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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1891)
Ibittij i : i . VOL. JV ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1891. NO 108 i for I" ouC M " itnk iiur t tit nruti fnr cuiiiltiif m arruro ilia ""' .,. kit uiiith.'ai'Jii WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenPemen nfBEST SHOE IN THE WOULD FOR THE MONEY? libiM-!iinli'utiili', wllh iiotai-kitor wax thnuil hurt UK r"'1' mailo of Ihu bout fluo tvlil. w I eatv, H'ld ! wt m-iJce murd Waiva thi lViim ii atf otlitr mnnnfmlurtr, It tM, aula lutuii-MtN)iu-H(HMtlnK from i.iJOUi '.". , vW uiHariuitiii' Hdiid-afwi'U, On flwit calf S3. HtKH) err olTt-n-U Tnr $MiJ: winalti Fruucta Jrl... hlirx whl' h col from to ia.tM. Xj 00 Hnnl-Hiweil Writ hhor, Una calf, S4 itylltb, rouiforluttli ami lurutl. Tim . efcr niTe-ml at llil rir. ; Damn ktwIu aa cua ShhwIi hIkm.ii fsnailtiK rroni fil.m to r AO TnllrK Mmim l-aniMTH. Knllmnrl lUn SJc ami U'tU'rCarrliTiall Wfiirtbfin; flmtfair, JJrnL'. ii'Mtli limlil. ,1. avy tlin nolo. uaU-u- A 50 flu ralfi in lwltT tthonavprofTrred at A till prion; mitt trial will cmivluco tliuio hi want a h fr ciiiifiirt anl wrviro. A 2. and wurKiiitiman a inon SZ urn very HtroiiK ami duruM. 'IIiohh who kite iilTt'U Ith'.ii a trial will wear no other inukv. BOjS wf ly tlw ooyiteverywhi'n'; tbiyiwU their merit. u Uh lu'rfhiK nhovv. , 7 j ..M .lWii.l-MVcd alaw. Iwrt LdQICo Ix.iiKola, v(ryKtyi1ali;HiuaUKreuvli UiutfliH. alioei cnitimt fmm $4.u Uitf ji. iint the tx'ttl fine,"lu. Nlyllnh and durable. TiiUi1on.-.M" that W. I,. IhitiKlaV imnw U(1 JL uu lUuuiKxl ou tlx bottom of rAt h Rhoe. JIVi-L. E. BLAIN. TWO MEN AKD ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.!! While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEY0 & FfiOftflAN BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Ouns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Uummocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Reitair Shop la connection with the Store, and one of Ik best workmen In the Stale to do any ind all kinds of work. Come one. Come al. No rouble to (how coeds. "Small prclit and nulck ales" Is oui motto. A. STRAW EY. i.PRCPRIETOH OK THE.. City Livery, ' M anfl. -S T ATB L E. Havlnu nnrchasod now rlts can furn- lS llrHt-olaiiH turnoutH al c!l. .Mwolrl sclent' 11 uivon totraiiMiontHlocR Homei boirued by the day nr month. Cheapest Kates in the Cily Telephone oonnoctlon with the St Oharlua Hotel. Tolophono ordorn given prompt attention. Fourth Street, b tween ICilaworth anil Streetcar line. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, - OREGON 3HAS. PFEIFFER ITtOPllIFJOR. fitted un In BrBt-rla Htyle. 'l'nhles wpplied viUU the bent in the market. Nice sloopinir noartuiontH. Simple 100ml w comiiinruittl travolora. RedCrownMills son, lwish aV.. rawR's,' tw PROCtrtS FLOUR HlTliHlOR fOK rHI' AND BAKERS ES? STORAGR FACILITIES. City ilestaiinint. living beeo entirely reinoiieled. this old ad piipular restauiant wiil he made tirni Jms n every resnuot. The uuhbo will bt in good nieala at all hour for only 25 rois. fcyervthinu neat and attractive K"vt boxes. ,(ystera In every style. ALBANY OR. WRITSMAH & HULBERT BROS, Real Estate Agents Farm and Ranches for sale. Also oity broperty in Albaov and Coryallia. "FRUITS AMD FLOWERS." AN ILLUSTRATED H ORTTCULT Ural mon'hlv Journal, edited bv Prof K J'ke. No farmer or fruit -rower n sfford to be without V. It PAYS "ni'ver Ukna it, 11 pmr vear. $1 six .1 , " 20 R '''vile ntiml)r. Addraa., p. u HI'ICARNS. P.irtl'Hid. OrBnn. W. F. READ, T IIITIIIiHI! Call and sec what a stock of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Y ui'nishina Goods, hosiery, - Wo have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest but the cheapest ever shown in Albany. ; We have just placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and We want your trade and we