buy gemowat jiafcad ewy slay la tba vik ( ESrDTTI.G, Editor nnd Prop'n arada-'lbo Pnt omw at Albany, Or pn9 yg aeoond o'la mail OMttor. I- ...IICI'KT I, llt'JI err official paper. (LOCAL KECORD. ( Place for Health. A writer in Salem Statesman from Waterloo 6a)S, ne other thlnirs: The soda In excc- I Clear cool anil sparkling, It bursts 1 the rocks that have withstood the u-ofam-aof the Brand old Santlam. re we are only one-hall hour't drive n Sodavllle, anoiner country riuugc h a future. During the past .year a i has existed between the two places, .llartothe one between Minneapolis I St Paul, but good-will prevails and I those places, we expect to see the two .ted. We seek to advertise no place iplr write that other may go and do jwUe, lor here we have had more pleas r than we nave experienced for years. Older, let this sink deep Into your tired tin, If you desire a "time" come on here If health here is the place if rest come, files who wield the brush will find a Iden opportunity for sketching, an old 11 In ruins, gigantic boulders, cataracts, Dunlaln scenerv, etcetera. , jSnuNa Hill Coal. A line sample of il from the mine on the farm of Wil mPfeiffer, at. Spring Hill, may ba seen the Revere House. The coal shows in good form, being as tine a specimen i any yet exhibited here. Men are piling day and night developing the ne, and it it continues to bring forth thcoal as the sample shown, which 1 probably be improved, it menus a ' thing for the owner. The coal is I situated for transportation, the mine Dg only two or three blocks from the llamette, the coal in fuct going to the r. As the adjoining property is also tally interested in the coal, as it un tbtedly will be found generally around fag Hill, there should be a united ft to bring this very important indup j into prominence. Albany capital 'Did come to the front for there is oey in coal. 'laces Co os Wiikkls A ear repre ting the cereal and mineral produc ts of Placer county, Calif., will arrive lrsday noon and be on exhibition at iFerty landing until Saturday noon, entertainment will be given Thursday 1 Friday evenings from 8 to 10 o'clock', which all are admitted free. A tine reopticon is used in the entertain- it. Portland'. Mr K F Asliby, of this , has consented to diatriliute free, in Hand, all the immigration matter 'niahed him. This ii a irood oppor- ity for Allmnv to let new comers low about the eni city of tiie valley id surrounding country, as Mr Ashhy is rustler and is well situated for doing bd work in that line. Taxes. Have you paid your city taxes, ell, you'd better attend to them at Ice, as the tax collector informs the Mocrat they are about delinquent and oat oe pain, me money is wanted, te taxes are also overdue, and a man is fn secured to kill all of the animals iwuom tne taxes are not paid accord- to law. Dhowned Xeah Sweet Home. Reuben jet, a voting man nineteen years of age, tt oi Key l ost, ot sweet Home, was owned In the bantiam river while bath' I on Sunday afternoon. Particulars Are not been secured. Miss Maggie Kit, a sister, who was in Salem, was at for and returned home yesterday ieruoon. "X friend," in tlie Eugene Guard, pub- ues tne lonowing dentil notice, here ore mentioned in the Democrat: Died Cteswell, August 3, 1801, Mrs. B. B Ott, aged 55 years, 7 months and 13 lys. Iraumatic erysipelas sat in lrom ngnt wound on the bottom of the foot. tsed by a sliver. He sickness lasted r weeks. She suffered but little nain id at last passed peacefully away to us, whom she tins served lor manv Jars. Hei life has been to us a bright pmpie oi devotion to uoo ; ami sue as Irred us that some of the happiest part (life was spent just at tiie end. I mom Pi.iaKjrEST Tax Natr-e. School taxes now delinquent. The clerk is maltint; Eerialiaquunt list which will be in the oftha sherill