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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1891)
Ill IMP rtment ush can up a egon .till 5)emocrat. .bed every nay udy In the week ex HL'TTI.VC, Eiliton and Prop'rs. at the Poat Offlea at Albany, Or- Jgw, aeoond obmb mull matter, .HEPTCNBCK I. Crr OFFICIAL PAPER. boon E"VEzsiiasra- AMwiat Chkvaliw. Ureat excite- inent DrTiln at uorvanm over me am- feoverr of a gold and silver mine in the nn u nrbs of the city. In fart that ia II tha oik there. Recently Mr Lead' hette'. W oi miner who purchased a . (man . rtn near the Catholic cemetery " in tii loothilla in the auhurha of that city, wM digging a well, and when down jtw'7 two feet he struck some ore Iwbicb bia experienced eye told him was hrery rich. He sent it to the State Aa- 1 bayer of Nevada at Virginia City, and (Wednesday received hia returns. The (astonishment waa general when the faasay, reliable one, read $241.40 gold and IS81.03 ailver, $1122.45 to the ton. (Claims are being taken np on good fftrui- ;fiig land, owned for years, and there la no doubt from the reports, with reason, lor the indiratnna are it has lieen atruck rich. F M Johnson, the lawyer, who wm ia Albany, mid he had four nnd a tialf acres adjoining Mr Leadbctter's, which he waa eetting out to fruit, and lie mast hasten home and file a claim on it before some one e se got ahead of him. The matter will be pushed, other assays made, and if there is any gold there Cor vallia people propose to get hold of it. A Conkerknce. The following account of the recent conference of the M. K. church, south, at Koseburg, has been banded us for publication : Bishop Wm M Duncan, of Spa-tenburg, SC, presided over the deliberations of the conference. Every preacher in the conference an awered to roll call and nearly all the lay delegate responded to roll call. Tti l reports oi the preachers showed im provement and advancement on alV lines .of the work. The increase in church membership and Sunday achoola was eepecia'.ly noticeable. The Sunday school enrollment shows over 100 per cent gain over last year. The session waa pleasant throughout and great in terest manifested in the proceedings from beginning to end. Bishop Duncan ? reached with great power on Sunday at 1 m, in Slocum's hall, to a large con gregation. The Bishop's presidency fave satisfaction to an unusual degree, he new conference year opena up hope fully. Eugene waa unanimously selected aa the place for holding the nextaeBaion. Wnt up ik Smokk. A short time ago Mr Winter, who lives with her husband a few miles north of Corvallis in the Soap Creek district, left her home to visit some friends. It was understood that during ..... .uCii9c mr iv intern, ner husband, wouia look alter the household duties one also entrusted to his care a valuabl hMMl-t ...;.U ILL. 1 1 ... r: "r, ,L" "N"c,:" Dangies, winch was highly prlred bv her. ninn rf,,M,. i silver. Not wanting to carry the valjables uuuiiu in ms pocKer jur w. ur-nped the In paper and hid them In the stove. ( -.l IC p,aLe lo put tnem at ' ourgiars was concerned.but the val , uabtes were not fire-proof, as wai demon sirarec when Air Winter. ri.,r.i i. his days labor and thoughtlessly built afire fn th: stove to Drenare hl m h ai ward his disappointment, that hi: wues treasure was only a mass of molten meiai worm ahout .375.-Corvallis Gazette. 'The Comer Grocery" differs from fie average comedy of the mode-n school, as nrimm, n L,ioi, uib in read ot which losi inroughout the action, not withstanding the highly humorous nro. dicaments in which the several intej- . vioKn un piacu. rue present organ ization la by far the moat flnntn,i ever cast for the piece and ia thoroughly - w me uireauy nappy conception. At the Opera House tomor row nigni. mere Bhoulcl be a full house. 