- . ! . . : 4 - Mi if-,.;:;.-! j , 1 , ' 1 ' i M ; : :; i 'us rl ' :, .! If ; ;l: ; -j !,! ': 1 i j ! Mflllfftf nun 5)rtUy Democrat TliL' uliL-rifr lias mcseiiteJ liib tax ex hihitfor isuo tu tlie couiily court. Ho has collected and turned over to tlie eountv trwwarer fli'-'.hii.M oiuoime ihCi Sill.ll nrouvrtr ami poll tax on the mils for lk'.U. iiSlT.L'J "f which was ii'ialcil. He reports liowdeliiniiient from nil sources tr.S.033.0l, nccuiuulution ol a numltr c! vears. 1 emlli'lun l:. J. l?l!ov.ii'K is the list c luuvra romdiiUu g m tlie lit otiisa a: Albany. Liun county. Orison, July 14, lS'Jl. l'm.fa!liiis fur itww letters rr.ust give the Onto on which they were ailYv.-r.jcU. Ailaun, Jol u Cither, (.' W Carrctt, W Drwea, Mr ItU Mill, l)vid 1' 1 oftui, M Kuiuty, JuuL Turner. Mrs i'uiiii Williamson. K.i l. I'm: t'reeMvell, Juhu A Ueuetso, K C K-ireusoi!, n y Moulayae, K,nefS i.JUtlll'.I, ,M If-S liUlfl Turmtluc, Mis Alice 'iiloij, J J T. MuxiiiiTH, P. M. Lack C'li:iains In great variety from , s els. to 5-9 a pah'. Tlicsu (joos are b;j.::!iit from New York jotibers direet jiul ' cannot be excelled for quality, f.: yie inj pvice.r tAMCHL t voi-so Hay your groceri-33 oi Tarter Ero Uonf.0 i::n;is:. Whooping Cojfih, Croup, $0'C IhrvSl, .$:h.ra. t:J t-.ry iW.uxn cf tiv- UNIVERSITY OF 0REC0.H EUGENE. htt icslin bcini oli MiMtils)', tha 21st day of Attcuttur, TllTION-KliKi:. t-V'ir ('DUrsts: O'atisica, Soiuntifi Litsrary, ad axhcit Kngiish Course, in whith ttiew in Latin, Or.k. French it 'term..!!. Tk KnU&h U pre-eni-iiifi.n,. " t v.tirse. l -r CftUlcuei or f irtlicr inloni:aiIwi. Adnata J. W. JOHNSON, THE STATIC Op Scplrmlirr Kill, ISiil. Cu.i.JO'if Htupy arRmeil cxprinlf to meet the Mtictls of the (am ii an J niechanictl interests of the Btatc. I.aryt1, c-'inuJiou and woll-venliliitea bnill-inij-i. Ttio t.olc;'o it located in t-uitivtcd and iDUimunii', and one of the hcalthiHt iit the statu. M1UTAKY TRAINING i:I)OUMC! uced not exccoil 9139 fur tin entire totalou. Two nr m:re Ire ii.'hylarhi)i from every csnnty. Write f-.T catalogue to U. L. AUNL1, Pre., C-HTsllis, Oregon. I'KCl'BIETOa CF THE.. City Livery, Feeil anil Sale -STAB L. E.- Jiavlnt; pnrchanoi new rix can furn Hh tirAt'cU turnoutH al call, pecirl ntuniifin iven to transient Mocic. Homos )3arUoi by t!i3 day or mouth. t'ttcaiiesl Scales in f!io it. Tlei'iioufi connection with the 8t ChnrNti liolot. Te'ophoue orders given i'!ciii: btiuu'.iu. Fourth Strott, bttwooii EUswortli ird Slrnrl Car line. hi Stoia. I'ylM y''xi r.f 2:.i! C-V jncxis In i!;j Va Hl-t'. tlitl ILIO'U I'O'tS iUl ii(,?M, hutll (' i hftvu ou LaU'! fJit!i!TUF.E, STCViS, TINWARE vr.UIIKS, B3DXS, PIUT3SE3 CLQJ.KS, Ca&CXSRY. ETC., ETC. i-'c-ir wj.v. of S Ir. YouuyN o.f store L GOTTLSiS We to an? to the public that we hnvejiiftt fiddeil a lar.?e plnndr to our mill and tre proparod to t'nrniMU all kindt of lumber, ilrenned or rough, as the pur chaser may chose, as Kod us the best, mid as cheap as it can be old. Inpayment we will takoall kinds of produce, such as hay. flour, grain, Lsijon, Initler, beans, beet by the quarter, etc. iu fact anythlPR that we can use, Please nee us before you purchase your bill of lumber, as we feel