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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1891)
blbked every day la lb WMk riStniTTI.1l, ldiUn tnrrp'ri. 4red at the Poet Ofnos at Albany, Or jdd, m second oIin m!l master. ..JTLt . 1MI. 1 CITT OFFICIAL PAPER. RECORD. er O P Officers The following ch from New York City is of local : i est, tnd shows pretty well the Oregon ' fs fc situation : The opposition to the pro sat management of the Oregon Paci fic read appointed a committee of the ' bondholders to reorganize the road, and too. y the new committee Issued a state tneut charging that the management Issued over $11,000,000 more bonds than was warranted by the mortgage The ssortfage provides the bonded debt shall be baited by $25,000 per mile. So far 40 miles have been constructed, calling Kir as) issue of $1,500,000 In bonds. The rooioany, however, Issued $15,000,009 In bond, and justifies itself by asserting that the line when completed will be 600 miles long, and that the bond Issue on the sys tem will then be only $25,000 per mile The bonds, which were placed at eighty, now have ne market value, and the com pany baa a floating debt of $Soo,ooo. The cotnnl'.tee,itis understood, will bring legal proceedings against the officers. Base Ball. Yesterday afternoon an exciting game of base ball was played be tween the Moonlight Alley club and the Tommy Parrott club. The former won, 38 to 17. Tommy Parrott evidently did not play with his usual vigor. In a game of baseball played between the universities of North Carolina and aoutn Carolina, years ago tne score was 120 to 119, and each Sde made 50 errors. A game of ball was played this after noon between the College club and the Hard Hitters, both juvenile clubs. The elubt were composed of the following: College McAllster, c; Washburne, p E Irvine, 1st b; Young, 2nd b; Stites, 3rd b; aternourg, s uowen, 1 t; Uorris, c t ; C Irvine, r f. Haid Hitters Shields, c; iones, p; McDaniel, 1st b; Sedgwick 2nd i Landess. 3rd bj Mills, s s; Farreli, 1 f; Knox, c f ; Bentley, r I. The College won in nine innings, score o 10 10. 1 ime, 2 nours 10 minutes. Urn plre, Wm Welch. Did He Want To Die. Yesterday ! evening Edward B Kendall, attempted I suicide In W I Montelths saloon. At least r he discharged a revolver while sitting at a , lauicaionc. ins oan am not toucn mm Kendall had for a second time separated from his wife and has had considerable trouble. After the shot he went to his room in the second story of the same building. There Is quite a general opinion that it was not an attempt at suicide at all, but the shot was fired for other purposes, or accidentally. The Ovirland Wrecked. This ' morning at an early hour the overland . was going south through Co Creek Can- f J"", wnen a land slide came against the tront ot the train, knocking the engine, mall and express cars off the track. The engine was considerably jambed up and the engineer had a hand bruised slightly, mo winy accident, cnaries nper was making his second tiipln the mallear, Having recently neen promoted Ironi the local train ; out was not injured at all. The two cars were only thrown a short distance and were not badlv damaged. It was thought the train would be running by this evening. Freight Wreck. Th nnnh hmmj freight train was subjected to a wreck near Springfield station this morning at 1 130 o'clock. It appears that the drawhead of one of the cars pulled out, thereby discon necting me air urake, thus stopping the carswitn a crash, which were running at a good speed Two cars, loaded with ,iiuau nun were smasnea into kindling uwiuck cvcrni ocners were some what damaged. Railroad employes 1m mediately went to work nnd succeeded In Clearing the track by 7 a m. Mr Ralston 01 Koseburg, hail five cars of cattle and eep on tne irain, out luckily they es caped without iniury, Eugene Guard, .'FVMc ?1T k,H?iis,A targe audience J sj3ehl Iwo hours lii liiughter last night I over me comicalities ot si nunKaru snd company. Si Plunkard Is full ot funny 'ttuatloris, well presented. It is a lung Nearer from beginning to end. Mr Lewis a Si Plunkard receives a strong support om Milllgan (is Felix Schmart, the In mtlve