JaMxj Qcmocvat lii.lit).l evory uay in tk weuk x- .TES i NUTTIXO, Bditon and Prop'rs. term! attha P"t Offlca at Albany. Or got, as aeoond cjlaaa mail uiattar. Brilla Y AI'tl STtO, 1S01, Crr OFFICIAL PAPER. LOCAL UECOIU). it Circus. Good sized audiences, iidering the act that it is the middle fce harvest season, attended sells Bros. , as yesterday. As a rule no two peo gree on a circus performance, and f' ; who pay a dollar are very particular, .' menagerie is a goodone.purttcularl v ose who have not seen it once, and lerforinance, the writer considers, a entertaining cne. Some of the feat are peculiarly daring ones. The Japs a e immense and the Arabs, though not o expert, yet torm a very inteiesting r'iurc. Nothing better done than the Greek statuary. The contortionists are the best ever here. The tumbling, high and on the ground, was good, the dogs, bicyclists, etc. , were by all means worth witnessing. The clown's have deteriora.ed until now they simply slap each other, a tameless and uninteresting chestnut. Tcaciif.rs' Examination. The fol lowing is the result of the examination of teachers held last week. The average standing ot each applicant is annexed to his name. The last eight failed to obtain certificates: Eva Bassett, 86 4; C Y Til ton, 86.5; W M Brown, 85.4; L'ora A 'ar ber, 83; Mrs W J Steele, 81.9; Julia M Taylor, 81.7; Mary Porter, 78.9; Mrs Ida Swan, 76; Rosa E Mooie, 73; Ina Bar clay, 71.7; Amanda lirandon, 70.5; S F Loughbotiom, 77.6; II C Jordan, 79 1; M E Weaver, 1,1.6; R W Swlnk, 01. 1 ; Laura B Myers, 68.7; Lena Wi'liamson, 63; S 13 Ridgewav, 63.1; Mary Ileitman, 29.8. Some of those who failed took the exami nation for experiment, while others were writing for higher grades. G. F. Russell, County School Supt A Bio University. Oregon is on the eve of having a great university, equal to the best eastern college, as well as to the Leland Stanford, jr, university of Calif. It la reported that V S Ladd and II VV Corbett each offers to give $1,000,000 to wards a college, to be under the auspices of the Presbyterian church, and to be lo cated in Portland, an additional $1,000,000 to raised in the church, making $3,000, 000 as a starter. This would be a great thing for the N VV and It is to be hoped aucb a college will be founded, one that will rank in standing with Harvard, Yale or Princeton. Lots of Logs. Last Saturday a party of loggers completed a drive of two mil lion feet of logs to the Harrlsburg saw mill from up the McKenzle. They took lx million feet as far as Coburg and left four million feet there for Goodale's mill. Yesterday they were in this city packing up to eo to the Middle Kork after a drive 01 1,400,000 feet for the mill in this city. They will then take another drive down the McKenzle. The rivers are a little low now tor driving logs and they go orjlv about a mile a day Register. Mining Operations. The mill re cently taken to the Poorman mlr.e In the Blue river distjict is now in running or- oer, uuu commenced operations last Wed nesday. It Is not In first class runnlnn order but Is doing very well. The flume la not steep enough and clogs. They have 500 tons of ore on the dump ready for the mill. The Blue river mining company have a small force at work aud have tun nelled Int'J the hill about sixty feet. A large mill Is needed to assist Id develop ing the mines. Register. They will learn there, as in the Santian district, that encap mnis nre 01 no use except tor pros pering. Wheat. Wheat has dropped as sud- O. Saturday 80 cents in the sack was paiu ior several lots. Tuesday the price ws seven or eiirlit points lower. Quite a number of farmers unloaded, however, wnen me market reached the top notch. In Albany the price is 80) cents. Whether to keep it or sell is a verv seri ous question for the farmer to rfecidc. Reports today show a rising tendency. ' A Tramp Ron Over Frem Dr H A Dayis, of Harrlsburg, the particulars are learned of a railroad accident at that city st evening. The freight train was late trriving there