Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, August 17, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    IbiiiboJ Try Hay lu tb strokes
, Sunday.
Editon BiUTrip'ri.
jped at the Post Office at Albany, Or-
. Art! ST U, I SSI,
A, Narrow jlslai'b. xnc icicntujw
.ires the folio "Ing thrilling Incident a.
b. R Rev Stuart, the Invalid ton of
r j Kmart, the O P rustler, had a most
. uliijn escape from death last Wed
j.., lie 1 at Yaqulna City, with
athcr, and on the day mentioned was
o n in the bav on an old acow playing
In the water. He heard the report of a
ri a on the hill above and soon alter the
hnliet struck hl boat. He raised up to
m who was shootlni, and as he did
turned his head to one side. That uncon
scious turn saved his life, for at that
Instant another bullet, from a 38 Winches
ter, plowed through his hat, taking one
aid out and just grazing his hair. Several
day before a cougar had been seen in that
vicinity and the first Impression the little
fellow had was the shooters had mist? ken
bias for that animal and were shooting at
him. He was nearly frightened out of his
wits and dropping his crutch walked
without It, the first time In many months,
and made rapid tracks for home. I. was
afterwards learned that the shooters were
firing for practice at a target, and Roy,
unknown to them, was playing directly in
range but several hundred yards away.
A Tramp Got It. We were Informed
last week thtt as Jas Alexander and wife,
living a few miles south of town, were
starting for rJuena Vista, she put $100,
which belonged to their children, in a
amall satchel uud placed it on the scat be
aide her, and on nearlng Buena Vista they
discovered that the satchel was missing.
They as quickly ns possible retraced their
steps to search for the same, But could
not find it It Is thought that a tramp
who was seated by the road as they passed
near Ben Huntley's place, must have
ound it, as he was seen by Mr Huntley
tinning across the grain fields toward
Monmouth. West Side.
Crop Reports. Our Tangent corres
pondent sends In the following: The Tall
Sraln on the farm of 1) Houck, threshed
L8t week, returned per acre of wheat 34
bushels, oats 44, cheat 51, On land where
raln was raised last year, wheat 23, oats
33. Forty acres of white winter wheat,
raised on the farm of S J Archibald by J
H Scott, averaged 35 bushels per acre, and
96 acres of winter oats made 50 bushels
per acre. Other large field not yet
threshed promise a heavy yield. Many
are anxious for the thresher to come
around as most all the grain is now ready
M thresh.
' Mining Matters. The mill for the
Pantiam mineB will be brought to Ya-
anina by steamer, the next to sail, and
lence direct to Uatesville by rail.
The annual election of officers of the
Gold Mountain and Dry Gulch Consoli
dated Gold and Silver Mining company
was held in the company's office at Sa
lem, yesterday afternoon. The follow
ing officers were elected for the ensuing
year: President, R B Cannon ; treasur
er, Claud Gatch ; secretary, Seth Ham
mer, directors, R B Cannon, Don A
Smith, Heth Hammer, H S Simon, Alex
Cornoyer and Claud Gatch.
, t The Option. The Chicago syndicate
Option for the purchase of the stock of
the Salem Street Railway Co expired
yesterday. It is supposed the syndicate
has forfeited its option as a result of late
investigations, or of a light money mar
ket. Members of the same syndicate
have purchased 200 lots in Highland ad
dition to Salem, but this sale goes all
right There is no foi feiture so far as it
is concerned. Statesman. So those
ninny column articles with the extended
heads were for nauaht. There's many a
slip, etc.
-f Wheat has a very healthy look in Al
'bany today. 78'.; cents is being paid,
tand an ngont of Red Wells, of Corvallis,
in the city, is reported to have offered 80
. . cents at this city. The tendency is up
I ward, all reports indicate an increase,
? and it will not be nt all surprising if the
! traditional dollar is reached. The far
mer should keep his eyes open.
Twenty Failep. The teachers' ex
amination is concluded and the fifty who
made application for certificates to" teach
thirty were successful. A number of the
applicants tried the examinations merely
for practice, while not a few of theiii
were trying to receive certificates of a
higher grade than those now held by
thein. Statesman.
Wall Papkr, etc. I hare jst received
a new line of wall paper and decorations.
Have more than dnuUcd my facilities for
handling ihetn, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall paper and border t
match. Beauties, and much cheaper than
rer before. Samuel E Yom.
ATTr.NT.0E. The very latest news is th
yon can buy of Julius Oradwohl'i (lolden
Rule Bzaar,for net cash. 15 pounds crnnula
ted iua.r for $1.00 and IS pounds Kitre C.
ennar. All goods told for net cash fiom 10
to 2) pjrojutKS than regular price, as I
ratlin 1 ti ruu -. iot enh stors.
