Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, September 05, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    jnilfc1 eery Uay lu I be ek x-
HUTTIM3, Editors and Prop'rt.
W LNn , . . . - - j . v.
f auoonl c'ua mall inslter.
. i U 1 Itntn. llhanv fir-
jaI (jpLLKUL The interior of the
leg, boil'lii'K '"" generally im-
feved preparwiry l" l,IB openi'm 01 me
Cool ' axt Wednesday. The desks iu
Cl different departments have been
fan.ens Id : ew recitntion room has
I lulu-mil llm main Imilil.
Ig a
tumasiume ; the room (or the
il deiiartiiient ia up with the
11 the additiun of a genuine
ganter made hy the expert Win
, ill 1 receiving, imyiliK anil tlie
trtniuntH, Kreutly willing to the
..or instruction in thin important
uent. Tlie gymnasiums, tliuuirli
nimnlate hv any ineups.are in a irood
ution ior tlie students, and offer
nt of features for exercise. All to-
( 6hr the College building ia neatly and
,ctlvely furnished. Last year was a
successful one. The coming vear
raises to surpass it. The faculty ia a
peteni one ami tho young men and
Omen of this country cnnnnt lind better
structors In whose lunula to be placed,
lis Institute deserves the liberal Blip
rt it receive).
T: 'o-Mioqt. Base ball players will be
rested in knowing that l'liil McFnr
d, of the "Corner Grocery" comoany,
ne of the in t popular professional
I players of America, having received
rise at the contest arranged by the
r York Journal to determine the
it popular ball player. .Mr Mi'Kar
i was fourth, and headed such well
wn players as Dave Foultz, Roger
Inera, Tiernan, Ward, Keefe. and a
re of the gilt edged e'ement. Mr
Farland il one o' the few men who
oaught the reiloubtable John L
livan, having received his erratic d
try at a benefit given the Clan-na-t.ael
tociation at the Polo grounds in IKSo.
Iiglil at toe opera House.
touOHT A Kailkoad. Says the As
ian oi Thursday: "Another chapte"
the history of the Astoria & South
at railroad opens and clones today. C
rluntlngton.the pcesident of the South-
t Pacific Railroad company, buys the
id. R Koehler and J C Stubbs were
tected yesterday.but were delayed. The
Aster Is to be made and the deeds
lied todiy. The consideration Is $54,
t; $50,000 cash and the assumption of
loo Indebtedness. The road is a valu-
plece of property. The Iron in it Is
fth tne amount paid. It pays a divi
de Just what the Southern Pacific pro
ses to uo nas not been divulged.
'hi State Fair is close at hand
re will be a big attendance from this
It of Oreffon. Nnthinir else tnkes the
See of such a fair. It combines everv-
Ini, the products of the land and hand
B factory, the stock ol tlie country, the
as 01 tne merciiant ami tne speed ot
(nurse, xou get several shows in
, so to speak. This is Oregon's only
ke fciir, and should be made a big suc
p. It deserves to be a success. No
fro are bigger vegetables and finer
iu seen, the stock exhibit is always
P men so one, ana the racing is good,
will no doubt be the biggest atten
in the history of the association.
f ill Pay on The 14th. Notices posted
be O. P. depot and other places are
be effect that the company will pav
rmontn on tire I4tii 01 Sept. A small
I. and not enough, but better than
e. Undoubtedly the proper thing to
irouiu do 10 remove the present re
fer and appoint an Oregon man of
wn integrity, of which there are
ity, thoroughly identified with the
e. That Col Hogg and some of his
iciates have lost the confidence of
tot the people along the line of tlie
I does not need to be remarked.
I.OKRS Leo. Or Friday John Patker,
erly of this city, but now a member
1c city council of Portland, met by a
lous arrangement, Judge W r" Gallo
of Yamhii:, (County Judge.) at the
t Side depot at Portland, whence they
1 to drive out to City Visw Park. Go
down a hill some of the harness broke,
borse ran awav thrnwlntr hnth crpntl-
l considerably bruietng Mr Parker at.d
png a leg lor Judge Ualloway. He
picKea up and carried tost. Vincent's
flal for treatment.
flaAD for Business. No Iran or
n with a head for business
"rd to buy groceries without first
on Conn A Hendricson, in the
1 block. It will pay for several
1. They keep a first-class stock
, sell at uniformly low prices,
t baits, wait on you promptly and
ou well. Now is the time to or
aches for putting up, as well as
nits in their season. They have
oice brands of teas, coffees, Ac,
give you bargains in all lines.
