ef ton VtB 1 1 I ! 8 1i 1 , mi:.iiui:u Ktrour. Ouixon Weatiikr Uukhal'. Central OKl'll'I, i'oKTLAXI), OkEGOX. CHOI' W'EATIIKR Ill'LI.ETlN' No. 17, FOR THE Week Ending Saturday. Ji ly 4 la western Orecon warmer generally r-.'.oudlcss weather prevailed during the week. No rain fell. The nh;ht tempera. tures varied from 45 to 60 degree, the heat of the dav varied lroin 70 to 90 d crec. The lnd have been northerly and fresh In force. The weather conditions have been vert 'favorable to the erowth of crops. Wheat In heading nicely and the excellent pros pects for the wheat crop heietofora men tioned continue. The weather is extreme ly favorable to haying opeeratlons, which are now in fine blast. T'.e previous wet weather damaged the hay crop to some extent, but nevertheless the yield will be above the average, both as to quality and quantity. The fruit crop is uonn; very well. Roval Ann cherries are iuuy iquiltoformeryears. The Black Repub lican is not so gooJ. l'runes and plums will generally make about an average crop. Hop lice are prevalent, damage is being done, yet hop growers hope for an aveiace yield. Lorn is doing wen anu promises a good average yield. Early peaches are ripening a.-.d will be in the market inside the next ten days. Stra berries are nearly over. Raspberries and blaCKoerries are still p entliul. In eastern Oregon warmer and generally cloudless weather has prevailed. No rain ha? fallen. The weather has been just what was desired and needed. Haying operations are in lull swav. w heat, oats and rve arc heading in excellent hapu. 13. S rAUl'E. Observer, L" S. Signal Service. Tan United States Kavy desiring to buy tivcuty moJtia'.o-f riceil watchos,invitcd the Icacliu 1 American manufacturers to send watches for trial and ratinz at the Kavai uuservatory in Uctcoar a.id Isovemuer last. One hundred and thirty-eiht watches of rlillerent makes were sent in. It has been officially announced that a Seth Tnomaa watch stood first in the trial and the SetU Thomts watches averaced the b?sr. Phils, Timor, February IS, lc!10. F. M. French, Jewoler, sg':ut, Albany. Syrup" Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par sonage. " My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's German Syrup, was made about fourteen years ufjo, when I contracted a Cold which resulted in a Hoarseness and a Cough which disabled me from filling my pulpit for a number ol Sabbaths. After trying a Physician, without obtaining relief I cannot say now what remedy he prescribed I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received such quick and permanent help from it that whenever we have had Throat or Bronchial troubles since in our family, Boschee's Ger man Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable results. I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled in like manner." REV. W. H. HaggarTy, of the Newark, New Saf o Jerse3', M.E. Confer ence, April 25, '90. Remedy. Q G. G. GKl'EX, Sole Mau'fr.V.'oaJbury.N.J. Sail PKC'PHBIOn OF ICS City LiYsry, Feed ani -STABLE.- Having nurchasnd new ri on fuin- tab first. olaBH turnouts at cull, -riecirl auention given to transient (tortc Holses boardoa by the day or mouth. Cheapest Rate iu Ilio I'ilj-. TeleDhoua connection with the fit Cbariee lintel, le'ephone orders given prompt attention. Fourth Street, between Kllaworth and Street Car lino. LEADING DRUGGIST STATIONARY &C J!s.XiB.3NrY LiGS- A 3. sir 8 ALBANY J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. SLY WHITE LABOR Rtil'LOYED. PJtOFESSIOXAL CAltDS J.K Attorney , Law, WEATIXERFOKD, Will VM.