Alhvw, Or., Inly 21. 18'JI .
Nsw f-rniKS flooiw.I kesn full line of
apnng an,.' snnimer dr a poods, iu wash
labile j, ptints, ginghams, sccrsnckerr, t-tn.
I tiavu i.lto a uew of tnnitner plaldj, be
sides other Drvtltioe in l ites anil ail wool
Sami ei, E Yocno.
C Vt Ctb'u, job prints, Fiir,rrilec!r,
(i L Sutherland, of Seio, was In the
city today.
N T Moore is down from Ins Green
Basin ranch.
A I) Barker is confined to his home
with rheumatism.
Harry Saltmarsh, of Portland, is viailr
ing friends in Albany,
MrMosesl'arker returned last evening
from a trip to Portland.
Miss Lillian Hackleman left today on a
visit witn menus 111 Seattle.
Mr Thos Scott, manaeer of C II Dodd
A Co's agricultural implement house, of
Portland, is in ths city.
Kditors Bell, of the West Side of Inde
pendence, and Davis, of the Newport
limes, were in the city tins noon.
Conrad Meyer left this afternoon for
me Bunas iu juiu Jim iuuniywiiu mil re
turn with hi 111 in about ten days.
Mr T P Hacklemon, of Owosso, Mich, Is
expected in Albany In a few days with his
lainlly to make this his luture home.
Prof E G Lorillard left on Saturday
afternoon for Prlneville, his former home
(or a year, to be gone two weeks.
Mrs N P Payne.wlfc of the county clerk,
Is now at Phoenix, where her daughter
Katie, has the diphtheria, but Is Improv
Dr J C Littler and wife left this morn
ing tor urawiorasviue, w-iere ne wiii
remain during the week doing dentistry
A B Matthews. C K Hawkins and L C
Marshall are home from their Mt Jeffer
son trip, and report an enjoyable experi
ence. Anions those who went to Yaquina
Bav todav were Miss Mary Altnouse, A
B Seal and family, and Miss Annie
Mr and Mrs Garman, of the 0 P office
at Mill City, were in Albany today on
their way to Aberdeen, Masii, lor a sum
mer outing.
Mr Ball, of BallBton. Yamhill county,
was in the city todav. having come here
on a Victor bicycle, making tne trip 01
about 60 miles, in six nours.
Strauder Froman has returned from
the Metoles. brineine some fine trout,
Krank Froman is on his way home, and
David Froman was to leave today.
I S Antonelle. the well-known ci rac-
tor is in the city. He has iust relarned
from a trip to the city of Mexico. Mr
Antonelle will probably bid on the Al
bany eewers.
John Hazleton, the superintendent of
the Albany Mining Co met with an acci
dent a few -Jays ago, while handling some
rails, which will lav him np for several
Tom Tarker, youngest son of E A Par
ker, arrived home yesterday from Mis
Hourui, where he has been residing with
his grandfather several months. Tom
was a resident of Spokane for a few years,
lie will now make Albany his home.
Judee M L Pines, of the circuit court,
of Corvallis. was in Albany this noon on
his way home, and hence will be in time
to attend to the O P case to come up to
morrow at that city.
Mr C H Hart, the painter left this
noon for the farm of Peter Rickard, one
of Benton county's wealthy farmers, re-
sluing a tew miles soumwest 01 voryaine,
where he has the contract for painting
and papering his large new residence
just completed.
Yesterday Clyde Hill, Frank Taylor
and Keth McAllister rode bicycles from
Albany to the Corvallis ferry in 46 min
utes. Young McAllister took a header
that delayed them seven or eight min
utes, else they would have made the trip
in lees than 40 minutes
Mr Pete Ruettner has returned from a
health seekinetriD on the Luckiamute,
and now does not possess that emaciated
appearance he enjoyed before. While
gone he claimed to have shot a bnck
deer, weighing 140 pounds wunoui any
appurtenances, and caught 62 trout in
halt a day.
Miss Amanda Prather, who has been
in the city a few months, the guest of
her sister Miss Lee Prather, and cousins,
Mayor Cowan's family, left this noon for
her home in Missouri, accompanied by
Mayor's Cowan's father. Miss Prather
has made many warm friends in Albany
who will hope to see her here again even
though it should not happen to be alone.
M H Wygnnt, who died in Benton
county, across the river, was a man of
considerable prominence in his day. He
nari ueen a lawyer when a young man
and in middle life. At one time he was
a district attorney of a New fork county.
