ill . I ' 1 ( i-i! ; : ! ailtt democrat. VASHINUTON. (From oar regular ourreepuudenl.) Washington, Aug 17, 1S91, The National Association of democratic clubs will launch decided political nov elty on the Jth of September, when 1 epeclal car under the control of that asso ciatlon will start from Washington on a forty days missionary tour. The car will go direct to Chicago and from there to St, Faul and Minneapolis, where special meetings will be addressed by the speakers who will compote the crew of mlttlona ries; from there It will go by easy stages along the Northern Pacific railway, stop ping it all Important points to allow the educational work to he done. The car will be due at Spokane Falls on the 23rd of September, upon which date a conven lion of the democratic clubs will be In session there, and a grand reception will he held. The journey will then be continued around Puget Sound in Oregon; thence through Calif 01 nia, Utah and Colorado.and returning to Iowa about the time the itate campaign has reached its warmet period. There the missionaries are to take off their coats and take a hand In re-electing Governor Boles. The car will be In charge of Mr Lawrence Gardner, secre tary of the association, and among those who have already volunteeied as working. missionaries are Senator Kenna, Repre sentative Bynum, ex Representative Mc Adoo and Honorable Chauncey F Black, president o! toe association. A number of prominent democrats have the Invita tion under consideration and If they can so arrange their business affairs will also become missionaries for the dissemination of sound democratic doctrine. Some of them who cannot spare the entire forty days may join the party temporarily either coming or going or both. Success to the ' idea and to the miislonarles. Secretary Foster who has returned to Washington, la very much put out be cause of the publication of the fact that the continuation of the maturing 4 per cent bonds at 2 per cent is already practi cally a failure. Less than $20,000,000 of the $51,000,000 of these bonds outstand ing when the offer was made have been presented for continuance and only two weeks remain in which they may be con ned. What remains out after that time must be redeemed and that is what Is wor rying the astute secretary of the treasury. If any large amount of these bonds are to be redeemed and it seems certain that there will be, It will be necessary to make B considerable hole in the $100,000,000 gold reserve fund, and although Mr Foster says that he will not hesitate to use this fund If it becomes necessary, It is known that he would much prefer not having to do so as he Is well aware that he has no legal right to pay out one dollar of that money. Representative Mills, who has been do ing a little campaigning in Iowa, is back in tV ashlngton hard at work on his book on the tariff. Mr Mills says he found the greatest enthusiasm existing among the Iowa democrats and from his own obser vations he is of the opinion that Boles will be re-elected und that the entire ticket and legislature will also be carried by the dem ocrats. Mi Mills expects to make Wash ington his headquarters until October, when he is under engagement to make a number of speeches In the Ohio campaign. He is a warm admirer of Governor Camp bell and expects to see him defeat the high priest of protection ; he is also confident that the next Ohio legislature will certain ly be anti-republican, if it is not controlled by democrats exclusively. It begins to look very much like Mr Harrison would have a first class negro re volt on his hands if he dares to send a jj white man to IInyt!,as minister in place of rreu AougiftRs lurceu rc&igniuiun has been.accepted. Prominent negroes here say that they will do tvery tiling in their power to keep the negro voters of Ohio at home on election day if Mr liar rison docs not appoint a negro to the va cancy or promise to do so. before the Ohio election takes place. On the other hand those who profess to be familiar with Mr Blaine's Intention say that he is deter mined that a white man shall be sent to Haytl to assist In carrying out his policy with regard to that country. President Folk of the National Farmer's Alliance Is out In a long interview claim ing