VOL. IV ALBANY 011EG0N, MONDAY JULY 13, 1991. KO 55 it my nurntu fir V. !.. Pouaia not for mile In yiMir ul f : ' n iii r l MCiiil for run: I iiiis rM'ti I'lH'Vi tllltl Ifl'l ill I' III lI V.i.l, fiT TAKE NO M llri iTL'TE s4p" WHY IS THE N. L. DOUGLAS fS3 SHOE CENTIME BEST SHOE IN THE WfjflLO FOR THE MOflEVP fi isit M-untlfiW rhw, with in. ttu-kiior wax thmsil 1 uri ilio fwi; niadu of tiie lent line calf, -ttylUi I t-AS.v, nim bwiuit w make mvrt ttixt of thlm fait- tK'inanv tfur manvm turer, It "-UAit IiauJ ti. .t sl:irctHlliij from ft4.'jiv to $.'..ui. iff! OtMirmiliiit lluni-"pT4'd, i .c flnwt'calf oa h!nm vr ofTtTcd fur l.iiij o uatfl French 1, n . A nhivn nlili'h ro-t fpni '.("fa li'i.ifl. 1.4 00 ilnml-Sf Welt : ,, tin talf, fctyll-'ri. (unlirta!jli- rjul ''irM 'Ibe. hi it. trer ufTwr-J ftt thl irlo : hMri.t rrade a cu ii. -mints' nliiH urtmllni,' fri,:n to (w.iw. O .HI I'olicti Hhuei I'ttrui.TN. Itullrriaj Men - '" IlUrCirfr;-i:.lt wr;u-tlieiu; tliifvulf, fmlt'is, smooth lDUtt" Ji'-uvy tlirixt muIw. extwu ii td?i. ono iatr will ,-.-ir a ycnr. J flue rat It t no I.Fit.r h-m vrrr ofTsred at mm thin i.rk'e; otiw irlul flll cuivJucm tiioso it" wnnt aebiK- for rniii fori an-i Pt:rrl.v. "J 5 initl -2,110 Wri-kliiifnmirs riv5 mm cro very Blnmn nwl IuruliTr. TIh.ho who a.- Klvfii tin-in a trial will wear it-othcrniake. tirtVC M.IMi mid 1.73 ?,. .1 bH aro WWI ,,. ris y Hit" bmKLViTVwlu-re: tin,- sell llulr merlH, rn tin turrvn-ilnt: haloa show. Et !iOC $3.00 H'iiui1-ivi'i1 htM, best uUlvO jtonuln, vi;r,VHiMali:fiiuaUFreiiBli Up I irf-rt RhoeiooHtliirroin 6t" t" C.im. l.tulifft' ..10, S-i.DO mid Si.?.) ftioo for MJi un- tJiu lu-fc flu..- KikIu. stvt isti ami duruMe. Caution. nn tl-.nt V. 1.. lh-mtut' nainu und Jrk"j atu bL.uiii d nit ttif ! ilt. mi at noli rlioo. :f V. L. L-UUULAS, brocktoii, Uosa. I TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.!! While trying to Crowd theii WAV INTO DEY3S & FEGSfflfiH BROS Store, where they alw;u3 huvc on hand the largest Slock south of Vortlaml, o the latent improved Rifles ami Shot Guns; an immense stuck of Fishing Tiickle of every description ; Tents, Hammock", Camp Chairs and thousands t ether things too numerous to mention ;ln connection with the Store, and one ol ;he bt.-t workmen in the State to do any imi ad kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ' hov goGd. ".Small pro lit and Quick . la1" i1- oui molto. Albany IRONWORKS -Manufacturers .r TEAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAVv MILLMACliiHERY IROfl tHCNTS W ALL KJF33 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. '"ml nttetitinn MA n . wirlne ll ol mnohiuen iWnrrns Made on Short Notice Revera House: ILBANY, OREGON 3HAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR. Fitted un In flrst-lMs style. Table (implied with Ibe t'Cwt In the market. Nico sleepiuE apartments. Sample room" orcoutuieroial travelers. Conrad Mever. -PKOf KIH'I" OK- STAR 15AKERV Cnmer Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN lulled Fruim, Canof"! .tlcatln, tuaiwre. Jieenwr-. rfen Fruit. Pegetablea, , "obncco, Cigar, JnRar Hp' tin, ofle, Tea. Etc.. Etv.t "... 'ery thing that I kept In a gen rtj t and grooery ore. HlgheM rVet p raid for A! i. KINDS of PRODUCE. RedCrownMills SOM. LANNIN'G & ').. rUOPR'S. raocrta nbtra arcEHio rox famim i aitd bakxrs rsr. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is. the Largest and Most Comp!ot3 on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of mil li .SPUING rA-SSKNGEll WAGONS, SCHOI.L 5PRING 'HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREE-SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE Wa Guarantee Dnr Ythiclea the Uest, ConGmerea. Special Catalognoa and PricB List Mailed Free on Appliuation Staver k Walter, NEW MARKET BLOCK W.C. DAVIS & CO., HLEATH IS WEALTfi! 