Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 13, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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JpaUii democrat
. i U 11LA1NI,
Under date of July loth, the St Louii
Jtefutlic publishes the following from ltt
Bar Harbor correspondent
James G Blaine, according to the most
reliable reports available, Is nrarlng the
end of his eventful and exciting life. Hit
family and friends are doing their best to
keep his condition from the public, and
the doctors attending hlti are pledged to
secrecy. In spite of the most strenuous ef.
forts, however, the state of the secretary's
mental and physical health Is gradually
becoming known. He is the victim of
Bright's disease of the kidneys, together
with a complication of nervous disorders,
Added to his physical pains and penal.
ties his mind is in a state of collapse. His
memory, which was the wonder of his
friends. Is shattered, and he has lost inter
est In his surroundings, and in his lucid
moments has no hope of recovery. Those
who knew Mr Blaine a couple of years
ago.or even a year ago, would scarcely re
cognise hlin now if they saw him leaning
back In the carriage, supported by hi
wife or daughter. There is a death paior
on his face, and there are deep black cir
cles under his eyes. He Is very thin and
haggard, the bones seem ready to protrude
through the skin, the lips are as blue as
indigo, the eyes are glassy and dull. He
seems to be always shivering as If chilled.
Republican enthusiasm In Ohio
Iowa, two states that the democrats ca
rled at the last elections, is attracting tli
attention of politicians at the leading cen
ters, and has awakeneu me uemocrau
manacers from their dream of assure.
success in the next presidential campalg:
It would be better all around If th
SacsmaH would state the facts. The re
publicans carried brth Ohio and Iowa at
the lat elections.
The wind is tempered to the shorn lamb.
So a cyclone was sent through Louisiana
to prepare the people for the devastation
that will overtake them when the Louisi
ana lottery is again turned loose among
itiem. saiem joif'iiu.
Upon the same hypothesis do we ac-
count for the Innumerable cyclones
which Kansas, Iowa, Nebraika, Minneso
ta and Colorado have for years subjected,
It wts to prepare the people for the radi
cal rule to which they have been subject
ed for lo, these may years.
The product of gold in the United States
the last sixteen years has aggregated the
enormous amount of $572,930,000.
SOLD Jo Loy as oH bis laundry .to
tne undsraiKDcd. I will continue
me Dnsinegfl In the tame nlare on I.vnn
muu x auuoit a fair snare 01 me Datron
Be ui ins jjuuuc. x win ao gooa warn.
He Is not able to stand alone. In fact, It J 01ICH.-A1 herons, my wife having
, 1 . I 'ere me without jnst cause or prom-
is doubtful if he could sit on a chair with
out assistance.
There are six doctors In regular attend
ance on Mr Blaine. Four of them are
residents of Bar Harbor, one Is from An
gusta and another from Boston. The latter,
a prominent practioncr, has been an in.
mate of the Blaine house for the past ten
days. The doctors refuse to say anything
concerning Mr Blaine's condition
From other sources, but entirely relia
ble, your correspondent learns that th;
doctors have agreed that Mr Blaine's life
cannot be prolonged much longer. He
, may live for a few months, and may pass
away in a few weeks. That he can ever
resume public life no one in Bar Harbor
for a moment thinks. Mr Blaine is a very
popular man here. Every resident of this
beautiful resort !s his friend. It was
Blaine's wont when driving out to bow
right and left to his acquaintances. He
knew every resident of the place and tliey
all knew him. Now, whenever driving
out, only a senseless stare greets the sa
lutes of his fellow-townsmen. It is not
his fault. Only at brief intervals is he able
to recognize any one, eyen members of his
own family. He talks incessantly and his
mind wanders.
Sometimes he is fighting the presiden
tial campaign of 1SS4 over again; some-
times he is making a speech accepting the
presidential nomination of his party ; again,
he is discussing the New Orleans lynching
with Baron Cava, or with Mr Harrison,
and anon he will extol his reciprocity
schemes and denounce the McKinley bill,
Sometimes he grows furious and de
nounces the democracy with something
akin to his old vigor, and then of a sudden
he will collapse and remain at almott a
state of coma for six or seven hours at a
time. Sometimes he remains in posses.
sion of his faculties, for a day at a time.
Then tie converses pleasantly with his wife.
children and the doctors, when of a sudden
he will say something about his dead son
Walker, or his dead daughter, Mrs Cop
inger, and break into tears.
