1 VOL. IV ALB ANT, OREGON, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5, 1891. NO 75 '.u any aerate fee W. L. Dmlu ikM. ST. ITTAKI NO MIIIIBTITUTB. -atl to Air sale yon wgeary, nd sec mem nr lev to send for cBfal '. acar jnloira for you plnce ask yei mmr the IH 1 Mfe UJUV 7. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE cenImen . TKBESTSHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY1 It 5 r hUm mot!, Willi no tack, or wax thread to hit tbt fretTmed. of Uu b.t line calf, strife and uiy. aid tWnuw m mate more rtors etMl JStoXi any, olhe, manufacturer it eu.ualsT.and. gO. ahii "er offend Jor (9.UII equal, mum Sported h"o. wblfU cost froni SJ1 to (U.IW. 5 00 llmnl-KewrU.Wfll Hhp, flno calf, Sia. "lyllsb. goiururtalile and durable. The bet boa ever orrircd at till. lirlco ; same urade aa cua SsnadestKHcostlnrrum.moe;i.ot jTnjll Poller HIioi-i farmers, llallroad Men and LetterCarrlfnu.il wrartt-.i'in; nuecalr. .iiaml smooth Inside. hi'avy threo solve, exten. loasditi. One pair will wearayi'ar. al 5 SO flno eulfl no better shoe oror offered at 4V.C. this price; ouu trial will convince tlios. who want a .boo for comfort and service. A 3 and 0400 Workliianian'a shoes avast, are very strong and durable. Thoae who aav. siren them a trial will wenr uo other make. .auaI 94.00 mid 91.7.1 school .hoc. are WiOyO worn by the boy.evcrywhere; tbeyaell OB CheTr merits, ok the Im-ri'aidnK aulc. Hbow. Mllae S.'t.OO llUud-arwrd shoe, best bCIU ICO lroK"Ia, very stylish; (aiuulsrreucn Jmported shoes costlnitfrom el.w to tl'.Hj. Todies' 4.30, SJi.uu nud shoo for Mieses are tbe best fine Dong-ola. Htyll.h aud durable. Caution. Bee that W. L.. DoUKlas' namo anil TjHee are stamped on tbe bottom of each shoe. !"" w. L. DOUULAS, Urockton, Mass. T.D-L. E. BLAIlsr; TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading'Styles of FOUft-fePRING PASSENGER WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING 'HANDY "WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREE SPRING WAGONS. HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS,,. ONE-HORSE BUSINESS WAG0NS.0NE.H0RSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC, It Will Pat All Pa:tie Wanting SPaiNG WAGOSS OS" ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL Ul'ON OK CORRESPOND WITH, US. Hbrhenl of all in LsMTOiinf Pow, TJ. 8. Gov't Report. Aug. 17, 1889, Powder ABSOlUTEliy PURE We BuirantB8 Oar TbMoIbb the Best, Our Prices tie Lowest Quality Considered, Special Catalogues and Price list Mailed Free on Application' Staver & Walter, EW MARKET BLOCK PORTLAND, OREGON. tV. G. DAVIS & GO., While trying to Crowd theii wy into DEYOE & FROMAN BROS Store, where they alwaj s have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rides and Shot 'Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention ' Repair Shop la connection with the Store, and one of :he best workmen in the Stale to do any tnd all kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick " is out motto. ' Conrad Mever, -PRorrtiurrra of-. STAR BAKEllY , Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., .DEALER IN tuned Fruits, rlen FrM. 'obaeao, Snijar Cnflec. Etc,, Canned Meats, (t?eenswar, feeetattlca, Clears. Sp'clh, Tea. Elc. rtik.. Tcrything that is kept In a, gen rtJ va TDd Kroowrj oro. HlRhet rltet p rsld f Albany ManufaotiirflrH .f 1EAM EKCIMES CRIST AND SAW V.ILL MACHINERY IRON l-KOHTS m ALL KIFD3 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND CRASS CASTINGS. M o iwlrlna social attention dsof machines II PaU-rns Made on Short Notiot RedCrowaMills SOM, liAXMSS & CX. I IOPR'S iw Mtocaasi rLoua acTBRioa ma hm AHD BAKEKS 581. EST STORAGE FACILITIES. Revere House: ILBANY, 3HAS. PFEIFFER . OREGON PROPRIETOR, Krat-rlaas atylo. Tllf- fitted tin In tuppllml with tbe heat In the market, Nioe aloepinsaMrtniflnta. Hiuiple ronnv , AGENTM- ALBANY, OREGON. 