r rv itay in tlio vwhK vx ,J Sn" in;U M"N'li;, Kdihn wul Prop'rs. . .. I !uk.u iiiMll inllftp r.i'Ti mtiit ;i. ihi (' Ohl'HIM. I'M'Eli. () i) Nib.'- . Mutiu has been hi 'lt-jrweln' lm-iiifsH in N.ilem for twenty .evrai i 'JH''-ctitivrl and he hlill li.ii lie 't,i-Ti hi; u-ftl w hi-ii he litsL Uiian ln-i TliU i" 'kIm1Iv tlicoKkst jiiiefc" hm-M tfn '"'"in, and U Mil -i) bt H'fii vitj day at hU sioir, ww ,... inintiii'' en 1 1n wiiul'iw f Italics, Mi I.iiin ,!K J,,,.V j v i 1 ni-rc lioin y,- to 7", w'uV 1 1 1 -v ihfic ale live. -.jii III Sl.it ( vMl.in, A 1 H.Mtit'K AT IIHin aid il ui to sin .ihs t li: .'-luivi; in AJbanv, jt i iitt.il"' i; J" 'o in the same sen si tit- si- ii "Iiv ( irtjcorici, itoots L .shut s," (ml u; by J Harrows a Co, In uvrr tin- fim.l d ur of Iht brick -non ii as ti c old Yoinii" store, rinialns In it sain' hi -i t ' i i' lias occupied (or ,icul r i,.ii'-, In: t is not now tiHcu bv i, of Iht satm" M.t u. (n!v thru; men re now in bu-itM'-s in Albany who wi-ii' T Imisiiii-ss in iMo( 1o 'Ml : J tnair.vohl K Voi.ii); ami 1 I'. Itlai.i Sui sv Ki m jcks. Jim lliil, prc-ulL'iit I the (iiv.V. N'lttlu rn, li ts ; s a p. ..Mi) At Fail haven, Wa-h, hi said: I'lie ownlM i what iniiliU vmir city i'li'u.t a pM.doriiii; loinuntnity hi the jiili'rv tuu have no use. for a city. ni .il.t bni il liou-i's ,uul blocks of bonnes, ,d pui in cKciiic lijhf and yas ami (ultrii plumbiiiif, bit if iht: people were it propftous w en: not occupiil profit ')!. they woiuil have no use lo your )Usi". We iniL bt IniiUi our i uilrnad L-re; we tnhjht buil.l la'e stations, and e inilit build shops to repair our cars rul even build cars, but unless there .as Mm.i'tliiiit' f r the cars to do we jvt no uc for them. The thing would )iiic to an end. All Ibis country and all natural wealth has b -en here since r.Jain was a litMe hov. and it initrht re- ain lii-re for all time without any change b it will remain here without any change cip; bnclt cnane as is brought ahout by fll direct eil, enteiprKiu, intelligent 'forts It takes hoik always to briny ;ie reml -hUi'i I build up new countries. U'WUKi.i.iNi; wvkk 1 1.- Ijco f Ives niiaer of .Sullivan's detective ngency, r ml F K Kocheri-pcrger, ayent of the Eseiv Vork Guarantee L'ouipanv.that went n AHiertson's bonds as cashier of the . Idclitv bank at Tacoina, arrived in the ;tv ve-terday afternoon to obtain partlcu ir" of the tiavels and adventures of AU orlsini and Chandler in Lane county. Hie parties who made the arrest near iardiner have b.'en quarreling over the .uaril, wiiii'! is T'V'o. oin .ir ives siaies mt it belongs to W W Cochran of this ilv, as ah the others were employed by 1etl.1v. The particulars of the ai rel, in diicr. Mr Cochran was one of the pxincl ai oll'.cer., will be found on the first page. -Eugene Kegistei;. Its Rkasons. For dlsoheytng llie re- .nt order of the state board of railroad immisioncrs in the matter of reducln frciiTiL rates the Southern. Pacific gives JO reasons. In the hist place, the rate VK in effect were fixed by the so-called ioult act in 1SS5, and this act, the coin any claims ts, in effect, a inaxlum late aw. Secondly, the line has never paid a ur rate of interest Oi, the investment rriflk Manager (jrav said, In speaking (tt.ts matter, that the operation of last ear would not even pay Interest on the "tids. Said he: If we obey the order of ie commissi,,!!, the los 01 1S91 win ap proximate Jo.oof, and we cinseipitnt Hall df -.iar and make this a test case atesinan. Mimn;; Ci.ai m s.