2k&3 0ie v ,r PR. B.C. WEST'S NVrvc ntid Rrain Tn.:.i-..Biit a i;uaraiUeil prcific fr lly-tvria. I)iz2iiii,ia, (.i u uunin, ri.", ritnona iscnnnu, iitiUi'tiv, :eri;i I'n'rtration eauetl ly the mm- '( m ..ti..l r tohnfii, hrtur, rt'ttiitin-' v ins.niitv ami ifa.uicr tn 1.1 wji-v1. incaj' '.Miltlun.':, iri'!iauirc aire, bamvinoj, h-m DI 14t h,ch;m l-y OiTH(;rti..!i ol ii: ivni; Kiich t. -:tn.tani3 one liicnili'H tri'atir.etit. 1 n 1 ,x or six IjO-Js Cur scut liy null prujuid on rccfijil o price. WE fJUAUAXTEE SIX BOXES TO Cl'KE ANY cac. With iach order rccoivui ly un for ei )hixis, atwmpaiiii.il with we will wen j the puri'lias-sTour wniuniruaramce i rciuna tuc money if the treat ment tli ; not effect a cure. Guarantees ifsueJ oitl ly J. A.C'unnnini, J)riijfint, solo aent, Alljaiiv, Or. Castoria 13 Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Inf.mt t and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Ktibstance. It is a harmless ulistituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantco Is thirty years' use hj Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fcrerishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures , Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves, teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorln assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. CMtoria la an excellent medicine for chil dren. MoHiers have repeatedly tokl me ot iu gwxl affect upon their children." Pa. ii. C. OaoooD, LoveU, llu. Castoria la the best remcly for children of trklck I am acquainted. I liopo the day la cos far dlsuiit when mother willconsiJer the trvd InterMt of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the rariouaqiiack nostrums which are dMtroylng their loved one, by I orclot opium, morphine, sosthiag f nip and other hurtful airanU d.wn their Ciroats. tberabr aoiduiK them to prcauuure graTO." Da. J. F. Kmcntxos. Cava, Ark. Ih CsBtanr Campany. TT OWE,. MW i ft a W.'J.i- C1 I RUSINES3 WAGONS.ONK.HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will ?at All Pavyius Vastixo SPRING WAGONS OP ANY KSCRIPTION ZO CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. Our Prico3 tho Lowest Quality PORTLAND, OREGON. ALBAN Y, OREGON. THE CRY OF MILLIONS ' ft CH, 7"TY B7ICKJ STOP IT now, SOON IT WML BE TOO LATE. J have bftn trotiMed manv venrs with i seasc of the kidneys and have tricl many different teriiedL-H ami have shihyM aid from diiferent pliysiciap without relief. About Hie of April I was Bufl'triny; from a vt-ry violent Bttitck that almost prostrate;, me in Kiich a manner t:.t 1 was bent over. ill I When I at down it was rtlmost impossible for me o net l:p alone, or to put on my clothes, wlie liimt 1'rovidence sent Dr. Henley, with t UKKCUN KIDM'.Y TliA, to iny hotel. 1 immedintcly commenced usiiifT tlis tea. It had an almost inii-.:i:ii!cius eifect, end to the aston- islnnt'it of nil the K'-ict 3 the hotel, :n a few days.I am uappr to state, that I was a new man. I will; recommend the tea to all tffl:cte it 1 have Leeu. G. A. TUPPER. Proprietor Occidental Hotel. &atita Koau, Ciil. ANY (10I0HE1 Whila Yob Wait," B EUT CURES - NOTHING ELSiT. HI tat is Castorix " Castoria Is so well adapted to clill tren that I recommend It as savor lor to any prescription known to me.' Tt. A. AacHtit. '.I. C, 111 3o. Oxford St , tr.xki.Tn, X. 7. "Our physicians iu tha chiljpn 'l depart ment have spoken highly ot lhi-:r eip-.-ri enc In their outside practice wall Outoi la, ac.l although wo nly havo anionic o:r ineiliil supplies what is known as regular produces, yst we are free to confi tliat the merits of CaMoria has woa tat to look with favor upon It.' Usrrao noserraJ. san DvpaiisanT, ALLS C. Surra. Ves., Murray Strs.t, Jf.w Tork City. 