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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1891)
A. Prtnevllle man salu in the Review that The Dalles was composed principally of wool buvers and Insurance men, and the fiftper of tlie latter p.aee got mad about it and denied the fact. That is like Chicago !iavers ueUinir mad because the Sat l.ouli paper say all the women there have big feet and wear No. ios. tetter List. Following is the list of hurs remaining tii the v ollice at Albany, Lian eouuly t):voa,Julv '-'1, 1SL1. l'tirsotn caUiDif for thcuc letters must give the date on which tltoy were auvertised. Ball, W D Uecr, Mrs Doe Cnxo Wm Clark. A: Kppe Ciow, T L Mittsou, U (ienf (ieo Orate, MUa Ma U Hamuier, W F 1 leHman, John If Mappin, Mrs Lizzie Waddle, W W Trail, l'rauk dker, Hiram hrowu, Chan Cbantler, Mils Ida Colry, lavid Fliuu, Mrs Hester (irtner, A i Graham, A A Godiuy, Kied liatunirr, Frank Vuttliai, W Whitteu.UanK T. Monteith, P. M. K W Aehiiou XCo are selling mou amenta rt J or iiUJ pneta. A uew Iitiok of witkU ... shades from 50 oeuU to l.50j oach cot.iniete, at Sunuol E Toucg s. Sua Coughs, Colds, In flue nit, Bronchllti, Hoarseness. Wfiooolna Couiih.CrouD. i Throat. Ai.hma. and evcrv affect Kin of the inroBi, lungs ana cneai, luciuamc uonsumpiion. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Cuurl of the State 0' Oregon fur 1.11m tsOttilly. II. C: Morau and T, A. Moiria, Plaiutitls. I VS Johu T. Davis, f befenduut. ) -IVTOUCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue or an execution and order out of the above named above entitled adion. I ut'H de issued 001 1 rt. in the will Oil Suluriluy, Hie 'iln cf ;uguiil. Mill, at the court 1 ouse door, In the city of Atnauy. Linn county, ureiron, at tne hour of 1 o'clock p 111 of Slid day, sell at publin aucticn, for cash In hand to the highest bldiler, the real property desurih ed in said execution and order of sale as follows, towiU liots one (1) anl (2) in sestion (19) township thirteen (13) south of rnnue one (I) east of the Willamette meridiau, in Iiitin county. Or gon, containing fifty three and two thirds acres wore or less. The proceeds arising f. the sale of Hid rc proporty to be applied, First: The sum of one hundred seventeen and fifty one hundredths (3117 S11) dollars on (he above named Judgment, which caul j udgment has been heretofore transferor! iouuoJ.S. McKechuie. and by him cred ited with all osts and disbursements, and the sum of one hundred and ninety five (815 0' ) dollars on June 2'.)th, iS'.'l. Seoond, if after the payment of the above named amount, and the costs of and upon this writ, there be a surplus remaining, apply such such surplus to tho paynioot of the judgment hore.ofore rnnderod in said court on the Kith day of March, 1691, in favor of J. S. McKechnle and against J, T Davis, above named, which said judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's ollice on the 25th day ol Xarch. 