--Th c following c'aiins ': tiled with the Counlv Clerk on Sept I'lu' t'jirulina l.ocaU'tl in SatttiatiL luiri- C wMi ii-t, tin Cjiiai l nioiiiitain, on r-Vpl. J. "y V. in II liurm it mul v ri-il Kcifcliul weoria I.oralt'tl in Santiam lninin( istrict, on (Jnarty. nuiitntai 1. V- mile N. ;."l.iiiiintlh mini-, on hcpl. IJ, by V II A 1Ii:ai for Ei hinksk. No iran 'oiiiiin with a lu-ad for busineej Jn nffiird to Imv (.Tijei-ric's without first Sllillir on ('nun X- I li.n.lri, 11,11) in tlip 1'teitIV.r block. It will par for several rotorm. rhev keon u lirHt-clnsa stock ,J1 BOOtln. sell "ut. tlniffirmlv low nrirpfl "llioiit bain, wait on you promptly and "mi you well. Sow ih the time to or- 7 peaches for nutt-nii up, as well as "er fruits in their xi-HHon. Tiiev have "w cnoice brands of teas, coliees, &c, anil r ..: . , . ? .... ' - give you bargains in all lines, Have U noticed that Allen Bros' trro !!y store is always full of fruits, vefic "U'CH, vie. l ift vorv ntf-aK in tlia mur- Sve it' tllCre 18 an-t,li"l5 t0 be had they l'eaclies, l!erries, laliliaees, Turnips, N iw Totatoes, s"Mr. Sai.i,- W..... v 1 m received some fine suitings from the tli. 1,1 ;;.ool-,n Mills, which he invites .".!""" 10 call and examine. They Mirn-class iMoitg and will make verv -uie, iiiiiuisunie suits. May be ecen t lu ll nest stock of ....1 1 1 -i Vati.1 ,. KO'U mill r?ncr (Ir 1. ',"' llmio'i'l and other rint;fl, jew r.M.verwars, Ac, in the city. C W C,,lh. jb printer, Him Woe! MM ML AM I'CKSOtl,, W II Trice wen, to Stink'nie KalK tou.iv on a three wi ks t j; V't l.tta li Vasall" and Lulu Maitin wen toTuitland today to tale in the) reposition. Mr(l W WaL'uiin.-r, of CorvalUs who ha been In the cl y several I'avH.n turned home toil a v, Mr Ia-l I'hllllps arrived in .Albany a day or two n;o, from Missouri, ami is tlit Ljuesi oi ins uncle, Micrilt Scott, lie may locate in the county, Mr Chen Mcfiowan, of McGowan Bros., owners of four Halmon cauncrieK on the Columbia, has been in the city several ilayn, the jnest of Mr I, A Allen, of Mun IJros, 'Mi Kal-trni (o, one of ('orvallis befct rusilers for several years, was in Albany today on his way to l'oiiiand, which lie will make his bu-iness lesidence, though he will reside In Vancouver. Mi K Wakefiehl, t!.e l.rid-e man, i.r rived in the city today on oiide hu-incss, A pile driver wlH hj shipped fiom 1'ort land Saturday, m that work on the piles w ill he hcj-un nex week, probnbty the early pa it, when work will be pushed In a manner to suit the most exactim;. IMMltK .it tl('0 4? Win At inwcrtli SJ eciiiK in litis city find i is ei him nt Silk it i. If you want ni"f dtarii ct it at F M KiencnV. It MrC S-v:r wi'l ei'l Mulf j mi car tbn . (lie in can (4;tttie pa-n hf-nk ii t lo-t. Aj oiiLf the many iinr plaeH tl. Laki fihfili tniHtl.) i-i to n pl.