Satlvr gcmocvat ,OtllT Mat. Following is the list of latter, remaining in the pint utiles t Albany. Man county, Oregon. Sept. s!3. IM'1. I'ewm ua.liug (or these lulter. mint five the date on which they wore advertised. IJramwell.Mr lvnmi lWkham.Mits Iluo (.'rnxton, VS t'l.ison, Demi. Carman, II Uwtlnm, J E Maxell, Chn liolcouih, Harry Hess, S Walks, (irate lUbeahani. H 1 Kirl-.Iand, Inez .lohuaton.Mr. Maria Johnaon, Mra AJibic ,ouji, Jennie Machenii. M C Morrison, Chan Kyao, Nellie Hamuli, l.elu Unoadoi, K II-2 iihtnx, Mra Soott, Mamie Schestur, May Trnpp, Ktliel TompUiua, W A ll'eliator, V li Wbitucy, J D V:loii, J J T. MosTiiini, P. M, Take Care! There l Iraiigrr! In allowing inactivity of the kiduoys to grow through ang'-out. The deadly nhoils o Bright' s disease and diabetes will wreck the xooiily bark of health ii it is allowed to drift rudderless upon them, Tho Madder, too, if inactive, and judicious medication does not speedily direct tho helm toward the port of safety, will ba whelmed by the juicksind of diaease. Iu selectinL' a diuretic, let your choice fall upon llostetter's Stom ach bitters, which stimulates the renal or gms without irritating and exciting them, two effects to bo appiehcndud fioin tho un medicated stimuli laroU- resorted to. Theee have a tendency to rca l prejudioiallv. The Bitteia invigorate the kidneys aDd bladder, in common wi:h the iieryea and digestive organs, and so afford lasting aid. It also affords dual afistauco in preyentipg and curing intermittent and remittent fever. Biliousness constipation olu rheumatism it also subjugates. CHOICE MEATS -Or All Kixds- merick, Opposite Schmecr Urery S'.aMe, next or to Wulaiwatte racking Co s store. V( A. r. ATmsinmK. i rip. Branch School: Capital Iifs. Coi.lei.1 Min, Oregon. Same courses of study, same rates of tailioa. Business. Shorthand,,atrf hnglisk Departments , 'km-In i?inn ttaroutrliout tlif year. Students ad mil nt any lime. Catalog ie fcoui vither school, ip BiB O Is acknowledged tho leadintr remedy for OonorrbtP A Uleet The only brio remedy for teucorrhcpaorWhitea. I nrescribe it and feci safe in recnmmendiug it iioiBft t all BUffererP. At J. biursttt, sa. v., JIECATUR. IU. Bold ty nrnificUUfe PRICE 91.00. Staaard & Cunick, Agnnts. Red CrownMills pkw ritociMa ploub srriaiioit FOh kami' AND BAKERS 7S& REST STORAGE VACIUTlE. v ;.:-; ,...t .iv J .1 Cumimnu, Aaent HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1R. E. . WTT'S Nfrvo Brain Tntincti cuarantcrfl vpeiiilc f-r liyAtoria, Iiizni'.sii, ions, Kits, NiTVouit Nouralcift, llcailaclie, Norvn'i Pct ration caiuetl hv the uc of alcohol or tn'iaccn, Walftfultiufis, Mental liMrssiou, S-(UJiiiij: l the L'raiS'- remltinar in inanity anl Icailim; to nilsury, dica) vultluaJi, prematMre ol.l xje, lurrenncsi. 