1 I gaily Democrat UI.NlilMi I'ETTKIt. The following was written by Governor Pcnnoyer In response to the democratic nunafjcru who had In charge the demo eratic gathering at Spokane the 23rd and 24th Inst: StatkofOregon.Executive Office, Salem, Sept. 4, 1S91. To Hon. Henry Drum.Presidcnt; Cieorge Hazzard, Secretary, of the 'democratic so ciety of Washington Dear Sirs: In ans wer to your kind Invitation to be present at the second annual meeting ot your so ciety, to be held in the city of Spokane on the 23rd and 24th of September, I regret to say that official duties will preclude lis acceptance. Allow me, however, to ex press the sincere hope that such conven tion may be conducive of great good. I cannot avoid the conviction that the Immediate future is to be a crucial period for the democratic party, as well as for the government Itself. Tne people are ilpe lor a return to the old methods of gove-n-ment and the democratic party must lead la such a revolution, or fall by the way side. The republican party which has had control of the federal government for the last thirty years has succeeded In the ob literation of the ancient landmarks of fru gal government, enthronement of corpor ate power by national legislation, In the surrender of the finances of the nation to capitalists enriched by virtue of statutory favors, and in the practical subversion of our constitutional government in essence, if net In form. Thirty years ago, when the national ad ministration was turned over to the repub lican party there was no class legislation upon the statute books of congress. In dustries were thriving without artificial stimulus, and the money employed therein was so generally diffused and so remunera tive that It was loath to be invested In gov ernment bonds bearing interest at eight and ten per cent. What is the record now? After thirty years of republican leg islation we find the industries demanding legislative protection in order to eke out existence. Class legislation is written on nearly every page of congressional enact ments. Congress has given the great bulk of our public domain now remaining fit for settlement to railroad corporations to be doled out of their enrichment, at the high est figures to the poor settlers seeking homes. It has surrendered the control of the national finances to a class of capitalists who have been made millionaires by leg islative enactments at the people's ex pense, while the great bulk of the money ofthe country is now hoarded in the banks, the property of the few, and so precarious are Its returns when employed In business pursuits that It gladly seeks Investment in government securities at 3 and4 per cent. It has legislated the few rich and the many poor. , Toda the power of trus's and corpora tions controls the legislation of congress, and capitalists dominate the financial policy ol the administration. These are a few in stances in a large, unbroken line of per nicious class legislation, having for its ob ject the continuance of party domination, through the granting of benefit" to capital ists, corporations and favored industries with the view of receiving pecuniary id In return for legislative favors. And to crjwn the apex of its infamous legislation, the republican pirty endeavored to confer upon the president, whom it had already made commander-in-chief of the army in time of peace, the right to use the military forces In the control of elections, In order to bolster up its waning power with the sword. Against the continuance of such a nefarious administration of national at -fairs, there is ripening an overwhelming revolt. In such a crisis the democratic partv cannot and dare not remain neutral . It must, in obediencj to its earlier and better record, bid defiance to the money power and declare its unfaltering opposl Hon to all class legislation. In the com ing struggle, continual 6llence as to the financial abuses of the cour.try and repeat ed plastering with class tariff legislation will be fatal. The o'd slogan of the organ ization must be revived. The old ensign must be nailed to the mast. The plrlt of the ancient democracy l pervading the whole people. Opposition to the present financial poiicy of the government and to all phases of class legislation is the rally ing cry of the great masses, and if the democratic party will, In the coming con test, be faithful to Its ancient record, obedi ent to its Instlncts.and true to the Interests of the whole pcaple, it will triumph ; if not, it will fall. Very respectfully. Sylvester Pesnoyer. Winn Mr Porter's census of farm niort gages shows that the Hate is mortgaged for over So per cent of its total assessed value, all the republicans have lift is the theory that the mortgage is an evidence of progress and pros perity. It cetUmly is the kind ol progress and prosperity they crea with their high tariff taxes and Wall street tinunccs. It is said that a Paris laundr) man lias dis carded all soaps, sodas and bleaching powders. 1 Ie merely uses plenty of water and boiled po tatoes, and can cleanse, without employing any alkali, the worst soiled linens, cottons or woolens. One reason why the southern farmer slicks to the cotton crop instead of cultivating di versified crops is that lie enn always secure a loan or advance cfal least $in per acre on the cotton crop, lie can obtain no advance on a crop of corn. Ex Governor Morehouse of Missouri com mitted suicide at Marysville Mo. the other day by cutting his throat w ith a common jack knife. Some time ago lie became vioient'y ovirheated aad became delirious from nervous prostration. Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear fHoves Hosiery Handkerchieis ana HJmbroi aeries prints Boots and Shoes Groceries A piano At KleinJBroa Boot and Shoe store. Now oloaks at W F Rod'. Latest stylos cf hata at W F Reao's. Reduction in summer goods at V F Road's Apple parors fir sale at Stewart A Sox s. S A Hulin. ilrupgist, French's corner. Fiae groceries at Conn & llendricson's. Latest sheet music at Will & Link's, Parasols and aun umbrellas at less than soat at W F Head's. Gold spectacles a"d eye classes, all 6ty!es and price, at F H French's. The finest lino of pockoi kuivea iu the oity at Stewart & Sox's Complete stock of ladies and gent's i;old watches at F M French's. Bargains in gold watches at Freneh, "Tho Corner Jewelry Store." Stewart Sox sell ths very Jhost f stint tempered shears and scissors. A full line of Wsruor's corset, bcst id the world for the money, at W F liead'j. Ladies Oxford tie at greatly reduced rates at Klein Broi. Must he sold J. W. Bauttey, lo.idinj boot and shoo maker, just oast of lUvere House. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Blook.Jdoes first class work. Sea that elegant'piaio at Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store. Notice -the extra liollo-v grouad razors ased by barbors are sold by Stewart ot Sox. Ladies Oxford ties at Klein Bros, ("heap eft in the city. Will he sold at greatly re duced rates. With his new bakery Conrad Meyer is ably to offer old and uew customers every thing tirStclaSR iu baked gondj. Any ono contemplating huvinK a gold watch ..ill do well to call at F M French's and exsmioe atouk aud price. The Cliar'es K Zano kid cloves manu factured at Philadelphia are tho heat in the market. Call at A B Mellwaiu'a and ex amine them before purchasing. A large and choice line of carpets, lino leum and oil cloths just received at A B Mcllw.ti.i'ji, which will be sold cheaper than ehewhero in Albany. Found, a bunch of keys. Call at Demo crat office for same. Ses W F Read's hue of dress gocds aud vi'ta before buying elsewhere. Hart ' Phillip, the tailors, hive just re ceived a new lire of fine samples. Call on them in Strshao's BlocV. NEW ADVBRTWKMEXTS. IT'OR TRADE, property in a good town (, whore there is plenty ot work, for Albany property. Call at Democrat office for particulars "Of 7" ANTED -fly the nniirsigned. l'O T cords of mapl chair timber. Csll at our shop near Farmers Warehouse, Albany, Oregon. R. VEaL & SON. A dispatch from Atlanta Ga Says: This morning, in the Georgia legislature, the much mooted Oola resolutions, as endorsed by the alliance and demanded by them of the next congress, were introduced for Ihe approv al and endorsement of that body. The reso lutions were defeated by a vote i f Si to 63. This is somewhat a triumph over the third party movement in this state. Here is still additional evidence that the subtr.asury scheme is rapidly losing ground. Only a few weeks ago the Georgia legislature was almost a unit for the scheme, now it ha! not even a majority. Hart Phillips, the tai lots, make to order taahi. nablo suits in latest atylea.in a maimer so give s.iti'Iuctiou. I all at tneir ruims.np tails, Stnlian Blink, a-d ses goods and g . prices . A lame line of iliyant gold witches ii; tr,v trn t Will ft Sulk's. am now receiving my Fail stock of Dry Goods, Qhnwinn full lines of ' seasonable goods in the following departments, viz: Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery l?arns Gorsets Woolens Cloaking-s Tailors' "Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Samuel E. Young:. 1 jjj ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! Where to get the Best Bargains, Where to get the Best Value for Your Money, 11 Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Aud they will Answer with Ono Voice, at G. W. SIMPSON'S. They like to dress well. Their sisters want them to appear well. Their mothers want warm, durahle garment? for them. And their fathers want good value for the money, Boys, Brings Your Sister, Mother and Father To see the naw Fall Stock of Boys Clothing, and got a present of a base ball and bat, a pair of stilts, a Castonet wheel or something else that will please you, when you buy a suit THERE IS MONEY IN IT For everybody that buys of ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE s RETaIl GROCERS CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND OHOECE FRUITS OF AU KINDS, IN LARGE: OR ISM ALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. Flinn Bloek, ALBANY, OREGON ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. "lVTOTICK IS HEREilY GIVEN Tit K iS tho board ol qualiz aion will nttiil ut the Cillioo ni t'.