better Hat. Following 18 the list of lettet. remaining in (he post ollioe at Allny, Linn ouunty, Oregon, Sept. 7, 1891. Persons calling for these luttera must give the date on which they were advertised. Archer, E L Awbrey, Mr. Amon, Fred Burgess, B V 2 Mrown, B I! Byrd, J C SJhristein, Alox 2 Crown, Mm Mary Cogjins, Thoma Crow. Mrs Croft, Chailey Crawford, W H Caster, K 2 Cuthbert, J D Cowan, V Caspcns, Kd OeYouu, Hillie Doll, Geo E Doxsie. Win Kindley, II R Tarmao,Mrs Mathaa Fowver, James Oatnger, lsaso (iiibort, lv M Hall.Miaa M l)--4 Hatter, Mrs F C Harten, Bob Uawn, L M Hellman, John K Inspreugtr, Miry Krane, Martin Kirk, A J King, Mrs Lute Lund, John Lachsingcr. Adam Mathews, M M.tzgar, Alf Ole, John Redeker, Edward Rue, T L Kichmond, J O Starr, A'hos Ticknor, Joel T TaWor, Austin Williamson.Mrs 0 M Squiro F;irrar & Co GUI & McDonald T. Mostbith, P. M. Wau. Paper, etc. I have just received a new lhe of wall paper and decorations Kar more than doubled mv facilities for handling them, and will keep a much larger atock. Wall paper and border t match. Beauties, and much cheaper than er before. Samuel E Youko. 'ni llipCO Cotgns, Coldt. Influenza, Bronchitis, uUilCu Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, oore inroai. HSinms, unu every anccuon or me Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy aud permanent. Genuiue signed " I. B'JKI." THE GREAT WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS, Opena Sept 17th, 1891 Closes Oct 17th Music by tlic Great Zapadnrcs Band direct from the City of Mexico. " Art Cram the oreat masters of Europe and America vdiucn at a quarter million aoiiar, wonder ful electrical adaptions In full opera tion. A splendid Berics of mineral exhibits. EVERY PFPAltTMKJfT FILLED WITH THrV, NOV EL AND INTERESTING IN ART, INDU TRY AND SCIENCE. X greater uuD'hei of exhibits than ever before presented upon the coast. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT MADE A PROMI- KENT KEATUHE. ."(W0 IN PREMIUMS, Tc lnrcfOft display of fruit and the finest exhibit 0 Agriculture ever mode in the Pacific north west, All matin factories in full moti'in, Everythhiir ne v; No dead exhibits, TTJE -:- EXPOSITION -:- OF -:- EXPOSITIONS tyAdmission as mua't, Oioatly reduced rateaTJi 3Ttjr round trip on all passongur lines' MAT IS BUHACH ? the only absolutely pure acd thoroughly ofloctive Insect Bowder upon the market, aud is manufactured Bolelyjby the Buhich Producing and Manufacturing 'Company, of Stockton, California. The word "Buhach," is mado a part of the trade mark of said co npany, and ALL DEALERS ARE CiUTIONED AGAINST SELLING ANY OTHER INSECT TOW DER, UNDER THE NAME OF BU- HACO. Persons, who order Buhach from "their dealciu and receive insect powder that is not an effeetiva insecticide, WILL CONFER A FAVOR BY REPORTING THE FACT TO THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND MANUFACTING COMPANY, IN OR DER THAT ALT PARTIES GUILTY OF SUCH PRACTICES MAY BE EX POSED AND PROSECUTED. If .your dealers don't keep Buhach, dou't "et them cheat you by selling yoa on inferior and worthless insect powder, but COX MTNIATE DIRECTLY WITH THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND MANU FACTURING CO., STOCKTON. CAL., WHO WILi, FILL YOUR ORDERS BY MAIL OR OTHERWISE AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. SUMMONS. . Yn tlie Circuit Court of the State 0 Oregon for the County of Linn, ELLA HOUD, Plaintiff, j Defendant S..E. HOUD, To S K tfoud, the abova named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STaTE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to .appear and answer the oamplaint of the above plaintiff, in the above entitled court, -Miow on tile with the clerk of said court, by the first day of the next