1 ' Tailor. A large and elegant
suitings has just been received
A Blaln't tailoring depsriment.under
air ocnimcr. 1 nose desiring
msae in a nrst-class manner
Xam!n th. otkru-m mnA Urn - !-
itt Blain's tailoring department is
t place In the mum. In. 1
i Mr Schlffler's long experience It
IrantT of good work.
ALL Papkr.ktc I have Just received
r line ot wall paper and decorations,
mora than Hin,i.inj i..m.i.
b ,r iHtiiiiies ior
- - paper and border to
Beauties, and much cheaper than
". bAMl'IL E Youno.
Geo B Dorrif, of Eugene, is
tilt, ADD PsWSUXAl.
I)r Kllis, traveling lecturer for J C
Ayer & Co., the famous medicine firm, is
iu the city.
Pete Abliey, the popular proprietor ol
the Bay View House, at Newport, was
in thecit today.
Mr Jack Ralston w ill start to school in
the Albany college which opens next
Wednesday. Kxpress.
Mrs R M Gross, mother of Dr II A
Uenenger, arrived in Albany a day or
two ago on a viBit with her son.
E C Phelps, of Iiillsboro, lias been in
the city today, moving his job outfit,
family, etc., to that city, now his home
Lawyer Wright returned from Marion
this noon, whtre he has been adjesting
legal differences between parties there.
Miss Mattie Paitun, of Waitslmrg. re
turned home today, after a visit of a
month or two at Albany and Yaijuina
Mr Walter Parker returned last even
ing from a trip to upper Soda. Every
body going there reports fine accomoda
tions at tlie hotel run by Mr Foster.
Night watchman Lee returned last eve
ning from Independence, where he had
been to attend the funeral of his neice,
drowned there a lew days ago.
I)r J Nat Itedpath, assistant physician
at tlie Insane Asylum at Steilacooui, is
in the city, accompanied by his wife, and
aie the guests of 1 P Mason.
Mr King and wife arrived yesterday
from Pennsylvania, and will make Al
bany their home. Mr King will be em
ployed iu lilain's tailoring department.
Sheriff Scott went to Independence to
day after Sam Sing, the Chinaman who
escaed from the county jail a few weeks
ago. He was said to be working in a
hop field, a mile from there.
Prof Michner has been engaged to
teach the Lebanon school the coming
year. 1 le had already been engaged for
the North Yamhill school, and left for
that citv today to cancel the engagement.
Isaac Tiant.i, who has been at Fresno,
Calif., for several months, returned to
Albany this morning, and lias accepted
a position in the gun store ofIeye&
Froman llros. Mr lianta is an expert at
tlie business.
W II Kimsey and Ira Turner went to
Yaquina bay today for a rustification,
and we are also informed that Ira will be
stationed on tlie bar at low tide to raise
'.he water to high tide mark, making it
unnecessary for steamers to wait.
Henry Conner.son of Albany's pioneer
citizen,' Mr lohn Conner, of Portland,
was in the citv yesterday and this fore
noon on a short visit, previous to leaving
for Yale College. w here he will now enter
his junior year, having been there two
Geo Noland.a former Lane county boy,
is one of tlie live, progressive business
men of Astoria. On" day last wek he
gave $3000 worth of city propei ty to a
proposed railway. uuaru. oiana is
the Astoria fireman who won the 300
yard foot race in this city in the tourna
ment of seven or eight years ago.
The entertainment given at the W C
T U Hall last evening liv that association
was well attended and was a pleasant
affair, Tlie program was carried out as
published, with the addition 01 the read
ing of a poem written by a member o(
the Union. It was on the new town
pumps, and was a meritorious produc
tion, liesides a fine lunch of ice cream
and cake a season of sociability, games,
etc., was indulged in.
Pkkaciiing. Rev. S Webster will
preach nt the Congregational church in
this city, tomorrow, morning and eve
ning. The l)r Is a very eloquent preacher
and the publicaare Invited to hear him.
There will be preaching sen-ice at the
the Presbyterian church at 11 am and
7 :30 p m. " Sabbath school nt 12:15 p in.