1 r r .. , t , ir.,w uuMasPH, r,o man or woman with a head for business can afford to buy groceries without first calling on Conn & Hendricson, in the Keiffer block. It will par for several reasons, iney keep a Brat-class stock of gooda, sell at uniformly low prices, without baiti, wait on you promptly and trout, vnn wall la 1. , - -J ....... jo biuiu io or der peaches for putting up, as well as Other fruita in their seaaon. They have tome choice brands of teas, coffees, &c, -u ... biVo yvu unrgains in an unea. Tub Wheat Market was demoralized this afternoon. Speculators weie ofTerinir fist U,,, I, I. 1 kl I t I n i""""uic as mgn as oi cents would be paid at the warehouses. The outside marke was reported weak. About 75,000 bushels were bought here at 85 nu 00 cents oy two buyers alone. CARD or Thanks. The understand desires to return thanks to his friends and ciguuors in ocio and Albany lor their ; many kindnesses during the sickness and burial of my dearly beloved wife. J. W. Gambhr. Couhtt CoaMcii. The next regular ii 0 hlnn county council. P of H. " " urst naturaay in Oct. John Bryant, Prea. tV M Towkli, Sec. School begins Monday. G L Black nun has , fine ,toCk of school book, to se lect from, and students will do well to cal on him for their books. Wall Paper, etc. I have just received new line of wall paper and dcci.raliops Have more than duuLled mv facilities for handling them, and will keep a much larger slock. Wall paper and border t match. Beauties, and much cheaper ttran ver before. Samuel E Youko. OOUL AKD r u o A McDonald, of Brownavillc, naB in tne city today. ; Banker Woodcock, of Corvallis, waa in the city today. Hon Wm Paul, of "the Poika," waa In Albany yeaterday. R P Ear hart Is now at Seal Rork, and Is improving. He ic not dangerously ill as M f.lkina will return to Prineville luiiiurraw, accompanied by Dr J A Geis- Ed R Huston and Tl day for their Bummer outing, going to V Powell returned this morning from the North santiarr., where he has been several weeks Mr Frank Arnbergcr and family left today for iresiio, Calif, their new home going by way of Yaquina bay. Mine Lora Campbell, of tliis city, will teach the primary department of the brownsville school, the cominif full n...l winter. Mrs C W Wilkinson, of rrnn r-i... who has been visiting with her parents.' Mr and Mrs lohn liru.h. rrtiimH 1 (his noon. L F Murnliv,. -, , ' n.-b x' 'is j m iiuiupaen Park, ew York r i r.u . t..!.. ,7 cycle one mile in 2:21 1-5, the fastest cm Chaa M Redfleld. wi, 1 , Salem several weeks A-nintim, ri... u gincer McCaustland, ol thot city, has re- A Hackleman. Frank ltot.i.- j wife, and A U Cul VET. flrrltroyl In A Ik. Hits noon, from Crook county, with forli two hnrcos for fUa .,n.. i . .... .v. iv va.icv jnarKct. Rev T H Small, of the Cumberland Presbyterian perauaaion will preach at the M i. cliurch, aouth, In this city on Sunday, morning and evening. Married Sept 2, 1801, at the residence of the bride's parent, Mr and Mra Al ftedHrattain, on the McKenzie river, Chas L Scott, of Creaawell, to Mollie E Brattam. Tue couple will spend their honeymoon at Albany, aa the gueata of Mr and Mrs J L Scott.-Eugene Guard. J II Stickler, euperintendent of the Oorvnllis carriage works, was in the city today. He recently returned from Cortland, N Y, the head ollice of the Cortland Wagon Co., who are backing the factory. This factory ia going to be a big thing for Corvallis. Prof. G A Walker, principal of the Albany bcIiooIb for two years, haa been engaged to teach the Lakeview schools, at a salary of $I3C0 a year. Prof Walker " euueator 01 marked ability and a first-class citizen. Lakeview ia fortunate in securing hia services. lie left for that city Bevernl days ago. Prof. R N Wright, the successful and popular principal of the Lebanon schools for sevrrnl years, has been en gaged aa principal of the Aatoria Citv High school, for the coining year, and ,i iur mat, guy mis noon. rrot. Jew in, recently of Harrisbure, will also i-eacii in one 01 tne Astoria schools. A pleasant