Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, September 24, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    T'' - ' ...
NO 118
auk mf niri'iiiM Ij'r W. K. loniriiii nuosn-
ir wit Ir mm in your in inn- umU your
...iilrr lo himhI iW riiliihiuiHt. criirii (lib
irTAKK NO M IlKTITl'TE. -r l
If U it wntiili'HH Willi lift Ltii'kH ur witx Itiri-it'l
hrftjurt Ihi'fct't; niudu nf tin ln-nt ttu cull, nlvlhli
ijH rimy, hihI ttrravmt trw HtiA miuv nhum of thin
nrhilf, tlitin unu utter rwinvVirftirer, It c(utJ hand-M-ci
kIioi-h ousIItik fruiii $ in $.Yiri).
- 00 (Yiinliir lluutl-M4tt Ptl, tin- nnoHt calf
t7i hh'xt uvur iilTrri'il for fMij; iriiit I'ruuct
iiQlKirtnl Iiiu't hlrii cowl frmn in (I'i.ui.
CA un ll'HiilHtwiiil Well Mine, flnt? eiilf,
PYa hi) Hull, finifurLiililM till' I ilurttMtj. 'I In litt
-it kw cvit (itTt-rrd fit tli 1 14 irlci ; muni Krtwlo as run-torn-nni'lr
hIhm-h rnstliiK from fit.11 to )'Ui.
-flV A" I'ulirn Khiii'i Kiiiiiii'rt, Kiillmaft Jn
9vi mil I l-rttrrCurrlri'rfUll wrtr tlieni; fl no calf,
uiinliH. hinoutli liinliln. Iinuvy tlireo sol)-, extoii
rt.tli i'lKi. iiu jmlr will wi'dr ttyi'jtr.
CO ''""t uo hcllrr xhofloVr nfrtrftd at
3&a tli In prlrt'; unt trial will (.iivliice ibou
uti'i want a bIhm fur comfort an 'I bit vie,
ft 25 mill V'i.OO WnrUhiiniHtin bowi
Pfi uri' very Mronif tnl ilunilde. 'I lioiwt who
Mm- tf Ivrii tln-m 11 trial will wr nn otlifr matin.
DVC' ".'Ht II 11(1 Krliool Btinoi nro
DUTD worn hy tlit lii'N"ry wIipi-u; Uieyarll
ikl ttit'Tr tiirrltH, rtn Hit IricrcnluK nnlrn hIiow.
1 oHlAC ,i'l," miiiil-rwril bIkia, bm(
ClUICO ltnnla, vttri atllitlii nnualsFruuvll
lAVhirtnl NtiiH'H coBtlnu fruiii (.( lo t'i.ill.
JLiuHcN i.Mi. tfi.Ui) himI Ikl.?.) ho for
fijM'Riiri the li-Ht f1n Don unit. Sly lull mul ilurable.
fflitlli.-Htr tliut W. L. ih,mmH' nnm and
uru utanipiil on tli Itottmn of inrli ultfie.
W. 1,. UuUULAH, Uruckton. Hoot.
Star Bakory
Co rXroHtliilblii nul Firnt NtH,
CnDiirtl Frnilx,
Dried Frnll.
t ueeiiHwar e.
In fart ovcrj tli'i tlmt in kot iii n ;unural
variijly'iiml HiH-ry Mturii, Hilii-it
murkul iieu paid for
While trying to Crowd theii
Store, where they alvas have on hand
the largest Stock touth of Portland, of
the latest improved Rllles and Shot
tiimn; an immense stock of Fishing
Tackle of every description ; Tents,
IlammrjckK, Camp Chairs and thousands
of other things too numerous to mention
.Repair Sliop
in connection with the Store, and one of
.he best workmen in the State to do any
ind ail kimU of work.
Comic on, Come nl. No rouble to
show gor.iU. 'Small pre fit and quick
ohsn U oui motlo.
3 0
Arlcrlnl Kmbalniing done Scientifically.
