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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1891)
item Mil IPC ifOL. IV ALBANY OREGON, ilNMY AUGUST 10, 1891. IfO 79 mm A Necessity. Tht conitumillon of tea lnrielr la creaici every year In England, Riuila, and tho principal Kuro ' pean tca-drlnkinf Lgf countries. But It doei not grow fn America. And net alone that, but thon auda of Kuropeanf who leave Europe 1 ardent lovcra of tea, upon arriving In the United State gradu- Ml&continue Iti use, and finally cetue Ic iiiite of things Is due to the fact that utru-aus thluk so much of business f little of their palates that they permit snd Japau to ship them their cheapest D)0st worthless tea ueiweea mo thy clsnws Ol unina aim japan snu uiv Mm-s and cultivated tca-drluken of I, the finer teas II ud a ready market, balance of the crop comes to America. re any wonder, then, that our taste for not appreciate? view of these fucts, is there not an lm ale demand fur the Importation of a , d of tea that is guaranteed to thrived, uo manipulated, aud of absolute polity? Wo think there is, and present Beach's Tea. Its purity Is guaranteed la frwy respect It ban, therefore, more in Ment strength than the cheap teas you have been drinking, fully one third less being re qrdred for an Infusion. This you will dis aster the first time you muke it. Likewise, the favor Is delightful, being the natural fla rorof an unadulterated article. It la a revela tion to ten-drinkers. Hold only In packages bearing this mark: 3EETO TEA fPure AihoodT Vice 60c per pound. For ile at ALLEN BROS., fLINN BLOCK, ALBANY SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading'Styles of FOUR-SPUING PASSENGER WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING 'HANDY 'WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREE-SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG' ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS,ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Win Pat All Patties Wakiiro SPRING WAGOMS .OF ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL TJl'ON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. of h LYenai Fowtr.- 17. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, sMt Baking Powder ABSCIJUTELY PURE t TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trvinii to t WAY INTO Crowd theii DEYOE & FROM AN BROS Store, where they alwaj s have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, ot the latest Improved Rlfle and Shot Suns; an immense stock of pishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Cany) Chairs and thousands I Xtepair Shop Tin connection with the Store, and one of I11U Ull I1IU9 VI .twin. Come on, Come al. No rouhle to how goods. "Small pre fit and quick al" is oui motto. V.T.Vil Mr the lOw" rc'vnnl f.T ? rax of Liver t.ti.i l.-uit' Ii ,kt: JlpaiU.-lie, liiilik'e.ticn. Con i,ati-.:i .r C'.l!vi:aC! v.e e;umut euro wttn Wcst'l nf.'t; i.lvcrl'i;!.vti-n tlio llroc:lins aro otrlrtly 'jiiHiif. il wllh. They arc riirwly Vciretablo, oik" never jiltopivuiwitfi'ralion. Biinai-roatwd l.anre : . -ma; i iciii. Kewar- of rounttrfeiu luvl in.. a tr.-nulna mannlartured uuly ill "KJUUN C. W6ST CUJU'ASV. UlUCAUO.lU J A 11111111111s:, Atenl ALBANY OR. WRITSMAH & HULEEBiT BROS, Rea! Estate Agents Farme anil Kunchot for sale. Also oity broperty in Albanv and Coryallie. ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 4LBANY, - - " REGQN Conducted by tho Slstti., f St. Benedlot Tuition in neleot duy unbool range from SfitoSlu. , , Fortorins o' Brmnltng Sclnol or no prtloclars apply at the A?a'm or 1 Helena Sinter Snprio. J'sVwl.itl.0 til tn wlimr rcinfiy fo' ton.rrhan A wlwu Tliooniv fine wmciy lot icorrhira or Whites. I invBtTll! it and Iol Fn fe i n rer immetwilng it 1 to pll pulloirr?. tCa A. J. S'li'NKK. M. y-t 9 EioM hy In:iiulaUfc AKD A (THICK, Aacnt, Iffe Buaranteo Oar Vehicles the Best, Our Prices the Lowest Qnaiitj Considerert, Special Catalogues and Price. List Mailed Free on Application Staver & Walte, NEW MARKET BLOCK PORTLAND, OREGON. W. C. DAVIS & CO., , AGENTS- ALBANY, OREGON. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Natr cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated HavanaJBUed Scent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at FortmiUer t Irving 's.just received Have yoa seen those parlor suits; that T Brian, nas just received T They are nice. Great redaction in to en's furnishing goods for the next 30 days at W F Read's. 1 W Bon t ley. best boot and shoe makerlin citj, three doors north of Democrat otnee. W Achison k Co handle the celebrated iirortland -cement walls for temetery lots. , These walls can be furnished at half the cost eof Any other and are far superior. Brighten np your old rubbers and old shoes and make them look aa good as nw with Wolff's Aome Waterproof Polish. For sale at Samuel E oung's. Dr M H Eilist' nhysician and burgeon, Albany, Oregon. Lalls made In eit country . Ladies an do their sh op ping in San Fran cisco without visiting the city, and without extra commission. Miss b J Barrows Sf r chasing ageut, 1609 Grove St, Oakland, "- ' 1 ' What is ANY HEADACHE nmie lounaii, BUT CURES " NOTHING ELSE. Spinal Weakneu. Henry J Gallagher, 56 PiiooeStreat.N Y, .writes: "Having been troubled with pains in bank and c iest dunng the latt winter 1 was compelled to remain at horn nnah'e to attend to business, until i w aMvired by friend to try one of AlIcoct' Porous Pias ters. After applying one to mychpntan one to mv back, in three hours I found reliel which 1 had not got io over three months. I cheerfully recommend them to persons having spinal weakness and lung trouble.' A dispatch from Ogden, Utah, says The election in this city was very quiet. inere were inree tickets in the hem. for member of the territorial senate for Ogden ex-Mayor Reisel, Liberal candidate, re ceived SoS votes; Humlanisky, republi can, 403 votes and Evans, democrat, 918, or a majority of 10. Kimball, Liberal candidate tor the territorial senate, was elected by a maioritv of 16. HU colleague, Maguire, was defeated by Allen, demo crat, by 40 votes. In the country returns show lhat the democrats elect everything over the republicans and liberals, irie gentile vote in the countiy precincts was very small. iioth. liberals and democrats claim partial victory. Liberal have shown unexpected strength, it being supposed that all gentiles would go into the na tional partv movement. It Is claimed that many Mormon republicans deserted their ticket to aid democrats in defeating the liberals. Returns received here show that all over the territory liberals have repudiated thenational party movement. as a Diormpn tncK. ft Ladies Oxford Ties. I have a very arge atook of these oot, in qualities rang ng in price from $1.25 to 84 00 a pair. They le made of leather ; very pir warranted. J Pami-el E Yocno. Cnsstorlu is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ond Children. It contains neither Opium, Kor'phino nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Blothcrs. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation n:il flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Ki ntling photographer A ny irfgon. W h.v. boucbt mll thencutiv i made by L VV O.rk nd VV H Oreon.iood lip to Not 15th. 1889. Duplicate can bo had from hem only of us at reduced latea. o have ,1 about 18,000 uenativea made Dy our elvba. from whick duplicates c.D be had at like We carry the on v full line of .ewi 11 tlna etate and do eulargi d work at loweit rate's for tirst clans work . V e ahal I be pleased to see yon at onr Studio in Froman s block, aextdoorto Mhsohic rrn.pie. Castoria. "Cartorla Is an exci'llent mcdlcln. tor chil dren. Mothers havo ropeatedlr told mo ot lta good ollect upon Ibclr children." Pn. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Maajh " Castorla Is tho bct remedy for children of hlch I am acquainted. I hope tho dr.y Is not far distant when mothers will consider tho real Interest ot tlu lr children, and use Castorla in stead of thevnrlousquacknostrumswhlch aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphlue, soothing syrup and other hurtful agent, down their throats, thereby sending them to prematura graves.1' Da. J. F. KixcnaLoa, Conway, Ark. Castoria. . 14 Castorla is so well adapted to children that X recommend it ossuperior toaDy prescription known to me." TI. A. Aacnsit, M. 7., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in ths chililreiTs depart ment have spoken highly of their e.ywii enco In their outside practice with C.-wtoria, Olid although wo only havo anioux. our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we ore freo to coufess that the merits of Castorla lias won us to look with favor upon it." Uxitxd nospml. ASD DtftPaMSAKY, Jloetcn, ilnsa. ALLxtt C. Bmitii, Prra, Th Contonr Company, TI Murray Stroot, New York City. pi.iiiiiiuiiiiyi,;iHgwaii G. L. Fortmil'.ef & Ifvir.g, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalmlncr Done Scientli ically LEADING DRUGGIST .LB-lSrY --- OEEGOIT DRUCS.ilIEDIGIMES STA1I0I1ARYSG ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .J. JOSKPIL WHOLESALE Only White Labor Employer1, Proprietor, RETAIL E W Achiftfiii &Co nr At Poitlaii.1 vnctu. Nulling nionumt.iits maclii'ie ot tnu- il.f.r-.U, uxctps one or or will cno-id r uth-r ftrep sitionti Wy any one rlijMriri.: a iew (nuclnii- ToTha Drinkers. Probably three fourths of the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant as the face may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all Is not the natural color, but Is due to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and . other mineral colors. That coloring hides the effects of poor teas is undoubted; but is it healthful, and does tt not call loudly for the Importation of a bran a of pure, uncolored, unman -Ipulated tea? It was this condition of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it Is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation to te. drinkers, and lis purity makes It more economical than the arti ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only in packages. Co cents per poui.d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn block, Albany. a noRSB rno can talk t KTOTTtoodr baa beard of a "horas InujrV' but who hi ever seen an equine gifted with th power of Bpeocb f Such an animal would bo pronounocd a miracle; but so would th tolegropb and the telephone a hundred jmm jro. why, even vry reoontly a cure for eot sumption, which Is universaily acknowlediretl to beacrofulaafft?ctin(C tlio lumtj, would bare been looked upon u miraculous, but now peo ple are bee-Inning to realize that the discs Is not Incurable. Dr. Pk-roe's Ooldcn tfeuicftl fitflcovory will cure It, If taken In time and jriven n rair trial. This world-renowned rem edy wilt not make new lungs, but it will re store diseased ones to a botUthy state whoa other mvium have fallad. Thousands frrste fully testify to thla. It Is the most potent tonic, or strcnuth yestoror, nltoratire. or Klrvrwl.clpftnupr and nutritive, or tlesh-butldtA known to medical scU-noe. For Weak Luon Pnitttno- of ftlimd, KroncIiWs, AffUima, Car tivrrh hi the lld. and all Liturnrfmr 01 iff ha, It linn iinemislfd rmelr. In dernnjrnmtjiiMi of the stomach. Hvar and bowels, ha lnditrue tion. or