IB I v NO 47 ALBAN5T, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 2, 1891. )L. IV onrad Mover. SPRING WAGONS. -PROPKUSTra OK. All BAKEltY er Broaflalbin and First Sta., DEAl.Ell IN- rrallat C'unneil Mi rlen r rnu. irmw"i fgbacco, ,isnt, i,agr "P'" toller. Tea, Etc.. Ele., vm-vthlniE tlint li kept In a nn ,' iTv'a "-and Brocery ore. Highest Aetp -raid for . . a V X KlWDS Or rKUUuue. j ! Albany nON WORKS IEAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW JILL MACHINERY IRON l-KONTS J AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN 1 IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. special attention JM o i pairing all ds of machlners Patterns Made on Short Notice . TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Highest of all tn Evening Power IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, M Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete I F ' f I PN II it on me racnic voasi, ana comprises an xne Leading Styles of FOURSPIUNG PASSENGER WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING "HANDY "WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY ; WAGONS, ONE-HORSB BUSINESS W AGONS,ONE.UUKSK IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Wn.i Pay Am, Patties. Wasiisq SPRING WAGONS OP ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL TJfON OR CORRESPOND WITH US, 11 1 Jg3&!& Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE HOIttD COXSIDEBIXti. We Guarantee Our TbWcles the Best, Our Prices tlie Lowest Quality Considered. Special Catalopes ana mcB us. -uo-ubu Free on Application' Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, W. C. DAVIS & CO., albanyToregon. While trying to Crowd theii VAY INTO Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south o Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot 1 .. -im-lr nf Ushlnu (iuns; an ninnc.. - t,Ai. nf everv description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam.p Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention ir 131iOY tn connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen in the State to do any ,nd all kinds of work. , Come one, Corne al. No rouble to mow goods. "Small profit and Quick aW is oui motto. w M lr-nnnh b-AMna railroad time. Hew cream cheese just received at Conrad Worn rfi Smoke the celebrated Havana 611ed 5cent cigar a tiuuuaouavpu A Urge stock of wall paper, witniateae imL at Fartmiller t Irvinn's.iust received Have yon seen those parlor suits inns j. Drina uaa juafc rcceivta . uvj .... Great redaction inmen furnishing goods tnr Inn next SO days at W F Read's. W Bentley, best boot and aboe malterjin lt three doori north of DEMOCRAT office. E W Acbison & Co handle the oelebratcd Portland cement walls lor eomotery iota These walls can be furnished at half the cos of anv other and are far superior. Brighten np your old rubbers and old .nnM .tin1 malip, than, look &JI COOd S3 neW ... ... ... . nr.. e D.u.k wltn WOln S Acme ieruni- iwiwu. v sale at Samuel E Young's. Dr M H Edis, physician and surgeon, Aioany, uregon. vaue . w.j t -.j: An ,1,. Jjhmn nnm San Fran- Cisco without visiting tbe city, and without . - ( , .. I R.rmwa 1 :T . chasing agent, 1G09 Urove st,uamana, M1 And where, orav. are the Increased wanes for American. workingmen prom Ued as a certainty to follow the passage of the McKinley bill? Has not ma trena 01 wares been downward? The strikes ana BLEATH IS WEALTH! A STntATHI-KT- DB. E. U. WMi o - - - . c,vul Pro.tV.tloi ..ed by the u.o ol ata.hol or t.l.?cco. UralB, renlltlnx 11 Insanity anil loadiiST t" ""' "SS'wdu.a.h, ,.re.n.t..ro olil -0' h"7 tl, ram ol Pewn.eaiHcd by nviT-oxenwin ol w tmJk he -ontalmono month's treatment, 81 or .!k boai lor H, sent by mall prepaid on receipt o ' "J'ARANTEE SIX BOXra TO CURE A1TJ wrlttencuaranU'O to refund the money I ne treat mont doe" not eBeet a enro Guarantees ls ed 0 ly by J. A. uuniuilni;, uruiiKut, .--- Foitmita & living. r.nnot lueesstlulh fravsled with out good health. To reach wealth or any coveted position in lite requires ineiuii possession and operation of all the fee nitiaa iiipii nature has endowed us r;i"'. These conditions cannot exist unless tht nl..lra1 halna It In Derlect woikina and thla la Imoosslble when the imr and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct i.n ii.b att(.rllnna. caualna Indlaestlon and C)-pe?5's, with all of their accom panying horrors. DPI. HENLEY'S rra'iti, nanrlplinn Tnnic 1 1 C - - everts a !