PIMII"- .fljEU NUTTING, Editors and Prop'rs, hi.il tH'B ,'',t "m"" l Allny, Or- ' . . .....mini ii'nu iiimiI m.illitr. ,,TIR',V fturTvnnr.it in, ikii " Clir OFFICIAL PAPF.lt. Qoon iQAT'jgnsriisro flKiivii'KH To moukdw. At tin! rt'nulur snniliiv iininiiiia Hi'rvii'i Kev I. S KiHlier 111 irivi' H'll'll Wild Wlsll to llllitl! with iliiM'linrcli nil opportunity 'I'ln-Hiilijitirt lortlie nmrniiiK will In "Clirnt 1 1 o i "mul in tin' I'ViMinitf. A Hint I liuiir jpAllnny." Seutx am free in tin' Kvnn tflii'iil clnirrli, unci nil urn weleoine, I'M- pt'ciiilly iiinthiiM Willi eliililren. Th" no"!"'! Hi-rviircH of tin) Young Men's rhri-itiiin A'ii'intio" tii-morruw lift noon lit 4 ii'cl'K-k will be rnndiietiil ly JlrKrnl Knrtinillcr iiml Mr I) W Myers. iiiU'ct lur iMiiHuiiTincin. it.ivi.t." .mi men art- invile.l. Koirnhir Hervires t the I'irnt M K rhiin'li. I'n'iirliiiia iiinriiinj; anil evening trllie pun'or, ICev S K Meiuini.'er. Sili icth prlnxil at 2 :.'(! in ami Kiivvnll liii! mil tint; at 11:45 i in. All will lie mailt vveleoine. Krv(!A WiumVv, of the (Nmili'Tlainl Prrilivtrriiin elnirrh, will preueli in tin? M K clinreli, South, tomorrow inorniuu anil evening, litiil prnbubly y:i"h ne'lit Juriii)! tin) week. Ilcv S K Webster will nrearh at tin1 Conirrcciitiiilisit ehiiieh i,i irniu- ami evening- Ri'irnliir H,'rviees at. 1 1 a in anil 7 :!t0 i ma'.fhe r.:iptist eiiun-h, liy tl' pustur. Kev (ieo W J I tit. StiiMay M'ho.,1 at 12.4."p p in. Yon !); "tiii''H ineetinu at Ii:!i0piu. All will no inatlt) weleoine A I'lMtsn Mi:i:tixii will be hoM nt Mie first I'reshyteriin eliureli Sunday even inL'. ciimlnrteil liv the Wninaii'H Mis- siuniirv orietv, at whieh the followin iutercstinj! ami instructive program w ill w renilercil : Itoxiiluv, Congregation. Praver, liy the pnstot. Tin.' Lesson, MrH Wolvorton. Quartet, Mm I.aitL'ilon, Mrs Altlmnse, Mwrs I'riclianl nnl ."'cars. I'a-it, Present aii'l Kuture of Missions, Mm II It McCullngh. 1 1 vtn ii, Wutirli mail Tell ii" of tin' Night. Mr I'ickett'a Miti) I'.ox, Mire Must s. Collection. A I'aper on Japan, Mrs Stars. Solo, i'mf l.cc. Tlio Squire's Two Ilundreil, Miss Ma son. Hi'fitiit'ttin, Marunri'ti) Hopkins. lUict, Mrs Chamberlain ami Kev lYuntaril. The public will lie cordially welcomed to IllPst' I'Xl'R'isCB. Tun Ci'ficit Wm.i.amktti:. The nnviira tion of the Wlllantette from l'lirtliinil io Corvallis has keen an important factor in tlie growth of Portland, shvh tho bii? tlrt'Hn"ian. l'"otir lines of railway run parallel to the river thmnpli the Wil lamette valley, anil vet durins the vear enilin).' June .'ifl, !.-! I , the river tradic trached the total of 1 Ki.tisl tons, liesides the lucks that Hunk the falls at Ore iron City, there has been expended lor im provements on the Tpper Willamette since 1-.7I the sum of $11)5,551). This is a moat important connnercial hi'h :iy,iilid lias done much towards iiicrcasinu the aiippiiiji interests ofrortland; amino matter how larisu the railroad trallie aVin' its banks may be, the Willamette ill always be of trreat iniioi lance as a highway for the products of Hie valley on their way to the Portland docks, from hifh they are Bent out to the markets of the world. AnOi'ai. Mink. What may prove very valuable discovery lias been made wan oltl settler in this section. About 12 years ami lie i. nolo I ho ISnd. which is rated sonio 170 miles from Pendleton, t it was only lately that its possible iitiite occurred to him, unit he went out "itlt his son to hunt for it. After a ten 'lays' search the Iiml " as re-discoveretl. tt consists of a laree ledire of some sub stance which resembles lime. In this is embedded in iiunii'ioua treodes. or balls ''I ia.