farewell party was tendered Misa Lilly Purdom, at the reaidence of her parenta, on Thuraday eveninr, on her departure for Oregon City, where she will spend the fall and winter with her uncle, J 8 Vurdom. Those present I'luav iretterer, r,ota Miner, Lena Keiffer, Tilda Dorris, Bert Keiffer, Bessie mi is, iiiue njiuaii, ijoutjunningliam, Emma Jones, Hattie Boss, Ola Miller, Mamie Hyde. Edna Miller. Kmi. .meua, .Myrtle Miller. KIlaKiaiev, Edith Chiawell, Martha Risley, Lilly Purdoiu. J-aui Burkhart, Charlie Miller, Jasper mini, urroas, ioni ecneu, uiauue Mansfield, Albert Humphrey, Frank Blqd;;ett, Dexter Hyde, Carl Buelow, mi nur i iiriium, Hone AXO ABBOAD New cloaks at W F Read's. Latest stj les of hats it W F Its aa's. Reduction in summer goods at W F Read's, Apple parcrs f r sale at Stewart A Sox's. A Mrs Fox, of Silem, is 98 years of age. Parasols and sun umbrollas at less than coat at w f Head l. Btilmacedft is said to oa oa his I wav bv simmer tor ron r ranciseo. A ttal'inu and cilt( show will be held at Hrowmville ou Friday, Oct 2. A full line of Wsruer's corsets, hut in the world for the money, at W F Rrad's. Dr Barker. Phil Wiilinc and R Kii'Ln have filed their claim to ho Golden King mlna in the Calapooia district, located I y them on Aug Gill. Everything has its dav. The atyla fonpaintiug houses is one solid color suit taste, instead of the variegited style lu vogue several years. Parties havinff raoms to let to twlnf who eonteinplate attei.din college should notify President Condit At aiU!P. hi haa several students wanting rooms. C. ntracts have been entered into at Port land for the delivery in Oetober of 22.000 pounds of hop., for a portion of which will be paid 16 cents per Dnund. and Uia l,l.nn. luusms pei pound. x. The business of the Farmars A MVnh.n. Insursno Co. of this jity ia steadily inereas ine. Last rrfooth wa tha bast vat. Ii company in tne northwest pays its Usses iiiwro rvmpuy. LARGEST -:- ASSORTMENT OF HEATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS 4 WASHBUEK'S MARRIED ANDERSON PENLAND. At ih. residence of D L Malheny, In Polk county, near Salem, by Rev E" 8 Bollnger. Mr Samuel Anderson, of Polk Co., and Mrs M J Penland, of Halsey. tfced in Millions of Homes VAO.ri.xt utv. NKWfoKT, Or.. Sent. 3rd. 1801 The last hop of the seuaon was given wai. iiiKiii. una nmicatea that Boon all ot ine sea side guests and campers will be homeward bound. Who has not heard of George Wash- kiuii i no is nerB 1M t,e character of lamous llshermnn. He has been here ten veara atid suppliea one hotel with fish. ne nas a email row boat in which he croasesa the bar and in the open sea catches hulibtit, codtiah, bass, rock cod, etc. In the bay he catches flounders, aeip usn, percn, etc. Twice when out aide he waa cauitht bv atorma tlmt n vented hia return to tiie bay, but he with the coolneas of the old general made hia way to Foulweuther, aix milea north of Yaquina, where he found refuge. A tug waa sent out after him once when thus caugni out in a storm, but he was found at Jjoulweather safe and sound. He ia a veiy quiet and unassuming man, receives peiiBion ior Bervico in the war, and is very proud of his auccesa. H iak great delight in allowing ladies and child ren hia wonderful "catch" of fish. He has taken in sturgeon, one of which weighed 130 lba. In the bay guests at limes KO OUl Willi lllin to pmnv th annrl Only yesterday somecarelpHfi lilintprapnl a ball at a bird perhaps, that came verv near the head of George while lie was - out in the bay taking in hia usual load of oounuera andother liah. The gentleman with him thought this waa a hard intro duction to a treat in which he came near oringiiig ueorge Washington BBhore a wounded, if not a dead man. The dan ger of loeing one's life in going outside to fish ia not bo great aa it ia in getting oH or on a cable or an electric car in Portland, not by a thousand fold. In the latter case