-uvil wiih mtlid CAftll. Di-ei ledly the lafji s M,d clioi-.n- varictj tf t a in town in t (' K Krw null V Sun (hind, bwkit tiinl, fj-i-en, black, Knlish breakfast, iVu. The l:idin nuxillinrv of thn V M C A will inet't in tln-ir rncfim on Knu.iy rf tlna we;k at 4 p in, A full utremhticc is eHpcuially n pit'ti-d, nKi.rtV. (iiiMii, rrt'M .i-:ii:h. Wednesday evening, Sept. 2. Ii esent Mayor, Kecnrder. Marshal, Council men I'rench, I law kins, Table r, liurkhart, (iarrett and Allen. Ordinance bill 233 appointing W (' Read, S M rennineton and j IJ Coutjil! viewers lo assess value of r'jht of way on exten sion of Calapooia street va. read tnree times atid passed unanhnously. Matter of post for electric Hht nskec by C O Lee refer: ed with power to act. Itlll of John Crosnen for boarding and nursirg the man w ho recently had a leg broken while drunk in a saloon, $27, beln 2 a day, allowed. Adjourned until next Monday night. IEVKu:riN(i a Mink. The Myrtle Creek mining company is of more benefit to Kufene than many people imagine. One hundred and sixtv men are now em ployed ut the mine and most of them were sent out from Eugene. The pay roll is about !U,ooo per month. In addition to this the n en are fed by the company, and $1,000 or over are paid out every month I is shipped from Kuuene. About four miles of dit'.b remain to be dug before the head waters of the L'inpq';a will be tapped and tnis will piobabiv be complet ed next month Eugene Register. Fkek i.MTL-RKS. l'rof I' Ci Hurley will deliver a course of instructive and en- tcitaii ing lectures on Phenology and Phys iognomy, at the Couit House, beginning Tliursdav, Sept rd. Subject, Friday veiling, "Love, Courtship, anil Marriage. Satin day, f.entlemcn only. Mrs Hurley will albo oeiiver a free lecture to the ladies only on Krldav at 3 p tn. Just reeeivi-d new ai-d opened for retail at 0 K lirownill a the tolluviug in barn le: (how Chow, Cooking Mo Lutes, Pickles in vinegar, Salt Herring, Salt whiu- 1i-h( Salt Kultnoti. WiiiiRE to (io.-t.io to Parkei Broa for fresh frniUand vogetalilt-s. !o to Parker ISroH for the bst teas an coilecs.. io to larpr I'row for good baking powder. ( io to Parker liros for line h.ikt d iroodn. The hewt bread, cakes, pit s etc in the market. Go to Parker P.ros for your groceries ffenemllv, u'Mi he atHured oi good gootiri and iirst-cla?3 treatment. Teaciii:rs WANTKn.-TheCountySchool Suierintedent informs us hat two teach ers are wanted at $100 per quarter, hcaid included; one male teacher ar 55o a mcnth, Cdl at oOice of superintendent. LAEGEST ASSORTMENT OF HEATING STOVES. AT . MATTHEWS & WASHBURN'S Cheapest. For the next 30 days A. Howard & Son will saw woo o cut twice or 40 cents percord. Enllllnl to I lie Brif. All an entitled to the bent tl'at their oney will ouy. o every inmiiy snnum ave. at once, a hrttle of the bent family remetlv. Syrup of Fiu", t clemme the sya tem when costive or biliou. For fnle in 50o and $1.00 hottlei by leading oil drag- gista. i:-y tjsa iu Millions cf Holies IS AMU 'OIMIl! M ? 1 1 ! all's Journal of II "This question has cause ;ilh.) ? a good deal f discif-sion. Mum is used hakeiH to whiten their bread, by many euabt'ng them to use an inferior Hour, It is inofct extensively employed nsa cheap substitute for cream of larta- in the manufacture of baking powders. It ha not been consid ertd imniediately dangerous; although if coniinueti 11 induces dyspepsia and obhtln ate coin-llpaiivn. lint the fact that many case of poisoning have occurred from the use of alum, puts the question in a more serious nspect, and prudent peoole will exerebe million in the selection of baking