the earth so tri speak, and taking special occasion to make attacks upon Senators Vance, Ranson, Gordon, Mor gan, Pugh, Gorman and Sherman, as well as Representative Oates, of Alabama, and tating positively that the alliance would have a natlmal ticket in the field next year. Mr Polk Is said to be very much offended because the Maryland alliance convention was friendly towards Senator Gorman in pile of his efforts to make It other wUc ' t Washington hat already secured pledges 1 1 of six votes in the national democratic I ; committee which will, next February, de ; 'clde where the next national convention ' Is to be held, and efforts are being made to ' I secure others. six Hundred clerics were dismissed trom the census office Saturday. 1 4 The number of pontolficcs In the coun try on June 35, lSyi, was 64,101, as fol , lows: First class, ll(i; second class, 350: third class, 2f;(: fourth class, 61, 449. This ', s an increasi of Jaxi offices during the On the basis of Mr Porter's census, of the population of the Vnited States fifty- five per cent, is English, twenty per cent is German, fifteen percent, l IrUh, four per cent, is Latin, three per cent. Scandl navlan and three per cent. Slay, The Germans a-e taking precautions against the spread of tuberculosis In the schools by having furniture and Hour wiped with damp rags to remove the germs of the disease. A philological statistician calculates that In the year jjoo there will be 1,700,000, 000 people who speak English, and that the other European languages will be spoken by only 500,000,000 people. NEW ADVBBTIiJEMENTB. "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." A N ILLUSTRATED H ORTICUL'l- J. ural monthly journal, edited by Prof n. li L.ake. no farmer or fruit trrower can afford to be without 1. It PAYS whoever Ukss it, 12 per year, f 1 six mnnms, 20 rents a single numoer. Address. J. II H1KAKNH. Portland. Oregon. J. A. Camming. Wall Paper, Drills, Paint, Oils Glaas, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON LUMBER. We wish to say S the public that we have Inst added a lar;e planer toour mill and ore prepared to furnish all kinds of lumber, dressed or reman, aa to pur chaser may shou, as good as the. best, add asebsap as it ean be sold. In payment we will take all kimla of produce, euob as hay. flour, grain. Lawn, tauter, beans, beef bv the auartar. ate in fact anything; that we ean use. Please see lis before you purchase your bill of lumber, as we feel confident that wn nun suit yt u. You will always find one of US at our mill. 14 lrom Lebanon. 8 miles from Waterloo, on Hamilton ereok. WIRT A BKRRIQAN. Lebanon, Oregon. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hnliituol constipation permanently. For Bala in ouo and si bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL UUISVILU HI. iieiAltORK. U.V. City Restaurant. Hiving been tntirely remodeled, this old and popular reataur&ut wiil be made first claoa n every reaped. The public will be. givea good meals ac all boura for only 25 r.nt3. Everything neat and attractive. fcriyaW boxes. OjMtrn t evry ttyle. The M ta Wealth Cannot bs successfully traveled r;lfV u wu, .juuu (iuhiui. id rgacn wtann orany JSI coveted position In n: requires ths full possession ana operation ol all ths fac ultles kind naturo has endowed m Kith. Tints ctndltior.3 cannot exist unless tha Physical being It In period wording nrlw, and this Is Impossible oh en ths liver snd tplttn trs torpid, thus obstruct lag ti.o secretions, causing Indigestion end Orpsssla, with all sl their accosw f znng norrcrt. OR. HENLEY'S Enr?!ils Dandelion Tntiln exerts a at Iflc Influence ertr ths llvtr, cicues it nesuni action, resolves Its chronic ent,fgemente, and promotes ths sscrciions ; euros isoigostion and esastl sharpens the appetite, tonts uu re system, and makes Ills worth ALBANY .OR. WRITSMAN & HULBEET BROS, Real stM Agents Farms anil Ranches for sale. Altneity tiro.erty in Albany and C'nryallis, ADMINISTRATOR'S liCT!CE. AT OTM'E .! IIKIISIIV :!Vi:S TMAT THE X un.l-mii.n.ti In K'n !nlv Jip, omto.l T tin' p..i:iuy muriftT I inn rt.uiiiy, tirci."4i,-lmtnivintor ( ilio iM;iU .if V.K-iio, titi of I it.n i'Mtinty, Ort-tf"", lr.-ta.ttl. AH I'trm ,:ivin c uiniM airtiitint n't ontiiti' -in' luTi't.y nutitiii) it, tn-iii th.