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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1891)
'1 : 'ir: i 3 t : :V: i J 10. il'' I f ' ;! .1 Mi ml v. ';' ''- J 'h'c'i 1 1 ' " t! 1 1 !. I) L Remington A Sod are busily en rsged building anew engine.thirty Iiorse power. It will be finished during next Month and be immediately used in their sw mill. Ueiuineton & on have sold their right to the states of California and .Nevada to V BeBt & Son.of t-an Leandro, Olifornia. J I Case & Co., of ltacine, Win., have shipped engine after engine to California that could not be told from '.hose put up by Messrs Kemington at '.ilest's works iu Pan Leandro. Not feel :'ng financially able to light the wealthy 'Case company over the questiou of in Jrins'jinent of patents, Messrs lteuiington aincluded to sell two state? to Uest & .Son and let them do the fighting. Woodburn Independent. Mr Best was soraierly ot Albany. At the Salvation Army barracks, at Astoria, last Sunday night, the gir.s an nounced. "We're going to Portland next Wednesday; chip in now and pay our iirea ; 'twill take $8." Tha liat was passed and $2.30 was realized. ' Give ue JO cents more and make it 3," was then announced. The hat was passed and 40 eents more was secured. They kept this tup till the aggregate of the collection was ti.20. SAMITE Fhvit Wanted. Fruit raisers aire requested to leave at the Oregon Bank good, healthy samples of fruit of xu Kinds, lor an exhibit at Chicago this iiHaad winter. Teaches, prunes, plums, jBeara, apples, etc.,particularly are de- dV?irV' Couolts, Colds. Influenza, BroncMila VuriLOi (ioaficnfl6S Whooping Caugli, Croup i5re Tl', Asthma, end every af:cct;in of tin "Wrfoct, Limns and Cheet, ir.cln'Jinn Coif umptlon. lo- mi l i. ' t; enuhie L Si'ti REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, - OREGON' 2HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fttted ud In first-clans stylo. Tables iKinplied with the best In the market. Eloa aleeplne apartments. Simple room r commercial travelers. City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, this old Mul popular restaurant will be mada first. J&asa n every respect. The public will bt Civea good meals at all hours for only 25 ..uctfi. Everything nest and attractive Sririvata boxes. Oyst ere In every style . F OS MAY & tV3ASOH Druggists and Booksellers AzMs for John B. Alden's publication, elvicb we so,ll at publisher's prices with AH.ft.tSS. OKtttiUa "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." & N ILLUSTRATED H ORTICULT- ij. ural mon'hly journal, edited by Prof '. K. iKKa. no lamer or irmt rower x.n afford to bit without it. It PAYS vhoaver takan it, $2 er year, f 1 six montiiR, riiB! a ftinwie numner. Addresa. fl. il. 8TKARNB, Portland. Oregon BnHWESY FOR SALE. lit V.t. Circuit Court of the8tate of Oregon for tM County of Linn : & Khrot. PiaiutiiT. vs. ijco Pfau, Dsfeodaot. TkTOTlCE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned, the duly Appointed, JL i o Hlied aad acting lt!ccivur in the above entitled action, will oa Vafarilay IUr :rtl thxy or Octithcr, ISfll at the Court Houho Mcr io the city of Al