Albany, Oregon.
An illustr a t k i) h oRTrrurr
nrl inon'lily ..'iirrBl. niitpil by Prof
K. it Lake. NoVn'rmnr nr rrtilt -rower
oau ntl'oid lo be without i. It PAYS
whoever tnltos it, t- per year. $ t.x
BiontliH, 20 rent single number.
Address, j. u HTKAIINR,
Portland. OreKon
Rea! Estate Agents
Frmi and' Runchee for sale.
Alao city brnperty in Albaov
and Coryullia.
City iiestanrant.
Biving been entirely remodeled, this old
tod pn)iilar rest.iurant wiil be made liraf
-lata ii every respect. The publio will bt
?veu (oid meala at all houri for only 25
nt. Kverthiu ueat aud attractive
"Va'.e boxes. Oystera iucvory style.
W. L.
W. F.
Call and sec what a stock of
t)rcss Goods,
Y ancy Goods,
Furnish ins G oods,
Wo have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest
hut the cheapest ever shown in Alhany.
Wo have just placed on sale
cloaks and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trade and we
you money.
for Bnfants
"Castorla !3 so well a Japtcd to children that 1
I rocommor.d Itas sujierior to any prescription
known to me." If. A. Ancirna, n. D.,
Ill So. Oiford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Tlie use of 'Castorla Is and
1m in.'i its so well known that It ecems a work
-f supererogation toendorse It. l'"er arethe
tnfi'!!it-ent families who Co uul keep Castoria
within oauy reach."
CABLOS rjARTVN. Ti. .1..
New York Ciiy.
I-ate Pastor IJlooniinsdalo Retomiyd Church.
Tub Centa:u
Allinnj', Oregon.
W F EEAD, PreHideHt. J O WRITSMAN .Secretin. r-
J h COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F 8IMPSON, Vice PrcMdsnt.
J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson. W F Resd, T'r L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Burnett.
J K V eaiherlora, K S Stmhan, J o Writauiau.
Traders, Chicago, III. ,'
: American, Philadelphia, Pa. Pbeanix, London, England, t
Norwich Union, Loudon, Eng
Guardian, London, Eng Man-
Chester, MancbeaWr, England. Caledonian,
Kdijburg. Scotland. Weschester,
Jfow York.
-G. L,
a complete assortment
Loth cloth and plush
fur trimmed.
feel confidon Ave can save
"While You Wait"
and ChiSdren.
Castorla ci:rs3 Colic, Constipation,
fiour titomacli, Diarrhoea. Kructation,
Kills AVornm, givua aluep, and promoter dl.
tVithout injurious medication.
" For ceveral years I have recommended
ycvir ' Castoria, ' ami shall always continue to
o so as ithaa iuvarialtly produced beneficial
Edwin F. PAanBB, M. P.,
" The Winthrop," rath Street and 7th Ave.,
New York City.
Company, 77 Mciibav Street, New York.
Highest of all la Leareaing Power'
t'Ot'tflllKZtlVf? 1
F . M. Freuch kctips railroad tinw.
Uuy your groceries of Parker Bros
IJew crt-am cheese juat received at ConraJ
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
ciarat Julius Joseph's.
A !ari?e stock of wall paper, with latodc-siri-,
a; Fortmiller t Irving's.just received.
Have you seen those parlor suits that T
Drink has just received? They are nice.
J W Bentley, best boot and shoe maker in
city, three doors north of Democrat office.
E W Achison & Co handle tne celebrated
Portland cement walls for cemetery lots.
These walls can be furnished at half the cost
of any other and ara far superior.
Tr M II Ellis, physician and surgeon,
Albauy, Oreoa, Calls male ia city or
Ladies oan do their shopinu in San Fran
oisco without visiting tbe city, and without
extra commission. Miss K J Borrow i 1? ?
chs;n aeut, 1633 (irove St, Oakland, .