-tict? In aM court of tli 0 state), UUIcei Flinn bluett, Allnny, Oreyuii. Attoniflv at Law wul Solicitor in Cli .ncery. Collec tUms ni;ult on all p i!nu. IV tan ucuUtl 'oa lav O.ublo term. Albany, Uaogou. G attorney at ..a-r.snij Votary Public. nwctioe l" a1! una of MiM?itfe - in thtt UnitoU efutes courts l-ir Oregon. O III ret -Front rwm over limit; of Crcffoii, Albany, Ojfii. EAST AND-SOUTH, : via Southern Pacific liouto SHASTA L.INE. ill IS li I Embracing; all the latest Novell its 111 Dr ess Uoth in AVOOLEX ami WASH KARRIS Goods 4 1 Kxirtfu Trains lu-ivc IrlUtitl Daily South 2 8:16 A M I i'ortlunij Albany San iYuiUco I North "'Arl0::i4 a a Lv I a:-t a m Ab'jvc fains tui mtlv at fotlowiiikr iiutfi of Kibiir;. Kant l'ortlaml, Orom (Mty Uortli WtMHl- ourii, Salein, Albany, Tant;nt, Nhtalil, lUUoy, Jlw lbburjj, Juimliuu CUy, Itvlux, JSuyuiui. ROMU'KQ MAIL, DAIWY. Co'-cf:, Colds, .nfluinia, Brj.tchltia. jU.'!L f(c.rcnfc&s, VtiTOOlrfj Coufih.Croan, itoro inroat, AStnni, ava ewry aii-.x-ion ct tlic Ihront. LuriRS and Ci'-e-t. im'liiiltnsi Consumption, m gar m .y, and the mvi re:f ;ootls iu tho Va uio prict-H, boib Fl':tNlT!)!i, SrCYE3, T!?IVARE CLOCKS, CSGCXfaV, ETC., ETS. V X !i l'.H Y.--trhveil from bj premise BJ a lniL'lit bay riare, six vwirs old l.::.;;(Hd wiih l!:o liu rn of a pair of spur rrteiL'.1! tn in: biiou .nor, lt-nvara to i,i;.V )-."i nho vul ih.uy m at Allmny rAN'lKi. To huy note anl iroit- cmcB H KNol!o, FoiilanU. Or, tKm JS, Coujord htot'k, 2d s:re(.'t. TORTURING ECZEMA Editor Iowa Plain Dealer Cured of In FulTernblo Itching and Pain by tho Cutlcura Remedies. No Ijess Than Five Physicians Con . suited. Their Combined Wlftdom Followed M'lthout Jlcnctit. T nm fkty-Mt jrnra old. In AnTnot, 1SS!, w.is trottblfU with tho peculiar tkin diftao to which .ci'lc of my no are mibli'ct, known mnoiifi mvtlU c.l nii-n as ccn ma. III tirnt anpenrnnce m nr tlm ittikK a. It rapidly vxtcmh-d over thu limvr rxtrt'initit'H until my Wfft wcro nearly ono raw noro; from l.'fs tlio troublo extended acrooa tho hli, M and the entire length of the arms, thu 'i-'i: and nrins envitly wollen with nn llrhhii;, Ixirutiiir pain, without cexitntiou. Although the t't'Mt 1 iied Kill advlee attainablo wan employed, no Ii'xh tlKin tivo pliyitlrlans of tho plnco belmr c:m. wilt.'d an. I tho prcrriptioni bolntf tho reull f Hi. 'lr combined wlodom, tho dlwnoc, thoiiuli au iKirently chevkerl, would recur hi n few clay im li id m i-vi r; dnrlny it prosrcM my wcinht tr away nWiit twenty-llvo pound. An an oxperi. nr-ut I li'ir.m tho ue of t.'tTTn rnA, followtnir tho simple mid lain iiuitntctlonn (riven with the UtMf:. in:4, nti.l tti four week found mvelf well, with kln fvfi mid natural In color, tho ttchlmi and ufii entirely relieved. W. li, MKAl. Editor Iowa Ttaln Dealer, Creaco, la. Cuticura Resolvent Tho new Tlood and Skin Purifier, and jrateBtof Humor lit medica. Internally (to e loon no tho blood of all Imparltii and pninonou elemenU, and thus remove the catie), and t'fTitTRA, the gn-at Kkln i ore, and ft Ti-un. Soap, an exiitlte Hkln Purl. Her luid Itcantltlor, externally (to clear thovkln and yalp, and restore the hair), upeedlly euro every Ininor and dioano of the ak!n, calp, and blood, with Iom of h .lr, whether Itchin. l-umln, pealy, pimply, ar.d tlotehy, whether klrnple, acrofulou, hereditary, or rontaulou, when phj slclana and all other rcnwdlc Po. l Teryw!:er.