His faculties desert him when he talks
of his dead children, and when his mind
wanders he Is pitiable. His family trace the
beginning of his more serious illness to the
death of his son Walker, who was his best
beloved child, and on whom he had most
leaned for support since his defeat in 18S4,
Mr Blaine's friends, however, claim that
he never got over the presidential contest
of 1SS4, The excitement and worry of the
contest shattered his health, and even at
the time, they claim, threatened his mind.
The personalities of the campaign were
what affected him most. He discussed
this subject with a very dear friend of his
ew months ago,and said he blamed him
self for much of the biutal personality of
that campaign. He said that when the
first story affecting Mr Cleveland's private
character reached him, If he had spurned
It Instead of referring the author lo the
Republican National Committee, the
chances are that the democrats would not
have attacked his personal character, and
the campaign would have been fought on
the public Issues. He blamed himself for
the personalities of the campaign, and said
that he would always regret his part In It
In his lucid moments, it Is said, of all
his friends, Joe Manly, the Augusta Post,
master, Is the only one he Inquires about
vi Kcina iu ihkc any lmcrcai in. iig
takes no Interest at all in public affairs ex
cept when his mind wanders.
He Is not aware during his lucid periods
that his mind Is affected. For Instance,
he thinks that he has not been more than
a week or ten days at Bar Harbor. When
he recovers consciousness he yawns drear
ily, and complains of having ugly dreams,
and ask how long he has been asleep. He
has not partaken of any solid food for
more than a month. He is dieted on milk
and v.liisky and has 10 appetite whatever.
It U t-e opinion of his doctors that he
may survive for two months nior, bu t
they would not be surprised If he passed
away at any lime.
That the career of the best-loved
republican In the United Slates Is drawing
to a close there Is no longer a doubt.
cation, this la te notify the public not lo
trust har on my account, as I shall pay
uw uvuis ui ner contracting.
Albany, June SO, 1S91.:
BmI Keadall, bu rt m without any cute, and
all pcneiiB are kei-eby further notlfltd not to lt her
i.jiniri(ru my cretin, as i will ntl pay any
thing on aer acootmt,
f nU'i Hit n nrsirti 1 r
MONEY TO LOAN.-ln small and
laree amounts, from alx month tn
nve years, on good Albany and Linn
county real estate. Call on or addrese VT
n. ftlcrnerson, First St., Albany, Or.
420 ,
Krain. 17 In esra anil rnnli. Itl In
inuuii y. n m icncea ana seeded to trass.
well watered; good soil, no privet. 80
neau oauio, ao Legs, 4 horses, (arm lin
plementa, large house, i large Din barns,
nwuBcnuoisDu enurcn near nouao. on
piaoe: Fruit of all klada- a miles to
posiomceana store. & m m rrnm tatr,n
and 24 miles south cf Kings station on
the Oiegon Paelfio railroad Flare pan
oe divided mte thrae or fonr farina with
county road to each. Place with everv
tninir per sere. Terms easy. For
further Darticalarn annlvnn th rr,..lcia
at Mt Pleasant, Liuu coLly,or address
a., r, luiiji.nn. suit leu, uregon. (20
Next Mislan bciHm on Mnti.lir ib 91 at !.
Fotir Cotrses: CUnsiaal. Siinntifi. I itt..-v ..a
aahort Kiifflish Count, in which there ia By Latin
Cirk, Kreach or Oarmaii. Tie Eartlst, it pre-eminent
y a Business Coarse.
Far catalogues r further iafmmatltw.
Maresa j. v. JOHNSON,
ptaa September uth, 1SUI.
CoOrM Of ttlnv arracsi irnrMils n 11..
needs of the farming ami mechanical Tnterette of the
f -r c,,n,otlloui ana well-ventilated bulli
Inirfl. The college fe located In a mlLivtJwi nA
community, and one of the healthiest in the state.
Expense need not exceed $15
for Ihe eaiilre acaalon.
Two or m;re free scholarships from every ceuntj.
Write for catalogue to B. L. ARNOLD, Pres.,
Cortallis, Oregon,
Leader Swears that Dr. Darrin
Cured Him in Ten Minutes,
Editor Oregonian: Six vears sen 1 ni
unfortunate eooush to become totally deaf
in my left er. In that condition I have
been nntit Jane 2I, when I c.n to totra to
pay mv ta I heard of Dr Darrins goner -ous
offer lo treat the poor free of chame. I
applied to him and was cured by eleutiicity,
in connection with other means, in ton min
utes, so I oan hear a watoh tick and a whis
per across the room. I am a farmer and re
side one mile fmin Tavlor Dostoffii. Or.