very little attention is paid to theBafetyof paasengera when leaving these street cars, And there is a cloud hanging over the Siletz Agency. Rumor has it that there ia trouble between the agent and the "allotment-man." Wl at it is about no one can well state. Not that the land ahould be allotted to the Indiana and the reservation thrown open cannot be well questioned. Tho expense in keep ing these Indians as they are now kept ia one of the evils of the Indian Depart ment. What this quarrel is about will soon be made public. Special Indian Airent Parker is there and so ia Senator Dolph, and tho .troublesome matterB must be settled on and will be. In dava gone by one would suppose that trouble meant business at an agency, but the watchful eye now-a-days prevents a scandal and the result is wo are all look ing for the outcome. It ia not another caee where it took $75,000 to get out rock to build a chimney for an agency build ing. Those palmy daya are gone. Every one haa confidence in the honesty and ability of the present agent, and the trouble may be nothing but a personal matter that the special agent, who ia a gentleman of ability, will settle up with out a murmur. Senator Dolph inspected the jetty and looks as if he had nut the summer in with hard work. If lie will see that land is allotted to these Indiana, that they are treated like citizena, made to support themselves and the Siletz reservation is thrown open, he will do what the public aaks at the hands of our government. And when thia is done, have the OFRB pu8h over the moun tains into an empire that will not only afford traffic and enrich it, but will open up and develop a section of country in Oregon from the bordera to the sea that would he nnsurpa8sed in reaourcea if but developed. x. Blain's Tailor. A large and elegant stock of suitings has just been received tor L E Blain's tailoring department.under the expert Mr Schlffler. Those desiring stylish suits made in a first-class manner should examine these geoos and be satis. Bed that Blain's tailoring department is the best place in the county for securing them. Mr Schiffler's long experience is a guaranty of good work. Have V noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery store ia alwaya full of fruita, vege tables, etc, tbe very latest in tiie mar ket. If there is anvthim? to he lnH il.ov have it. Peaches, Berries, Cabbages, Turnips, N-iw Potatoes. Notice. The Daslure of F I. Snrh m t-loverdale is now open for stock. All well fenced, plenty of water and shade. Smrk taken by week or cents ner week, $J per month. Cattle taken at $i per head per month. Will not be responsible ior any acciuem or loss. F. L. Such. WriKR e to Gkt Them. When wantlne .n organ or plana call on G L Blackman Aht -e you can select from a first clana toca.. See W F Read's line of dress coeds and silks before buying elsewhere. Drick delicious ice cold soda watar t C E Brownell's. 1 am now receiving Hsily choice esrly Crawford peaches from Ashland, tine flavo' and site. Leave orders at C E Browned'.. Klein Broa have a large aad choice stock of boota and shoe for sale at reasonable prions llo not invest in font wear ontll younave seen their stoca and; the elegant liuu a, ineir store. Just received at the Ladies Basaar, a full me ui joi nan neads, to latest novelty in minim ga. One hlf dollar rednotioo on every pair of Vtjw .go- Una o!,thaes J a m iiang B. 7i atylst of whlp.atOU MoParltsf C Vr Cobb. Job printer, Flinn Blook, Powder: 40 Years the Standi. Baking WHEAT. 