VOL. 1V iLBlirr, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1891. aro 104 , loafflaa t JO I lor in' in yuur pin tr lu ttfinl fur riititloif lie Ol "nip in j tinttu nam )uur ae-urj the- mcy. mum inrm iur iiu NO M USTlTUTi:. WHY IS THE L. DOUGLAS 13 SHOE GENTLEMEN ? EST SHOE IN THE WORLO FOR THE MONEY? u Nfiiiiili't kIum', wllli do lutrkH or wax thread (rt tin.' fti'l; mudu uf the ln-nt Hum rulf, stnlUU ji.y, mid bfi'iiiur u-r mute mure ahorn thta b than anv uUicr mmit'ftu turtr, It t-uuah. Imuii M MMH'must1nif from 4.ihi to SUM. F 1)0 4afiiulnt Ilniid-Mpvvt'ri, the finest cult 7 flimi wit ofTtTfil for $V(i; ctjualri r'r;iieO otU'O hhHM which i-tutt from i-citojlj.ui. i UO HiiiHf-FM-weil Well Hhi", fine calf, Htyllsli. comfiirtulili and durulilc. 'J im Im-sC evt-r ofTVivd nf thU price ; a.iiiu- irnulw aa uua Biulit nhirt'iti-oHilittf from $t..u, ti 3 50 I'u lire Miihm Furmcru, Kaltrnad Men and U-tlcrCurrjiTftall wearthem; flueualf, , Milt-H. mumth liiHldc. heavy threw aolca, vxU-u-1 . !'(' pair will wi'arayi'ar. , AO lint nill'i nu bi'tu-r (tliitu ever nfTcrrd at t till print; one trial will rimvluce Uiuae V want a hUik f'r comfort anrl wrvicn. I and 'l.00 VVorkhiuiiiun ahv arti very atrium nmi durublc. ' hotte w au a glvt-11 them a trial will wear u other make. IftVc' unci $I71 M-honl hIkm-4 are a? worn by tliu lMHfVfrvwhvru; lt.ey.vuil av tJtTr mi'Mu, an Uii- incrcasliiK alfn Hhow. I Hioe,,tt lliiiiil-wrwrd alioo, bent f lulvO DuiiKuIn, very my huh; equals r'rt-iica b sorted hIukh OHtlliik'fnmi $1.11 in i,.ii. adic' it.Ml, hi AH und S 1.7.1 shoe for K s aru the best II no Dongula. stylish aud durable. 1 BUtloil. S' thut W, L. DnutClaii' riainu uud mm aru suuuped on the bottom of each nboa. W. L. IhjUULAS, Jjrocktva, Uaaa. TWO MEN AND OS E BOY FOUNi) EA1)!! mv iiDpnli for w. I: While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEYOE & F39U?i BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rilles and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands " " nl other things too numerous to mention Xtepnir Sliop In connection with the Store, and one oi l best workmen in the State to do any ind all kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to mow goods. "Small pre lit and quick ' aim" is out motto. A. STRAW EY, PROPRIETOR Oil THR City Livery, Feet ail Sale -st aib:l e.- Havinir purchase new rise can furn ish first-clssi turnouts at call. .-pecirl attention given to transient stock Hoiees boarded by the day or month. Cheapest Rates in the City. Telephone connection , with the St Charles Hotel. Telephone orders given ' prompt attention. Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and StreetCa.-line. revere; house, ILBANY. OREGON- JHAS. PFEIFFEH I'ftOPllIETOR, FUteti ud In KrHt-class style. Tables rupplied with (he ltt In tb market, Nioa sleepinfzaoartmeniB. tUmpie room nr comtu rcial travel er. RedCrownMills 80M, LAMHIX'J & C .. IHOPR'S. aw fRoaiMs floor srrcHioR fok famimi AND BAKERS VSK. '" REST STORAGE TACJL1TIES. City Restaurant. Hiving been entirely remodeled, thiso'd and popular restauraut will he made first elsss n every respeot. The public will he given good muis at all hours for only 25 oenta. Everything nett and attraotive Private boxes. Ovslers In vory style. ALBANY OR. WRITSMAN & HULBERT BROS, Real Estate Agents Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Albanr and Coryallis, "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." AN ILLUSTRATED II ORTTrULT , l ural mon'hly jonmal. edited by Prof E. R Lake. No farmer or fruit Tower : an afford to be without I'. It PAYS ; whoever tike it, 2 prr Tear, l aiz months, 20 