you money. Albany, for Infants "Cast orla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend any prescription known to me." H. A. A Renin, M. I)., 1U So. Oxford St., BrooUjn, N. T. "The use of ' nastorla is so universal and fM merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endoreo it. Few are the intelllitent families who do not keep Castona wUhlueasyreuch." vi. york ci(y Late Paster Bloomingdale lieformed Church. Tmt CmTAua LEADING. DRUGS. ME Albany Manufacturers IE AM ENGINES CRIST &ND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON WONTS AMD ALL KIMS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. rental attention )W o rlrln 'l An at maohlnen Pfjtvrns Kade on Short Notice of feel confident we can save a complete assortment both clotli and plush fur trimmed. W. F. BEAD. Oregon ANY HEADACHE While You Wait" eu r CURtS NOTHING ELSE. and Children. Caatorlat enres Colic, Conntlpatlon, Bour Btomach, Piarrhcea, Eructation, Killa Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl eesuo Without i Mnn b ugunoua meuicauon. " For several years I have recommended your Castoria, 1 and shall alwayB continue to do so as it baa invariably produced beoeuciai results," Kdwin F. Pajidbe, M. D., ' The Wlnthrop," ISSth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Oom-Axr, TT linn rat Street, New York. DRUGGIST OT?,33G-O0Sr- Conrad Mevei ST. II MAIv&ttY Rfu-der Broadalbin and First 8ts., -DBAI.FK fN-- tuned Vrm IN. 4 MIMICI ItSeHlia, teensware. t'B,llle'i. Vinttrn. . Ten, lXnMi"T. rlen fFrn'' ' nlme' . VnV'- . trjlblng tlmt li i, nd arneery kept In u HeD ore. Hlgheei ii aid fo DIGINES STA1 10HARY &G IpgW of H fat LaBTenlng Powers- ABSOLUTELY P1W: WOH1II CUWalltF.KIN'l'. F. M. Frooch keeps railroad timt. liuy your groceries of Parker Rrf New creain cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A Urge stock of wall paper, with late de lians, at Furtmiller t Irving 's.just received. Have you seen those parlor suits that T Briuk has just received ! They are nice. J W Bentiey, best boot and shoe maker in city, three doors north of Democrat olfice. E W.Achison & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walla for -jometery lota. fhese walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far anperior. Dr M II Ellis, shvsician and aorceoo, Albany, Oregon, Calls ma lo In citv or country. Lvlioa oando their ahouoina in San Fran- elaoo without visitinz tbe oity. and without extra oom-nissioa. Miss b J Barrowi Sf : t chslng agent, 1G53 Oroyo St, Oakland, . Patroniza heme induct y and buv V a id made hsrness. warrante.l fiom O C Me Farlind,at Dubrulllea old atand. Djspepsl far HI x term Years. M P Hollnd, I'aatmasUr, Reckawsy Beach, Long Islacd, NY, wm entirely our4 ! dyspepsia and rheuaiatin of sixteen yeart'?ttntlini(, by taking two Bnn lre'h's Pills evtry mghtfjra month. u.irin$the month he took theal, he gained eil t p U'ds in weight. Braodreth s Pule are p"lv c i!lab:e, at. solutely karinlcsf, and ..: to tuke at any time. Sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. E W Achiaon &Co are selling inonumcnta at Portland prices. it t:dinpPhotographers A cany Oregon. We have bounbt-al) theneeativt smade by L VV Clark and W H Greeowood up to Nov 15th. 1889. Duplicates can be had from bem only of ns at reduced lates. We have also about 18.000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be bad at llkeiaies. We carry the on ly ful I line of view! of this state and do enlarge d work at lnwncfrtea for first class work. Wesball be pleased to see yen at our Studio in Freman'a black, next door to Masonio lempie. A new line of window shades from 80 cents to $1.50 each complete, at Samuel E Young. When Baby was star, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clun? to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. SCALES Afflicted 3 Venn by Di c:tlful Skin and Blood Dincrac, wilh intense Pitla ituI Ijoss of Iiitir. All Other Remedies F:i!I. TrrlScvcd In- "Vppks nieillcs. stuntly and Ctii-.l in 7y the Cutieum IS I hava a few worri to iv r: CITUA liESIi:iMS3. y l:.r-l- weeks' tinio fnim n l:I.'ii n:..l i'-l 1 have hail fur ovyr ;j.;,-:'y.'