Dutt'iman; Robert Denny, the llaln, ft bogus speculator: Henri FlnvH 6' x,oscs Wilton, a Jew who lends monev; - - . unu lllC OlMV DUV. noebe Wyse as Dora Page, loved bv SI td Rohert nnnv anA T. i ti " M J, V ' '"SR " nza Mmpkins.who snaps her words sen - jmuusir. uiu wimuo-i jmcgget. A corres ' Jident writes to the Long Creek Eagle of fait county: A few davs ago while at in Deep creek, Tom Smvler udeartn the largest nugget that has been seen wee the early mining days. The nugget w" lx inches in length and would aver-! ; Jfone-hali Inch In Ihlckness, weighing Have U noticed that Allen Bros' gro- eTy store in always full of fruits, vege tbles, etc. the very latest in the mar t. If there la anything to be had they nave 11. Cherries, Berth's, Cabbages, Turnips, Ji w Totntoes, j LAMES UwoilD TILS. I haras very fpe stock of thee tito'ls, in qualities r.miT I in pnos ffotn t;1.25 to 4.00 a psir. Tncy 1 maiect leather 1 tvery piirwsrraiiteil. Pami-h. L lor.tu. SOCIAL A!IO PUMOHMt, A Bush, of Salem, was In the city to day. Lake Dorrls, of Coivallts, was In the city today. Mrs Fish went to Corvallis this noon on a visit with her son. Rev V 0 Taylor of N. Y. city Is In this ciiy tne guesi ox 11111. Geo Humphrey, of this city, and Fred Goetz. of Portland, are rusticating In the mountains. H H Hewitt and family, and Jav W Blair, and family left this noon for'Ya qulna Bay on their summer outing. Judge O N Denny recently of Corea, arrived In Albany last evening on a visit with his two sisters and many friends here. MISFITS This electrocution is a great thing. A man presses a button and the victim takes a rest. The Oakland, Cal, common council, Monday night, tailed to pass an ordinance licensing the pool rooms. The measure lacked one vote of the necessary two thirds. Snarker The Corvallis girls wear spec tacles when they are In the surf. Marker True, but the salem Bins are spectacles themselves. Revised. Young Lady (In the midst of a crowd) Please don't crowd so, gentlemen. You are squeezing me to death. Uld Maid (on the outside) Here, mad- ame, let me change places with you. A clergyman who did not get on well with the congregation was appointed chaplain of a penitentiary, and preached a farwell sermon to his congregation. There was nothing in the seimon at which any body could take offence, but some of the members did not like the text, which was: "I go to prepare a place for you, so that where I am ye may also be." There is a paradise awaiting a large number of marriageable young men up in eastern uregon. A correspondent 01 1 Union paper ssvs: A lady friend inform ed me recently that there were over fifty marriageable young ladies in Union and no men worth having. The Union gli Is all say that the saddest words of tongue or pen, are these sad words, "we're snort o men." "Did you ever see a lame Chinamen?-' says a man trom ueaawooo. ineyau answered no. "Well. I'll tell you why. When a Chinaman gets hurt 01 loses a limb, thev kill him. It is part of their re ligion. I know a Chinaman who was hurt while blasting rock on a railroad in Idaho. His hand was mown on. xne doctor fixed it and said It was all right We missed the Chinaman a few days afterwards, and enquired of some of his friends, and was Informed that he was dead. "Died of the wound?" we asked. "No," said (he Chinamen, "drlnkee tea klllee mm." ma you ever see a lame Chinaman? The Oregon State Fair. The pros pects for a good State Fair were never so flattering as they are this year. The premium list nas Deen reviseu, ana in many important points the prizes have been Increased. The entries in the speed department are the largest and best in the history of the fair. The S'ate Fair is un der the management of the State Board of Agriculture, and over $15,000 in cash is offered In premiums for exhibits of stock, poultry, agricultural products, iruu, etc., works of art and fancy work.and for trials of speed. The Board Is making every preparation tor a great meeting, aiany valuable Improvements have been made, and the grounds have been cleared up and greatly beautified. Electric and horse- car lines now run irom oaiem 10 uic grounds. All persons wishing a premium list for the falrofrSoi, can obtain It by addressing J T Gregg, the Secretary, at Portland, Oregon, or Geo W Watt.Assist ant Secretary, at Salem. The fair begins on the 14th of September,and will last one week. Send for a premium list and pre pare something for exhibition thii year. Pesdlton's Finances The expense of running other cities is always Intel est ins. The record for Pendleton for six months was. collections: Fines In record er's court, 81171.75; licenses, $3654.83; de linquent taxcs,$9io.55; water dues,$4745. 