I V. SaUij democrat u.intoKitviLLi:. How refreshing it is to take several asitrsimnera and find all of tliem printed on the same patent sheet. Tlio reading jw 'so nniiorm, "like tour and twenty f&ackbirds in a pie.'' Then the patent aatdiiijj consists oi Munchausen yarns, .we.en.do science and stale jokes that huve iaeen told "from time whereof the mem vof man ruuHeth not to the contrary.-' Ha objection to patent insides if the pro- rjtiotors wouia only patronize aiuereut irMtenteee. Messrs I'illsbury and Blanchard, of Krownsville, visited Crawfordsville last week. They took a Btroll through J F Moses' orchards nnd gardens, where :iuong other things of interest they saw ,yBt squashes and a Buntlower uieasur- tag sixty inches in circumference. I notice relics are to the front now. Cfce writer has a relic in his possession vhtch is an ornamental perfume vial, presented to his father in 1804. There is -.as, Tsnmnce connected with it which makes it of value to the family. Hit 'and Mrs Littler spent last week with the family of J F Moses. The )r ;Tta all the work he can do aniHias made vaxjiy -sets ot teetn lor people arounu ficro. If Dr Littler were to plant the teetli he extracts he could raise a large jtrmy than Cadmus did. Id's Ivy Templeton is visitinc Miss Vruosie Moses this week. She is quite dmaeriiii ana xumuies ner crutcnes well The Odd FeHows dedication and picnic nana; been postponed lor the present. Rev R Robe preached here today on Enmity between the Woman's Seed -loittse berpent. Harvest about closed. Yield good. Wesley. 'Heo W F Read's line of dress gocds and wu Delore Buying elsewhere. Drick delicious ice oold Boda water at K Brownell'a. (or bargains in monnments. headstones no.,ro to E W Achison&Co.Albany.Oregon 'PVITiVP Cr.:07!,Cold5. Influenia, Bronchitis, SjUtttO Hoarsenwi), Whooping Cough, Croup, Sfoi-e Throat, Asthma, and every affection of the 7hrnt, Limes and Chest, including Consumption. &(M!cdy andocruuwene Oenuinc signed " Z. Bst.3." ADM1KISTRAT0RS NOTICE. TfcTOTICK 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE T.1C cfcrsijrnctl has tlmtlay been appointed atlmin iaVmCer of the estate of Cfeas A. Reinhart, late of Liub tx.stv. Orcjfoii, deceased, by the county court (or fetus county, Oregon. All persons having claims oncost said estate are hereby notified to present t&i eime properly verified to the undersigned at Wwwwi.ille.Orrtr, within six months from thi ditto, fcei.tcinfcer, 4, 1331, F II WEBBER, t HL!trrfliru:T, Administrator. Atty fer Atliwimsrator. WHAT IS BDHACH? "t h e only absolutely puro and 'iiaroughly effbstive Insect Bowdcr upon tae market, and is manufactured solely b Site Bulnch Producing and Manufacturing - Cixnpany. of Stockton, California. The word "Buhach," is mado a pari of fche trade mark of aaidconpany, and ALL BK.ALEUS ARE Ca.UTJ.ONED AGAINST SELLING ANY OTHER INSECT POW EE, UNDER THE NAME OF BU ACH. Persons, who order Buhach from 'their ' tlealcia and receive insect powder that is not aiffectiv3 insecticide, WILL CONFER A FAVOR BY REPORTING THE FACT TO THE BUHACH PRODUCING AND JEANL'FACTING COMPANY", IN OK OEU THAT ALT PARTIES GUILTY OF SUCH PRACTICES MAY BE EX POSED AND PROSECUTED. If your dealers don't keep Buhach, don't let than cheat you by selling yoo an inferior sd worthless iusect powder, but C01 MTNK'ATE DIRECTLY WITH THE 8SUHACH PRODUCING AND MANU FACTURING CO., STOCKTON, CAL., WHO NVILi, FILL YOUR ORDERS HV" MAIL OR OTHERWISE AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. THE GREAT WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS, Opens Sept 17th, 1891 ClososOct 17th Mukic by the Great fttpadorcs Rand dir:t from the City of Mexico. &t front the treat masters of Europe and America valuot at a quarter