OL. IV AL13AU r, OREGON, TUESDAY JULY KO 50 i TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.!! 3 v While trying to Crowd theii V, - WAY 1XTO riYOE&FROMANBROS Store, where they alwai s have on hand I the largest Stock south of Portland, of j the; latest Improved Rifles and Shot r I Guns) an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle 01 every description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam,p Chairs and thousands of other thlni too numerous to mention f Jtiepair Shop la connection with the Store, and one ol lis best workmen In the State to do any md il kinds of work. Come one, Come at. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick ales." Is oui motto. Conrad Mover, . i J -PROPWKTril OK-. STAR BAKEltY Oomer Broadalbin and First Sta., DEALER IN- tuned Fruita, Cannesl Meau, AiMvro, Q-iceuHwarer : rlea Frails, vegetable. ' lobueeo, Clears, Sugar Spleen, t'ofiee. Tea. Kle Etc., Tf. rerythlDg that is kept la gen fat ts 'Tand grocery oro. Highest r.Vetp r aid for ALL KINDS of PRODUCE. Albany Manufacturer o- TEAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW VILL MACHINERY IRON fKOHTS W ALL KIKS3 OF HEAVY m licht mm, in IR9H AND BRASS CASTINGS. social attention jald o pairing all ds of inachiner PaUnrns Made on Short Notic6 Revere House: 1LBANY, OREGON iJHAS. PFEIFFE!'. PROPRIETOR, Fitted nn In Srst-class style. Table applied with the beat in the market. Mice sleeping apartments, Sample room or cominnroiartravelers, RedCrownMills SOU. LASNINS 4 O.. L'TIOPR'S. tvw rrioczaa n-onn siTEntoa tok ramus AND BAKXB3 tTSZ. KKST STORAGE FACILITIES. City Meat Market. : SHTJLTZ BB,0SM Proprietors. , .'. Vye-p a full line of meats of all kla l n cool plr.c, completely pr tooted: and always frosh. J FOSHAY & MASON ' VYOLStiAIi ARB aSVAlb - Druggists and Booksellers, ; Arm t for John 1J. Alden'a pu)llcaUoiw, blob, wo sejl a! publisher's prices with ALBANY. OKE08 Hi o In aekncfflctJixl th'? l.-ndtrvr rcmMy to.' OonorrllrfA slet The only saie- rome!y for LaoorrhratirWhitu. I Drescriws u u'i mi safe in recommending it iritfV) to all itifferpT. As DiV'- r. rv. m. a-. Sold by nrutrristt. gTAJUBD A 1 CHICK, A Keats ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - REQON Conducted by the Statu f St, Benedict Tuition In select day school ranges from lototlO. Fer terms or Boarding School or any prtlcclars apply at the Aca-iem arid. ansa Sister Snperiorex. TJ lirMii i Fid THcEvkNiivH? VCiHClHrllTl.OjPI r trbl.BOBlaHati M SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of HUUllSPKING PASSENGEU WAGON?, SCROLL SPRING "'HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLORj OR THREE-SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX. PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGON3, ONE-HORSE We Guarantee Our Vehicles the Cest, Our Prices thB Lowest Quality Considered, Special Oatalopes and Price List Mailed Free on Application Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK PORTLAND, OREGON. W. C. DAVIS & CO., HLEATH IS WEALTH! DR. E. C. WEST'S Verve r.d Brain Treatmnt iru&ranteed ip?ciflc for Hysteria, Dizkiiims, Convu tioiiB, Fitt. Ntrvous Neuraliria, Hundache. Nervou Prostration eauted by the usoof alcohnl or tobacoo, Wftkvfulntjsii, MonUl IVpreBsifn, S-f fining of the Urmia, result inif lit insanity and inartluif to mlMr-( iecftf VQddeabh, premitHre old ace, barrcnneM. Iom of Fok 1 1 , cau'jd hy over-oxcrtion of ta brain Ejtcli bk contains one month's treat i.iout. a rnn; or six bonu for sent by mall prepaid ou receipt o pnoe. WE GUARANTEE SIX nOXKS TO CURE ANY com With each order received by us for bIx boxi'i, aeornipanled wtth 9-r, we will Bond the purchaser our written jruara'itco to refund the money if the treat merit dow tint enect a cure, uuaraniccfl issuea om by J. A. Cummin, Druggist, sole