powucrs. "L'nder w bat conditions then, does this substance ioiiriir!y used only for ino chauical or medicinal purposes hecom noisonons? I hey are certainly obscure. and at present we can only Mirmise what they uihv be. ye su-pect liiat the cause exists m the Individual poisoned; some pec 11 iariiy of the con-titu'ion producing morbid change In the feerelioiiR of the s'omach, wiih which the alum combines Hiul forms an active poison; or the secre' lions mav he healthy but in mutual pro portions, and that these less or greater proportions in combination with the !um coi--tilutu a poison. 'Tor example.two parts ot mercury ami two parts of chlorine form calomel, which is not poisonous, but change the pr.jpor tions to one part uktcui'T and two par's of chlorine, and we j et conoslve sublimate w hich is a deadly poison. "Then again we know nothing of the consii'u'ional peculiarities Why U it that one person can cat all kinds of green truits and v :,'ablcs with impunity, while the same t our-e miuhlcns another irdividual Lis life? One person can handle poison ivy and sumac without being in the least affee'ed; another is poisoned if heap proachis to within ten fe-t of tlietn. Oul of a familv residing in a malarial district, some of the members will suffer half the year with fever and ague, while the others will njov excellent health during the cn tire pear. Foods that are who'evome to some persons aie actually poisonous to others. This is especially true of some kinds of ti-h. There is no safely In tnking alum into the stomach, as it is shown to be alwavs injurious, and often danger ous." The Scientific American published in a recent number a list of alum and ammonia baking powdern.which is of great value at this time. Following is the list compiled from ollicial reports, Powders marked with a star stem lo have a general sale, as they are mentioned in at least two ot the ollicial reports. 'ATLANTIC At lAi IF!', l!OVAL. cook's FAVOKITK SriOTO, CltOWN. SILVKRrtl'OON. riiYSTAU SILVKK STAR. iAisv . ssow nnirr. 'IIAVIS O. K. OVKKL'ION. HHY VKAST. STAR. ! KM. STATK. (M.OI'.K. . STANAK1. ' K KSTON. SU N KI.OWKR. I"KAKSfN,S, WAS1I1XGT0S. l'EKFE'TloN. WIM'SOll. I'KKRIjFSK, ztw CRAPE. I'L kll V, t RY.STAL. There are, in additbn to the foregoing list troin the Scientific American, a num ber of such powders o'd in the western that were not found in the eastern stores. Following is the list to date: CALUM ET Contidns Alum (Calumet H-iking Powder Co , Chicig".) KOHKST CITY. .Contairs Animonia Alum (Vouwie Bins., City, laud.) CIIICACO YKAST.Cnntains Ammonia Alum (Chapman & Smith Co. .Chicago.) HON HON Contains Alum IIOTKL Contains Ammonia Alum (J C Crant Making Powder Co. ,'hic-:igo.) UNUIV A LK1). . . .. Contains Alum (Sprh"iiffi,Vari cr& GriBWold'Chicapo. ) ON K SPOON.TAY LOK'S. .Ammonia Alum ( Taylor Mfg. Co.,St Louis) YAKNALL'S Contains Alum (Yarnall Mfir Co., ISt Louis ) SHAW'S SNOW PUFf.... Contains Alum (Merchants Mf. Afjociation, St Louis ) DUDSUN & IIILS CoutaiDsAlum (Dodson & Hits, St Louis.) SHKPAHD'S Coutaifjs Ammonia Alum (Win II Shepard, St Loui.) BAIN'S Contains Alum (Mever-Baiu Mf. Co., St Louis ) MONAHCII Contains Ammonia Alum (Itfid, Murdoch &&o.. Chicago.) SNOW CALL Contains Alum (l'n-j,dl Corl'ee It Si)iee Mi Is, Cl.icaeo.) CIANT Contains Alum MILK - . Contains Aiuin (W b' MeLiughhii & Co.. Chicago.) KCHO Contains Alum (N'oi'vi P hi tn- PaiMiu C3.,ChicAjjo ) K A LMrKI.IS PCIUTY... Contains Alum (KnP full Mtg Co . Chicago ) KlSIXt; CN C.nt.t:ns Ammonia ( 1'tMH Tiix 'h iipm1 Work1, whlcamt. ) Will TK KOSK. . .Contain A minonii Alum (U ohti CiiMe U Spice Mill?, Minneapolis. ) WOOD S At'MK Contains Ammonia ( Hio Word & Co.. Philadelphia.) AX I II KWS PKAKL. . , Contains Ammora (0 K Andrnw8S: Co.,Milwaukee.) 