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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1891)
VOL. IVl ALBAXf, OREGON, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19, 1881. ITO 87 If not fr sale In Jour plncc iiak your i i m awuil fur cutaloiiun. secure the Liencr, aud gel them for you, tr TAUK NO HMiSTlTUTIi. ne 1 UUV I Q TUC W. L. DOUGLAS I S3 SHOE CEN PeMEN tWBEST SHOE IN THE WOULD FOR THE MONEY? it li a i'mlfM itbor, with uo luck ur wax thread to burl lltt' tt'i-U made of the n.-tt flue calf, atylUh utl orhv, nod 6rue u make more hoe of thiM PatU- tlittn any othrr mamifavturer. It equal hand wvA kIkhh cos) I iik from S4.W to e.UJU. C UO (ifiiuliii' lluiiil-nrwrd, calf AO xlioo i-vtT orri-M'il for 8S.ui; wuul l-'rum:h te,,.,.rt.M s'.ot-n whl,.i cnat fri:n gs.m to ii.t). C j 00 liitiMl-Hw-rd Writ HI. or, Him calf, A4i .t.vlUii. fmi furl iUihviuiU duruhli). Th heat ahtt ever oireml ut tlili (trlco ; kuiiiu k ratio as cut tonwiiiKl" hIuh-ii coat In from t s:..up. E5 30 Poller rhoi'i Km-uu'iit. itHllrom! Men 9' Qll,l LftU'rCurrk-ruull wear them; Hue calf, tc-imlcHS, kinoolti heavy tlirve axilus, t ton al Mt tiiK. I'lMS l""r win wp.'ir better KhiK fvw offrred at trial will cotiTluct) ItioM wa. iunrt and service. a-.-, 'r. mi a UflrU iiiiiliin'i ahoes $.. ( very xtroiiir aud turulm. Thout who knvr liiTi'D them n trlnl will we;ir no other make. tDrklffif I "J. 00 nitd Hi.V.I m-hool W am PUT O worn dy Uiu lx)yni'ver wIhti1; tbvjr full llit.Tr merlin, iik llt'i liHTi-ntill.K il"a sthuW. ViIac tMKI irnitd-HfMvfd aline, best CiUlvD loii;ola, vcrvHtylltii fiuaUrreiJch lniiNirtcd hliuen ctlK from to C.ti. l.ndivn' it. JO. S.f.00 unit HI. 7.1 hoe for JgL-isus urn t hu ImmI tine bougola. Stylinli and lu radio. - riiuiioii.-H.-u ttiut V. I-. 1)iikIh' nuinu aud Srlco are atuiiipvd ou the bottom of 'ach shoe. W. L. IKUUUAS, llruckUiu, tfaas. "J.- L. E. 13LAIiV. j YOU NEED BUT ASK li i ii 1 1 w ' 12 in v iu v- -m ila fAI 111 IM IM o X 00 TheS II IIkiiiaciik au Luir Ct KK taken accord In to direct on, will keen your UIu.mI, Livur and Kid ii or in irooil nntur. Too k li C.m oh Oihr for Colds. Crtiirha and Croup. In connaciion with the Heudach t-'ure, U u near Derfection an anvUiinif kiiown. Th h it a i, tn 1'aiv iL'fta fur liiteriiii1 and exter nal use, ii Niiuralulii. T.clhachi. Cramp Colli and Cholera Murium In uiiurwwd, Tiviy are wn iikcu wborever known. -Maiiur-turcd ml uurur, vreea, ,. sal by FON1IA l A MAbO.N. I Conrad Mver. Cnt-ttor Broadalbin and First Sts,, -DEALER IN- luiifil fruits, Vaanfii IHmi rlea Fruit, fegetablea. 1obaeo, C'iKara. Sugar Hp'.etN, Coflec, Tern, Kto tc. " . 'orythlng that u kept la k gen in t "ytind grooerj on, HIgfaH u rket p ifald for Al ?, KINDS uf PRODUCE. ..Pfi pt 11 T'lF F 111 V City Livery, Feetl anl -S TABU E.- HHiir-j; I inclidsew new ilr fn 1st' f'l ttit t'l tt:M t.Ulh IU OH!!. t'Ctl a(fiUfi tKt ii t' trai Mt ni mm h )iiie ! boMi(1f: I'V ttt4- dHy rr ii.i l lb hen:-)t IiulM in flu it)'. Tl-l 'ih cntineiUt'ii 'i.i' th St Charifo Id if! IV'oi hct.f tr ( grven ! protuf-i hitt-Mt. ii i Fouirh ir-!. ti Ja!'snrth nod tstreelCa." iiur, 5 rpTwf ; tfriT-C30" YEGEl BLE PANACEA HERARED from RO( yiTS& HERBS, t THE CURE OP AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIN0 FROM A DISORDERED STATEofthi STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. rOPV SAL" BY ALL rtDiirneTe- a. rraicDAi nr ai roe BUY THE "MITCHELL WACON," fickiiowlcdcd Monarch of I he Koad We carry a full line of Hak4, Butffie- and CArriatt: atao Farm Implements of all kinda. ,rCall on um bdfure purotiaxlng Elsewhere. Mitclull & Lewis Co., THOMAS FURNITURE! Cam tori a 1 Dr, Gauiuel Pitcher's p rescript ion for Infants and Children. It contains neither 0;ium, Morpl:ino