1TOC1B COKSIDEItlKU. F, M. French keeps railroad tiint. e cream obeeae jaat reooived at Conrad Meyers, Smoke the celebrated HavanailHed 5 cent cigar at Jultui Joseph a. A larttje atock of wall pper, with late de-fcipn-.at Fortm.Uer t Irvii g's.jaat received. tUvc vua aeeo those Darlor suits that T BriDk baa just received? They re nice. Gret reduction mm'i farnishins uoods for the next 30 davt at W F Read's. 1 W Beatlev. best boot and shoe makertin eity, turn aoors north of Democrat office W Achisoa & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walla for teiretery lota. These walla can be furnished at half the cost of any other aud are far superior. - Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make thorn took aa flood as nw with Wolff s Aome Waterproof Polish. For sale at 8muel E Young's. Dr M H E'tKs. rhyaician and surgeon. Albany, Oregon. Calls made lu citj o country. Ladies can do their! houpina in San Fran- ctsco without visiting the city, and without extra com mixtion. Mist K J Barrows ? chasing ageut, 1689 Grove St, Oakland, "anil 11 .unit Haeaaai i in iiaasiMIii..ii AMY HEADACHE tLti v... iu.: it WhlleYouWait; BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. IS Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Karcotle substance. It is a harmless substitute for jParegoric, Drops, Soothing" Syru;s, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation nud flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. Oaotorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of ita good Ca7oot upen llicir children.'' Dr- O. C. Osgood, Xjowell. Mote. Castoria Is t!ie bout remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tlte day la rot far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the varlousquack nostrum which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opk::n. morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending (hem to premature graves' Dr. J. F. KnccnKLOS, t Conway, Ark. Castoria. Castoria Is so well adapted to children that X recommend it as superior toany prescription knows to me.1 K. A, AncnEit, M. D.. Jit Oo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. H Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their expert rnco In their outside practice with Ciuttorla, and although we only havo among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confeaa that the merits of Castoria Las won us to look with favor upon It.' United Hospital avb DinpaaRTt Boston, Mass. Aixk C. Skitb, Ptr. LAtiES UxreRD Iies. I have a very s-ie fcf)ck of thee Roods, in Qualities rang- ng in puce Horn to Si 03 pair, i ht-y " naae ct leatner ; ery psir warra it.x Paml'rl E Yorxa. K. .ilnp Photographers A -'any Oregon. W e have bouoht all theuc gati vt t made by L W vJlark and W 11 Greer vood up to Nov 15th. 1S89. Dnnlicatva can be had from hein only of u at reduced latea. We have alao artnut 1S.000 uetcatives made by our tielvett. fn in uric duDllcatne can he had a like I a Wo osrry th oniv fu) line of v.awt i f this state and do enlarf? d work at lowett rates for tirat olis work. W eshkll be pleased to see yen at our Studio in From an bleoK.sextdoorto Masonic impie. ttnr Little Woirtensiil F , 1.1: h lilei'i ff4of life theworriesf tn-iflva-ij t ri'Tiow, t ; mike tbe crow j it ' xc:r 1 oj- t; . t tin lii'.l piii r i hn r c" a urei.'.e lr ik down the eonti I loot uUb" iH lit-le tl'p. Brand -e Vi'U t'Jif dyfcf "'a, or-indvertion, imjc? .! r'n ii.li.Ht'it.uit ".cooshr liihr ne c' tne ci-e, .;y?i:!etn, unic stomach, b-d tat l.ufi 'tii.i, b'i"US niiA'tkp, pi' o-" ..i: n f tl-3 h-'R'ft. iiiUmimVio.! or ilre .u (j. P. i in tl u i.)