-. Prler, rtTirciu, Mc.J Foap, Se.; Ke.h.vunt, ?l. Prepared hy tho PoTTKIl JUtl O AMI fllKMIi M. roiiroRATION, llonton. j-tfend for " Huw to t:ure Hkln Illveaw." PMI-K. Maek head, rhapned and olijr akio f I HI cured hy iYTuriiA XI bhu atkd Hoap. FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. In on mlniitfl Ih Cntlrtm Antl-Ptiln I'litatpr relieve rlwu- I mat!e, M-latle, hip, ktdmy, chet, Thu lirit and ouly palii-ktlllui; planter. & J, 17 PAI3LEY & SftlSlEY, Wholesale Dialers in - TDBACCG - wi - CIGARS, Albany, Oregon Fortmilici & 'living, p. YS C, WATSOl. Jti " Attnrooy at htf. Oltfe: In tho Slratuii block uitaird. Albany, Orcifot;. D.R- Attomoyat Law. Witt practice In alt the coarticf Ore,-)n, exropt the county comt of Linn county. Ad btisfnces will receive prompt attention. Ollicct Odd Fellowk' Temple, Albany. Or. J.J WHITNEY, Attorney at Lw, and Notary Oregon, Public. Albany JR. J. L. HILL., Phvclcian and Surgeon. OFFICE Corner FlrstTan Kerry atrecte, Albany, Oregon, G. WATSON Physician and Stiriu. OFFICE Opposite Jth Democrat otEce, Alba'iy, Oregon. . -FUXEiiAL DIRECTOBS.- fl.rierir.I Embalrainfi- CoriB Seio:itil loally, I'hyi'cian and S'jnreon. OFFICE -Upstair In1 the btrahau b'wk; May bg found at his ollico day tr night. Albany, Oregon. 1, A. WHIT1VEV, rbvsleUn and Stir;r-wn. GnJuuocI Bjnovuo Med i,.al Od'c-e, Now 'ori City. D:m.i,dh ol woniun a .viaily. U?FICE f'r.mtiid,ck, Albany, Oregon TCIKST MATIOJIAl 1C KUK, OP ALBANY. QTATK OV OSESON. O LASD DEPAKTiiCXT. Saleji, Oregon, Juno 1, 18Ui. 'I lie board -of commissioners for tho !,:8 of ctiool and i niversily landa rnd f.Tlho iuvostmeiit of tho funds arifinr lin rclroua ol iho slate ol' Oregon, herehy invito !,tis!t,d p.pplicalions to purchato the iblio'virif; dofioribod lands, to wit: All ct the donation land claim situated In sections 15, 10, 21 aod 22, in Township 12 t-onth llanpo 1 rt esr. known and' described on tho govorLinoDt survova as the donation land elaini of Joh W Mooro aud wi,"a, being Notification No 2509, say Inp Ihorefroai IS aces sold to Jacob NewuiHii containing 30u acres. Also beciu Hint? 10 chains west of tho northeast corner of tho northwest quarter of section 21. in Tp 12 South Range 1 West, running tlionco tast So chainu thence .nnth 40 eliains; thence west 80 chains; thonce n"r;h -10 chains to tho placa of hnEinnin OJiuaininirl2i) acres, all (situated in Linn couwl.v, state of Orepon. and ontaiuing m all -US acres more or less. Applications will be oponedat n reRivar meeiin of said board to lie held Tuesday tho 14 h day of July, 1S91, a-2 o'clock, P in. The rlbt to reject any and all bids Is rosorved by the board NAPOLEON DAVIS. Cierk of the Board. PrnMmt Vietj Pi-ealue-.it . Ci9bier.,. LFI.IXS S, E.YOI NC. ..E, V. LAi.ODON 19SOTS A AKSEHAt.lnaMiiis'btuliiew. AI'C'OUNT.-l Kl:i:T 6Ui jctt to e!-.cuh. SIGHT EXCHaNOI; :i1 te' -Mphlo traniler, mid Jievr iMK, dau r'raiu-itco. ChUiitfO and P inland COLEfTl'IONS UAUEon lavora'.rts urn, oiascros. ti. E. Toura K, W, LAouas L Blaix. L. I'uhS dwaro F . Sox. ;Tjaii I l.v rr.nland Ar I 4:ropir l.2l)rLv Albany l.v I 12:00 if iMrx Ar H,elnirjf Lv I (i :J0 a a ALBaSY LOCALt DA1LT ITcarT Sr.DAT) t 00 p 11 llw rortland Ar I .M a K y r u I Ar Ailiany Lv 6:00 A a lileAKON BRAKt'll, 2.SC r K I U Albany a7 a a 8-'pu Ar Lebanon Lv U:4Iaii 7:30ah Lv Albany Ar 4:'J(1ph 8:88 a a Ar Lebanon Lv 8:40 r H PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Fop Aeroiumnitntlnii of fcrronilrina Faaacn ccra, atlaclipj in Exprca. Train.. Hldr tilvl.lon. BETVTEK.V 1'OlirLA.VU A.tU I'UKVALLIS, Mail ruAHDAllT (ExjeplSunaay.) SUA K 1:10 r 1 Ial; Portland Corvallig HI 1:30 p a 12:65 r BXPKlst isAis dailt (Kxopt 8unday. 