cents a sing!" number, Address, I. II STKARNS, f Torllsnd. Oregon. JG. L. BLACKiVlAN,- LEADING ALBAHT - DRUG3. MEDICINES for Infants "Castorlals so well adapted to chOdreB that I reeomixbfliu! It as superior to any pnecriptloa known to rue." B. A. Aecbm, K. D., Ill So. Oilord St, Brooklya, N. T. "The nss of 'Castorla b so universal and tts merits so well known that It seams a work of supererogation to endorse Ik. Few are the Intelligent families who do nok keep Gastoria within easy reach. CABLoa kUirra, D D . New York CM. Late Paster Bloomlngdale BWormed Chun. Tna CamrAca ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. .JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AID RETAIL Only White Labor Employee", : . i.VJi 1.7 (3 vT W ij&iir. fa. J . ' .ii 1. Albany IRONWORKS --Manufacturers of (EAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON l-KONTS m ALL KIFD3 OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS.- niiil attention jaia o i pairing til ds of machlner PaWns Made on Short Notice ONE MASSJF SCALES Afnicted 3 Yours by PreatUul Skin and Iilood Disriiso, with I tit oil SO Puiu unci Ijiias of Hulr. All Other Rcmrtlips Ffi.l. ncllcvcd In Btantly and ('nrcrl in Four 'Weeks by tho Cu'fra. Ivemrcllca. T have a few word. to eny rrfrjir.I!ric the t'tTi ct'K. Kkm::iii;h, Yiuy hiivcuiud i.u in four Wffks tiinu froin i SU'n iiinl Idixnl IUfimth; whiih I have hud for nwr tJi.vi: j-.-iirrt. .M r.-it.iin thncri, my nkhi wuuld t wry now, i:t,d nlwuja Uryi craekliiK ami iK-i-lliiix off In . l:il:- nml, . In cold wontlicr my fnee wan otiu i:mm t( fcult'H. When In tho cold atr thu pain wnn ivUK-tr; It would almo"t brin! U-nni to my even, und my Mood nlno Irclnit l A p"r condl!loi, 'with u In-i. of hair. I havo trtfd every knrwii rcir.cily that n't-ont-ntcnilcd to nn, liutlt w:m of no thu-, mid ifavo mc veryllttlo honllt. Ho, hfarlnir of your ("i'ththa Ur.xr.uir., I oonclutlod lo tilvc Uinii a trlnl. 'I'ho firat appllcntlon ir;io nlnmet tnitintt relief. In a few Week' time I found mynelf eimd, and I nm thankful tor what they have done lor me. Your CCTirt'RA RtXEniKM area hleraluu tn tln;o who mny have the opportunity to unti them. I can recommend them to any nm-. KI.IT?,r KKIiAP, 27011 l utOB Ave., t bicafu, III. Cuticura Remedies Effect dellmoro ffrrnt cure of timnora and dlf cane! nf the "kin, m-alp, nnd hlooj tluiu all other rrmedleii comtlnrtl. Cirncfiw, the frrertt Hkln Cure, and Cctic l'a Roap, ao eullte Hkin Iuri fierand Henntltier, ex termdly, nud t'rTirunA Ke. "di.vent, tho new Illrwi I'lirilter and (jreateot of lltimor liemedleii, lnteniiilly, rure every "peclen of Itrlihiif, ituritlnn, araly, pimply, and blotchy di. e.ifM'' of the kln, aenlp, nnd tilo.K,, from Infuney to fti'f , from pimple" to rrnfula, when the Iwut phyil clan and all other rcmvdks full. PoM every wheTC. I'rlre, Cl Ttci nA, fiOc; Poap, 2'c.; Kkoi.vhxt, 91. Prepan-d by the 1'otteb luri ani riiKsiicAi, rmtroitATHx, lUmton. Caj-hfml fur "How to t'nre Hkln I tltwasca," 04 paktc, t0 I llu-t rational, luO u-Mlmonlali. Pf.Kfl. hlark-hemln. red. rouiih, elmpned and III oily akin cured by Ci;tu 1.1.A Hoap. OLD FOLKS' PAIflS. Full of comfort for all Pnlnr. Inflwri. mntion.nud Wenlnen of the Aired la tho i ntleiir Anlt-PHln IMtitep, the firpt nnd onlv uniii-ktllinir trnnirth. cnkuK plaatcr. New, iniUiilutiuoua. and Infallttila. DRUGGIST - orRZEO-onsr: STATIONARY.