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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1891)
?JB35 ALBAXT, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1891. 10 103 a 1 1 m n iirnti fbr W. I.. lougia mim, iilouut TAHL NO MltiSTITITK. - i WHY IS THE V L. DOUGLAS I SHOE CENLEMEN 8T SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? Ittaiiih'-- ''. Willi m luck or wmi llm-ud tlii'ft't-l; mudo of the lM-t lino culf, MtlNh f uritl bri'auM we miilr mon. n' " "n m f (4 orwr m(iiu(i('turi'. It o,uu1m baud ,,, tout lute from ..') to$VJ. II UHiul-tf !, theflneM calf hti'( L'Vtt olTt-n-il fr (.'i.ui; piuU Kn.-uub mI :'i.-4 uiilcli rout from $ to $),'.. 00 1IhihI-xwiI f Hhor, Hub calf, .i.-iili comfiirlulilt uuil durulili1. 1 lie best ttr offered at IhU price ; wimc (trade as cua .ade HhtM-t ctMtltitf fnmi f.iii to Av.i.i. AU Pollen Minn Farmer. Hail road Men arid Letter! urrleraul I weurtm-111; lineoair, at, binootb 1iihM. heavy itm-o Mule, eateu- ! JO lino raifi no better .lifteeTer offered at IIIW price; line irii win nmuireo iu ni diii fur i-iiiii fiirt iinrl mvlri. . 05 niid W'J.OO Workliiu.iifiii'a shoes ara very htrmitf and durable. TIkmwi wbu k Shvu thnn a trial will wear no other make. T T.. &. itit un.l m1.A whool nutv nrn jS worn bylheb'ev''ryvhere; tbi.-yiM.-U at imV merits, iih tin- lurrt-axliiK nale hIhiw. I -M Ue S'.'I.OO Iliuid-Hf rd fchoe. best J 1 IC iMniKola, very Ht llsh; -iUttUrrcucli j 4lrm ii..V, nud 11. 7l shoe for M are the heal ntie Uoiitfoia. MyiiMi uuu uuraine. t .allon. that W. L. DouKla' tiamo and mui are KtaiUDt-l on ine oouiini or earn hmou. W. L. iXJUULAb, Urocktou, Mas. ID T AJ. E. BLAlfV. TWO MEN AND ONE COY FOUNi) DEAD.!! While trying to Crowd then WAY INTO DEY0 Si F..0.V.Ar, BROS Store, where they alwnts have on hand the largest Stock houih of Portland, of the latest Improved Kiries and Shot Guns; an immense stock of KUhlng Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Repair Sliop In connection wlhh the Store, and one ol Sn best workmen In the State to do any and all kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to : mow goods. "Small prclit and quick alas." Is oui motto. A. STRAW EY, PROPRIETOR OF THB City Livery, Feel . and Sale -ST AEBL E.- Bavlng purchased new rim can furn ish first-claim turnouts- al call, .tpecirl attention given to transient stock Hoites boarded by the day or month. Cheapest Kates In the City. Telephone connection with the St Charles Hotel. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and Streetcar line. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, . . ' OREGON- 3HAS. PFEIFFE1! 1'ROPRIETOR. Pitted ur In &rst-c.aMA style. Tables fiipplied witli the bent in the market. Nloe aleepinfraatartir.enta. Himple room nr oommoroUl travelers. Red CrownMills 80M, iiNima o.. iaoPR'8. IW PROCESS f L0CR SCTEBIOK TOK PAMIMS AND BAKERS USE, 'KESTSTORAGF VACIL1TIES. City Restaurant. Riving been entirely remofleled. this old ' and popular reUurut wiil be made firyt claie n every reapeot. The pubbo will Hi iven good meals at all bourn (or only 25 oeote. Every th inn neat and attractive Private boxes. Oyster 1d evarv style. ALBANY OR. i WRITSMAN & HULBERT BROS, : Rea! stat Agents Farms and Ranches for sale. Alsoeity broperty in Albaor and Coryallia, "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." i, 4 N ILLUSTRATED H ORTTrULT t "ral inonhly journal, edited by Prof K R Lake. No farmer or fruit -rowr an afford to be without 1. It PAYS 1 whoever tikes it, $2 r vear. $1 Mx monthn, 20 centa a s'.nicte number, . Address. D. U HTICARNS, . rrt!and. r Knn. -G. L. BLACK MAN,- LEADING DRUGGIST .nLB-A-T-X- --- OREGON: DRUGS. MEDICINES for Infants and "Cutorla Is o wdl tdiptod tochfldrro Out I roconunttid itaj niparior to .nj praMriptkio known to mo." H. A. iicnil, H. D.