at soon as completed, who have not paid, had better do so or costs oi colliclion are added, hut lioa. Do Not Wn.T.cven if it does get warm, la can get fresh fruits, nrodncts and nest groceries to be secured at Conn nendricson's. They carry a first class KK of goods, and nre situated so as to M at the lowest prices, If you are go totbemonntainsoron atrip let them jjyou out. They have the varietv, and r s"y;wu we prices. t T . Behovbd. P J LaPorte. the .hrw. iker, has removed his shop from near enck barber shop to the building it opposite the Kuss house, next door Brown barber shop. He invites all I old customers, and new ones as well. call, as he is prepared to do work in i nun in urst class order. Bay TJ noticed that Allen Eros' gro ss- store is always full of fruits, vege e. ete, t'le very latest in the mar r 'here is anything to be had thej : I Perrif s, ' ': Cabbages, Turniiis, K-iw Potatoes, m SraiNu UoiiK. !;;e.3() r.iU liie n.' Pg and' iimnur Jress ooodi, in wa?h lcs, p-i s, c'oi h-vrrs, F!, ett, e ftlaO (l Df w e rf pi::nlr:er p'.i;d, be 'liuF :.(-vtic:ea in hi!- ar.fl all W()l ! Alifl.l. 1C iol"ti. ROtltL AN1 riXHOAL. lion George Waggsnerlsdulng Albany today. II II Shorey, Jr., ol Portland, is In the city. J K McCoy.the well-known contractor, of Salem, is in the city. Frank Wood, jr, and family have le t aiiied from a trip to the Sodas. J!f and Mrs B F Tubler lei"t this noo-i for Sau Francisco by way of l aquina. Sam Unrritli, A J Your.?. L LCollo-d ard F K Kogers, of McMinnville, are in Albany today. Mr Eugene Smith, of Hrel'-ribush, where he owns a clrlm and locates new comers, was in the citv toilav getting sup plies. Geo W Davis wss sworn in as clerk of the school land commissioners. He hai .ented a nice residence in Salem and will make that city his home. , Mr and Mrs J M Ralston, Miss C'an.lls Conn, Mn V P Nutting, children and a number i-f otheis were on the Lebanon .rain this afternoon on their way to Soda ville. It U reported that H the employes of tiie Oregon rac'fic are not paid by tomorrow night they will quit work in a hody. Wm M Hoag is said to be In San Francisco, where lie is reported to be ill. Among those who went to the Bav to day were 1) P Mason, wife. Miss Flon and Rookie Mason, Judge Flinn, of Al bany, Frank Parton, of Waitsbui-g. and Mrs Kev Harris and daughter, of Salem. The latter will occupy Mrs Cook's coi tage, on Nye creek. t'kanie'or Time Table. Cokvallih, Oregon, July 31, 1891. rt'B's. Democrat: Commencing with August 5th, the Oregon Pacific trains, east of Albany, will run on the follow ing time: No 1 leaves Albany, going east, at 12.40 p m ; arriving at Halstead at 3 p m. No 2 leaves Halstead at 7 a m ; arriv ing at Albany at tf.40 a m. On Wednesday and Saturday of each week this train will run through toCoe, arriving there at 4.05 p ni, and leaving there at 4.10 p m; arriving at HalBtead at 5 p in, where it will lie over night, leaving for Albany at 7 o'clock next morning. This is an advantageous arrangement lor nearly every one who desires to reach this section of the country, starting from north, south or west of Albany, as they are not compelled to lie over one day at Albany. It also enables partien living on the lino east of Albanv to come there and transact banking or "other business, and return home the same (lav. C. C." Hogi-e, O. F. & P. A. To Hie Farmers :r Linn Cunnfyt Your attention is called to the fact that on September 1st tlie degoa boaid of emigvatlonw'H Bend a cir t'lroi's'i all the eastern stales to r-dve tise Oreion. T i',8 car will lie lri-ded with I 'd ve: J .est samples of g'h'ns, g' .isses, f. nits, "egetablcs, etc, tiuit c? i be 'oiit.iiocii througiiot tlie i;.e.cnt tounties in t ie tate, and l.inn cornty 1 -as seu-ed a cer tain space in tlii'j car w!