1S!1. and amounts tn the sum of ;i2b W, and interest at the rate of per cent per annum Irom the Kith day or March, 191, and for the further sum o! jas.00 cosrs. and 8d,if;al"ter the payment ol llie.iuogiuent last above namedj mere still be a surplus remaining from the sale of real property, apply such sur plus ti the payment of "a judgment here tofore rendered by this courton the Kith av of March. ism . in favor rr a . V- Ilvmiltoii and against J. T. Davis, above named, whici slid judgment was en rolled and docketed in the elerk's ollice flu the CMh day ul March, and amounts to tho uin ol c'J 4i and interest thereon at the rate o! H )ier cent er annum from the ICth day of March, H'H.aii'l lr tho furthcrsum of 25 45, and 8'0 at- f iniefcfe, which said judgment has been horeto- onMransfcrcd 13 one J. S. McKochnie, D,ted this 2'.ith day of July, ism. M. SCOTT. S'jeriff ot Linn comity, OroKon- (i ai) uy v. aeon, uoputy. "August Flower" " I have been afflict- Biliousness, " ed with biliousness .. ,, "and constipation Constipa.!on...for fifteeu year3. Stomach f't one and then ' another prepara- Pains. " tiou was sutcgested " tome and tried but " to no purpose. At last a friend "recommended August Flower. I took it according to directions and " its effects were wonderful, reliev " ing tne of those disagreeable stomach pains which I had been "troubled with so loutf. Words "cannot describe the admiration "in which I hold, your August " Flower it has given me a new " lease of life, which before was a burden. Such a medicine is a ben " efaction to humanity, and its good "qualities and "wonderful mer- Jesse Barker, " its should be . . made known to rrinter, everyone suffer- H,,Mv,otrif " ing with dyspep- ' "siaor biliousness Kansas. C. G. GKEE.V, Sole ManTr.Wooulmrj-.X J. G. L. BLACKMAW,- LEADING DRUGGIST ALBAWX - OEEaOlT CHUGS. MEDICINES STATIOHARY&C HLEATH !S WEALTH ! ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY, J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. OiVLY WHITE LMUpR VMWAmtth (1E0; I'.., Att'irnev at htr. Will practice in all court f the tte. SihmuI iittenti'ti Kivmi t- initr .'m in (.riiiiaie jLud lo 00 lociwu. in t IL L In tu u rnmi Ul-iCk. JH. Vt:TIBLKFOKl, Attorney n I.vv. Will pmctleo in oil court the sute, tllfe: Hutu block, Aluiny, Onton. AtUtrnpy al Lav vi J S-tlicltor in flnncery. tU 11 mulu uu all n'.iit4. novrotiiitt 0raW terms. A limit)', Oregon. C-.llec- 1EO. IV. HRIKIV; X Attornerst Lnw.and N'itan" I'uMic.Will uraulice In all cuurtaof thDJetr.te ami lu the L'nite.t Ktatvn courts (or urojrim. Oltlfe: -1-rout rooms ovr lUiik of urtifou, Albany, Vgu. EAST AND-SOUTH, I VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Exrea Trains luive IV-rtlaiiJ Dally Sxuth 7:0tp. "irrLv"" S:li a U , At 1'ortlnii.l Sin IVii.'.-Uoo North Lv !;06 I M Ar Altove traitii t only al following utiitioiis nortli of Koeliurf. K:wt J'ortUrul, Onvu City, WimnI oitrn. Siilt-tu, AllKiny, "lanMt, KlioiM, Jlulafy, Uar iuburif, Juucliyn City, Irving, Eueiiu. i;M am Lv tii'ttPM Lv 5:UfM Ar HOar.Hl R3 MAIL, DAILT. P.-rtland Albany ItDHol.urg Ar 4:noiM Lv 1 lt!;i0 m Lv I v ?i a M ALBAS V LOCALS DAILT KVCtIT Sr.NDAY) D. I. V. BLACK HHH, H. C. WAT60S DR. E . C. WEST'S Nerve Brain Treatment iruarat)ted specific for liyiitena, Dizziuass, CIitu out. Kit. Nervous ffeurmliria. Ileadache. N'ervou IVostratlon caud by the use of alcohol or torncw, H'akfulnei9, Heatal Pepresaion, Soften In j: of the bnbt, revultioir n insanity and leading to misery, iocay Middeab, premature old aire, barreniieee, low i i. caused dt orerexerUon of the train Each t contains one