I)vBprrirta, IIHlousnBsa, or "Liver Complalnt.,r Chromo Diiurliea, and kindred ailiiientft. it Is a soveretirn remotiy. II Golden Med. ml Pkv GUARANTEED. I iK'MX W mmmmM by drafrgista, unfler at printed Kuaraiilce from the manuferfe urent. that It will benefit or cure In every cam of disease for whieh K to reoomineaded, ow Bioney paid for ft will be promptly refunded. Cepyrlf bt, IMS. ky Woaut ma. If an. mi. qp500 OFFERED m er ur. j uli H 1 8at7'S (Btaivta Uetnedy, tm an sw ef tMmnk ta Ism iWao. Take 4'arel There Is Danger! In allowing inactivity of the ) idneya to Krow through neglect. The deadly shoals o Bright disease and diabetes will wreck the coldly ba'k of health if it U allowed to drift rudderless upon tbem. The bladder, too, if inactive, and judicious medication does not speedily direct the helm toward the port of snfety, will be whelmed by the quicksand of Hieoae. Iu selecting a diuretic, let your choice fall npctj Hostetter's Stom ach" Bitten, which stimulates the renal or gan without irritating and exciting tbem, two effect to he 'ninehtjjidbd fiom the un- icediciiteo Mtrmuli Urel? rcsotted to. These hnve a ter.1onc to rea it prejiKliciallv. 1 he tJittera in igorate tue liidneiatid uiadder. in common with the nervs ami digestive organs, nd so afford lasting aid. It alsot affords AMtaDce in preventing and curing in-f rmittent and reniittent fever. KiliousncHH constipation and 1 deumathm it auo RiibjtiyaTeA. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A llravj Earthquake. Yl'MA, A T, Aug 9. Reports continue to come tn from the earthquake region at the head of the gulf of California. Cocopah In dianiof a tribe which live near there arrived here yesterday. They tell a thrilling story. Early 1 bandar mornine hundreds of mu,t volcanoes, which are soore thirty miles off, burst into a violent eruption. Instead of mud, however, lava and flames were project ed into the air. The Jndhni cowered, pray ing on the bank of the rivet. The air grew denser, and many infants were suftocated. At last a violent thunderstorm cleared the air. only to show tidal waves approaching with Iricnttul rapidity. The water rose, swallow ing their cattle, horses and grain fields, and driving them for their lues to the top ol a mesa a hundred lect above the river. The eirthguake fhocks then began, the fourth throwing every one down, and seriously in juring many. Or Llndalrr Injured. Portland, Aug 9. Rev A L Lindsley, for many years pastor of the First Presbyte rian chusch, and at present a member of the faculty of the Presbyterian Theological uni versity at Oakland, Cal met wiih a serious accident yesterday afternoon. While on his way irom clurcn at I p. m., the team tan away anu he was thrown out and rendered unconscious. The reverend centleman was brought to this city nd taken to the residence of his daughter, Mrs Robert F Hall, on West Main street. Kev Lindsley was unconscious last night, and it was impossible to learn the extent of bis injuries. Owing to his advanced age is is possible he may not recover, A Prominent Democrat. , Portland, Aug 9. Emerton W Judd, of Boston, who is at the Portland as assistant manager of the Raymond & Whitcomb Alaska excursion, is the secretary and chief executive omcerorthe new Lngland Tariff Reform Leagoe. Mr Jued was entertained by ' the officers of the Tarig Rrform League of Oregon ysierdap afternoon. Bein; also a member o! the Young Men's Democratic Club of Mass achusetts, lie said with regaro to next year's election, I kdow from inside quarters that the most astute republican politicians expect Mr Clevelrnd to be the democratic candidate, anil do not expect to defeat him, An Old Judse Dead. San Francisco, Aug 9 Judge Ogden Hodman died eaily this morning at St Lukes hospital, of paralysis of the