atfcnt, Albany. r "i.".vi; u. I BJ1AUA SSIS 0URES I KW TO L-St jr& X W avav rt What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Horpliino nor other Karcotic substance. It Ij a harmless substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of mothers. Castoria destroys V orms and allays feverlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cores Diarrhoea ' and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caa toria is the Children's Panacea the mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria is an exoellent modlclne for cfafl dren. llotbers liaro repeatedly told mo of 1U good effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Ohoood, Lowell, Uass. Castoria U the boat remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Inter of their children, and use Castoria in stead of thevartousquaJciiostnirnswhlchar3 destnrlag their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, toothing aynip and other hurtful agent down their ttiroata, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dm. J. P. CtvcftaCLOE, Oooway, Ark. Th Cwftv OompAoy, TT BUSINESS WAGONS.ONE.HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Win Pay All Pattieb Wastisq SPRING WAGONS OF ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. . lOEDlV ALBANY, OREGON. THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH, BTTCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WHL BE TOO LATE. I have bftn troubled tnotir rears with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and havr aouRnt aid from different phyaiciani without relief. About the 15th of Aprif I was auffcririft from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner mat iwai oemover. When I .at dowa it was almost impossible for me to KCt t.p alone, or to put on my clothes, whe' kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with C- OKHGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston- ishratut of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days, I am happy to state, that X was a new tnan. - will! recommend the tea to all afilicted as I have been. - O. A. TTJPPER, I'roprietor Occidental Hotel, iwuta Roaa. Cil. BUT CURES -. FiOTHING ELSE. Castoria. Castoria Is so well odnpted to children that I recommend ItasauporiortoaDypreacripUon known to me." IT. A. Ancnr. M. D., Ill So. Ozfonl V.t Urvoklyn, X, Y. "Our phyolcians In the chiMrtvi' depart ment hiivo spoken highly of th.r t.tpcri eaco In their outaldo practioo HH C'antuiU, and nlthotigh ve only hart) amonx our medical supplies what Is known as rmgul-r producM, yet we are free to confess tltat U mcriis rA Cartorla baa won us to look wlih favor upon It." UxrntD HosPiTAit axd DiswwsinT, Sovton, Mass. All&x C. Bm-rn, Prt$., Morray Straot, Nav York Citf. Higheit of all b lrening Pow ABSOLUTELY PURE or.rn conidkci.g. F. M. French kevps railroad time. Moyers. SmnltA flta ..AlaKf.taJ TT..M. It . ' 1 uii,w. W ilU BUm uawu. cigar at Julim Joseph',. A large stock of wall paper, with late de ri?o, at Fortmiller It Irviuj's.just received. J! are you seen thote parlor snits that T Briuk has just received T They are nice. Great railunkii-m inmMi'i f. .;.tiinn 1 . for the next 30 days at VV F Read's. eitj, three doors north of Democrat office. r. acnuon a uo hamlle the celebrated Portland cemeot walla for cemetery lots. These wall, can be furnished at half the co,t of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make them look as pood ss new With Wnlff'a AnmA t" ., I) -1 . 