76; citv Hens, $225.67; total receipts, 110708.56. Expenses:tjenerai iuno,3323o. cu: fire department. $1525.73; water works, $2 188.92; police department, JU644. 84; street department, $37.97J4'; ele:tric lights, i657.So; total, $10,555.85. The excess of expenses over receipts Is thus show n to be 5s47.2c.14-. Get Our ofTliE WAV. The hia.i or men who through Inexcusable stubborness (if any such there be) stand In the way of .. J . t - Ul .1 ...tit I- ,1 AlOany scouring u uiiugc wi.i in vears to come have many reasons to regret it. UUt tins out anu paste ik vu 111c vuicr walls, Wanted, at once, for canning purposes Royal Ann and Black Republican cher ries, peacn piums, caiiieit pears, oiacx raspberries and blackberries, for which I will pay the hlghtst market price. J W SIMPSON Yrrital- a full line of ladies, chil i!rnt. men's and boy's foot wear at G W Sinruson's. whioh will be sold at bottom prices. New SrRiso Goods I keep a fall line of spring and summer dress goods, in wash tsbnes, prints, gintntuis, tKnuwen, I hiva alia a new line of summer plaids, be sides other novtlties in biges and all wool writings. Sami:eIi r. 1 oc.10 TRADE AT THE OLD 'RELIABLE GROCERY STORE of C E nROWNELL, G od goods, low prfcesj mdihoneit treat Mont. COME ONE, COME ALL. Wo iittureaMQ t tramps. ToWKHENU't Wtl'OM, CsM'ftTV t'OI BT PHOl'KEDIXfia, w(.S' u "'"""""i J,,1,lw: B. W. Coor nd win. ItumliuuKh, Cuiuiulsiuii0rs.) The contract for repairing the McCoy bridge across the Muddy was let to H M Stone at $1.60 a foot. Supervisor Duncan was authorized to repair bridge In Dlst 25 at $3 per day. The contract for bulldlr.g a bridge across Owl Cieek was let to Geo W Young and J B TlUolson. A pair of truck wheels were ordered sold to David Meyers for $15. Bills of C D Montague, $15, C Case, $45, and Dr J K Loch, $75, were disal lowed. Roads applied for by J N Campbell et al established and expenses allowed. Same order as to road applied for by W G Montgomery et al. Ordered that county pay $150, damages In the matter ot J B Jenks road, and pe titioners &152 50, G W Cruson allowed $8, aid for Mary Galloway, for Jul) . Court adjourned until 7 o'clock this evening, Judge Blackburn and Commiss ioner Kumbaugn going to scio precinct to examine a bridge. At that time the matter uf a bridge at Albany will be con sidered. The following bills were allowed: 0 P Coshow, acct poor $ 10 00 G C Cooler, acct poor 6 00 Z B Moss, acct poor 1000 Ladles Aid society ,acct poor 10 00 Daniel Hart, acct poor to 00 W E Curl, salary 83 33 U K N Blackburn, salary 10 70 G F Russell, salary 125 85 N P Payne, fees 124 14 James Turnidge, acct roads , 81 18 J l Goodale, acct roads 33 95 C Bender, acct court house 4 65 Santlam Lumber Co, lumber 15 11 Crusan & Meniles, acct roads 14 00 S A Dawson, acct roads 2 00 R A Irvine, acct roads.... 3 00 E L Knox, acct roads 200 Max Friendly, acct roads 38 52 State agt W Cochell 30 05 C F Kale, acct roads 6120 Mbany Water Co 1 5 00 Electric Lights Co 27 50 Foshay j Mason, stationery 74 94 Holt Bros, acct roads 38 46 lohn Usher, tanitor 10 A Blevens, acct roads 21 67 State agt Gordon 7 40 DrJ r Wallace, urtjA wnuney, N P Pavne, examining insane 14 Dr J I, Hill.'Dr W H Davis, N P Payne, examining Insane 14 Dr J L Hill, Dr M H El'is, N P Payne, examining insane.... 