&C and Children. Caaterta enres Colic, Oonnttnsdon, Hour Stouuich, DiarrfaoM, ruetation, EJUS Worm, gives sleep, and promotes dt- Wititujurioua medloaUoa. For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, and shall alwars continue to do so ss It bag Invariably produced beneficial results," Edwim f. PAasaa, at. D., " Toe WlBthrop," isth Street and fth Ave., New York dry. CoKPAirr, 77 Moeeat STaaar, Hxw Tore. ADAGHE "While TouWait; BUT CURES -NOTHING ELSE. iiitr"-- 1 Conrad Mever, r-PKOPxUKTra OF- STAR BAKERY Owner Broadalbin and First Sts., DEAIJSR IN tuned Fraita, Canae Healx, Uasiawrt treeri!iwar. rien Frs'is. Vegetable. I'obacoo, Cigar a. Hogar Sp' s, CoRee. Tea. Etc,, Etc., ''iv.. rprytbing that la kept In Hen tl va "yand grocery ore. Blgberf br.ketp traidfor aIAK.HDSaFRODUGF. UMBER: V'o wish to 83- lo thi public that, we huvi lust added a 1are nluuer to our mill and -re prepared to ftirriisli all kind t-f lutrioer, ureiBa or roupti, as uie par clinker ivr. chose, as (iood na tbe best, rt.-'l us 'Iio;;p B8 it can be mid In prtyment we will take nil kind of produce, auch a hny. fluir, praln, t.ajon, tiittter, beans, bee' bv the qunrlxr. eto In tact anvthlPir that we iaa ush. Pleasn we us before xon purrbrtH vour bill lim ber, an we fed cnudent that we can suitytu "Voa will alwwvs tind one of us at our mill 14 mi mb trora Irfbinmi 8 mHe from Waterloo, on HmHton creek. W!Rf A BERRIG AN. Leltflnon, uregon. Be.ti h'ok of 2r.d MW ;ochh In the Va of, nnd tile inoj-t rea- .Hie prioea. both n b 'polling. I have on hand FOiiiiru.u. srjzs, mum TRIJMX3, BOOKS, PICTURES CLICKS, CRGCKFRY, ETC.. ETC. .t.r.r vstt of 8 E YotJDg'a oif -re t. C3TTLEJ:D V? r. t ffcrilwIeritTMl i!tli'. ; fni'! J lot ,!AT:"frj'r'".-m.rVVhiti ! .t-r-. r:'-; itflnH fvl if3 r. roo.m mending It to rt'! 'Uf,.r. r. 11 A. J. h ..VKiC M. !., 1 1. i d Si Cusick, Agents. SaErHeat of' al In Imieaiag rower Iv5 Powder BSOLUTEUy PURE WOUld CUM'IIlEKI.W' F. M.French keeps nitroad tiuu. New Cream cheaaa hist r enliven' nt Cnur&A Meyeii. Smoke the rllir-.t1 FTf.vnt.af iA H cigar at Julius Joseph's. A lare stock of will paper, with late de signs, at Portmiiler t Irvius'n, just received. Hvyon eoen those parlor suits that T Brink bas just received ? They are nice. 1 W Bentlev. heat brtofc nil mhM mnl-Bi-tii. city, three doors north of Democrat office. E W Achison & Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walla for lemetory lots. Theae Wall Can ha flirnihorl t. half th of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make them look as frond as nfw with Wolff s Am Waterproof Polish. For sa'e at Samuel Young's. Br M H Ellis, physician anlnreoa, Albany, Oregon. Calls made in citv 'or country . LiadlAa'An An fhirlali.-i..ytinn in Crt P.r. . 7" . . I fK'" " a-a.- otaco without visitini! the city, and without extra oomiiiiiori, Mii E J Barmw r c&w.oi aijenfc, KiiiJ Urove St,Oik!and, Jed Tbe Bct External Itemed. SJ Tidwell, Ma!eya, Marion count v,A'a batna, writes; "Allcock's Porous Plisters are a moat in valuable houaehnld remedy. They do all th-t is claimed for thorn I pell many hun dreds every year, aud every day I he.- of their curium cough and oolds. die of the spine, livei and apue rak-; in f. ct.Uiere is no disea-o th.tt can bp r rhX by an ex ternal application that thb 'o not cure." Beware of imitation?, and do not be de ceived by 'nisrepreaentatioti. Aak for All cock's, and let no colicita.ion or explanation induce you to acceiv a nilr jtme. Mlcock's corn and bunion hhi:lds effect quick and certain relief. Sit 1 dJngPhotographera A cany Oregon. We have boutjht-al) thenegativc e made by T m 1 'i i. 1 tr 11 i j a vt u van uu n jrreeii m oou up co iiOV 15th, 1889. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduced intes. VV'e have also about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from whick duplicates oao be had at Hkeiaies. We carry the on v full line of viflwi of this state and do enlarge d work at lowett rates for tirst class work. W e shall be pleased to see you at our Stndio in Freman's biook.nextdoorto Masonio Temple. A new linet of window shade from 60 cents ro $l..r0Jeath complete, at Smnel E Toun's. Wben Baby was sick, we ctc her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to C.istoria. When she hod Children, she gave them Castoria. JEN CIS DBEAIU. LJtstlca had a aueor dream the ethar trifftki. Cburht ho saw a nrlsaabocs' ring;, and she nuadle or It stood a ietirhty iftsia otpion whs not and deJltivatfr ImMbr. saBar, one by , a soora or more of bto, haaiy-lookint; feUows, as they attvanoed mm attack. Ofania aa thanr were In alan. t-Sa TBsHant rlfrmy rroved twoss ssmib a matoti ftrr mmm. ft wtm aH so twony thm JoCka wrka taa langMnv. Ha aoormnae Sur fis droaaa by Be fees that ho bad is eewne so Jhe swwafa-. after 1rvlnr anf SHai aWawatin Al on the mnrlut. Stoat PtsteaVslsMaait srurjfnt-Te re nets, or SSnr ir sVatiu.ee, eswaJr ''krioak aass M arva ran. re Pellets, or any freay-opassd aass suvsTswa asl V. Di Fllis hoUow t Ibv m saav erlfftaal a4 tnrr anvniaa lfttia IJkfm fJa. nerTMi or imiumoiis, wnaa saawain res- Kotts Minerals. ArwaMaak far iv. norae'l tata. whloh are Llffo Buaw-OMtasl Vmm w auH-iwitui 1 1 1 tan mi m viw SICK HEADACHE. nilloae Btslsthe. IMaalneew, onaclpa Ion, Indlttestloa, BIU Ions AILaek., and all ranaemrnla of th. aocmrk and bowels, are prompt! relieved and permanenUf ounwi w WJ I UT, Flssee's PteMsat hmmin Pellet. Thnf are avntlv Urallve. or stronrlv ctitharUe. fKMnrdltia to ste of dose. Smallest, Cheapeai, Btetost to toko, aa eeuta a vial, bj drugaisav ISM w TToni.w1. DisrewSA.T Men m UJtt M., leuNb, a. t. IT. 1 Oor't Report, Aug. 17, iSftj, A llOJlFTllltnjT, The National Commissiun of the Columbian Exposition, or Worlds Fair, composed of members of all the states in the union met in Chicago the other day for the purpose of con lennj matters pertaining to the Fair. Among other matters that came up was the attitude of foreign nations toward the fair. There is not much interest taken by foreign nations on account of the McKinley tariff. A propositian was made by some member of the commit .ion pledging the commission to ask congress to remove odioai restrictions of the present tariff law so that foreign manufactur rrs could bring their wares to the World's fair The discussion was a long and warm one but on a final vote the proposition carried by t vote of 41 to 16. Thus does the campaign of education continue to do Its good work. General John C Black, who was commis sioner of pensions uuder Cleveland will go to Ohio in next month to make speeches for Campbell. He thinks Campbell will be elect ed. He says Illinois will send a Cleveland delegation to the national convention next year. Never before has Iowa harvested such a crop of cereals as it will this year. The oat crop especially is immense. It will easily averoce sixty to seventy bushels, and m many places it will go 100 bushels to the acre, and weigh from thirty-four to forty pounds to the bushel. Important to llimsckeepers. It RivoN"Julius Gradwohl are, satufac- tiou'in selling his fineGoldea Rule teas and bakintr powder, with elegant nrizea or with out them, that his customers who have purcnaaoa invariably return and say they are wen pleated, that the tea is Mo. 1 and rbe biking powder is as good aa the best. All his teat and baking powder beam the name of Julius Gradwnhf's Golden Rule Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his busineas.and he still contiuuea to cive with eachjpound of tea or baking