about 8 o'clock. After it ted leit the remains of a man, evidently a Camp, were found on the track, with in cations that he had fallen from a break team on the freight train. He was badly tiutilated, and nothing was found on him so identity mm. 1 Wall Paper, etc. I have just received new Hne of wall paper and decurallors, ave more than doubled mv facilities for . ndling them, and will keep a much Jrger stock. Wall paper and border to Batch. Beauties, and much cheaper lain t ... utiure, SAMUEL C YOU.NO. Attention The very latest news is tint i " "y "i uuiiu .rm(iwor.i a uoincn ftn nan t... -I T U r t it i a Riilo Baz-mr.fnr not ciwh.lB pounds skihi In tel iugr for $1.00 nnd IS pnuncl Kxtra 0. Al Roods Bold for nwt cnnh from 10 I1'-1" cntna than nupilar price, nil I Ibniv. Or.. In! i.- 01 lan f.uVHJI TAX ROTKK. -School taxes fcreimw nVlinqnenr. The clerk ia making mine ii iinqiifnt li't which will lie in the snds of tho shoril at soon cnmiltcd. n.iiav me pan!, hud tatter i!n an ifure c -sta of eolleatiou are s-idid. List iice. IMKIAl AMI PKKHONAl. Mrs Coll VanCleve and children went to Newport today. Mrs Wallace Baldwin and brother, Mr HrownBon, went to Corvallis today, Mrs Alice Dodri, relumed to her home in Salem this noon after a visit with Albany friends. Mr Richard Mayo has brought suit for divorce against Dclilo Mayo in the cir cuit court in this county. I)r E P T.iorp, editor of the Drain Echo, has been In the el'y. The Demo crat acknowledges a call. Mr and Mrs C II Stewart and three youngest children, and Miss Anna I'age caugh went to Yaquina Hay this noon. Miss Addle George, W F Read's ac complished book-keeper, left this noon on a visit with relatives and friends in Portland and Seattle. Rev Sam M Driver has been apt;intcd Presiding Elder by the Eastern Oregon M E Conference. He is a son of Rev I V Dilver. Mrs L Kline, an old resident ot Albany, but for several years of San Francisco and Seattle, is In the city, the guest of Mr Sternburg. Mr J F Circles, of rauline, Crook county, arrived in Albany this morning. Mr A Hackleinau will arrived from the same county next weed, Kceler II Gabbert. of the editorial staff of the Oregon Citv Enterprise, was in the city last evening on his way to Myrtle Creek on a visit to his parents. II L Rudd and J E Knox, of Peoria ,are making arrangements to locate in Albany Mr Z L Rudd has already located here, and is employed in the County Recorder's office. . l)r C U Chamberlain returned this morning from his trip to San Leandro, Calif, and is uow ready for business in his office just north of the Democrat office. Mrs E C Baker, of Salem, and Miss Lizzie Tacusch, of Wapakonlta. Ohio.who have been In the city a few days.the guests of Mrs W R Bllyeu, went to Salem this noon. Mr Chas Jones, a brother of Mr Thomas Jones, the barber, left Sheffield, England, on the 13th instant for Albany, where lie will go into business with his brother. Mr Jones is a borber of over tjventy years experience. Mr and Mrs C E Wolverton and Rev las F Stewart and family, have returned home from the Findley Soda springs. These springs are now owned by Mr Dia mond. Why would not the Diamond Sprir.gs be a glittering and attractive name for them. Ralston Cox visited Portland last week and the business and bustle of that city have in. hired him to so there and reside. He exnects to remove there in Uctouer and will likely engage in the real estate business. Corvallis times. Dr S G Irvine went to Salem this noon on a visit to the annual M K conference in session there. Yesterday we pub lished an item from the Salein States man about the meeting of ltev Thomp son and Mr T Me F Patton for the third time in fortv-four years. Another paragraph for the item is the interesting fact mat lit Irvine s miner uiugut me father of Rev Thompson his first Latin grammar lessons. The world is big, but a net work ot incidents nina vno peopi together. A R. R. Bicycle Accident. H. Anthony, employed by the rallioad com pany as track inspector between Oakland and Yoncolla, had