40PM I 2 FK Tortland Mcllinuvill. Through Tickets To all noiuU EAST, AND SOU?.!. Koi fui.' ltrormatio4 recrardins rates, inapt. - OtJHLEH Uar.affr WtG. F. and P. Aar -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Lac'ies Unclcrwear i, liwuiKD and Muslix. My Vmcm are ile LO'E and my Goons the Ijkst. Am for tho Celebrated y. a f. hosiery): Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from P0i; : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in umis. a 4 J have a Large Stocli at the Lowest Prices ever cilered k tdtlf I cai ry 11 for wear a' and be cor - ill lino of tho woi-!u-reuow:d DKOADHEAD gooji Gnijh. Largo tuoci: f EiiDr.oiDEKiEa asd FlouxcoJ cea iiixt: j!tiuny is ine tost trading point in Oregot YAQUIXA JJ AY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, T E HOUfi, llccclrcr. Oregon DbtbIopebbS Po's Steamers, Short I.iue to CnliArnin. Fir.it-olasa tlirnm.l, . (reljrhtlirtorrom Portland amt all noinls n Uia Willamotts Volley to and 1V0 m Na,, Fi.'.eisco, Cal. BoRiS ruakft close ontinw.'tr,.. at All. with trains of thoOrcKon Facia Itailroad Ar I B:20 A H BOY THE "MITCHELL WACO? of TIMS SCMKniJLC. cnreont Sunila,-,.) L 1SSCO KATEOSIA3.ESAWK, Of ALKiVNV. oanoos. CAPITAL STOCK !M,C00. PrcEliicnt J L COWAS, viM-l'rebiilenl '. J M IIAI.STOH. C-H'iiar Qua V. CIMMill'.ltl.AIN', Au: Cashier O A AUCHiUOLD. I aacrowt. J L Cowan. J M K.i!sto:i. Oo E Ch.vuh lain, W S kid I, W II dul.ra, i A Craw (oru anil O A ArchiaoM. TIIAXSAOTS aconeral hai.Llnir buslneaa. UKAWSIOIll IikabTSou Maw Vrk, (San ill P.'tlir I, : Oregon. LOAN MONEY on a.piGd security hKi.UIVfldcposits suljiuct cileck. BASK OF OREKOX. AL11A3Y, OBEOON. I'upltnl. ALBANY NURSERIES nriJ HAVE ON HAND at ocr nursery on the Cbrvallln road, ono-hail olio from town, tin flno lot of fruit ic-3 of all kinds as can be found any. rhero ou the coast. Uyou contomplate jlantinir trees it will pay you to Pee our loci: and yet our j ilce. Catalogue free 1IVMAN A BROWNEI.L. City flestanrant. Hivins beon cntirelv remodiill. thi. .M and popular rostanraut will be made first, clasa u every respect. The pablio will be given good meals at all boura for only 25 jents. Everything neat and attractive. Private bozos. Oysters In every atvle. ALBANY :OR. ffRITSMAN & HULBERT BEOS, Real Estato Agents Farmt and Ranches for sale. Also city broeerty in Albaov and Coryallia. TJHELPS, Job Printer, JL lst.St.EaTrlT5- Albany Prcri'lmt It F MERMLL Vice-Pres'ii lent E ,! LANNIaN'G CtwIi.T JAT W BLAIN Transact a treneral binkinir huMuoM: Kxi-haiige txmirht and ok! nil the principal cUte in th United State Uo wn England, Ireland, Franeo and (Jerminy. Collectiona made at all accessible p.ilnts on favor able terms. Interest allowed 0.1 tlmo deposits B ASIK OF St'IO, SCIO, O11KO0N. i-avr l orvallia L ava V..i:,lna am.