1. Y .... - . -. w .. Mbvt 11 v-ji . wjimd. ror sale at Simuel E Voang's. Dr H H Elli,, Bhyiioun and surgeon, Albany. Oronon. Calls ma.l.i In !. oonntry. Lsdies can do their shopping in San Fran- cieCO Vithout vilitintr thu rifv mnA B7itt.Anf extra commin,ion. Miss E J Barrows P.r cha,:ng sgeut, 16G0 Grove 8t, Oakland, ivi French; Tansy Wafers. The wafers are a sure and safe tr. tine tor a ktnH.nf fetn.i t- , v. i ... it, rerno all obstructions to the monul) t'ciiua no mauer wnat me cause. Tin are il tlwhar PV-rv wnmnn t can be i.ed with safetv. For sale k' tit Livingstone Chemical Co, also fron ou sole agent, J A Camming, druggUt, Bn ti berj bjKk, A lbanv, Oregon. A sure euro for the whisky nabit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for Urunl ennecs will cure any case of the Uauor nabit in trom ten to thirty days, from the rroderatedriukerto the drnnbard. The Antidote oin be given in i cap of coffee without th knowledge of the uer-OB taking U. The antidote wiiinot inju.-o the healtn in any way. Msnnfactiired bytho Livinsstun Cheinioil Co., Portland, Orcton cr from J A Cummiiig, sole stent Albany. Buy our frracerira of Parker Uro One half dollitr rduotion on every pair of jjuum w r linn enoRf. A pood line ol tr.etn at:s l uwpt s, Scrofu ou, eruutinns, FUih pa rirr.p'cs discoloration of the fckin, eBprcially on the face, aic ci ued by impure hood and will disappear rjpi l!v by using l-fundnr's Ore gon Blood fnrilior. I udlng Photographers A oany Oregon. Wo have houal't-aM thanrrrafttvi amarln bw L W Clark and W 11 Gieennood up to Nov 15th,. 1889. Duplicates can bo had from hern only of ns at reduced latcs. Wo have also about 18,000 negatives made by onr aelvea, from which duplicates cao be had at like ras. We carry the only full line of viewi c;f this state and do enlarged work at loweitratos for first class work. We shall be pleased to see yoa st our Stndio in Froman's block, nextdoor to Masonio Temple. ask my ugenrn rv?r W. I., Dnnalaa nhnnt. If not for snie lu your plnce n.k your denier to eeud fer cutiiloaue, secure the agency, and act litem lor yitit. UTTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. J3 WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenPem EN THE BEST 8HOE W THt WORLD FOR THE MONEY f It Is a spftmlPM shoo, with no tacks or wax thrr nil to hurt tlie feet, made of the best fine enlf, sty. lull and eaiy, and becaune wt make mure nhoet of thin grade than any nther mnnvjarturfr, It equals hand, sewpd shoes cottlnji from t.' to t..(jO. CB 00 4Jrnulne HaniUaeivrd, the finest calf a? . hte ever olTered fur fcVOr, equals French Imported shops whirr, cont fmm ft,'ti 4t2.f. CA lland-Mewed Writ HIiop, Ana ealf, 3T strllub, comfnrtahloaud durable. The best shew ever oflYrod at this price ; same ftrado as cus-tom-madf shoes costing from $fl.flu to SO HO Poller Hliort Farmers. Hallroad Men Pwa and I.ottrCarrlci-snll n-porthem; flooealf, cam., smooth inHldn, licnvr thn;o soles, cxten slot. tde. One pair will wwir a ypnr. C&9 flnr rnlTi no Iwttcr h'ie eTrr offered at 3'Sms this prior ; one trial will convince those wh'i want a shoe for comfort and tvrvlce. (CO '4 and Worltlnimnn's shoes H9mm uro very ntrotitf And diirablv. Th.we who havit glveo them n trial will wr.ir no other mnke. DfVfi' 83.00 and V!.?.? soliool shops are DvJO worn hy the lxispvprvwh're; they sell ou Iht-Tr merits, nn the lucn-aMriii "oled show. I flHlAtt ''',l0 lli,ii(l-rw'vrri shoe, best OU IvO lxmnota, vitv ntvlluli; I'qualsrreuch lniorttMl shoes eostliiK from yl.on to ti"..'". l.ndlen' J..10. ?i.O nnil 1.7.1 shoe for Misses are the best fine ixnjrolo. Ht) ll.h and durable. ( uatloH. Mee that W. ,. lo'jirlnV name aod wlcj are stamped on tbe lttoin of pach shoe. W. I- DOUUUAS, Uruckton, Mass. B- L. E.'BLAIlV. L'oUKu A S'tod amSr.il., rt o ha ctiti.l. I. W. r IrallstlnvtlT iisrara, on th. nwli A. H l.a lottf tlft. tr th. rsTny a,u.,rt t,tii tftll plsaM s.11 at th, Dssjca.r ofla, snS cialai p-epallf . : V. & Gor't Report, Aug. ij, 1889, Pomler THE VOLDEM VXIM II1ZAAU, Has a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll bnggics.'boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete asaortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, classware. bird caees. plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograrih books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Kogcr jiros. silverware, we wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule pri baking powder and tea. Dut ud exnresti'.v for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing.powder draws a pn?e in the shape of a line piece ol glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany. at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly bv inv clerk. Mr. Miller. Mv goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, ana i nave put one price to an. J tail's Gbadwoki.. Cantoris is icccmmeuded bv physicians for children teething. It is a purely vege table preparation, its ingredients are pub- nsned around eacn bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieve, constipation, re&u'ates the bowel., qniets psln, cur"s diarrnoea and wiod colic, allays ffverithneM, destroys worms, and prevents oonvulsiog, soothes the eluld and cives it refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is t.ne children s panacea the mothers inecd. 35 doses, 35 cents. Novell les In Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring iackets. made in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the le?,ding styles in Ladies Capes, beaued, crochet and in cloth. urders laken lor special sizes and siyles Sam'l E Youno. Cousin Events. Wednesday, July 8, at Opera House, SI Plunkctt. School Tax. Notice is hereby given that the school tax of district 5 Is due and payable. All taxpayers are requested to call at once and attend to the same, at the orhce of the clerk, C G Bnrkhart. Alsany llavsot. Wheal 8oe at-.-4-. Bnttvr- 'Jc prlb, T Kire 16 Hay 10,00 to I8.M. Potatoos o ets per btiabel Beef on foot, 2' to lie Pork-6Se per Ih Uresnod. Baocna hams, I lr shoulders 7o aides. 0o Lard 1 Oc per lb. Flour .25 per bbl. Chickens 1.00 per doa. Bill resu Dran, .uupr ton' shorts, 2i mlddilnaa, 2s. flbot- "0 a'i-l Ml, i'. i OIVI5 KNJOYS Rtl: tlio iiii'llmil ami results whei. Syru;) f I'ijrs is tnkon ; it is plrnsniu mid tvf .eshing to tlio tiisle. nml au (toiitlyyot promptly on tlie Kiiinera, Liver ami iimrula, clpuiipei. tlit' sy? torn clfcctiuilly, ilispcls colil, lioii'l nclics mid fevers nml cures lin'iittml constipation. Syruo of Fifp 13 tlio only remedy of its Vind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tastt) nn! ac ceptable to tlio stomach, prompt in its action aud truly beneficial in it electa, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It U for sale in Vic and $1 bottles by all leading ilruggisU. SUMVrAOTUnSD OMLYOY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO sii rnmoucn. cil I iQuistiue. tr. ronK a t V '.J?.--itl.T31 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Terrible Cyrlone Baton Rouge, La, July 6. A cvclon. from a southwesterly direction passed ovet the lower portion of the toan this mnm: .. 6:30 o'clock unrooting houses, tearing up Im mense trees and carrying pieces of wreck '.hrourjh the a:r for many blocks. Toe boule vard, a wide stredt, was littered with trees that were torn un bv the uinH nnt nl.n : r imv JKVn of house tops and other timbers. At the pen- iicmiarg me wans were Drawn down and ten person, killed and thirty wounded. The factory building was demolished and the hos pital and penitentiary are a mass of ruias. Jn the city no one was killed, though several persons were'seriously injured. Steamer Sunk. London, July 6. Intelligence has been received that a large steamer was sunk off Dover some time during last night. The dispatches say that one mast of the vessel is visible above the water. The steamer Kin loch