1 1 A U Fl I KS' K A VOH IT K . . . Contains Alum (II IllUrries, Mioneapoiir.) FIDKL1TY Contains Alum SOLAR Contain Alum (fc'hermnn Eros., Chicago ) PUTNAM'S BKST. ..... . ..Oi,lta.ns Alum (Wells Putnam & Co., Chicsuo.) CHINA "T" HOUSE Contains Alum (Noah McDowell, St Paul, Mini.) TWIN CITY Contains Alum (J K Ferguson, MiDneapolis,Minn ) HEKCULK Contains Ammonia (Herculs Bak'Dg Powder Co,. San Francisco.) CLIMAX Contains Ammonia (Climax Hitking Powder Co., Indianapolis.) Rkmovrd. W E McPlieraon lias re moved liifl loan and insurance office to opposite tlie Masonic temple, where at preeont lie lias plenty of money to loan on Allmny real estate. New cloak juvt received at the Lvtie Bnaaar. .i - 40 Years the of: WiiEvr.ai ;i-;xn. The Salem Journal. Ken., inves Liinf: Hermann the follow-in-' hit: If there in anyplace intbes'ate that Mr Hermann has not prntniM-J an appropriation for river improvements it sbotril not despair, lie ii coining.'' Newhpapers published In cities like Pendleton that try to run a professional base ball club, generally have items like the following towards the end of the sea son: The I'endleton Itasehal1 Association has suspended, disorganized, busted, "gone up the llu me," if vou will. All that now remains of the Pacitic Interstate League is the memory o! w hat it once aus. A pretty girl from out of town had been staging for some time with a young lady f 1 lend in Hufialo, and as the time for her depai ture drew nigh a young man from out of lown turned up and volunteered to attend the young ghl on her homeward journey. The hostess put up a liberal lunch for the travelers, and then filied in all the c-evices with rice. Sue also put some in the young man's coat pockeis,siid so'iin; Into the young lady's parasol, and likewi.se deposited some in the depths o the young man's uinbre!a. Both boarded the train without noticing these suggesti additions to thtir. traps. The reuli is not yet known, but as the voung man U slight ly bashful, and the oung lady 1 known lo blush on s'ightest provocation, the con sequences, when the rie tell ail ever the car lloor, can be imayined. Buffalo En quirer, A Iftrtie linn of duL-ait iild w:clea ia t-Hty nvw traya at :l; & ht-.rk h. Biraiii9 in c'reiit' i;r.i 00 Been ""til of AUtu liro., t-ri;;j tnn alway FJiuu B.cck. I nut fiuy your buo-. slices until you nee the piano at Kt;in Jn,tt, itiid a.i tvcil Have bxaihlued their la:i;e fetock (.1 "onti 1 ain now receiving dily clmice early CViv ford p-Kclie froal Ali;anil. tineliayo u;l izj I. ,ava or'!er at C. i-. Urowne STREET KOTiCE NOTICE i.H h;rt:by givn to Maryrctte Monteitb, IJ l. Mimteith, (. nures Monteirh, M J Mouciith, I ma H Mouteith iid Nellie F Montftith.find lo ait w hotu it m:-iy coucom that ou th 231 day of Septenibei. ISD1, the Corn moo Council t th city of Albinv, Or duly unpointed S M Peunington, W C Read and .1 l