.ii . mv .kin would li vi-;v s;)io. .-litre t". r CtTI u'ii ihu in (our u :t'a v.-liiLh Al f.-t:.iri Hint'., unit ti! .vayc kei t era?kiuicnnd pciiliii ufi in whil ncaU-14. In culj weuther my face waa one man or 1 1. When It would In tbo eoM sir Ihu pa.n in: lmo.t brlnff Uiars to riy cy.-i., anl (i.y L.oort ulso bcinicin a poor comlilk-n, wi:h a Ion. of bair. I hive tried everv kn-wli rctrc-ily IN-U wa. recoro. mended to me. hut it wn. of no iy-. nfl a.iva mo very little ben lit. 80, he.irinu ol yi.ur Cutictua Hsxkdikh, I eoneluiifd to L-iv lliem ti trihl. The flrst npplicalion Kavo nlmot Inotoiil relief, in a few weeks time 1 found invfcif enrei, nud I am thankful for what they h.ive Hon.- for me. lour Ctmcun Ukjieuiks ore n l l.-.ini( lo those who may hnve the opportunity lo u.o tbcra. I can recommeud Ibam to uuy one. KHSIl'Sn KKRAS, 270li Uuiou Avu., Cblcago, III. Cuticura Remedies Effect dull moro rfrent euros of humors and dls. ta.eiof the .kin, .calu, and blood than all other remetllea comhlned. CliTlevnA, the gt Hklo Cure, and Corn fliA Soap, an axquLlle Kiln Perl fiornml llrautiller, eitornnllv, nnd I't'Tiet'RA US solvent, tbo new lllood ruiifler and Kreale.l of Humor Uemotllea, Internally, cure cvory )ecleiiof IHiimr, luirnlnif, acaly, pimply, nnd blotehy dls cine, of Iho .kin, .cnlp, and blood, from Infancy to air.', from pimple, to .i rofuln. when Un beat pbyal. ciaua and nil other rctnoillca fall. Pold everywhere. Price, CtTlrrnA, Hlcl ("oaf, 1 2'c; lUr.01.vtNT, l. prepared by the I'ottsr Unt o ANl Ciiehh'ai. Coiipoiiation, llo.ton. aa-Pend for "How to Cure Skin DHoaaea," M pairea, 60 Illustrations, 100 u-.timoDlphn t)njlM,KS, black-head., red, rough, chapped and r I hi "y n caml by cvticcba boat. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort for all Tains, Inflam matlon, and Wcakiic.. of tho Aged Is tho Ciitlcnm Anll-I'llln IMaater, the fir.1 ami only paln kllllng tretntth. aniaf piaator. flaw, nulaniaocou., auu luiam.a. IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iSSj, der In the course of an investigation part of which has already been communicated to the Royal Society, Prof. Roberts-Austen has discovered the most brilliantly colored alloy as yet known. It has a rich purple color, and bright ruby tints are obtained when light Is reflected Irora one surface of of the alluv to another. It contains about seventy eight per cent, of gold, the rest of the alloy being aluminum. The con stants of the alumnlum-gold series of al toys aie now being examined and will shortly be published. The old moss covered protoplasm is beio acaio broaeht to the surface by the demoo racv of "whv were not the bondholders paid in the same currretcy an the soldier?. Mouutaineet , Well! well!! well!!! Whoever beard of the like before. Protoplasm; protoplasm; pro toplasm. LASSEST -:- ASSOETMEHT OF HEATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS. $ WASHBUEN'S Clain's Tailor. A large and elegaht stock of suitings has Just been received tor L E Blain's tailoring department, uniier the expert Mr Scruffier. Those desiiing stylish suits made in a first-class manner should examine these gooes and be satis hed that Blain s tailonrg department is the best place in the county for securing them. Mr SchlfHer's long experience is a guaranty of good work. Notice. The pasture of F L Such at Cloverdale Is now open for stock. All well fenced, plenty of waier and shade. Sto:k taken by week or cents ner week, $2 per' month. Cattle taken at $1 per head per month. Will not be reponsible for anv accident or loss. F. L. Such. Go to Julius Ursdwohl's for Golden Rule Savon roap. He has received 100 Loxes full