-!)er. Udimt ,,f II,..,,, p.iln;itirvilj lite fi; -ci i. a .is brought to Pendleton are Wraetiie. ureat attention, and are he- ueved to 1. ,..,l..i.i.. , lu ., i,.,..i;. lul specimen, a neode broken in two, li was founil to contain a la rue opal, nearly transparent, yet flashine; all the Mors of thu rainbow. K. O. Tiik Fifth Day of the state fair.thoiigh i 'rain storm prevailed part of the tlme.was 1 "success. The races were live ones. Altao I "n the 2:30 trot )n three straight heats, MSttimc. 2-Al. IHnhn Chief won the I '-t(i mile dash In 1 154 ,. The 3-Sth darn va won hv Onc.,l ..1 i iu E.n.lB a nne feature of the day was the parade of r-wniuii norses. a Man Arrkstkii. Sheriff Scott this Jtornlng arrested lohn Baker, wanted nt linnvlle for rohhing a store. Sheriff "inis, of Yamhill count, wl'l be In the '1 10-morrow after the prisoner. f 1"? 10 Gn- Go to Parkei Bros for 'fun frmtsand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros for the best teas coueea. owrtt0 Parkcr Br8 for good baking TV0vi0.r,rker Bros tor flne "iked good toarl,.. read cake8 P'e3i etc in tl 8. til Gn t n T . . thrall ,, 08 lor y"r Kfocenes and r,. ;', " "'snreU of good goods ""Ollrst-class treutmonf elass treatment. i TIo. u ,K urmsEtts. No rran or Tff "ith " 1,ea(1 ,or b,lsim'' t4lli" ! ''"' groceries wUhout first Keitr.Vi i . "' "endricson, in the r'e'er block, ft u ill ...! ilsnni'l ke,l' 11 lirst-class stock uniformly low prices tr... 1 wait on von nroniPtlv and tier r,e,..i , -"'w is tho time to or- ,H'ff tn it b, iT ,-",uinK a well a. MiJc "'"""'fir season. They liav. f'i can u . '1"VS of teRS- coll'ees, Ac, wn 8've you bargains in all lines. WMIH AIM ri.IIHO.1AI.. Mrs lir Kllis rotiiMiiil laHtniulit f rom ft trip to Tort lam). MUh Itlu Itriihli. of lliUcll v.ltk l luancli inllliiini'ry Htoru sit llalm-y, " MiKH V'ftita Mason lian nrrt'otcij a nou- tltin In the I.lnn County National Hank. I)r IC I. Irvlnv, of rorihnul. Ik IvIhif t.iitc ill at fie home o( Mrs !out:k in this city. Harry llacklDinan, of I'riiii'villf visiting Ii'ih hrothcr, (! Iluckliiiian. of ) this eity.-Salen. Impress. ' Mr IC Wills of Millers, left at the Dkm- ockat otlice totlay a very litiu- iittisk melon. Mi wiiih raises a very hiii.erlor article noio oi winer ami inn k tm-li?mi. Kohert I luiton ami I'.'rry Conn returned last evening from the in'ittntains with the leliiH of three di ei t. They re;ir.rt the wooils full of Indians s!an t I tl erliij deer. l'rof Koik, the alll.ttiee l.