Ho atterwards resided in Arkansas and
in the reconstruction dava was state
superintendent of schools of half of the
state. He afterwards resided in Iowa.
He is well spoken of as a man of culture
end good character.
Theatrical. Warner & Cranor hnve
signed the contract with the Little Lord
Fontleroy troup for the presentation of
that popular P'y here on Sept 10.
Everybody wants to see this, and there
promises to ne tne biggest house of the
Patronize heme industry and buy hsnd-
made harness, warranted, from O C Ma-
Karl 1 nd, at Dubrullle a old stand.
Dei.incent Tax Notice. School taxes
arcnow delinquent. The elerk is making
latthedeliaqurnt list which will be in the
hands of the sheriff at soon aa onmpUted.
Those who have not paid, hd better do sn
before costs of oollcctioo are added. Last
Removed. W E McPherson lias re
moved his loan and insurance' office to
opposite the Masonic temple, where at
present he has plenty of money to loan
on Albany real estate.
i I
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A kodak ulrl Is said to be a terror at
Chautauqua. Site Is especially numerous,
11U her camera U iimnted at everything.
Lovers have a hard time of getting out of
her range. It maittrs little whether the
subject be religious or romanlic, or the
snot sacred or very ordinary, the kodak
girl will
be inund around adjusting ner
lens 10 a proper
focus and taking in the
The government Is now building a 10,-
000 ton cruiser at San pranciRCo, to be
called "The Oregon." She will carry s
crew of 46a men and will in all respects
do honor 10 uur state, In-lng as modern as
the latter part of the nineteenth century
can n.ake her. She will cost, according
to contract, $4,000,000.
The following was handed In by a friend
with the n-quet to publish it, says .he
Guard. "Mrs l.uclan Mayberry, of Little
Rock, Ark, U the happy mother of ten
boys all bn.-n wlihln a married life of 3n
months. There aretwo sets of triplets
an' two pairs of twins. They are all well
formed, bright and healthy Iti body end
mind. Mr M.iybeiry ii a prosperous mer.
cl ant and i-ays he feels like the head of
an Infant asylum. Mrs Mayberry is a
pretty b.ond, plump and hearty and
barely 24 years of age.
The following from the Portland
Mercury Ii a pointer for Albany men
also,ownlnga few dollars: "The only
nan In town that has any money, at least
that we know of, has giown disgusted.
He cornered a granger hi om he took for
a "sucker," and uld to se'l him a lot In
one of the many fake additions to the city
of Portland. He tried to make the gentle
man believe that a lot in his addition was
worth $150, when It really was not worth
$. And because he was not successful
in blindfolding the old gentleman, he grew
se angry that he started In tne direction
of the Willamette river '-spitting nlckles."
Sarah 'fenny married to Elijah Duncan
She was born In North Carolina, moving
o Kentucky in an early day, and on some
occasions was forted up In limes of the
Indian troubles. She removed to lennes
ee and was there married in 1815 at the
aire of 23. Her intended husband, bliiah
Duncan, was In the battle ot iew ur
leans, and after the battle was married In
the same year, In the month ot June, and
thence removed to Mitsouri, where he
died in 1852. She has lived with he,- son
in law, Jas Fitzwatcr, and Nancy Fltz
water, her daughter, since 1859, being 32
years. She removed 7ith them to Ore
gon in 1864, and lived with them in Linn
county, eight miles east of Lebanon. Her
children, grand children and gicat giand
children number near 170, accoiding to
the best Information we have.
At the age of 13 she made a confession
of religion and joined the Baptist church,
and the last 14 year6 of her has been a
member of the church of Christ. Her re
ligious experience has been & blessed one
and left a bright testimony in favor cl the
religion of Christ.
She sang his praises In the hour of death,
even her last breath quivered the praises
of Jesus whom she leved. "Blessed are
the dead which die in the Lord, from
henceforth. Yea, snith the spirit, that
they may rest fiom their labors and their
works do follow them." She died Aug.
12th, 1891.
Fonal Deail ! Betf.
Special to Drxocrat,
Salem, Aug. 17. Joseph Simon, a Ger
man farmer, on south Salem prairie, was
found dead in his bed this morning. He
Is about 50 years old. He run his reaper
all day Sunday and retired In his usual
good health. He Is a brother In law of
Chas Pugh, of this city.
Do Not WiLT.even if it does get warm.
You can get fresh fruits, products and
the nest groceries to be secured at Conn
& Hendricaon's. They carry a first class
stock of goods, and are Bituated so as to
sell at the lowest prices, If you are go
ing to the mountains or on atrip let them
fit you out. They have the variety, and
can give you the prices.