nor thcr Karootio substance. It is a harmless pubstituto for Paregoriof Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays ibverisnness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Card, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. ' Castoria relieves teething troubles, eures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " OMtoria Is an excellent medtefne for chil dren. Mother hare repeatedly told me of Its aywd affect upon tbelr children." Pb. O. C. OvaoD. LowelL, i&atm. Onstorla Is the beat reniedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hopo the tluy la not far dlstaat when mothers will consider the reel Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the rat-iou quack nostrums which are destroying their loTod ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful acents down their Hiroats, thereby sending them to premature groves.' ' Piu i, F. Risen blob, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company. T7 Murray Street, Now York City. UWill.,l-SUMamL-Jffllr1i1BHinFJffr'lffll TRY and get and Wrlt for our TUT I PFFPI W1TFB WUFCI rHCINC nn nmrnovirr Avrxrg, II a. a. a, I I va. iinil.ll Illlbbk UB (.HUinU VUt BFJ -G. L. BLACKCAP,- LEADING DRUGGIST ALBANY OREQOIT DRUGS. SV1ED1CIMES STATIONARY &C ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. .IOSKPII. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee', Albany, Oregon ANY HEADACHE "While YouWait," BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. It you want the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur ed in the city go to BRINK'S is Castoria. Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend It 03 superior toany prescription kuown to me,1 IT. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxfonl St., Brooklyn, If. T. Our physicians iu tho children's depart ment havo spoken highly of their expert vnco in Uiolr out&ido practioo with Cahtoria, and although wo only hare cuioug our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet wo ore free to coufess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with faTor upon It." United Hospital axd Dispensary, Boston, Haas. Alls C. Smith, Yea FFELwheel MORE POWER use LESS WATER New IUustrntetl Catalogue for 1A91. 1 PHlMUFlgLa.0Mt'a A liMa-irftoww, AJEVSOLUTELY PURE woara coxsioekix'J. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Ketr cream cheese iust leaeived at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the oelebrated Havanslfilled fi cent cignrat Julius Joseph's. A uriro stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortiniller fc Irving'Sjjust recoived. Hive vou seen those Darlor suits that T Brink has just received? They are Dice. ' J W Bentley. beat hoot and shoe makeriin citj, three doors north of Democrat office. E V Achison k Co hadlo the celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lota. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make them look as eood as dhw with Wolfi'a Acme Waterproof Polish. For sale at Samuel E xouni's. Dr M H Ellis, uhyeician andsurgeon, 'Albany, Oregon. Calls made In cit) '01 country. Ladies can do theirlshoppina in San Fran- oisco without visiting the city, and without extra comninsto i. Miss E J Barrows Pur chasing aout, 1639 Oroya St, Oakland, jjt Sn fcding Photographers A any Tfgtm. We have bought-al) th".' jativ made by L. W Clark and VV ii Greectood up to Not 15th, 18S9. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduced lates. We haye aUo abont 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had st like ia;es. We carry the only ful i line of viewt t f this state and do eolargr d work at lowest rites for tirst class work. Vv e shall be pleased to see yen at our Studio in Freman's rick( nextdoorto Masonic I em pie. The Dhu hikat will exchange a tewing miohine of ny make desir;d, one or two. f.r soaie oak grab wood and part cash; or will consider othr proposittom by any one desiring a new macliiue. Keep it in your mind that Allen Bros pro oie ketp:nir the kind of groceries the publie minds. Tleir stock is a hue one. K W Achisou &Co are selliug monnmtnU at Pott land prices. Btlmulate tbe Blood. Brand retl.' Pills are'thegrent puri fier. They are a purgative and blood tonic, they aot equally on the bowels.the kidneys. and the skin, thus cleansing the system by the natural outlet or the bL dy they may be called the purgative cuduntio and diurctio medicioe. Thuy stimulate the h!ood to as to enablo nature to ttuow off all morbid humors, and cure diaeaseoo matter by what name it my be called. One or two of th jm taken every uiKtwill prove an infalliblf remedy. firanl-rli'i MI.h ate purely vegetable. absolutely h .ruileNA and eafetotake atauy time. F,old in every drug aud medicine store, eithor plain ir sugar eoatd. JEVKS' DBBA3I. Jenki hurt a queer dream tbe other nlfhk Be thought he saw a prUs-flghters' ring. sn in tho middle of it sue a doughty little cJifttnplon who met and deliberately knocked over, one by one, a score or more of big, burly-looking follows, as they adraaoed te the attack. Giants as they were In stae, the valiant pigmy pvoved more tkan a match for them, it was all so funny that Jenks woke up laughing. Ho accounts for the dream by she fact that he had Juit oorae to tee coaelu inn, after trying nearly every big, drastlo pill on the mnrkot, that Pierce's Pleasant Per am tire PHicts, or tiny &uar-eoall Oranulea, easily "knock etit" aad beat all 'the big pills hollow) Taey are the original and only remiino Little Liver 7111s. Ileware of Imitations, which contain ?ot aonous Minerals. AJwarsaak forIr. Hleron's Pellet, which are Little biigar-ooered Ptlis, or Antl-blUoua Uranule. Oas a Doe. SICK HEADACHE. Blllowa neaelarhe. DtsKlneea, ronetlpa tlon, lndlgeallon, Bll loae Attaekfts and all de rangemejita of the atoniaoh and bowela, are promptly reaVred aod pn-isaneriUy eurfM ny sue uat 01 ir. Fttwor'S Pleasant Purgative Ileta. They are gUy Uiadve. or strongly cathartic, aenordlaa- in stae of doae. rUnaJUst, Choapeat, lusi iH tu taks, S3 eanU a viai, by druggista. vm, hy Wiwi.M nnniNRimT atsa tT. a eaVt Report, Aug. 17, tSAa, Baking Pomler Few reSect when they are talking about fat globules, how small a thing a fat globule i. Of the largest of them laid in a row, it would require uoi to measure an inch. Of the smallest of them, S7,ooo laid in a line would no more than cover an inch, The largest has b)4 times more diameter than the smallest and 324 times more volume. In a drop of milk tHe size of a pin's head there are from iooo to 4000 fat globules. The average number of fat globules in a quart of milk is estimated at two thousand billions 2,000.000,000,000. The assessed value of Los Angeles, is $3- 000,000 less than last year. Arizona is rivaling California as a fruit pro ducing State. Iniprtant tw Iloasekeepers. It gives Julius Gradwohl great satisfac tion in selling his 6ne Golden Rule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or with out them, thut his customers who haye purohased invariably return and say they are well pleated, that the tea is IN j. l and the baking powder is as good as the best All his teas and bakiog powder bears the name of Julius Gradwobl's Golden Bute Basaar, and are expreasly put op for his business. and he stil! continues to g;ve with each pound of tea or baking powder an ele gant piece ot glassware. i jt Ezamflk. The teas for American tnnsnmptioo are bought in China by Euro pean experts, who are called tea -tasters1 Tbe encyclopedias are