heart. He has been ill with heart trouble since April 2, but at times so far recovered as to be pronounced cured. Friday another attack set in anh this time proved fatal. He was unmarried and had always lived at a club. He has been federaljudge since March 1851, a term of aver forty years. No other livino United States Judge has been on rhe bench for to long. Btalne or DJarrlson. Washington, Aug 9. It is the deliberate judgment of many of the most influential re publicans, who have lately congregated in Washington, that President Harrison cannot be the candidate cf the parly last year. Aside from the fact that he has made many and bitter personal enemies in the party since he was inaugurated, thee gentlemen believe that he lacks lhal popularity necessary to carry the party through the next canvass. A great many of these men look to Blaine. jtllrr lliell.8. Bbklin, Aug 6. The North German Ga zette semi-officially declares that Germany in tends to conclude commercial taca'iss with all the powers, including France, insisting that all Europe must combine in self defense against America. The ar.icle asserts lhat Germany will aim at isolating the United States com mercially rather tqan France. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. 1-Vr'n.i'1' T & livinu have some Renais sance Ucc oirtnit.s for $18 a pair, aa tineas iinyrhinu vcr seen in the city. Ihuy ranite nnwi r,n $7 a pair. Other liu-fl cur taius down :n SI ni h. a pur. KVnOlr. of hoot ai crio.M U youhv.i e piano atath have a larH and choice ttnek 1 shoes for sale at rensouahlo invc iu foot wear nutil 1 tniitr sVhM aud th rttean r store. Co to J V Cobb, sucoossor to Paiiley & S'niK, F 1 in Block, for your j ib printing of ail kir.da. r Buy your urocrri -s of Parker Bros 41 Unity Isxtt. W liottt - 75 - 48-. K,! prib r-w- ift TTiiv 5 ,COri8.0. ' PiiVki--j otH ner n'iMhtl' Benf -on fpot.3H 10 V Puk b'Ao per If- rw4 B"r-r hatna.lli ahonldnra 7e aldea 9o ij.rfl lOnporlb. a' onr 0.25 pr Mil. 0 rlekona 4.00 per dot,, till rwxl hran, W.'Kirwr mv: . n!tl4sinp. 2 . ''' - Tcarhera1 Esamlnalivn. Notice Is hereby given that the regular public exauilrmiinu of teachers, for Lion county, will lake p'ao in Albiiny, com menRifijr on WodneMdjy. Aui.'ust I2ib, at 1 n'clnnk, nnd contlnuo until Friday noon, A nvriiHt 1-4-h All learhera muitt positiVM y i. prMMiiit at the lime of 00111 nAriceui itl. a.s no one wl 1 be HflniUtml to Ihe exiitn utution who in not no present. U r . KUSSK.LI,, County School Mnpt Oite imlf rlnlliir n-duction 011 i-vitv lair of Ludlow 'n lini- on A cood liim of them at!S B Vuoi.'. '.x will ti delinqadu: I ..k after It and save if no costs paid at of coltectloL. Knua:ti lh little wood saw and got y.iur wwd propcily nwed. Li-hVe yonr or1wra at Mattl'twr & Watht'Uru'a nardwarn store, Firsttitt. Wm.Neklv. WriKKKTO Get Iiikm. When wanting Mi organ or nlara call on G L Blackman who 'e you :an selrt from a first clasa tOL. 1'ali. 11 hrii'i- induct-y aid boy htn.l lniido h rnis, uirraiit,j.l, ttom O C .Mc b'uil !r!,u lubruil!t' f.1,1 titM. The If. t n to 1 r it c. tl.H in tin I tit at i:.,iiia Knp it iu - ;.r 11 i.,d r:,,t Alien Pros pro o r ili kir t i.f tr, a.r m th- c m .otis. 1 U11 ,11 ch 11. a tin. i,u Mothers ! (!f.ntoiia' is f.-. n-n-cmli-.l l.v 'phvirt-.its for 'hildr n tteihinj Ic i . pun I, vf, sloe (.iwir.ii. i , it ti.iiiMliruta ne pul iihnl i M.iio d rucli lottlo It Is 1'Ivsmih tn llu tune and al'M'ltirrlyhviinles. ltrt-'tMr cnnniiatii 1.. rfcir.t.s the lovik, qiu.a pflln. our- ilijrri if m d i -d ro'ic, frv.ri.hni'is, tUrtniM wmns, hi .1 r.vfnt eonvi'lrinct, . oti ,atlin -. ti ii m iIhui refrhinfl nt d .tiatnr 'l rli-ii 4',.i..tA a the . hili'.rrn'a painon the nioth'ia' fr 1 .1. .f aVnra, 35 cent. Vo it tureaoin " tramiw TowNsr.Ni;jt Wii.miw. Us