mouth's treatment, $1 a box 3r six bOKM for 3, sent by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY ease, with each order received by us for six boxee. conmpanled with 95, we will send the purchaser our Htten (ruarantoe to refund the money it the treat Dtdoes not effect a cure. Guarantee! iaiued onl by J. A. Cummiiifc, Druggist, sole agent, AJbaur. Or. Fortmiller k living. a A & & .. XTnrt f II U Lit Kill KN A W4TSO, Attoni.r Rt Ail business will receivn nromnt aiienuon. uiilrei uau reuuws-iumplt,ADanr, ur. J J. WH1TXEY, Attoni.y at Ltw, and HoUry Oregon. Pilblle. Albin; jQB. J. L. HILL, Phreielan .n't Surgeon, OFFICE Cornw Fire! an Ferry itreeta, Albany, Oregon. PbTSiHan ani fjirirein. orFrf!H DMnxnuTofEoe, Albany, Oregon. W. II, DAVIS, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Erabalmitip; Dona Soientii lcally. Id Store. THE STATE Opru Srplrnibrr Uth, ISU1. mrenf stupy arranirod eiprcl to meet the - n-HvU of the farininfr and muchanical interosu of the . ntate. i.arire, oimxlioua and well yen tllated bulil' iiifH. Tht collide is located In a cultivated and community, and one of the bcalthteet in the state, MILITARY TRAINING VxpcnMefl need not exceed $130 for the entire aeaalon. Two or m:re freescholarl)ip4 from every county, '.Write for caUIoue lo B. L. ARNOLD, Vrm., C'orrallis, OrcgoB. IT 18 THR ITB ATj MKTTCT?v"Tn. !l rtvue tn I.ivrr and KidnfT inil Stom;ich, mrc lT.d.i. Ik'. Ivpi ni.i, ca an Appc UW, Put ifit liif lin;-.:ro BiooU, and Vtctl cverj-wlicre. (1 a'-ottloi U for3. Beat stock of 2nd fSF joods In tha V ey, and tua moat reasij laie prioen, botb 1 V laullluor. hava An liaLnd FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. doNr west of 8 B Young's oir" strs L. C0TTLIL3 FOSHAY & MASON TlOlBtiAM AXD aiYAIL Druggists and Booksellers AgeLto for John B, AMod'h pufjHoatlons, A LB ANY OUCtiOH PAISLEY & SMILEY. Wholesale Dialers ln- TOBACCO - ard - CIGARS Albany. Oragon S500 Heward S WKwlll pAj- thoahort! for any caw of Llvrf ompUint. I)Bipai,Slclc Attache, IndlKcior.un.rotv t(hon -r Wt.vmics we cannot ctiro witli Wpts ewv'itt' tte d.rwitonfi arcftrtptly "iiitl. rt v ttt, Titty rt? v'irrty Vegetable. e:it never All topivo batlfA.-ii .n. 8'iRar'oattMl. Ijiit bmea, -at - ceiiu. Ilt-wnre of counterfeit and in.... ,i :,-.! tnj mnntifArturrd only bf J A Canning, Agent the lentllntr rmv1v Inj I 9onurrhra Atiivft, I ThO OtlH- atH,a Mms.1, - I XnoorriitTra or Whites. I prMcrlbe it and fwl ur cni br nfe in ircnmmeiulliiK ft I THtEviMtoiwi'to U MfTcrrni. IRrATI'l III. Sold by Imicvtsta, riuta vania 8TAXABD et CIHH K, Agenlaj Ct'.ToSl.AYH.W riata" City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. Kxep a full Una of meats of all kin la a cool plaoe, completely pr tooted: and always fresn. SLD. o Ijoj asa so d his auaCrr ta tn nadsralewed. I wi I eontlnu. Ih basinass Ib ika same place en Ltod slreel, I aoiait a fair share ( the patron ate of the pub ic. 1 wi ,do good work. LUN. rnveician anc snrreen. OFFICE I:n,t.l.a in k. Serahan bloek ; May be found al ail office !. nr . v.euu. JJB. G, A. iVIIITNEY, Phralelan and Surgeon. leml College, New York City. apeeuUty. Graduate ef RjllevueHed tr. DiM-.A nf wnman OFFICE Friinin block, Albany, Oregon 1.MKNT NATIONAL BANK, . Or ALBANY, OBEOON, Preaident .. t, FLINX Vice President M. 8, K.YOUNO Zaehier..., ....E. W. LANODON rRANSACTS A OENERAL banain2luatans. ACCOUNTS KEPT auliject to eheck. SIOUT EXCHANGE and tl T.phic tranjler, fold New York, Ban Francleco. Chicaiio and Pntland reron t CO LECTIONS HADE on leioreble l.nci. SIRS0TOIUI. J. E. Yooko E, W, LiOD0 L E Bum, h. Fuss Edward.!. Sox. LINN CO NATIONAL BANK, Or ALBABT, OREUOH. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. Preaident J L COWAN, Ttce.Prcfident J H KALHTON. Asat Cashier O A AHUHIBOLD. p-sacToaa, J L Cowan, J N Ralston, W S Ladd, W U GoUra, J A Craword and O A Aroh ibold. . TRANSACTS a general hanklnfr business. DHAWSiam DRAFTS ou New York, Sao ant Pirtlin I, Oregon. LOAN MOrfEY on approved security KEI.EIVE deposits subject check. .'. Lr i'..rlialj,l Ar 0 00 A a DO" r Ar A Miiciy Lv 6:00 a LIRASOS BRANCU, 2:3d I m Lv Albany i7 a h S:-25m Ar Lebanon Lv 8: 40 a m 7:30am Lv Albany Ar .:'Jlrx 3:22.11 Ar Lebanon Lv 3:40 r if PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, For AtrommetlRliflael Mrronu-i'lass I'aaaen gcri, ullncUril lo Express Tralua. ffrtl !,!. Mvl.loa. BKTtrKKSI roltlLA.XD A.VU IOUVALLI.1, Mail naiXDAUT'EiecptSunuay,) Sum I 2:10 r It Lv Portland Cwrvallis I S:30 r 1 1?:&6 rs sirRssi tram dailt (Ezcjpt Sunday . Portland UcUinnville Ar I Lv H-.20 A u b.ib a a Tliroiih. Ticlfets To all points EAST, AND SOUTH. Fat fui; Informatloj regarding rates, maps, ou Company Agent at AlSany . ':. , OEIILE1I K P. ROOEKS ManaBer Ass't O. F . and P. Ac CAUGHT IN THE A And a rrofitablo One it was of ',uv in" DRY ta GOOD w Where lie saved a good per cent, and was ablo to place money in the bank for a day of pleasure or necessity. I r j THE i i ii u ! to ho f and If W. F. READ'S il 7 Loo uittr gall -I ALBANY, OREGON. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, T novii, BeceUer. 0 Oregon Development To's Steamers. M.suo UMiiiomlis. yirst-olass through Vaieht I ine from Port l ntiii tnri oil nnUt. In the Willamette Valley to arid from Han Francisco, G'al. Boata make Close nnnnMMnn nl I IK.- with trains of the Oregon Paoifl Railroad TIME SCHEDULE, Sundays.) Letve Albany 15:H r. a.jLavs Yaquina, 7:00 A,y Leav. Corvallia l:ns h Arrive Yaquina, 1:30 r. a. Leave Corrallis, 10:35a, Arrive Albany, 11:18 a. O. A C. traias nnnniwt mr Oorrallis. The above trains nasi n Ant n. xftoulnm with the OrAirnn navmnnmAnt CompADy'sLlneor Btoamsbips between issues nuu oau A'TtauciSCQ HAILING DATEM . FROM TAQniNA. B ANH OF OREGON. ALBANY, OBBOOM. Capiui. Prwident itm. Vlca-President Caahif II F MERRILL . E J IANNINO ........... Jat W BLAIN TransaRti a s-oaeral banklnirhuslnoss: Exchantfe bi.uht and snld on all the prluclial cities in the United States also on England, Ireland, F ranee and Oarmanr. Collections made at all accessible points on favor- aoie terms. Interest allowed j time depoeite. B ANU OF IICIO, 8 CIO i ORKOOft. mctRs: President m J 8 Harris Vice- President ,. Jirr Mraaa Cashier O S Hat S Motrin, U Bryant KIRBCTORi: E Oohu, John Oainei P O Smith. Does R general bank in r and oxrhantre buslncM. Riifht drafts issued on Albanjr, Portland and SaD r rancieuo. 1OHTIiAlVO NAVIOS BA9iKv OV POBTLAN D, ORKOOIt . Paid np capital Surplus and proflia ... 