million dollar. Wonder til electrical adaptions In full opera tion. A splem'id series of mineral exhibits. SfSftY PEPABTMEST FILLED WITH THE NOV y.li AND INTERESTING IN ART, 1NDI TKY AND SCIENCE. -"im jpreatcr uorrbcf of exhibits than ever before presentod upon the eoast. rjliE 8TOCK PEPAHTMENT MADE A PROMI XENT FEATURE. jOU0 IN PREMIUMS, , yJtt larptst display of fntlt stid the finest exhibit of Agriculture over mmle in the Paclnu north west, All maim fact u rles in full motion, Every thinu; no v; No dead exhibits, Vm EXPOSITION -:- OF -:- EXPOSITIONS l-sfA r 'won as iwuai, Oreatly reducl ratesTk . 0 Or round trip on all jMistcngtr lincsTiU "German Syrup" " I have been a great Asthma. sufferer from Asth ma and severe Colds every Winter, end last Fall my friends as well as myself thought because of my feeble condition, and great distress iroin constant cou ga in g, and inability to raise any of the accumulated matter irom my lungs, that my time was close at hand, When nearly worn out for want of sleep and rest, a friend recommend ed me to try thy valuable medicine, Boschee s German Gentle, Refreshing Syrup. I am con fident it saved my life. Almost the first dose gave me great relief and a een'le re Sleep. freshing: sleep, such as I had not had forweeks. My couch becan immedi ately to loosen and pass away, and t r 1 if rj, i . x iuuuu myseii rapiaiy gaining in health and weight. I am pleased to inform thee unsolicited that I am in excellent health and do cer tainly attribute it to thy Boschee's German Syrup. C. B. Sticknsy, Pic ton, Ontario." PJlOFESs.'OXAl CARDS G EO; E. CH VHBEKLAI.V, Attorney at Lw. Will practice n all courts of the state. Special attention -rivea to matters in probate uu w u .u;iua. vt r lue, in me r una uiock. J. K. HE VTnERFOKD, Attornoy at Iw. Will nractlco in all c urts of the taw. umcet Fllun block, Albany, Or on. It. BILYEl', Attofny at Law nd Solicitor In Chanceri. CnMeis tluna made on all pomt. Loans negotiated on fav uiuuio uiruis. AiDauy, urejron. G EO. IV. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law and Jfotarv Public. Will practice In aH wurwui imssiaie ana in tne Lniteii mates courts forOreiron. OIHcci-Front rooms over Bank of uregon, Albany, Vgn. X. BLACKBt'RV, II. c. WATSO.1 LA(UBI R. A W1TSOX, B AUornays at Iaw. Ail business will receive attention. Otttcei Odd Fellows-fern ple.Al ban Or. J. WHITNEY, Attorney at Law. aoJ Hatrv Puhl OreifOD. J. Ii. II DLL, Hiyclcian and Surgeon OFFICE Corner First an crry Btrevts, Albany. Oregon. It-S. -tIASTO A DAVIS, Physicians n Sureons. OFFICE Cornnr Rtnmt and lirotdalbin street. AIMny, Or, Calls pwniptly attended in city and country. c. IT. CHAMBERLAIN, M. 3, Homcopathlt. t"SpeeUist In diseases ol Ihr.-Eyc. w'tuiy years experience, oibce hours- to S-a m; to 3 p in, ana o to a-uvuiing. Albany , Oreg'onv JJR. , A. WHIT WHITNEY, Physician and Stinreon. Graduate ct BIIevue Med cai (Joneje, ew lorn nty. Diseases of women a siwcialty. OFFICE Frjinan block, Albany, Oregon THIRST NATIONAL BANK, . OF ALBANY, OREGON, rasldent , Vice President . . washier ..... L FLINT S, E, YOUNG .E, W. LANG DON TRANSACTS A GENERALbankinuslDeae. AC-OUNTS KEPT subject to eheck. 