Hate V notistd that Allen Bros' gre
at store is always full of fruits, vege
bles.etc, tbe very lotest in the mar
et. If there IB anything to be bad they
are it.
a.iw Petals
Eogage the little wood saw and got your
word properly s wed. LeaTe your orders
at Matthewc & Washburn's nard ware store,
Firststreet. Wms Neely.
Bargains in choice groorlc on alway
oe scco'td of Allen Bros.. Flinn K.ook.
One half dollar rednction on every pair of
Lndlow's fino shoes. ' A good line of, them
atS E Young's.
Entitle,! to the Best,
are entitled to the best that their
money will buy. so every family should
have, at once, a bottle of the best fsJiily
remedy. Syrup of Fis, ti cleanse the sys
tem when costive or bilious. Fcr sale in
60o and $1.00 bottle by all leading drag
eists. 75 styles of whlp-at O 0 MoFarland's.
Special birgains in hnepv harness at Pa-
hrntlle's oM'etaod. 0 C, McFariand.
!;t '2 Ik.
! a
iv r
ao Years tLc StJ na
Circus DBXt Weduesilay.
SkiW K 'Rcad'iiJW of dress gonU and
silks before buin eUewlu-ru.
Own has m.otlier daily. The D.i'y
Plaindvaler is the name, Hosebng the inc
tbn. SoiiiKtiuie this full th Y M C A will give
a oantals, either HeMmxKir or David the
Sbepartl Koj, which piuiniscs to be a grost
Riebarns & Phillips, 1 f thl. city, have th;
cnMtract for doing the wood rorlt for P'tocn
4 Williams fjcilio Washing muhin.-s. As
larit -runner u lieliiif manufactured trie
contract is on of coniilralle extent.
A pilDO
At KleiiiJBrn
Boot and Shoe store.
l'ai Iter Brc 6, groctrs.
Royal Dutch Cocoa at C E Browml.Y
8 A Hulin. druggist, French's corner
Fine groceries at Conn Si Ht-Ddrioioa'a.
J. W. Betitt-, Iw1in 1 boot and shoe
maker, just east of lUvere Houie.
Just received at the Lsdiea Baziar, a full
line of jet nail heads, the latest novelty in
drew tiimminga.
C W Cobb, i(b printer, flion fclockdoea
tirst class work.
See that elegant uiano at KleirlBroa Boot
and onoe store.
Aline lioe ofcr,okerv ware at Conn &
uenancsou s.
Driek delioiou-iiue oold soda water at C
For bargains in monument, headstonea
etc., go to E W Achinoni Co. All iny, Oregon
Fresh bread, cakes, oiea. eta., everyday
at the Deltnoiiico restaurant. Leave yonr
Pay jour oity taiea.
Notice U heteby given that at author
ed and provided bv an act of the legisla
ture of Oregon, entitled, "An act to lncor
porate the city of Albany, and to repeal
&ll acts or parts of acts In conflict here
with," filed in the office of the secretary of
the fctate of Oregon, February iSir, 1891
and a I so at. provided by ordinance No 317,
of laid city of Albanv.the Common Coun
cilof the City of Albany, Oregon, will Issue
and dispose 01 bends ot Bald city at pai
value, to the amount of $75,000 In denom
Inatlons of $too, payable 20 vears after
date of Issue, with interest thereon at th
rale of (6) six per cent per annum, payabl
semi-annually. Sealed proposals for the
purchase 01 said bonds will be receive
by the treasurer of said city urtil the hou
f 3 o'clock p m, Tuesday, the irt day of
September, 1391, at which time the pro
posals submitted win be opened con
sldered, ar.d said bonds will be sold to th
highest and best bidder therefor. The city
tieasurer nereny reserves tne right to re-
icct any and all bids.
Albany. Oregon, July 30th, 1891.
City Treasurer.
Jtrhnstsn Optical Go's
Patent : Easy-Mm : Spectacles
and a fine stock
geMially, aa .wall as jewelry, WaWJw
tloeka, eta., at
F. M. French's.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dinpels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. Foreale
in 60o and (1 Settles by all
toumius r.. tonic, n..
City gleslanranit.