81 CENTS. Be it known that when the Albany wining company get their mill placed that Linn county win ,Hve the beat quartz mill in the state. (I'd Linn has everything in the superlative deirree, even to pretty women and ugly men. Auvuuce. One of The Dnllea papers said on Tuea day just previous to the big t're: "The water has been of so little force during me paav mo uaya thai it mm Id not turn our Potter preHs or even the PeerlesB jobber. Of all proceaoea of reason the logic oi events is tho uioxt lndisnntaii h and whnt we told our cit. .:eiia for the past four years is beini! proved true evert day. 1 he only wav to procure a food water supply for The Da'. leg is by the pumping system, and this is becoming more eviucm aa time navancee." George Buhl enent two dava nnd night in Albnny thia week. George doe8 not think much of the rail road accommn- dationa that will compel o"c to spend one niBiit aim a nart ol two davs in Iran sacting a little business within thirteen miles ol his home. Advance. As one can arrive in Albany from Lebanon at 9:30 and return at2:30,havingfive hours nere, enoiwli time to transact most any kind of business the above remark can Hardly be appreciated. Because three or four Albany men have Been fit to mit a thousand dollars apiece into an outside investment, is no reason wny Albany ahould not alao have her enterprises. These same men have always been among those at the top of 11 II 1 imv not iui aii iiuiuu iiioNeiuema; w iuie it is safe to flav aoina nf tliosa who nre doing a little kicking are the ones who never give a cent for anythingprobably becauee they haven't it. The text is a good one, and it ia to be hoped it stirs our citizens up to a local movement. The idea of organizing a fruit orchard company, with the orchard in the vicin ity ot Albany, as an experiment, is a good one, and tho (act that there is one in southern Oregon, atarted mostly by Portland and other canital. with onlv about a tenth part from Albany, will not interfere with it at all. Albany should have a first class cannerv. One man says a big furniture factory is just the thing. A pressed brick factory, proposed recently, should htve been secured, and may be now. Let us do something ior Albany. There is plenty of idle capital nere to mane things Doom. .More lac toriea, should be the cry. Where to Go. Go to Parkei Eros for fresh fruits and vcgctablea. Go to Parker Bros for the best teas and coffees. Go to Parker Bros for good baking powuer. ' Go to Parker Broa for fine baked gooda, The best bread, cakes, pies, etc in the market. uo to t'arker Bros lor vour eroceries generally, aud be assured" of good goods anu nrac-ciass treatment. New Tailors. Hart & ex perienced firm of tailorp. hive ODened an establishment in the Stiahan Block, over mcr anana s harness shop, with a hne line of samples and patterns of suitings, for fashionable clothini; of all kinds. They are prepared to make to order for tne trade here lushionaule suits, in latest styles, promptly and in a manner to give satisfaction. Call at their rooms, see goouB ana get prices. ALBANY OPERi HOUSE. WAIXU aKAXOB Utun ia.4 ikuajisr ONE NIGHT ONLY. SATURDAY, SEPT. 5. The Fuatileit 8hoi oa Earth. DAN'L SULLY'S 'liuaiikii "CORNER GROCERY." "Laugh, and the world laughs with you. ''Weep, and you weep alone. OTie on sale al Will A Link's mnals sler. Rassrrail seats, liess; O.lUr;, to if GOLD'WATCHES, GOLD FILLED WATCHES, COIN SILVER WATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, CHEAP FOB AT OASII The Comer Jewelry Store.- F, M. FRENCH'S KEB HEBII. A piano At KleinJRroa Boot aod Shoe store. Parker Bros, groom. Royal Dutch Cocoa at C E Drowml.'s. 8 A liulio. iraggist, French's oorner. Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson 'a. Gold spectacles ai-d aye glasses, all styles ana prices, as r ai rrenob a. The finest line of pocket knives in the oity at Stewart ft Box a. Complste stock of ladies and gent's gold wbiuiibs as r oi rrench s. rlsrgains in gold watches at French's, --iub vomer ueweiry store Stewaiti 8ox sell the very best latent uu.pv vu .