18B mi Po. ' cau-'o-l hv over-curtiin of the I'ram Kach K,. contains on'o moittli'a trtatineut, 81 ft b x jr six hOX. for so at l.v mail preiiai.l on rtciit o price. WE orARAXTF.E SIX ItOXKS TO ClHE ANY rase. With raoh onk-r received by tw f'r nix boxes, accompanied with $.", we witl wn.l the inn liaser otir nifitten guarantee to refund the money If the treat went itoen uot effect a cure. Guarantees lumtetl onl m-J. A.Cutmiiin;, Oraicsisl, sole a'cttt. Albanv, Or. TI1K tiKEAT nil WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS, jens Sept 17th, 1891 Closes Oct 17tli ttm th Citjrof Maxio. Art from the firent nuotri ( Krop anri Amerio Thiil t a quarter tnllUun d"llar. Wonder ful elertrical alapli'nt in full opt tt'ft. A aplcm'id torio wt mineral eihibita. tVMlY IlWPAFTMF.NT FIM.EP WITH TME1N0V AND INTKKKirriNd IN ART, IRUC tTRY AND ttOIKNCK. A rroater uumlie: of exkihita than oor liafoi presented upon thecuiut. mr. BTOrK TFPAUTMKNT M PF A FROMI KKUT FKATUKE. ii.MJ IN FKKUH'MS, Hie larcet lixi'lT t fruit and the flnet oshibit 0 Auriculttirt eeriiailein the Facine north west. All nnnufartur'oe tn (till motion. Krervihin nv; ko 4ead exhihite( Uf, -:. RXroslTleS -:- OF -:- BXPOSITItN yA-lmlwion (i imiv, fiieatlr redueod rn '- gtfttr mund trip on all paweaer Iinorwi JS QnuwIMd not to fi ikUH Butctwc V. Ik "German Syrup" We have selected two or Croup, three lines from letters freshly received from pa rents who have Riven German Syrup to their children i:t the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub stantial people, happy in finding what so many families lack a med icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. Kd. I,. Willits, of Mrs. Jas.W. Kirs, Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' College, to my children when llarrudsburg, Ky. 1 troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any it in attacks of Croup preparation act lite with niv little dauh it. It is simply mi- tcr, and find it an in raculous. valuable remedy. Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood, whooping cough, croup, diph theria and the dangerous inflamma tions of delicate throats and lungs. Albany IRON. WOBKS Manufacturers fr iEAM EHCINES GRIST SAW yiLL MACHINERY IRON rKONTS AMD ALL KIND3 OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS GASTINCS. jl attention jalit o . (airln !1 ds of machinery PaUms Kade on Short Kotic WHAT IS BDHACH 1 Uly pure acd thoroughly effective Insect Bowder ipen tho market, and is manufactured the Bullion Producicg and Manufacturirg Company, of Stockton, Cilifornia. The word "Buhach," is made a part cf the trade :mark of said co npany, and ALL DEALERS ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST SELLING ANY OTHER INSECT POW DER, UNDER THE NAME OF I!U HACll. Persons, who ordor Buhach fromjtheir dealeiB and rocetvc insoct powder that is net au efTectiva insecticide, WILL CONKER A FAVOR BY REPORTING THE FACT TO THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND MANUFACTING COMPANY, IN OR DER THAT A LI PART) ES GUILTY OF SUCH PRACTICES MAY BE EX POSED AND PROSECUTED. If your dealers don't keep Buhach, don't let them cheat you by selling you an inferior and worthless insect powder, but COY MTNKATE DIRECTLY WIT3 THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND MANU FACTURING CO., STOCKTON. CAL, WHO WIL FILL YOUR ORDERS BY MAIL Oil OTHERWISE AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. L U12BER. Wo wish to to the public that we . : a !