Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 27, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    ci IV '
KO 94
I . Jid fof clulou. .ec.r. Ik
" v IS THE
7 . ll DOUGLAS
-fl 5HOE CENEN ,
. ,if4. wllb no taiksur wax thread
itEiSc"n"'l of llio ln-at lino ralf. all i Jh
VudMail u make mtnf . " lU
Iianom; itianuVK-dirnr. II equals hauil.
t -ffSSSm tlg from aj.u) to two.
r a., aenuliH- lliiiid-aewed, tne finest eaU
.S.S .t olfered fur .J; equals FconcU
,rtt .bora, which cost from eV'" '"- ,,
Hand-Srwrd Writ Hlior, Una cslf,
i.vJtTTlli, comturlahlc and duriiW". The hrt
swr offered at this Jirlco ; nnmo (trod M ci
V. sloes costing from
74 Poller Hhoel Farmers, Ilnllroad Hen
andU'tu-rC'arrlersall wearthem; Hue calf,
"s. smooth Inside, heavy dim soles, cium
iiau.. Ouo pair will wear a year.
6 ne calf l no bi tter shoo over oftored at
a this price ; one trial will (olivine those
o want a alioe for comfort and service.
J and M.00 Workliiifi.lnn, ahoes
1V very strong and durable. Hiom who
liven them a trial will wear no other make.
If SW.UO nnd l..1 school ah;" are
,5 worn ly the uojs every where; thcrsell
i mew merits, as the InereailUK '" fhow.
'3Ke S:l.(HI Hhnd-acwed hoe, heat
TICS llongoln.vory stylish; ccmalsKrouch
ae. tt.30. sW.UO nnd 91.73 shoe for
. ara the best Hue Doiijtola. styllsli and durable.
tl.n.-See that w. 1. Douglas- name and
. an lumped on the bottom of each shoe.
jt an uyi;oLAS, llrucktou. Mass.
iVlu. E. 15LAINT.
Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stackers
Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rakes.
Highest of all In Letrening Power. (J. S. Cor't Report, Aug. 17,
We carry no machinery that has not been tried in thif
locality, and found to be satisfactory, ana, as we represein
factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms.
Crowd tlieii
"While YouWait"
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
iiatr croa-.n cheese jut icceived at Conrad.
Smoke the celebrated Unvanufilled o.oeut
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
A large stock of wall piper, with late de
signs, at Fortmiller b Irviug'sjust received.
Hsre yon ceo those parlor saita that T
Brink has just received 7 1 hoy are nice.
1 W Bentlev. best boot and shoe makerlin
city, three doors north of Democbat oiGce.
E W Achison & Co haclle the celebrated
Portland cemont walls for cemetery lots.
rbese walls can be furnished at hall the cost
of any other and are far superior.
Britrhten up your old rubbers and old
shoes and make tbem look as good as new
witl Wolfl s Acme Waterproof rolim. tor
sale at Samuel E Young's.
T)r M H ElIU, uhysician and 'snrgeon,
Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city ?or
country .
Ladies can do theirihoppinB in San Fran
oisoo without visiting tl'o city, and without
extra commwsioa. Miai E -1 Barrows 5- r
chuing asjeut, 1CS3 Grove St, Oakland, 1
One of Ihe largest wool raisers in Medina
county, Ohio, J M Crawford, says: "I just
dCtversil my cap last week at 2J cents per
pound. Last year I received 32 cents for wool
from the same sheep," This, It will be seen,
Is 5 cents less per pound than was paid pre
vious to the passage of the Mckinley till.
The promise to the wool raisers was that the
new law with its increased tariff would in
crease the price of wool. The promise to the
wool manufacturers was that the same law
would decrease the'price of wool, which fact
the fleece owners of Ohio have found to their
great loss to be true, says the Cleveland
I'laindealer. It is now in Order for the robber
tariflites to explain the double dealing of tae
Srir I'ralae.
Self praise is no recommendation,
kVhile trying to
3EYGE & ri.Oft.AH BROS
Store, where they alwa s have on hand
he largest Stock south of Portland, of
the latest Improved Rides and Shot
3un; an immense stock of Ushdng
Tackle of every description: Tents,
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thouanrls
of other things too numerous to mention
rfceimii' Shop
lm connection with the Store, and one of
5tt best workmen in the State to do any
ind all kinds ot work
r.k, n-ir. Pome al. No rouble to
ihnw oocds. "Small pre fit and nulck
salrV' is out motto.
