gttUvj democrat IX MKMUUIAH. Hall of DiKKUoRrr Lodgk, ) No. 5, I. O. O. F.f fTiiKHEAH : It has pleased the Lord in His inlinite wisdom to call from our midst our beloved brother, Jasper Crab tree, who was stricken by the hand of death at ins Homo near hcio, in Linn county, Oregon, be it therefore Resolved, That the lodge has lost an nprightand faithful member and broth er, one whose daily walk truly exempli fied those virtues Frendsliip, Love and Mrutn. Resolved. That we sincerolv sym pathize with his grief stricken family in this their hour of bereavement and in this sad hour we wonld commend them to our Heavenly Father, believing that He doetli all things for the best. Besolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the lodge, a eopy thereof be transmitted to the fam ily of our deceased brother, and a copy ent to the county papers for publication. r.. U. HYDE, R. SlJKLTON, 1. O. Smith. Committee. Of all the circuses and menageries in existence twenty years ago, that owned by the Sells Brothers alone remains un der the same proprietorship and -management. Adam ForepaiiKh, John Kob inson, G R Spaulding, Hun Kice, L B Lent, Lewis B June, Avery Smith, J J Nathans, (ieo F llailey, A" Henderson, Frank H Roaston, A J .Springer, Andrew Jlaight, W VV Cole, J L Hutchinson, Hyatt Frost, Herr Driesback, John O'Brien, Van Amburgh, C F Noyes, Jas 1. Thaver, l'atrick Kvan, William Lake, lan Castello, VfC Croup, S H Hurd, Dr Chambers, Dan Shelby, O J Ferguson, Henry Baruum, Jas Kelly, John Murray, F.aton Stone, Levi J North, Jas Melville, John Forepaugh, Burr Robbins, Dan Gardner, Richards Heinmingsjas Myers, Joe Fentland,. Richard Rivers, George JleHaven, Beth B Howe, Ben Maginley, Mike Lipman. J L French and many other great and lesser managerial circus lights, are either dead, bankrupt, or re tired. Truly, it is a business of many changes and vicissitudes. Sells will be nt Albany August 1'Jth afternoon and evening. C V Cobb, succbsbor t Paisley & Smiley, is tending out work to all part of the valley, He ban ljnt-claES facilities td it displaying tl.e advantage of them. Partiea desiring Kirk in the ytb printiug line should Jtirat c 1 on Mr Cobb before ordering. Attorney at Law.and Notary Public. Will practice in all courts of thia atata and in the United Statoa courta tor Oregon. OfMcet -Front roonia over Bank of Oregon, Albany, Oyn. C Y Cobb, j.,b printer, FlinniBlock. PIIDCC Ccugiia, Colds, Influenza, BroncMtlt, yUlljCu Hoarseness, IT.' hooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Afthma, or.d every cffeotion of tlie Throat, Lunqs and Chest, including Consumption. Seedy aiiti uorriGsiiU Ociiuiae wncii "X. tum." t auk mr nffrnm for W. L. Douglas n'dofi, II not for snip In your place nnk your rfrnli'r to eud for ciuuloaue. secure the ncucr and set them lor you. UTTAKE NO Ht'USTlTL'TE. JgZ w. WHY IS THE L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN rwtBEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? it is a si-amu-iu Btioe, with tin tackn or wax inreaa to hurt the feet: made of tho beat flno calf. Btvlltli and eaty, and mcoum ire make mum tlioen of thin TPWl' than any other manum lurer, it equals baud nrwiv flioci cost I nil from to g."