has landed at Gravesend a part of the crew of the sunken steamer, which was the Uunholme, bound from Middlehomurrh mltln Janeiro. The Dunholme was sunk at 2 o clock this morning, two minutes after a col lision wiin tne Kinloch. Seventeen of the persons on 1 oard at the time of the collision are missing. Big teal Catch. Victoria, B C Julo 6. The steamer Dan ube arrived with a collection of seal catches of the Viotoria fleet this eveniug, totaling 18, 000 skins. Several American steamers were also spoken with good catches. Tbe Fene- ope s crew sezured a dead whale and Sx pounds of whalebone during the cruise. The Danube goes to Behrine sea with the British commissioners the 15th Mother and Child Drowned Fort aIorgon, Colo, July 6. Fourteen-year-old Louis Ycpson went ba'.liing in a little creek yesterday, lie struck a washout and was drowned. His mother on the bank tried to save him. The bank caved in and she also was droa'ned. Trouble with Miners. OLTMPIA,July6. News of trouble be tween the militia and miners at Black Dia mond was received here this afternoon, creat ing mud excitement. Ihe telegraph and newspaper offices were besieged by curious people. Major C E Sears, of Troop B, First regiment, leaves in the morning for ".lie scene. All Electrocuted. Sing Sing, July 7 Sltcum, Smiler, Wood the negro and Jugiro were electrocuted successfully this morning, at 4:42, 5:14, 5:38 and 6:c6 o'clock respectively. Tub TJitrrED States Navy desirinn to buy twenty,moderato-priced watches, invited the lcadinr American manufacturera to send watchts for trial and rating at the Naval Observatory in Octobsrajd November last. One hundred and thirty-eight watches of different make, wero sent in.' It has been clheially announced that a Sola Thomas watch stood first in the trial and the Seth Thomas watchts averagr-d tlio beat. I'hila. Tifnea. Falti-inrw 1ft 1P0O 17 M u Jeae.'er, agont, Albany. ' Tho bett roast erffre'in thejeity at Coma oSuyira. Change rf Hualtirji. Notice Is berebv si vol th it tf nailer A Oarrfctt have aold to K J r.innln tha.r tmilrn business (roods, wares, nerchan dlM, book accounts, fixtures, etc. Parties indebted to aaiil firm will ploaso null and w.tlo atones with K J Lannin to whom an account aro pavit'ilo. All outfttandlng indobtodnoss will be settled by Mueller Garrett. MTTELLRlt A UaHRJCTT, K J Lannino Albany, May 25, 1881. Farm Tor Hale. I have lor sale 1G0 ncres ol the finest fttrminv Tnml In tin, (.t. All t-- high state of cultivation, no build ing, but has alieautiul building loca tion. Kight miles from Albany, two Terms and price renaon ablo. Call and eee u;o on neconu street, oppo-nto O&x OCR AT OlBci". I)K. i. W. MAOTOM. Thn Dehockat will exehaoue a jewin ma.ihiiic nf any make dettir'i), except one or twj. f.trrmnecAfc irrub oodatit uartcasht or will cootfidrr other proprsitiou. by aDy ono desiriug a new machine. When Baby was sick, we gars her Castoria. when she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. We are Imakincr a hie driva on E slopes, Paisley -t Smiley. Their (laly Medlelae Cheat. - William W B Miller, Deerlodge.Montaoa. writes: 'I have been using Rr,ndrttba fins lor tne last thirl. en years, and thonr,b lha e hid nine children. 1 I are narer h.A a doctor in th, heuse except three times. wnrn we nau an epiuentio ul scarlet fayer, which w eroo bsitish.d bv a viaorona naa of Krandreth's Pills. I have used them frr mjrel. two or three a niaht for a montb.for liver eomplsint.dvruia, and con.tipatisn. Insliariboea. eiampa.wind oolie, iodig-ation. una oj two Brandreth's i'llla rlxed the rbild ran at once. A box of pills is all Ihe medi sine eheat we require in the honse. We ajsa litem lor inumiiiftn. coins. catarrh. niiinni neas anJ impve Mood. They r.ver bare failed to cor all the above c rpplaiata in v,r law ny,