Young People's meeting in tho lecture
room nt (i A5 p 111. All will be made
welcome to these services.
The gospel services of tlie Young Men's
Christian Association tomorrow at 4 p m
will be conducted by Mr J B Cougill
.May we ask each member to bring one
person to the meeting. All men are cor
dially invited.
The subject for discussion tomorrow,
at the Christian church, at 11 am, iB
Six Kinds of Christians, at 7:30 pm,
Moses and Christ. All are invited.
The machinery of the'law has not been put to work
too speedily against the fraudulent use of ammonia and
alum in Baking; Powders. Both health and the pocket of
the people are demanding protection. The legislatures of
New York, Illinois and Minnesota have taken this matter
of adulteration up, and especially that of Baking Powders.
It will be ia the interest of public health when their sale
is made a misdemeanor in every State in the UNION, and
the penalties of the law are rigidly enforced. There is no
article of human food more wickedly adulterated than that
of Baking Powder.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure
cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free
from ammonia, alum or taint of any kind of impurity. It
makes the sweetest and lightest bread, biscuit and cake
that are perfectly digestible whether hot or cold. It costs
more to manufacture Dr. Price's than any other baking
powder. It is superior to every other known and the
standard for forty years.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned.
New oluslit at W K Head's.
LtMt styles cf hats t W F Itesu's.
Itrduction iu summer ijo'tds at VV F Read's
Apple pn r f r sale at Stewart 4 Sax's.
Two si'ta f wheat mails todjy at
82 cents.
l' md run unihrollas at less than
coot at W V Krad'e.
A full JIne ot Wsruer's enrsntn, best ia
the world for the money, at W F Read's.
The polilio schuol opeus Mnnday with a
nr-1 elan uculty alii bright proanects.
The Dalles T. M. puts the lone by the re-
recent lire in that ci'y at $803,000. Its
ruur.s iiuuuh 011 1 (How a little over f 0OU,
000 lout.
The proprietor i f the Baker house at Eu
gene offers the sauia for reut for a term of
uve yar, and olaims theaterse atronags
's 60 to t0 ptirons to a meal.
Mesera W H RilvfcU sad Grten Coffey
Isat Saturdiy purchased the hop yard of
rroiic sua Mart, about six mil eouth 01
"hi oitv, and took pnaatis'nnof the same,
with a full force of pickets, last Tuesday.
Mr llitveu will commence picking io his
M-irion county ysrd, with GO pickrrs, next
Monday. Scio frets.
Lou, the China wath man, b-a bought tbs
lot where MrsKice'e midiuery store is sit
natel (20 feet) paving $800, and will hivn a
laundry there. Mrs Kics will build whtre
the Uundrv now stauda. Mr S P Bach has
bought 22 feet next to Dr Lambereorj's
oftioe, and MrGeoButnhaa bought 22 fi et
abere Dr Lanobersou s OU140 now stamls.
i'h-so gentleman coutempUtu building nrxt
spring. Express.
Martha A Miller to W A Tritea,
r.'ti.oS acres in tps 10 and 11, 8
R2ane3w 4000
United States to Gideon Sowers,120
acres in sec 2(l,tp 10,S R 2 E. . 25'J
M M Anderson et ux to J N Round
tree. 20 acres in tp O.S R 1 w . . 800
J C Mossholder et ux to Mahala A
l.amherson. trac lot 1, diock 4,
Lebanon 400
U S to Jorgen H lakobson, J E or
sec34tplOSR2E 400
S E Young et ux to Herman Ar
nold, 33 acres tp 13 S R 1 w . . . S50
Snodgrass llros to Dan McClain,
lot 8, bl 2, Harrisbnrg 125
George Rice et ux to Thos Bach,
parcel in Lebanon 750
Where to Go. Go to Parkei Bros for
fresh fruits and vegetables.
Go to Parker Bros for the best teas
and coffees.
Go to Parker Bros for good baking
Go to Parker Bros for fine baked goods.
Tlie best bread, cakes, pies, etc in the
Go to Parker Bros for your groceries
generally, and be assured of good goods
and nrst-class treatment.
Hays U noticed that Allen Bros' gro
cery store is always full of fruits, vege
tables, etc, t'je very latest in the mar
ket. If there is anything to be had they
have it.