-elnrer, passed throilL'h Alh;iny liid,:v for t 'nrv'llllr, where he will leeliire, and m-it vcclt will leetttre :it different places liet ween t here and Toi t land. iidt;e ant) Mrs hnny this noon Denny has just Con-a, liavitt1' he Denny artved l.i M f null Tort hind. Mrs reached Orcnon from ii yisitin1; friends i:i I'hllrtdelphl i sever. il vek Miss MaiLjie McM'-cken has (it.ne to Corvallis, where she will attend the A'ri cultiiral eollei- the comintr; year. Her hrother I'rank will j .in h"r in a few days. I l.ii l ihhnry Conner. A U l.vle, of Crook comity, lias been in Albany ami vicinity biiyinir cattle to take home wit Ii him. this inorninu lie bronidit l"H head from lienton coiiii'v, which, w ith Will head on this side of the river, will be taken at oiieo across the niniinlaiiiH. A Salem paper has tilt! followinir spe- ciltc iier-diial item : ( .diiiiel J 1 AHliliy of Iowa, has invest "! liberally in Salem has two L'rowinir meat ma-kets. has made rflliK) f.n real estate, ami luiH !pl 1110 in a bank to corral a eottae for a home A farewell partv was t leretl Mr Itichard Wheeler, im Thursday evening, at the resilience nf Mrs C M Munteith, nreviotiH to his ili'iiarturi) on the 10:2) overland for l.elaml Stamllord, jr., l'ni versitv, of (,'alifornia. A iileasant even ing was spent and tlm party contmueii to the tram. !I11!K t AlI'tlJlK Meleliant'.i r'-pc-ta live f dl trado. I'h i Will nu. ito at .li:. city is now three i'i 1 1 1 1 i w in rk if you w.itit a eioi d:a:n m l rl.ii; joll c e' t lt nt V M Kre):ort'n. A lurvo li'te cf cietat 'Jd watebm in Uaty ie)W traya at Will & Stark's. T lie .laa Vie.k i-ee 1 uuip.iiy, at Rochester, N Y, is in the hand io( a rncoir. TUt overl utd this muniing arrived three hours Ule, caused hv u small Uatl tdiae. he.e urn Heven.l hoys heee leauta in Al- li.uiy and hunauj huh races are of daily oc uui ririieo. A emit) of ha'-o hall was iu progress this afterntten her,'.'. een tea juveniles ot Alhany ai.d Tan-'O'it. With his new h.-.lvery C'niiad Mevcria hletn ufl'T'ild ami new etisteae is every. tiling iirsleliisii in halted mi.'ul i. Any etui uoiiteinpl.tiny luyitu; a liold ivicti ..ill iit well Mean m r .i ireiicno and cx&'iit;e atock aed price. Tt e I ti- "ll tliM hr.u-o of Mra Ryan will .e'ja el c.-ird.-y l-y the inrarnnee con. pro,, .o it..- t,.e el the p,Jl:cv. Iti'lO. i tin- neetin of tho I'nilding & Loan Assi'i i " la- t eveai.i :tilt,) was leaned to ?s rno'i r.t Cli nioattis interest in ad vance. The V..'s,'e is ai.a!ti tijinn .iitr table. It iiait!cf- i ettfii t:) paj'e , tliu tvpe;;riih ieal apf-'.r-iliei' 'teiiu; t:r.st el t. Tlio work is done l.v ; W C i i'i, Die printer. Wni P utek , iatelv frnni Idaho, has pur-elia-ed l-Vai.k Crl. tree's interest in the Niche's, Westfill u '' livery stshlea. Mr Pei.ick is a nephew nf Mr Westtall. I.elia ilttll Kxpiess. Lawyer lliirtensliaw was intlictod by the rand jury of Ashland on the charge nf em-t-e..'.'.ii.j; ineiiey coreicted tor Mrs Moore. He hail aunady baen diaclnrtjed on a pre liminary exatniitatioe. Messrs Hglcv and SUale.of Polk onnntv, with a ea-t ii'.u mirt.ir. thrashed 76,000 lei-hels nfer .in in HI rWys, nil average of al.ont S.I00 ht.shela a day until the last eleven t!n8 wltiuii, on aeeetlnt of havniff to ninveso fi.r each tt.ne, thi V.'C'y averaueil .ihi.ut L',200 hu.