( nlminr t mi r mill andKro propRnvl to furnmh all kiuds of lumber, arensHfi "r r chaser may chnsp, as toot! as the best, . .til nqnhmn as it cau be bold. In payment we will tako all kin-li of tirntluco, Rucn tv-y u-i t '"' --" IH1ULM, uonun, rj i - i- rt nvfi.ii'' urn wn usa. 1 oase III invi ".r - - ; roo us before vm trciane your unt i lumber, a we iel onfi-lent that wo can ... .. "Vn will niwv.t lin l ono of ua at our mill. M nu-"S Irom ibAiion. 8 milr!) from atcrmo, on iimnnmu creek, WI1U V; KERRIGAN. Lebanon, Oregon FCSHAY St MASON Druggists and Booksellers Anents for Jobn B. A.i!'s publications, :iieh we wH t puUJUber'i -pnetm wltl SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for Linn County. vn Boilionhiie UiitDeiincr, t )effml-.t. ) To Borhcinlmo Witlsimer, the above namrtil ciofxmlHiit . IN THKNAME OF T1IK STATK of Oroicon. vou aro ImreliJ required lo umrar anil RiiHwcr th complaint filed aealriHt you. in t'18 above ontltlod Buit,by October 2(lh. 1S'-1, that beinic the first day of the term of this court lo'lowmz the ex piration ol the time rrpcribed in the ordpr for publication, and if vou fa Hi no to answer lor want tbererf (ihe plain.iff will apply to tho court for the rnliof demandeo m hia C"iiiplainl. Tin: That the bonds of nm'riinonv exist in between plaintilland elcmiant'lie f,irver dissolved, and for tneemtsand disburseinonts of this salt lo b taxed. Thlssuiniimns is published by order of Hon. K: 1'. jin't! "f aid court, nod maila and daied the 9:U day or September, '"J" j. WEATIIEIjkorD. (11'y) Aitorney forPllT. PROFESS OS A L CAHDS tV.Ui K. ' II A MB Kill. AIX, I... Will nr..".i. J n ll c .urt .! Iho Ute. HoiK'ial atloiKi .n itivou t miUnr. in probate ami u co Isctiuiu. iiFI'li.'K-liHlu Hum bLiek. -w- "r ii'k'i Tlll'HVtl t(l. AUorneva' Liw. Will nri -ti e in all c Miit of tho U'e. .iliMl -SfM-m block, Altntiy, Or on. w. It. IIA'!UT, Attimv M U .h I X .SHI in iHw.'n. ' " m:klf on all p nt "i. 'I i tiit- ! ell I.v Oruble Ivrnis. Albany, I EO. IV. WKIUIIT, At 1.. .ml Voturv PaSli.i.WilliM-at'lkv in H citurtsoMliiu.ta'e uli.l iu tho I'nitinl St tlu fiuri (nrdreiron. Illnrel -h rout roninl ivr itutiK ,n Orejfuli, Albany, ii;n- 0, K. K. lil.ACKlll-ltK, i; Attirnv nt Taw. A.l liu'lnu.. wilt rocelv pr.tmpt HonUo'n. Ollltcl O.I 1 KellowuMViii.-l.-.AIlMiiy, Or. J J. WZItTKV, Attonicy at !', and Notary P-ililic. Albany Oregon. Phycician and Surjwm, OFFICE -Corm-r First an Ferry stre-'U, Alhany, Oregon. D IIS. HASTOTV A Ift WIS, FhvsiWamn an Sueeon). OFFICE Corner Poomd and UroPdalbin atreeln. AlJ'anv, Or, Calls promptly Herded invitr and country. c Homeonalhiftt. ipeci Jittt tn diseases of the I've. Twealy years mcperieuce. tltfi-.'B hours 7 to 0 a ui; 1 to a p m, ana o u o evoninjf, aiuaii , urona. D K. O, A. WHITNEY, Physician and RitrxB"i. (Iraiuuect B'levue Mod cat Col'ece. New Ynrk City. Iiflp;n3i of women a pecujty. OFFICE Frinn block, Albany, Oretjon IKST NATIONAL RINK, OP ALBANY, OHKOON, resident LFLINN . 