-m r..,H.riy wnltetl within 'nx timniVi (rom tin ilmc. t.. Ih.'iri.KTr'int'.l at Alhaity, Orei;...., I'liM Ml. tiny of Ajx'i'. I"'1'. JM'iuii: iM'Mn.ur.Y, 5 J. K. WiuTriirir' Hp- Do ft Want Summer ClotWns? IF YOU CANT EEAD THIS "Without heing Interested. There, will ho a Genuine. OF SUMMER GOODS, Littht Wei ClotMng. Smnmer FimrisMi Goofls, Hals, Shoes, anil all KMs of . HOT WEATHER E- Wearing Apparel Now in My Store. L. E. BLA ft taflii Holer ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 5 RETaIL GROCERS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, INi LARGE: OR IN THEIR Flinn Block, : ! do not Ron e Lottery But will seltfyou anything kept in a FI11ST-CLASS WELL REGULATED BOOT AND SHOE STOUE at bottom priooe, in a business way. I eoll only standard makes, and guarantee everything sold. Will sew up rips, or ropair anything eause imperfeet'matcrial or workmanship, Free of Charge. SAMTJHL B. YOUNG. HOW DO YOU DO? There Is no doubt thai IV 12 w e Stock of SHVERWAKE. cortsUMnir o spoons, knives, forks, fruit lilie, pe. Rolrt anil silver natohp.. jewel y, etc, is the largest ami hps. in the city, and liy far the bevt over brought to Alii any. PRICES the Most reasonable. SO i IE IN. al trcta! Tailor CHOICE FRUITS OP ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. -:- ALBANY, OREGON c ITY DRt'G STOKE Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanard & Cusick I aorsfRTORB DniRs, Modlclnrs, ( hemlcalg, .Kanej and Toilet Articles, Uponnos.BruBheex Perfnnipr.v, School IHooks, and Arllsls' .Supplies. Special Clearance OmiimonRintr Antral la o tion in all Suninic or uooas. Kail Stock. cm For ono week wo will mako alt DreSS Clootls. on Two linnilroil and wholesale prices. T1T :., i l.. uu aiv uiiAiuus iu naif uu what we can and will uo. ti OIil -:- KE LI AISLE GROCERY STORE -.- C. E. BEOWNELL. LARGEST STOCK Sf Provisions, Hams, Bacon, Pototoes, Comb Honey, Pickles, Vinegar, Apples. Cheese, Fruit Jars, Elc. BEST Tit U A T IVOC BNT, Honest Weights, : : Full Measure. ALL AMD SHE MB, C. E. BUOWNELL. Ask Your Where to get the Best Bargains, Where to get the Best Value for Your Money, -IK- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer with One Voice, at tiST G. W. SIMPSON'S. We are the People Who carry the most oomplete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the . market. MATTHEWS H LADIES BAZAAR. Ii the Lending Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, They carry all the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Millinery line, and a complete stork of Ladles and Children's Furnishing (roods, and ready-made garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinced. Sale ! l "i w will niako agreatIC,k wo must iiavo rnnm t. ""tout Ly, who has be kreral nnl1"' ha! ne practkxo''1'"' MCt heinestsets of du florthwest, w..,- a reduction of 10 per C8tl Pfi'nd Kdentlst In the P ... .k.m lipttei Lilt, as well. D Lllege ol Crnty-v rears Lrvlceheompctei SUU Uinbrollasat 1033 tin, be don In the l has M Aioany keln llterwarus, rill speno me 1 r i. ui uui tiieiius call aim 8ft VFatai. Gun F. EEAD. LOWEST PRICED Tea, Coffee, Spices, Eitracts, Butter, Eggs. Canned Goods, Fruits, Queensware, Glut ware, Etc., Etc. Neighbor! Si WASHBURN. neoond o : T.OCAL Pmk DitsTAi tVctlst TheDoc .llfft-rent V Cher places w'.l ipenenw h- aennsiry, kisrever he gocf r, of Sisters, ai ...AfnlnK. 1 Eeadore Boswcl Mine Mis ineei tek.Yn the Ca. iteltand hau wound. Tin ih the acculei bid gather froi news iu .-in' i octocl mi dow Iking on the e ball striking ngedup thro .tween the; sh Crook Coun k arrived Mc Sl remain In tof Septera ihelr farm r Mr and Mr iLN Llitg ised down I lere they wi atlves and Last Tuesi ttlng Iron o oof his fin( W-.hlne, and (about one igers. Rev 5bkcn G( 1 vicinity, i 1st, have len gooos n, to be jste nee. I I. though Itigh. T hj the Mtcn an . Tilly F. pell.". LICKKD n hard, wh bed 1 1 tr lay and 1 k being . ! Mcf was cal i moir wly recc ;ni, paiu is for thi ENTER trport lity In itnteres ik Is gr place, e the center ,Ros Slngll coi ig th jars) sd. ol fa,f Ikw rii)alclniifs' irc-rlp(lons rare InHy cnii tiiulrO. year. Ally (or A.ioinwUrV.ur. Aiiiiiiii!nrtiir. Call and See the GOODS -! I) FIRST STREET, :- -:- FItOMAN BLOCK III