an experience with a railroad velocipede yesterday that he will remember for many days to come. While crossing a trestle north of Oakland aud going at a rather high rate of speed he attempted to bring his machine to a stop, but unfortunately Ills efforts were un successful, for Instead of decreasing in speed the velocipede careened to one side and left the track, precipitating Anthony to the ground below, a distance of about twenty feet, where he sustained a double fracture of the left arm, one near the wrist and the other near the elbow. Plaindealer. Finar HnK Ktenhen Smeed. of WalterviHe. brought in the first hops of . j . 1 r 1 ine season tooay savs mc Eugene uuhiu. Thev were of an" early variety and amounted to S3 bales. They were picked from two acres and went about 1400 pounds to the acre. He ships them to Milwaukee. Atiention, Knights. There will be work in the Knight rank this, Thursday, evening, nt the regular convention of Laurel lodge. INo 7 K ot 1". L,et mere be a tun attendance, liy order 01 the c L. M. Curl, K. R. & S. New Spring Goods I keep a fall line of spring and1 rummer dresa goods, in wash fabrics, prints, glncnsms, seersuckers, etn. 1 have also'a new lino of summer ulaids. be sides other novelties in bigea and all wool sritings. Samkel t, 1 ocno . New Process Mrs A M Talt Is now tailing a new process for canning fruits rid vegetables without cooking or sealing tight. Samples of her work may be seen at iirowneii s store. . Removed. W E McPlierson lias re moved Mb loan and insurance office to opposite the Masonic temple, where at present lie lias plenty 01 money to loan on Albany real estate. Patronize heme iodnstry and bny hand mado harness, warranted, from O C Mc Karlmd,at Dubmllle's old stand. Bargains in choice groosrios ean a'Wiy oe secn'ed of Allen Bros.. Fliun B osk. Pay your city taxes. :': ku y, i-i Vi V-' in Millious cf Homes 1$ h A very sour ease came up before Judge Hinhop at Pendleton. Mr and Mrs Vine gar were arrested for larceny Irotn bailee- Sulphur Springs, on Snap Creek, is growing popular as a summer resort Last Sunday there were over liity inbib ing of the water and rusticating. A large crowd will be there next Sunday. Times. Tom Awbrey brought us In some sam ples of Oregon fruit Monday. He pre- cuv ana 11 wm wic nucsi wvn ,. ,nl n Wann hftntr lotir incneB lOOC and six and a quarter inches In circum ference. Kegisier. One of the most disgusting swindling features of circuses generally Is me ncnet office In the front of the ground, where ten cents extra Is chareed for tickets. 1 he unsuspecting bite. Then the reserved seats are arranged so the circus can only he seen from them. $1.35 Py ll,e circus bill, not verv much but enough if one has a big family. Some men In this county who owed 18 cents taxes in Benton county have had to pay $1.83 for a receipt, though tae whole proceeding is illegal, no assessment having been made, no equalization iwuru called for.no lew made before advertising. It was sprung on the people unknown, the names not being on the regulai assessment roll, and in fact on nothing out a news paper. It is worse than a circus. It is all rluht to collect delinquent taxes; but Ben ton county is taking a proceeding that does not redound any to ner clean. Capital City Mines. The stockhold ers of the Capital City Mining Co. held their annual meeting yesterday, when di rectors were elected for the ensuing year as follows: J J Murphy, b r ChadwlcK, Ed Hirsch. W W Martin, E C Ilerren, I G Wright, P II D'Arcy. The directors afterwards met ai;u elected omcers as ioi lows: Presidents F Chadwick; secre tary, P H D'Arcy j treasurer, J J Murphy. It is the purpose of the company, whose mines are in the Santiam country, to send several tons of ore to the smelter to the smelter at Alblnia to be tested. The ore It is proposed to test was taken out of the mines several monins ago, anu ine com pany is now figuring with the Alblna smalter relative to the cost ot reaucin the same. Statesman. A Bakuhagger. Yesterday