'A cat Wr1 Highest of all In LeaTenlng Power F. M.French keeps rai'roait time. Kev cream chcoKe just leceivoil At fVnrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5'.eelit cigar at Julius Joseph's. A large stock of wall paper, with late ile ai'us, at Fortiuiller t Irvine's, jut received. Have you seen those parlor suits that T Brink has jukt received ! They are nise. Great redue'.ion (omen's fu ruishing uoods for tho next 30 dsys at W F Head's. J W Iiontloy, best boot and shoo makriu cit7, three doors north of Democrat ofllco. E W Achison & Co hand'e tne celebrated Cortland cement walla for cemetery lots. These walla can be furnished at half tho cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rulbjrs and old bhors and makotlmn look as pocd as new with WolH's Acme V.'atcruroof Polish. l r sale at Samuel E Young's. Ir M H Ellis, physician and surgeon, Albany, Orojou. Calls mado in city or country. Ladies can do their shopping in an Fran cifcii without visitica tie city, and without extra commission. Miss E J "iiarrows a?r chasing eeut, ltluO tirove St, Oakland, , Till! .OLIi: KILE BAZ.tAR. ) Has n largo and complete line ol goods, dolls, doll biiggics,!boys' wagons, vo ocipodea and many other goods which gol In make up a complete assortment, btsides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, nntot-rnuli ImnL-a i.:i.i..t r...t .. w.-t rviajj L-n'.3,iinuit'ii e A B C picture books, and all goods that arc curried inn Itovn.. ..... u..( OIUH., IIII.UIUHI); Knger I'.itis. 1SJ7 silverware. M'e wish to call tho nttfnt;r.t, ..f 4l.a ,...1.1:.. : ticnlur to tlie (iolden Kule pri biking unuer aim tea, put up exprcs.;v -tr faction, as id attested by the hundreds who nave useu twin tne tea and Iraking powder ever since introduced by the tiuiJen Kule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can ol backingpowder draws a in uie soape 01 a line pieceoi glass u-.irp uiii-Q ..'1 .. 1 :.. . 11 at the (Iolden Kule l'.azaar, s you will (.on.- 10 ijiui wnai.you want, aim will be shown over the store and be treated L-in.llv ..... .lA..lr r.. lf:i: i gooiis are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive tmvnnn T one jirice to ail. Jl'LICH Ohadwoiii,. A su-u core for the whisky iabit; I)r Livingston's Antidote for t'rnui e:ineH will cure any caso or tlie liqu.tr ral.it in irom tori to tliirty flavs, from tiie no derate drinker 1:0 the drunkard. The Antidote cm he given in : cup of colfee without ths knowledge of tlie person taking it,. The AuthiMe will not injure the healcn in any way. M;:uur'acrured by tho Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, C'regon cr from J A Cuinming, hole agent Albany. Scrofulous. Hruptions, such as .niph. discoiorr.'.toa of the sliin, especially rn the race, aro came-l hy inipu"-- boo-i and will disapjMmr r.inidly h usmj t'fuucter'a Ore gon lllonit i'nriher. Th. Dkmk kat wiil Hxcliane tewin machine or a-iy m.ilto de.-ird, exop5 one or two. fortune oak ?rulj wok, and ynrt cn.sh; or will c-iutiider other pntp sitioud hy any oiuf disiriiij. a nejv mcliine. Ruth lb'' m. ihod mid rcsulln wliei. iyruptif Kijr.su laken; iti plcnsanl mil refreshing to tlie 1nsle innl acts 3iit!yyet romptly on llie Kiilncys, !;iver nii-l Howels, cltMiiiM-n tlie eys '.iii cH'eetiially, dispels coliU. licu'l ic!m n and fevers nml cures lin'titititl ".KlipHtion. Syrup of Figs U the only ro'ncily of it kind ever iin '.iii'ed. ple.-vdng to the taste limine- eptable t.) tlm Btoninch, pron'jit in i'.i ncti.in and truly beneficial in itf :Ii!ls, its many excellent finalities coninienil it to all. It is formic in Vte fiti'l 81 bottles by all leading tSrujgiets. rsnuFACTunrO onlv BV TMt CAUFGSNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SIX ruANCISOO. C1L. ty:i:vme. ri. w roar. .r m0A 1 IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iJfy A French geolcglst has made a careful calculation cf the amount of solid matter yearly carried off Into the ocean by the action of lite rivers of the world and other causes, ileestimaea that the reduction of ihe average height of thesurface of the solid land Is 0.006 inches each year. Mak ing allowance for the corresponding rise in the bed of the ocean, and taking no ac count of the occurrence of volcanic and other exceptional phenomena the general tendency of which Is to hasten the process of dlsintcrlgation U13 period at which the solid land will have ceased to exist and the surface of the earth will be covered with witter has been estimated. As, however, that period is 4.500,000 years distant, the prediction need cause nu