Siany, county, Oregon, at the hour cf JO o'clock a m, pell at public autiou for cash :u hand to the hihot bidder, all tho p:o rrty beloucinjg to Geo t'fau and H Khrut, partners doiiiR business under the linn name f Geo Pfau At Co., described as follow?, to wit. The Brewery, tituated on lh, nonthwebt quarter of block No 71, in tht Koatern addition to toe city of Albany, Linn ootmty, Oregon, lu eluding all build iui;3, ifa chincry, boiler avl engine, cold hUvne, machine, casks, kuttlcs, tutu, ktv tau cvtrything connected therewith, in.:!udi a 3od title to the real property herein da -ewribed . HAted this 2 ldjday nfJSjpt. 1891. GEO HUMPHREY) SUMMONS. the Circuit Court of the State Ore giy for Linn County. ALFKS3D DITTBENNKR - riaintitT. V8 ' Berhetdine Dittbennor, ( DofoQiUrt. ) To RorlierdiriB Dittbtiiuicr, tho nbovo niBd clefdndaut. "JW THE NAME OF TIIK Sl'ATK OK JL Oregon, you nre herebj- roquirocl to Kppearand answer tho cuiuplHint lllml aainHt you, in the above entltioil mm, by rrotoberaitb, 1891, that boing iliu rlr.Ht tUy of the term of tbl court IJIIowimk thu ex piration of the time prcwriboil in tlie awdor for publication, and if you fail o to answer lor want therecf (Hie plain. iir will apply to the court for tho rollcf .U inandon nn his oomplaint. vl: That the bonds ol matrimony existing betweou pislmltland afondsnt be forever dissolvod. aii'i fur tneoostsand disbursemoiiii of this unit v Io taxod. This summons is publishnd lv onier f (Ion. K: P. Hoise. ju(t(5 of id nourt, and made and dated tho V'.h day ol .lUlilOuiber, 1891. J. K. WEATH EHF0m, , jn Il.dly) Attorney for Piff. 1 "German 99 G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, w is, i uis is the opinion ol a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, comes iu direct contact With the patients .-.nd their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge: "I know of no medicine tor Coughs, Sore Throat or Hoarseness that had done such f- fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's Sore Throat. German Syrup. Last winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was suilenng from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk. and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it. saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief. ' ' PROFEXzOXAL GAUDS Attorney at Li. Will itrautlca all court, nf the Rtata. Special Kttonti in itivtiti It muter it. probate aim 10 co io.'Uoh. ur f lt;r. in l&e r linn diock K. WE1TIIERFOHD, Attorney at Lw. Will nraotise la all e urt at the state, .IPJcei Fliun block, Albany, Or on. w. 15. KILYEL', Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor in Chuncenr. Call tioni made on alt po!nM. Ln&ns nef otiat4 ' far- onnie wrnu, Aioanr, uregoo. G EO. IF. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law. and Notary Public. Will nraetie it all courts of this itate and In the United Statoi courts foruregon. Ofnnei -Front rooms over Bank of uregon, Aibaar, Vgn. D. K. X. BUOKBITRK. fl. Watttl IJLACKBl'KN A WATSON, Attomays at Law. Ail business will receive prompt atienuon. uineei uua i-oiiowg'rerapie.Aibany, Or J.J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, and Votary Public. Albany DRJ- L. HILL. Pbycician ant Surgeon, OFFICE Corner Tiret i Ferry streets. Albany, Oregon. Jjns- PIAKTO A DAVIS, Physicians an Surgeon., OFFICE Corner Sceonfl and IJrotdalbin gtroeti, Albany, Or, Calls promptly c U CIIlMBEItLAI.V, M. D Homeepathist. ySpeciJiHt in diseases of the Eyo. mwi))Bn experience, umce nours 7 to Dam: 1 to 8 p m, and 6 to 8 evening. Albany, Oreaa. JR. G, A. WHITNEY, Physician ami Surgeon. Orad'nte cf Bellevue Med oal urej?e, .ew nrkCity. Diseases of women sjecialty. OFFICE Fr hum block, Albany, Orege F resident V;;.ti President ... Caahicr , LFLIXX S, E.YOL'NO ..E, W. LAN (J DON TRANSACTS A CENKRALbauktna'bualneM. ACCOUNTS KEPT aubjetl to eheck. &IOUT EXCHANGE and tel Taphic transfer. ol, Now i'ork, dun Franoiaco, Chicago aad Putland CO LLECTION!? HADE on favorable tenre. DIRSCTOHA . E. Yoriro li, V, Lakqdou L E Blaik, L. Flisn KowAao F . Sox. f nSCO N.lTIO!VAIjRA!VKv iA OP ALBANY OHEUON. CAPITAL STOCK J1O0.O0O. I'r. iil.t J L COWAX. IC-l'K-.-l'itflll J M ItAI.STOV. A.t C'ujMur O A AltCHIliOLb. DnVT)M,-J L Cowan, J SI Rnlflton, W 8 A . i il uj tr.. j A uravoru ana 11 a Arcn TKANiAfrrs a ncrnl hanklnir buslneai. biiAWsioin riHArrsou kw York, so v 1 1 i .!' f.Orojron. LOAN MOKEYon approved security KLCKlVh.lepoeitssubteck check. (gASH OF OREGON. ij ALBANY, OBEQON. Capital, $so,e. Prcei.lwit n F MERRILL Vico-Preaiant E J LANSINO Canliiw J t W BLAIN Tran.act a general banking busine.a: Kxuhantre bought and told on all the principal cities initio United Btatest also on England, Ireland, Franoe and Of rmany. Collocttons made at all accessible points faTor able term., Interest allowed ea time deposits. ALBANY ;OR. WMTSMAU & HULBERT BROS, Real Estate Agents Farmr And Ranches for Bale. Also city broperty in Albao and Cory a Ilia, EedCrownMills S'JII, LANXIXQ & CO.. raOPR'S. i-vr mocm rcouB u?krior tor umii.h asd BAKEita ten, nCST STORAGE FACILITIES. yru MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber unil Elder Flower Cream It n.'t j c :ncttr t'10 unao In which thtt term in inyuiarh u-trd, httt inTmatu'Jitly iMuutint-a, it crvatvtta .ft. in-tb, lcir, yo'rety t-kin, ami liy daily iwe t-ru-tu-tlly nui'i'-ii tli tviuplexioii several tlindei while, it itt u c isi-iiiL rittt'tiou from tin ffftM'U of Him a)ili:i'l tti-ti ifovcute nun burn ami frecktim, atid b!:ivk li- w.iH wni nevt-r vomit while you u-e it. It rh-nH'i tho in? Ur hetter than aoup aiiti water, murUh' and hull it" tho fkiu tU.iw and nrevuitu thj itf w ritifclei It tll frvtluiciM cltariten und m:i' ithnt-dH of thin thut ym hud whtjii a liul -;irl. Eory lady, youn or old. ouirht to use U, a it liivusta mu'o vinuhful appt'ar ance to auv l.tdy,airl that turtiuiit'tit v. Ucntainit noaoid, ptwdfr or a i and i tis li..ruilvM an d and anii'-ttri!lili.k' tit tho tkni a- daw I t the flower. Price H OO.m H tini.!i'U:t and hhdreiHt-rti. or at Mr (ittrvaiNM i.rnhiunit t-t(tal(lishiiit;nt. lo.i l't at root ban Kraiifiimo, where thu tru:ttbluiiu'ii tr till blvinbh eiof the (ace or figure. I.;iilU'at a di-tame tieit.d by Utier, HvuA aUtiu: for htr lluld bouli "Ut.w to