evening Chief of Police Hoffman arrested a man going by the name of Rogers, on suspic ion of his being the man wanted in Salein for sandbagging a man named Johnson. Chief of Police M in to came up on the night train and took Rogers back this morning. He said he was the man wanted. ' ABiq Tank. The Standard Oil Co's tank at this city is 28 feet long, 10 feet in diameter and weighs 13,000 pounds. It will hold about 20,000 gallons of oil, equal to 2,000 cases. B M HuBton 4 Co, win nave Charge 01 it. : -- 75 styles of whip; at O C McFarlacd's. Important t llooseberpera. It gives Julius Gradwohl greit satisfac tion in selling bis Pno Golden Rule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or with out them, that his customers who haye purchased iuvariably return and say they are well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the bskiog powder ia as good aa the best. All his teas and baking powder boars the name of Julius Gradwohl'a Golden Rule Bazaar, aod are expressly put up for his business.and he still continues to give with each pouud ot tea or baking powder an ele gant piece ot gtassware. One half dollar reduetion on every pair of Ludlow's fine shoes. Agood line ofthom ats E Young s. Have U noticW that Allen Bros' gro- arv store is alwavs full of fruits, rege nt es, etc, very latest in the mar- et. If there is anything to be bad ttiey ave it. Pacli, Berries, Cabbaees, Turnips, Jiiw Potati Ladies Ouokd Ties. I have a very area fitock of theao Boods, in qualities rang- Bi in price from $1.25 to $4 OB a pair. They sie made ot leatner i ivery pair warranted. Samcel K Yoroe. DIED. McBRIDE. On Thoraday morning, Ang. 20, 1801, nt bis home in Oakvil'.e, of old aire. Mr William H McBride, oged 76. Mr McBride was a pioneer of this county, coming here from Iowa. He was a member 01 the u f cnurcn, nnn was a man of sterling. Christian worth. who leaves many relatives and friends through this part of the valley to mourn bis death. Mrs McBride died about a year ago. VERNON.-'-On Wednesday evening, Anir. 19. 1891. at her home at Tangent. of old age, Mrs Rebecca Vernon, aged 82 years, 8 months, Hj days. Mrs yernon wrb born in Tenn. afterwards resided in Missouri, moved to Texas in 1847 and to Oregon in 1853, since which time she lias resided in Linn county, where she ob tained a good name. She was a memlier ot the Christian church, and has neen lor 64 years, she leaves five children, Mr Vernon died twelve years ago. n -i til , v - 1 fw 40 Years tlic Stanc.. IIOtlK AMI AHHOAD Pay your B & L A duos tomorrow. Caroline Gaho and troun have been ston- pioe at hut,'tme for several weeks. Mr MuCulloch has oDoued a sliiuuiDir es- tabli- hment in tho Cuaick block lust north of thi Democrat otli.-e, and will ship fruit, produce err. The foitlsnd InlattUl Exposition will open on Keut l!l sod closo Oct ID. It pro mises to Keep up the splendid reputation of ine past. Services at the Episcopal chuich will be omitted next Sundav tm account of the ab sence of Pov Mr Pluuimer, miuister in cnarge. There weio twenty -;even applicants for lescner s cerllncales at Iho regular examin ation field lmi week. Twenty-five were granted certificates. Ton received first grade certilicaten, ten socond grsdo and five inira giadu. -i!.ugena Kegistt'. See the tea ad on our third page. Great reduction iu summer uoods at W P Resd'r. Some lino fro h kettle lard at G B Haight's. Yon cn sava mor.ey by buying goods of W F Read. Paraols ai d san amLrellaa at less than cost at W F Kami's. Ten per cent reduction on all dress goods at W F Read's. A full line of Warner's corsets, the very best low piieed corsets made ut W F it cad's. Just received st tho I.ulies Basur, a full line of jet nail heads, the Utesi novelty in dress trimmings. A piano At Klein'.Bros Boot and(Shoe store. Parker Bros, grocers. Royal Dutch Cocoa at C E Browuell's. S A Hulin. ilruegist, French's corner. Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson'a. J. W. Bentley, leidin boot and shoe maker, just esst of llsvere House. C W Cobb, job printer, Fliun Block, does nrst class work. See that e'eijfciit piano at Klein Bros Boot ana anoe store, A line line of orookery ware at Conn & Hendricsoti's. Drick dclicioujlice coir soda water at C L, Urownei! . "or barunins in monument, headi-tones etc, go to fi W Achi8on& Co, Albany, Oregon Fresh bread, cakes, pies, etc., every day at ttie uelmnnlco restaurant. Leave your orders . Do Not Wn.T,even if it does get warm. You can get fresh fruits, products and the beet groceries to be secured at Conn & Hendricson's. Thev carrv a first class stock of goods, and are situated so as to sell at the lowest prices, If you are go ing to the mountains or on atrip let them fit you out. They have the variety, and van givujuu tiie prices. Special bargains in buey harness at Du braille's old steed, O. C, MKaklakd. The best roast co'Ue in the city at Com a Moyer .. A new line of window shades! from 60 cents tol.50, each complete, at .Ssmuel E Yonng'a. Eocago Iht little wood saw and got your wood properly nawed. leaTe your orders at Matthews & Washburn's Hardware store, First street. Wai: Nmhi. 1 V. CHAMBERLAIN, M. D Homepathlt. JgrSpccUlM In discanes f the Eje. Twenty years' eaperitrtcs. OflK-e hours 7 to 9 a uij 1 US p m,snd 0 to 8 evening. Albaa), Oregon. - GOLD WATCHES, GOLD FILLED WATCHES, COIN SILVER WATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, CHEAP rOE OASII F, M. FRENCH'S Tho Coiner Jewelry Store 2 City Restaurant. Hsviog heen vnliro'iy retnodelcd. this old and popular restaurant wiil be made iiri clan n every respect. The public will nt jiveo good inenla at al! hours for only 25 .writs. Kverthid nt and attractive. Private boxes. (N(rs ia evry style. I UMBER. I Wawiah to nr to the public that we haTtJaat added a lnr -e pinner to our mill snd-re pro pa red to furnish all kind of lumber, dresa nd or rous:b, as the pur ehawr may ehnne, n good rut the boat, a.id asobeap as it eau be old Inpayment we will take all kind of produce, surh aa hnj, flour. Krrtln aaoon, t-utler. bnanfl, beet by the quarter, eta in fat anvthipe that wo can use. Please nee us before you parchaae your bill of lumbr, n we fsl eon fl lent that we ean suitytu. You will always find one of ua at our mill. 14 in lite from Ijcbsnon, 9 DiHes from nrerlno, on Hamilton oreek, WIHT A RERRIG4N, Jjebanon, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTU;K IM 1TRKRI1Y (iWV.S THAT THK t'N tifrlgnod ihnli.i'trat-r( with tho will anncxwl it ihe ust-ilc of (,'hiui 11 Npi'ni-pr, iloct-so'l, hnn Ill'.d hit) fli'ttl "count fn tho ot.ir.-c of the connt.v clork, ut liinn c-itiiity, Oregon, umJ tho civinlv court rt I.itiii cdtiiity, bn i"it)to'1 Sttunl-iy, tho 121 h tf Nopnhfir, lwl, hX tin- hour of H oVI'jck, In tlw frBiiix:ii of naut dny, mi tho time, and tlis cmrt riKm of sM dainty ii.'irt , st Al)iiay, Ort'fn, the olftcfl, for hnrin'r rhJn:tiors, if tny, to sniil fltiiil account ami th) stiUni(.nl of suH eii.it. If. V .MKItHIfX. Almr.. with tho ilt snuoxcl, ( tho vital of Chae II Siein'r. iIcccmwJ, i.ro W Wkhimt, Attorney for the A lmr. Ktgtl July Ot, (7-31 A Minister Injured. Wednesday forenoon of this week while assisting In clearing gvnund for the new Methodist church at (tii-nsoa, Kcv tiiompson met with an Occident which will cripple him for life. He was hard at work felling a tree and had just struck the last blow with his ax, and as the tree began to fall he stepped back to keep from being struck by it, but unfortunately and iuadvertentty in the direction of where Mr Henry Nel son was also felling a tree, and directly in the path of Mr Nelson's ax, which was being brought down with tremendous force. The blade of the ax struck Mr Thompson about eiuht inches from the point of the left shouldei, cutting a deep gash in the flesh about six inchea in length and severing the point of the radius eiDowpint 01 the lett forearm. The ax was a very sharp one and had It struck his arm it would doubtless have buried itself in his side. The gentleman was at once taken to Mr Brown's