-:c'i wo win-i to fill with tlie very best p.". oles of gra-n rnd grasses, bolh in tlie sheaf, and also threshed, 'so as to be -ui up in ja s. Tiie samples in tiie sheaf should be selected from the veiy best giain yoa have, and we v ish to have the straw full lergvh of growtii if posillo. All i'oits should lie carefully gai'iered and not biuiscd. We would ask tlie farmers to lend us a help ing band in this matter, and if you have any frn-n, grains, or g'anses that would make nice samples, we would l;ke you to brirnj them in as soon as possible, o. let ustnow where ilicy can be bad and we will come after them. 11 samples should be b ought to Pu.'kiiart & Keeney's real estate office, or word left there when they will be attended to at once. C d You Lves See It7 We mean C am's Un-''valed Atlas of the World. It' has over 100 pages everyone .of which. is cammed 'till oi valuable information. It has mans of ail the states and terri tories, continents, foreign countries, and ail leading cities. It treats of discover ies, history, bird's eye view of the Holy J.and, products, wealth and debts of the U S, flnzs of all nations, rel't,ioiis denom- mnlions. all manner o statist cs, length ofilveis, beighth o! niottnliins, and numerous other features. Those wish ing to purchase will address tiie aent Mrs A U Tait Albany Oregon 1". O. box f 'J. Smith Thinks there is no such place to get first cUss groceries, fresh produce and baked goods as at Paraer Bros. So do Jones, Brown and many other people. They say thev not only get good goods at reasonable prices: but as well splendid treatment. Try Parker Bros and you will become a regular customer, and what Smith thinks you will all think. Attention. The very latest news is thst on can buy of Julius GradwohPa GoMen Rule HaKiar,for net cash. 15 pounds erannla ted sugar for $1 00 and IS pounds Extra C. sucar. All good sold for net cash from 10 to 25 per cent lets than regular price, as I intend tn run a stiiot cash store. Albmy, Or., July 21. 1801. JOTITE TO rtlElfcHTK. Notice Is hereby given that bids will be received up to Aug. 5th, at 6 o'clock p. m., for the freighting of mill machinery from Gatesvi'.lc to Quartxvllle.and also for the freighting of provisions. For particu lars inquire at the office of the Albany Mining & Milling Co. .Albany, Or.,where bids will be received and opened. The rleht to reject anv and all Hds it reserved. B J. V. PtrR, Secretarv. lsod in "llUrcns of Hexes & I 111 M1SMM Pay your school, city and tlrj taxes, and begin saving money for the rircus anil county tuxes. The Salem Journal savs. "the .'.-aine Sunday could hardly be called baseball." Ttiat is o:ie of their after doses. It was baseball plentifully ln-forehand. Sheriff Sco!: received a co.ipie patches last evening from Laurmbui N C requesting hitn I j hold McDouc.aH, as a requisition had been sent and an otlicer woe-d be l.ere after him as soon as possi ble. A suburban fanner complains that Al- uany iiravmen leave out rutibisli, barrels, tin cans. etc. alone the sides of the roads leading into the country, causing teams to ue irigntened, unit not adding much to the beauty of the landscape, only a few days ago a team running away from such cause. He M'anted some one stirred up. Tw o small boys yesterday got into a pugilistic encounter and, as a result, one of them was ornamented with a black eye. Hut, when twitted about it, Ins answer was: "I know I an somewhat disfigured, but you should see the other boy. His face is in a terrible shape, and 1 did it." The Dalles T. il. E J Crow killed an immense rattlesnake on his place near Spencer ButteThursday, The snake measured feet o'i inches and its bodv was the size of a man's arm. It mad a determined liehl and compelled Mr Crow to run at one time. It had bit a calf on the s'.