-e county dork of Lirn county, Oieuori, on Monday, IbeiStli day ot September, A 1) lti'Ji, and pjblicly examine the as- eminent rolls and correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lota or olhor property. sept 7tu, lMJi. h s Williams. Assessor; ipsa jfS$ wm Mi sssa AIM. SALE OF BLOODED STOCK. rpVO EXTRA FINE FULL BLOOD CLYDES JL dale hity stallion, 5 and tt yrs old, lf.J hnmle tiit'h, weiifh nearly 17l'0 Ha each; can now show tat ter Kt f draft cu'ts than any horse that hits ever tom Iti Iiie county. Aim one fpan ot matched brty Cljde mart, bloods, 10 hands, vretjh nearly 1MM Wm each ; A! one bay 4 yer old Clyde mar, ir hands ; one nn of 2-year old matehed bay Clyde flll'Mi, blood, and two yeartincn J bloods. These will be sold In Eugene to tb- hichest bidder on the 17th day of (k-toher, 1851, at 1 o'clock p m. The mares are well brke, true and hind, Tkkms A credit uf 10 month, with the excep'ton of one home ; notes with tpprovcu security at lu-per ctri per annum. UEOHUE UELSIIAW, The Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor. c ITY DKIU STORE, Pfeiffer Block, Albany rHE CRY OF MILLIONS OH, 7tV BKCKl TOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATC. I hare been troubled manr rears with disease of tht kidneys and have tried tnanr different remedies and hac sought id from different physicians without relief. About the i.Mh of Apr!? 1 wns sufleriiiR from ft Tcry riolent ntttick that almost prostrated me io mich ft manner ttiat i wan iem over. When I at down it was almost imotible for me to k up nUme, or to put on tnv clothes, whr kind 1-rjvidciice fwnt Dr. lleulev, with t UKliGON KU1NF.Y TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced usinff the ten. It bud an almost miraculous etTcct, and to the aston ish hum t of nil the kucMs nt the hotel, in n few d:iyn,l inn bnppj- to state, tlint I wns a new man. will rccotrtnftut tht U to all fe.Uktcdj s 1 Luyv hivii. a. a. TnrrKK, tviuU Mosa. Cnl, 4 4 Stanard Si Cusick -HMIUIH- Omg, Medlolnei, Ckemlrala, Fnm'.i aad Toilet ArtlclemPyonies. Prunhek Perfumer j, Sohool 'Hooks, and Artists' Supplies. HOW DO YOU DO? Tr ia douit thM Tfmrr 9ttk f MLTHtWlM, MaliU( jjMB. knlTti, forfci.tVult ,. Id od ifrr WkMkaa. iawal Ti tt, I lb IsrgMt and bm ta lh Mir, anal tffcrlbe baitarar broutbt ta AlBANT. Physicians' prcsrriptiuns ar-1 PRICES the Most Reaonabl. luiiy .pi. Call and Sa the 800D&: NSURANCE. Notice ia berebr Riven that Mr. V. H: Buell is the fpeelal agent of the Fanner' it Mernlmms In. auraneo Co.. of Allmny, for Allatiy nnd vicinltVi oo Is'hoonlyonoBuihoned do buino!'8 in tliia vicinlt ai uali, J. O. WHIT.s.MAW M.IIHK We are the People Who wry tb most omplt line) of Hard wart, Stsrti, Rangst, t., in ttis markt. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. II LADIES BAZAAR. Is Hie Leading inery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany. 1ktf aanrf all the I.ateat Stjlf. and Novalklsa ia the Milllaeaj line, am a complete ateak of Ladiaa and Children's Furnishing oas, and readr-madp (amaenta. Coeds the beat, and prices Ike leweal. Call and be cemrineed. FIRST SiTREET, t FROMAN BLOOK Kaw Dse Oenes. 1 Imp a full line of lummrr ami fail drma goi'tla, iu waah fnuriet, prir.U, Ktnhatuei, sccruckorn, tta. 1 Iiayu alo a UHW lua of siunmtr plaitl?, be llies other uoveltirsr in bioa ami all wool r;iu:;s. SiMnu K Iiuk. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF THE CITY OF ALBANY Notice ia hereby given that sealed pro p-Mais will be received Dy ine treasurer of the city of Albany, Oregon, at hie office, UD' til the hour of two 2 o'clock P. M. 2th day of September; 181. for the pnrchasioit of the bonds of said city, to the amount of $75,000, or any portiou thereof, aaid bonds are of the denomination of 91000 each, pay abloon the 1st day of October, 1911, bearing internet at the rate ol aix per cent, per an oum. Davable semi-annually, both princinal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States at the Ancle-California Bank limited! San Francisco, California, and were authorized to be iaaued by an ordinance of aaid oity, No. 225, approved on the 23rd day of September, 1891. Ihe acaled proposals will be opened at the timonrsc atvive men tioned, and the purchase will he awarded to the highest and best bidder: but the treas urer reservea tne riuiit to "'i.'ci any and all propoaala. Sept- 23rd If 91 H.FARWKi.L. Treasurer of the city of Albany TTtOR SALE OK TRADE Will soil 1 eheup for cash or trails or wood, four horses, varying Iu price from f'iO to $120 (.'all at ouoo at the marljlo shop next door IO il?JOeFATC'.V.C!l. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. NOTICE is hereby given to whom It may cincern: That aealed bids will be received by the County Courr, of L'nn Cennty , Oregon . at the office of the Conn tv Clerk of aaid County and State, up to 1 oV'nok P M , Wodneaday, October 7th 1891, for ihe construction of a County bridjrn across Thorn bs Creek at " Hannah 'a Crossing" in Linn County, Oregon, said br'dgn to bo of the followfun dimensions, to-wlt: Main span 100 feet long, 10 feet wide in the clear, main span to rest on bents or piers: North approach to be 76 feet and south approach to be 16 feot long, bents under approaches 16 feet apart, both approaches to be protected by banisters. No bid will be considered unless ac aompanhd with plans and specifications, and 6 per cent of bid In cash or cortifled chock. Th County roseryos tho right te rejec any and uil Lld. N P PAYNE. County Clerk. f ANTED, four or fi v e acros of good f Burden land, noar Albany.to ran'. Apply to i'otor Downi at Chrles M, I'.urku art's.