lou'iiu as viewers to view the lol lowing described proposed new utreet which pasfes over p ivate property: Begiuning at too southwest comer ot hiocK J in the city of Albany, Liun county,Oregou,nnd runmufc thtnee northerly and parallel with the west ern boundary of . said block 2 302.83 feet thence northerly and ou an angle ot '27 de grees and 35 minutes east with said western bcundary 230 feet; thence westerly at an anle of DO degrees 00 feet; thence southerly at an angle u; UJ degrees - U ieet to a point ou a hue with the western Ijoiumary of Vttl auooia ttreet; thence southo ly and parallel with Cala pot street 337.17 feet to a point on a hue with the t or them boundary of Firnt ittreet; thence parallel with First street C(i feet to the 1 lax'e of hegitining, and that flflui council has assigned Hiid tixtti M.m-lay. the 2o:h of October, lSDl. at the hour of 10 p'eloeU. a-mof said day as ti e time for said viewtrs to meet at the chamber of the fid council, iu the city of Albauv, Oregon. And you and each of you and all other persons whom it mav concern ar herebv further uotilied that the property to be appropriated lor s&Kl purpose 11 the property included in the above designated bou udaries of oaid proposed street, said land being private property. And all pers-'ns claiming diU. ft pun by reason of the appropriation it any 01 said property forcaid purpose opening and establishing said proposed new stieet, are hereby specially notihed Hie their respective cldms for such dtm ages with the recorder of said city before the said time so appointed by said council lor the said meeting ot said viewer. This notice is published by order of the council ot the cry of Albanv Oregc duly made on the 23d day of Septemoer, isqi. UII.N HUrrMA.N. Marshal of lhe citvof Albanv SALE CF BLOODED STOCK. rpwn EXTRA FINE VVl.h HI.OOP JL liiilu Irty MntlioTiH. r mid ii rn U, C17VDKS H 'J, liands ln.'.'ti. wiM',-li tiuariy 1 i o llsuurh; I'uii imw shniv a bet h i h-l of limit ni'ts thi'ii any liur. tlmt h uv-.-r ii.oti in l.;inu (.'mv:!!;.-. Aisi.i.ne hnnn nf nrntlnil tmv I'ljile nmit'i, hluiiils. in li'iiids, WLi-.li nvirty l.-.U'illo . ;i ! : Alv. iin-j l...y l-yuir!il flln maro, l.".:; li 11.1U ; tine --.'ti t -J-M iir .!it ni-iti luit ha ("'vile t fH, i blmU, JU..1 t.t V:irlillL'H ;( l..Wl.lH. T.lfW wili t'c- iiJ ii) Eiic-iu tn ilw hi. 'iit'nt Mduer cm th Kill i',u of ;-l..lr, lvil, : 1 uMm-k ni. The Ipiin-n nrv well lir- ki. triH'iiir-1 kiiiu. Tkhmm A credit i.t 10 iron U.s. with )' i't' inn.o( one Imrsc ; iinUs with H''rtietl eetmritv ut lc-)i-r cji't per hiiiumh. WKOHCE BELSHAW, Albany -:- Nurseries. We are cfTerlntr to pUiitrn tho finest Int of fruit trwa, in all (leHiiHlile viirittit'ii, In the state. One hundred and fifty thousand ttew f ir this sex ton's trade. INSPECTION INVITED, atul SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J?.MrSent for ctttloeue or rail 011 u at the old Cline humettead, one-hail mile tolhwest ut Albany. 1IYMAN & BROWNELL. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS H Kit Kit Y fflVEN THAT O. P. CohIiow, jr. the under niitnud, haH ih B (lay hc-c n appointed adinlnlstmtur of the eiitute of I' -nry urtvMer, tiecoasea. ah person novinjf ciamn aaainst xatil ectate muni prn nt naid claims to the under- n'.ifiiel at the uttlttt of J K Wwftherfonl, In the city of AMmny, l.inn ioutity, nrciron, prupurly verined, il hiii aU months fnin ihta ilate. Dated this 21at day of Scptctnlwr, 1S!1 O. P. (M.J.SHOW, .la., J K WKATilFt-MRD, Adminintralo , Alty lor Ailinr, ' 2b) ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. N (MICE IH HEHEIIY CIVF.V THAT THE himIi TfiL.'nod I in Im-;i duly Bii (dnt-d hy Hip ;. i-.iiirt for tinn roiinty. Orr-tron, fdniitilwinitor of t iu I'oti'.l'; 01 v,m II .MrMriiie Inle of lim i;imiity, On-witi, tU-crifeil. All porwmn h intr t-liiiii" ii?aiMMt n.ii'l t-tittc ttv lirchy uotilied to pr qen' li' tp propoily vrriili il to t he nmlf f-i'i' d nt his rt -i'lcnce thn.-o milt-a wr.it of Sru-.M;, in l.iiin coiniiy, o v iili in fix iTiontJis from this dale, li.iicl :J. pi li-'tid, lstil. .) A V l rMK, II II Mr.v.trr, A ni:iiilmt,r. Any f- r Ailm'iiitr.ior. (t'--f) A pinilo At KleirKrorf !ot ami SIioh storr Parker Bins, groj. r-. New cloa'ift at W F Bosd's Lteht stj len r.f hxU. j. W F KeenY Reduction in iu:ri ii'T g oi at W F Bead Apple prers f r sahi at Stewart & Sox s. Hoyal Dutch Cocoa at C K Brownell's. K A Hulin. druggiht, French's corner. I' iae groe-ri!H at Conn Al I IondricHnu's. Latest sh c-t uiu4!0 at Will & Link'. PantRoU and mn uihrollas at Iras than cost at W F Read's. Gold Miecta'-lcK and ee blaea, all styles and price, at F M French's. The finest linn of t-ockec knives in the ty at Stewart k S - x's Complete nck of Jftdies a::d L-ent's eold ate he s at F M rr.n-h n. BarL'iini in e' ld wtitbe-j at Freneh The l-'orner Jewelrv Store " StewftiV S ic . Hn vrv hint r iUnt tempevn Hliears ari'l th. A full l.ne of Wurrjftr' wimnti, htst in the world or the uid'ny, bt V (' trail's. LaditH Oxford tie- at erectly reduced rates ot Klein Brut. Mur:t heboid. J. W. B'tnthv, lt'idinr l ot and "shoe maker, just entt of Uwvre House. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block 'does tirst cias work. Sej tb At e!eyLhtV-i"o at Klein Bros Boot and Mne stole. Aline line of cr ckery ware 'at Conn & Hendncsau s. . Notice -the extra hollo? ground razors us id hv barbers are sold by Stewart tfc Sox. Ladies Oxford lies at Klein Bros, Cheap en in the cit. W ill be sold at greatly rc- uneu rutef. With his new bakery Conrad M ever is bin to ellor old ond new cunttimers every. thing liitcUs iu baked godj. Any vec contemplating 1 ininu a gold watch ..ill do well to call at F M French's and examine stock and prices. The Char es E Zjue kid gloves manu factured at Philadelphia ere the bet in the market. Call tit A B Mcllwaiu's'and ex amine them before purchasing. A larce and choice Hue of ciroets. lino leum oad oil cloths iust received at A B McIIwuia's, which will be sold cheaper than newhere in Albany. GOLD WATCHES GOLD FILLED WATCHES, COIN SILVER WATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, CHEAP F, --The Comer Jewelry Store. FOB OAS3I AT M. FRENCH'S li j) I full m mm clothingT j)J We Shine by Comparison. After you have setn our fall and winter stock of clothing and furnishing goods, you will say that it shines like a star i.. the Heaven, far above any other line in the Willamette Valley. Hundreds of stvlish novelties in suits and trousers thiit tirr ' PERFECTION IN FIT and EXCELLENT IN QUALITY ! A wo.iderful line of the best, the largest, the mot reliable, and the most pop