authority for the fsct that in a few years they have to giye np their lucrative positions with shattered con stitutions. The unheal thfulness of the adul terations and mineral coloring matter can not be more strongly put. Beech's Tea is pure as childhood, for sale by Alien Bros, KleinjBroa have a large and choice stock of boots and shoes for sale at reasonable trices D not iuvait in foot wear until youhave Keen their s too k and the ele gan piano at;their store. W7 as sd d Tr CvpI siiu lVlsMn went. n tvh'e you can select from a first class lUCaV. Hotaers ! Castoria is ;ecom mended by Tphyaieians for children teething. It is a purely vege- tble oreiia ration, its ingredients are pub- Ished arouu d each bottle. It is pleasant te he taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, regulates the bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrnoea ana wioa couc, aiiays feverishncss, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, sootnes tue eniia ana gives is refreshing and natnral sleep. Castoria is the children s panacea the mothers men a. So doses, 33 eents. Do not Imv vour 'oots and. shoes until you fp" the piano at Kleiu Bros, and as well have ex-tmined their large stook o goods When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Waen she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. Take I'arct There Is Dantter! In allowing insctivity of tho kidneys to arow lhrnugh nfcgleor. The deadly shoals o Blight' ii"eo and diahetes will wreck the uondly l.nk of health it it i allowed tn drift rttddrilefts upon thoi. The bladder, toft, if inactive, atd jndicinna midication iIm-s nut speedily' direct the helm toward the vn, of snft-ty, willbe whelrntad by the quirk. M of di'eiiMO. In .elect inn a diuretic, "et our i:hf-icO fall lipoa I lostettf r'a Stom 4nb Uiti'-n, which stimulates the tonal or LMn. without irrit'tins and excitinir there. jfc'wn effpcs to he aptehendid fmm the un-r-Tiedioiteil stimuli larolv Ji-soited to. These i.vo a t''urlenc to reajt prejudiciallv. The 'titter invigorate the kidneys and bladder, in nmin with the nervi-s ami dilative -Bins, xnd so afford lasting aid. It also iittiinlH nual a.lHtance in preveniina uu enrim; intermittent and remittent fevtr. Hilionsne- oonstipation and rhoumatiim it aUo subjugates. Puy yor groeeries .( Park.r Bron AIMa Haanel. Tt-a 11. - nar-tw. pn. rests-M, rw-o. . .,, ".k -Ve par 1. -arawed, ta.ii k "- hoalaeca 7. ias sr IK -- oar bal. r4ktw T" tjtc lai aiaa. ami-wpar soa; stanala, M. sajOtaaTe, M. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Bl( lire. accsonvili.e Ana t a i , raging here. Sixty five houses are burned and at a late hour was not under control. The path of ruins is 2 blocks long and 6 blocks wide as a result of last nighti start. In a short time everv tltincr wm. in - Mn. a ' b ui names They wer earned to the Trenton honse thence .nc uuiunugc diock, inenre spread on sides, being fanned by stiff breze. Nothing could stay the flames bur for the want of ma- ..vj is Biuppcu ai weaver ucean streets, This morping 25 busniness houses and 40 dwellings durned. The loss is about Sl.Ooo. A Da) tea Fire. Dayton Aug 18 One year aco Daytoni business portion was burned down by a torch muii uitcnuiary. i,asi nigoc loud cries of fire followed by a clanging of the fire bell sum moned the citizens to ihe scene of destruction by the firy tongue of flames coming from the business part of town. The engine was soon at work lending well directad streams into its heart yet slowly and s jrly the flames crept on grasping with firery arms within reach. The following were the losses. W Ku'.in grocer- ' ics and building (4000. Kuhn & Raymond sewer mfichines $300. I. Young butrh-r &200 A Miller tailor $200. B Kimball