"fXcts" "German Syrup" The Dalles Chronicle says: "A cer tain official in the state should he come Bp (or re-election again ill tind it neces sary to do r 'mighty sight,' more 'hust ling' than lie did two years ago. Teachers may te loon, mil ii aoea not uh wbui tt i , . ., for .11 etemitv to undersUnd whv these "?re.ls.an incident from the South antiniiaterl tart hooks are foisted unon Mississippi, wntten in Arril.l8oo. them, and these they must use and no just after the Grippe had visited that others." Oregon has become the dump- country. " I am a farmer, one ol &Tl"ch0yet.m7erbeen kicked have to rise early and SvfoC ill the ST.!.. There is latTe- At tbe ginning of last one sweet little remedy left to a long Vinter I was on a trip to the City suffering public the ballot, and some- of Vicksburg, Miss., where I got well body is going to find himself beautifully drenched in a shower of rain. I covered over with a white drift of snow a year or so hence. In bus bal leagues this year ta ere is being a rioroo sod cloie light for the pen it) t in nearly every oaie. In the nirthwest the Portlands and Spokanea are striving hard, the latter eliuhliy in the lead. In Extern Oregon and Washington, Walla Walla and UflnnH liav. itoh wnn II! mniB and lost 10. Pendleton 15 and lost II, while Baker came along and I caught that also viiy nasomy won oana io.i si. nic.Su very severely. My condition then j V v n,"", compelled me to do someth njr. and New ork close at her heel. Uoaten I u.,t c """"""" i..t..ji..i.i I...,;-, got two bottles of Gennan Svrup. goodsecouJ; Milwaukee, Miuntapoiui and I began using them, and before taking Umaha are lighting tor the western aseocia- I iliucu 01 Hie second bottle, I went home and was soon after seized with a dry, hacking cough. This grew worse every day, until I had to seelc relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon who has since died, and he told me to get a bottle of Boschee's German byrup. Meantime my cough grew worse and worse and then the Grippe ABOUT THE TEA WE DRINK. Southern Pacific Route tion pcoant. i?an Jos ami Sau Francisco for the California penant. Seo W FJHeaJ'a liue of dreai gocd. ana . ulks before buying eljo where. An Eiamfli The tea for American coaautr.pt ion are bought in China by Euro -pean expert, who are Lulled ''tea-tasters.' , Ibe encyclopedias ar. autbonty for the fact that in a few 3 ears they have to give up iDetr lucrative position) witti anattereu con stitutions. The unhealthfulness of the adul terationa and mineral coloring matter can not be more strongly put. Beech's Tea is pure as childhood. For sale by Allen Bros. entirely clear of the Cough that had hung to me so long-, the Grippe, and nil its bad effects. I felt tin-ton and l . t nave ieu mat way ever since. I'i:TKKj.BiaALS,Jr..Cayugaf Ilincs Co., Miss. PROFESSIONAL CARDS CIIAMBUKLAIIV, Attorney t liv. Will nrcticj n at. tirtanf th. auto. SpcKUl attenti iri iriu to muter iit probate ami loco l:tLmi. Ot'FfL'B In the Flirin block. T K. WEATIIEKFOKO, Attorney at Inw. Will nr .ctlc In all court- nf th 1 i. vfiucei rutin diock. Aibanr. Orei-on. w. It. RILYEV, AttomT At Uw 3 .licit- in Chm, rit ..OHM made on all pninta. f..aiej nogoU.! 'or fav orable Urins. Albany, Oreiron. Coigns, Colds, Influenia, Bronehltlt, 1 Hoarsenacs. Whoooino Couah.CrouD. Sore il.rnar. Asllima. and everv affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy audDcrinaacut. Oecuioe tinned " 2. Bait,' G ED. nr. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law.and Votary Public. Will practice in all court, of this ,tata and in the United States courta lor Oregon. onirci -Front room, orr Bank ol Orafon, Albany, Ogn. d. a. a. aLAaasirxB, B . watsok IHAtKIU KS A WATSON, M. 9 AUornaya at Law. Ail buiine win ii 1 attentioa. Office. Odd FellowaTem.il.. Alh..