..iO, SJR 00 (I'liniuc Itnnd-ncwt-d, tlic (Incut cnlf Pw shoe ever ofltVn-d for $...(); equals Freui-b niijvirn'n bimu'b wnicn ctm imm 10 9n.1v. OA llnnil-Srwfil Welt Shot?, lino calf, ntvllah. noinfortfihlo am) ihiri.liln. Tint lii'st itioe ovor offered at tide prlw ; tumm grade as uus-tom-raalp urn- costing front .) to CESO 30 Police Short Kni-mom. Hal I mini ln Pvi and LetterCarrltTrtnll wi-iirtlutm; llnoi-ulf, flraniM'M, mi 100111 inline, nruvy inrvu solos, cuen liin cdiTp. One n.iir will wear avi ar. 4CO 0 fine clf uo better nhje ever offered nt 9&a this price; vue trial will cmviuce tliouo trim want a slioe for comfort nml fiTvlce. $0 'J nnl Workitiirninn'd shoes Sa are very ctrotig ami durahlr. Th.iw who hive ttlren them A trial will wear no other mite. Qavc' .00 nnil SI .7-1 iwhoni sho.-n nro DUTB worn by tho boyHeverywhere; ll.i-y.wll nu thtir merits, n tin Inctt-aHliiK sal! ntiow. hnu 10 uotiRoia, vervniyusii; equAurTcuca in. iirtpirxl HhitAii enathiirfrtim aVl.ll) to fiii.01. l.ndleV i.tii, 2. 00 mid 61.73 fhoo for NlWwa are the huat fine Dongula. Stylish and duratilr. ('nutlon. Seo that W. tt. Dour a name and ttiw aru iwuiiDen on mo imtiom 01 eac n W. U luUUL.Ui, Bruuktun, Mom. bi L. E. BLAINr. HEALTH IS WEALTH "August Flower" Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleepor Is very well known to the citizens of Apple ton, Me., and neighborhood. He says: " Eight years ago I was taken " sick, and suffered as no one but " dyspeptic can. I then began tak- " ing August Jf lower. At mat time "I was a great sufferer. Every " thing I ate distressed me so that I " had to throw it up. Then in a " few moments that horrid distress " would come on and I would have "to eat and suffer Forthat "again. I took a .. "little of your med- Horrld "icine, and felt much Stomach "better, and after " taking a little more Feeling. "August Flower my " Dyspepsia disap "peared, and since that time I " have never had the first sign of it. "lean eat anything without the " least fear of distress. I wish all " that are afflicted with that terrible " disease or the troubles caused by "It would try August Flower, as I am satisned were is no medicine equal to it" 9 PROFESSIONAL CARDS fNEO; E. CHAMBKKL AI.V, Attorney at Lw. Will practice n all eonrta of the etate. Spenl attention iriren to mittera in probate and to co iesttont. urMUE-lu the Minn mock. K. iVEATnERFOKD, Attornov at Ltw. Will nnctlej In all coutts of the ata'e, OJUeet Fllnn block, Albany, Oregon. yy . BILYEIT, Attorney at Law vnd S olicitor In Chancery. Celeo. tiona made on all po'.ute. Loans neptiatd "on fav orable