( 111 Sa Oxford St., Brooklra, H. T. Tha um of 'CutorU li wo unlrenul od Jt merit to well known that it eema a work of Bupereroration to endorw it. JTew are th. InteUiKent familiea woo do not keep Cattona within eanr reach. " . K Cuua Mimt, D. D . New York City. Paatar Bloomincdale BaComuxl Churon. ttn CnrrMB ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .P. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employef Albany IRONWORKS -Manufacturers of (EAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW mil MACHINERY IRON rKONTS AND ALL Wn OF HEAVY AKO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. p-'Qial attention jaid da of nurrhinon pairing il PaUrns Made on Short Notict ONE MASS OF SCALES Afflicted 3 Yrars by Dreadful Sklnnnd lilood IMrpiisp, Willi lntcnso Pain and Loss of Hair. All Other Romedlcs F:iH. Relieved In stantly rind Ciirf:. In I 'our Wer-ks Vy the Cuilrnra I hav n few wonl to p:iy re the CfTi. y ri v in four wct'kK' tiin! I'nitii n SN'i I have h;iil fur nvi-r mv akiit wml l ti v,1 ihkI r-liioil 1)!h-:ic whlc-li l -. .t Cfl titlll lilllfi' y porr, nri'l iuwujk nvy cmckhiKftntl pi-llin! u.T tii v.lilti- m-K-. In cold WuUitr my l:iie wan o:ic in;:n 01 in'i. in n In th rolil nlr lh pi-.lti w.i Inter.,'; It woiilil almost brinn li-nr to my c mul my Mood aluo tM'tntf In ti HMir ronilitWui, niili a l f hair. I have tried wcry kimwn ri'iiiitty tlial an n-rom-nicndl to mp,intlt wit f tio 11 iTi'l iwvt' me very little hen -lit. Ho, li..iltttr of mr Ci th i tia Kkmkihr, I roiiclmlcHl to irivi- tlicm 11 triitl. 'Mm flrnt application :v almot liMaiit nlU-f." Jn n frw wookn tlmolfmind myclf fiin tl, mid I nm thankful (or what they haw done for nu-. Your CuTiri'RA Kr.MElUKt nrv a lilcnnlnif to tli'e who may hrtvti the op)ortiinity lu uu tliem. I cuD reebmmeud them lt any ono. K1MlXn KKRAf , 2704 J L'oiud Avt., t hkugo, III. Cutlcura Remedies Effect drily more (rrpnt curep of and dls-eac- of tho pkln, aralp, and Miod than all other rcmpdle eomlilttc.). CiTKTitA, the frn-nt Hkln Ture, and ( "iTTicrUA ?oap, an exqtil-itp Kkin rrl flernnd Hoantltifr, oxti -nj-itly, ar.d CirTHTRA Ite 1101.VENT, tho new ItlocKl Pnrllicr and prroisti-nt of Humor Hcmodtft, ti.1rrnally, rnre every apecle of tccMtiff, htirninff, aealy, llmpty, and blotchy dl. ra-o of the -kin, arrslp, and hloisd, from Infancy to mr-. from pimple to awfnli. wlwu the best pbysi cians and all other remedies full. PoM everywhere. Price. f'tTicrna, We.; Poap, "V 1iK-o':.VKNT, 1. I'ropare.l hy the 1'oTTltt 1U ' AMI fllUMICAI. roltlMUATtON, ISoMoil. CA,-en-l for " How to !nrc Hkln I Hhctt.-," W pieti. Si lllntratiow, hw tea 1 1 mon la la. nl(UI"I.K!,Wsrk.l I, red. ronvh, chapped aud run oily akin cured ! i'vtu 1 ha r1''' CLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full if for.ifnrt for all I'nlns, Inflnm. mmlon, mid iikn. "I l Awl Is lis- Ciillriir Anil-I'nln I'la.tor, Iho rlr.t nnU 'i,tii.iillin ftrrnirth. SDiutf jjU.tcr. cw, in.laitliUKoi!., turn iiihii.. STAT I0NARY-&C Children. Caetoria enras Colic. Oowrlratlon, ffour stomach, Diarrhoea, fcructaUon, KiUa Wonua, (iva. sleep, and promote, al- rertion, tUoutinji iBious medicaUoa " For sereral rears I have recommended your ' Caitorta, ' and shall always continue to do so as It baa invariably produced beneflrial raulu." Ed wis T. Pimsn, X. " Tbe Wlnthrop," l'ith Straet and Tdi Arc, JiswTorkCltr. Couvaxy, Tl Horut 8tet. Kiw Tout. Proprietor, RETAIL URES ANY HEADACHE "WhileYouWait," BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. Conrad 'Mever. PR0FK1HTT3 0K. STAR BAKERY Comer Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN tuned Frnlls, CanntH KleHln, Qrteenawarf, Vegelablei). Clxxr si. p' a. Tea. lile.. rlen FruUn "obacco, osar roller. Kte 'erythlnt? that la kept In - er tlA va 'Tantl (trooery ore. HlRhwt j rltet p 'Told for AM. MBS urVKOOUCE. U Ell BE!.. We wiA to saT to the public that we hav"Jut addtl n lar.To planer tomir mill and .e pronarod to fumifdi all kinds of lumber, dressed or rnutjii, aa th pur dinner way chose, as Rood as the bent, a. id pfiel.cnp iia it can be old. Inpayment we will take all kind- of produce, atuth as hay. flour, grain, i.ajnn. imttfir, beanM. beet by tho quarter, etc in fant anvthlpjr that we ean use. Pleasw peo no before you p '.uehaw vour bill of lumber, wo ferl contWent. that wo can eultyu You will alwwvH find one of u at our mill 4 ml from Ibnon 8 miles from Waterloo, on Hamilton creek. . u IKT A BBRRIG4N. Lebanon, Oreson. hi Store. Iteo stock or2i.U jUT ;oocls n the Va iy, iml the most reasr .a 10 prices, boib n u iHelllDg. i bsve ou hand U k'w.i. FJ iMITJHc. SfDVES, TIMWARE TRUNKS, -BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CRaCXFRY, ETC., ETC. Ji,ir M or S E Youok'r oh "r L. COTTLItB . k - rL-rfiiowIortpffO !.. l"i..' r" to. . i l.r:w r::- itand tecl "" v. irH nfo 1 i"C' mmcudittg it Tnri i.r!MiM"'' r to n:i iilVrer. 1 r..t -"JhawJ Stanard & Cuik. Agents, SSfebest of 1 fa livening Power. WOK in 'OYMIF.K!Stj. F. M. French kevi railroad tiin, New cream uheeie inst loceived at Conrad 1 Meyers, Smoke the oeleb rated HavanaFfiUed 5 oeut cipar at Julias Joseph's. A lari? stock of wall oaner. with latede- :j;n, at Fort mi Her k Irvinit's.jnat received. Have yon ncen those parlor suits that T Rriuk hu just received ? They are nice. J W Bentley. best boot and slioe makerTin ity, three doors north of Democrat oftice. E W Achison 9c Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. Fhese walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten op your old rubbers and old shoes and make tbern look as pood as nw witb Wolff's Aime Waterproof Polish. For sale at Samuel E Youngs. Dr M H Ellis. thvsicisn andsurgeoa. Albany. Oreoo. Calls made la city Tor country. Ladies can do theirUhoiioins in San Fran cisco without visiting the city, and without extra commtision. Miss K .1 Barrow, iff r ch-uiug ajgeut, 16(33 Grove St.OAklauJ. JaI Tbe Best External Retuetly SJ Tidwell, HaleyV Marion county.Ala- bama, writes. ' All?ock s Pnroui Plasters are a most in valuable hounehcl.l remedy. They do all tht is claimed ff them I cell many hun dreds every year, and every day I liPar of their cunntf eonehs anu c'"ok, iifpa1" ot the spine, livei and ague cak-; in fact.thre is no diKeae thnt can b( r'nefi iv au ex ttrna. apwlioation that thr.v not cure." Beware ot imitations, auudouot beoe- cetved by misrepresentation. Ank for AU cock's, and let no tolicitariort or explanation induce you to accept a fmh:itu'e. AllcocK s corn anu nuttion attieids euect quick and certain relief. VftdlDgPhotographers A any Oregon. We have boueht-alUheneeativt s made by L W Clark and W II Greece ood up to Nov 15th. 1BS9. lJuplicatea can be had irem hem only of us at reduced tates. We have also about 18,000 ueuatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at llkeiaues. We carry tbe on v tun line ci viewt of this state and do enlarge d work at lowest rates for first class work. N e shall be pleat ed to see you at our Studio in Froman'a block, next door to Masonic 1 en. pie. A new centa to : Young's, lino of window aha leu from 53 fl.f 0 each oomp'ete, at Samuel E When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she chine to Castoria. When ahe bad Children, she gavo them Castorla, tot, one by ene, a score or wore of sac, bssny-lookaufr fallows, aa they a4voe4 .bat attAik. G!as aa thwy ware In stae, Um wHontv ntgmy itroved mot tkan a roatco far wrji ail so fuJVTT tbac Jonke wM at laaiiorh! laitffb.r.a-. It aoooaauB qt Che dtssun Wf Se fact thuc ho bod yog lft i iiabs nfUr f.