8IOUT EXCHANGE and U) Taphic transfer, nod New York, Saa Francisco, Chicago and Finland COLLECTION? dADEon favorable terms. DrRBCTOR i. E. YOCKO E, W, LANQDOK L E Claim, L. Flinn Edward F . Sox, LIXXCO X ATIOXAI, nAXU, OF ALBANY. OKBOON. CAPITAL STOCK (100,000. Prcaldent '..J L COWAN, Hue-President J M RALSTON. At Cashier 0 A AKUUIUOLU. T rbctors, J L Cowan, J M Ralston, W 8 Ladd, W 11 Oolira, J A Craword and OA Arch Ibuld. TRANSACTS a tropcral hankln? business. SHAW 810111 DRAFTS on New York, 8ao Ml PircUr I, TlOregon. LOAN MOSEY on approved security RECEIVEdcpositssubtect check. B ANK OF OREGOIV. ALBANY, OREGON. Caplful. -1- $50,000. Prosident Vice-President CaahiT ,...H F MERRILL .. E J LAN NINO ....Jay WBLA1I Transacts a general nankins; business: Exchange UoukM and sold on all the prluclpal cities in the United States ) also on England. Ireland, Kranee and Germany. Collections made at all accessible pointaon fa?or able terms. Interest allowed 9.1 time deposits. nOKTLAND S4VI1VGS HANK. I OV PORTLAND, OREGON. Paid up capital $260,000 Surplus and protite 00,000 Interest allowed on tarings deposits as follows: On ordinary savintrs hooks ....4 per cent per annum. On term savings books .......... G per cent per annum, On certificates of deposit: Por three months 4 pr cent per annum: For six months fi per cent per annum! . For twelve months 0 ter cent per annum. FRANK DKKI M, President I). P. THOMPSON Vies-President, II. C, 8T RATION. Cashien Go to C W Cobb, sucoeisor to Paisley St Smiley, Flina Block, tor your job printing f jf all kinds. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber anil Elder Flower Cream Is not a oHmutlc In the sen so In whioR that term is popularly ul. but pormanontly bfautities, II creates a soft, smooth, elevr, ye'vety kin, and tiy daily tue raduiNy makes the complexion several shades whit)'. It is a constant prttection from the t-itiH-ts of sil't and wind and pvitveitts sun bum and freckles, and black heads will ttmor come while you uae it. It ckanus the face far bettor than soap and water, nourUhtMaiid btiiltaU the skin tUauos and prevents the formatiou of wrliiklea It nivmt the freshness, clearness and ainoothiiess of skin that you hvd when a little irirl. Kveryia.lv. younc or old. oi.nl. t to use it, aa it gives a more youthful appear ance to auy lady, and that permanently. It eoiitains no acid, powder or alkali, and Is us hannloHs as dew and asiumrisliinif to the fk'nat dew is to the tluwor. Prlre fHI 0, at all druriatHaiid hainlresHurs, oral Mrs Uenaisu Graham's establiHhmctit, UK1 Post street ttan Francisixi, when she trt4tladiue for all blcmUh- es of t lie face or II a u re. L-uIiesat a distance trvatrd by letter, heud stamp for her Utile book llow to be Itoautiful," QoniTllD PnrtlO n1"1 free to any lady on DaiilUlU DUullCrvceiiitof 10 touts in tumps to iay Ketao and jmjkiiijf, Lady agents wanted, MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Cures the worst cases of Freckle. Sunburn. Sal- lowuejM, Moth -pa' dies. Pimples and all skin blemiithes. Price lit 1. 041. Harmless and effective ; no sample can be sent ; Lady agents wanted, IPVa Tlrnirrrrior In tnis Un who first or.leis a I lib JJIUMM'oU bill of my premrationa will havohls name added to this ttdvertiseutent. My preparations are for sle by who!esalo drujj glsts in Chicago and overy city west of it, HEALTH IS WEALTH ! UR. E. C. WE9T'S Kerve and Brain Treatmen ruaranteed specific for Hvsteria. Dizziness. Convu si oiis. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervou rrostrauon causeu dv me use oi aiconoi or unwcco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the orals, resulting in Insanity and leadmir to misery Ifwasy Mid death, premature old age, barrenness, loss oi row i caused ny overexertion oi tne rram Each t. contains onj month's, treatment, 81 a box 5r six boxw for 4V, sent by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY oase. With each order received by us for six boxes, accopipanied with 85, we will send the purchaser our written truarantee to return! tne money nine treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued onl oy J. A. Cummin,;, Druggist, sole agent, Albany , Or. HAVE! YOU TRIED THE SB HEADACHE CURE? Ityflu- hiwe- not, you have doubtless- sickened .yxir&eif unnecessarily