terma. Albany, Oregon. G eo. nr. WRIGHT, D. . a. BLlCttBL'KX, H. fl. WAT80I ILACKIirRX Jb WATSON, Attornaya at Law. Ail bu9tnii will rscelro prompt attention. OUtcet Odd Fellows' femple.Albany, Or. J J. WHITNEY, Attorney at Uw, and Notary Public. Albany Oregon. Phdcisn and Sorjreon, OFFICE Corner rirst an Ferry ttreeW, Albany. Oregon. Its. SI A STOW V DAVIS, Sllil Itriirrtnlkin atMota ilhain o.ti- a.....rtu( waits yivuiuiiy stterrfed in city and oomntry. D U. O. A. WHITNEY, ?hynleian and Burafion. Oradmte ef Baltsnie Med ieal Ool'eja, No York Cltir. Diteaiea of women a Secialty. OKFICB Frmin block, Albany, Oregon B ANH OF OREGON. ALBANY, OBEGON. $30,000. H PMERKILL .... J LAN NINO JT WBLAIN Capital, Prwilcnt Vico-Freaitlent...., Casliitr Transacts a treneral bankimr builncss: Exchancro bousht and fold on all the nriimlnni cities In the United Stalest also on England, Ireland, r ran 19 aim uurmmy. Collections made at all accessible nolnta on favor. ame lurms. Interest allowed 4.1 time doposits. The Only One This ton ALBANY ATTRACTING EVERYWHERE THE WISE AND GOOD From Cnltv of Divorae Monger KxlilbUioua to Ricl.eBt, ltret, Daintiest Detail, BROTHER! MILLIONAIKE ALLIANCE 0 America, comprises, in Alwava UndivMeJ. Moat Tre.nen.loua, Excluaively fresented MKi'iitiicle, Cirimdeiir, Purity ana Porf..ii.,ii. nbsolutely Hie Biggest Wild Mnorisli Caravan, Hippodrome, Menageries, Circuses, Spe-.ular Pilgramage to Mecca, Aviary, Tropical Aquarium, Performing Herds, Arabian Nights' Entertain ment, Imperial Japanese Troupe, and Innumerable Feat ures, Feats and Pagoant3. Hosts if Rarest Attractions NVvrr Beton Exhihid INFINITELY MORE W11TH SKUINIi TH V.i ANY Y"U H AVE KKN. More for the Honey Than any Other has Ever Exhibited tu. ..,. ,o.,i tin, irQt fmiiiB. thfi intwt raaea. the most cars. I lie most chariots, the most p'odiKiea, the most wild beasts, the most thoroughbreds, the most amphibia, the most artists, me inoai acts, me most arenas, uie uiut-v ; il, o mnr tmisip. the most trained animals, the most racus, Hie most great performers, the most lndy riders, the most clowns, the most ponies, the most phenomena, the most Klfland carnivala, the most Oriental actors, tli most in atruction, the moat fun for everybody, the most liberality, the most enterprise, the most knowledge, the most lauuliter, tne most sausiacuon, ine mosi appiaiihr, me most people. More than tne enure space 01 una pauer cumu rnumriuie. Lf Y KhNt; Sl'AIVISSI DAXCKK, The Bewitching Incarnation of Emotional Art. Appear ing in Long Skirts Only. THE ONLY PAIR OF 100.000 LIVSN TREMEN DOUS HIPPOPOTAJWI; THE ONLY ELFLA VO PIROF LIUPUTIAN CATTUE; THE ONLY FLOCK OF FULL GROWN GIANT OSTRICHES; THE ONLY WILD AUS TRALIAN UTTERLY HAIRLESS HORSE. NATIONAL BXK OF ALBANY, OREOON, Prealitent .., Vice Preaiiient . . Cuhlcr LFI.INN S, B.YOl Xli W. LANGL'ON TRANSACTS A O K.S KKA L bankhnljullnoM. AiXOlINTH KBIT aubjea to dlieck. SIGHT KXUMANOE and trl Taphic tranilor, vld New York, San Franciaco, Chkagro and PMtland rcir'tii CO J.ECT10N9 UADEon fatoralila tenca. DiAacrona K. Yot'Kd E, Lakodob L K bLilx. L. Flixs Edwahd t. Sox. Oil. E.C. WEST'S Non-e r,l nrlu tiint4tl iiH-iflc Vr Hysteria, lnrriiiM, Cin tibial, Kit, Nvrvotn Nruraljfi. HcmUfhti, Nerv.