Manufacturer. .r
Castoriu is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's ircscriition lor Inf.iuts
and Children. It contains neither Oiitmj, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is ft harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays
fevcrishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
There has not yet been a month this year
without a frost somewhere in Connecticut,
Old people tell that in 1815 or 1816 there was
frost in all parts of Massachusetts every month
in the year, and veiy little corn was ripened
enough for grinding or for seed.
there nre. times when one mus permit
nerson to tell the truth about himself. When
what be say. is fupported by tho testimony
of others no reasonabla man win aouos ms
ord. Now, to say that Allcock . rorous
Plaur.ora arc the. onlv L'oiuino and "(ltanle
norous u asters mado la uotsei; pralio in tae
slightest decree. Tniy have fo'.il the test
fot over thirty years, and in pr....f of their
mnrita it is onlv nesarv tn :a:i attention
to the cures thev have e Seated and to the
voluntary testimonials of those wno nave
usek them.
Beware of imitation?, atid do noi be de
ceived by misrepreSHUtnti-u. Ask lor All
cock's and let uu sohoiuiiiou or explanation
induce ynn to accept a ulatittito.
Atlcock'8 Corn and Bunion Shields ffect
quick and certain relief.
Tne State of the Congreptt
tionnl enure .f Ort'i'Mi will meet in this
city Soptember the -tltli.
W. innreagsin st tramps.
TawuuiKs"& Wiuox.
Klein Bros have a large and choice stock
of hootal and shoes for sale at reasonable
ericas Do not invest in foot wearuntll
youhave seen tneir stoctt and the elegant
piano attheir store.
Example. The . tea. for American
consumption are bought in China by Euro
pean experts, who are oaliea -toa-tasters.
The encyclopedias are anthotity for the fact
that in a lew year, tney nave io (jiyeup
their lucrative positions with shattered con
stitutions. The uuhealthfulncss of tho adul
terations and mineral coloring matter can
not be more strongly pnt. Beech's Tea is
pure as childhood. For sale by Allen Bros.
. J r J
veeiHl attention jnid
Urn of manhlnon
YnW-rns Made on Short Notice
..rp.ormToH IV THE..
City Livery, M and-
-S T A'B L E.
Having purchasei new rlKS can furn
lab firat-elsa turrouta at call. Jpoclfl
attention Mven to transient atocK XHoises
boarded by the day or month.
Cheapest Hates In the Cl.y.
TeloDhorn cnnnertlmi with the St
Obarlea Hotel. Tolophoue ordera given
prompt attention.
'Fourth Street, between Ellaworth and
Street Car line.
Revere House;
S FUted up in Href-claw ityle. Table
uppllwl with the bit In the market,
Mioa eleepine aaartmente. Sample rooms
f;r.r eommeroial travelera.
"Castoria in no excellent medicine for cbll
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of lta
good effect upon their children.11
J)a, O. C. Osnooo,
Lowell, MiuSa.
" Castoria Is tho best remedy for children of
which I am ncquainted. I hope the Uoy is not
far distant whenmotherewillconsfcler the real
interest of their children, ami use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying the-lr loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby svndiu
them to premature graves."
Do. J. F. KiKcncLoe,
Conway, Ark,
Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior toany prescription
known to me."
IT, A. AitCBP:n, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., JirwUlyu, N, Y.
"Our physicians in the children's depart
ment hive spoken In'Rlily of thi'Ir expvri
tuce In their octsIJo pri.ctU-0 with Castorla,
nnd although wo only bavo among o;:r
medical supplies what Is known as ivRuhir
products, yet wo ere froo to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won i to look with
favor upon It."
OtstOO, ilCIM. C. Smith, Pre.,
girding Photographer A any -iregon.
Wb have bouirbt all thom irativt fcmad by
L W Clark and W 11 Greer ood r.p to Nov
1.5th. 1S39. Duplicates can be had from
hem oulv of us at reduced iats. We have
.l-n about 18.000 uetiatives made by oar-
selves, from which duplicates can be had at
Hk ia;ps. We oarrv tt on.v tun uno oi
vlewt f this state a'ud do enlarged work at
loweitrtes for first class work. Weshallbe
pleased to see you at our Studio in f roman s
bljok,neitdoorto Mainnio Temple.
Go lo 3 V Cobb, successor toJPaisley &
Smile, , Fliuu Blwk, for your jfb printing
of all kinds.
Ttn nnt hnv vour boois and shoei until
you see the piano at Klein Bros, and as well
have examinea uieir jmgo oiuun. u. wud,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
ABlgEiBllth Horn,
London. Aug 26, All night long a tre-
mendi'Us hurricane prevailed throughout Great
Britain everywhere. The tslegraph wires are
prostrated, and it is Impossible to obtain any
tning more than the most meager information
as to the amount of destruction caused by the
fearful wind and sweeping rain in and about
London, and the few outside places that have
been heard from. Trees hvve been dragged
out of ihe ground by their roots, and roofs of
touses have been ripped up and burled into
streets, lanes and byways. At Newcastle the
tents of the flower show were blown away like
straws, and the beautiful exhibit which they
enclosed almost entirely destroyed.