o tteauiiiui," OtllllLilD DUuulo re -emL of 1) .eult in vturutM to pay postai:tf and i a kins'. Ii'l amenta wanle.1. MRS. IGRAHAiM'S Cured tie worit catun i f Frock U-b, Sunhurn. Sal- i..u-n'i.tirH l'iiiii.1' and nil nkiit blemishes. Prlff $1,00. liiirmit:. anti tuuutive ; iio aaiuniH an he sent ; Lviy am n" wauw-'u, mi-, n-.,:- in this town who rtrnt orileia a I Jib UlUUi' b U of hit preparations will hftvohifl name a-hlod to ihia mlvt'rtitffinont. My prfpiratioiid are for B.!e ly wholeaal dru- WHAT IS BUHAGH 1 t:ie o'A.y aiienluioly puro ar.d tliorouglily" effective Inatct Bowrter ipnn the utrk, t, and is m!mufa3tureil soicly.liy the Buhich Producing and Manufnoturing Company, ol Stocfctou, California, The word "Buhach," ia made a part of the trado mark of aid oo npany, and ALL DEALERS ARE C4.UTIONED AGAINST SELLING ANY OTHER INSECT POW DER, UNDER THE NAME OP BU HACH. Persons, who order Buhach from their lealeia and receive insect powder that is not an effective insecticide, WILL CONchH A FAVOR BY REPORTING THE FACT TO THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND MANUFACTIXG COMPANY, IN OR DER THAT A LI PARTIES GUILTY OF SUCH PRACTICES MAY BE EX POSED AND PROSECUTED. If vour dealera don't keep Buhach, don't lit them cheat von be Belling you an inferior and worthiest insect powder, but COV- MTNIPATE milECTLY WITS THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND MANU FACTURING CO., STOCKTON, CAL., WHO WIH, FILL YOUR ORDERS BY MAIL OR OTHERWISE AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. FOHTI.AXl. S4VIXGS BASK, OV PORTLAND. OltBQON. P.M nn tanltal - 1280,000 Surplus aud profits 00,000 Interest allowed on sa rings denoslts as lollows: On ordinary tarings books ...4 per cent per annum. On term sarlnirs books per oeut per annum. On certificates of deposit; For three months Pr cent perannum: For six months 5 per cent per annum: For twelve months pe' cent per annum. h. uttvun. rre.i'iBu. B P. THOMPSON Vice-President. H. C, STBATTON.Canleri B AK OF ICIO, SCXOf OKEOOX. pticrrs: President J 8 Mmbis VIM. Pai.Unl J WTf MVBR8 Cashier O 8 Mat DiRiefoRi: S Unnia, E Golns, Jehn Gainea U Bryant P O Smith. Dom a gener Hankinj and Mehang bulutn. umvERsin of oregqh. EUGENE, KiiXt atwon b?mi on M miliy, th 21st day Bniemher, 181. TU1TIOX TREI.. r..s. fl,mis. ' B .Untiflf l.'.trrnrr. add ,nh rt Enx'ish Cmrsa, in wuich thera i no Latin, ir.ilr t-'rii.-h or iljrmLn. Ttio Eti.'lih i pro-em- inntly a B ijin.'ss Uourae. For or further infor-nti'in. Mdres J. VV. JOHNSON. Praaidant TIIK 6TATK Opma cptcmlirr IHtb, 1S91. r.nnl tnnv arranged exrtresRlv to meet th niids of the farm in? and mechanical in teres tfl o( the Mate Larire, Pirni'idiom and well-venttlated bulli ln " Th o'leio is located in a cultivated and wmmunitT, and nne of the healthiest in the state. MILITARY TRAILING Expensed nrcil not exceed 150 Two or m;ro 'roescholarshitw Irom rery county. Write far catalogue t 1 B. L. ARSOLI, Proa., PHOTOGRAPHER, CorRMond and Ferry St, X Albany, Ol QUPERIOK werk. gaaranUed In ever: tO branch of tha an. ttTKnlaiging all killdn a specialty, rl v(!! ); . r.S( e regard a'T eae of !.1"?t niii'xiiil J;-M.fii, PiPh UcAia-t.e, IndiuenMun. Con l,uiUin tr f:t.itc a i-annot euro witli Wi-at'a crt1'' i.tvu-r.