8, R,YtUNO E, W. LANU1XJN Vice President . Cashier. ... rRANSACTS A OKNKRALhankinjUjtiiesa. AncOITN'TS KKPT auhtect to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and U) Tupliic trannfer, vld New York, ban Francisco, Chicago and Portland ftron COLLECTION? HADE on favorable lcnr. DtRRCTORH J. E. TOtJNS E, W, Lahqdub L K Blaik, L. Funk Edward F . Sox. IXXCO NT10HALB.U'K, OF ALBAKY. OKEUON. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. . J L COWAN, vloe.Pre.Uent J M I1A1.STON. A.stCMhier O A ARCUlbOLU. p-asnoaa,-J t. Cowan, J H K.lston, W S Willi, W II Cl'iUra, J A Craword anil O A Arch ibolil. TPANSAOTfl a cencral banklnsr buslnoM . DKAW 910111 llHArTSon New York, San ,- I ' , Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved ocurlty KECEIVEdopositB.ubioct check. B ANS OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. Capital, President Vice-President.. Cash Lt $50,000. II F MERRILL ... E J LAN N INU JiT W BLAIN Transacts a geno-al banking business: Exrhanfte bousrht and S'ld on all the principal cities in the United States also on England, Ireland, franee and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor able terms. Interest allowed o.t time deposits. PORTLAND H4VINGM BANK, OF POBTLAND. Ol'.EGUN. Paid up capital ..... - $200,000 Surplus and prullla 6D.0O0 Interest allowed on sa riiijfs deronits a follows: On ordinary sarin hooks pur cent nor annum. On term savings books ..6 per cunt per annum. On certificated of deposit. For three months 4 iwr cent perannum: For six months 6 por cent per annum! For lwele months - 0 per cent per annum: Fit ANK DEKL'M. President R P. TIloMi'SON Vk-e-President. H. C, STHArrON. CaHhier; ANK OF M IO, 8CIO, OKKQON. President Vice- Presidunt .... CiUfhii.-r S Morris, ki Lnant J 8 MlRRIS Jeff Mtkrh O S Mat DiRKcr-R.: K Goii:s, John Gaines P O Smilh. Does a jfener hanking and exvliine business. HAVK YOU TRIKD TUB SB HEADACHE CURE? If you hare nit, you hive doubtler sickened yourself unnccomrily many times hy Uking pills for the blood, kidneys and constipation. w. r?Asa rezutatr of the Wood it beats sarsaparilla, If taken in half teapoonful dotes, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, OREGON! 31IAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, r'Mnd ud In Hrst-claaa atyle. Tablea rippllod with the beat In the market. Nie aloeplnirajartinenta, Smpl roomi .r commercial (rarelera. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber iiik! Elder Flower Cream 1 i.