- aim iMisurS, Ladies Oxford tisn at greatly reduced rMs svioiu nrot. Aiust he sold. J. W. Bentley, leidinj biot and shoe inner, jac east ot Kjvuro House. C W Cobb, job printer, Fliua Block.lloes llrst class work. Ses that e'esjant piano U Klein Bros Boot ami onoe store. A tine lino ,f crockery war at Cono & tleudiicsju 's. Notice -the extra hollo ground rasors usu uy liaruers are sold by Stewart d- Sox. Ladies Oiford ties at Klein Urn. Ph.,- st in the city. Will be sold at greatly re- laics. Dj not Lay vour boots and s-no nntll you aee the piano at Klein Bros, and aa well have examined their large stock of gooda. NewDbeks Goods. I keep a fall line of summer and fall dress eoods. in wh fabrics, prints, ginghams, seersuckers, etn. 1 ha-,e alao a new line of summer ntiH. h lides other novelties in bines and all wool witings. Samuel E i'eons. Cotton goods have not beon ai chean sinos the war as they are now. Call and aoa wl'at bsrg-ins W F haa. NOTICE TO FARMERS. T 1HERE HAS BEEN TWO I1UN- dred and seventy eicht of i on iran. tleinen in our establishment aiying that you were going to order fence from na 1 1119 ran ana winter. Eftcb ol you require from 2U rods to 2ii. nilea. Do you no see tba. It will require tome time to manufacture that amount of fence? We woi. Id suggest that tome of you rrdar NOW, thereby giving ut time to accomo date you all. ALiUAiXX KKNC'E WORKS. ALL UD WINTER CL9THG. We Shine "by After you have seen our fall and winter stock of clothing and furnishing goods, you will say that it shines like a star i:i the Heaven, far above any other lino in the Willamette Valley. Hundreds of stylish novelties In suits and trousers that are PMECTION ffl FIT Mi EXCELLENT IN QUALITY! A wonderful line of the best, the largett, t:.e mott reliable, and the most popular-priced line of clothing ever before si. -.-v--i In this part ot the countrv. A line of Albany Woolen Mill goods. A fine line of Overcoats, made of Cmlviots, Clay Worsted, Kerseys, Friezes and Chinchillas Hoys' School Suits ! Buys' School Suits ! ! Oh, mothers, If you'll only call and Inspect these beautiful garments we are sure you will be delighted with the large assortment In such nice suits at reasonable prizes. Remember, gentlemen, we have tho largest and finest ine of men's shoes in the city. T. L WALLACE & CO. leading Clothiers ALBANY, Strehan F. L. KENTON, BKALCK aV Choice Teas, CoffeesSpices, EXTRACTS, And a general assortment of Near the Post Office, : Albany, Oregon Albany Collegiate Institute ALBANY, September 9, 1891. -;- A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers. J ESTATE :- DIPLOMAS -:- TO - : rSViTi" V if -Coll'imU, Normal, Bu.ii..,, Fthurf. waiting and rJliort-l.and are taugit. For catalogue addreu, rpa KBT. E1.BBRT . CflIT, A. H PrMMt Removed. W E McPheiBon has re moved his loan and insurance office to oppoaite the Masonic temple, where at present he haa plenty of money to loan on Albany real estate. Beara seem to have been getting down into civilization all tbrooeh Western Oregon. One waa near Eugene a few daya ago.reiult inginah tin- rty. SICK Head Aches. Slck-hcadaches are the outward Indications of derangements of the stomach and bowels. As Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla is the only bowel regulating preparation of Sarsaparllla, It is seen why It Is tho only appropriate Sarsanarllla In slek-headaches. It Is not only appropriate; It la an absolute cure. After a course of It an occa sional doso at Intervals will forever after prevent return. Jna M. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, 8an Franeltra. writes: M I bavo been troubled with attacks ot sick-headaeho for the last three years from one to three times a w-k. Some time ago I bought two bottles ot Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla and have only had ouo attack since and that was on the second day after I bcan using it." Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla FOB. SALE BT STANARD & CUSICK ALBANY J. A. CummiBg. fall Paper, OrusTM, Paints, Oils Glas, Etc., OREGON Comparison. Our fine line is made by and Furnishers'. Block, OREGON OREGON. jm 10, mi - NORMAL-.- ClTnniTM