furniiure $2000. C Himman buildings $2000. Kl ecjric light Co Sioo. A Hawley $4000. W rora ni c parsonage .300. farmers alliance impliment house $10,030. Ariel Ibe Doelora. FORTI.AN'n Ana ifi TW .. mn t.l. trouble in the medical profession and judging Him, n.c cuiiipiauu orougnr against Menu in Wnndft rOlirl thnt Ih. ri.mila.. 1 ...... alc IIVCIIICU great deal by the proprietors of the prolession aim uiiHuiicn c;ucoi meaicai eteics rre bent on enforcing the medical laavs withcut fear or favor. The complaint is sworn toby mj iiutiivg.iiu it aiic. uiai urs Merrill are practicing without a licence from the Board of Bvea Bankers Fooled. AlEMPIIKi Alio lR ril. . II. J b v.. sun ujr csunterfeit dollais. They are of a perfect ' hiuiu. ever urn nas naa mem ottered with other mocey on deposit. Some tellers of lorn? exnerienre hav allnwit ihm A .. noticed. They bare the date of 1889. The coins nave a sticky feeling verg diffemt from silver. Many people have been deceived. Train Wrerked In Prassla. Berlin Avg 18 Two trains going at full speed collided at a point between Otsrowo and Loswitz. Ten persons were killed and many injured. The coals from the engine set fire to to the wrerk and terrible scenes were witness ed, some ol the injured being burned to death belore the eyes of the rescueres. ' To Tka Drimkkrs. Probably three fourths of the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant a. the fact may be, the bright, hlny green so familiar to us all Is not the natural color, but Is due to the facing or gluing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral colors. That coloring hides the effects of poor teas la undoubted; but la It healthful, and does it not call loudly for the importation of a brano of pure, uncolored, unman Ipulated tea? It was this condition of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech'a Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it Is different In color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation to te drinkers, and Its purity makes it more economical than the artl ' ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only In packages. 60 cents per poui.d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure a childhood, fm sale by Allen Bros., KHnn block, Albanv. rallll.J iu ihe Brs. AI! ir entitled to tho be.t that their mouey will buy. so sv.rir family should ha.e. at, hnttle of ihe butt fajiily rendy, Syiup of Finn, 1 1 c'einso tho sys t 'm when contire or bilious. For sale in Mound $1.00 bottles by all lending drag . jits. ft. ii-'ory'iifAiii st tramps Tawii.woj-k Wiijon. Lai. in Ouuki Tilk I haves very arpe stoi'lt f L'nodn, in qualities Mug ng in p'ic- from 31.25 tn J4 00a pair. They .ie trade nf leathrT ; t v, rv ptir warranteil. Hamukl E Youiifl. ' For'miller k livinir hive s ma Rnnair sauue Uceuiiithirs fur $18 a pair, oa fineas anylhinir ever .e-n in he fity. They ranti ilnwn to a pair. Other lace ear taios dnwn to $1 ni hs a pvr. fin to 2 W C"h'i. auocei.iir to Paisley & mil", Klinti Bl'iek, for yuur j-ih pi-jntin f all kinds. p.e W F Ilf.d's line 1. f dress gocds and silks tii lore buying ehewherc. W. Y. K.d keeps 1J1. heat a.portmcnt ol ir g"d'i towu. "i l-in'.iit n n- i'i f'l ini.hlnfi uonda ' for the nest SO il.ys it W F Rusd'.. Kplaal ITeNknewi Henry .1 Oallnher, 6 Price Street, N Y, writ.!: "H .vinff rMn trimMed -ilh paios in back snd e ir.t dn'inrt the lat w.nter I was ermpellcd t4i remain at. home iinah'e to attind tohn.ine-s, nnlil I w alvid l a friend to fr niie i.f AllcnoV's Pun ns Pisa ters. After applyinii or. to m eht and ope tn mv hack, in thrre hours I tonnd relief mhirhl h. d lift got in oyer three months. I rliserfr-tly reronmiehd th.m to peraena b.virg rpiral woahrefs and lung tronl Ie.'