-U. !in U. di rations nrperlclljr nnplied with. They are rurcljr VpitAbl. an ne'er ail tob'tre nt1fa 'tlon. 8 jpar 'naiad. Lair tat-'-"""""' ti ritr. Bewara of cuuntcrfvlU ami tfcut..a. . ae frontline manufartnml oalj mj a JOliK C WIET CUafAMT.CUitAUO.iU. J A aHmlas, A-t A. STRANEY, l'SOIHI FTi)H CK TUB City Livery, Feed and Sale -S T AJ3.L E. HavInK puroliawBi now rlua oan fiirn iah flrt.oiaH tiiriioutN at call. .-boUI attHnli n Rlvun totrniiNioiitalook hoives boarul by tho day or month. t'licapPHl Kati'H iu the 'lty. Talnnhona oomn'tlnn with the SI Oharlin Howl. Tolepboiio ortlorN s;iven prompt attoiuloii. Fourth Street, bclwoon KIliiwortH anil HireutCitr line. lUTEqYOniTr.lKD TIIK SI) HEADACHE CUBE? If von hire not. v-il hivo d mhMo-a alolccnod yournoif unnutreHurilr inmy tim hj taw liijp pills (r the blooti, Hiaiiajya una conn. iuum Ana res'ulat r o( tho Ai ft botts Birsatarilia, if taken in half tewMoi.ful douti, ASK YOUK DrtlXiiaisr FOK IT. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Arterial Kmbaliulug done Seieotirlatily. Albany, (Irreon. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Dally. South 7:Wp. i7TLt Portland Alhiny S.m Fr-iiniaco AM 9:35 a H Lv 6:12 A u Lv 9;0t r y 10:13 PHI Lt 8:15 A M Ar Ahuve trains it'.n only at IWlowinif ntatloni north of Hoselmr?. Kait Port'and, Oregon City, Wtiod oitm, Salcin, Albany. Tan'tjui, Rh'Mtl, IlaUey liar luburg, J unction City, Irvlny, fcuene. RORKBt'RO HAlb, DAILT. l;i'iAll Lv Portland Ar I 4:00 r ll 12:20 m Lv Albany Lt 12:0)) M hAOrit I Ar KoaeDt'.nr Lv I rJO a ALB ANT LOCAL( DAILY RXCHPT 8TSIAT) S00 r u t Lv Portland Ar ) 0 ;V A n 0(yr H j Af Alhany Lv J6:0O A II LRU ANON BRASCB, 2-36 r H I Lv Alhany .r j :26 a h 3:25 p h I Ar Lebanon Lv 8:40 a m 7:0auLv Alhany Ar I 4:'Xtu 8:22 A H Ar Lebanon Lt 8:40 p m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Fur Accommodation!! Hrronil-Claaa Pnaac sera, actacueii io t.xpreaa lritnia. afreet Uivlalon. BET WEES' lOBILANO AM OUVALLIf. 3)a!Ij 'RAiH DAtn (Ex3ept Sunoay.) 3') A H Lt 2:10 f M J Ar Portland Cor vail is Ar I r:ai v v Lv ph XPRiH-i train DAILT Exc.'pt Sunday. 40 p P H I Lv PH Ar Portland UcMinnviHe Ar :20 A M Lv I n.4f, a H 2 Tliroixrh. Tickets To all points EAST, AHD S3U7.1. r'orfiiu Infnrmatioj ruirar litis rates, mat a, e on Company Ascnt at AI ny , i. . fiP.m.KR E P. ROOERS Lfanairor AnB'tO. V. and I'.Atr YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oregon Piciiic Railroad, T E IKHiU. Krrclver. 0 Dragon DevelopmanS f'o's Steamers, Khort Line t California. Pirat-claHs tbroueh nassenirer and ''fiicht lino from Portland and all points i.i the Willnmesi valley to ami from Ban f anclsco, Cal. Boats makflcloab connection at Alban 1th trains of the Oregon Facia Railroad TIME SCHKDULE. ancept Sundays.) L've Albany 15:20 p. f.oav CorvaIHa 1:03 p, s.'luao Carvallis,tu:8rl!a trrlrs Taquina. i:.S5 p. a. Arrive Albany, 11:18 A. u 0. 