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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1891)
A Chinaman's Notion. Eauy In the season mention was made ot the fact that Id the hop yard of F Levy, three miles up the river from Salem, the Chinamen hd taken a novel method to rid the vines of lice. This Is a thirty acre field, and when the lice began to be thick, and before the berry had commenced to form, the Celes tial workers went into the field and stripped each viae of Its every leaf. This lefi the lice nothing upon which to feed and they sought sustenance elsewhere or starved t3 death wht'e waiting for the new leaves 10 sprout. When the vines donned their new foliage there were but few lice to bother them or Impede their progress or the growth and maturity of the hop. Today Mr Levy has, perhaps, the cleanest hop yard in this section of the country, and will harvest a good big crop. Guard, Following is the list of Utters rammuing intbe poatoffioo at Albsoy, Liar, county, Oregoa.Aug. 2U, 189L fr these letters must give ths date on winch they were advertised. Anderson, L M Ault, Eq, A J 3 Butcher, Miss l).wa 'Jlioo, C K Cooper. Albert Nelson Day. IS M Eeitsch, Stephen Joms, J H Jones, J A Harmon, Mrs KindFries.i Lewis, J D Mathews, M C Parker, Miss Lima Meretheu. Mrs Katie Pearson, George Scott. V II Saeieard, Morris M Taylor, Miss Nora Whitehead, James Williamson, T J. T. Muxteitii, P. M. Entitle Ulo the Best. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy. so every family should have, at ooce, a bottle of the bust fajiily remedy, Syrup of Fiici, to cleanse tho sys tem when costive or bilious. For sale in 50oaud$1.00 bottles by a!l lading dreg fiista. Special hrg tins ia bu3V harness at T)u bru ille's old staid. O. C. MoKarlasd. PIICCO C'ijhs, Colds, Infljonia, Broncltttls, bUr.l.U Hoarseness, Whooping Couch, Croup, ioro lhroat. Aithll, and every affection of the Throat. Lungs and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy aiulucnaaaent. Genuine aincd " L Bittl." NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS OF THE CITY GF ALBANY, ORECOH. Notice is hereby given that as author zed and provided' by an act of the legisla ture of Oregon, entiiled, "An act to incor poratc the city of Albany, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict here with," filed in the office of the secretary of the state of Oregon, February iSth, i'Soi, and alsoas provided by rrdinancs No 217, of said city of Albany.the Common Coun. cilof the City of Albany, Oregon, will issue and dispose of bends of said city at par value, to the amount of $75,000 in denom inations of $joo, payable 20 years after date of issue, with interest thereon at the rate of (8) six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds will be received by the treasurer of said city uctil the hour of 2 o'clock p m, Tuesday, the irt day of September, 1891, at which time the pro posals submitted will be opened aid con sidered, ar.d said bonds will be 6old to the highest and best bidder therefor. The city tieasurcr hereby reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Albany, Oregon, July 30th, 1891. II. FARWELL, City Treasurer. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO whom it mh" concern, that bids will be received hy tho county court of Linn county, Oregon, ft the ollfceof th'oounty clerk of Linn rounly, Uregon, up to 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. September 9lh, 1S'J, lor the constiiiciiiin of a connty linage acioss j'honiRs crook, at Hanns crossing, in Linu county, Oregon, aid bridge to bn of tuo following dimensions, towit: Main span to be 100 feet in length lu feet wio in the clear, and 18 feet above low walor mark, oach end of main span to ret upon eight solid oak pil n. North approach to be 70 feet long. 1 feet wide in the clear, and protectfd by banisters. South approach to be ltl feet long, 111 fe6t wide in thn rtatr. and protected by banis ters. No bid will be considered unless ac roinpanied with plans and specifications, and a per cent of bid in cash or certified check. Thocounly reserves the right to reject any and all bid. P PAYNE, County Clerk, lly B M Payne. Deputy. ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - REGON Oondiicted by the Sislw. f St, Benedict Tuition tn select day school range from $5to?l0. Fortertns or Boarding School or .a prtioslars apply at the A?a!eiri. ora aitwM Sistor Superiorena, THE STATE Opens arplrmlirr Ulb, IS9I. Cnurae of etupy errantred eiprcMly to meet the need, of Hie firiniiiK and mechanical liitcreate o( Hit atato. Iiat-gu, eenioiltoui. and vcll-ventllatcd bullj. in. Tlis college la located In a cultivated and community, and one ol the hcalthlcat in tlit stale. MILITARY TRAINING Eapensss need not exceed 91 SO for In entire ereelnn. W m5re Ir8aachulanhlpe 1mm every enmity. iu. w u. Ait.iiM.l), Pres.. "August Flower" I bad been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. I suffered fre quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McHenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi cine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City, Pa. Signed, John D. Cox. Q G. G. GREEN' Sole Manufacturer, Woo .bury, New Jersey, U. S. A. PJtOFESSlOXAL CARDS G EO; B. CHAHBKKLAIiV, Attorney at La. Will practlcs n ttl onurti of the stkte. SjmsUI atts:iti m ifivan to milters in probate ana to co lo-Mont. urMUB in tha rutin diock. K. WEATHERFOHD, Attorney at Lv. Wilt nr .:tlcs in all courti of tlie state, wflleei Faun block, Albany, Oregou. It. lULYEt', Attorney at Lsr ad Solicitor In Clivieary. Co.Iec Uons made on all pr.nta. Loam nej.niated on far orableteruu. Albany, Oregon. EO. IV. WRIGHT, Attorney at Lav.and Notary Public. Will practise in all courts of this state and in the United States rourii for Oregon, onlcei -Front rooms orer Hank of Oregou, Albany, Vgu. 9. K. X. BLaCSBURK, . e. wamos JjLAt KBl RX & WATSON, Attorneys at Law. Ail bneineei will reeeire prompt attention. O (licet Odd FellowiTemle, Albany, Ot. J.J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, and Notary Pablie. Orejon. Albany R. J. I.. SI ILL, Pbyeidan and Surgeon, OFFICE -Ferry streets, Albauy, Oregon. JJRS. MAST0V A DAVI.1, Phf sietana an 3urrom, 07FICB Corier Reenad an.l Brovdalkin streets. AlbOT, Or, Calls promptly aktendwl in eitr an J eoanery; c, I. CHAMBERLAIN M. D Homeepathiat. fdTJpocl-llst in dlseai4s ef the Rye . Twenty years' eaperience. OBIce hours 7 to 0 a tu; 1 te S p in, and 6 leSeronisf. Albany. Oregon, TU. O, A. WHITNEY, rXrsieianand fltirreon. Oradaue et Rellevue lie fcal Ool ege, New Ynrk City. Diseatee ef women a specialty. OFFICE Freinan bleek, Albany, Oregen B ANK OF OREGON. ALBAIT Y, OBKOOM. rapltal, Prilant Vtoo-Preiident.., Caahir 830.M0. It F MRRRIT.L K J i.annim; Jar W BLA1N Transactn a genei-at banhlni; buslneiM! Kxulianea bought anil sold on all tlis principal eitiva in tho United Statosi alaoon England, Ireland, F.anae and (lermany. Collectiona made at all accessible points on favor able terms. Interest allowed 9.1 tlms deposits. 17I KMT NATIONAL lttH, . Or ALBANY, ORKOON, reaident Vice I'reBidont Cashier H LFMNN S, E,Y(li;N(l .K. W. LANliUON rRANSACTS A OF-NERALbanklnalmlncss. ACCOUNTS KKPT subject to eheck. SIOilTKXCIIA.NOE andul -raphlo transfer. wld New York, aaa Francisco, Chicago and 1 -.Hand reron CO .LECTION J HADE on fatorahla terms. DinicTosa J. E. Toons K, W, Lisasoa L K Duu, L. Fuhh Kdwaro V. ijos. LINN CO NATIONAL BANK, Or ALBANY, OBKOON. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. Prealdent J L COWAN, rieePreildent J M RALSTON. AiatCaehler O A AKCIUUOLt). p-sscTORS, J L Cowan, J M Ralaton, W 8 LAdd, W II Qollra, J A Oraword and OA Arch Ikold. TRANSACTS a reneral nankin? business. DRAW 81UU1 DRAFTS on New York, 8as vi I Prllp I, Oregon. LOAN MO.SRYon ajppir.ved tocuritv RECK1VK deposits sublect check. IJOKTI.AND 8AVINON BANK, L OF POBTLAND, ORKOON. Paid up capital ... Surplus and proAls 1260,000 ............... 