-h -Is. Why Not. Why sliuuM not tlio iltm- ocnits of Albany get toci-tlicr and make iiiraiioiiiciiln to invite Coiinressmeii r.yiiuni, Wilson ami MuAiloo, who are to he at Spokane Sept US ami 24, to visit this nlaee ami make speeches on the ureat public anestiona now Rttractmi? the attention of me piutiie. m Bugiiest that the democrats take the matter up and have a meeting called at once. C Vv Colib, j l priutcr, Klinn Blool , 1 am now receiving daily choice early 0rwford pe iches from AhlanH, tine flay and niEtj Leave orders at C K Brownell' Why Dr. Price's Baking Powder is Superior to all others. No great efforts are made by other manufacturers to procure and use pure materials. It is true that one other company has the facilities, but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hence the Price Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure baking powder. No other article of human food receives greater care in its production, or has attained higher perfection. Dr. Price's Cream is surely a perfect baking powder. Free from every taint qf impurity. No other article used in tho kitchen has so many steadfast friends among the house wives of America. Kllli-l'I.IU I IMIB. Alliauy Klioulil ltrriuta a Vliol-lu (ily llir.flt. With a coiiipi-tinji Hti'miiship line from San Kraiifisco, n ml river transportation facilities to I'ortlainl, Alhany posBCHHts ailvantaiiCH cnjoyi'il by no other city in Ori'Kon. With a transcontinental line east, through the rieli country cast of the mountains, not even Portland will i i .' i . e,"il1 l,, r "'. '' a'1 3 'I'"--""' ... a o..- Hanilnij the present unplt asantness, when wi) will have it. I'lillowiiii- is from the Oreevinian's recent splendidly (rotten up Jf-pae etlition, the (inures Kiven be- only an i xamiile. They thoultl onen the eyes oi our merchants : While Hie hardships suffered by Port land jointers unsiue; from excessive fre'nrht rates inain'aiiied by the L'nion I'acilic and .Northern Pacific railroad comiiaiiics to points fust of the iitoun tains are irricvous to hear, yet they milk into utter niKit'iiillcanc.) when comparett with what t) i'.-y are compelled to submit to in the valley, The followintr figures (which for convenience are based on the less than car load rate on nails) will throw at least a measure of litrht on the l.tllctilties with which Portland lias to : .ii t cm I in lioldimr Iter trade in a terri tory naturally her own, ami in which shcoutrht to have no trouble in main till n my her supremacy: To Albany from San Francisco, 001 lies, l.W. per 100 pounds. To Alnany from Portland, 70 miles, ISc per Ion pounits. To Drains from f-an I ranciseo, i.io miles. Ii) per loo fio nnls, ' To Orains from Portlaml, lli;l miles flic per 100 pounds. Tot.rar.t's Pass from San 1 rancisco 47b miles. li!l,: per 100 pounds, ' To (irant's Pass from Portland, miles, $1 12 tier 100 pounds. To Ashland from San Francisco, 4: miles, l 22 .er 100 pounds. To Ashland from Portland, 340 miles $1 .'iD per I0U pounds. "In addition to the forc;roir,: dillcr ences, whieli apply iaiily to all points fioutli of Albany, there is a still greater injustice, ami (or which it seenisdiilicult to Iiml any explanation, and that is in the fact that nails can he shipped to Albany ami resbipped to points south of Albany nt a lower rate than they can be shipped from Portland direct to destina tion. For instance the rate on nails from : cts. cts. Portland to Draind 01 Portlaml