powder an ele gant piece ot glassware. Mothers X CastoriaJ ia lecommended'Jby physicians for children teething. It is a purely vege tble prepa atioo, its ingredient are pun ished aroun d each bottle. It is pleasant to ne taste ana absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, .quiets pain, cures diarrnoea and wiad colic, allays feverishness, destroys worms, aud prevents convulsiogs, soothes the ehild and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Oitona is the children's panacea the mothers' friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. Buy your frofri w ot Parker firm Take Cure! There In Danger! Iu allowing inactivity of the 1 idneys to grow thrmh ntg'.ect. The deidlvxhoilso liright HrtiMtaeand diabetes will wreck tho n dly b''k of health if it al'owed to dnft pidderleM upon thon. The bladder, tin, it t active, aud judicious medication loes i!"t speedily direct the hdin toward fhe virt nf safetv, willbe whelmed by tbe inirkm 1 of diearte. In felftctinir a druretic, dtyonr 1 hoice fall upon Hontetrer'! IS torn -eh Bit rs, which stimulates the renal or- ns without irritating and Mxcitini thm two ((frets to he apprehended fiom the un- 'i einciTtHt stimuli i.ireiv rtsorieft 10. These have a r-ndoiM: to rea it prejudicially. The Hitters invigorate the kidneys and bladder. in common with the tieryes and digestive organs, -nd so afford lts'ing aid. It also II Tils dual a'fiatsnce in preventing and tiring intermittent and remittent fever. Hilmusns constipation and rheumatism it liijo su t-jnuates. An Example. The teas for American u-insumption are bought in China by Euro oen exp- r-ts, who are cilled "ten -tnsters, " The cnoj clopedias ar anthotity for the fact h1 in r few years they have to aiye up heir lucrative positions with shattored con- 4l.tutions. The unbeslthfulness of he sdul tcrstinns end mineral oolorinir matter osn nnt be m.-re strongly pnt. Beech's Tes is pare as cl.iUlhood. Forsate by Allen Bros. R W Achisnn SlCo are sellinu mnuamLnts at PortUh.l prices. Alhanv start Vhel-81 , nts-SO-t..ir-20!l pr IO i' rue 115i Rev-K .(Ml tn 8.01). oi'jitoe--'tt ts wr bushel Beef-on foot. 2'( to So ? i!t 'e per lr irosaeo. Brrns hsin. IIP shnul'b-ns 70 slile. jilil JOppeilb. IT ourftil nr-r bbJ. 1 ii kens 4 fffl pit dor.. fill Fe- brav.-lU t tot bi-.ri., 2': . '! TKLEOKAPHIO NEWS A Double Trazrdv. Bloomingtos, III. Sent 7. Dr Chrl. E Gall 1 Hard, of Ilaybrouk, III. and Miss IWihl Ison. of RaLer Pitv n, t , . Judge Ison, of that place, were found dead thi mnrninn T m I 1 1-. .1 : . ..... .....,.b. . Aiaiwiu 11 a young pnysi dan. who came to this city, and eter tince lh;n haa hrtn imnnrtnnin.. u:.. . ....r... ...... s t,IISS iod, WHO v.-... .itj.c wiiu ncr mouier to attend college, " ""IU tWHCKC, mnrrv him. She thnnohr tr.,,,.1. .1 Iwgtjcd him to postpone the event un'il after vUUi.mUu luuipieicii. inn morning apoeared at the house nn.l h, . view with Miss Ison in the parlor. While Ikine with her hntil'.H nut . 1.. a shot her twice, once thiough the ead and unccmroiiRn the beart, producing instant dcarh. The dortnr thn v.; 1 c. - ...v.. uiiuci. lire times, dying in a few minutes. Baker City, Or, Sept 8. The news of the sad fate of f rteaii.A r. .u 1:1 thunderlwlt ujon the whole community in c., y cr enure iris. 1 he young lady by her airiahle disposition had endeaied herself to boiU old and young alike. Her remains will be brooijht lo this city, and will be laid by the side of her father Judge Saw jer Dead. San Francisco, Sept 7. Tudce Lorenzo Sawyer died very suddenly at 7:a! o.-l.