-.t isnu'tlf In tho wnc hi which that U-im i ptinulurlv uh"I, hut KnnaiitiiHy twaitlillfM, It crvaui a .'ft, wn.Hith, tlyr, ya'wiy t-Wiii, and hy ditily uie irrudiwlly muki-o tho niinidwxi.ui nevorul ha dtfi whit;''. Ilia ncoilitU'it pmleaUni from the t lTet'U of aim and wind and miii Imrn uml frwklua, hliurk K-aU will imvr coino wnilo yn ti-ie it. U dotiiiHon ttu fiii-tf far imtor than ami and watur, noiiruhuaaml hull la up the akin tUxm-it and prevent the foriiwtttui of wrinkle' It uiw thv friwlim-m, I'h'anii'tta and aniooihiK-ttH iTf kin Unit ymi hvd wlu-ii a litllo ifirl. Kvery lady, yoinitf r old. miL'ht to use it irive more voiithdil appt ar- atiuti to any liuly.aud thai periiinui-JiHy . It coitimii" no arid. M''dT or alkali, ami in a harnih-ta an di- at:d ua n..nriiltinirto ihu fk'ii a dw ia lo the nWtr. I'rli Ifil . at 11 dnufi'iHlnatul iiiiiriir.'tswra, or ui Mm lit nainv Ur.ihain'a utall)HioiH-ut, I at 'ol utrcot San Fi-aiu-iwo, wrion- nu in-airtiauioa lor un im-miti- eof theftti-o or lluro. l.mhoaul a uiHian.'t- inai o y lotier. Send atanip for Ucr litllti book "ll"W to j liuaiiimu. SaniDle Bottla riM'ttini ui' 1I (uiiim In niunipw to pay Hsta't) ano paokiiitf, i-uly aiiiiita wanted, MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Cure tV worst t'atu'H of Frt'fkh'n. Hinihurn, Sil-'in-M.SIoth-pait'hi'i, Piut'lfainl all wkiii hli'iiiiHlm-4, I'rlffl MI.IMI. Ilaruilt-M and tlKt'tl.o ; i.o Mluplt' can lit; ol-hi ; Lady ayunts wanted. have hU itaniv added Ut ihU edvurti-jfiui'iit. Mi iirfOj.raLui.ia are lor ailo by whok-Kv'.o drilk'- tiista in Chieaoand every v'Hy wtal of it, EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily South ' " I North 7: IH'-. ri. Lr porUand Ar I 9 X A u 10 :MfM I Lt AHny Lt a m A. M I Ar San FrttHaco I.v 9;'0 f M Ahove fains stop only at Cdlt-win aUtions nor.h of Koiehur. Kant l'ort'and, re;.u City, Wood ourn, Salem, Alhanv. Tan?cnt, Sh-ld, IIulcy liar isuurg, Junction City, imng, tucno. BOS KB PRO If Alb, DAILY. A M I I.v l?2i rttlLf WOfii IAr Portland Albany HoHehurflT Ar 4:n0fH L I 0 r30 a u ALBAXT LOCAL( DAILT BXVmTT HrXTJAY) 6 OTp m Lt Portland Alhany Ar A R Lv &:w a y LSBA0X BRANCH. 2:S0 r H I Lv 3 25 F H I Ar 7:30 a X I Lt 3:22 A y I Ar Allwny Lehanon Alhany Lebanon Art Lv 8:40 a y Ar i:2CT M L I S: 10 f m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, For A? comnnn!atin il Hrrnnl-('laaa Paaarn cer, atlacuril la t,prcaa iraina. ffr.l Mr MTl.lon. UETnCEX fOIIILAM) AMI t'OBVAlLIA, Man, ;aik nam (ExxptSunuay, ?. a a I I.v 2:10 r a Ar Portlaml Corvallis Lv I l:&r, pm Xr-RKBS TKAI3 DAILY (KXC jp. Sunday . Him I I.v 2 pa I Ar l'ortUh'l McM hint ilia Ar I :20 A u I.V I 6.46 A a T'icltotH To all points EAST, SOUTH. ifoi fut. Iiiforinatlo.i roifanliiiR rates, KM s, e on Company Ajrent at Albany , :. . OKI1LEB E P. R1H1ERS Manager 4s8't U. F. and P. Air YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oregon Pacific Railrodd, T E HO;;, Ucrclvcr. Qragon Developmsni ro's Steamsrs, Short Cine to t'nlifornlii. First-olaaa throuli paHaengnr and 'ralpht 1 ma from Portland and all oii:tf In tho Willamettfc Valloy to and from San f aaoiaco, Cal. BoatB mabecloh connection at Alhan with trains of the Oregon Pao-ifi Railroad TIME SCHEDULE. ixcpt gnnilaya.) Urve Albany 15:2,1 r. M,jLive Ya'iuma, i:i Oa,h l.eae Corvalli. 