APARTVINAPICKLE. It must take a good deal of assurance (or the high-tariff Inkers to begin so soon af ter the overwhelming defeat and rebuke of last fall to bluster and boast.and to crit icise and denounce Ihe "free traders." It is true they have tried to swltth the peo ple, who so emphatically repudiated them, off on the "reciprocity" track, with the lost absurd pretense that It is a sort of Improved protection. Verily, the tax eaters must consider the American people "mostly fools." The organs and "protection" screeches are slowly recovering from the stunned condition in which last November's cy clone left them, the one aroused when an indlgnant.long-pjundered and long-suffer, ing people expressed In most unmistakable terms their opinion of the Iniquitous and Infamous McKlnley law. But tl.ey all get to scattered and so dazed that they talk tn all directions, no two alike, and each one contradicting himself every third time he opens his mouth. One, stupidly insensible to the real and lull significance of that awful kick, pro poses to stand by high taxes,McKinleylsm, and plunder light on. Another, with a little more perception, realizes that the people Indorsed the democratic and repu diated (the republicanparty on the tariff question; and so steals a Utile part of the democratic doctrlne.labelslt "reciprocity," and with a grin that Is meant to be smart, but Is only silly, tries to bait the millions of bolters back lno the republican camp. Still another, like a drowning man grasp ing at a straw, holds up the fact that crops this year are good in America and poor in Europe, and seems to really Imagine that he can Induce men and voters to believe that the good prices that'are the Inevitable result of these conditions are due to the McKlnley law. One republican organ tells you Imports have Increased, thanks to McKlnley. An other, of equal Information and authority, tells you that imports have decreased, blessed be McKlnley. They say the Mc Klnley law has decreased the price of su gar because the duty on it was removed ; in the next breath It tells you the prloe ol woolen goods, clothing, etc., has been de creased because the duty has been in creased. Still others are making a desper ate effort to put the silver question to the fore, and the tax question in the back ground. The whole line of attempted, pretended argument is more than ever a chaotic mass of sophistries, contradictions, mlsrepre sentaiions, falsehoods, doctored figures and distorted fragments of facts. All these fairly pitiful efforts to longer befoul the people in order to plunder them will be in vain. McKinleyism is doomed. The Inconceivable wrongs of the selfish ness and greed that have been fattening all These ) ears on the toil, the vitality, the laborious industry of the country, are ex posed; It was shown last fall that they were recognized; they will not soon be forgotten; a repetition of them will never be permitted. "Protection" has been a crime, because, according to high authorit; , the highest in the land, it Is '-robbery, and none the less robbery because done under the forms of law" The crimes of the past, the rob beries of the past quarterof a century, may never be punished, where punishment properly belongs, but the people will not tolerate their perpetuation, nor even their continuance. Evening Telegram. The OrefoKi'aJi.trying to break the force of the stigma couched in the phrase, Bil lion Dollar Congress" says this is a "Bil lion Dollar country." Yes, to the trusts, manufacturing monopolies, protected aris tocrats, and other pampered pets of the party in power it Is, but U is not to the great toiling masses of the farmers, me chanic! and laboring people of the country who have to bear nearly all the heavy bur dens entailed by a Billion Dollar congress The resignation of William V. McKcan from the managing editorship of the Phil adelphia Ledger was caused by the recent change of that paper's policy from strong republican to mild and increasing democ- ocracy, Mr McKean did not approve of the change in the sentiments of the paper and preferred to retire. The republican corruption In Pennsylvania has been a little too much for the Lulgtt. The biggest fool In all the land Is the man who adduces the fact that a yard of calico can be bought cheaper now than it Could fifty years ago, as an argument in favor of McKinleyism. Just its truth fully say that protection is a failure be cause wheat Is cheaper now than It was fifty years ago. The great American hog has been rooting around the very throne of Germany until he has compelled that