Patronize heme industry and buy hand
made harness, warranto 1, from 0 C Mo
Karl i nd, at Dubrullle b old utaod.
A large assortment of heavy robea and
horse blankets at 0 C McFarland's.
Molbera !
Caatoria is lecjom mended', by physicians
for children teething. It is a purelv vee
ahle prepa ation, its ingredients are pub
Ished aroun d each bottle. It is pleasant to
he taste and absolutely harm, os. Itrelieves
constipation, reeulates the bnwel&, quiets
pain, cures di&rrnoea and wiad colic, allays
fpverishneiiB, destroys worms, aud prevents
convulsions, soothes "the ehi'd and ((ivea it
refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is
the children's panacea the mothers' friecd.
.35 doses, 35 centB.
- .1 Valuable Kemeily
lion Edmund L Titts, the Ute President
of the New York State Senate writes;
Statr of Nkw York, Sknate Chamber,
Alhany, Maroh 11. 188G.
I have used Atlcock't Porous Plasters in
my family for the past fife years, and can
truthfully eay they are a valuable remedy
and effect great cures. I Would not be
without thorn. I have in several instaocen
given some to friends suffering with weak
and lame hacks.and they invariably afforded
certain and speedy relief. They cannot he
too highly commended.
New Process. Mrs A M Talt is now
-lling a new process for canning fruits
nd vegetables without cooking or sealing
tight. Samples of her work may 'be
seen at Brownell's store.
We iniureagain st tramps.
The best roast coffee in the eity at Com a
a! oyer s.
The D::m iohat will exchange a sevviuy
michina or a-iy make dsirid, except one or
two. foraomioak grub wood and pirr. cash;
or will crvisider other prop i3itiooJ by any
one deMrinii a ne.v machine.
nstnf'p Coiejr.a, Coin?. In'lucerB, Bronchitis,
ulrilf.'o H?.trcee5o.i. V.'.tooijir.r. Counri.Croup,
S',ro Vtircal. 'I'r-.i. 'I'-.i (a . , v -;ci. in ol tlie
Throat, L:;P i'-t. inf-.l't-': : Consumption,
i'ptcuy i.". v., i- .' '.,-11.-: "I. E'r.'.c."
ftel n'.ook of ami &r jooils III tho Va
of, and His 'ii'hI ronsr ,uie prioen, bntti
ti t, Veiling, i have on band
II h!i"j.
?'4nmm. STJtS, TINWASE
r wft;4f of S K "YouiiK's Oif nrt
G..T ! .nd an. '.Kerry St, Albany, Oi
ri I'PKKIflK work, guaranteed In over;
r? hraneli nfthe art. Sff-inlaiging 0
h I: 1 1 t a sj-eialty
U. S. Gor't Report, Aug. 17, 1M9,
. Powcfer
Tho distance of the liori i.on is yoverned
by the height of the eye above the earth
or sea. On the M-a, with the eye at a
height of live feet, the distance would be
three mi!e; at fcixty feet in height, ten
Since tbe ice aye theie is evidence in the
fossil faunas and floras of marine deposits
and peat bogs that northwestern Europe
has experienced for some time a climate
considerably wanner than that of the
present day.
The Teutonic has just crossed the At
lantlc in five days and a half. At this rate
Chicago is only six days and a half from
London, and there i.rc prospects that in
the near future the vDyage will be com
passed within four days.
A stick of California redwood is being
prepared in Detroit for the World's Fair.
Its dimensions are given as sixteen feet
wide, thirteen feet long and five inches
Bradslreet's London correspondent now
places the European deficiency In grain at
230,000,000 bushels. He does not believe
that Russia will have either wheat or rye
for export.
Two French chemists have observed that
concentrated lye so titers the structure of
the jute fibre that it resembles wool, and
can be woven into tissues resembling
woollen stuffs.