00,000 Interest sllewed on tarings depoilts as follows: On ordinary avliifra books ....4 per cent per annum. On term m Inge books m.O per cent per snouln, On certincalee of deposit: Por three tuonths 4 per cent nersnnnm: For sis month. ft per cent per annual! For twelve moulha e per cent per annum: FRANK HKKI'H. Prealdent I). P. THOMPSON Vloe l'retldent. II. C, 8TRATTON. Caahlen Kogsge tlis lit!, wood taw scd got yur rood prouerlv aawed. LesTa vour orders st Mstthews tt Washburn's nsrdwnr.stor.,V KirstRtrost. Wu: Num. ' FACTS ABOUT THE TEA WE DRINK. But lew people know that there Is such thing as suD'Cured tee, lu existence, and fewer have seen It. But there Is, and It Is of all teas the ivroetost, purest, and most fragrant You ak at oni- how It is that it Is not offered for ea. j and that you know nothing of tt That la answered easily; but It is necessary to present first a few details. The public only knows two reneral classes, Tis., the green and the) blucit teas. Green Teas. Few people know that the bright bluish green color ot the ordinary trai exposed la the windows Is not the natural color. Un pleaiaut as the fact may be, it Is neTerthelesa artificial; Prussian blue, silica, gypsum, plumbago, and other uuhealthful mineral colors being used for this purposa The effect is twofold. It not only makes the tea a bright, hiay, attractWe green, but also permits the use of "off-color" aud worthless teas, which, once antler the green cloak, are readily worked off as a good quality of tea. The abom inable coloring practice even adults of the use of foreign substances, and the English gorernmeut, which looks cloier into the gen uiucness of Its staples than ours, has in some of the alleged fluest " of teas found red r led leaves, straw, fragments of matting, rlce husks, and willow leaves. Ia fact, It Is openly stated by an English authority that hundreds ot thousands of pounds of sloo, ash, and wil low leaves are annually Imported u tea, which without the coloring process would be impossible. They report tea as oueof the most notoriously adulterated articles of commerce. The temptation to make sweepings and bad tea Into a merchantable product with a few CSUtl'warth of green coloring matter Is too strong to withstand, and the worthlessness of the trash that often finds Its way to this mar ket labeled ."New Crop," "Pest Quality' " Green Tea," etc., wonld simply astound the public if revealed, to say nothing of the un healthfulness of the Prussian blue, plum hago, gypsum, and the other mineral colors that are employed. Black Teas. The basket and pan-fired Japan teas, as well as the China teas that may bo included under the general heading of " black teas'get their color from the firing or toasting process, but mineral coloring matter is also frequently used to give a certain desired commercial appearance. The firing and tho coloring, as In the green teas, largely conceals the iden tity of the tea, and permits tho use ot the rery cheapest teas, to argue nothinglfor the deteriorating effect of excessive firlng.iwhich must be resorted to when a very cheap prod uct is used and an extreme color desired. .. Beecn'e Tea (Sun-dried). Concerning sun-dried teas the people of the Pacific Coast have heard but little and know Jess, although It Is extensively used where it is known aud understood. We are told that when tea Is so poor it cannot be sold at home or safely shipped to the English markets, it Is shipped to America; that we will drink any thing. That may possibly be one of the rea sons we hare not been offered sun-dried teas. They were good enough to send elsewhere. The sun-dried teas being ann-enred. bo coloring matter Is used, hence nothing but pure tea leaves can be employed; fox unas sisted by manipulation or coloring, all at tempts at adulteration or the Introduction of foreign leaves or material