great power to recognize his right to go into that vast empire free from all duties anu all restrictions, and thereat do ur protrctioniits much rejoice at this great Cobden victory. The first steel car built for postal pur poses was run 270,000 miles, and went through five smash-ups, at a cost of $41 to the company for repairs. The Unted States leads the world in the number and extent of Its libraries. The public libraries of all Europe put together contain about 21,000,000 volmnrsj those of this country contain about 50,000,000, Japan is rapidly becoming a civilized nation. There are now 2000 newspapers, where there was not one twenty-five years ago. When the national .constitution was adopted Charles Carroll of Carrolton was the richest man In America. Ke was worth half a million. The money to be used to elect McKinley would wipe out all the mortgages in Linn county. It all comes from protected manu facturers, too. Experts say that far more shoiM is being used aovv in the manufacture of woolen goodr than in the "palmiest ' days ol the civil war. "Will it go up'or down?" that is the ques Hon. (wheat.) Will our new bridge hi one of "Sighs"(ize)? For barraius in monuments, headstone etc., go to E W Achiioo& Co, Albany, Oregon Found, a bunch of keys. Call at Diuo- cbat of&ue for same. See W F Read's line of dress gocds and silks before bnying elsowhere. C VV Cobb, job printer, Pliun Block, Driclc delioioui ice oold soda water at C E Brownell's. Cotton goods have not been a cheap since the war as they are now. Call and see what bargains W F Read has. NEW ADVERTISEMENT 8. IOTJND,In the street in' front of the 1 Drmoob at othr-e. a b ova coat, in Kood con iitlon. Call and get it, I7R SALE OR TR ADE -Will sell ' ohesp for cash or trade for wood, four norars, varying la prioe from JOO to gl2u Call at once at the marble shop next door 10 Unit OC RAT 011106. ASSESSOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the board or equalization will attand at the offlae of fie county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, on Monday, Ihelstn day of September, A D 1891, and pjbliely examine the as- esament roll and o.irrect all errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. oepi (in, lout. aa ivilua. Assessor. NOTICE TO FARMERS. rilHERE HAS BEEN TWO HTJN JL dred and seventy eight of ou gen tlemen in our establishment saving that you were going to order fence from us this fall and wintnr. Each ol you require irom zu roas to Hues, va you no see tbav it will require pome time to manufacture that amount of fence? We would auggeot that more of you order buw, triereny giving us time 10 accomO' date you all. ALBANY FENCE WORKS. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. . Notice is hereby given that the undersign td administratrix of the istato of Wen H ChurchhiU, deceased, will on Toecdry, the 15th dny of Sept. 1891, at the hmir of 2 o'clock p in, of said day, at the residence of the late Win H ChurchhiU, dece..ae.l, aitu tUed about btgut miles aouthe.st of Albany, Oregon, expoe and aelt at public auction, to the h gheat bidder, the whole of the per sonal property of the estate of said deceased conf iatiug of about 1 1 head of horses, 13 head of cattle, 35 head of Bheep, some bogs, a McCormick. binder, 1 Gala seeder, 1 fan ning mill, pljws, harness, 1 wagon and many farming implements too numerous to meution. Tbrms or Ralb On six months' titno with approved seourity, with 3 per cent interest from date of nolo, or 5 per cernt off of bid for cash in hand at time sale. Dated September 3rd, 1391. MRS. M. J. CHURCHHILL, Admrx. of estateof Wtu U ChurchhiU, dee'd. Geo W Whisht, Atty for administratrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF THE CITY OF ALBANY. ORECON. Notice U hereby given that as authoriz ed and provided by an act of the legisla ture of Ojegon, entitled, "An act to incor porate the city of Albany, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict here with," filed in the office of the secretary of the slate of Oregon, February :8;h, 1S91, and also as provided by ordinance No 317, of said city of Albany, the common coun cil of the city of Albany, Oregon, will is sue and dispose of bonds of sid city at par value, to the amount of $7c,ooo, in denominations of $500, payable 30 years after date of Issue, with Interest thereon at the rate of (6) six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Sealed bids for the purchase ot 735,eoo of said bonds re maining nnsold will be received by the treasurer of said city until the hour of 1 o'clock p m of Monday, the 14th day