nny times by taking pills for Um blood, kidneys and constipation. Aa rerulatorof the blood it beats Barsaparilla. If titan In half tsaspoonf ul doses, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, Next session bwrlns on Mmday. the 23it day O September, 18Ut. TUITION "-FREE. Fur Courses Classic ' St-lontific. Jjiterarv. and a.short English Course, inw deli there is no- Latin. G-raek, French or German. The English Is pre-em inently a uusiness course. For catatozv.es or further information. Address J. W. JOHNSON, President THE STATE Oppnt Sci1piii1mt ISth, 18D1. Counteof stupy arranged exprcisly to meet the nccdti of the-farming and mechanical interests of the fttate. Larrc( coiniHltoiu and well-ventilnted buill- in ith, rue college ts locaieu in eu.irvavea ana cuuununity, and one of the healthiest in the state .MILITARY TRAINING Expense. lire (I not exceed $C9 fur lite enure neftin. Two or m:re free sholarshis from every county. Write for catalogue to B. L. ARNOLO, Pres., on alt la, Oregon 6 AIVK OF NIO, SCIO, OREGON. Prescient , Vice- President.. Cashier H ,..Jbft Mthrs O S Mat directors: E Golns. S Morris, II Dryant John Gaines P O Smith. Does a frener nankin? and exchange business. PHOTOGRAPHER, Oor SBCond andFeny St, Albany, Oi CJUPKRIOH work, guaranteed In ever; ranteed In over; SsfKolarglng c, yrj Drancu oi tne art, U kiuds a speeinlty. FOSHAY & MASON wofcima aa aaraiL - Druggists and Booksellers Ait ei.U for John B, Alden's purttllcatlons, Wcin.ureagt.iQ at trampa. ToWNSKNDjfit WlL805. EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Paciflo Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. South J 1 North 7:0tJf. M. I Lv Portland ' Ar W:a6 AM 10.U r M Lv Allmuy Lv 0:22 a M a M 1 Ar Suit Frmlsco Lv U;00 r u Above trains eton onlv at followimr stations north of Koseburtf. East Fortland, Oregon (,'lty, WinmI- ouni, a,eiu, Albany, laiiyuut, HIhkM, llalsey- liar- lsoury, j auction city, irvuif, cueoe. RIMBBL'EO MAIL, DA1LT. am I Lv lr.Hl m ( Lv Portland Albany Ar 4:00 PM Lv 1 1-2:00 M Lvl tl.-JOAH MUp H I Ar Rosvburs; ALB ANT LOCAL( DAILT IXCafl ST.SDAY) 6 00 r H I Lv Portland Ar i) ;"0 A H 0 p u j At Allmoy Lv 6;0Q A M LRHAN0K BHANl ll, 27a Tu I Lv Albany 7Zr htb a h 3 25PlAr Lebanon Lv 8:40 am 7::A M Lv Albany Ar 4:i!6 H ivit A M Ar Lebanon L 8:4C p m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, For AtruuiUHMlalttin iif Mrroml-I'lnsa Phmhc (ters, ullut'lietl tu KxiirvsHTrulua, A Hidr 1.1 v l I on. UKTWEEN POUILtNU ASO COUVALL1H Mail .'raimoaut (ExseptSunaay.) SU A M I Lv S:10 P M Ar Portland Corvallis Ar I 6:3U p xraass teain dailt (Excjp'.Sunday, 40pm I 2 PH Portland McMinnville Arl :20 a 6.4t A Through. Tickets To all point! EAST. AND SOUTH. ifoi fuif Informatlo t regarding rates, maps, on Company Agent at Anany . OKHLEK E P. ROGERS Manager Uu'tG. F.and P. An YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad t e HUtiG, Receiver. 0 Dragon Development Po's Steamers Short l.lne to California. First-olaHH turouKli casseneer Rnd raldht line from Portlauu and all points n tne wiunmeti vauoy to ami from Man rranclaco, Lai. Boats makn clout connection at Alban r!th trains of the Oregon Facia Railroad TIM B SCHEDULE, except Snndnye.) Erfiv. Atly 15:2) r. M,jLve Yaquina, 7:iKa, Leave Crrval!ii 1:03 r. Leave Crv.l!ie.,lU:3&A, rrl Yujuina, !::& p. a. Arrive Albaur, 11:13 A. O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains coanectat Vaauina with the Orecon Uevelopinen ompanv's Line of Hteamsbipn between Vaquina and Han Francisco, SAILIXO DATES . FROM TAQUIRA. WilUmctte Valley, Tuemlifcy. Au 4th : TlmrHHsy, VKUM HAN FRA.VCIHCO Willamot'e Valley, Krlilny, July :Ust : Sunday, Amt utli; TDCHUay, Aug lain; weuneiuay, nug uin The Codsdadv 'twelves the