-.i'n f tiie Indue--, B'i a t-.'p;lrt''l rt.., i i inrnl v ill)'.;!! ie t e cf i ; ft fl e:si . Oue e-two p ' a evry U'.-Iu oitie'tiit. P-aipdi I'll' -r f-i.l ',o evey dioK an'3' tiicdictiie -n.v, ti ..e- ! r!i orji.-"' coa M. ;t1hem. When wanting i c't on G L nincknan H0KTG.GB STATISTICS. The count of the home transcripts, made in accordance with the mortgage collec tion clause of the census act, has been completed by the census office.' There are returned by the enumerators 2,491,930 farms and homes occupied by owner, which are encumbered by mortgages. This includes some, about which the enumerators made no report, and which belong partly to the class of hired and partly 10 the class owned free, as well as partly to the clas owned and Incumbered. Until this unknown quantity, due to the failure of the enumerators, Is eliminated, It miy be regarded as approximately true that two and a quartet millions of twelve and a half million families of the Uulted States occupy and own encumbered farms and homes, and that ten and a quarter million families occupi farms and homes, either hired or owned free. The prelim inary results Indicate that the average debt per faim In Iowa Is $1283, per home $719, and the average for farm and home $1140, I! these averages hold good for the Union the encumbrances of farms and homes of the United States occupied by owners, Is about $3,565,000,000. Day by day members of the farmers alliance are deserting the dangerous doctrine of the sub treasury scheme. This shows that there are man thoughtful earnest men in 'hat movement. Ex Senator tar well of Illinois says if liar, rison should be nominated by the republicans the demo:rats will be mte to elect. He is for Blaine. Tnli Caret There Is Danger! Io allowing inactivity of the Mducys to grow through m gleet. The deadly shoals of Bright's disease and diabetes will wreck the t7ixdlv bark of health if it it allowed to drift ruddeiltsa upon tbem. The bladder, too, if inactive, aud judicious medication does uot speedily direct the helm toward the port of safety, will be whelmed by the quicks ml of disease. In selecting a diuretic, let your choice fit 11 upon Hostetter'a Stom ach Bitterr, which stimulates the renal or gans without irritating and exciting them, two effects to be appiehended fiom the un medicated stimuli Uiel v resorted to. Theso have a tnorteixn to rea it prejudicially. The Bittern iiivjg rtd the kidneys and bladder, in commnu with the nerves and digestive o'gitn, ntl ro afford lasting aid. It also aHmU duil uMstani:e in preventing and curing int i niittent and remittent fever. Bi.iousre.-ta constipation und 1 heumatwm it r.bo sulijuisittftt. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS M.swjr la ClKalaU.B. Washington, Aug 4,-A statement hat be prepared at tbe treasury department in retard to the amounts of nann In plmilarim on tbe first of July, i860, 1865, 1885, 1889 ami lovi, uvm wmcn k appears that the as sertion that there has been since the war a great reduction in the amount of money in circulation is without foundation. All the statements furnished age made up on precisely the same basis-trie amount of each kind of money in the treasury-and the remainder is given at the amount in circulation. Tbe amount of money in circulation in i860 was about $435,ooctooo, and the amount per capita was $13 85, In 1865 there was $713,. 