-.oulder t'e pievious evening but the life o( the animal was saved by turning it to the cow. Eugene Guard. The Eugene Guard speaking of the car passing through the valley, calls it an advertising fake, and says: "The car called "Placer on Wheels" is here, hav ing arrived Sunday morning. The ex hibit is nothing to brag on. It Beenis to be devoted principally to advertising wholesale houses in San Francisco and Sacramento. Twenty four men accom pany the car, who are employed to paint signs on warehouses, bains, etc, distri bute circulars and give away samples of goods.' We are informed that the car will go no further east than Montana, the extreme limit of the territory of said wholesale bouses." The Democrat will see and judge for itself, but gives the nlwve, as it is always it's policy to give all sides of important matters if possible. John L .( i:Yi-i;itito.v The following from Sunday's Orego nian, dated at Los Angeles, Calif., is de cidedly of a sensational nature, and as the principal character is an old Linn county' man, we g'vo it in fiill: John Long has skipped out to avoid paying WOO alimony and fees o.-de-ed bv the court in the divorce case of h"a wife, Em ma. Judtie Smith lias issueu aa oiuer lor li is arrest, but he is p'o.mbly by this tune sale 111 -Mexico, lms is too second divorce case in wliich Long has figured, his first wife, by whom be hau s'.: child ren, having obtained divorce and $15000 worth of protierty several veais ago on the ground ot auultery. Sue died in 1S87, and in July, IS'.iU, Jxmg, who was then living in J. inn county, Uret:on, re married adssbingand -.emarkabiy hand some widow, J'.mina a i'mxer. .Long purchased a hne farm near Albany, and lie and bis wife lived on it comfortably until last August, wiien he suggested that they sell out and travel. She agreed, and thev took a trip to Albany on busi ness. At that time Long was compaia tively a wealthy man. In September last he handed a railroad ticket to Port land to bis wife and giving her $0 for ex penses en route, told her to go to that nlace. and alter hiring nice rooms to let bim know where she was,so that as soon as bis business was settled up lie could follow her, and after staying there a few (Irvs they would make a trip to Southern California. Mrs Lone obediently follow ed out her husband's instructions, but obtained no reply lrom him to her letter, and being thrown upon ner own re sources, maintained herself by dress making for several weeks, until Bbe re ceived a letter from bis daughter stating that a package was awaiting her orders at Albany. This was sent her and she found that it consisted of a lemon box into which her entire wardrobe, which had been packed in Long's trunk, bad been dumped and left by Lon;;. Long disposed of two notes and a mortgage, and converting everything be had into cah left for San Francisco witli about $10,000. From there lie went to Port land, but purposely avoided his wife. although she remained there supporting herself tintil December last, when she returned to her relatives in mirke, Idaho. While Long was in Portland he became enamored of Lulu Dumont, a dive wait ress, at a variety ttieater there, ami in January last brought her bere,establisli- mgherns landlady ot tne vvinona lodg ing house on Temple street. In Febru arv, however, the Dumont woman had him arrested for threatening to kill her. and Long then brought suit against, her to recover t:000. which he claimed to have advanced to her. While this trot:-, bio was pending Long telegrapheu Ins wife, asking her to come to Los Anireles and live with him again, but she declined unless he could satisfactorily explain bis conduct in leaving her destitute and sick i"n Portland. He promised to do so but subsequently wrote and told her that he was thinking of going to Mexico, and suggested that Biie had better get a di- voice. Acting on this suggestion she camo to Los Angeles, and suit was coin menced the 22d inst. One half dollar rtdnatioo on avary r.air of Ladl-iw's floa shoe A good boa of then aid E Tonng a. - - 40 Veers the Standard. 