-n Prrtrntion causcit ly tlif uscol lcl,il .r tibiv-, W:ik;fnltn-PS, Mental lloprcwiion, 8.'fton.n i( Mie llmi3, rmullitiif In inuuily iul lculinn to lulfirrv, Iih-a vij, rcnuliire old x, lrrcinio. Iw li 1 ciiPtt by over-exert inn ot the 1 rain. W.ih tto Mtitatn on montli'H trtntment, 1 a x tm mx boxn tor .', ieiit bjr mil rciai(l on roteipt 0 ;jno. WB or.n.N'TKK SIX RfXKS TO Ct'RE ANV aiio, With each iTilur roelvo.njf im fur ti jtiTniiipRiiietl with wo will niul tho i-iirchnvcr .ur viltu-n suwaniff to rcfmul the niiie.v if tlic lrit-w-iit il.wi not ffTeot 11 cure. (iii.UAiitet l'io '. nl J. A.Cumtniii. Iruiit, mlc ,'tnt, AUui.v . it P HELPS. -Tnh Printer, First bz. A)ban LIXJitO NATION VI. KAMi, OF ALBANY. O11FO0N. CAPITAL STOCK tlOC.OOO. PresMnl J L COWAN' Vlce.Prertdont I M KALSToN. Aa't Caahicr 0 A AltCllllioLI). rt:aRcToa, J L Cowan, J H Kalaton, W 8 I.i.l.l, W 11 GoUra, J A Craarord and OA Arch llmtd. TRANSACTS a ronoral hanklnr buatneaa. DKAVVS1KH1 IIKArTSon New York. 8u vt 1 !rlltr I, bOreiron. LOAN MOtfKYon apptovrd aeenrlty KKbEIVEdepoaiuaubtect cbo,.. CAUGHT IN THE AC And a Profitable One it was of Buyi ing V( DRY - GOOD Whore he saved a good per cent, and was ablo to place iponey in tho bank for a day of pleasure or necessity. W. F. READ'S ALBANY, OREGOS. PATR0NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE Films k MERCHANTS MMU Albany, Oregon. W F RKAI. President. - J O WRITSilAN. 8rUrj I J h COWAN, TreaHuror. Goo F SIMrsON, Vice ITwiIiIibH. DIREOTOIUI 1 J h Cown, Oeo F Simpson, V Fond, Dr L Foley, M Sternberg, J W iirJ J K V eailie' I, K S tranan, juit riwmau. ALSO D1HTR1CT AORHTfl TO Traders, ObioagoJll I American, Pliliadelphla, Pa. Plioenlx, London, Engisoo, Norwich Union, London, Kn Uuardian, London, Bng. Man oliester, MancbeHWr. England. Caledonian, KdUburg. Scotland. Weaohmur, New York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN AIRANY.- AOHTTAM S4VIC;.S 154XU, OV PORTLAND, OK LOO.. Pril nn cufltsl , Surplus anil prufiu ... C0.OO0 Tntorest allowed on tnriiizs dcrsits follow? Onortilimry iwvliiffiilhxili ....4 (wroont Hsr knnntn. on term Mvinm lh,.k ,.e er wut per iMimim n cortititTites ot Ucjiowt; thrMtiionllia 4ir cfnt pfmnnnm: Kor six monthi f xit cfnt jt annum'. for tjwolve moi.tlin .0 nor vnt in-r annuiu, FK.NK HKKl'M. Imi.lcnl D. 1. THOMPSON" V.ivmiiitiu H. C, BTRATTOX. Catittri 1K OF Nt IO, CIO, ORKOON. rY,-i' i.-c l'KaMcul . CMl'.;cr g Mirrl. 