confident that we can auitycu. You will alwaya And one of us at our mill, 14 miliis from Lebanon, 8 miles from Waterloo, on Hamilton oiook, WIRT fc BKKKIUAN, I.ebaaon, Oregon. ALBANY .'OR. WPJISSAN & EULBERT EROS, Rea! stat Agents Froi and Ranches for tale. Alto city Droperty in AlWaor ami Cory all u, Syrup" Vnr rliililren a merli. A Cough ci,ie should be abso- and Croup luly reli?.ble;, ,A mother must be able to Medicino. li:i lwr faith to it as to her liible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, or dangerous. It must be standard in material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin ister; eusy 'and pleasant to take. The child must like it. It must be prompt in action, Riving immedi ate relief, as chihlrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It must not only relieve quick but bring them around quick, as children chafe and' fret and spoil their constitutions under long con finement. It must do its work in moderate doses. A large quantity of medicine in a child is not desirable.- It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as will as young folks, and make Bo schee's German Syrup the favorite family mediciuL. a LEADING DRUGGIST Krl t H Tit L'A is I 1 I I II Kl 'tv- U II M U MCA rVl V ALBANY C.GAR FACTORY, J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. ONLY WRITE LiBtiR ESPLOim PJIOFESSIOXA I CA I!)S Attorney al Vill practice In all court f the Htuto. ntit-ciiti Ruouuiiii v;it:n iu nihiilt hi nnKin7 .,,.1 I., l,.ntuw Ili-Tln.' - III tl.. i Kllnl. l.l,.ck . J. X. lVEATSIEKFOflfiD, AttoniPV I.iw. Will jirulKv in nil cuurl of the :iuUt iUi:fi Hiuii butcH, Albany, Orcyou. & 8is2LEY, TOBACCO - aid - CIGAnS. A.lfcutt'. Orkgon -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. rVrterial Embalming Dona Scieutil ically. p ft f RC'zilPWlP'iCsrf 'liie only faio remedy for lLcacorr!jrnorWh!t. J LTcscrlbe it and tl wvfe in rwnmnicntiiniTiI iMZntittivw fa. to all piffTcn, ow.siTi,0.a?It3 A. J. &TONER. M. J) rr (l l tA nnlf tl rsr u. is i ia i ur, v t:oi"i nut-!.: on uli vi'.utH. U-rui uoli il- d "ua (av in Att'ii-npvat Liw.r.nt! XnUrv Pii!l'.o.Vi!I liractlcif i:i all courts of thii stale itud iu the IT.utcd Butt.-! cnurU irure-ii. 4HI.re: -Front rouiua over lianU of Olt','011, Albany, t'yn, SivW by Di-DtrKfiiUu A'aEi 9a.'JU HT lNAitUA CI SU'K, ARcnta. City Meat Market. SHULTS ES0S Proprietors. hrrtp a full lim of mwtii of all kin in cool pU'.n-?, cornplfttoly pr tooted: and always train, FOOKAY t MASON Druggists aad Booksdlers, AeOLlafor John B. Aldon's publications, Tiiich Wb seyll at publisher's prices with wtmroart.iaf AI.BANT, OKKUOK ACADEMY -OF Oar Lady of Perpetual Help, ' 4LBANY, - - ' REGON Conducted by tho Sistf. . f St. Benodict Tuition in hetect day cbool rangGslrom 5 to $10. I'or leruis of RoariitniT School or ny pr:ieL bir.'i app.y at tho A"!eii nrd. t'Iuta b.htet Supiiriores TOrlTiiBlO EOZEIIi Kdltor Iowa rialn Dealer Ctirftl of In imlTernblo Itching nnd Pain ly tho Cut Ir tira Kcmcdlcs. No IiC5S Than FJvo Phj-alcians Con sulted. Tlioir Combined Wisdom Followed Without lie noli t. Tan Klsfr.iW year fi'.I. In Atittip(, trouMrd with tlie iwctilinr nkln dii:icc t' whi. !i n'ili' of