to Albany IS Albany to Drains 10 37 Or a difference in favor of reship incut of 2 So that Albany merchants can buy nails in Portland at the same figures named to the Drains merchants, ship tltem to Albany and reship to Drains, and make a ,.rolit of 21 cents per keg. "Unless relief is afforded Portland job bers vnluntarillv by the Southern Pa cil'e railroad company, or involuntarilly through the action of the state railroad commission, it ir but a tpiestion of time, and a short time at that, when every large jobbing bouse in Portland will be forced loeslablisli and maintain a branch warehouse at Albany, as has already been done by one of our leading grocery houses, whoso example will doubtless soon be followed by ot hers, and thus a large volume of business be driven away from Portland by this peculiar action of the Southern Pacific railroad company." Somi: Sai.km Wotu.KNS. W R (Iraliam has received some fine suitings from the Salem Woolen Mills, which he invites the public to call and examine. They are first-class goms and will make very durable, handsome suits. Havii U noticed that Allen Bros' gro eery store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc. t ie verv latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they nave it. Peaches, Berries, Cabbages, Turnips, N )w Potataes, Alffillu Staffs watches, diamond and oilier rhijis, jew elry, silverware. iVtc, in the city. I?KMtvi:i). Vv' K M'-'I'lieison lias re niovtd his iortii and insurance f.flice to opposite tiie .Masonic temple, where, at present lie has plenty of money to loan on Albany real estate. LARGEST -:- ASSOKTT OK E EATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS & WASHBUM'S New cloaks jnt reeuivvd at the Lvliei Datar, Riratnti in oh nice i;,o"'h oi alay oe neciifd of Allen lirnv,, Khun hock, WHEAT. 81 CKXT4. W W llaker.editor of tl.o Unral Spirit. had bis pocket picked oll2'lat the Slate fair. What was an editor iloiii" with that amount of money at a fair, ami where .th f lie H'-l Wholesale dealers in paper send out a bill to their customers the lirst of every month w hether due or not. They want to keep the fact before their debtors. P.ut if a newspaper semis a reminder to its customers Home of them put on a 6our face. Most of them, though, take it in the same way the newspaper does. Items like the following front the For est irove Times are fre'itiently reatl in Oreifon papers: "Samuel Cosat left here last l eliruary to make his home in Kan sas, Put last Saturday he returned to Forest ' I rove with the intention of livinu the balance of his life in Oregon." We noticed one school near here, savs the Heaver Creek correspondent of the Lebanon Kxprcss, a stromr district that pays $511 per month, that had only four pupils in attendance. On ln.iuiry we learned that four was about tiie average (or the lirst month. It was stated to a Talk reporter today that there were parties from both Taco- maaiid Alhanv in Portland looking for "sprinters'' to rim in their W.ot. lima in direct violation of the rules adopted by the board. Firemen should remember that an honorable defeat is preferable to an tinlair victory. Astoria I own lalx People living in glass houses should not throw stones. Albany docs not need