immediate dis quietude. The only proper way to keep a gun barrtl in good order is to wash it out ui:h boiling hot water, dry wi'h linen fwahg, and oil with vaseline or cy'ender oil, every time that it is used. It should never be laid aside unattend ed too for a day or two after firing. The water of the central basin of the Med itcrranean eas been found to be warmer, denser aud richer in dissolved salts than the western, While a white disk was only visible at foriy- tlnee meters, photograph is plates were affect ed at 500 meters. Fnrm Tor Salt, I have tor eale 100 acres of the finest farming land in tlie state. All In n high state of cultivation, no Imihl ingfl, lmt has nheautful building loca tion. Light miles from Alhanv, two miles from Tangent, on the S 1 R It. Terms and price reason able. C.tll and see me on Second street. onm-Mte cm .r oflice. Du. G. W. Mahtox. Lace Ct'K tains in great variety from ( ets. to 9 a pair. These goods are Dougiit iron, rscvv i orK jobbers direct anil cannot be excelled tor quality, style ana price. samicl L olxg, Kifinember Paisley & Smilov, Printer If your eyea trouhle you go to F M Frtneh'a and have them teit';d bv Tohnsons patent eye meter, and gtt glasnes that lit you properi'. Classes trom 2a cents to,?10. Tbrlr Olilj- llcillrlur ticl. William W II Miller, Decrlodge, Montana, v.Titea: "1 have been uaing Brandreth'a bill for the la.t thirt"en yeari, and thotti.h 1 have hd nine children, I have never h:.d a doctor in th-j liuse except three time, wheuwehan an ' hidemic of oarlet fever. which we aeon Imuitthfd hy a vigorcua ube of Mraudreth'a PilN. I h ive uacd them fcr imeelf, two or tftree e i-i,ht for a mor.tli.for livtr complaint.dyf pepJia, end constipation. Indian hoea, crrmpp.w inii colic, indigestion. one CJ two It-au'lreth's I'l'lf fixed the child ren at once. A box of pills is all the nrcdi cibechest we require in the house. We use thim for rhenmUiMn. coloe, cstatrrh.bilinu-ntn- i.nd itnnufe hlood. 'l'hey ntver have ' u-lii .i cure all tho ahove ccmplaiLta in & vei v lew oaya. I apik O.vfoki llf.H. I have a very ai t e fctock of theeiroriiis, in ijnalitiea r.ir g- ng in puce irom tl.-o lo 4 UOa pair. They le maun ot leatner ; v. rv nir warrant.d, Samikl E Yot so. Ct Ldlngl'hotographern A rany Oregon'. Wet have bonuht-all thenecativt made hv L W Clark aud W H Greer mid up to Nov loth. 1SS9. Outdieati's can be had- from hem only of us at reduced lates. VVe have also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like ia:es. We carry the on v full line of viewt f this state and doeiiUrgid work at loweit rates for first class woik. V e shall he pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman block, next door to Masonio Temple. The best rnabt coffee-in thi city at Coma ruvyrrs. Alhany Jlai'Krt. Wnat-?ll)i Oatn-4.8.. Buikt 20c prio. rcir--15t H-I0.00 to 18.00. "Potato. 'o eta per bushel Boof on fot,2H to Pork-6Ko per In.urossod. Bacons hams, He shoulder 7o aide o ard ) Oe per lb. inour-6.'A nor ubl. Chrokens t oo per dot. Mill Feed bran, M.OOpcr ton' aborts, nrMillrnvx, SI. 'ihoi Ii ?i:leguaphic news 11 urli Ada Alioiil nothing UiKMisoiiAM, Conn, July 12. llunting- 1011 Center is still greatly agitated over the action ol the seiton nnd warden of St 1'aul's Kpiscopal church, in having Olin 1' Shclton arrested for ringing the church hell July 4, nnd the sexton aud warden are the subject of much ridicule. 'All the patriotic citizens nnd the women and the giils of the town are on Shelton'i side. The first outburst occurred this morning, when the proprietors of the town hall informed the warden that the church could never again rent the hall for any pur poses, unless charges against Shelton were withdrawn. The next shot came from the young ladies of the church, who are all friends of Shelton, nnd who informed the pastor they would never again nssut in a church enter tainment unless the charge was withdrawn. The viibge barber said he would never again shave citl er the warden or sexton unless ihe char) swere withdrawn. As a result the