regular term of said court, which said term begins on Monday, the 2b'th day of Octcber, 181)1, at the court touse ia Albany, Liun county, Oregon. And you aro hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as hereby requiiedj the plaintiff will take a dr 1 croe ot aaid court against you dissolving the bonds of matiimouy now existing betwoen you and said plaintiff, and for her costs and disbursements of this suit. This u ninons is published by order of the Hon 11 P Boise, judgo of said oouit, made at chambers, 111 the city of balom, on the th day of September, IS91, W, It. BILYEU, ff.0-11 Attorney for Plaintiff. "August Flower" Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleepar is very well known to the citiztas of Apple ton, Me., and neighborhood. He says: " Eight years ago I was taken " sick, and suffered as no one but a " dyspeptic can. I then began talc " ing August Flower. At that time "I was a great suffarer. Every " thing I ate distressed me so that I "had to throw it up. Then In a " few moments that hoirid distress " would come on and I would have " to eat and suffer Forthat "again. Itooka uu " little of your med- Horrld "icine.andfeltmuch Stomach "better, and after , , " taking a little more Feeling. "August Flower my "Dyspepsia disap peared, and since that time I " have never had the first sign of it. "lean eat anything without the "least fear of distress. I wish all "that are afflicted with that terrible " disease or the troubles caused by "it would try August Flower, as I " am satisfied there is no medicine "equal to it." PROFE$st .VAL CAIWS CO; E. C'U V1I8KKLAIX, Attorney at L. Will orifice n all courts of the state. Special attontrm ifivoi. to matters lit probate auu 10 co lo.Hutn. t'iuti- in the rami block . K. WE VTHEKFOKD, Attorney at Lw, Will practice in all courts of tho star,e. mce Hinn block, Albany. Or on. . BILYEU, Attorney at Law ml S ilicltor In Chancery. Collet ttona made on all points. Loans negotiated on fav orable terms. Albany, Oregon. EO. IV. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law.and Notary Public. Will practice In all courts of this state and in the United States courtB forOregon. Offices Front rooms over Bank of Oregou, Albany, Ogn. 0. R. K. BLACK Bl'RX, H. C. WATSON WATSON, Attorneys at Law. A1 business will receive prompt attention. Olllce. Odd Fellows' lemple,Albany, Or. J. J. WHITNEY, Attornoy at Law, and Notary Public, Oregon. . Albany Pliycician and Snrjjoon, OFFICE Corner First an Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. D KS. IASTO A DAVIS, Physicians an Siinreon5., OFFICE Corner Second and Urowlalbin streets. Albany, Or, Calls promptly attended it) citv and country. c, IT. CHAMBERLAIN, 91. !,, Homeopath let. 0SpecUllst in diseases of the Eyo. Twenty years' experience. UlHuo hours 7 to 9 a m; 1 to 3 p m, and 0 to 8 evening. Albany, Oregon, D R. G, A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Med ical Ool'ege, New York City. Diaeasos of women a upeciaity. us t1 lut; r rimin bioct, Albany, Oregon F resUont Vici President . Oashier LFMN'N S, E, YOUNG .K. W. LANUDON TKAN3ACTS A GENERA I, hanktnalusmoss. ACCOUNTS KEPT subieUto check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and te) r,.hic transfer, sold New York, San Francitlco, Chicago and P)itland refill CO jLEOTIOKS HADE on favorable tones. DIRSCTORS. J. E. Youko E, W, Lakodo L E Bum, h. Flikn Edward f . Sox. LIMN CO m riO.MALHANK, OP ALBANY, OKEUON. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. President J L COWAN. rice-President J M RALSTON. AsstCashier O A ARCUI110I.U. T rrctors, J h Cowan, JM RalBton, W S Lndd, W II Golira, J A Craword and OA Arc n ibold. TRANSACTS a zenoral bnnklnt; business . DRAW Slum DHAFT8 on New York, San ' Ml Pc-tiir (, "pOreffon. LOAN MONEY on apploved security RECEIVE doposits subject check. B ANK OF OREGON. ALBANY, OKKQON. Cttpllal, President Vice-President Cashto $50,000. H F MERRILL ... E J LANN'INO Jit WBLAIN Transacts a general banking business: Exchanire bouirht and sold on all the principal cities in tho United States also on England, li eland, rranee ana uermmiy. Collections made at all accessible points on favor able terms, Interest allowed 5J time uepostts. PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK, OV PORTLAND. OREGON. Paid UP capital - - 1200,000 Surplus and profits UU.000 Interest allowed on sarlntrs deposits as follows: On ordinary savings books ...4 per cent per annum. .On term savings books per cent per annum, unecrtiucates oi deposit; Por three months 4 rr cent perannum: For ix months 6 per cent per annum! For twelve mouth H fl per cent nor annum; r KANK PKhUM, lYesltient I. P.TIIOMPSOS Vice-President. U. C, 8TRATTON. Caahier. I Go to 0 W Cohl). siicceisnr to Paisley (Smile), Flino Block, for ynur job printing 3f ail kinds. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber mid Elder Flower Cream Is not a commotio In the sense In which that term is popularly uM-'d, but purmanuntly boautitles. It creates a soft, smooth, elear, ye'vety skin, and by dsilv use gradiully iimktu the complexion several ghudu while'. It is a uoudianl pnaoctiou from the effects of sun and wind and p'uvuntM sun burn and freckles, and block heads will unvur cuiue while you use it. It cleauvs the fuce (ar t totter than soap and water, nourlbheMaitd buil Is up the skin tissues and prevents the formation of wrinkles' It givs the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that ynu hvd when a little girl. Kvery lady, younjc or old. outfht to use it, ati it gives a more vouthful appear ance to any lady, aud that permanently, ltcouuius no acid, powder or alkali, and is us Imnnless us dew and as lmnriMhhig to the tkin an dow is to the flower. I'rlre nl 00. at all druggists and halnlressers, or at Mrs Oervaise Uruhaiu's ustublishiuutit, UK Post street tan Fraucisoo, where she treats ladies for all blemish es of theface or figure, l.adiesat a diAtnuce treitfd by letter, Hond slump for her little book "llow to be lteautiful." Qimnla Pntflo 1li,J rt' to anv ladv on 0 tt ill J IU DUulildreoeiptof 10 tents in stamps to pay postage and packing, Lady agunts wanted, MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Cures tbe worst cases of Freek'en, Sunburn, Sal lownuss. Moth-pa' ehes, Pitnplos and all skin blemiidie, IVIre $1,01). Harmless and effective ; ho sample can be sent ; Lady agents wanted, JPVta Tlmirrrriat' in this Uwn who first ordeis a liiO UlUgg'bli bi'.l of my preparations will have his name added to this advertisement. My preparations are for bhIo by wholesale drug gists in Chicago ami every city west of it, HEALTH IS WEALTH! DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treat mtn siaranleed specific for Hysteria, Dizziuess, Convu slous, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervou Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, remitting in insanity and leading to misery, decay Nuddeabh, premature old age, barrenness, loss di re 1 1. caused ty overexertion oi trie train Each be-- contains one monhs treatment, $1 a box r six boxu for 95, sent by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY ease. With each order received by us for bix boxes. acconipanied with 95, we will Bend the purchaser our written guarantee to reiuna tne money n tne treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued onl oy J. A. Cumming, Druggist, sole agent, Albany, Or. HAVE J YOU TRIED THE SB HEADACHE CURE? If vou have not. you have doubtless sickened yourself unnecessarily