000,000 in circulation, and the per capita amount was $20 82. Twenty years later tbe circulation was over $1,292,000,000, and the per capita was 923 02, while on the first of January last theamoune was nearly $1,529, 000,000 with $24 10 as the per capita allow ance, the highest in the hislory of the United nines. Fa.rtre. In Killed. West-lake, La, Aug 4 The breaking cu t of an old feud between a band of robbers knr.wn as the Ainsworth gang and the cattle men 01 tins section resulted in the killing of fourteen men and the wounding of sixteen, others. Following is a partial list of those killed: Dyson, Marion, Markle, Lee Perkins, Owen Ashworth, of the Red Bone gang; and James Ward and Swan, of the cattlemen. The latest report is to the effect that every thing is quiet. The coroner Is making an investi gation. Joined Ibe Farmers' illla.ee. Kansas Cm, Aug 4. The Star's Topeka (Kansas) specie! says: A letter from IlairUon Kelly, ex -congressman from this district, in which he renounces the republican party and declares mat In the luture he will be found fighting with Pefter, Polk and Simpson, has created much talk in political circles. Kelly says he has turned to the new party, the oeople's party, as the best medium through ' which to accomplish the reform designed by the people. , Tbreagh Ibe airlsa.nlal rapera Salem, Aug, 4. A sequel to a romance in real life is about to be given from tbe circuit court. Mrs Mary Goodenonnh filed papers instituting suit against Evin Daly for damages to the amount of $2500 for breach of marriage contract. The plaintiff alleges that the de- lehdant enticed her west to marry her and now that she i here, ready and willing, he refuses. Daly is an old Grand Armv man and savs he was to marry her if she suited him, which he aver, she did not do, A Demorratle l'letarv. Port-Mouth, N H, Aug 4. The muni cipal election btre today resulted in a sweep ing victory lor the democrats, who elected the mayor and all a Idcr manic candidates. . Flreal Bak.rClly. Baker Citv, Aug 4. Duncan brotbir's flouring mills in this city were consumed bv fire at 12:30 this morning; Ics $27,000: in suraece, $17,000. It is supposed lobe the work of an Incendiary. The C.ntnnr Company, T7 Murray Street, Hew Tori City. L. LEADING DRUGGIST XjB-AJN""3T -:- OBEGON DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &C A-h v oil -.tn seVrt from n 'first class lvl.. K-eM r'r. n IratiittlilO Olid C.l'K9 fetOCA f W )'. t.d ehnea f-.le nt ri'flSOoaUe ( fuu it 1 uot mvc iu I.- wer u.im yuii.va t-"ii fi't 90:2 t i t 1 11 eleaat (.'i'iuiji titcif 6. oro. 'ME I A'tSKss liJMNEss. O C McPpr- -ei to Inform Ihe nuhlic, ih.H he hrso.irth.icsd the LUibillle Harness and S'lr.i'.-y e itah'isliment at.d would rc-sp-.ctlv.- v invlit; thoie wan-. 115 gooos In inU !i:i to give hilt an opportutiit' lo me.it iw people pMionitje hv f.r aid 'io io. j'j -i oea'ii-g. Shs btrst workmen e.np1o,-fj,and wo wai.an t i. Tearbcra F-xainlnaltoa. Notice Is hereby given that the regular public examipnion of trm-hera. for Linn ot)unty. will take plc in Albany, com mencing on wdnefldav. August 12th, at 1 o'clock, nnd continue until Friday noon. August 14 h All teachers uiunt poMltiVMiy bo prnnt at tho time of com irttncflment. at no one will ba admitted to the t'lanilnatlnn wbr ia not frpsent. U F. RUSSWIjJj. County School ynpt Go . J W Cobh. a'ieii-r to X viUy & S:ni'", F'' ut y:eli, fur vr j h yiiitioif ofallk.i-ds. A t-e ' V. .'fits W h!l oev e y at P. ' 1 I J each ct : -'H 'K-m fiO at Simu3l K A l'.eaWuz trD,e (tf he It h and strength renuwed and of a-u a:d onifort fullws the ue of riyiup of r', an ,t aot .11 haimrny with natute to ffeetuihy c'"t nyo the sv tern w.en enstive or bilious. For sale U 50.'. and 51.00 tattle 1.; ell Jemliog utuii U. W. r. "led kfntlm het asaortment of dry g'ttd io town. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY, J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. ONLY WHITS L.