- fl J. WHITNEY, Attorney at Lw, and Orefon, Votary Public. Albany R. J. I,. HILL, t2n"t? Ill""' OFr'CE -Corner Pint an rerry atreets, Albany, Oregon. BREWERY FOR SALE. in tht Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fir tk Comity of Linn : R Klirct, Piaintiir, VB. Geo Pfau, Defondiut. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE!! THAT the undxraigaed, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Knoeiver in the above entitled action, will od Mlnrilay, (lie :inl iluy of Ortoher, liaill, at the Court House d:r in the city of Al bany, L'.nn county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m, sell at public aution for cash in hand to the higheat bidder, all the pop erty belonging to Geo ffau and It lihret, partners doiug huninese under the firm name 01 lieo I'lau ol L.O., (!e;cnbed as follows, to. "'plns an Sureeom. l?Flr!E Comer Second wit The Citv Brnwoy. eituated on the KArr."!: .Lh"'T' 0r- Prom,iy eoutnwesr. quarter ol block JNo 71, in the ' eastern actaitiou to tne city of AlbAny,Liun county, Oregon, Including all huildini; ma chinery, boiler aid engine, cold storage, ice machine, casks, kettles, tula, kega and evrything connected therewith, including a good title to the roal property herein de crihed. Dated this 2ad day of Sept. 1891. GEO. HUMPHREY, Receiver, JJRS. NASTOt AVIS, 1 U. CHAMBERLAIN, M. I Honicopathlst. J-peolJlst In disease, of the Eyo. TweatV years' experience, offlce hours-7 o a ni.: ltpin,and9oa ereuin. Albaa, Oregon BANK OF OREGON. ALBAS T, OREGON. Capital, 850,000. I President Vice-President.. Caahir H F MERRILL T. J LAKNINO JarWULAIN Collections maila &t a'l nAMB.;ki. .t. . able terms. " " "" Interest all.wed aa time deposits. T7IIKST NATIONAL BANK, fl. OF ALBANY, OBKQON, NOTJCE JO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. NOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN TO Irn.'c,'!feMr!,bnlinsrtuslness: wta om it ma conoerii, thai bl .Is wil 1 dtli' n Hl?Un?S5hst!i- on 5" .th". Pri'l' oe TBceivea oy lue county court of Linn Franee and Oermny. irewnu, olorkoiLino county, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, Sopteaibor 9th, iS'Jf, lor the construction of a connty briago ncioss Thomas crock, at Haui wossinir, lu Linn county, Oregon, said bridge to be of tne following dimensions, rnwit: Main span to be 10(1 fact In length feet wide in the cloar., and 18 feet above low water mark, each oucl of main span to rest upon eight solid oak piles. North approach to be 7d feet long. IB feet wide in the clear, and protected by banisters. Moulli apiiroacb. to be Id feet long, la feet ithiu in mi cieur. uuu protectea by banls fera. No bid will be considered unlets ao conijianicd with plans and specifications, and A per lent of bid in cash or certified elufjv. Tbe county rese.-ves the right to reect any and ail bids. N P PAYNE, County Clerk. By B M Pathe, Deputy. resident Vice President . Cashier............ LFI.INN- 8, E.YOUNC. ...E, W. lanuuo; TRANSACTS A OENEKALhankinalulnes ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to .heck. SIOUTEXCHANOK andUl Taphlc transfer, sold re"n Francisco, Chicago and P inland CO jLECTIONy HADE on laturalile termi. DIRSCTORR t B Buia. L. Fluis Edwakd F. Sox. THE STATE pens srptrmlirr islb, 1H9I. f.iurieof stupy arra.ted expressly to meet the nre4 of the famtinjr and mechanieal interest, of the state Iarg-e, cunudious and wolI'Ventilated builj. inc.. me coneiro la located In a culcrvated and anramunay, and one of the healthiest in tb. atate MILITARY TRAILING F.xpcnArn need not exceed 1S0 or sue rniirn aennion Tr fr m-wn (reacbolaraliia from erary countr. Writ- hir.wtalogue to U. L. AKNOLD, Pr., OorraUU, Orafon ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - REGON Conducted by the Slate.) f St, Benedict Tuition tn select day school range from f& to all). Forlerma o' D-arding Hohool or an prwlocbrs appiy at the A- :m orj ndtfaaHifltor Sufierioreaa I)" G. A. .VIIITMKY, IV'Irttn and Sur n. Graduate cf nulerae Me. teal Col co, Nc Vorlr City. Oiscaica of womenv speculay. OI'IOB-Frwuii Work, Albany, Or.tn LINN CO NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. rrcsm-ni j , rOWAV 'ice-President H, I".0..