14 P W Spink, acct roads 213 93 E T X Fisher, surveyor 405 Mrs E Murray, boarding jury 6 75 E E Davis, acct assessment 247 50 E C Phelps, stationary 7 55 A Jennings, acct roads 3 5 G W Young, acct roads 93 63 J W Bishop, acct roads 116 90 Albanv Furniture Co, chairs 25 E C Jackson, acct roads 20 6S G W Youne. acct roads 49 Mrs 1 L, jewett, poor acct 19 00 F B Powell, poor acct 10 Drowned in the News of a drowning accident In the Ablqua river, about five miles east of Silverton, reached Salem yesterday. The little 4 year old child of' Wm Woolen, who lives in that vicinity, Monday a f ternoon, was crossing a narrow foot bridge, over the stream, when he made a misstep and fell upon the rocks and into the stream below. The body was recovered, badly bruised, several hundred yatds below the bridge shortly after the accident Statesman. Have You a Wife and ten children ; have yon any children ; are yon an old bachelor I w natever you are you can not do better than by buying yonr groceries, produce and baked goods of Parker Bros. on want to save money and at the same time get good groceries, then call on them. Yon will get first-class treat ment and first-class goods Iheir baked goods are made in an experienced man ner, and include a large variety of eata bles. If Conn & llendrlcson can give you a large and choice stock of groceries, pro duce, fruits, berries, etc, to select from then thc.'r store is one to visit when wishing anything in their line. An exam ination of their goods will convince any one mat mere is no Deuer piace in me city for trading In their line of goods. Their prices are low, with good reasons for the fact. They invite all to call and see them and learn by experience where the best bargains can be secured, both In prices and quality of goods. Wall P,rKR,ETC, I have just reteived a new line of wall paper and decurnllors, Have more than doubled mv facilities for handling them, and will keep a much larger stock. Wall paper and border to match. Beauties, and much cheaper than ever before, Bamuel E Youno, A t Fortmiixer & Invrxo's 150 dozen window shades, just received. A large ana elegant biock 01 I'nn cen nry bedroom sets. Vli-ii i 1 1 1 Ji 1 i f 3 1 Villi inn? Lace Curtains in great Vartety from IS cts. to $9 a pair. Ihese goods are bought from rew i one )onoers Direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. SaSiuel E Youno. MAKKIKI). CRITCHi-OWTHOMPSN. On Wednesday, May S, 1891, at Tallmsn, Mr Ben E Crltchlow, a well k lown route agent of the Statesman and Oregonlan, of Salem, and aiiss biia J inompson, 01 Tallman. T)sed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. UOMB Ann ABBOAti A Klein, of Salem, raoeived the oontract for furnishing shoes for the insans, Oregon is now equal to New York eitv. It has a 400. They are in the peoitentiary, and that is high water msrk. Dr L L Rowland has been aDDointed su perintendent of the state insane aaylam,vic ur use, wnose term expiree. Mrs C W Clarke has olosed her milliners store in this city and moved to South Bend Wash., where she will opens store. Mrs Clark did a good business hare; and goes to Sonth Bend for other teatonea. Bngsge ths little wood saw aod got Tour wood propstly sswed . LeaTe yonr orders atuattnewsa washbarn a Hardware store. rirststreet. WmiNeely. The Santiui ditch is empty this week. owing to work near the mouth by the Leb anon Ditch Company, and as a result, the woolen mill hands, and other factory hands along the river are taking a vacation. Drs O W M.ston aod W H Davit, have formed a partnership for the practice of medicine aod will occupy the offios of Dr Maston opposite the Democrat office. Mas- ton & Davis will make a strong medical firm. John O'Brisn, formally a resident ' of Si - ntlaw precinct, has be jn elected president of the Printers Uuion. at Portland; aod W V Usburn, an old Eugene boy was selected financial secretary. Eugene Cuard Wm A Hill, tent to the penitentiary from Linn county in 1889 for wrecking the train at this city, wta pardoned yesterday by Oovernor Pennoyer, and arrived in Albany tail noon, and will probably make this city hit home. The 4th of July hat Inst ttrnck Albanv. resulting in two shows or games. One, that of throwing balls at a wooden man, aid the other a museum, consisting of a late emper or, a bandit, etc "You paya year money ana runs yournsKt. Hon Geo E Chamberlain, attornev Gen eral of Oregon, hat opened an office in the rnnn duke, in this city, tor the general praotice of law. Mr Chamberlain is one of the best attorneys :in the state, and deserves a renewal 01 tne