11 l.rvaM MRaoroaa: K (Joins, 1JII ni- JXKF M, (.,1 D S Mat l"V.n Oaliio P 0 Smith. P.m a hi:ik: : an.! tvluiiijp hnina -iht dfli iarm-d oa Alhanr, Tortlatid and 5ai Pranciac. Dwarfs from t!ie Hocks of Fairyland ! The smallest bovine ever sih-ii mi ' ;trth ! Most curious eoniiie in tlie universe! Runutntic scenes from M ilioinet's tm! A Sahara desert pageant oulMjlendoriii); all other spectacles! Sinn of the prophet in prodigious performances! Only Itoyal Japanese circus ! Chariot races that would have daunted Xcro! Stupendous Asiatic. African, Kuropean and Xtw menageries ! Grandest an.philheaire ever erected ! Must tiirilnnsr races ever presvnt" .' ' Three rnigs and double el-ivated stare! A mtizhty maze of daimii mid-.i ; a, t.-! Classic artiletesof ltrcule:Mi strength! Whirlwind l'.ei!,i:i!n i lierher eipiestnans . llune hlood sweating river hrtsis. Aniphihions innnl"rs of darkest Africa ! Quad rupeds that do everything but talk ! Double drove of acting elephants ! Funniest human and brute c low i ling tun ciiampions 01 every nation : Heroes and heroines m lir The heauty. grace and skill of nllarenes! The cha'leiiL' back rid.Ts r.f all earth! i'rp.eniiiient chnrioteevs r.: lady jockeys! I'sefu! knowledge made altrm ive to the child! The mites mid mon sters of rare living tilings'. The Onlv 3riT.t Show Yon Will See Her. i.IVINU K..VCH Mi'KNIN'i i, FUKK TO AI.I., The Most Glorious Holiday Street Parat M WILL & LINK, usic - Dealers -Notice our List of riaaoa- F. MILLER. T"' j. RAiiER & no. rffi vose & son nsarr lalaee and Karhmr Monte I'roof Ora-nnsj, Giillarn, tlol' Ninnll Inatttiiicnfrt a Nneolally. AgonW f'r the Now Home, Klriritlgft II. andoher Sewing Macbitu- fcuppiles tor mi kinds 01 aerun Maenines. niuara customers Interosts and guarantee satisfaction. We carry 'full a-aortmrnt of liilc and Muilc Uouaia. ' Cor. Second and Ferrv sta .. (Send for catalogue Albany, Albany IRONWORKS Manilfactursra of 1EAM EiNSINES CRIST AND SA'A '4ILL MACHINERY IRON rKPNTS AUD ALL KIV33 OF HEAVY m LIGHT WORK, H IRON fKD BRASS CASTINCS. 'lx if triftntitnpn Hitrns Made on Short Notice YOU NEED BUT ASK finv Ticket A(l:;!i.Uii.$ Two P6rfO!mEC3 Daily, rt 2 aad 3 P !!. Dear? !':- 1; ; ; .-:e Tn i B i!iu' -im Axn Livrr Cvnn tk accord u iiret orm, keep your HUuJ, UWor iul T.k- A n ( V' tiii Vr&r. fr TiM. Cnnirim nn-! f'rntin, ii (oiiiH'lii.ii H.lli Ida I lead actio 1'iir, in (linear j-rrff ';nTl " ('.jImhiv.' kiittwn . T).: : H Au 11 1 i'tx rt vw. f..r i.d exti-. t nl I 1 S'-t rmvin. T Hiih'-!n, i'min,' I 'tiic nnil Ui'.!'iH M'.rl.nt. iini.una-(.-,j, Tli.,v m Wa. Hkeit viiwr.ncr k',in. M muf t.-'Mrl at Ou-j- Orri. Frb;b7 l-'-MilAT MA .X. Conrad llM -poiiPki KTW3 0F STAR UAKBM . ,a. I Cnfiiar Broadaltin ana rirsi -t:KALER IS- . a-nmiel""" tiinea nuna, rlcn Froflw. r,bfc., Sonar P't' Collrc. Tca' Kle .... " v. wytMi.Blh.ti- kP"J ,1.. T Vi r .1 ilMliKDSofW Revere House 0RE&c ILBANY. - v 3HAS. PFEIFFERPROPRI Fitted op in "t.- - -fc mai.i mppllod with the be '"g!" pl,KX lwr.lnirsoartmen.a, I FOSHAY & MASON it.' lt.1 ASP ft1" HroststsaadBcota . . fr All..