-?. AaatCaahier ...0 A ARCfllUOLD. . jj w fTn , , b V,",n' J M "''"on. W 8 " , . ji raworu ana u A Arch TRANSACTS a teneral hanklnir bnalncss. DRAWSIOUlIlKAFTSou New York San Kl Prtlir I, Orefton. LOAN MONEY on avpioved security RECElVKdepoalUaubleet check. PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. I or PORTLAND, OBKOOH. rJW.ooo ...M OU,000 Paid up capital - Surplus and profita....... Interest allowed on sarlnft depoaita a. follows' On ordinary aarinc.hooks per cent par annum On term saving, books f par cant per annum! On certificates ot deposit: - For three month, 4 par cent parannnm: For .1, month, 6 per cent per annum: For twelre moath, 8 p.r nt per annum' FRANK PEKUM. Pre.id.al - D P.TIIOMISON Vice-Presldsnt. U. C, 8TRATTON. Caablari But fv people know thai there Is such a thlni aasoii-carwl tea InaitiUocand fewer bars seen It Bui then Is, and II U of all teas the (weeteet, purest, and meet IracranL Yea aak at one how II is thai II la not offer! far sal and thai yoa know nothlnf of It Thai la answered easily; bat It Is ueoeeeary to pnseat first a few details. The pablle only knows f wo feneraj etaaaea, Tla,, th graa and th disc teas. Ores, Taaa. Few people know that th brlrhl bluish freea eolor of the ordinary taaa axnoeed la th windows 1, not lb nat.ral color. Un pleasant as tb fact nay be, It I neserthelee, aninriai; rrasslan blue, alliea, gypsum, pmmhaxo, and other nuheaJlhfnl mineral eolon belni used for Ibis pnrpoa The effect utwoiou. It notonly makesthete.abrirht, shluy. a'.tractlr green, but also permit, the useoi on color" and worthless teaa which, ouc under th sreea cloak, aro readily worked on as a food quality of tea. Theabora. inable coloring practice aren admits of lb use or foreign substances, and tha English goTeruuieut, wnicn look, closer Into tb. ecu. uiueneis of It, staple, than ours, has in some of the alleged " aneat " of tea, lound redriad leaves, etraw, fragment, of matting, rice- nusas, ana wutow leavca In fart, It la openly elated by an English authority that hundred, of thousands of pounds of sloe, ash, and wil low leaves are annually Imported aa tea. which without the coloring process would b Impossible. They report lea as one of the most notoriously adulterated article, of commerce. Tbo tomptatloa to make sweeping, and bad tea Into a merchantable produot with a few cents' worth of green coloring matter Is too trong to withstand, and the worthlessness of the trash that often find, it, way to this mar. ket labeled ;New Crop," "Best Quulity," Green Tea," etc., would simply astound tha publlo If revealed, to lay nothing of the mi. henlthtulnea, of th Prussian blue, plum- i5o sypsum, nu tne outer mineral colors that are employed. a Black Teas. The basket and pan-fired Japan teas, a, well as the China teas that may be Included unii.p the general heading of black teas," get their color from the firing or toasting process, but mineral coloring matter la also freouantlr used to glr a certain desired commercial appearance. The firing and the coloring, as in the green tea,, largely conceal, th Iden tity of th tea, and permit, the ma of tb. very cheapest teas, to argue nothlngjlor th deterioratlngeffectofexcoMlTeflringJwhlch must be resorted to when a very cheap prod uct ii used and an extreme color desired. Beecl-.'a Tea (Snn-dried). Concerning snn-dried tea, the