ulcr- pi iced line of clothing ever btfie shr.wn in this part of the country. A line of Albany Woolen Mill yoods. A fi ie 'ineof Overcoats, made of Cheviots, Clay Vokmki, Kekskys, FiUKKsar.d viixchillas Boys' School Suits ! Boys' School Suils !! Ch, mothers, tf you'll only call and inspect these beautiful garments we are sure you 'will bo uelightcd with the lurje assortment in fuch nice suits at reasonable pri:e. Remember, gentlemen, we have the largest and finest line of men's shoes in th'e city. Our fine line i made hj T. L. WALLACE & CO: Leading Clothiers and Furnishers. ALBANY, Strahan Block, OREGON F. L. KENTON, DEALER tti Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, k x rr it .a. c n.- s , And a general assortment of 3- 2ES O C3 3E3 I E3 ?3 . Near the Post Office, : Albany, Oregnr Samitk Fin n AVaxtkd. Fruit raisera arc reqitohted to kayo nt the Ofegon Bank good, healthy Mini plea 01 iruitoi all kiiitln, for an exhibit ut Chicago thin full and winter. PeacheB, prunes, plume, pear, apple, etc., particularly ate de uired. men, Tho rom: nop af'llf !o-:k of iTomeii nn sir t-head aches iii'-Ie' nio.i nii'l lif-'vo;:-! tronblrs. Tbry ari'e largely f:;!n st lrac'i ilorciv. Ai Joy's Vegetable t-ars&iiuril'a Is the only towel rogu latir.g irctinr:itio!i, you (an tea why it in more effort Ivo than a.iy other fcar3aJurK!a In those troubles. It 1 t.a:.y rtlievlu;; l.;:mlred'i. The actlo:i is mil l, dlret-t and cC-:ftive. V. 0 have cores of h-tter.-i from grateful ntmtn, We refer to a few: Nervous debility, Mrs. J. Barrn, 112 7thSt.,S.F. Nervous debility, Mra.I'red. Lr.y. Kills SL.B.F. General deMHty, Mrs. teldeii, 610 Moson .St., B.P, Nervous ucbility, lln. J. I-amnherc, TCi Turk Sf, b. l'. Nervous debilitv. Miss It. ItostuMum, 2 lTth 1". fitoinaeh troubles, Mrs. U. I Wheulon, Tul Post tet., H. K. Bick hentlsMw's, Mrs. M. B. Price, JO rrosect I'luee, H. r, Pick hcailaehe-, Mrs. M. Fowler.ar rUIsSt.,8.P. InUit?entioii, Mrs. .'. 1. K'.uart, Mission SL, ti. l CoiiKtipation, Mrs. ('. Melvi.i, 1-0 Kearny St.,!?.?. Vegetable Sarsaparilla Most LifHlern, rno-it effective, largest bottle. Eamc pricv. $l.C0 or C for $5.00. FOR SALE DV STAKAP.U:& CUSICK ALBANY NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF THE . CITY CF ALBANY Notice i l.e-cby given tint sealed pro- pvaW will be received y the treaRunr cf tlie city of A.' any, Orey. ftt hiaotlice, un til the hour cf two 2 o'clock V. M. 29tli day of September; for the purchasion of the bouiU of raid city, to tho amount of $75,000, or any portion thereof, paid bonds are of the denomination of 10UO each, pay able on the 1st day cf October, 1911, bearing intereet nt the rate of six per cent, per an num, payable semi- annually, both principal and interest payable in t;u'ci coin of the United States at the Anglo-California Bank limited San Francisco, California, and were authorized to be issued by an ordinance ot said city, No. 22, approved on the 3rd day of September, 1891. The Bealed proposals, will !.e opened ft the. time lirnt above men tioned, and the purchase will be awaided to the hijihest and best bidder: but the treas urer reserves the riiht to reject any and alt proposals. Sept. 23rd lfai- II. FAUWF.LL. Treasurer of the city of Albany. J. A. CummiEg. r lrurs, 1 'airitw, O ilis Glass, Etc., ALBANY, Wall rape