1 .-a HiniK AM AIIKUAIt Weather today light rains ami mcdiu-n tempurauirw. Just received at the l,sdi-n Bztar the Sons&tbn,'' tliu latest novelty in hat. Th "Twelve TeintiUtion"," a rmld hoarl- ed shew, is being uiven in Purttand. t'hsa D ITnier.roociitlv tditor of the New port 'fnnit. is u-tv at the head of tin Poit Angeles, Wauli., Trih-in--. Tna Willaiirt. a VaVev crested the hai yes. eidiy morning ai S- o0 at outy five feet 4tMie low tide, a g-iod shnwiug. "imt in Loctloi" by Newton Bcera a-id his talented cft.-npsny Saturday nittht wi'l bo a theatrical tieit our citizens should uo'. miss. Fiid W Bluml'O n hisseciprerl a perman ent position witli T L Valla?e & Co., au experienced cleik wnoru the firm is fori H-.te in securing. Yesterday was the dw on which the Ore enn l'asiric was to pxy up for two mont" hut we are informed the time lias hetine tonded until tomorrow. evening. A dispatch rooeivod yestorday by T M Munkers, of Munkers, anuounood the shoot ing of A B Cnrism&D at Silver City, Idaho, ntjWhloh city he was pohoe othoer. A piano At Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store. Parker Bros, grocers. S A Hulin. drncgist, French's corner. Fiae croceries at Conn & Ifondrieson'a. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinu Block, does orst class work. See that e'egant piano t K'ein Bros B-)ot and tiboe store, A fine line of crockery ware at Conn & Uenuricsou s. , Drick de'iciou-f ce cold soda water at C rJ Browned r. Your school tax will be delinquett if DO paid at once. Look after It anu aave costs of collection. Do not buy vour hooia and! shoes until you see the niano at Klein Bros, and as well have examined their large Btook of goods. For bargaius in monuments, headstones etc, go to E W Achiaon&Co,Alhany,Oregon Fresh bread, cake, pics, etc., every day ot the Dclmonico restaurant. Le-ive your orders Sea W F Read's line of dress gooU and silks before buying elsewhere. Letter List. Followir is the list of littt-.ra remainina in the post o.'lica at Alb.ioy, I 'ns county, L-.-egon,-lu;v -I, iv.n. l'ers.r s e-tuinir io. tHese letters tmst tnve the date on wh:c. they were advet-tioed. Arnold. Mr Oore r.Iock, M'- Edna i;.ulde,Ii-sChr.' t'sirniss, G A 1 roft, A Dickmion. H Tia, R W Haip, James inrUT. M.. F C LoveUce. -J C V'loiKir, Ailfn Mim who-Ter, W M ll.unu, Albert Kicks, Mrs KIHa Sprncsr, hoary W.i-ait, V L T. MoNTK'. i'H, P. M. Brachcs Mrs y v Cuerry fc Cotcman Carrell. Narcv Custer, R 4 Fry. R W Hawley, Alfred A Hill, J K Hunl, Mrs Mv iU Myor.M h Vl pinia Mauate, Loe Itvlei, Josephine Uenne!, Mra 'x ;o Simpioa, V G Vauho, Miiia on C Vr Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WaBKSK A CRAKOS, Lasxes sna Maaarar Al Las) the tireat Attraction. SATURDAY EVEMXC, AUGUST SIU Direct California Tour of the Cited Actor NEWTON BEERS In Hlii Masterpiece of Melodrama Support by tin? prlnclpftl actnrn of hit or initial (rand Optra Iicubo New York IJinipau', incuuin the beautiful yun ctiiw tiunal actreto, : JESSIE LEE RANDOLPH :-- The ;rartd toenio effects in L0 PiCT - rift! - n o 9U -ASZ- 1IKAHT BLEAKMOKK, CHEAT OOAL MINK SCENE, I.OXPON 8TRr.ET.