( abbages,
N iw Potatoes,
Notice. The pasture of F L Such it
Cloverda'els now open for stock. All well
fenced, plenty of water and shade. Stock
taken by week or cents per week,
$3 per month. Cattle taken at $1 per
head per month, will not be responsible
tor anv accident or loss.
F. L. Such
Scrjooi. begins Monday. G L Black-
man has a fine stock of school book' to se
lect from, and students will do well to call
on him for their books.
NEWMAN. un nday evening, Sept
4th, 1891, near Millers, after a lingering
illness, Klanu iNewman, aged 24 years.
Mr Newman wss a barber working at hit
trade with Mr Vierick, and for himself
in this city, for a year, and also nt
Woodburn, Lugene and Corvallis. II
was a native Oregonian.
The S P R R company Is uilng the old
schedule of freight rates, notwithstanding
the commissioner, arranged a new one to
begin Kept. 1. Only the courts can settle
the matter.
Some one gives at a recommendation
for a ttat: east of the Rockies the fact
that three pounds of butter can be bought
for 25 cents. Not much of an Inducement
for tl e tanner.
TH... ...a ir a lli.nvi.tii aililnr ailvortisAi
"For sale one Washington Press that
nava t.tlit n 1!a 1-1 n A bill lanrint win tmnk
.nntainiiiii a lint.a nf a licrpaftur find flip
good will of an impoverished man. Call
at once aim avoid tne great rusn.
Some people consider the fruit in front
01 grocery stores public propeny. ine
Alan About lown lias juhv ouserveu a
man Gil his Dockes with nectarines, not
one but three or four: several boys pas
sing a Btore each helped himself to a
neach. A regular customer is entitled
to some privileges in sampling goods, but
the passer by should keep his bands off.
Thi 1 th rnimlrv for nrtines. There
is no doubt of it. Among the finest vari
eties Is the Silver prune. Mr Martin Payne
has handed us a branch of them, large,
luscious fellowR, remarking that the only
fault he could find with them was that
they bear too much, breaking the trees
Hwn A fw hiir nrnne nrrhards In the
vicinity of Albany of this and other varie
ties would be a nne thing lor tne country.
Harvest is over in tliis vicinity. The
yield this vear was fully up to the aver
age Mr R A Bamford threshed 25 acres
that averaged 30 bushels, and 5 acres
that avenged over 40. These were ootn
fall wheat. Mr James McUride threshed
Jj acres of fall wheat that averaged 30
bushels, and .Mr Chas liamloriithres lieu
12 acre that averaged 31 buBhels. The
spring wheat did not yield so well, from
15 to zo ousiieis.
Mr A II Young, of Washington, Iowa,
brother of Mrs I N Smith, of this place.
and Mrs Invne. of Shedd. is visiting his
sisters here. Also air Alien Longer anu
wife of the same nlace are visiting their
cousins here. They are delighted with
our climate and fruit, but don't like the
dust. They will go to cantornia next
week. Mr oung had not seen his sister
for about 17 years. AMicfs.
Nitw Tailors, Hart & ex'
nerlfinrpd firm of tailors, hive opened an
establishment in the Strahan Block.over
McFarland's harness shop, with a line
line of samples and patterns ot suitings,
'or fashionable clothing of all kinds,
They are prepared to make to order for
the trade here fashionable buub.iii laiesi
styles, promptly and in a manner to give
satisfaction. Call at their rooms, eee
goods and get prices.
See W FrRead's line of dress golds atd
s:l .s before buying ehewhere.
iirANTRD-A nurse girl. Apply to
If W. V. Davis, at the I'eiinor Ico
WAHKIR a UUKOB LasM laa tMsr
Th Funnfctt Show oo Earth.
"Laugh, and the world laughs with
you. vveep, and you weep alone.'
STSInU i tsJtM Will UiVl Basis stars.
Kmrnd . Tl ts ; .ttrj, to m
Tho Corner Jswelry Store.
sBB nsBS.
A pitmo
At Klein'Rros
liuot aud Shoe (tort.
Parker llros, grocer.
Royal Dutch Cocoa at C K Browneh's.
H A Hulin. druggitt, French's corner.
Fiae groceries at Conn & Hf ndricsou's.
Gold spectacles and eye glaikes, all vtyles
and prices, at F M Freuch's.
The finest lias of pockor. knives in the
city at Stewart a Box s.