4 O. trains connoot at Albany and Corrallls. The above trains cnaneotst Vaauinawlth the Oregon Development Company's un or nteamsnips Detween laqmnaanaaan rrancisco, SAILING DATES . prom Taqi'iaa. Wiltaai.tta Valler, Ttisailay, An 4th: Thnrlav, Au 13th ; Saturday, Aug 22nU ; Uondav, Aug 81s rsou saa prancisco Wlllanett, Valley, Friday, In'r 81st; Sunday, Aug win; mesaay, Aug lain; neanssaay, Aug jutn The CompaDT rmmtym tbe ngnt to Ihangeaallinp; dates "Hhont notice. N. B. Pasaengora from Portland and ff illamotte Valley points can close sonnecttsn with tbe trains of the Yaqniaa route at Albany or Corrallls. and if des tined to 8n Francisco should arrange to u-nve at a sauina me evening neiore date f aailinn- 49'Pastfagrr an Fr'aht ratts always Ihe Lowni Par Inrormatin aiiply Is A R Chapman, Freight and icao. Aioany, 1. HIPails;. O. f. ar p Agsn . fisga. Siiiy'iiilil. U4-n7 m7a..! ok i:ih.knts Slats floard of Klacallm; ex afflcin, II id r.wllin-T, Sl?eaer I'cnnoyrr, Ooternar; lion (1 W M Rrid', S--rUrjf of htat-; lion R II Mt Klrov, Sup4ritil.'tid fit "f Pi'Mu limtruclmn ; lin j:.fiiin Schoiflw d, pf.'ij.-nt t J II V HntU-r. sp.-retary. KuiiTTtTs ItutKD-11. n J J I'Hy, Hon PV IUlr-.nd J it V Hutler,; Jati'ih Vo r bee. Marion ; J v. White, I'n'k t Aif.l Im'k v, :! i,kk A aNeltiur, Mal'ii ..iuli;:W 11 IMmt, Mvlo... For Cittalticiio. AiMiths. 1. Ij. nni'IKLL A. B.a.PriMi f iCM'rrviapni Acknowledged'clt of BIojm We oirry a full linn or Hai ki, HnirRlos and Carrin(re: alf Farm Implements of all klnila. 'nl) on us bul'ore purckahlni; KlHBWhoro. Mifclir-M & Lewis Co., THOMAS BRINK'S s" .1. .rosilEI, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee?, TRYn A Revelation. Pew i"t' tnorr tHat th bright blnldh-greoa color ol tbe ordinary teas expniied In the vrtudows la not tlio nat ural eoloa. UnidcaATit as the fart may bo, ft 1b nevertheless artificia'; mineral oolorlns matter U'lng ueed for this pur sc. Tl. ffti-t Is two f(ld. It not oiJy makes the tea a bright, clilny rrreen, hut alito pcnnll ti e Bseof off-color " ami worth loss teas, Mliiili. onco mi'Ier tho jrroca cloalc, ore rendi'.y worked off a a Rood quality of ti'O, An cnilii'jnt o'i'liorlty writes cn th: n;l J'ict: Tho matifpulntlnnol iio'irtrni, lojve them ft fl tier r.ppearaurc, 1.4 cnrtU( oner, cu s'.vely. Orurn tcftn, buir.? In 1!iU c. un:ry qsm( vo;i':l:ir, are ;ir- t!ur'.i Nmu i t demand V.r c -If. r !i?a or h .v V- r. ' P'aaii' f fii'j'itp witli I' 1,1 i-V-ir; v.'.r. rpsn-ri, u-. i l .iii-. TtM !-:.,; i.j .,. 'i! that i" v f''-' " vr.i:.:,.c t.t. -. I jrtt.i ;,u , r.jfrre.l sr.:.:'- It wan Hit V'i:oi r.tlu'.rr t, a. vr-v. Ta (or t';0 i; Slid T-l.ll." r p;.. Beimluo iii.'Mtloi t-d U-o ( ;.(' : ;. I hlic. U I., if. i.l.n.; r. !' id yuw t. cr v ;: U M an ti !i ? .i y. tir pr-'tvr to .' i iii n l a will ao f:, and T.:r.a:.:y f(.r tii-j m v c:: tl-no. It 'n. '. : . ) i.i e-. or 1 :t j t-i is (reen ti j vvn ra V-n li.iu bee:, crftii't. j,'. ; t , ,a .UI, i. ; V It drawjiB iloii'ihiitil ea-.m-y r. ,.ti,d n; fregraut t a; It will bi a iet'r..:;'t to frr. drinker. M.i pnrlty innkes li l".: mon coonomrcal than the nriicli. tfii-t, fur cr of it is required rorcup. Sold oal in pound I bearing this trado-nmr!i : TEA TureAsWdhoodr If yew traocr Iw not have it, ha will got It for roa. titan Ml pec pound. For sale at ALLEN BROS., ALBANY OREGON. ACADEMY -OF Our Latlj ef Perpptual Help, ALBANY, - - - REGON Donduotsd by the Sialua t St, Bensdiot Taltlon In select day school ranecsfrom 6 to $10. Fartorms o' fioardinp Sohnol er n rtlcrlsrs apply at the A-a '(") or j sdsm Bitter Supertores BEEOgL OHKOON -- STATE PMAL SCH00I HouuiuulU. OiUKoa, The I.t'iuliiig Ntii'iiutl St-lioot of tit KortliwcHt. Ilottiitifully and llfulUifully l.o.