would be bold and glaring. That it is, therefore, sweeter and far more fragrant than the artificially colored green teas and the manipulated basket or pan-fired teas, you hardly need be told. That it is more healthful than the mineral-colored teas, Is also apparent That It Is more expen sive, is also truo; and that is another reason you have never seen It There Is net so much ' profit in It as there Is in the cheap adulter ated and colored tea. About the Coat of Teas. According to the custom house reports, the amount of tea received at San Francisco last year (1SS0) was 6. WO, 137 pounds, and the value 956,290, or a fraction over J So per pound. The consumer, of which the reader was one, paid for that l."c tea all the way from 60c to II per pound. In other words, for that $956,259 worth of tea the consumer paid between four and five millions of dollars. There are your enormous profits, and there you will probably find the chief reason why most of you never heard of a sun-dried tea. As the sun-dried teas have no mask, they are compelled to be abso lute pure and of better quality than the arVficlally colored and manipulated teas. Hence the marslm on them are smaller, and many dealers don't care about handling them, and you know nothing about them. But it Is the object of this article to tell yon where you can get them, aud what to o.k for, and all about them. ' i.eeeVa Tea." "Beech's Tea," gua-atitecd to he the pure sun-enred leaves, I t now offered to the people of the Pacific Coast. Jt will bo a revelation to you. You doubt lest nover saw any nat ural leaf. Have your crocer bnak open a package. It will bo found ia color to be just brlwceu the or iiiciully colored green aud the black tca, and !he drawn tea presents a clear, brilliant canary color, of delightful fragrance. It is offered to the people at GOe per pound, the same priee that many artifi cially colored teas are sold for. But Its rruar autccd parity rnukes it more ero'iomical to use; for a cm quantity, my about twenty grains, ;is required per cup. As there are 7.6S0 grains to a pound, there will bo seen to be bctwecu three and four hundred cups to the pound, or at the rate of about one fifth of a cent per cup. l:s economy Is therefore manifest It Is put up In one-pound packages only, In patent air-tight aud moisture-proof parchment, with tho trade mark that Is found at the bottom of this article plainly tainted on the package. It Is sold in this form for two reasons; one is, that the original strength and aroma is preserved; and second, there can be no deception, which would be quite pouiuio ii ii were soia in bulk, without the uaine and trade-mark attached. Caution. Recollect that the margin of profit is so much smaller on Beech's pure suu-drled teas than on the artificially colored teas that yom won't get it if tea by any other name can be put off on you. Ask for BEECH'S, TEA w V ?ureAsWdhood: H your iroesr don not bare it, hs will f et It lor yon. l'rlc etc per pound. Tlis sbors tra.le mark .ad pric. Is plainly prlnU4 en fsi-h pscksne. I'trhspa tha bnt wsy to ret It la to co where you know they hare It nd are willing to sell It. Kor lnttsuco, It can b. had without diffi culty at ALLEN BROS., FLINN BLOCK, ALBANY P HELPaS. Job Printer. First &t. AJbanv EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Iiprsas Trains laare Portland Pally South North 7-lxir. I L Portland Ar I : OUr. Lt Albany Lr (: "u" M I Ar Ban franslsco L. I S.OS m ai..... tnina .tr.ii anlv at following atatlons north ol KoMborr. Eart Portland, Or.iron lily, Wood- Burn, Salem, Albany, lang-anv, ..uau, hi.. leburf, Junction City, lrln(, Insane. BOSBSDS. MAIL, BAILT. 