The lonr-nnd-a-bnlf iVrt'rnts
Washington, Aug aG. Secretary Fostet
said this afternoon that the privilege of con
tinuing the 4j per cent bonds at 2 per cent
under the terms of the circular of July 2 will
not be confined to bonds presented on or be
fore September 2, the date on which the 4)
per cent interest will cease, but will be ex
tended to he bsnds presented subsequent to
that date, for a period of time not yet fixed.
He said he would not issue a circular on the
A Jnll Breasu
New Whatcom, Wash Aug 26 Last
evening at 7 o'ctock five prisoners escaped
from the Whatcom county jail, and have not
yet been captured. Confederates probably
furnished them with ke s and tools to break
jail, as no wall seperates the prisoner's win
dows (torn the public. Among those who es
caped were A K Cone, sentenceu to live years
in the penitentiary for foigcry, and Joe Minn
held for attempted murder. The others were
held lor larceny.
An Old Time Muel.
Little Rock, Ark Aug 26. Walter Lo-
max and Al Moigan, prominent business men
and politicians of no-th Arkansas, fought a
desperate duel this norning with revolvers.
Lomax was instantly killed and Morgan
wounded. The tragedy resulted from a
quarrel said to have been made derogatory to
Morgan's business relations.
Biiniured Newxpnper Deal.
Washington, Aug 26. It rumored
that William Hearst, of the San Francisco
examiner, has completed a deal for one of the
New ork morning papers, and is endeavor
ing to persuade Robert P Porter, census su
perintendent, to assume the editorship. A
contererceto thyt en;t was neiu tn rsew ioik
last whek.
Govern nibl Uuinmakcrs.
El Paso, Tex Aug 26. The gove-nraent
rainmakers, who have officially reported their
experiment to the agricultural bueeau bs suc
cessful, have decided to make the next evper
iment in this city. Much interest is felt in
the result of-the experiment here, and it is
probable that Mexico will have an official rep-
rcsestative present.
Important to Hon nefcet pern.
It givetJul?us Gradwohl qreit satufao
tionin selling bis i'ne Golden Rule teis and
baking powder, with elegant prizes or with
out them, th nt hi customers who haye
purchased invariably return and say they
are welt pleased, tht the tea isN. 1 and
the biking powder is as good as the best.
All lm tea nnrt linking powner Dears tne
name of Julius GradwnM's Golden Rule
Bazaar, and are oxprennly put np for his
business.and ha tail! ontiiiue to give with
each'pound of tea or baking powder an ele
gant piece ot glassware.
Tho Okm okat wiil hv$e a Aewinji
m.chiue of any miUo do-t r i, except one or
tw, for no. . oak grub wood and part cash;
or will ci'isider other prop, sitious by any
one sleMnutf & new machine.
Fortmiller & living have some Renais
sance lace ourtaiiiS for $1S a pair, as fine as
anything ever en in thn city. They
ramie down to fc" a pair. Other Uce eur-
taiuB down to $1 01 less a pair.
The Centaur Company, TZ Murray Street, Jf ow York City,
dlbu ass aarn
Draiigistsand Booksellers
i AneLta for John B. Alden'a putollcattona.
f ntrh we teil at pomianer e pnemm w
I .UitearliliV
-G. L. B LAC KM AN,-
J. JOSEPH. Proprietor,
- Only "White Labor Employed.
K W AetiKon &Co are el Hur moiiuniint.
at 1'ortUiid prices.
Roe W K Kead's line of dress coeds and
Vilas before liuying elsewhere.
Jenks ha1 a queer dream tb. other nlyh
Be thought he saw a prlae-nathter.' rlna;, and
In the middle of It wood a doughty lltt J
ekamplon who met and deUbaratelr knocked
over, one by one, a score or trior of Dig;,
burly-looking- follows, as tbey advanced to
the attaolt. OlanU aa thor were In size. tn.
Tdlant pijrmr proved more than a match for
them, it wsa all so funny that Jenks woke
np laualiina-. Ho accounts for the dream Djr
the fact tint ho had Just oorae to the oonelu
slo., afr trylna; nearly every big, drastlo
1 alii on t:,o maraot, sua rieroe a nou.ii.
I turgatlve Poliets, or May Sugar-coated
nranulcs, easily " moca ou im
the big pill, hollow I Thoy are the original
and only genuine Little LtT.r ?llla.
Bo warn of ImluUona, which contain Pol-
Koua MlnoraW. Always ask for Dr. Pierce
let., which are Llttfe Biirar-ooated Pilla,
or Anti-blliou. Uranules. One a Doe.
;nt Snoinrt andFertySt, Albany,
UPKRIOK werk. gaerameea in ever;
branch of the art. cw-nmiaigins c.