nirnt to iiATifrARi.Hinff dntAii i;thoiit notice. S. B. J'assenirors trom roruana na Iflllamette Valley DOinls can make close onnection vf ith the trains of the Yaqnina rontaat A.lbnnv or Corvallis. and if des tined lo San Francisco should arrange to rrlve at Yaauina the evening before fate ' sauinir ij"l'asenie r- an FrKht rate alnoy tlie SjOWCNI For Information apply to A R Chapman, Freight and IcHot Avent, Alaany, (l. "J. noi.i t.. CorvuMs, PnrtlnnH Hrptmn. A. P. Armstronir. Prln. Branch Sthool:i lTAL Bua. Collki.b, Kiilem, 'Jregon, bame couraua or stuuy, same raien oi iuui'.-h. 1 5 GltAKTl.fln.1 jjusaucsn ki i Typewriting, Psnmanihip.amt English Departments trill WSSIOO UiruuKUDUi uie . i . muurum w at any tiuce. CataloiTM from either ecUwtl. irr CHOICE MEATS Ok All Kisuh Emerick - Bakor 'Opposite Schmccr'S Livery Stable, next d- or to Willamette Packing Cos uture. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - REGON Conducted by the Sistett. f St, Bonedlct Tultiob 1b select day acbool rangcwfroin 16 to ?1U. For terms o' Boarding School or Ha prtiaclara apply at the A"a'.erri' orj adcwi Sister Superiorew $500 Reward I WE will pay thefthOTo reward fop aiy raw of Tlvef omplaiiit, Iynepila,SkK llolac! n, Imlifstion. Con Ipntlon r Coativenei'i we cannnt cure with WVnt's f(T table i.lrer Pill, hen tlio dlrprtUmn arestrit-tly n.(illfd with. Thy are puioly V trouble, anr1 nover lltoglvo a.Hffit-tion. fiugur'oatfl. I.artre 'oxca. nt' ' ""' 6 rniv IWnr of co-iut. rfcita ind In... ne trcnulno innmirnKiiri1) only ttt "K JUKX C V. CSJ CCiU'ANY, CULCAUO.lLu. J A Camming, Agent! Fartmiller & w& -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. rterial Embalminp; Dona JSoientil cally . ,& A S a - VI J ft J w.A 'I 'M i ROARU OF KEUKNTH State Bnanl of Education; ox-nHl lo Hln Eswlloiwy, tvi venter I'uunoyer, Uovurnot; lion U w Ali ltridi, set ..j u... . ..... i.. ...i .... LtOhlHIIlhl Ni'llo till ll. IHUHilli'lHI V Hutlttr. auorutary. KvKt-l TIVK It4)itli - lion J J llily, II. mi r W llalci. anil J II V lliilli r. I' .Ik . J.u-..!i V ' I k -itv ' i'lii lima. Marlon : J I'WIiilo. I'oki AII..-.I uuu; A Nultnur. Mulimitnili; W II IIuIiiidh, M-tri.ui. . . ,i For Catalogue, AiIiIivsh . I. I" niIKLL. ice-IrcaiU'iit. PATR0KIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. !IIE FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, YV F KKAD, ProHkUmt. J L COWAN, 'J'reaHUier. DIHKOTOIlll-"-- J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, iV V Kod, I'rLFoloy, M Sternberg, J W Jiurnrtt. J K Vv eailKirtoni, K S Stralmn, J i Writxnmii. : also msTisirr acients Fon TradorM, CUioano, III, Amoriinn, Pliiiitilolliia, I'a I'hosnix, London, Kngland, Norwich Uniou, London, Hug (iu irillKii, London, Kiift- Man cheMer, Manuliextr KiKaml. Caledonian, KdijlKirg. Scotland. Weschealer, Now York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN AIHANY.- BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON," Acknowledged Moitarcli of lite IJoad We carry a f ill line or Hacks, Hii(rxien and Carrlaue; alao Farm IinpIemenU o'. all kinds., tru."'! on ua lufor6 piirchahlng Klsewhere. Mitclull & lewis Co., THOMAS FiiRMiTimn ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. .JOSEPH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee1, A Revelation. Few people know that the bright bluinh-green color of the ordinary teas exposed la the windows is not too nat ural color. Unpleasant as the ij fact mny be, It is nevertheless ;f artificial; mineral coloring matter IjcIii used for this j puri ote. The effect Is two- fold. It not only mokes the : tea a bright, shiny green, but alio pcrmita the use oi " otr-coior " and worthless teas, whli-h, onco under the Rrecn clout, are readily worked off as a good quality of tea. Au eminent authority writes on th!s nib Ject: "The manipulation of )wr teas, to Kirs them a'finer appearance. Is omried on exten sively. Green tea, licit-;; in thli cmntry eaiioclally popular, n. o p.