to goto Portland for good runners, ue have sonic right at home. A3 a matter of fact though the Astoria hose team was trying to get two sprinters in Portland a lew nays ago, aim proontily succeeded. I'.K.tL I'M ah: SI.I S. Elijah Osborn et ux to Leb. and San. Canal. parcel iu Lebanon. $ 150 C II l'.ogart et ux to Win Skelton, lot 4, sec 10, tp IU, H 11 1 w, 20 10 acres 4." N A Miller etux to UeoHand Geo W ilkes, lots 4 and 5. bl 3, It's 3rd A, Lebanon 550 State of Oregon to C 1 1 lloaart, lot 4, sec l'j. to 13, S K 1 w. 20.10 p.crea 40 II Urvant et ux to M W Miller, 40 acres in sec 11, tp 13, 8 R 2 w. 210 E K Dickson and wife to Marv E Dickson. lOliuT acres in tp 11, S K 2 w 200 Lucy Mackey to Lillie Jackson, lots 1 ami 2, til u, li s gnu A,.Vjrm l)ronsville Io0 Elizabeth Mohr and bus to W S Paddock, 55.10 acres tp 12, S It 4 w 3350 John Heard and wife to W J Tisdale, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, bl Hi, Il's 2nd A, Tangent 150 U S to Willis E TacKson, 320 acres sees il and 10,tp 12,S K 3 w . . . Patont fio5 Coildn't Stand Mayhuoh. Mr War per, cf Albany, who has been pulling in hi. time durlny the summer surveying on llic M.etz reservation for the allotinj; agent, last week dug out for Ids home iu Albany, having .resigned his surveying job. He couldn't tuvnd Muyhuh, the allotting ayent, who sci'tiis to be without friends on the Bay, and by all means should be fired n nd a competent man sent to do the work, j 1'ost, SALE OF CLODDED STOCK. TVi EXTRA FINE FULL BLOOD CLYnr.5 ilale liiy tcalliiiiw, U knit ij yrs nlif. fij) hamle hib, wclh nearly l.i, Itiuach; am miwnlmw a iKit tcr lot of draft to'ts than any twrti. that has eer 0tn.it in t alio county. Ainu one ian nf matchi-ii u:ty cljil. mtires, blnmls. Its har.iln, w-eL'h nearly I'iO'i Um i-acli ; Afcju one h ly 4-yer oJ civile mare, lr tiAtiih ; one nn of 2-year olil matthi'it by Cl de nll;es, ;( tilnoda, atiil two yoarIini.H t dIihk'S'. These will bo mild ill Kngene to til. hiWietit bidder on tlte 17lli dty of Ocbibar, 1MH, at 1 oVtnrk i ni. The ii!tir.n are well broke, truetttid kind, Tkkvs A credit of 10 month, with the eKe'ip'ion of one horse i noloB with apiir.ved eceuritvat lC-.t rr-.f ier amn.m. liKOlt'.IK liKLolIAW, NOTICE TO BRU'CF. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. NOTICE le hereby piven io whom It mny c met-: n: '1 hut Ffinled bldH will be received by th (v.m.ty Courr cf JjJnn County, Oregon, nt thn ofil o the Coun ty Clerk or sen County and htato, up to li'H. lor ihe (v inimeiior" cif i Ccuatx bride h.toshT !,'tno.-Cr( "kal "( sunnih's brit'eots be oj tho following tJiir;eiisivDH. to-wit: Mam span li-0 fef t :onir, 16 ft ot wlrTe in tde dour, iiihih span tc reft on taenia rr pier; rsorth appronch to be 76 fttt and south approach to bo 16 fet long, bent miner approaches 16 Aft a purl, both approach to be prot. cthd by banisters. No bid wi'l bo oi.sinr-u unless ec ooutpani m1 with p ans and spclfioationn , and 5 por ceut of bid in cah or oertijd check. Th County reseryot the right te rejec anyinduil bid-. N P PAYNE County Clerk. THE GREAT WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS, Opens Sept 17th, 1891 Closes Oot 17th Until ay tb Oret KAptdonf Bad 4iri trin tli Cit of Hxiu. I frvtn th m4t mitrs of Europa and America Tiueu at a quarter ni'lllon dollar. Wonder, tul elccuical adnptiuni in full epila tion, A oplent'id swr.M mt mineral exhibiu. IVUtT DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THH0T. hh AND INTLKtHTINd IN ART, ISUL feThY AND bCIKJJCli. A rr cater uun-he.