1:03 p. M . 1 1 A'ave Corva:ii.,m:f.A,H Krntt Yaquina, U:lb p. M.Arnve Albany, 11:13 A. u O. ifc C. tralna connect, at, Allmov f.nd Corvallls. The above tralna connect r.t Vaouina with the Oregon Deveiopmenl lV)mpany' l.lne of Nteamahipa botwion Vaqninaaud San 1'rancisco. NAIL.INU MATES . FROM TAflSA. WT.Ia.nctte Va'lov, Tnolay. A'lif 4h; Tnnrail.iy, A'l' 1:1th ;,i'.urilay,AU4 22nJ ; MniuIay.Aujr 31a PROM HAS FRANCISCO ,illamette Valloy, Friday, July Hint ; Snnrlay, Au Oth ; Tuesday, Au 18th; Wednoaday, Auk .I'ith The Compinv kmxv6 tho rignt to iHanpesailliiR datea v'thout notice. X. B. Paasenaora from Portland and rTlliamotte Valley points can make clone connection with the tralna of the Yaquina route at Albany or uorTallla, ana li des tined to San Francisco ahould arranceto UTlre at Yanuina the evening before date r Bailing arroa.rnsrr an Fr'gM ralca alnaya Ilie Loweal For information apply to A K Chapman, Frelirht and luket Aient, Alhany, C. '. IIOCI k, O. F. .rii P Airn ,, A. STRAW EY, PROPRIKTOR OF THB City Livery, M anil Sale -s t a'b:u e.- Havlng purchased new rlis can furn iah tirst-class turnouts at call, .special attenf ' n Riven to transient Mock Homes boarued by the day or month. Cheapest Kate in Hie Ciljr. Telephone connection with the St Charles Hotol. Telephone ord(ra given prompt attention. Fourth Street, between F.Ilaworth and Btreett'ar line. HlilliiijKii. FlUAKD OF ItKUESTd State I.nar.l of i;iilcntim ; ca-nfltuin, 1 1 iff KvcHcil!.v, Sylves'er 1'ennover, Uovernar; iimi u Jiainun, aw n-tury of Stat-; H-m K it MeKlmy. Stiporiiitetuhmt nf nA i.lri,.,.;..n . f(H..i.m... K,-li,.ltlis i. nrw-iitlunt I .1 It V lint lor, siwretary. Kxkci tivk ItoKii-tln J J .. . . 1 - l .11, . .In.iS heus, Mnrioii ; J C White, I'.ilk t Aifm-I l.uiiv, Lln-Ita-nus; A Soltnor, MulUi'JiiuhiJW 11 lli!nu4, Mario.i. Knr Iniriit. Atldrcaa I. I j. CAMIMKI L, A. lI.fIrfMiiloBt, r J. II. POWEM , A " Vic lrllPiit BUY THE "MITCHELL WAKOfi," Acknowledged Monarch of the Roa Wo carrv a full line of Hack', BujfKioa anil Carriage": a'"0 F8"1 Imp:!inents o'all kinda. ;tr Mi on ui hofore puri:haliiB 12 ' ewnere. MitclK-i! & lewis Co., Albary; Oregfli ALBAMY CIGAR FACTOR .!. .lOSl?!'!!, WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employ ec' THOMAS nnri o-f-.t and Wlt- r.,w nnp THE LEFFEL WATER ACADEMY -OF Qui1 Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, -- - REGON ConJiictecl by tho SlkUi.. f St. Benedict Tnlllon in spler.t day school rargesfpora JStotie. Kortoriiis of UounlinB Hchr.ol or n pnlcclsrs ftpiny nt Ihe Arsloinw or i tiles Sister S!ipfrlnre A Revelation. Tow plo know that tha I bright bIuUb-Kreu cuh.r of I no oruuiary uaa tl) mo wmuuwB is uoi iua imt nrnl color. I'nj ltahant tha fact muy be, It U uevcrilieli-a. ) artUW'lul; in im-ml coloring J Iiiaiuva " wi tun "5 idir.nuil 'IhU PlItTt In toll. It uot only makis im tea brlRht, litiiy (trpen. but bIno 1-cnnlt