-i AT N10IIT, JO'3 VISION. Scats o i snlc at Will Link's, 50 and 75 YOU NEED BUT ASK ThaS I) llRJiDAriiit An Livin CritE Uken aacord- ln Ui direct otin, wMI kvtu fuur Uluod, Livar and Kittn in ens-d ordor. Tiie 8 It Coiiiii rb for roltln. Cneh aad Croop, In cnriitin witli ib Hoailacba Cure, is aa amt Drfwtton an tnyinms xntwn. The 8 II At.iii Pais Ci ik for inurnut and xttr nl um, In .Nunltla, T w(( hach f. Cramp and Clioiort M'-rlsiln it unmrjiVKd, 'i'lir-y are aatl liked wlitMner known. M;iiUlm tiirRI t Infiir. Oregon. Frw.loh.v rtJSHAY h MAMJN. City Eaeiasirat ff.uin boen eutirely reino'jled. Xhin 0:1) aud poiuirir restaurant will be hr.t claKii d every reject. The pulmo will r given jjxl ntpats at all hour for only "0 jcoU. laVr tbivn rr.t and attracMv. Pnvat boxe. iUra Iq avry itfle. it ill Moil a: tJu O A slnirular f- ct has been noted at Mlkecha which some scientist irlght find plejiure In etiital'dng says tne E O. Mi Dudlev lias excavated a ditch lesuln? from a sniing In the Union Pacific well In order to lnc ease the supply. The ditch Hows constdeiahte waler duilng the dav, co.nmencing at abou oa m, but tl-e water dlsappeais at cunuown, and not r single d.oois In the ditch dc ring the nl;,ht. If it ran dry 'ml --g the day time evano don m'ght,i an eplanatl' n, but '.he Uricn 1 acllic bevs are ai a loss i-jplcouiii for the d'.snpeaianceat night. Crdebjunc1, ho cuts w A on about Salem, kick-ni up a lively row in Clun g Hi's Liberty n.eet esiablishmcnl Friday nlfjhi. Ail .he Chinamen In the block were calling ftr help as Caleb, who t6 considerable of a pugil'V, lahl the mon go! ou; to right and left. The Chi - woman who sta's there got a dl,ovcr '...e eve and her beauty is u?mageci forever. Half duen China mugs are so disastrously decorated that only a miracle could re store their former resemblance. Salem Journal, Whins, robes, nets, etc, etc, at McFar land's.' Johnston Optical Co's Patent : Easy-Mi : Spectacles and it fine etock SPECTACLES generally, as well as jewelry, Watches clocks, etc., at Y. M. Frcisch's. c will sell Summer Clothing, Thin Undci'w car and Outing Shirts AT COST! Our Stock is Large, Our Goods are Fine, Our Prices are Low ! ! T. L. WALLACE & CO., The Birthplace of Great and Honest Bargains, Strahan Block, OLD -:- RELIABLE GROCERY STOHE or C. IE. BHO"WJSrELL. LARGEST STOCK Provisions, Hams, Bacon, I'ototoes, Comb Iluncv, Pickles, Vinegar, Apples, Cheese, Krult Jars, E'c. BXiei-X1 TKDATMBSfT, Honest Weights, : : Full Measure. CALL AND Sll. ME. C. E. HKOWNELX. F. L. KENTON, tt IS Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, 1: ?c rr it .a. o t & , And a Koncrul assortment of C3-S2.OOESSi.2I3S. Near tho Pest Cfflce, : Albany, Oregoi i LEANT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1801,18012. first Term Opened September Sit. ISM. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courwei ot tnrty arraneed to irnvt tbr 9iJ tf a!l grades of stulentn. $ fecial inducements ojertd to student $ from abroad. EV, etvEUT 91 roxniT THE STATE AL OpfBi geptrmbrr ISth, 1891. Conrwol rtupy arnunrci eipreMlv to meet Iha nerds of the fsruilntt nil mechanical IntereiU ol the ute. IJire, eoraojious and well-ventllfttetl btxlld if(T. The eollrre it locil In cult. t ted tnil ommauity, and one of the healthleitln the ette. MILITARY TRAINING Ezpenaes need not exeeed 9130 for the entire on. Two or m?re f ree echolarthlpe from avcir county. WriU for ffttftloyue to B. L. AKNOLD, Pree.. Corrallii, Orefc. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. XTOTIf X IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT H Ike annual meeting of the stock holder of tie Capital Consolidated Gold A SUyer Mining Company, of the city of Valem, Oranon, will be held at the offlaa of the company in aald city, on the aeoond Thursday, the ISthdaynf Augnst, lll, at t o'clock p m, for the eiction of direc tors, and lor anch other huilnasa as may eoiae before the meeting. J. H. STR1CKLBB, Bale n, Or, July 26th, 1891. See. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprfetors. Vwp a full line of meats of all kinds tn a nool piece, completidy pro tected; and always fre.b. ALBANY, OREGON LOWEST PRICES Teas, Coffee, Spices, Extracts, Mutter, Eggs, Canned Goods, Frulls, Quecnsware, Glass ware, Etc., Etc.