1:10 II Ui Portland Ar 1 4:00 r II 11:10 r a L Albany Lr 11:00 u VII) ,i Ar Roaeburl Lv 1 510 a ALBSST L00ai BAILT SXCSrt STXBAT) ft 00 p I Lv Porlland Ar .00 a 8 v r a . r Albany !IL i'!?" LSBASOS BBASCH, 2:Ss7 h I Lv Albany at l):tft A M SMrulAr Lebatioli Lv 8:40 AH 7:30a. I Lv Albany Ar 4:20 r i:ti A u 1 Ar Lebanon Lv 8:40 r h PULLMAK BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars, for Aecoaimmlatiooef Meco nil -Class laeD gera, auaructi iu svirri.s ruins. V-. Hl.l. Lin BUT EE rottTL.tXU AM tOttVALLlS, UiiL .'RAM daut (Kx:ejttSumn.y,) 31 A H I Lv 2:10 r h Ar Curt land Corvallis Ar I &:3U r v Lv l-l:'So r xrr.CMrai.ix dailt (Excjpt Sunday. 4o r a I Lv in Ar Ar I :'J0 a Lv fi-45 A U UcMinnville rrhrouj?li Tickets To til IllH EAST, AD SOUTH. Km (ui. it.formttlo i retranling rates, wars, on Com pan v Ageul at Albany . .. OEI1LEH E P. ROGERS Mat. a or Kso'i U. F. and P. Ar YAQULYA BAY ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railrodd, T C UUUli, Iterrlvrr. Oregon Development To's Steamers, Nhurt Line to California. Plrat-clas through passouger uml rol-fht lino from Portland and all points rj the Willamott. Valloy to nnil from Sail Francisco, Cal. Roots mate close oonnoctlon at A I ban ;th trains of Die Oregon Faclfi Kailroad T1MESCI1KPULE. eoopt Sunda.n.) ni.i.nT r. .,...wa laquina, 7:UUA.M borvallla l:inr,u. Leave Corvallia,10:35A,n tMjuina, r. u. .rnve Albany, 11:15 a. u O. fe C. trains connect at Albany and 'orvallis. The above trains connect at Yaauina with the Oregon Development Company's T,lne of 8teamships between Vaquina a&d .San Francisco, Ff.OII TAQI'ISA. A'ii'.a.nctt9 Valley, Tnewlay. Anir 4th : Thursday, Au)f 13th ; SAturday.Auit ud ; Monday.Au; 81a riioM has rKA.vciaco Willameto Valley, Friday, July 31st; .Sunday, Aur vini i ucKita , mi; latnj eunosuay, Ally join The Comn.nv ,-;voh tlie ricnt to nangesainun oaten v tcont notice. I. B. iasHenirors from Portlnna .nil Willamette Vallev joints can make close ssnnectun with the tram, or the Yaquina ronte at Alb.nv or Oorvnllln. and II'iIbh- tined to San Francisco should arrange to JTivo at : snuina the evening oorore date f saiiinjr aarrassrnxer an Frrght rates alwayr. the B..WCSI For Inform-itlo't apply to A R Chapman, Freight and lean .ceni, Ainany, V. SJ. U0S1IK. G. F. aril P. A ten . HEALTH IS WEALTH! DK. E. C. WEST'S Nervo ar.d Hrain Trentmen f uaraiitoad nitifio (r Hysteria, Dizziness, Convu inns. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Norvou Prostration eauteil by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wftlr-jfulne-s, Mental Depression. Softeninjr ut the Hrair, raMiltin; in insanity an.l leatiius; to misery, Jecajr viddeash, premature old ace, barrenne. Us ol W. caihciI by overexertion ot the hrain Each to n tains one month'a treatment, SI a box or six box is lor S5. a-jiit by mail prepnid on receipt o price. WB t.UARANTER SIX FOXES TO CUItE ANY oano. With each order received bv ui for six boxes, aceom i nnied with $, wo will sond the purchmcrour written sruaranwo to refund the money lithe trrat ment doci not effect a cure. Guarantees tMued onl of J, A. Lummiiu, DruxK"t, sole aent, Allmnv , Or YOU NEED BUT ASK LU IS KB lVVsl III ll Wi Z m X 00 o Ttits n llSAPAclls air T.ivsn Cran taken aeenrd Ins- to dlrectiona, will kesp your Blood, Liver and Kidnera In good order. Toe 8 B Coroll Crsi tor Tolda, Conghs and Croup in aonntotion with tha Headache Cure, is as near perfection ae anytlihiir known, , The 8 11 Alpha Pah Coaa lor Internet and ester nal w, In Neuramla, Timthache. Cramp t'oile and aolera Morhue ia unmirpaaeeil, They are well liked wherever kn.iwn. Manufactured at Dufnr. orain sale by FOSIIAY aIASO.1, B ANK OF MCIO, SCIO, ORKO0J4, orricsss: PreaMent....... , j g Mr,,, V ii- PrMBliliint i - u Chi a ..O B MlT Diaaeroas: 8 Horr4)t E Oolnt, John Oalnta U liryanl p o Smith. Doee a treneral banhiar and inhinvst hmin-M Sight drafts lasuod on Aibany, PorUauJ aoI 8mi mm u n Music - Dealers J. AUEU & CO. rtttdut,, v a . vsv a-frA,. i i um uiaraet, a , pe Pstla.e and Karbafr tlonao Proor Orctsnts, On liars, vun AuenU ror tlie new isorar, i.iari.