Attention. The very latest news is that
foa can buy of Julius Clradwohi's Golden
Rule Itoiar.for net cash. 15 pounds Granula
ted sugar for $1.00 and 18 pounds Extra C.
sugar. 'All Roodi sold for pet cash from 10
to 25 per cent less the regular price, as I
intend to run a strict cash'store.
Albmy, Or., July 21.
OLr Heart's Delight. Mrs A M
Talt of tills oily Is now soliciting sub
sciiptions to a fine collection of vocal and
instrumental music as has ever been
placed before the lovers of music in Al
bany. The title of '.he work is. "Our
Heart's Delight or the Sweet Melodies of
the Past and Present.". The book contains
366 pages of music and 32 full page litho
graph portraits of the most gifted musical
authors. The music alone at 10 cents a
piece would cost $25. Call on or address
Mrs A M Talt, P. O. Bo 60, Albany, Or.
3N Exami-lb. The teas for American
cmsninption are bought 111 China by Euro -nean
experts, who are c;illed "tea-tasters.'
The encyclopedias are authoiity for tbe fact
th-it in a few sears they have to giye up
their lu::rhti e posiit rs with shattered con
stitutions. The uohe'-ltlifirness of he adul
tcrutioiin i..l mineral col irin matter cili
not be inore strongly put. He eeh's Tea is
pure as ch:luhoc.(l. rorsela uy a lieu rrs.
In i ithij: I'lintojriapliers A any repon
We have bought all theui gativi i made by
lj V ".'.lerk and W H Greco -ood .ty to Nov
15th, 1S.''1I. Duplicates car he hod from
hem only of ns at reduced i utes. We have
alan ahoiit 16,000 negatives madr by our
selves, fioni whica duplicales can had at
Ulieia;es. We carry the on ful line of
v;cwi nf this Btate and do enlnrgi d work at
lowcitrites for first class work. Weshall be
pleased to see yon at nur-Studio in Froman
M -ck, nevtiioor to Masonic Ten. pie.
Forttri'ler & living have some Renaie
ssncu I'-ce curtains for $18 a pair, ns line as
liiyrhini: cer seen in h city. They
ranae do" n to $7 a pair. Other lace eur
tains dovii to (I ot less a pair.
A new line of window sh
idea from f30
at Scmuol E
leants to .e ,10 each complete
l ounu s
W pi e R k To GaT Thrm. When wanting
n organ ,r niara call on G L Blackman
he-e yon :an selrrt from a first class
Drink d 'ieiou.. ice eold water at C
E rowiell's.
, Alhany BarKei
Tfbeat- 10 ,
1 Ht-34f
BuUr "'. rm
Flav 5 . t 8.M.
Poiatas P"'
Borf e fort. ' " '
Pork - 8c per tl irownr.
Bao-ui hiraa He
atieflMora 7e
ifdea e
lij-ird It per lb.
renr-Rifi Ir bl.
i1leii t uer
"410 rl hnM.'lO.'Ww i D
, "22.
rlniiln. M-
A 151a meeting
Stokank, Wash Sept 23. The city is
filled with delegates to the state convention
of democratic clubs. Leading men are here
from all parts of the state. The visiting
party from the east, composed of Senator
Faulkner, of Virginia, Representatives liynum ,
Cliauncy F Black, president of the national
dub?, and others arrived this morning, and
were met at the depot by the local democrats
I lining the ferenoon they were driven about
the city. At I o'clock the convention met at
the auclitoiiuin, An immense andience was
in attendance, and much enthusiasm was dis
played. X Fight Willi Buflluns.
Dayton, Wash Sept 23 Marshal Wick
arrested two men this evening. When they
reached the jail he was set on by both of them
who took his revolver and ran. One was
overtaken, and he turned and knocked Wick
down with a brick. Sahscquently he was
captured and hmdeufied and is now in jail.
The other man is still at large. A deputy
sheriff is in pursuit. Trouble is anticipated
when he is captured, as he has the revolver
and thinks nothing of his own life, as he tried
to hang himself in the jail here las! week.
A WnsliincliiD Failure.
