws: B S Worsley, Astoria; Chief Merritt, Port Townsend; Cbief Hilis, I'ort Angeles, Wash. Two Men lllil II. Redding, Sept 29. I here was another robbery of the Redding and Alturas stag: this morning, this time gear Stillwater, nine miles from Ret'dirg and six miles from the place of the last roobery. To highwaymen masked and armed with pistols, ordered the driver to throw out tne box. 1 his he did. when thev demanded an ax or hawmer and the diiver gave them a monkey wrench. They examin ed the mail sacks but did not take them. They also took the drivers purse but it beinfi empty gave it back. It is not known how much they got from the express box. When the news was received here a pusse went in search of them, but have discovered no clues. TorueJ Jew. New Haven, Conn, Sept. 29. Lena Kubler, the l6-year-oM daughter pf Christo pher Kubler, of Baltimore, and Lutheran in faith, embraced Judaism in tins city last Sat urday. She was visiting the family of Eman uel jacoks, a Jew, to whom she is betrothed, and on whose account she changed her creed Miss Kubler renoencen Christiani'y at the Williams street svnaoogue. The Rev Rabbi Willme sffiiciated. She will remain in New Haven until her marriage. gellInK ools on Similar. Pottland, Sept 29. A Blumenlhal, an East Portland clothing merchant, was arrested yest-rday on a warrrnt issued by Justice Wood :iiarging him with selling goods 'on Sunday. The complaint is sworn to hy M Raphael, a rival clothing merchant. Bluman'hal is en gaged in business on Fourth and J streets, and Raphael claims to have a clear ease against him. lilumrnthal will have an ex amination before Justice Wood ot haly past nine u'clnck tnis forenoon, Denier I'leeluic. Spokane, Sept 29. The latest leports from the Callspel country indicate thit great ezcitement still prevails there Many fettlers ase fleeing from their homes to places of safely General Cnrlin, commander of the troops now encamped id this city, has received instruc tions from Btigadier General KaUtZ to move his remmand into Calispcl v.'.lley in case it is necessary to protect the lives ar.d property of settlers. Klein Bros have a large and choice fctock of hoots and shoes for sale at ruasouable fricvia Dj u1); uiveit in f vt veir until youhave -een tn.r sfic aal, tna elegant piano at tnoir store. ToTka Drinki:ks. Probiibiy three fourths uf ihe teac consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant ns the face may be, the bright, hinv jjreen so famiii.ir to i.s all 1 not the natural color, but is due to the facing cr glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indian and oih.cr mineral colors. That coloring bides in effects of pour teas is undoubted; bulls it healthful, and does li not call loudly for the importation of a b-:uui of pure, unaVoicd, unman ipulu.d tea? It w;is this conditiun of rtffiiirs !hat piompted the rlucin; of lieech's Tea before the public lining the r.bMilulely pure, un ( olored leaf it is different in color from any you ever uid. li drav& a canary color of a deHilil ful fragrance that is a revelation to v.: drinker, and its pur ity makes ii n.oie ecorotnical than the nrti hV.ial teas, lrss of it being required per cup. Sold only in packages. 6o cents per poui d. Ask for Seech Tea, pure us childhood, ful sale by Allen Bros.. Flinn block, A:banv. lniiorlaul t ll.iutckepps ra. It i t Jchns (ird 1.1 t-v at tsf ac tion in lellinhis t'l'e'Jfiiildeii Hufe tnas'ai d hakim pnwt.fr, with i-lfk-ant priKewor with out them, ih-t hi Hitoii:pri bo have puri-biiMtd iiivtaiiablv ipfu-n at d i,v iheT aro wfll plitKyed, that the tra i-t . 1 and the lnWii'if powiler l as yncti as the best. All hi traa and bkiity wtf r be&rs the name i f JuMitf Gradw-l l' Gnhlen Rule Bftzaa. and ar t xpru-aly j ot up for hfa bue'Di .fd h Mil! ntntini)v t.t trive wi'h each p"nd nf t or bikini; km dt-r an ele gant piece of gla&Bare. When Baby was slcfc, we pare her Castoria. When the was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Costoria. When she bad Children, she gate them CaMorhv Whrrrto GbtI hkm. When wanting n organ or tilarn ca!l on G L II lack man hte you can sert from a first claw to.