(o is. suaojher Kowlnii v.. Kupplie. for all kind, ol Sewinu Maohltiea. WeKa.ri oifr customer, intorosts anil gnaraniee utlsfaetloii, w . .1.. mmnw .'ffaill amaurliai.Bl I of Hmsl. mad asauaa Rn.L. . . Cor. Second and Ferry Bts., (s-nd for eat.iogn.) Albany n. THE F. . Albany, Oregon W V KKAD, President, J L COWAN, Treasurer. J I. Cowan, Goo F Simpson, IV V Poad, Dr L Foley, M Sternberg, J w J K Wealherlord, K 8 Strauan. J o Writsinsn. Auiorliwii, Y niuuieipnia, ra. Korwioh Union. London. Knir IIOAKD OF RKGENT8 -- State floard of Edncatlon; ea-nfflcio, Ilia Kxcellcncy Sylvester Pennojer, tiovemnr; Hun Ii W Alcllriile, Hw roury i.f But; lion E II McElrov, SnjierinteiHlent ot J"1" I'l'hhe Instruction ; benjamin Kohoille'd, preehlcnt I J It . Uller. aeiTetary. lloiKn Hun J J I'aly, ' I 1' W Hale), and J II V liutler, l'jlk ; Jae..h T.,r I, Marion ; J C White, l'.ilkl Alfred l.w.v, (,'laika i; ANaltner, MuUluinah; W It llolinM, lurlou. For Ctilftlogue, Address. I. L. AMI'lKI.L. Viee-I'reitlcut. Acknowledged monarch of the Koad Mitchell & Lewis Co., m THOMAS test stock or 2nd B" ;ood In the Va ny, and the mnt. rossc .bio prloea, both n l IselliiiK. ' have on hand II kwju. F03NITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, FUTURES CLQCXS, CR&CKF.RY, -ETC., ETC. (foor west of S K Young's oil tnr L. C0TTLILB 00 Reward ? ' wt w plinrrt fvnrtl fnr r. rosio if t.lrr4 r,r- itli l(T .i-jh,ii,l'ii t: .'...fttlAiiu-, in-u-trt(in.Con V -fi ir . ...-(. vrjr.Cfn u v. nm.t ciiw with W,-li ."in'-ie i.iri.r l'dii. htn tUo dirx-ilon are atrlrtljr iipiirii wiih. Tli." rre : c-ljr Vegetable, an never -iltcKlvo jtt!'rp. iio:.. f iLTir-nitul Itk tea, tI' V .-iii. llewnT of 6inUrfeit inrl In... ,tn -ronuino maniifartuml cinlj ferf ' JOUH C VfirtV (Xii.t'A.NV, tUlUAUU.lLu. J A :nmminRAflrnt OF EUGENH. Next seiilon beifinl on Monday, the Sl.t day . September, 1801. TUITIOX-FKEK. Four ConrMa: Otaaalgat, Sdontifle, laterary, and a ehort Knirliah Coorae, in which there i. no Latin, llreek, French or llernitn. Th. Entleh Is p re-era-inenUy . lluaineas Couree. IIKar esutniniet or furthor hifonAttnn, Addreu ; Li. W. JOHMsnH. T R BUB a w I m. WILL & LINK, -Noll., .sir Ll.t a Plaaoi- f The must i PATR0NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. o-rnilWvfflSMr"- diukotoiir-- ALSO DISTHIOT AUtNTH FOK- iNTS ron Trailers, Obisago III PlioanU, Liimlon, Knglimcl,' (luardian, T.on.lon, Y.nt Mnn- choster, Manchestrr, f.nitianii. (-aieiloiilan. Kdi.iburK. Soptlaiul. Woncliesier, ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ARAN Y.- OllEGON STATE NORMAL, Oresea. The Ifttlinx Normal Scliool o! its -Nortliwest. Ik'autifully icd IIvaHlifully Located. No Saloons. New huiMins. now apparatui. hill brta iijrrit exHnea, and large altenaanM. torsa AdvaiKiil NoniiAl, ItUMiieu, Art sod Musck Iar.ineiiia. ti'-eelal attention eiren to phjiitfJ Hltn oliiutcer military or L'sni nation, TbMrtoiiT niploniaa aro nuihonted to teach in uj wm f In the state without further cxamiuaUuti. Tuition In the ami llutiness dc-r. nmnti ku hnmn rpiliti-.til fr-m tin l and in the bub-Noruial from t'M W W, A year in school for $150 sxrwDtsM. Tnitvs- l and HUfincu, f . Uj tcrUrmoft ma nnal at ti iter tenn. Uui uSm ilien, if J tl per wetk. rirt tenaoptniMi IS'.H. nturtents may enter iny umi. A. ., President, or J. ,TI. POWELL, AH., BUY THE "MITCHELL WACON," We carry a f ill line of Haoks, Rnggles and Carriages; also Farm Implement, of all kinda. 8f"Call on us before purchasing Klsewbsre. Albany, Oregon 0SIB It you wanttneiw'i f and most durable turn)' j I ture that is manufectur- BRINK'S rt ii ofhms ySg&SV tijJ lh.- Ir..!inj rrwvr fflfeV;T.,:.iiA TUBoirty 5 tu-u..i.i,w; -l seorfwH f-SS n7Sr-. - rsrolu.:,,, FnrtiTiiKei & n mmmm .pimiMM! ni RECTORS.- rk.lmlir Dona Scie"111 lajbOllC.! UIlll'B"",,,ri eally. RedCrownMills ROM, LANMINfl 4 CX. V saiw raocsss floor sersftio fo AMD IAIIM al. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. - vria. - nranoh School :'C'I ITAI. Hi 'loiti f arna count of study, am "V A iraXiK rranriicw, PmHsat te-a at any utus. w-wr" "