neonlaof iha Pacific Coast have heard but little and know less, although it la extensively Used whera It Is known and nnderstood. We are told that when tea I, so poor it cannot be sold at home or safely shipped to the English market,, It Is shipped to America; that ws will drink any thing. That may possibly be one of th rea son, we hare not been offered sun-dried teas. They were good enough to send lsowher. in sun-dried teas belaa ,un-enrad coloring matter Is and, hence nothlna but pore tea leaves can be employed; for unas- suiea oy manipulation or coloring, all at tempts at adulteration or the Introduction of foreign leave, or material would be bold and glaring, inat it is, therefore, sweeter and fsl more fragrant than the artificially colored green tea, and tbe manipulated basket or pan-fired tea,, you hardly need be told. That It Is more healthful than the mineral-colored teas, Is also apparent. That It 1, more expen sive, Is also truo; and that is another reason you havo never seen It There is net so much proCt in It as there Is in the cheap adulter ated and colored teas. About th Cost of Teae. According to the custom-house report,, the amount of tea received at San FrancUco last year (1830) was 6,840,137 pounds, and the value 9S6,2oo, or a fraction over ise per pound. Tho consumer, of which the reader was one paid for that Kc tea all the way from foe to II per pound. In other words, for that worth of tea the consumer paid between four and five million, of dollar,. There ar your enormous profits, and there you will probably find the chief reason why most of you never heard of a sun-dried tea. An th .nn-rirLH have ao mask, they ar compelled to be abso lute pure and of better quality than th a-flclally colored and manipulated teas. Hence the margin, on them an smaller, and many dealers don't eareabout handling Ibem, and you know nothing about them. But It is the object of this artlclo to tell you where you can get them, and what to ask for am! .n about them. " DeecV, Tea." Beech", Tea," cmvaiitrcd to he lh nor. sun-cured leaves. U now offered to the peopl. of the Pacific Coast Jt win be a revelation to you. Yon doubtless novor saw any nat ural leaf. Have jour grocer break open a package. It will be found lu eolor lo be just between the artidciiilly colored green and the Mai k teas, and the drawn tea presents a clear, brilliant canary color, cf delightful fragrance. It I, offered to the people at OOo per pound, the same price thai many artificial,- colored teas are sold for. But Its guar anteed purily iniikos 1: more erunomlcal to .or a ics quantity, my about twenty , required per cup. As there are .,630 grains to a pound, there will be seen to be between three and four hundred clips to the pound, or at the rale of about one fifth of a cent per cupj It, economy la therefore manifest It I, put up in one-pouod packages on.y In patent air-tight and moisture-proof parchment, with the trade-mark that is found at the bottom of this article plainly printed on the package. It 1, Mld lu this form for two reasons; one Is, that the original .trength and aroma 1, preserved: and .econd, there can be no deception, which would be quite possible if It were sold lnulk, without the name and trade-mark attached. Caution. Recollect that the manrln of r. much smaller on Beech's nnra . than on the .rtiflcially colored tea. that yoa won t get It If tea by any other nam. ea k put off on yoa. Ask for SHASTA LINE. Ispreas Train, leers Pwtlaad Dally. Perttand Altway Saa Fraaelae I Hertk Arltaa aa Lv I u a at Lv I il.o, r a I South f 1 7: oor. a. tons ra I ait a a Above train, atop only at (allowing station, north (af Hosetmif. East Portland, Orogoa Cliy, Woad aum, gelem, Albany, Taaganl, HaodeY UalMy. Iler- unurg,Au.ouoauty, Irving, augeae, aoaaaca sau., bailt. Il.