-y at aeulV w-srr Ms. swastlo au an th maiKet, thai Faroe's rasini 1 FwnrartTe PeHeta, or Stay tWiay- ssaftaj vanulefl, ealy " Imook oast anal tee at m bie- pills hollow Ibw aaw orltftasa ssid only a-rauino Lfttle Um ?iDB. Beware of Imitation, wfcftoh oeaatahl Tat- Koua Mlnfwaia. Alwan ask fm Vr, Hsraa'a leta. which are Ulais Burwr-oate4 PBss, or Ant.-billu Uraaaia. Om a Doe. SICK HEADACHE. Billon. Headaefce, Illsiln.H, t onstlpa (lon, Indice.llon, BIU Ion. Atlaek.. and all dr. rangements or the ssomarh and bowels, are prompt? rcnVred: and permanentlf oind hr she use of Dr. fitoe-i Tleaaaat Purwadre Pellet. ,tThof are amtlr laratW.. or stronlr csthartlo, aeonrdlng to .lie of dose. Bmslkst, ClKpess, fastest to take. oonta a Ttal, bj drusirisss. ins. to Worn n msrassAaT alaa stt aula ;.V Ihflk M. I. J J 0 t SJ JENKS DSBAJK. Jffukfl had a queer draam tke ether nlrl- U thouffht he saw a prlarvfliiteTs' ring;, aja4 h thn middle of It stood a dctwhty Utski tShAvranlon wha met. anti dftBbflMsUtV kllOak4 U. & tfor't Report Aug. 17, iar I he colored men of Massachuseits aie taking action to hpve c representative on the republican state ticket. nnd have 1 brought forward the name ol ex-As semblyman William Oscar Armstrong for State Auditor. They threaten to bolt 10, 000 coiored votes from the republican ticket unless their demands are complied w"". 1 A meeting will be held Sept. 8 to take action on the matter. Several leading re- . , . , . . , . , puoi.can .ueeis in u.c are in lavor or having a colored man on the ticket. I Uueen Victoria was the only child of I F., n,iV nf Vnf. hn 1 the I fourth son of George III. Her mother was Victoria Mary Louise.fourth daughter of Francis, Duke of Suxe Coburg Saalfcd Neither George IV. nor his brother surviving legitimate issue, and she became 00 I heir presumptive on the accession of her uncle. King William IV., who also died without legitimate offspring', Import tint te Hit ate keepers. T4- ..Ism Tii lina fivnrl ibtsVi1 dm - atiufass . ... . ,T. a 1 1 . . . , tionin selling his nneuolden Rule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or with out them, that his customers who haye purchased invariably return and say they are well pleated, that the tea 18IN0. I and 'he baku.2 powder is as good as the beat, All his teas and baking powder bears the name of Julius Gradwohl's Golden Rule Bazaar, aud Are expreasly put up for his busineKS.and he still continues to give with each pound of tea or bakiug powder au ele- aut piece ot glassware. Muthers t aatona; is iecommenaed;4by pnyiiciaos for children teething. It is a purely vega- able prepa ation, its increments are pun ished around each bottle. It is pleaamt to he taste ami absolutely harmless. It relieves eonatipation, regulates tbe bowel quiets pain, cures diarrnoea and wild colic, allays feverish dcbs, destroys worms, aud prevents convulsions, soothes the ehild and gives it refresh i it o and natural sleep. Cattona is the children's panacea the mothers' frieod. 