- of exhihits thua rr iefoi prtaentad upon tbeot ant. THK STOCK I'FPARTjIKNT MAlK A fKOill r; r k'EATL'HE. 0u.i0 l I hLMil'MS, The M'at di-pTny uf fruit nvA the. fli.eHt exhibit o Atfiiciiltui utit itinilu la the Fm itio nor Lb Yivnt, All t.i).!iu(ntiuriu in full motion, lCvcrj ttiitix ntv; No dciui exliiblu, tXrOblTIU.H -:- OF -:- EXPOSITIONS tyAdmiifioti as usuai, Ore.illf r'iuc-l rntMUA tJQ tx rouid trip ou nil paauugur litiMJi A fiiano AtKleinlRrf,.! lit Hit atiii Show btnre. Parker liros, rocr. New cloaks st W K Kd's Ltiht tyles r,f liat At W F RcoaV Uoduction ta summfir uoods at W F Head's Apple parers f r ba!u at Stewart A. Sax 1. Royal Dutch Cocoa at C E BrownellV H A Hulin. dnit'tciht. French's corner. KieJroccriefi ht Conn & 1 Indricsoa'a. latest niwt mustu at Will Si Link'. Vara soli and un umbrellas at les than coht at V F ReaV. OoM pectnHe and ove rUftes. all ntvles and pneeo.at r M rronch n. The finectliiie of pocket knives in lho ty at Stewart & Sox's Onmiiltte utock of U'lits and Lent's taild watches at K M Freiuh'n. K-irifain iti old Wittches at Freneh'a, Tho Corur Jewulry Store." St-iWArt A; 3'x Sf.ll tho vry heit rattnt teirij-cvtl uhearit i;nl ttt-if ora. A fuH Knfl ot Warner' eorsetw. hfnt 10 the worht for tho money, at W F K'ad'a. l..idie Oxford tie at creatlv reduced rat;R at Klein liroi. Must I. e told. J. W. Bentfpy, lcadjn ; hoot and sho m iker, just eatit of Uwrre House. C W Chh, jcb printer, Miun block, does urst cIihh work. Soe that e;et'aiii;)i;,.o at Klein Bros Bct and bhoe store. A Hqo line of crockery ware tat Conu & UtiwIricftOii 8. t Notice the extra hollo around razors ont-d ty oarbvrs are sold hy Stewart Box. ladu A Oxford ties at Klein Eros. Cheap en in thu city. Will be sold at greatly re- liuced r:iteB. Hort Phillip? the tailors, hLve jupt ro cetvrd a new lire of fipo eatnp'es. Call mi them in .MCihau s lilou't. lint & Philliua crrv a tine line of sam- litis nod pattertttf of suitiiiKB for fashionable uloditiih' oi Ail kimU, iu ritrahan Block, up ataira. Tiio Char.'es K Z tne kid tloTea manu' factured at Philadelphia ro the best in the market. Call at A IS Mcllwaiii'.s and ex amine them before purchasing. A larte and choice line of Garnets, liuo- 1 -um ami oil cloths just received at A B M :ll-Au's, which will be sold cheaper than iEeirvhere n Albany. GOLD WATCHES GOLD FILLED- WITCHES, COIN SILVER WATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, FOB -AT F, M. FRENCH'S Tlio Corner Jewelry Store. 