my in;,' are nildrrt, know n rpilmi m.'fli. cal mrn ns wi mn. It tirnt ajM-arnnco vrnn nenr tlio nnlil. . It rapidly extviwIH owr the lower fxtrt'inlli"fi until my !, wcro nearly one rnwporc; from leas tlio IrouMe fxtcitdftl nroni the liipn, liouIdiTi niul tho rntiro lt-nih cf tho nrnm, the lon and iiinia Rroatly swollen with nn ttchlntr, tiunihuT puin, without ronnntlon. AHhoui tho hi'Ht PK-Jifiil advice nttalrinl'le wna emplojrd, ito th;in live phyidrlnns of thf pince ln-liuf con. sulti-d and the prfm-rlptlono bhuf the remilt of their eondtiriej wirdotn. the cllft-.t-e, though on. luirenlly h;'crd, won Id recur In a few dnyn u lad an ever; d'irln Iti pmirrcsa my wdnh't f.-M away nluMit twenty-five pnnndn. A'n an fs-arl-ment I Ifj.m tho iW of C'fTirrRA, fllowitnf the lnidd arl plain inistmction slvcn with the Kriii'. IMKjt,niid in four week found nivrlf Well, wl'h kin aoft nnd nitnral la color, the ItrMuv and pain rulirtiy rellevetl. W. U. Mi:.I, tuitor Iowa riaia lcalcrt Creacu, la. Cuticura Resolvent 4The ww Hl.wd and PKIn Purifier, and frenttt of Humor Krmrdk, Internally (to rlcanM the blood f all itupuritica and polnonout eK'nicnt. and thut remoTo tho cau.c, and I'ututii., the (treat Hkin 4'uro, and CYTirriw Hoap, an xriiilte Skin Purl, tier and 1 lean tl tier, etrrnrtlly to clar thoakln and rnlp, and rentro the linlr) , tpcodlly cur every humor and diatMHp of thfl nkln, n-alp, and Mood, with loia of hlr, whether llrhlnn, hunitii, araly, limply, and blotchy, whether dimple, acrnfulouB, teretlltary, or eonta(loti, wb?B pbyilclaoa aod all ether rcnti-dica fait. Po, ererywhre. Prier, frTirriu, Mf.: ffrtr, t'-e.; 1:w!.iiraT. 1. Preparvd by the PoTTta Vnvn ai Oiif)Titrt. romnnTiox, Hatnn. hond for ' How t. fure Skin iMtkeaM.' PIM ri.KH, bitok hewli, ehapped and oily akia (iinH h I'l'tirrrri M ar in, iln.a VSb FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. fi Tn onfl th cm l ram 1 V7 A ami-mii l'later rrileTea rbeu. if mute, a.Hti.-, hip, kidnay, eh. Tt ttra and ooiy pMln.Mlliii jil.(ter. II C. WATSON, Atti.rnov at Li v. Ortlrei In tho Stralnn block upstairs. Albany, Oreou, AUorn.7vnt Liw. Will practice In all tho courtof Oreifuii, cxcupL tho uoiiuty court of Liim cui'iiv. Ad budnea will receive prompt attention. Olltce: Odd rc Hows' icinL, Albany, Or. J J. WH1TXEY, Attorney at Law, and Notary Public. Albany I) It. J. I.. II ILL Phvclcian and Sarzem. OFflUE Corner lPirst fai Ferry strsiets, Alhiiiy, Oro'oiL Xl G. WATSON M&STO, nj Physician anl SurjiMn. OI-'FICE O;ipito th Dekocrat oiEco, Albany, Orcou. I) U. V. (I, DAVIS, I'hvslcian and Sunrson. OFPICB Uinfiira In! th Stralian block ; il ly hi fmiid at hid oilloo day or It. G, A. WIIITNUV, Hiysioian and Sarii-inn. Oralutte cf Ru'lavuo Mod ul O-d'ee, New Yfirk City. Diiiuases of women a H-ecialty. Oi FICS 1-r jtuati block, Albany. Oregon -flUT NATIOAF, RlXH, I? OF ALBANY, OBKOON, Presiicnt Viuo PresiJont .. Cuhier H IKUSM S, E,Y(li:X0 ..E, W. LANUDON rRANSACTS A GE.N'EItALMnklngliuslueiu. ACCOUNTS KEPT lubloa to uliotlc. SIGHT EXCIIANliE and t.l Tahio tritlttsr, ssld New York, tian Fr&noUuo, Chicago and l'lland COXSCTION! IfAOE on tai iral.le Wn,. DIRICT01U1. J. E. Yormi K, W, Lisaoos L h Ulaik, l. Fuss Edwaro F . Sox. LIKSrCO Sf ATIOJf.VI, Il.iXK, OF ALCAbY, OKUOON. CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000. PrcI'iit J L COWAS, iu-, ivituuiv j 3 l(AI,MII?. 0-!.i.r Oni E CIIAMliKHI.Al.V, Aat Cashier D a AltUIIIIiOLU. 