Please publish this that othir m. k.
Subscribed and sworn to before me thia
.'Din day ol Jaoe, isl. K WILCOX.
Notaiy Public for Oregon.
r.imor uregooiao : Jan. 15th a urias
unm vummeoi'VU 1U my need. WniCb wa.
almost unbearable and contioaed to grow
wnno nniii a swelling eame noder my ear
wbicn resulted in a total deafness. Dr
name, nss cured me ol tne nam and .wil
ling and my deafness is aboas gone. I am
wen annua wnn nia new enre with eleo.
Incity. 1 reside in Farmington, Or.
Dr Darrin still continues free treatment
to all from 10 to 1 1 am daily, and those
willing to pay at half-price 10 am to 8 p
m. Hundays, 10 to 12. Confidential can.
sultation by lettor or at the office free.
Office, Tt'J Washington St., Portland, and
Sargent's lletcl, Aberdeen, Wash.
Question blanks and circular arnt ...
Dr Darrin treats all unrabls private, chronic
nd nervous diseases, seminal
secret blood and skin direanes. nervnn. .).'
billtv, impotenro and other rLn (
manhood, tumor aud irrc-alariti.. in
female weakneiscr-, etc.
Do Yon Want Simer Clotir
"Without being Interested.
a Genuine
There will bo
Lilht Weight Clothing. Simmer MMMi Goods, Hats,
Shoes, aDj all M of
Wearing Apparel Now in My Store.
A rlr VnilM T - -i r-r 1
Where to get tho Best Bargains,
Where to get the Best Value for Your Money,
Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc.
And they will Answer with One Voice, at
We are the People
Who carry tht most complete line of Hard
ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market.
Is the Leading
ileiy and Fancy Goods Store of
ft Leafling Clolr ami Merctal Tailor.
They carrjr all the Latest Styles anil Novelties In the Millinery lint, u
a complete stock of Ladies and Children's Furnishing goods, and resdwniit
garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinctd.
Albany, Oregon.
W F READ, President. J O WRTTSMAN". Seoretur.
J L COWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President.
J L Cowan, Geo F Simpson, W F Bead, Dr L Foley, M Sternberg, JWBumn
J K. eatnenora, tt a stranan, jun ritamau.
-also iiistrict AOKNTS run-
Oakland Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cal. Traders, ('h'rongo.U
American, Philadelphia, Pa. Pboanix, London, Englaail,
Norwich Union, London, Eng. London it Lancliaslure,
London, Eog. Guardian, London, Eng. Man
cheater, Manchester, England. Caledonian,
Jidi.lburg. Scotland. Weehealer,
' New York.
B H '
-u ..mi w
Fruit Raising in the Willamette Valley Pays 100
Per Cent, on the Investment.
Ten and Twenty acre Farms, all in Cultivation and Ready to aet to
ut, within Seven miles of Oregon's Uapital. for $75 fn
jsruiB, wiinm aeven miles of Oregon's Capital, for $75 00 ner m
fourth Hash -RaTar, rn, , ' . W P8' ftCr6
' moo oiuai aiiuuai rayments or nnf tn i?m,i4.
and Cultivated Three Tears for S175 per acre. For PaShe' Infoma
tion send for Pamphlet to miorma-
The Oregon Land Company,
Taere ii no doubt that
Stoek of 81LTERWA.KE. sodiIiUdii
apoona, knives, forks, fruitdisbsi,.
tola ana silver watohes, isksi n
etc. la the larsasl and
the elty, and by far th
beat ever brought
te A LB AM T.
PRICES the Most Reasonable.
Call and See the GOODS
Pfeiffer Block,
Staid k Cusick,
It you want the hot
and most durable furni
ture that is nianufactur
cd in the city go to
;or Second and Ferry St, Albanv Oi
OCPERIOK werk.Wranteed In ver!
O branch of the art. sTKnlarglng c
all kluds a specialty, '
Druga, Medicines, ChemleaH, IF'1"
and Toilet Artlolea,SpoDgea,Bniili
Perfumerj, 8chool ,'Booka, ano
Artiste' Supplies.
rhealclaaa prarlptla
Inlly eenpranud.
J. A. CommiDg,
Wall Panor
nun iuywi
Orups, Taints, Oil
GlnHM, Etc.,