-ttua I Lr I lt:l r I L. VMra lAr Portland Albany RoMburg Arl 4:00 r a Lv I lt:oo a Lvl S.-tdAS AI.SAIV LCAL( OAI1.T BlCPt SvxOAT) w lift Isaoral Lv HOT a I Ar Portland Albany tniioi MA,ca. Ar 0 .0(1 A Lv S:U0 A I i M r I 1 1 lb r a 7:S0AU Li 1:311 Ar I Lv Ar Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon : a a 8:411 A I'llK 1:40 r a a.-.-.. "Mi Norl,i.t. 7 "''UiluUvTN In Ike slate iii7i"" l laua .N Tulllo. i. . .'""assail" w. m aaa ! ,MI" sal w T Slata Hoard ol Education; ei-onVIo, Ills Kiaellmcy, " ,0 a "uW.J"'!. -' . . , n.m v, eiciiriae, Ilea. J'eria seheai i ' ratary ol state; Hon E II Hi-Nray, Superintendent ol N"""al and HaLlJ !""! Piddle Instruction ; Benjamin Schollle'd, praaldouli J H "u" Normal at ar'"SriIr f V Batler. weratary. Eiaeimr, lloaan-llonj 1 Italy """hir ball t ' . (Hi I. an. 4 ii v uutlar, folk ; Jacob Voor. J"1" "Kht and or. irL""; hhl PULLMAN BUfFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleepiner Cars, I Far ArrMitinilaititirr Hrwndw'liiaa Paaara era, NtlarUrtlta t.xprc.aTralB.a. lion FW llal htxx. Ilarlou : J ( niaa; A Noltmr, Mul'nomah; W U llolmw, Uarlu. For Catahigue, AJdrosv , oitUltDI htxM, Ilarlou ; J ( Whiia, I'olk i Aifrinl Lac.- iMaak. .ttiili.i. ti ." ' P ni iP rim r fTeel Hide IWvlal.a. IBKTVfKEM I'UUVLAMt A.l 4 0UVALLIS, Hail :raim nam (EsceptSunuay,) an a a I !:lil r a Portland Corvallia BtrRaasTLAls daily (Esc.pt Sunday . inru 2 ra Lv Ar Portland Urllinmille Arl Lvl WILL & LINK, Music - Dealei To atl iioiiita EAST, AKD" SOUTH. tot i-j i, infiiruutii i rcirtlliiu ratea. uiara. on Comiatiy Act nl at A I taiiy .. OhHLKH K P. KOtiKltft Mai.at9r Xutlrc our l.l-t ftrrinat, VOSK & SON T,in,!:r'.3 -1 l a Ami o. K. and i. As-1 Blre nod Ear tin ft' Monne Proof Ortxanu, YAQU1NA MY ROtJTK. Oregon Pacific Raiirodd. K HOUli, Urrrlver. O Dragon lJeyelopaien!; Co's Steamers, nnisri i.ine to ( nliforuin. rirai-ciaas lurouull nsi.iiir,ir ..,. reiRtit uneirom fortland and all point nine vviuamette valley to auil rrmn Man rranciaco, vai. Boats make olosh connection at A 11, an with trains of theOrogon Pacifl Hnilrond TIME 8CI1KDULE. except 8undar,.) ,:..i. Nllll.ll lusUiueuln HSiseclalt. ' Tl,li" Aeents tor int) nrw siomr, Kldrstle It. andoiher Ka.ln.u I Supplies for all kinds ol HeWn Machines. vVegu.5 M cuntuiiirrs itiifreata anil unaramee satulaoiuin We also carry a full asaurliiirnl of Mu.lc and Music Books Cor. Second and Ferry sta., (snd for eataitgue.) I THE F PATR0HiZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Albany, Oregon. W P I5KAD, Proshleat. J I4 COWAN, 'J'reastiror. Lssvu Albany 15:'id r. Leave Corvallia I'M r, I arrleTaquina,l:S.'i r. Lave laiUlna, 7:0A,u Leave Uirvallis,10:.lr,a,a Arrive Albany, 11:13 a. Geo P SIMPSON, Vlceh,,kEn DIKKOTOHa- J I, Cowan, Geo F Simpson, tV V Road, l.'r I, Polar, M Wernbsee IwiF J it vteatnerford, K S Strahan. J o Wrilamau T ALSO niSTaUOT A O. oT C. trains conunct ur. Allian.n,i Corvallis. The above trulns cob nee tall yaauina with the Orotron lovoin,,m, I ..ujpisuy-. uiuo 01 nwamHuips uetwoen I awuiuaanu rsun rranciaco, SAILING DATES , Ainerinan. Plihadelnlila. t. r J-rT.l""li4lf Norwioh Union, Loudon, Fun 1 (luardian, Iindon, Hng. Mtn ohesler, Uanoheatvr, Kngiand. Calodonlau, Kdijburg. Kcotlainl. Weacliaster, Now York. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN AIW,- rnoM TAQinsa. wii:mctte Valley, Tuesday, Autf 4(h -, Thnntdtv, Auburn ;nammay,iuit Tina-. u.mJav.AiiiF sii rilt RAH FK1M CISCO BUY THE "MITCHELL wiuameUe Valley, Friiluy, July 3tt ; Sunday, Aur ... , . ur,v..sjr, mi;t ion, ioiiuoauay, AUjf .iUUi I ituuKOBRuinR uaioH v moiit notice. f lllamette Vallev noints can rriak n)mn iiunecuon witu tne trains of the Yaqnina root at Albanv nr CnrTtklllH .ml irlo. ttned to Han Francisco should arrantje to imuina me evening Deioro rate nauintr CTraftwengcr an FrKht ratra alwaya tha low rut Fir InformatlM apply to A R Chapmin, Freight and iuhot, AcuiH, Ainany, c. V. HOf.l'l,, U. K. an) P Atreii . Corval.ia, WAGON Acknoivlcdcd Monarch of !he M We carrv a full line of ITai-lca ltncir.r.H r-s-ru. iu Vtm Iaipleinents of all kinda. .iH-riall on us before purchanlDg Elsewbin YOU NEED BUT ASK MitchfJI & Lewis Co., . rw 1 Albany, M ITICS II URilllACIIK AVO l.l.ritu ..