1 fill I FULL MP WINTER C0THli)7 We Shine "by Comparison. After you have seen our fall and winter stock of elothing and furnishing goods, you will say that it shines like a star i.'i the Heaven, far above any other line in. the Willamette Valley. Hundreds r.f ttvlisli novelties In sti!i TH! mifl auu A wonderful line cf the best, the largest, the mo.t reliable, nrtd the mo?t pop ular-pi iced line of clothing ever before shown ir. this part of the country. A line of Albany Woolen Mill goods. A fine linepf Overcoats, made of Cheviots, Clay Worsted, Kekseys, Friezes and C'hi.si'Hillas Koys' School Suits ! Uvh' School Suits ! ! Oh, mothers, if you'll only call and inspect thcte beautiful farmentt we arc sure you will be'delighted with the large assortment in such nice suits at leasonable pri:e. Remember, gentlemen, we hare the largest and finest line of men's shoes in the city. Our fine line is made bj T. L. WALLACE & CO.. Leading Clothiers and Furnishers. ALBANY, Strahan Block, OREGON F. L. KENTON, ERAI.ER IK Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, 15 XT It ACTS, And a general assortment of SOCBSfSSS. Near the Post, Cffice, : Albany, Oregor Cheapest. For the next 30 days A. iloward & Son will saw wood, cut twice,, or 40 cents per cord. Cotton goods have not been a cheap since the war bh thev are now. Call and st-e what bargains V F Resd has. Hurt Phillip, the tailors, make to order fanrii'nahle suits in latent styW.in a manner to five satisfaction. Call at their rooms, up staim, Stnhatt (Jlot k, and see roods sod get prices . Do not btw your hoots and shoes until you fue the piano at Klein Bros, and as well Ave examin'-d their large stock cf goods. W B D.iiaca If ft his entire ptofit from hia hop yard. The lie spoiled about 10,000 iioutnl-'. Mr Donaoa wiU stay with the buine4s another yeai, and thinks he can head off tho lice by tprayintf. Lebanon " women. Thprominon aiTlcflonsof woTaenarji:rkhefid' aches, inuIacKtlon a..ti ur.rvo'.:i truibk-u. The criso ltroly (n:m btntaadi ";snri!cr. As Joy'i Wgelablo Kar; u;mri!Ia l.i tl:o ot:!y towol rcgu laling iireimrr.tioi), you ai stc v. hv it in more eCectivo tiiuu a:-y ether tM.:saiaril!a iu those troubles. 1. i iaiy r'l:tv;? Lur.urcdi. The action Is rr.I' i, tllrv'rt a:iJ t.Tcctlve. Wo have scores of letter.; Iro:n giatcful v.omcn. We refer to a few: Nervous debility, Mrs. J. Earron, 112 7th St., S.F. Nervous debility, Mrs. Fred. Lot, 3-7 nilisSt.S.F. General dcbiliiy, Mrs. Bclden, 610 Mason St, 8.F, Nervous debility, Mrs. J. Lamphere, TC0 Turk 6L, Nervous tVbilitv, Miss It. r.osenblura, 232 17th tit., 6. K. Etomncli troubles, Mrs. R. I,. Wheaton, T04 Post bt.,H. F. Eick bnndiiches, Mrs. M. B. Price, 10 Prospect 1'luco, b. F, Pic' headaches, Mrs. M. Fowler, S27 Ellis Ht.,S.F. InditrcKtion, Mrs. C. 1). Stuart, V-"ll Mission Bt, b. f. Couutipatiori, Mrs. C. MeMu, 128 Kearny St.S.F. inssV Vesetable yy Sas-sapariila Most modern, most effective, lsrgcst bottle. Eauie price, $1.00 or 6 for $5.00. FOR BALE BY STANARD f& CUS!CK ALBANY J. A. Ciiuiming. Urixgrs, I'aints, Oils, (jr lasts, 121c. j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ATOTICE IS KEItLBY CIVKN THAT SPECIFTCA IN tiortR and pinna will beMt in tharce 4 Knoch Miiltr, of South ESnnliani Btatiou, for the erection of a pghool house to be built in Dist 109, (l Linn Co., Ore t;in. All p rtics leiriti tobid on the conntructlon of inid buildinir. may vail ond examine the same and 1pv sealed bids to be opened at that place n Sept, Jjtb. at I oV'ock of said day, The Buhool board re Kru the riht to rtjectany or all bids J B MUNEORFF Cbairmae Board of Direoton mui t:ont'rs that ara I !; ir i Wa Paper,