many times hy taking pills for tne bioou, Kidneys ana constipation. Asa rearulator of the blood it beats sarsaparilla. If taken in half teaspoouf ul doses, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. OF EUGENE, Next sojslon beln? on Monday, the 21st day September, 1391. TUITI ONT REE, F(ur Courses: Classic Silontlflc, Literary, and a short English Course, fn w lich thore is no Latin, Groek, French or German. The English Is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or further information. Address " J. W. JOHNSON, Freuiuont THE STATE Opens September IKIh, 1891 Course of stupy arranjod expressly to meet the needs of the farming and mechanical interests of the state. Large, comodious and well-ventilated bulli lugs. The college is located in cultivated and community, and one of the healthiest in the Btato MILITARY TRAILING Expenses need not exceed $150 or I hp emirn nrNKini. Two or mire free scholarships from every county. Write for catalogue to B. L. ARNOLD, Pres., orvallis, Oregon B ANK OF KCIO, 8 CIO, OREGON. eFFICBRS: President J S Morris Vice-President. JRrr Mtrrs Cashier O S Mat directors: S Morris, E Geins. John Gaines II Bryant P O Smith. Does ft gener hanking and exchange business. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor Second and Fen y St, Albany, Oi O DPKRIOR werk. guaranteed In ever; O brauch of the an. SKnlarging c, all kinds a specialty, FOSHAY & MASON TVOtslULI AMD KttTA!b Druggists and Bouksclle r AcreLU for John B. Alden'a ptxbllcatlom, vbloh we aeil at publisher' prices with 'MtaxeaddBV ALBlHf, OUKUOH We'in'.ureagiiD st tramps. EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Exprsss Trains leave Portland Dally. South I North 7:0(r. . Lr Portland Ar :36 A u 10:Sr Lt Albany Lv 6tS2 a u 8:1s A a Ar Ban Franslsco L;0r H Above traius stop only at following stations north of Koaeburg. East Portland, Oregon City, Woh1- uurn, Haieiu, Albany, Tangent, enoau, uatsey. liar isburp, Junction City, Irvltif, Eugene. BOS I BURS MAIL, DA1LT, lYXUu Lv Portland Ar 4:00 m L':'20 r 11 f Lv Albany Lt 12;(H) u YMru Ar Hnseburt; Lv I HfiOxu ALB ANT LO0AL( DAILT IXCIPT STNDAT) 5 00 r M Lv Portland Ar 0 ;00 A H 9 0 I M 1 Ar Albany Lv 6:00 A M LHBAN0M BRANCH, 2:3ti f M 1 Lv Albany at 9:'lb A H 3 2ftPAr Lebanon Lt 8:40 am 7:30 am I Lv Albany Ar 4:'J0fm i.'li A m I Ar Lebanon Lv 8:40 r m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, I'or AcroiuuiiMlntlonuf Meconil-ClHRS Fasscn aera, ttlluctieil tu Express Trulna, el Hlile KIvInIuu. UKTtTEEW FOUTI.A.VU ASU tOUVALLIM, Mail rsaiN dart (Except Sunaay.) 31) A M !:10r I Purtlaml Corvsllut Ar I 6:30 r h Lv 12:56 I'M Ar BxrasssTaAiN dailt (Exc9pt Sunday. l) r a I Lv S r H Ar Portland McMiiinvllls Ar I :'20 A M Lv I t il A a Through Ticliets To all points EAST, AND SOUTH. Poi fuii Informatloj regarding rates, maps, on Company Agent at Albany . ;- .riKiii.KU v. p nnncRa Manager Kat'i U. F. and P, Ag YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad regon T E HOGG, Becetver. o Oregon Development Po's Steamers, Short Line t Vulifomia. First-olasa through passenger and reiftht line from Portland and all points n the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, Cal. Boats make olosb connection at Al ban :th trains of the Oregon Pacid Hailroad TIME SCHEDULE, except Sundays.) Ceive Albany 15:23 p. u, j L.Tave Yaquma, 7:00a,h f.eavi Corvallis 1 :03 p, H . I Loave Corvalli8,lU:35A,u arrls Yaqulna, i:.HS p. H.j Arrive Albany, 11:13 A. H O. C. trains connect ac Albany and Corvallis. The above trains coanectat Vaauina with the Oregon Development company's Line or steamships between Yaquma ana nan i' rancisco, SAILING DATES . PROM YAQUINA. Willamette Valley, Tuesday, Aug 4th ; Tlmraday Aug uth ; Saturday, Aug 2iud ; sionuay.AUK 31s THOU BAN PKANCIHCO Willamette Valley, Friday. July :11st ; Sunday, Aug th ; Tuesday, Aug lBtn; weunosuay, Aug join The Comp-triv rrtwrves tho ngnt to lunge sailing dates vtooui. notice. N. B. iassensers rrom roruanu nu rTillamette Vallev ooinU can make close sonnection with the trains of the Yaquina rants at Albonv or CorvalliB, and if des tined to San Francisco should arrange to 'irlve at Yaauina the evening before date r nailing arassenxcr an rr'Rht rate always th. Lowest For Information apply to A RChapman.Frelehtand Icket Ascent, Albany, v. i;. . O. F. ard P Ai;en . Cerval.ts. Pnrtlnnrl flrpffon. A. P. ArmBtroniT. Prin. Branch School: Cai-ital Ilys. Collkiie, Siilcni. Oregon. nme courses or stuuy, same raiei oi win"". lnr.jnAca tilt Avlh an il llUSJUCSn, tJ " v v ,. Typewriting, Penmanship, and EnglisK Departments at any time. Catalofie from either school, isv CHOICE MEATS Op Am. Kinds Emerick - Baker, 'Oppoeito Rchmcer's Livery Stable, next , d'-or to Willamette Packing Co'b store. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 0X3ANY, - - - REGON Conducted by the Sist6. f St, Benedict Tuition in select day school ranges from 5 to 810. Forterms o' Boarding Sohool or an prticclars apply at the A"a'etn ora adesR Sister Huporiorew Beward ! VT V'W p.iy niffihovt rc--iM fi" any raw of Llvet .I'djiiMtnl ly'jK")sla, Pi'l; Ilcadorhc, lndfne-tton. Con rf'n ir C it.crip v-e cannot cure wltn West's .Ks'ii-Urfri.ivorPlli, ulion tho directions arentrlctly npii:'d v. itli, They wre pwrt'Iy Vegetable, anrt never .ii tu rhu s;vtl -fiiciion. Hiitfar Coatwi. Larpre Tuxes, " '! rcni. Pwar of counterfeits in mi :-mln uinnnfactured onlj by ' jtjiiH c t::a COili'AhV, CIUCAUU.ILL. J A inmmiiiK, Agentf Fnrtfniiier & irving. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. rterial Embalmi is: DonsjSoieritil caliy . UOAltD OK KBUKNT8 State Hoard of Kducatlon ; ex-oflklo, His Excellency, Kylveutor I'onuoyur, IJovornnr; Hon U W ilcltrldn, Hvo returv of Btatu; Hon K H MoKlroy. Kupvrintouiltiiit of I'i'bliu Instruction Hunjaiiiin Hirhoillo d, proaidfiit i J II V Ihitlur. seeivtary, Kxkci'tivb I1oh Hon J J Hdy, Hon 1 W Haloj. and J It V Hullor, I'.dk ; Jaenli huos, Marlon ; J C White, 1'ollti Alfred laotiv, Ula.ka luas, A Noltnor, MuUuoiuah; W It Holmud, Marlon. For Catalogue, AililresH . P. I-. I'AM IMIaIsL, A. II., lrKlUciitf or J. M. IMIHELL, A,MM PATR0NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Allinuy, Oregon. W F READ, President. JOWRITSMA.N Snorutary. J L COWAN, Treasurer. Goo F SIMPSON, Vice I'rosidout. PIllltOTOHB- J It Cowan, Ceo F Simpson, IV F Bead, Pr Ii Foley, M Sternberg, J W Bnrnett. J K WcKihertortl, K S Struhan, J O Wrltsiuau, ALSO nWI'lircT AflKNTS FOB Tradors, Ch!cao;o, III, American, Philadelphia, Pa. Puaenlx, London, KiiKland, Norwich Union, Ijndon, KnK iuardian, London, EnR. Man chester, MnncheHttr, Knglaml. ('aledonlan, Kdi.iburir. Scotland. Weschesler, Now York. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN AI1ANY.- BUY THE "MITCHELL WACON," Acknowledged Monarch of the IJoad We carry a full line of narks, BurkIok and Carriaires; also Farm Implements o'all klndn. atrcall on us before purchasing Elsewhere. Mitchd. & Lewis Co., ESP THOMAS ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee1, A Revelation. Few reoplo know that the brieht blulsh-irreen rnlnp '& the ordinary teas exposed In f the windows is not the nat : ural color. t'nptea.ant as tho ; fact may be, lt is nevertheless artificial; mineral coloring matter Leinu used for this puri-osc. Tho effect is two fold. It not nntv tnnl;., t!m tea a bright, shiny green, but also permits tl-.e use of " oir-eolor " and tens, whirh, ones unner tne pre.