-lr this evening. IIe had been much better uuring the day and was deemed Convalescent Hll Son HoUPhtOit V rnnAlt, hlm ir: son Prescott aud his grandson liowird Adams .... .i (iitraii. auuaeniy he was seized with a severe fit nf ,-. !,;.,.. r. .. for Dr V eam.ns, who lives only a few doors ... c ujuiq return trie Judge was dead. " Murdered In ibe Brush. TenDleton, Lept 7. The body of the man fonnd in the brush a mile below the town Saturday night proved to be James S Slratlon late of rvansas, who had been murdered by parties unknown, as delermined by the coro ner s jury. The remains had been in the brush about . iur..!. mp -n ....... tl - derer is supposed to have bien committed for the purpose of robbery. lane Co. Dorses. Eugene, Sept 7. Seven trnttinn were shipped from here yesterday to Salem lor he stale loir. ThM. t't Tlu i "1,. . ' J vraiR s v.ssa I W Harris' Kablrlee; P K Walters' Captain .. ,uul inner,, i ney will go from. the state fair to the &wi..rn r . , ' . vicuti ai.iricc fair at Central Point and from there 10 the fall uiccung 01 ine L,ane County Driving Associa tion al Eugene. labor Day In Denver. Denver, Sept 7. Labor day .as gener ally observed here and throughout the stale toJay. In this city in the business houses banks and public offices were closed. The porade was the largest ever witnessed in tbe West, and had over !2,ooomen in line. The afternoon was spent at j.icnic grounds and resorts near the city. Attention . The very latest news is thst yoii can buy of Julius Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar.for net caah.lo pounds granula ted sugar for $1.00 and 18 pounds Extra O suuar. All goodi sold for net cash from 10 to 25 per oeutess than regular prico, as I intend to run st iot cash store. Albsny, Or, Inly 21. 1891. To Tea Drinkers Probably three fourths of the teas consumed are "Green Teas Unpleasant ss the face may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar tn us all Is not 1 he natural color, Lut Is due 10 the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indl-o and other mineral colors. That coloring hides the effects of poor teas Is undoubted; but is it healthful, nnd docs It not call loudly for the Importation of a brnno of pure, uncolorcd, unman ipulaled tea? It was this condition of affairs that prompted the placing of lirpcli's Tea before the pi.Kic. IMng the absolutely pure, nn rolored leaf it Is dlfi;ient In color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation lo le.i drinkers, and lis purity makes 11 mote economical than the arti ficial Was, less of It being required per cup. Sold onlv in packages, farrni per poui d. Akk for Leech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn block, Albany. Lai.iks Oxford Ties. I have a very arge Monk of the-e pnnils, in qalities rsr . ng io p-ice from $1.85 tn 4 00 a pair. Tory ne 11 adeef leather ; 1 very piir warranted. Pamuel E Vol no. The DKMool:AT will .nl..'... . machine ot any nink" diwir d, excpt one nr two. foranmenak grub wood and part cash; or will consider thfr ,irn,i...;t;,.... 1... on. desiring a new machin. ....... ,r. nip nonais ssncel..;ecnitali.s for tlS s pir. as tineas snvtliti'tf .ier A..n ;n ti... r, , range d. wn tn 7 a pair. Other kiee eur 1.1MV.UI 11 i, ei 01 usa a pur, Bail a- ifl'ra in choice groceries am a'way ii'. d of AMen llroa.. Fhnr, H ock. e sec New I'Rocrsa. . Mrs A M Talt Is now veiling a new ptocss for canning, fruits t.d veyetshlra without cooking or e!lng light. Samples ol her wgik . mat be scrn al Uruiii'. store. ratrenize hrnif inliirt'.v ai.lhiiv h-m" Inrlc hirtrs., wirtrnwc', f miO (J .Ve rs! I. d,at Dul 11. Illi e 1 lil ttti'd. Tin- 1't-r.t mart ei ff. . in ti. c.tj y: (..lit rt!.jrr a.