11 nnrTORi, - J I, Cowan, J M Haliton, (leo E CkamluirMn, W s l.:uli, W 11 Ooloa, J A Craw lura anil Ki A Arcmotiia. TRA VSACT.X ii cenrral liankliiK luslncra. W!,1W 3KHI1 l RAFTS on New YMk, San i l 1 '.! I. f.Orocon. LOAN liD.VEY'm R)io'od .ecurity hErLiVCdeoait8 aulluct clux. TT9AXK OF (lUGUttV, ALBANY, ORF.OO.N. Capital, -i- PftMi.'ont., Vire-Prcii Culiir.... ?;..!, o on. II F VK'iKILL F. J l,ANNl.J J.V W i.LAIN Transacts a renewal bankinj huVm.-ia: HtieiintUM'mlud.S'aU'Bi iUo 0:1 K:i-,'Iai- 1, Ireland, t'ollilftiilllH lim U at .11 .U,t!,l. ...I... t able terms. ltitasreat allawed .i tiino deposits. AXK Of SCIO, OBKOON. OrTICERJt: Prvridert Viee- Preaident ..".". 17 .7 ! ".TJ I" Cashier DIRRcrORS: 8 Mrrt, R Ooln. H Bryant - J 8 Myitis Jiff Mthhb O S Mat John G&lnea 10 Smith. F etar Albany, rortlauJ and ban 1 PORTLAND SiVIGS BANK. 09 POUTLAItD, onBODlt. EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Paciflo Route SHASTA LINK. Express Tritius loat'e IWlh.'d I'uily Sou'.h ( Nott.h 7:Wirl. Lv pi inland Ar A U C:-J3f u I Lv Alb'iny Lv A u A M j Ar Sun Fr a !i-Mhoo ,v i,00 p Abjve trains st-p only al fidlowin t:iti..tin imrib of K'wnbur;'. Ka-A I'ort and, orcL'oit I'itv, WomI Duni, Salt-in, Albanv. Tair.-ciil, Shodd, lUlaev. liar Ubury, Junction city, Ir.hi. Euuuo. KJHEUI KJ 11 AIL, DA1LV. tiVJ AM LV i::-3im l.v M0rw Ar IV.r:!and Albany Ar 4:00 pm Lv H-.tMl m Lv I ti -;10 a N ALBANY LUCAL( OAItT KSCAiT StsUAY) .'i CO p M 1 Lv Por'Jund Ar 1) :)K a ft 0 y r M j A.- Albany Lv 5:W a m LSUAO.VEK.M-)l, Z.ifi V M Lv Alhaiiy aT Q:'2rj A u 8 '2." P M Ar Lcbstiuti Lv 8:4( a m 7:0am Lv Albany Ar 4:J'Ipm V.'2i a il Ar Lebanon Lv :40 p si PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, lor .tfroniinoifnfionof Hrfond-1'lnaa Pause n Cera, atUcbcd to txiirrAh Trulna. -Tet Mir l.lvtxlon. BLTn EE.V roU l LAM AN1 i OBVALLlS, Mail rRAiDAilT(KSOptuimay,) SO a u I 2:10 r h Port!a!i.l Corvallia Ar I 5:3(1 P v Lv I 1-2:55 ra ixraasi tkain dailt (Excjpt Sunday. 4tl p H I Lv 2 ru Ar Portland Mt'Miiiiivillo Ar I 4:'0 a u Ly 6.45 A IE Tliroiifirli Tickets To all points EAST, AfiD SO'JTiL rotfui; informatio.1 rf.Tftrdlna rates, ro&i-a, on Company Arch, at Alhauy , .. OK11LKH E P. ROOCU3 Uauajcur aVes't G. F . and P. Ag YAQUINA BAYRObtB. o Oregon Pacific Railrodd, T E UtHWt Uerclvcr. Oregon Devclopuiant ros Steamers, oh Line to luEiloruin. Pirst-olass fhrmivti nn.u,... VelRht line from Portland and all points i th WillameUa Valloy to and from Han Francisco, Oil. rViftiS mi'A nlnan An AA4t a an ith trains of the Oregon Paclfl Itailroad . TIME SCHEDULE, except Sunday.) Lva Albany 15:i.) p. npjLava yaiUiim, 7:00 a. a Leave (nrvlllai i-o'i b a. I r ... ..."" Arrir-e Yauuma, 4M3 p. a. Arrive Albany, H:13 a. a Corvallia. The above trains coanootat -wjuwuu me urofron Jovelopment fJompanyTs Line of Steainahipa between Vaquina and San Franciscot SAILIKCJ DATES , PROM TA4CIVA. VyillaracHe Valley, Jane 4th ; 13th ; 2tfud. FROM tfAX KKASC'IMCO Wiilaaietto Valloy, My 31 it; Jane 0th; l8Lh:2M. Tho pAiniunti - . mnoKo sailing datea Hhont notice. r?1 .madn Vnll.,,. oanectin vith ihe trains of the Yaquiria rr.ll ! a ni. Alhinw .. (Wallln nn.i i.