- "'-. X:i0a,m . a. 1 Arrive Al!.any, 11:13 a. u O. & C. trnina counoct ac Albany and Corvallis. Tho nbovo i.ains co" noct at fiTnTLii,1'! tho,Oroi;o,i ileveiopment "iu ii rraurisoo, SAIMKQ tATKS . clcloiowleilsrcd Wo carry R T.ill linn of Implements of kinda. Monarch the II- lii-ki, RtiRirioii and frrinirns; sips Fin rt'Hli on ur bcfoio purchasing EiHVsK Mifchf-J? & Levis &., Albany, fir. n FROM TAQPISA. Willamotte Valioy, June 4lh ; 13th ; 22nd. rao-M sa riuN-cisco Wiilaactte Valloy, May 31st ; Juns 0:h; 18th;J7th to The Companv rnwivca tho nirnt shsmpseailinR dates vithout notice. wn, ,f ?;8"Bers from Portland end Willamette Valley wtnta can make elose nnectlo.n with the trains of the Yaqulne J,U.atJVlbf,t,y "'Co'TaUls.and if des tined to San Francisoo ehould arrange to rrive at Yaauina tho evening before date NAiiiiicr' ITD.. . -.3raScr nn i r-Krn rate nlwnt the lioweat SaI to A R Chpman,Frelffhtnd n,.Jt s;. Vt him;i;c, a. f. atM p. Airon , Corval.ls, Vice- President , Cashier , J S Morris, II Uryanl dirkutors: E tloini, J 8 Mmaid inrr Mvr.n. O S Mat John Gaines r O Smith. Does a rcneral bankinr and txehsnir businots. 3iiiht drafts Issued on Allan r, Portland and San Francisco. )OKTI.AM S4VIiH BAXH, JL OF POIITLASD. onEoon. Paid np npltal ....... Surplus and profits 2flf,000 eu.ooo Interest allowad on sa rings deentlts as follows: On ordinary sarlniraboului ....4 percent pet annum. On terra aarintrs bnoka ,.C per euut per annum. On eertifleatea of deposit: for three months 4 percent per annum: For sra months (per eent per annum: For IweWe month. ft per cent per annum. FRANK UKKUM. President P. P. THOMPSON Vies-Presidsnt. H. C, STRATTOX. Caanlen ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. V-OTIC IS HPREflV GIVEN TO AU CRHDI 1 toia and persons in the estate of William Conn Seeeased. that on the 3rd day tt Juae, 11. 1 tied my Anal account in said matter In the county i I Unn oouatr, Oreijon, and that said court has sa iae otn day ef July, 191. at tho haur of 10 loc. m. el axld day as the tints far hearing; and stlina- all ohleetiona to a.u .M..,,B Bnal set. nat of aii si'.a:t. J AM'I. CON?' parthonboTp rc-v on,iii,int, I)v.-e.i,i, f i; tpatl-n i.'., -l.te.ua a wo CiZf.lt llni.irtfrl'f;li,t It. :, I -nipli,-'iwi,h Vticy av il u, irlve a itlif.t.-tio;t. fi- "it. ml In .., JliUS C Wtar.-tWASV.CUtCAI10.il. '.H f r.ny fnsrt of I.WfJg Mla-'w, li.iiUv-o!, fori, ..i.not euro witii Wt ,-Vt if d.rw tlonn .v.ertrt' iy viy Vcjrcta.i'i, end revrr r'"frH'll .il1'1 l).,"ti., n?w.trt 0r tw:nMifti'.i J A tJamiuinza Agrnt ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 1891. VlratTcrin Opened September lott, isno. A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Sptxial iMttHcemtntt offered to student! from abroad. ( V. ELET N CONDIT FOR SALE. tTwo good bupny bones, and well 2a? 1, ?0lher w"h Kood n"ok r'n1 t at double harness. annlt. i d u..i. Ninth sweet?.09 ot CIaPool " it I J IJ fTiia most lmriMlur piano araoD;.i I J lili Vj li l famous Planlots. Colobrated foi ih Wl-J (lnist and aurasiKj. Entire our I.tal nri'llinos- J. BAUEli & CO. VOSB & SON" FzSZJXSrflt I'alace and KarhnfT Moniie Preof OrKitiiM, Gnilnrs, ViollaH Muiall luHltuienlH a Sueclaltr. Agents for (lie New Home, Klslriflice K. aniloihor HwlnS Mchli Simttlloa IVivnM . . , .... 7 ... i -..i-... .... nll itiiiun oi dowmi iviactiines. weKuaruw". customers interests ami gueraniee a lis faction. We alio rarrjr a Tull assortment, of Music nn.l Jtu.lr Bonki.' ' ' Cor. Second and Ferry sta., (Send for eatniop.ue.) ATbany, The New York C. B.E. Is the Place to Buy OTW EAR TEX Their Field Thver Shoe, McFarland Block, ABLANf. - lEiiFla t.UZ J. fcOi ijt f- .... Hfr Atteinef. (j.t.1)