-utyd. Ko Saluoiiw. Near juildiii)fi , nrw apparalui. full (njultj Hrlit fiprtiNVN, and Ure atli'iitlanr. Sinrma Ailvanrd, liu-iiitHt, Art ami Muniu Lt partinenta. K' attfiitloii jfWfii to pliyxlrl uultun Votiints ur mlliury oruiuiix.atiint 'I Iiuho rrfsiivu iliiiii4N nr ruulionzni to tc i-h in any count it Ihe without (ttitber cttinli aliuim. Tultiitii in tho and Cuim-m dvp ramta aaa hvnti tfdin .i fri to f 40 t $ U mry, tti and in the Snip Nonn;U from:t(i to f jo, A Tfar in Ps'liool for lMt cxioiiHa. Tuttlofi Ni.rmul and Cuiiifttri, pi 'jr. pur term .f lui Hi-t k Sub Niriiia at ti mt It-rni. Ituurd at Sunn iiiniiit; bit II, II U )'t .-fk: fnrnltlifd roon tvilb Ikbi ttuil riru, fl pir wct'k. li.ard In privj r.tmilb'ft. 13 '0 pr wn. k. Kirst trin -iiit H.-U !iid, biudvnta umy enter any tinia. lileut, ur J. US. l'OUEUJ , A M Albany, Oregoi It you Avant the bes and most durable furni ture that is roanufactu eJ in tho city go to BUY THE'lKlMGON," Batia!?,Ba,a and get MORE POWER and use LESS WATER YTrlt fur onr New Illuatrated Catalogue for 1801, THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & EN6INE CO.. &SEBr1i.S!!!i. HEALTH IS WEALTH! l-Wi AKH j rn g atm e hi UK. B.C. WEST'S Nftrve Rrain Trtntmcn ruarantueil upeciflcfor llyntcha, Diji7.inr.g8, Couni Hiuiiu, His, Nt'rvoim Kimrulgia, HeuJmrho, Ncrvoil Pr.mtrulinn euuvetl by the tmo of alculmlor Minca VnJfTfulntJM, McnUil DcpreiHinn, Softonint: tin Mrui; rctiltinir in intimity tit1 leadin? to inlncrj ivcnj iltHili, pretuntnro old aire, barren new, l f r. i cuiicl hy ovtr-xtTtUm ol the r-ni"1 Kn'-h L, contains one nimnli'ii treatment, $1 ah"1 jr atiii bc.w fr J.'i, btil Uj mi preimidon re.'i'it rite. VK OUARANTKK SIX I'.OXKS TO CUKE AM Willi uarii unler rereived ty hm for nin bxrt avcMriii;itiitl witli );., we will neud the pnn-hitr'0i ritt. n ifuarntitMi to rufnnd the tnonuy il tlio treat mentil. ni- not effect a cure. (Inarftiit;t!9 Ihih1 ' nyi. A. t:nmiiiii:i', Druirjiist, sole aent, Albaiiv, W Albany Muiiurrtcttireru iU3 EHGiKcS CRIST m sw ILLF..AGa!iiESY IRON ntGtlTS ' ALL !IiFJ3 OF HEAVY AMD LISilT WORK, IN IRON AND D3ASS CASTINCS. pedal attention jalit o t pairing "I us oi macuineri PaVtrrns Made n Short Notict (V Tm-.wvsd'KV""" to all anfffrcrs. , . V?, ,. rr.rm-1 i t l.i7ivimi If. L v. u. t. a. iiRrvrt a. Stanard & CaMck. AgmU' rortlfinri, flrcffnn. A. P. Armrtron?. l'ri-r I anrli Sr : CariTAL Bi.h. Cou.irir. Salmi; Or ibnine counci or itudy, Mm tatw or tuiu J II c i n nco SI li e vi li a II (1. .J ii v - I7IIUI 11 T j fliTin .mn tlsr'iofttmtit the yr. Stiidt'ni ' at any Unit. C.iUljyjt fiom cither a :iVi lis T4J iar.f rrh-.i ''' n,$rt-i.i-.YV.4 TUo.oS k teuwV- 'i.'.'.S itf-n.1 fV