of September, 1091, at wmcn time tne pro posals submitted for purchasing said bonds will be opened and considered by the city treasurer; said bonds will be sold to the highest and best bidder. The treasurer reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Dated at Albanv, Oregon, Sept 7, 1891 . H. PAR WELL, City Treasurer. THE CRY OF MILLIONa OH. JWTa BKCKl top it now, boon it whim t0 latk. I have been trosbltd assay rears wkk disease r Ui kidneys sad bare tried many daTereat remedlM and haw sourbt aid from different physlcUas without relief. Aboat the 15th of April I wss sufferiai from a very violeat attack thst almost prostrated me ia nrh fttittner thst I was bent over. When I at down it wss slmost impossible for ms to Ret lip slone, or to put on mycioiKwnv kind l'rovidence sent Dr. Henley, OkUGON KIDNKY TBA, to my hotel. I irninedislely omnicneed uslnrr the tea. It lisd an almost miraculous effect, and to tfas sston ishtueut of all the guests at the hotel. in a few uays.l am uappj to state, Uiat I was a new nisa. ? will recommend the tsa to sll sfflietedl as 1 Imvs Lee a. c. a. Tvrriut, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, MuU Asm. Cat. with I am now receiving my Fall stock of Dry Goods, and am showing full lines of seasonable goods in the following departments, viz: Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear fHoves Notions Ribbons Laces White. Goods Linens Carpets Corsets Woolens Cloaking-s Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Hosiery Handkerchiefs and Embroideries Prints Boots and Shoes Groceries Samuel E. Young, ffi mi I I? Then you haven't time to read a lot of boastful assertions, so won't try to impose on you, but .... Want You to Know That: MP UAMT ou fr a regular customer at our store VI lm If fill I froTn fhia nn JT'Xl.A.DX fV.T ma OLD -:- KELIABLE GROCERY STORE -0- O. 3D. BEOWNELL. LARGEST STOCK er Provisions, Hams, Bacon, Pototoes, Comb Honey, Pickles, Vinegar, Apples Cheese, Fruit Jars, Elc. LOWEST PRICE SB Teas Coffee, Spices, Extracts, Sutter, Eggs. Canned Goods, Fruits, Queensware, Glass ware, Etc., Etc. WE WANT a.re buyers to examine our stock and WE WANT Those who dresB w?11 to cal1, : WE WANT vejJy know that wa are ready for WE WANT t0 Ur staPosan nove't:cs for To carry in stock everything you will be 'likely to want. : : : To call yeur attention to our Tailoring department. : : : WE WANT ou to eave our orcer r a sut or WE WANT To sll0W the largest 8tock cith8 in fELa b fE Hisa iiv 1 ff n The Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor. ITT DBUOITORI, c Pfeiffer Blk, ' Alfey Stand & Cusick aratanss3 Draga, Uedlelnss, Chsmleals, tFaioa and Toilet Artioles,8pogs,Brusha Perfirj, Sebool ; Book a, and Artists' Supplies. HOW DO YOU DO? There la isakt tkat ET Stock of BILVBRWAKfl, MnaiaMng spoons, knlree, forks, fralt dtahsa, ete. gold and silver watetiea, Uwel Ti eto, la the largest and beat hi the ally, and by tar Mia best ever broagbt la ALBA.HT. I Palatolalia' preserlptivaa aartv PRICES the Most Reasonable. laity ..Bpsaaaie. CaH and See e 600DS INSURANCE. Notice la hereby given that Mr. VV. B: Buell ia tlio apeclal njtentof the Farmers' Merchants In. surnnce Co., of Albany; for Albany and vicinity, and be Is the only one authorized to do busiuosa Id tuli vlcinlt as tueh. J. O. VYK1X3MAN, Nirw Dfmi Goons. I keep a full line of summer and fall dress Kocls, in wash fabrics, prints, ginqbsms, soersuckers, etn. I hao also a new line of summer plaids, be ides other novelties in liiuon an 1 n nr Manager i-itipgs. Siuru E locse. Honest Weights, : : Full Measurt. ALL AND KE HE, C. E. BROWN ELL,. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! tt PtOPLE OF LIHN Where to get th Best Bargains, Where to get the Best Value for Your Money, IX Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Aid they will Answer with One Voiee, at G. W. SIMPSON'S. Ti LADIES BAZAAR. Is the Leading Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, "Bhcy carry all the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Millinesy line, and a complete stock of Ladles and Children's Furnishing goods, and readv-maaV garments. Goods the best, and prices Ihe lowest. Call and be convinced. FIRST STREET, . -:- -;- FROMAN BLOCK ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale s Retail grocers, CIQAR8, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN LARGE: OR 8M ALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. Flinn Block, -:- ALBANY, OREGON We are the People Who earry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, et., in the market.