ITiTinK been entirely remodeled, this old
and popular reatHiii-ftnt wiii be mad time
cla n erery reonvot. The pub Wo will be
j(.ren flood meli at all honm (or only 26
jents. Ever thing neat end attract! Tf,
Wrrate buien. (ya era I eyry style.
b.H dlllyiipirt'l AKl (UHflrv
m'lutrator of the elto l Ctlrn C'lmlck,
ccM'-tl, by tli county court Uf l.n c. bitty, Orn
in. Al pernMia likvliiff cUurci tjiJiifll '! wuto
are hero 'j"y iic.tirti to jrt:rrit th'in duly verified U.
the ntulor-titrnoit At l.vtimi, ta - c"ttt,tv, or to
Kritrik l lluil. nt htn "fllce at Mchnm, in tht enmity
of 11, hUfe of Mroifoit, within nx montlio from
thr -l.itc hvriW. Ami All i-rini nrl-jtitt'iJ Uuntft m
lit'e Arc hTc'V rr( K-ntc-t to mnke Imitif JIto j f
i!:u:"l Iti? Wl'io to the iinlrl;rii-'l.
Wiii, (AM TITVfl,
ft, 7) Alrolnitntt-jr ufaMideAlate
A now line of window shades from SO
eeuta to $1.60 each complete, at ,8amuel H
A man near Alban says .he West Side,
was deeply impressed with the Idea that
hlldren turned loose, subject to mud and
ain, sun and duct, were the healthlett;so,
to secure the health of his own children
he hauled them a load of sand to wallow
Tb old Idea of 40 years ao wu that facial
ruptious wer dus to a "blood humor," for
which they tT potash. Tbuiallthoold Sarsa
parlllas conUiu potatb, a most objectionable and
drastlo mineral, that instead of decreasing,
actually creates mon eruptions. You have no
ticed this when taking other SarsaparlUas than
Joy's. It ta however now known that tbo stom
ach, the blood creating power, is the seat of all
vitiating or cleansing operations. A stomach
elogged by Indigestion or constipation, vitiates
the blood, result pimples. A clean stomach and
healthful digestion purifies it and they disappear.
Thus Joy's Vegetable Karsaparilla Is compounded
after tho modern idea to regulate the bowels and
stimulate tho digestion. The effect Is immediate
and most satisfactory. A short testimonial to
control the action of the potash Sarsaparlllas
and Joy's modern vegetable preparation. Mrs.
a D. Btaart, of 400 Hayes St, S. F., writes: "I
have for years had Indigestion, I tried a popular
RarsapariUa but it actually cavsed more pimples
to break out on my face. Hearing that Joy's was
a later preparation and acted differently, I tried
it and the pimples immediately disappeared."
Largest bottle, most effective, same price
J. A. Cnmmiag.
Wall Paper, Painta. O 11m
Ulaasj, Etc.,
Ve will sell Summer Clothing,
Thin "Underwear and
Outing Shirts
Our Stock is Large,
Our Goods are Fine,,
Our Prices are Low ! !
Tha Birthplace of Great ard Honest Bargains,
Strahan Block,
Albany Collegiate Institute
September 9, 1891.
A Full Corps of Experienced Teachers.
Four department of atudy Collegiate, Normal, Ruainena, Primary Tti
writing and Kliort-hand are taught. For catalogue address, .
frIALSK ia
Choice Teas, Coffees, S'aices.
And a Rencrnl assortment of
"What it home without mother,"
Sanii the poet long ago.
What in life without good food T
We ahould really like to know.
What'a a boat without a rudder T
Or a ehip without a eailT
What'a a goose without a gandtr,
() a "hos" without a tail?
What'a a life without a baby ?
What'a a ben without a coopT
If your groceries don't come from
Ton may find you're in the soup.
What'a a sermon million t chestnuts?
What's an old maid without hope?
What'a a dago's squeaky organ,
Without a monkey at his rope?
What'a the need of all this rhyming,
Unless to save you lots of fuss?
One thing sure you will be happy
If you come and trade with ua.
Groceries ard Baled Goods
IX whom It m concern, that bids will
be received by the county court of Linn
oouniy, uregon, at ine omceor the county
clerk of Linn county, Oregon, np to 12
o'clock noon W ednoaday, Heptember Mb,
1191, lor the const! notion of a comity
brings acioes Thomas creek, at Haana
crossing, in Linn county, Oregon, said
bridge to be of tne following dimensions,
towit: Main span to be 100 feet In length
lb feet wide in the clear, and 18 feetabove
low water mark, each end of main span
to rest upon eight solid oak piles. North
approach to be 76 feet long. 14 feet wide
in the dear and prolecled by banisters.
Soulh approach to be 16 feet wide in the
clear, and protect d by banisters. No
bid will be considered unless aecompan
led with plans and specifications, and 5
per rent of bid in cssh or certified check.
The county reservoB the right to reject
any and all bids. K P PAYNK,
County Clerk.
By B M Pa tne. Deputy.
June 10, 1892.
CO BIT, A. M., rresiiUat.
: Albany, Oregor