-. . iTO to direction., will keen your 111.,'...!. l.lv. ....1 Hulna, in itikhI onlr. THO 8 H :0C0ll C'I'RK for fold, f .n..l.. r. in enmiectinn will, the lUad.cha Cure, is as near Mrfwunn n. anything known. ' TI10 8 II Am iia Pais Ci sk lor Internal and exter. Ch, rZl? T"""'"''. -'"."ii folic "ml Ch-dara .Morbus Uuiwurpweil, Th.iy.ro well liked hare.crknown. Manufaetural at llulur. Oren. sale by FOSilAY it MASON. FUR THOMAS D TIIRFV It vou want tit and most durablefe tn re tli at ismanw' IW in the city go to BRINK'S 2nd Store, BANK OF NCIO, SCIO, ORXOOrt, omcass: President Vice- Prcsidem Cashier . 8 HorHe, II llryant biRBcroa, : E Oolne, - 8 M si, Jrr Mvrr. O 8 Mav John Gaines PO Smith. Vow a teneral binkiar and eirhsnge buslnen light drafu Issued on Albany, Portland an' 52', BEECHiE TEA If yoar grocer does not have It, he will ret adIn,lI;krr,?,i,!I"P"",d- Tb..boV ..chep"".grd,1C,, Perhaps the best way to get if I, t yon know they have 1, wlmn'gTo" iulty W "iihoa, ALLEN BROS., FLINN BLOCK. ALBANY Keep it in your ii.in.l that AUen Broi pro oee keepinv the kind of uro..,.. n-. ,.i.. . ' r" a3 arts w UUUfin mande. Their stock 1. a i,n K HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1 ! MkAj vL4i DR. K C. WEST'S Nerve ar.d Brain Troatmen ruarantaed anc Ac for Hv.tri. tn. ,TZn alona.rit., Nerroua Neural Headache, NeriSu Pmfltratlon mumH hv th unf .i..i-i I V u ik''''., Depm-lon, Softening lT?.LS rVa,lnr ola C. barrenne... loai bhV. LW. , hy "Mjertlon of the hram each te. eonulns on. month', treatment. SI a bos "nl b' """ Pld on receipt o WE nUARANTEE SIT tnvri a-n mm. .... saaa. With each order received by ua for ,ii 'botea oon.In,ad with Ss, ,. .11, J t. pU"M ?r mitten guarantee to refund tha money if the traVt. ?tHJZrf""t; ","'- l-nede. Ofi. A.Liimaiing.lvruttgiat.aol.agant, Albany. Or. P HOTOGRAPHER, ?'Ir.wn,1?.1;?. ""dFery St Allmnv. Ol S k " werlc' (tuaranteed In ever' O. branch of the art. e-Knlnri.,, A all kitidsaspeeialty. fiewi a'.ocik or and $V ;ooiia In the Va y, and the most roav ,aie pricox, liolb 'ob laolllng. I have on hand all kniu. FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, 330KS, PIUTURES CWCXS, CRQCKRRY, ETC., ETC. door weal of S E Young's oif store L. CQTTLItB 1 Tltflf i- MlinowlpdRWl tho K'arHnr rtartiosiv fn I onorrlirra a .ier, lnootily irim romfiljr for -ni'orrlmiorWbit4?a. i urnc'i-ibe itan'I feci l THttvwsCHtWjjnri to all iiflcn-n. l)Kr-ATITH III. iSoIfl hy Iprurriats. a-Ati, mu vi.uu. FOSHAY & MASON TI3LBLAU A,P " DrBRffistsand Anenu for John B. Alden'ip? wblch we srdl st puUUher't ? erPeJl Stanard & Cuaick, Agents. OF EUGENE, Neat serslin bolna on limit. 11,. a,. .1. - September, 18UI. ' TUITION ".FREE. F.ur Courses: Cla..i, v Scientific, Ulera'rv, and asholt Kniriinb Course, tn w:iiuh 1. ... ai.L. Uraek. French or Herman. Toe Biuliah I. nrm! fluently a Huainws t'ourw. Kw catalonuoaor further Inform.!! , , , f-rtA'-Klr.M JJ y w JOH(r,, - '- Praeldont oa'Atjceatlditr' ALBAKT. OKEM Faitmillsi & 19 WW, FiiMRkAl, DIRECTORS.' Arterial Embalming Dons olly. RedCroTO . ..,! 80M, LANiVLVO C saw pRocais floub AirDBAIaTUtal. J. REST STORAGE FAClLjJi City Restanraj . Having been entirely wiwj'jfj, Having id tmnul class n every respect. and popular restaurant w"' .r. IU . :cnta. Kventhmx " ,,f Priv.t hoxes. Oyalari's." ,:... .,,..1 m.ls st all no-