weight Savon soap, expressly put up for the trade. It was bought tor net cash and will be sold with a la,rge discount. Albany. Aug. 20th 1891. Important to Housekeepers. It gives Julius Gradwobl greit satisfac tion in selling his fne),Golden Bale teas and baking nowder. with elegant prizes or with' out them, that his customers who baye purchased invariably return and say they are well pleased, that the tea is no. 1 ana ha baking: nowder is as eood as tbe beat. AH his teas and baking powd er bears the name of Julius Uradwotl'a ijolden Kule Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his biisilie-a.Knd h 'til: continues to give with eaclijpound o; Lea or baking powder an ele- iiant piece of glassware. Mothers I Casto-ia! is lecommendedbv phyticians fur ehi'drn teeihinl. It it a purely veca !t!e prop aiion, its ingredient are pun ish rd a-miii d each bottle. It is p easant to he ta.'e and absolutely haruiles. It relieves copatn ation. reaulntes the l nel, quiets pain, cn"a dinrrnoea and wi ,d co!ic, allays fevcrithoei.8, deftroye worms, and prevent, convuli.'"., soothes the ehl'd and gives it refreshi-g and natnral sleep. Castoria is ho children s panacea the mothers friend. 3.) dosea, 35 cents. Take Cnre! There la Danger! (u alhoiug iukCtiyity of the 1 idnoys to jror thr uh 0':g'.ect. Tti3 deidlv shoAlso Brigbt'a ditoase and diabeteri will wreck lho co dly 1'rk of health if it ia allowed to I'ift rnddeiless upon them. The bladder, run, il I'laotive, and judicious medication '.toes not speedily direct the helm toward the pin r. of safety, will be whelmed by tbe riuirks. nd of dieaae. In selecting a diuretic, ,:et your ehoice fall upon HostetteraStom ;u!hBit ra, which stimulates the renal or gans wit hout irritating and oxoiting them, two effet.' to be apprehended from the un edioati 'l stimuli largely resorted to. These have a ti-ndeno) to read prejudicially. The 'Hitters invigorate the kidneys and bladder, in. comii'iin with the neryea and digestive organs, nd so afford lasting aid. It also affords dual a.istance in preventing and curing iMterinittent and remittent fever. liiliousn"H constipation and rheumatism it alu su bjukates. Albany aarcet. WbeBt-80 , OntH- 84.' lurter-Mo pr 10. " eoa- Wit Raw 6 ,00 to 8.00. PiitRtoes 0 PBr b'ishelf Reef on foot. 2 H to So Pork-SKo per lr iresed. Bacons hams. He shorjldnrn To' sides Do Lrd lOnperlb. Piotir-B.2Ei per bill. Ohiekens i"r lo Mill Feed bra'. AO f' rt-r r bort, 2t iiiHi'ii. VI rt 0 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS I'nder Hume Coat. LaGrande, Or Sept u. What was without doubt a most cowardly murder was discover ed lit this city this afternoon. A trainload of eoal was received at this place tlnce days ago consigned to the Union Pacific Railway Com pany, irom kock npringi, wya, Vvliat Rt first was an unpleaianl odor became an un bearable stench, and an investigation was made revealing tbe decomposed body of a man in a 1 ox car, partially covered wilh coal. W 11 Murray, the marble dealer, thinks that he recognizes in it Mr Niles. of the firm of Niles & Vinson, of Walla Walla, who stopped with mm two weeks ago on bis way to Idaho, where he was going 10 set up a tombstone. Falen By Blinrks. San Francisco. Sept n. Schooner Gen- , eral Banning arrived from Flint's Island today with a cargo of cocoanuts. Her commander Captain Spring, reports that while loading her cargo the veisel w.