- .i. .. Unad to Min Frnncicoo nhould arranoto iauuinainoovoniun ooioro oute STa-Mcnsicr an Fi-prM r.it alwaya the For inforntti'.T apply tj A II Cbanm.n,Frti-'litand lokat A-ent, ALiany, C. KlH.l k, O. F. afd . Aitcn . , C'orval.ts. '.np;.iiir, Jmt 1'i li.ir. ", ( .i-i,' eti ia t.t .-. r J-i lijlltrr( Willi VI I! pivu jutlnfn "r.tn mil tii JvdlS r.l. i;d.ii"v(r v lv! i,-!1o,i.ili,re,ti., i. wtt erii-it eurv vitn W i n i:',v Vtvf tat "''Kit" ''.tril.vl Ln.vi box. il ' v.". .-'Tilt. Jlfwarw of i-i inN.triettJ - 'itm; ininuf.'M-f iMvtf oniy Uj Hi i:JiANy,CiiiU.UiU.lLk. J A Caimmiax, Ajteiit JnO.OOO Paid mn aT . Surplui and preflta ..!!!!! Tfilraal tllss. j . .. StZi"aS!irk- P nt pe, annum. hm ,i. it wm P' annum: "' nwnlU. ft per wnt per annum , P.THOMPSOX Vic.. Pre.id.nl. B.CSTtUTros.OMliieri HELP.S. .Tnh Printer, Ist.bt. Albany ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 1891. rim Term Opcaed acptesabrr llt, ism A (all oorps of Instructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. . 1 oraea ot stndy arrarjRsd to meat tb' ihi .rail grade of studentn. SffdaJ iHttucfmnli ojtred It sluJni from abroad. City Restaurant. RiTinj beta entirely remodeled, this old and Dooular rMtmr.ni will K. olan d Try raspeot, Tha pablis will bt I I" merni. mi mn poors lor alf 26 tents. ErerythiDx neat and attraoUra, Pnat boxes. Ojittrs In erery atria. ; Embrncing all the bilcst Novelties in lioth in VOOLEN and 1' A URIC?, Dr Goods, -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of LatMos 'onclervveav jn Ilir.HKD ami Mrsi.iN. My I'imcks arc lie LOVvEST aiul my Goons tho V,et. Am Kulofgent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIEBll Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fa ft, and Free from ?oioa :To The Men: 'Call and Look at My values in urnisiung -:- LrooM I have s Largo Sicrk u. the Lowtst PrictH ivi-r oUcrnd i tieTii I catty h ill iiau of tlo world -renewed BllOAUIIEAD goods, toi:!; for wear Gnisli. Lnrgu Btcek tf Kmhiioidkhiks and Flocscto and bo coi ced tli A.U.any i tlio ml trading 'otut in Oregon. BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON Acknowledged ilKonnrcS. of the Kos We carry a full line of llat'kn, HiiKfziuH and Carria(;en; aluo Farm Implements o nil kiuda. tf"Call on us ho!ut6 purohaKlng Klaewbea Mitchtll & Lewis Co., Albany, Or; a . M usic - Dealers -Notice our Llitt of Pianos- 1. F. MTLLEll V'i J. 1) AUK 11 & CO. HSi&W VOSE & SON HStlTmaSrJ l'alaco ami tarlmil' blouse I'rooC OrsciuiM, On 11 urn. Violin' T Nimiil inNlliiieutH ti hjivciaiiy. Agents for tho Now Homo, Kill rid (re IS. andojlier Rowing McW"1 Supiilios for all Uimls ol H'jwIhk Mnchiims. o Hinirilour custoint-rH iutorofstB and (iunmnioo riatisfacLion. Wc nlso carry a 'full n'Mii'Iinr l nr lltiKlr nnd 'tuntv rcoiikn. Cor. Second and Ferry sts., (fendfor catalog".) Albany,' The flew York C . d. ft. m rs Is the Place to Bv:y Their Field Tliycr Shoe McParland Slock, ABLAUT wi"! rrrn "m$ 'ir; y,-. 'jj .-