Aberueen, Wash Sept 23. The failure of
D E Dunbar proves a total collapse. The
liabilities are not known, but must be fully
$10,000, The principle creditors are the
First National of Aberdeen, Crandall, Rees it
Redman, of Tacoma, and the Tacoma Grocery
Co, $1,100; R N Williams, of San Francisco
$900; Whittier, Fuller & Co, Wadbams & Co.
and a number of local firms for small sums;
William Dunbar, of Portland, aboue $5000.
The assets are $7000 in accounts and $2000
Marysville, Mo Sept 23 Ex-Governor
Morehouse committed suicide here today.
His death has caused a feeling of profound
sorrow and regret, not only in this section but
throughout the whole state. His name was
prominently connected wun tr.e next gover
norship of Mksouri, ard he would undoubted
ly have been called on to fill that office had he
lwed. A sunstroke lead up to the suicide.
The Cuthrie Excitement.
Gutiitie, O T, Sept 23. The excitement
here is subsiding. In front of the land office
there is a large crowd waiting to file claims.
rully loro people were in line when the door
was opened. The crowd made a rush, and for
a while it looked as if there would he a riot.
Revolvers were pulied, but the police prevent
ed lurther disturbance.
Over Domellc Troubles.
Eugene, Or, Sept 23. Mrs Emma Lang
worthy, of this city,' was examined before
Judge Scott this ufternoon and adjudged in
sane. Her mind has not been right lor some
time, the cause being attributed to domestic
Important in Iluuiekerpers.
It (ins Julius Gradwohl grei. tatisfae
tion in 8llingliis fine,';Goldon Rule te:a"and
baking powder, with elegant prizes or with
out them, that his customers who have
purchased invariably return and say they
are well pleased, that the tea Is No. 1 and
the baking powder is as good aa the best.
All his teas and baking powder hears tbe
name of Julius GradwoU'a Golden Rule
Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his
businoBs.and he ml! continues lo give with
eachpound nf tea or baiting powder an ele
gant piece of glassware.
Klein firos a large and choice 6tock
of boots and shoes for Hale at reasonable
iriooti Do nni invest i"if,nt, wo ir until
youhave 0'n tn-ir sSo;; i an I tht eloiant
piano at their store.
V, W Achison &(.'o are selling monuments
at Poltiioi.l prices.
To Tea Drinkfss Ptubably
three fourths of tbe teas consumed
ate "Green Teas ' Unpleasant
a ti e face may be. the bright,
i-iiin v green so familiar to us all
is not the natural color, but isilue
to ihe facing or glazing f the tea
with Prussian blue. Indigo and
other mineral colots.
That coloring hides the effects
of poor teas is undoubted ; but Is
it healthful, and docs It not call
loudly for the importation of a
b'-.itiu of pure, uncolored, unm in
ipuliitrd tea?
It was Ibis condition of affairs
that prompted the placing of
Beech's Tea before the public.
Being the absolutely pure, un
rolored leaf it is different in color
from any you ever used. It draws
a canary color of a delightful
fragrance that is a revelation to
te.-. drinkers, and Its purity makes
It more economical than the arti
ficial leas, less of it being required
per cup. Sold only in packages.
6o cents per poind. Ask for
Beech's Tea, pure as childhood,
fot sale by Allen Bros., Fllnn
block, Albany.
VThtn Baby was side, w cavo her CastorlA.
Wb.d she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
Wlisn sh beeam Miss, ah (lung to Castoria.
Warn she had Children, she gave tliein Castoria.
For bargains in monument-', hcadxtonfes
etc., go to E W Achniou&Cd.MiUny.Orevnn
Go to r W Cobb, snccesior o Pjitdev Si
S-nile,, Klinn Bl.vl , for V"tirj h printing
if all
C rti n g o.l- !ove n- t l:ep-i a-, ehenp since
the vr as toe- jr.- now, Cvl! and teo what
hurg.iiris VV K Re-id hns.