-l twice blown out to sea by severe storms. On each occasion about loo natives were on boajd. and thev hastened ashore in canoes. The second time several canoes were capsized, and the occupants were tnrown inio tne water, which swarmed with sharks Out of thirty one native: who were thrown into the water eight were killed and etten by sharks and one man had his leg bit- lenon oeiow me anee. Hunting a PreslUeml. Santiago, Sept it. Augustine Edwards has joined the cabinet of the congressional government as minister Of public works and Alanuel Alalia as minister ot foreign anairs. This forms a coalition of all the political fac tions except the lialmacedists. Drafts, on London to the value ol $3,000,000 in favor of Balmaceda's ministers to France and England have been found in the treasury and canceled. Ths political leaders are consulting as o caa- didates for president. It is the general opin-3 10" ll"i" i?cyr Jal!UH bUtitS Bl'l MS 9tW9U A Terrible Earhqnake. New York, Sept ii. The Heranld has a cable dispatch Pom .San Salvador, which sayi the details of the terriole earthquake shock, of which I cabled you Wednesday, proves it to have been more disastrous than supposed. In this city about forty persons were killed and sixteen mo'e or less seriously injured. There is no telling tr. what extent the mortality list will reach, but judging from the feanul results in San Salvador, the number of killed through out the country will be somewhere in the hundreds- Covered Wllh Mortgages. Washington, Sept n. The census office has issued a bulletin, which gives the mortgige iadebtedness of the state of Kansas, by counties. The total assessed valuation of real and personal propertp in 1S90, not in cluding the value of rail road property, which is piaueu at 557,000,233, was $290,593,711. It is estimated the true value is between S800. 000,000 and $900,000,000. . It is found that Kansas has a mortgage debt of $235,485,108, which does not include state and railroad land contract debt of $7,661,767. Attention. The very latest news is that yon can buy of Julius Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bszaar.for net cash, 15 pounds granula- ' ted sugar for $1.00 and IS pounds Extra C. sugar. All goods sold for net cash from 10 to 25 per cent less the regular price,' as I intend to run a strict cash store. Albtny, Or, July 21. To Tea Drinkers Probably three fourths t-f the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant a the fact may be, the bright, ehiny green so familiar tn us all is not 'he natural color, but Is due to the facing or glazing cf the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral colors. That colcring hides the effects of poor tens ia undoubted; but is it healthful.urd does it not call loudly for the importation of a beano of pure, uncolored, utiman ipulated tea? It was this condition of affairs thai prompted the placing cf Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color "of a delightful fragrance that Is a revelation to tiu drinkers, and its purity makes il more economical than the arti ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only in packages. Co cents per poui d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn block, Aibanv. r n Example. The ta for American eonaumotion are bought in China by Euro . pean experra, who are uillen "tea-tsnters." The eiiojclouediaaar. authority fnr the fact that in. a few years thev have tit give ud their lucrative pnaiti, rts with ahst'ered con st;tutioi s. The unhealthfulueas of 'he adul terations and uiinerul coloring matter oati not be more atrnngly put.' IWch's Tea is pure a childhood. For sale bv Allen Bros. The DsMoCkAT wiil exchange a aewinir machine of a-iv make deir -d, except onenr two, fnranaianak grub wood and part cash; or will eon. id. r other proposition by any one dttiring a pew machine. . Fnr'niillrr oV living hnve n me Uenais sance li-eeenttnint for $18 a pair, as tineas snyrhii g ever .pen in hn oity. They range rVwn tn a pair. Other lee enr taips down to $1 oi leas n pair. Rati air in choice grncripa flae aiwv oesecn'-.d nf Allen H'rw., Flint. H.och. New Process..-Mrs A M Tall is now elling a new process for rsnnlnu: fruits nd vegetables without cooking or esllng ' tight. Sami'Vs of her work may be seen at Brownell's store. The liert rontt ooff.e in the city t,t CDis eL-vrr s. m t; ; j i i- IN 41 .'l..'- 3 - l' Hi 1 1 n fl; -J t !