1260,000 00,000 Interest allowed on tarings deooslts an follows: On ordinary saving hooks ....4 percent per annum. On term mvlnirs books ,0 per cent per annum.' On certiAnatea of deposit; Pr three months 4 percent per annum: For tlx months 5 per cent per annum. For twelve moathn - (i per cut per annum. FRANK l'F.KCM, I'm I, lent P. Pa THOMPSON Viet-Prosident, : U. C, 8TEATTON. Oaahlen Willamette Vallev, Tuesday, Anr 4th; Thnrxlay, auK jatin ; aaniraay.AUB Tina ; Moutlay.Aujr 31s FROM HAN FRANCISCO PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMERS Albany, Oregon. W KKAD, President. J O WRITSMAN. Seem J L COWAN, Treasurer. Goo F SIM PSON. Vice FresldnL DIRECTORS-- Stoi he li JLC'owbu, GeoFSImpeon, W V Bend, Dr T. Foloy, M Sternberg, J ff H the J K Wealhertord, K S Stralian, J o Writsnian, Juns: Tac lamr Uotl ALSO UI.STR1CT AOENTH FOR Traders, Chiciffi, American, Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenix, London, Engltsd, Norwich Vnicu, London, EnR. Guardian, London, Eng. Man chester, Manchester, England. Caledonian, Ediaburg. Scotland. Wcscheslor, New York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY, - WILL & LINK, Music - Dealers COI be b Sid ai Cor ( -Motlce oar List ofFlanos- Wlllamette Valley, Friday. July 31at ; Strnday, Aiic Bill ; Tuesday, Au ISth; WWnesday, Auk JfUh The Comjunv nrmryea the riKUt to 1'ianne sailing dates without notice. A N. B. Passengers from Portland and Willamette Valley points oan make close wnneotlon with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albanv or Corrallis. and ifHAn. lined to San Francisco should arrange to rrlve at Yaauina the evening before date i sauinr CTPassenxer an Frcht rates always Ihe For inform ttlen apply to A R Chapman, Freight and 10.1 itoat Airent, Albany, c. c. Hor.i .. O. F. anil P. Akbii . CerraLis. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1890, 1891. first Term Opened September 1011:, lftftt), A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. 1 inrses ot study arranged to meet tb' tsd ef all grades of studente. Special inducement offered to students from abroad. EV.'.r.LET n COXDIT, THE ORECON HAY PRESS, MANUFACTURED RY N. P. SLATE, at Corvallia. is the beat har nw. the market. Orders for tirnssna nt tn Corvsllis will be promptly fined, . Anyone infrinirlnir on tlm naimit win be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the .aw. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - REGON Oondnoted by the 8istt f St, Benedict Tuition in seleot day school ranges from! Ker terms of Boarding School or an prtlctlars apply at the Avanmv orj adess Sister hupertores F. MILLER .'ffl-r8 J. BAUER & CO. cdudSir VOSE & SON Ttbhe8Lxr I'alace and EarhntT Blonne Proof OrgnnM, Gnltars, Violin Mmall InHltuieulN uNDeolaltj. Agents for the New Home, Eldrldsre B. and oiher Sewing Maohiw c3uiiio9 itir an kiuus ui oewruuj mauuiues. v o - customers interests and guarantee satisfaction. Wrt also carry a ;rull sssorlnirnt of Music and Musle Books.' ' ' Cor. Second and Terry sts., (Send for catalogue.) Albany. 1 The New York C. B. R. the Place to Buy FOOTWEAR -rrET IE Their Field Thyer Slic4 McFarland Block, ABLAN. I TTJHELPS. .Toh Printer, .Ju first at. Albany TRYAlF FFEL8I V mm asid get MORE POWER and use LESS Wrllo f ir oar tr 1 luUritr.l ntnl'sn.' f l"0" Hi1 THE LEFFEL WATER WHEELS HGIf,EC0. S?RINGFIELD,0.