warden has withdrawn the complaint, but the itieu is sun ouuurate. A Had U. U. Acelilest ASI'EN. Colo. Tulv 12 A l.r.r,lt.U II J accident occurred at Aspen Junction last night v pcciai irain was backing Trom the w ater tank to the switch to the Aspco track, when the lear end of a passenger coach crashed into an engine coming out from the round- lious Tin -liAl. ...i!.... .1.. .... v..v .uiYw uu wic sioc 01 me boiler was broken off and the hot water md steam poured into the broken end of iht pass enger car, hortibly scalding thirteen passcn g"s five men, seven women undone child. '. .' iiuiuie was uone to relieve the suflerings of the unfortunat-s, seven of whom llnvi 1 run .1 1-.1 i .l .........J u.tu, A Dakota Hlnroi Sr I'all, July 12. The Tioneer-l'rcss specials from various points in North Dakota report heavy rains during the past forty eight hours, which have caused many washouts on the railroads and much destruction 10 properly A special from Mandan. N D, says Between 300 and 400 west bound pasicngcrs rn the Northern I'acific stopped here today. Tre- ........ ,!,. om, imsmerning washed out a large number of small l.iidccs . nnrl rnU-rfu nn.l .: r . . - ..viuui,. ul ulc iracK WCSl Ol here. A ttcarliou London, July 12. Owing to the foul at tacks of Timolhv Healv reaction is setting in in favor of the Irish I04.1-- ;n i. 1 . . . . ,,, j.ii.jiaim ana irc.ana, and Mr l'arnell has received a number of letters from Irishmen, to the effect that while not agreeing with him in his politiral course, they have no sympathy with llcaly's disgusting abuse of his wife. Sir Mpur&eon's CaudUlim London, July 12. Mr Spurgeon is very low tonight and hope of his recovery is almost abandoned. Shoals of telegrams and letters of inquiry and sympathy are constantly com ing in. The bishop of Rochester to'ay tele graphed for information of ihe condition of his life-long fiicnd and added a piayer for his recovery. .ovellirs In Jiirkels. I have received a email assortment of novelties in Indies spring jackets, made 111 the latest styles of Iilazers and Keef eiB, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I exOCCt to enrrv n full lino r,t fl.r.D .i as well ns all the leading styles in Ladies Capes, landed, crochet nnd in cloth. Orders taken for special sizes and styles. BAM I, Ji lotl.NO. Sotxu Advice. It navs to eet tho hest: even Shakespeare admitted that. in una connection it mav be remarked lllllt V Tl I ll-fll.ni,, l.na i,.l.t I " J'"u nil elegant lineof suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in nn Albany market. They are the best to be ob tained, ns nn inspection will show, nnd Mr tiraliam is prepared to make them up 111 inc mil-Hi, eiyiu Willi n skiii Ins long experience has enabled him to be mnyter of. llothrra ! Caatmia is . econiineniled bv physicians for children teething. It is purrlv vege lahlo preparaiicn, its ii credieuls are puh hhfd steund each tstle.' It is p'eanaut to hetnsteand ahai lutrly haitule... It relieves constipation, revulatra the loweh, quiets iiu, cures niarrroea and wi-ncnlic, allaya fevi-rhhness, dertrovt worms, and orrvent. convulsion, aiHitliea the ehiul at d ail es it refreshing and natural slrep. Ostmia is tl e children's panacea the motheia friend. 33 doses, 33 cents. vTben Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. French Tnn.y Mr-r. wafersare a sure andsifer .'in. llmljof female troubles sr., v'!' all obstructions to the mor. . 1 no matter what the cause. 1 1 1 The for a remo. period j. . n,,Mt ceo numaa nccu at can he ied with safetv. For sale 1' tri are ji i-ivintvone Chemical to., also fron v sole agent, J A dimming, druggie, Bi ti berg b xk, A Ibar.v, Oregon. Ww.BFT-l f;.".. 1 111-.. H " I . . ' . 1 .. . .vw . 1 ...... . . iic 11 .n.iiig n organ or Piara call on G L Itlackman hfe you nan sel'rt from a first class tou. School Tax. Notice is herehv aivm that the sch.ml tnx cf di.lrlct 5 Is d'ie and Pi'sable. AH tr.jpasera are requested to i,fc..t. ms wuvc .iiui uiis-itu 11. oir bailie, ai ino lotlicc of the clctk, C U Ilntkhart.