large praotice be enjoyed on going into the banking bnsiiiest. Those who witnessed the feat were con siderably startled Monday tnoroidg to ate a tramp climb on the break beam of the Koseburg local as it was leaving the depot. The train waa nnder good headwav bnt his trampanip swung nnder and seated himselt comiortably. An ordinary man oonld not have boarded the stepi. Register S A Hnlin, druggist, French's corner. Fiaegrocsries atConn & Hendricson'a. Fresh vegetables and berries every morn ingBrownell'a. Best assortment of teas in town at C E BrowneU'a. A fine line of crockery ware at ConnJ& Hendncsous. Good ventilated ?and sun lighted bath rooina at .viereck 1. Shaying, 15 oenta, at Viereck'a shop Closed oneundayt. Drink delieiout ice cold aoda water at EBrownell'i. A large assortment of garden seeds on alo at erownelrt. E W Achison &Co are telling monnmtntt at i'ortlsnd prices. Golden opportunitiet are wasted every day by not trading with C E Brownell. A new line of window ahadea from SO cents to $1.60 each complete, at Samuel E Young's. Just received a fine invoice of barber's supplies direct from Philadelpnia, by L Viereok . At the co. ner of Broadalbin and 1st street vou will find C E Brownell always the lead j in the grocery business. 1 ror Bargains in monuments, neaosiones etc., go to E W AehiaonJt Co,Albany,Oregon Fresh bread, cakes, piea, etc., every day at the Delmonico reataurant. Leave yonr orders- Keep it in your mind that Allen Bros pro oae keeping the kiod of groceriettht public mands. Their stock it a line one. At Viereck'a sbsving slid haircntting par lota, ladles and children's hair cutting a specialty. See W F (Read a line of dress gocds and silks before buying elsewhere. Mnstacbe dying done on short notice with the renowned German instantaneous dye, at Yiereck's. Kentish cherries next week. Orders left at C E BrowneU'a for tame will be filled promptly. New Carpets, A B Mcllwaln has one of the largest and best selected lines of carpets in the city embracing all new patterns and designs, and as he has made a great reduction In prices It will be to the advantage of carpet buyers to call and lus-iect nis stoc anu price oeiorc pur chasing. Get a Bicycle. The New Mail Is one of the finest bicycles manufactured. It has no superior. Ohllne St Wilson, with Stewart Si Sox are agents, where these cicyclcs may be Seen . Pont target, Paisley & Smiley, Printers. If your eyes trouble you go to F M iTrenoh's and have them tested by Johnsons patent eye meter, and g t glasses that fit you properl. Glasses from 25 cents to 910. Ik tub Spkiso. A tine line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in many designs, just received by G W Simpson. Also a large stock ot the popular self pening corBcts. Visitors Quite a number of Odd Fellows are In the city from Halsey, Leb anon. Corvallis and other points to par ticipate In initiatory work In Albany Lodge No 4 this evening. Try Calomet Baking Powde. the purest on earth. u tiaowaau. afflBakin Weed Wanted. Sealed proposals will be received bv the rlrrk of district No 5 Linn county, Oregon, up to Monday. July 13th, 1891, to furnish said district with 60 cords of grub oak wood and 5 cords of split fir wood; the latter 10 oe spin irem tne body ot large trees, four feet long and free of Knots. The oak wood to be four feet long and not lets man lour inches In a ameter at the small ead. The board rtservet the right 10 reject any or ail oias. (UDany, uly 1, 1891. C G Bt'RKHART, ; District Clerk Bots Mat as Had (and sometimes girls) for ordinary aerviee at wages, or upon in denture, to work, attend school, and be l.rooght np somewhat aa your own; and children may be bad for legal adoption. Address, E. T. Doolbt, Suit. Oregon Boys' aod Girls' Aid Society. rortiand, uregon. We are making a ,big drive on Ei?elopes, Paisley 4 Smiley. Dress Making. Work neatly done nd satisfatlon guaranteed. Rooms at Mrs J E Carter's, corner Railroad inn r iiinsirccis. adelia hcrkhart. COSriBMED. The favorable impression produced on the first appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, a few years ago hat been more than confirmed by the pleasant experienoe of all who have used it. and the anecess of the proprietors and manufacturers the Cal Fig Syrup Company . G EO; E. CHANBKKLAI1V, AttartM At Uw. Will Dftvetic In .ill eourti of the lUte. Special attention given to mat tor id probau anu CO co jecuoua. urrittv id ium k uuu uiwi. Ti I V TTTi I All persons indebted to r A I 11 r ' the firm of Price & Rob U1 "son are notified to call and pay ' their accounts at once, or the same w'ill be placed in the hands of an attornev. for collection, on August 1 st, with instructions to push the collection of the same bv legal Drocess. Costs will be saved by settlement before the time mentioned. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned was, on the 8rd day of July, 1891, by order of the county court nt T.fnn oountv. Oregon, duly ap pointed administrator of the estate of James F Hail, deceased. All persons having olaime against said estate, are hereby notified to present then, duly varlflail. to the nnderaigned. at the Bank ofCretton.ln Albany, Oregon, within six mom ha from this date. Dated July 6tu, 1891. J. W. BLA1N, H H Hewiit, Administrator, Att'y for Admr. w ) MEMBERS OF THE LINN COUNTY FARMERS' ALLIANCE: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that I have contracted with the well- Known nrm 01 Stewart dr. aoz. at AiDany, to supply you with birders, mowers, rakes, twine, backs, buggies, wagons. filows,eto, as well aa all artfelva in the ine ot general hardware. Warlon county members can buy at the same plaee on the same terms. 11. invir.. Financial Agent FOR Choice Teas TRY F. L. KENTON. 0EBngaaBUKntnE9aaMann9sm Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stackers Osborne : Binders, : We carry nomachinerythat has ncteun tried in thif locality, and found to bo satisfactory, and, as we represent factories, no responsible dealer can give bettor terms. ale Dealer in GROCERIES Near the Post Office, OTAL DEAFNESS CURED BY ELECTRICITY. J. Leader Swears that Dr. Darrin Cured Him in Ten Minutes, Editor Oregoniani Six veara azo 1 waa unfortunate eoouth to become totally deaf In my left ear. In that condition I have been nntu June 26, when I cajie to tow to pay my texts I heard of Dr Darrin'a ?nr . out offer to treat the poor free of charge. I applied to him and was cored by electricity, in connection with other means, in ten min- utea, so 1 can near a wstcn tcs and a whis per across the room. I am a fsrmer and re side one mile from Taylor postoffice. Or. Please publish this that others mav ha cured. JOSEPH LEADER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of June, 1891. E WILCOX, Jlotaiy Jfnblio for Uregon. A SCROFULOUS SWELLING CURED. Editor Orrgoniam Jan. 15th a grsas pain commenced in my head, which was almost unbearable and eontinned'to grow worse until a swelling eaiue nnder my ear which resulted in a total deafness. l)r Darrin hss cured me of the pain and swel ling and my deafness is about gone. I am well satisfied with his new enre with elee triclty, I reside in Farmington, Or. IBUM4S MADISON. Ir Darrin still continues free treatment to all from 10 to 11 am daily, and those willing to pay at half-price 10 a m to 8 P m. Sundays, 10 to 12. Confidential con sultation by letter or at the office free. Office, 70 Washington St., Portland, and Sargent's fletel, Aberdeen, Wash , Question blsnks and circular tent free. Dr Darrin treats all curable private, chronie and nervous diseases, teminal weakness. secret blood and skin diseases, nervous de bility, impotence and other weaknesses of manhood, tumors and irregularities in wo men, female weaknesses, ste. UL 'and fine stock 1 SPECTACLES generally, as well as jewelry, Watebei clocks, etc., at F. M. French's. 1 LBANY FDMHE C Hm Jaat rtoirod a larf IcvoiMol now lMtgniU f inflow Shades and Curtails, and new and btaatlfnl patterns In Wall Paper WITH 1 Elegant Bonders to Katct. r!5Dc. SHADE1 We hare the best sod prettiest ii the market, THE ORECON HAY PRESS, MANUFACTURED BY N. P. SL ATE, at CorvalllK, la the best hay press in narket. Orders for presses sent to Corvallis will be promptly filled, Anyone infringing on the patent will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Mowers : and : Rakes. L KENTON, Albany, Oregon