- ilnee.l to :r.cet the demand by coloring i hca-r Wa. kl.:-la by jlajlng or facing with Prussian i.iuc, tumeric, gypsum, awl Indigo. T:,itin,lhod U so fira rml ( very Mile genuine uacohrej jm tea it offered far tale.'' It was tho knowledro .f this condition rf aH'aln that prompted tho placing of liecrh'a Tea before Die public. If Is uhsoluti lv j.ure and without color. Did you ever sea any genuine uucolorcit Ja;an ten? A.-U your gr.icer to open a package of isvech'a, and yi u will see It, and proljahly for tho very first time. It will be found in color to V- Jnt be tween the artificial green tea that yod bavo been accustomed to and the Mack teas. It draws a delight fnl canary color, and is so fragraut that It will be a revelation to tea ''.riukers. Its purity reakes It also more economical than tho artificial tens, for lens of it Is required percup. Boldonly in pouad packages bearing this trade-mark; BEECI A. Ture'AsWdhood; If your grocer does not have it, he will gel It for yon. rrlceCOo per poumi. For sale at ALLEN BROS., OREGON. ALBANY, One half dollar reduction on every Dair of Ludlow's linn shoes. A', good line ol them Si MM OltKGON STATE PRMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Orrgon, 1 lie lA-mling rtuimui N'liool of the I NorthwcHt. Ik'ftutifiilly uiul Healthfully Located. No KulaoiiH, New buildhiLTS, new apparatus, full frtiultt. Iliflit expfiiHcs, snd Inre attendance. Normal Adanc4-d NoruiAl, Itut-incss, Art and HuaU: J' iuriiuiiui. H'ecial attention irlveii to phy'inl eulhirs diploinns are iiuiiiortxud to U-ai-h in any county Tuition In the Norir.ai and Hum I nous depar Hiei'lN Kits been riducuj fr:in4M to tf.ift pcrycur' and in the Hub-Normal from tan to ii o. ' A war in snuoni nr vimi ex Hmsrs, 'Hilt on. ..i normal aim imiihmi, co -u our utiii oi m n wuuki J II wth Ik'ht and tire, )1 iwr we k. ItoHrd in privat ! ka ',l,1'lt", f, lwr wvt tunn "l1-"" S.lil. X'JnU, 1MH. Muiiciiui may tiinvr any utile. A. II., lrfHlilii(, or J, HI. I'OWKLL, A.M. Oregon. J O WRITSMAN Hoorotary. Cit.o F 8IM18UN, Vice ProHldunt. Albany, Oregon It you want the best and most durable furnj ture that is manufactur- lod in the city go to BRINK'S Proprietor, LUMBER. Vb wish to to the public that we hnvc just added a inr-e planer to our mill and -.re prepared to furnish all kinds of lumber, dressed or rouRh, aa the pur chmur may chose, as good aa the best, add as cheap as it can be sold. In pnyinent wo will take all kinds of produce, such as hay, Hour, grain, baoon, tiuttor. beans, beer by the nuartor. etc. in fact anvtliiPK that we can use. Please " before you purchase your bill of lumber, as vn feel confident that we Can miitycu. You will always find one of us at our mill. 14 miliw Irom Lebanon, 8 ml res from Waterloo, on Hamilton crnnk. WIKT fc BliRRIGAN. Lebanon, Oregon.,, I hi 0" Stwe, Beat stock or 2i.d ffff oy, nnd the most reanc u b laolling. .oorts In the Va ,aie prices, botb I have on hand ill k'uo FUiiNITUSE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKFRY, ETC., ETC. ,fo.r west of 8 B IfonDg's on' store L. COTTUfcB th lcnillntr reme.lv m Uonorrhfro A tilet The only mio remetjtot JLencorrhiior White I orewribe itanJ feej Kfn In iwviinmendill8a r-.TP In ToMtAYK.' liiintaiMT r ue Suictur. U.S. A. yf' I'K' .Ml I. Stanard c C'unick. Agenti. Ladies Oxford Ties. I have a very rim attrti?k of ilinun cronf.ii. in nnaiifcinii rant?-" a in price from 81.-5 to 4 00 a pair. Thtr tie made of leather ; very pir warranted. Samuel K Yoiho. .u:!f atS E young's.