Complete stock, of ladies slid cent's gold
watches at F M French's.
Kargains in gold witches at French's,
MThe Corn r Jewelry Store. "
Stewart il Sox sell tho very best stent
lempeMHi sneara ana icutors.
ladle Oxford tisi at gieatly reduced
rates at Klein Brot. Mint l.esold.
J. W. Bentley, leadin bint and shoe
maker, jut east of Knvere House.
C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block.'.dons
brut class work.
Set that e'eant piano at Klein Bros Boot
and Ktioe store.
A tine line of criiikery ware at Conn &
urnaricdou s.
Notice -the extra hnlln ground racers
need lv barbers are sold hy Stewart c Sox,
Ladies Oxford ties at Klein Broa. Cheap-
est iu tne city, win be sola at greatly re
duced rates.
Do not buy your boo's and shoes until
y iu see the p'ano at Klein Bros, and as well
Hive examinedtlieir large stock of goods.
New Ebiss Ce-nir . I keep a full line of
sunnier and fall dresa 'good, in irah
tairica, prints, gtngliauis, seerra jkera. etn.
I have also a new hue of summer plaids, be
tides other novelties in biges and all wool
W.tlltgB. Sauukl XOUMtt.
Cetton g lods have not been a cheap sicce
trie war as trtev are now. call anu see whs
ba'g'.ius Y' F Uesd has.
spociflcatiDnr and plans will be left
in charge of Enoch Miller, of South Ban
linns station, for the erection of a school
house to be built in Dist 109, of Linn Co.,
Oroiion All paitles desirlnn to bid on
the construction of said bul)dlnp,inay call
aud exa nine tne same and leave sealed
bids to be opened at that plce on Kept
1MB, si 1 o-ciccK ni saiaaay. 'inetcnool
unsru reserve ineiifciii 10 reject any or
all bids. J.B MUNDORFF,
Chaiimsn Board of Directors
We Shine by Comparison.
After you have seen our fall and winter stock of clothing
and furnishing goods, you will say that it shines like
a star Li the Heaven, far above any other line in
the Willamette Valley.
Hundreds of stylish novelties in suits and treueers that are
A wonderful line of :. e best, the largest, the mort reliable, and the most pop-ular-piiced
line of itt: 'ig ever before shown In this part of the country. A
line of Albany Woolen iwnl goods. A fine line of Overcoats, made of Cmlviots,
.Clat Worsted, Kerseys, Friezes and Chikchillas
Boys' School Suits ! B.ys' School Suits ! !
Ch, mothers, tf you'll only call and inspect these beaullful garments we are
sure you will be delighted with the large assortment in such nice suits at
reasonable pri:es.
Remember, gentlemen, we have tho largest and finest
line of men's hoes in the tity. Our fine line is made by
Leading Clothieri and Furnisher..
Strahan Block,
Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices.
And a genaral assortment of
Near the Post Office, : Albany, Oregoi
Albany Collegiate Institute
September 9, 1891.
A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers.
"! "ViK . j H7-voiietiaie, formal, Business, Prisnarr. Type
writinjf and bhort-liand art taU(rM. For catalogue addrr as, Tf
KET. ELBERT . COM0IT, Ai M ., Prciifeat.
Removed. W E McPheison lias re
moved his loan and insurance office to
opposite the Masonic temple, where at
present lie nan plenty 01 money iu loan
on Albany real estate.
Scott May, cashier of, the Sciobank,
was in the city today.
Aches. 6 let -headaches are the outward Indications of
derangements ot tho stomach and bowels. At
Joy's Vegetable SarsaparllU is the only bowel
regulating preparation of Saruparllla, it is soon
why It is the only appropriate Sarsaparilla lo
sick-headaches. It is not only appropriate; it ia
an absolute cure. After a course of it an occa
sional dose at Intervals will forever after prevent
Jua 31. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, Sau Francisco,
writes: "I have been troubled with attacks of
stck-hcadaclie for tho lost three years from one to
three times a week. Borne time ago I bought two
bottles of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and havo
only bad one attack since aud that was on the
second day after I began using it."
Inn'o Vesetab,e
sJUlJ O Sarsaparilla
J. A. Cumniirg.
Wall Paper,
Drugs, laintw. Oils
O lawss , JEStc,
; Jane 10, 1892.
-:- NORMAL-;-