-Utoli FMPLOVRE). A nORSE WHO CAIff TALK t Everybody has heard of a horse laugh," tut who hnfl over iwen an equine gifted wita the power of speech ? Bucb an animal would be pronounced a miracle; but so would the telegmph and the telephone a hundred years ago. why, oven vfv recently a cure for con sumption, which is universally acknowledged to be sen if ula affecting the lungs, would havo been lookM upon rj miraculous, but now peo- tle aro beginning to realize thnt the diseaso 1 not incurable. Dr. l'lerco's (J olden Medical Discovery will euro it, If taken in time and given a fair trial. This world-renowned rem edy will not muko new lungs, but It will ro store diseased ones to a healthy state when other mfMins havo failed. Thousand grato fully testify to this. It Is the most potent tonic, or strength rrrtorer, alterative, or blood-cleanser and nutritive, or Cesh-bullder, known to medical science. For Week Lungs, 8pitting of Hl-Kxi, Itronchltls, Asthma, t a ttuTh in tho Hettd. and all Lingering Coughs, It is nn ttneq iiiiled n-medy. In derangements of the stonnieh. llvor and bowels, as Indirxea tlon, or Dyspepsia, HIHousneas, or "btver Complalnt,,r Clironio Diarrh, and kindred aiimems, n is a soTurHiya rvuiouy. Golden Medteal Dis covery " Is the only med icine 01 iu ciass, soia hv drutrirtsta. under a printed fcunratiteo. from the manufact urers, tluit it will Iv-ncAt or cure In everv case of disease for whtnh it Is recommended, or money paid for It will be promptly refunded. Cepyrlfiit, lffis, by World's Dta. Man. Aas'a. 25 S O O offered era of llr. Fruja's (tnrrh ltne.ty, foe M toeurahla caw of Catarrh SB to. IleeA iimcnt., 1 is a soruruiii GUASANTEED.I , , I ty ftlatliers ! C.storit ia .ecotninerded bv phyfioiana fnr chililr n teething. It is purely vegn ihn iirni' ration, its inareinnts are pub- l-heil am.. it each bnttle. It is ploaasnt to h tnsieai I ahsnlutelybarmluis. 1c relieves cnnstii-ati n. ri'aulatra the V"weU, quiots nain. i'tir diarrnoea and wild oolic, allays ft-verit.hnet4. destrova worms, and prevon ta cnnvulsim , Htlies the etu'd and irivna it refrM"K and ntturtl sleep. 0tnria ' ho ohildr. ii's rnnneea the mithnrs' frier. d. 35 dtHi's, 35 rents. Aibr.uy siam.t. Wheat- 75 J 3ii'r-! pr 111 rera- fiay-l.00 t 18.H. Potaoer- eU per boahel neef-on fr-ot,1 ''. Pnric -VA per tree4. R.rona rtaen,lle nbcnUasa 7e Idea.. deTlb. vi.arJt bbl. f)Wkee-VH pew. don. beola, M. snisbttesn. M. .1.1 :!Ces. iilllii iiiniiumnt. IV 7. h- me itjn .tn- mimI lit'v h.u 1- m.lu h ''.-.. a-c nc l. fm,n O C Hc- 1 I d.Ht. Dtibrnillt's old .Ii'id. he I ,.t fi-tiKt c the in llir nl. at l.'oota iv! jiri K'. t ! 't I, vur ii.ind tl'At Alton llro, pro-o-e ttrpti u he kind nf proceremthe pnblic mantis. I hetrffi'Ck is a him one Knrf.u' tlih littio wo-Mii .aw and irot vouf woid i-rorrly .wed. LeaTe your ordfia t Msttliw!' & VVa.hl'uru s pardwarnatore. First r.itvt. Wm Keelv. The DmiK'KAT will -xohanKe a sawinv mtoiifoo ni a tv maki denird, exupt nnenr two. for some oak urub wood and parr. aah; or will eoosider otlirr prop..sitiourt by any one desirios a new in.chirie. When Itaby was sick, we gave liar Castoria. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorlav When ah. became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gavo tbem Castorle. K'rnil'lr & li vin l,nv some Kan. is .n o" iMii cuitjiii.s for $18 a pair, aa himaa 'tii.tbirtt ,-ver art n in thw city. 'Jhey tiike ili.wu to (7 a i.air. Other' lac. e.r tisir.a down to $1 n ltss a psir. Hoy your ii'oceri-. of Tat-er sir. We ii tnreagsin at tiamu. TowB.-rvuIA Wilsor. T'-t.-ueina in el.oee erocrlea csn .sja o. e(nfd of A'l.ii Bros,. FJinii H.ook cr coinrnnrnial travelers.