resi dence In Florence. Dr Cioyd was called and the wound was dressed. The sever- ng of the bone will necessarily stiffen the arm. West. pimples. The old Idea ot 40 yean ago wu that facial eruptions wero due to a "blood humor," lor which they gavo potash. Thus all tho old Sarsa parlllas contaiu potash, a most objectionable and drastio mineral, that Instead o( decreasing, actually creates more eruptions. You have no ticed this when taking other Sarsaparillas than Joy's. It Is however now known that tho stom ach, the blood creating power. Is tho seat of all vitiating or cleansing operations. A stomach clogged by indigestion or constipation, vitiates the blood, result pimples. A clean stomach and healthful digestion purifies it and they diiappcar. Thus Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is compounded after the modern idea to regulate the bowels and stimr.lcto tho di?s!lon. The effect is immediate and mCBl satisfactory A short testimonial to contrast the action ot tho potash Sarsaparillas and Joj's modern vegctablo preparation. Mrs. C. D. Stuart, ot 400 Hayes 1st, 8. F., writes: have tor years it ail Indigestion, I tried a popular fiarsnpariUa but it actually caused moro pimples to break out on my f uco. Hearing that Joy's was a lute? preparation and acted differently, I tried It and the pimples immediately disappeared." 9 Vafxtyrvfrhiltf SarsapatrHSa Largest bottle, most cITccMve, nemo price FOR KALE DY STANARD & CUSICK ALBANY IS JQUS We will sell Summer Clothing, Thin Underwear and Outing Shirts AT COST! Our Stock is Large, Our Goods are Fine,? Our Prices are Low ! ! T. L. WALLACE & CO., The BirthplacB of Cuat ard Honest Bargains, Strahan Elock, F. L. KENTON, DRAIJiK IX Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, E x rr KACTS, Anil n. general assortment of O- :E& O a El X 3ES IS . Near the Post ( fflce, : Albany, Oregor Albany Collegiate Institute ALBANY, September 9, 1891. A Pull Corp3 of Expertencacl Teachers. 3TSTATE :- DIPLOMAS -:- TO Fotir !ppr.rtment of Btuily-Collcgiatc, Normal, Hiisinem", I'rimarr. Tyie writing an 1 Miort-lmnJ are taught. For catalogue aildrcas, KtV. KI BE 'IT N. VOXOtT, A. M., PrcHlilcnt. wnat is Home Witliout aMotter "What is home without a mother," Hang the poet long ago. What is life without good food ? We should really like to know. What's a boat without a rudder? Or a ship without a sail? What's a goose without a gander, Or a "hoes" without a tail? What's a life without a baby? What's a hen without a coop? If your groceries don't come from Parkers' You may find you're in the soup. What's a sermon nithout chestnuts? What's an old maid without hope? What's a dago's squeaky organ, Without a monkey at his rope? What's the need of all this rhyming, Unless to save you lots of fuss? One thing sure you will be happy If you come and trade with us. PARKER BROS., Groceries ard Baled Goods ALBANY, OREGON. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS UNO CONTRACTORS. VTOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN TO 11 whom it rflHv concern, that bids will be received hy the coudIv court of Linn county, Oregon, pt the offfce oftht county olerk of Linn county, Oregon, np to 12 o'clock neon WedneKday.b'erteaoberOth, 18'Jf, lor the construction of a connty brioge acicss Thomas ercek. at Hanna. crnsfing. in Lino county, Oregon, said brldg6 to be of the following dimensions, towit: Main span to be 100 feotin length 16 feet wide in the clear, and 18 feet above low water mark, each end of main span to rest npon eight solid oak pilrs. North approach to be 76 fret long. 16 ;feet wide In theciear and protected br banisters. South approach to be 16 feet long, 16 feet wide In ths clear, aud protected bv banis ters. No bid will bo considered unless ac companied with plans nnd specifications, and 5 per cent of bid in cash or certiAed cbf-ck. The county reserves thereto to reject anyaiidnllb'id-i. M P PAYNE, Counly Clerk. By B M Faymc, Deputy. A.LBANT, OREGOXi OREGON. Jnne 10, 1892. -:- NORMAL-:- finVDIMTES.n