Iude a arrw-lalty.
all kL
1 r9f
and get MORE POWER
a a mm aaaaaPa n
and use Ltoa vihick
Writ, foe oar New Illustrate!! tawiogn" ror 1.111
W. V. Ue.Ml keeps the nest assortment ol
dry g'Kdn in town.
Ornit redJ i-.tnn nmen's fiirnil'nng noods
for th next MO days at W F Read's.
Take Cure! There la lnligrri
In allowing inactivity of the I idneys to
grow through ntg'eot. The deadly shoals 0
Bright', disease and diabetes ill wreck the
BOitily baik of health if it i allowed to
drill ruddeileaa upon them. Tne bladder,
i, ionotivo. and iudicious mcdioation
j.'. .,...,liiv ilirect the helm toward
tho Bort of nfetv, will be wheltnod by the
quicksand of .heae. Io selectinK a diuretic,
let your choi. o fall npon Hosteller's Slom
ioh Bitters, hich stimulates the renal or-
i.,un. without irriiiiiuu anu uaui.ioK .",
r. a- ... ...n.oh.nHhH fmtn the un
mertioated stiomli largely resorted to. These
. tonitni o. to reaitoreindiciallv. I he
Lhitrer. invig . .ite the ktduey. ano niaauer.
in common with tne ncrye. anu iik'."
bn .florrl liaunir aid. xs aiao
Im.i ,,..iatanc. in DreTentinK and
inn ru ittont ana remittent m.
Biliousness obstipation and rheumatism it
also subjugates.
Dillon. HssJsrhs,
Itlazlne.a, ton.tlpa
tlou, Iiidl.eHlon, Bll
Ion. Atlacka, anil all dr
rwiigoment. of the stomach
and bowels, are promptly
relieved and permanently
i Kw h nan at Dr.
Pierce-. Pleasant PurgatlVe Pelleta. Tbey
are gently l.satlre. or "tronglr cathartlo,
according to slae of doxe.
Baslestto take. oanta a Tlal, by druggist.
isas, I,, womto's msranssaT ata
ti. AariTio. 1'roprlft.ra,
alala ''t-, Bnaala, II. X.
ettr.r?sinrtT aTrirr.
tti 31
:l II. r 20.! prio.
"ointoea-lo t" Pr bu.nel!
tft,wr-oe f t,2', to 8e
P .r 5Mt per tr ureawm.
nhonldera 70
atdea 9a
j i inn per lb.
R our 6.13) per bbl,
n .1 ItniM 4.tX per do.
... c..y.l-tr!-.,i.0:iprtoo
Kbnrte, Ki.
m-"r'liinr. It.
f hrvr rfl
To Tka Drinkers. Probably
three fourths of the leas consumed
are "Green Teas " Unpleasmt
as the fact may be, the bright,
shiny green so familiar to us all
is not the natural color, but Is due
to the facing or gluzinrcf the tea
with Prussian blue. Indigo and
other mineral colors.
That coloring hides Ihe effects
of pour It-us is undoubted; but la
It hralihfiil, and does it not call
loudly for the Importation of a
brnni, of pme, uncolorcd, unman
ipulatcd tea? '
It was this condition of affair,
that prompted the placing of
Beech's Tea before the public.
Using Ihe absolutely pure, un
colored lenf it Is different in color
from any yen ever used. It draws
a camirv rnlor of a delightful
fragrance that is a revelation to
te.,.drinktrH,.and its purity makes
it more economical than the arti
ficial leas, less of it being required
per cup. Sold only In packages,
(V cents per poui d. Ask for
lirech's Tea, pure as childhood,
foi nle by Allen tiros., Fllnn
block, Albany.
Motn.ra I
Castoria) i. .ecommended by phyiiciaea
for ehilrirrn teething. It i. pnreby veg
sbln prrparatmn, its mcrerit.ut. ar. pnb
ished at on" d each bottle. It is pleasant te
h. taste stol ahM-lutcly harmless. Itrelievea
coostipatiop, reunlstra the towels, quieta
pain, cur-a diamine, and wi id eolio, allaya
leTerishneas, nestrovs worms, and prevent,
convulsing), KfWitlie. the ehl'd a.d give. it
refreshing at,d natural sleep. Castoria i.
the ehildrpo. panacea the mother.' friend,
doses, 35 ecuts.
Nr.w frt'.iriu Hooiis. 1 keeps full lin.ol
"t.rinv: ini" oinmcr dress geods, in wash
fHlirio, prints, gintiliams, seersuckers, stn.
1 lav. iUn'a new lii;e of summer plaids, h
idc ether noveltifj in bine. nd all wool
.ritirgs. SAMtir.t. E VouMO. sn io choice grocsries oti alway
o- ..c.'.d of Allen Bros,. Flinn B.nck.
Fny yenrVroeerw f 4srker Broa