35 doses, 35 cents. Buy your groceries ef Parker Bros Take Care! There 1 Dancer! In allowing inactivity of the kidneys to grow through neglect. The deadly shoals o Bright' s disease and diabetes will wreck tbe aondly bark of health if it is allowed to drift rudderless upon them, Tbe bladder, too. if inactive, and iudicious medication does not speedily direct the helm toward the port of safety, will be whelmed by tbe quicksand of direase. Id selecting a diuretic, let yonr choice fall upon Hostetter's Stom- ififi Bitter, which irrigates the renal or- irins without iriititing and exciting them, two effecrM to lie apnrehennwl fiom the un- ireiicate l stimuli larcelv reso-ted to. These have a tendeun to read prejudioi!lv. The I Hitters itiviiiornte the kidueva and bladder. common with the neryn ami uisiive o'-en. -trt an slbtrd lastitif aid. ic am ff.triia uua aMstance in proventiPir and ; nnntr intermittent and remittent lever. mlioiiitnc- constipation ami rheumatism it 'tUo su i'jfivatM. 'N KxAnri.E. Tho ti'as f'lr American d'r.sumptvti are houjjht in China by Euro pean experts, who are called "tea -".asters. The encyclopedias ar snthotity for the fact '.hit in . few years they have to give up heir lucrative uositKns with shatte-od eon- .tllutiors. The unheilthfu'iioss of he sdu!. tiT&t.ions end mineral eoloriner matr.or one not be more strongly put, Ileech's Tea is aire as childhood. Forsate by Allen Ores. F, W Au'usnn &Co are selling mnrtnmtnts st fortlHii.l prices. Albany Bawet. Wheat-SI , tf : pr Iti rcua !t5i Hsy 6 .0)' to 8.M. ol atooa ''a t. per hnsh.l' Reef-on f Tt. 2" to r P irk - t'Af per lr .tressed-,RAnrps-iiins lie shoiiMnr. 7d sl! 9r .j'trt Jrterrlh. ft ovr-H2b per libl. 1 ilekens 4i00 per rlo fill Keod- 0Op- too .hor., 21;. xMiriiair. 2. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OTIPB Is IIRKKnV GIVEN THAT TIIK VK .n!.,..) thl. dav lon oniv siiiiolns.1 riarrin-ricd have IhU day hen oiiiv aiinolnfttil ntnra of tlhe laat will and tetUment of Owen orator of h last will anil ol o.en ib... sinajutapfl. hv the Hon, cotinty court for Unn tountv, .-Teifon. Ail wmiw having claims atfatnat tald eiute are herohy riilfil to preaent them to thtunileraiiriil',-,J K. Wealhetlcnt. at AllaanT, or., within al montha from this date, property vtri flcd aa retiulrwl hT law. This 13lh day of Auu. ll . JOHN tiUMMrNAfc), .T. K.wrATHSsroa Kxeeittnrf. Aity for Executors. (821) TKl.EOltAPHIO NEWS hy os Kasle. Sault .Sie. Marie, Mich Sept 6, J oh a Powdje, a former chief of the Chippewa In dians lives on :he lanks of St Marys rwer, and acts as (uide to hunting patties. Yester Hay three Cincirm.ti men engaged him for a Hay's hunt. They started across tbe river this morning, and when nearly over noticed a large bird dying in the air. The Indian said it was an eayle, and suggested that hj should row back to the American shore so as to be wit ii in gunshot of the bird should it descend. tie did so, I hey then started for cunshot distance. Powdje's Kiuaw, in the meantime. hud gone to the liver to get water, leaving her three-months-old panpoose tied to a board an,. ..nine a.r.n.i t U..a IU. Uacle spied the child.ind when about 200 feet "om te ground it made a swoop on the chud nc sHuaw was horn!'ed a moment later to see Ihe eagle rise wilh her child in its taloons. When about ttn feet from the ground the bird dropped its load. Failing in an attemnt to pick up the child, the eagle pecked at its thros-. and eyes, gouging one eve out and Ule fpol Jn(1 atieInplrl STSi wim such., oui ine Dira turned on her and pecked st her neck, inflicting a terious gash. " lnen ne .air "' . "ut swooped down again. At this moment the lound of tw0 dist,nt tifle jhoU y)m htlrd ,nd the bird fell to the ground. Powdje scarcely reached the egle when he heard a shriek from the squsw and lie dl'covercd