-n cloak, aro readily worked off as a good quality of tea. An eminent authority writes on this sub ject: "Tho manipulation of joor teas, tojiivo them a finer appearance, is carried ,.n c;en slvoly. Oroen teas, fcelnj In this erunlry especially popnlnr, r.r. pr. ilured to meet the demand by eulorlni; rhci cr l,:ack lM-'l.sby glazing or facing with Prussian blue, tumeric, gypsum, and Indigo. TMi mrlhnd it to gen eral tint tirry Utile genuine ur.mtorcd green lea U offered for tale." lt was the knowledge of this condition of ntl'nirs that prompted the placing of beech's Tea before the public. It Is absolutely pure and without color. Did you over too any genuine uncolored Japan tea? Ask your grocer to open a package of lurch's, and y. u will sc. it, and probably for the vtry flrsl time. It will h found l:i eo'ortobo J ".it be twren tho vtlAcial green lea that you have ' been accustomed to a-.'d the black teas. It drawsadellghirul canary color, and Is so fragrant that It will bo a lovclatlon to tea drinkers. Its purity makes lt also more economical than tho arillUlnl teas, for lest of It is required per cup. Soldonlylu pound packages bearing this trade-mark : PureAs'-CRildhood- If your grocer does not hare it, ho will get lt for you. trice Mo per pound. For sale at ALLEN BROS., ALBANY, OREGON. One half dollar reduction on everv Dair of Ludlow's fine shons. AJ good line of them atS E Vnung's mm MM BEECJII TEA OREGON - STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Nuauioulh, Ort'Kon, The Leading Normal fcfhool of the Northwest. lieiiutifully and HeulthfuHy LouaWvj. No KulooiiH, New buildings , new apparatus, full faculty; light exptiiiKUH, and largo attonduiii'o. Norinikl, Advuncod Normal, llUwiiii'iui Art und Miibiu U partments. H'eelul attimtlnn givon to plivnlral culture. Voluuti'or inlliLnry oraranlxatluii, 'l'hiie rowdvlug diplomas aro iniihrixHl ti leat-h tn any uouutf In Hit) statu without further examination!.. Tuition In tho Normal and I Hi It to dupoj inonts has hiwu rfdinitH frcm it 10 to f'2f perytjur; and iu the Hub-N'tnual from VUO Ui A year In iwtuml for tir0 expenstfH. Tuition Normal and liiiHinoHH, til lir.purturtuof ten wwoku. Hub Nornml at f pur term. Ilouid ut Nuriiiiil dining hall, SI M lo wouk ; furnkrihi-d rootns with light and lire, $1 per wuuk. Ilourd In private fninillcH, 93 Ml por wet k. r'intt term opt'iis bwpt, UJud, Htudcuts may enter uny time. Albany, Oregon It you want the best and most durable furni .ture that is manufactur ed in the city go to BRINK'S J UMBER. Wo wish to say to the public that we havi just added a lar-e planer to our mill and prepared to furnish all kinds of lumber, dressed or rough, as the pur ehaser may chose, as (rood as tho best, and as cheap as lt can be Bold. In payment we will takoall kinds of produce, such as hay. flour, grain, bacon, huttor, beans, beef by the quarter, eto. in fact anything that we can use. Please see us before you purchase your bill of lumber, as we feel emifidont that we can suitycu. You will always lind one of us at our mill. 14 miles Irom Lebanon, il tnilos from Waterloo, on Hamilton creek, WIKT fe BKURfQaM, Lebanon, Oregon. Best stock or 2nd pr ;oods In the Va y, and the most roasf ,aie prices, both in b lsolllng. i have on hand FUsttllTUHE, STOVES, TIM WARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. dew west of 8 B Young's oir .tore L. C0TTLILB the lcfvtlnf? remdly fo' slonorrhna l: The only nine remedy lot JLencorrhtra or Whites. 1 tirescribc it And (eel f.s.MlAVH hum ameitis Ml a e a tit rnic in niiniuiouuuir U. B. A. JNtfA I Kt . AT'Jlv tislsi Stanard & CumcIc. Agents. Laoies Oxford Ties. I have a very ftrge atock of thene poods, in qualities ranff ni in price from $1.25 to 9-i.OUa pair. They ire made ot leather ; i very pair warranted. Samuki E Yovno.