tt1(, nso o( "nff wilor" and wortblc-s t-us, whicii, onro nti'b'r tlia jfrt'cn rlnak, aro nitdily wurkfai oft" aw a rwm! quality o! tea. AiM-mlm nt authority writes on hU rv.h J'Wt: "Tha iiittiili'iilHllonnf ; ot.r u hK tlioiil a Oiitr u'in'uruiii-i, In currlt l i s.vcly. (irt- 'l Iran, I'i'liU In litis v u ;-) i'sju-i'lu'ly iKijiiiInr, htu jrtih;fe.l in meet il.y Ji-miinU by t'oloilri; t lu-ai or blwlt M. Sasiugor IucIhk witli I'nishiun Idiu:, tntne, :. , ,( pni!in, ami iml!i;o. Thin tmthfl .;.t u t ,'nll l.'i-it very litilr intuin uin'ulur' ' trrcru it i i.i of a'cl f r ttilr." It" w.w Urn kjmwllT ( this co ;Ii.! . f lUUi.v t!ut irurii-te. tli-J plae! i'K ii I it , Teit li.'I 'io tho puhlie. lt It n!--t ! ,- j, ; e UlifJ uiMio'it Ccl'T. 11(1 you wver k, o t -iy Keuulnw tnn'olori'.l Juj an ton? A:-k y,. ir ft t er to of on n ui'laii oC e, h'ri, mi'l y u v.lll neo H, uthI i rclmlily for. U-o v ry i!: t, It will 1o fuiitnl In color I In- i t Iwcen the utiilt'lul n-wn tea tlm i.. been in i-ihiim"l ti r'.il I'ji l lnrl; !, J I tli:iv..-H'!iU;;Ii'ii:I e:i.i:i!,vinl,,r, uinl !sm fitiKi-iitit t: at It v.M b? a levrh.-i .11 t. !.... I; inkers. Itt jiiiiity intiJies It nlvi vu-t ccoiuimlesil lliati U10 nr:li:i h i t. iisf .r .-t i.I It Is n-.iiiitl iercii. ..lo:ily ia j. iul4 1 deliii iei beailou tis ln,il -h u U : ECH& TEA JV:h 7ure'AsWdhooci: It your grocer dea not have It, he will get It for you. filce&ta l i-ouuit Fur sale at ALLEN BRUS., ALBANY OREGON Ol'.KOOX STATE PMAL SCHOOL numuuiitli, VrreoD. Tl.e Leading N(rnial Seliool of U. Nortliwctit. lienutifully ami Healthfully Locattd. o Suluont. Nw tuillinir. new api-arato!. full facyl'i litht exvnen. anO mmu wmmamx. jmun (l SsmuaI, liuMiuM, Art anil Iu;c I . Mrtinents. S'.eHal altriill'Hi civen t )hy"IeI cnlturr VohinUer iniliUry oranijthti, TIme rtctu. . iliploiims are auUeinzetl to true h in any vwii: ir. the itnto ithuut further txninii utl.n. Tiiitinn In the and liiiMnens lep tafiitH .as hi en ndine.i fr-.m I0 t" tf.'. irj nnd in the Sub-Normal fromtCW to -'U. A TMir In whnol 'or tlM eaiwiwa. Tuili't Ni.rnial and liuniliftw, 'J r term nf ten Suh Niirmal at .p :r term. Hoaro at "" ihiiimr hull, tl fii l-u wek; liirnihlnd with IU'l' ,,r". ppr week. It. Mint i n. f-iiiiilU-M. f'l 1t ' k. l-'irnt term opens St Und. 11U. Students may inter any liuie. luly, Vdiir. prieS or, It vou want the and riiost durable furn ture thrt is manufactu icJ in the city go to BRINK'S MORE POWER use LESS WAT&1 V'.iflil I'nlnlnKiM fi.f lKHl. WHEEL & ENGINE CO., WZESISI2S.& TI1K STATK AGRICOIML GOL Cnrirwot itin.v arrat,.'ii xnri,.ly 1" mr'l!. tit'MN of lUv (uruiliiif anil iiic.-Im. iiioul ,1,u'r' . hdji atite. l.arK1. "'tui.linii. tin.l .-!!it'iit!)nlJ' inira. Tl.o i-.illmo I. l.,.-al..l in "i'!";"N.,, coinmunity, and one t.t III. luuhhie!1! hi MIITTAliV TIIN-3N(t E;ietiM'H irfl not oxo"1'"! S'5' Itip , 'ir pnnrr ..-.i..... p T. oor ni-.ri.-tru,-..'l"lai.lii; Ir. in '' Sr TVrilc (or calttlojii.; lv ... 11. 1.. -UI.N'lU'. " t