that his child B1 "ISd. A War Onl of II. Clarksbuko, Ws Va. Sept 6 Last even ing a young man from one of the back count ies, accompanied by a pretty young woman. "PP1"0 " "I'"1 lodging houses for two mnmi nuar nmht A ilia oitu lm with guests to the fair, they failed in their quest, and the young man was in despair. bud J en. y he asked the whereabouts of a min ister. Rev I M warden happened to be pass ing ai the time, and was asked to marry them then and there. This the minister did, after recovering from bis surprise, in the presence of a crowd of prople attracted by the unusual - w u;. :j .l., ,k . . , . . scene. Mr Riggs said 'hat they had tried in vain to get sepsrate lodgings, and under tbe circumstances he thought they had better get married at once. Loks Like War London, Sept 6. It is reported that tbe British foreign office will take vigorous meas ure in a few days to bring the Dardanelles question to a settlement. Lord Salisbury hta been mild in his policy toward lutkeo, so muc 1 so, that there has been mucn complaint amofg Uritisk subject? at Constantinople that icss respect, is niuwu tut mem man ior ine Qermads. Now. however, it is rumored on sound authority that the attitude will be changed and that a bo'd demand will be made upon the sultan to take a stand acainst the claims of Russia. A BuiglarSbol. AsiiiANU, Or Sept 6. A tramp broke in to K turns' store at Talent, four miles north of here, last night, and vrus selecting his plunder when he was discovered by John Briner, a man sleeping in the store, who shot at the burglar three times, one shot going through his bat and anotner entering his side and ranging upward, producing a bad wound, though not necessarily fatal. To Tea Drinkers Probably three fourths tf the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant as the fact may be, the bright, thlny green so' familiar to us all Is not the natural color, but is due to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral colors. That colcrlng hides the effecta of poor tens i undoubted; but la it healthful, and does It not call loudly for the importation of a b'ar.u of pure, uncolored, unman Ipulated tea? It w as this condition of affair that prompted lhe placing of Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored Unfit is dlffeie it in color from any you ever used. It dra as n canary color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation to te., drinkers, and its purity makes It more economical than the arti ficial tea, iVks of it being required per cup. Sold only In packages. 60 rents per poind. Auk for Brrcli's Ten, pure in childhood, foi hale by Allen Bros., Flinn block, Albany, La uk OxFoiui Tim. I have a very arge stonk of the goods, io qualities ris OB in p'ice from SI. 23 to $4 00 a pair. They ?te trade of tat hnr ; vrv ptir war tan ted. 8AMUF.L K YOUKU. Thn DKM'M'kAT wiil -xohanie a itewint? machine of ativ make denir'd, exempt one or two, furromeonk iirub oodand part cash; or will consider other proposition-- hy any one detiriiitc a new machine. Fortp i'ler & Iivini r.ave sm- Renis aaiiue Ixe-cttrtaths for HIS a pair, a tine aa anything ver ae-n in h it . They rante (biM-ti to $7 a pair. Otltr k-ce car tains d'vn to $1 o- U,t i pir. Rar.aina In ehoir-e irroneij cn a'wty seeif.d nf AHn Bros., FJinn H k Nkw . Mr A M Tolt la. now telling a new pro.f,, for rnnnini; fruits siiu m" wiiuuui ifjoKiiii' tr ciinMt ' tight, fiiatnii'es nf her work tn.ny be ;n at Brownell's store. Vatmo;B-t h- mr in lmt v '! buy r.av m de harms', wir-n'i1, f"im O C Ml F -ili nd,at ltbn 1 le a o.d ttorl. i x j The best roast cotte in the eity at fenia . ) 1 r a.