- IHc influence over the liver, excites It healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes the .....,! ..mi Initlnnttlnn and constl1 pet'on, sharpens trie appetite, tones up the entire system, and makes life worth living. French Tansy Wafers. wafers are a sure and safe f j- i 1 kindsof female troubles anew all rtrtalrttrtlnns to the TOOnt ' no matter what the cause. Tt.t nuhni ai-cTv woman need- can ba ised with safety. For snle t th i.ivin.c nnR i.ncmicai I.O.. ni.u .iuh v sole agent, J A Cumming, druggist, Bl berg b;ck, A lbanv, Oregon. The for a remot period are jt I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Orrgea aalntoa Did II I.onuon. lulv I. William Parker an emi nent civil engineer, residing at Portman Square tocether with his wile, two daughters, a 12- ytur-oia son auu .nice wui nui m. :i.. alt nni.nnnt Mnnflav evninff hw partaking of tome Salmon, which presumably i. a 1 u:il..J l.u imnMf.rt BrtlHriniT nf 1 nau uccn iiiiu " b the can in which it had been packed. All the VICltmS WCre SCIZCU w 1111 iuism ,wUi..ub, ...u suffered great pain. The boy died after twenty-four hours suffering, and one ol the daughters is in a critical condition, The cook who ate some fragments of the salmon is also . l. .1, Tl I. .a n. I dangerously in, ancwiwuc, n u searching inquuy. 1 ne saimon was irom uit Columbia river canneries. Though! It Fast Stocton. Cal. laly 1 1 A horrible crime was committed at the insaneasylum here this morning. One woman patient choked ar dher to death. The two women, Mrs Ellen Sv.eeny a .. rn. ,h. nrhinlrv iiahit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for Drunkenness will euro any oase of the liquor nabit in trom ten to thirty days, irom rue trnuernoiiiiuw tho drunkard. The Antidote oan be given in 1 cup of coffee without tne Knowieuge the person taking iv. The Antidoto willnot injure the healtn in any way. Manufactured t,y the Ltvinacon vnnm,:n (JreRon cr iram j a vuuiuiiuki "b--w Albany. Buy your procerifls of Parker Bro wage Decn uowiiwaiw. v . w , T n ....... I -t ii..J. J Klisi Pcilts nf Tjve inrkouu from one end of union 10 mc nm.a, .uu ...... j - r -- . lOCKOUl xrom unc , inm h. woe nut u tie ume cell last nictat. other, almost exclusively in the protecica 0vcrci0wded condition of the induAtr.es. answer ine hu""ui"' I icmale ward, rseuncr was consiucreu ua McKinlev bill' was framed to care for the I gerous. and neither was strapped, as is the 1 . ulth rlf.nmi)si natia-ntt. This morn fat-fied contributor, to campaign .yrBfi S- tad be and the fat-frlcd arc taking precious gooJ , desth Mis, Po, acknowledge! . nl it.nn.clvH with the aid of iin- I ua-:nn rnmmitil the Heed, and seemed to . . 1 , ...i.tu.. I. i.:i. : ported cheap lauor, rutnicsa c'i""i 1 i-nua iu. denutv Ssheii.fs, soldiers all warring Kansas crowing In Mie. acainst organized labor, ine oeuer inei Atchison, July 1. The Missouri rivercut McKinlev bill Is understood In Its purpose Doniphsu Point last night, transfer- , 1 . . . .. ,u intense the aneer 1 1 .u 1 f 1 1 1 acainst H. The cyclone of 1S90 will be as 1 ftorn Missouri to Kansas. Where Pleasant e ' ... .. 1 It ;,i!m KnnwuMMnnilav it nnur thf. main a summer gni- .0 tnc " channel of the river, and all that is left of , . Little s big rarm is a small island. Weldless steel chains are being exper- . , n.L..L.t.. .m neresateac imentei with in tngiano. men......-- 1,1 c . .. il St PPTpnanirnn. Tulv I .The Novoe cut froma blank alter me same -- - - . method, employed in cutting out . chain Vremy. today, commenting on the renewal of ",c 3 . , . . . , 1. I fh, ftrihtinfl. aava unless France and Russia from a single piece ot wooa. " repiy to ,hi, treaty soon by concluding a used.lt is asserted that the weight can ce formal lHi the MnraI power,0f Europe . I . 1 l ...l. it .vfla nrS I 1 1 I . CI . ... 1 1. : .nl.n.II reduced One-miru 11 ui " "- will unuuie av nwuucui iw iiig ,iuni,wH.j 1 !U. .,...nlh I t-A fhair a1 vt .Arl. in enfllilo th, lnttfr tO sarv In o d cnam. 01 simiiai "t"b' . lust at this time the eastern portions of wjU consequently oring abont events which M , u Mm u-ni I will rn.ter a Kurjnean war inevitable. this country are suuering niutu of ater, but what we snouio uo .1 ...... I,!-,.! with no more rain than the city of Aden is we Alone can tell. A report from an ;English oincer siatcs u has fallen but twice In that city In twenty, nine years, and then only enough to lay the dust. ... 1 r-SJ tdliigl'liotosraphersA i ntiy uregon. ,IJ. 1 V. 1....11 ftinnr.rnti Vf F m-de bv ItR IISVB UUlianu uil uiv...S. . h V Clark and V 11 Oreeuot.d up to Nov 15th, liSU. JJupltcstes can u ii... " hem ooly of us at reduced lates. e have ,0 .inn mrtflA hv OUr- selves, from wliick dupllcales can he had at :i : w. . .ho nn.v full line of .r.V:. -wiA An akIktci d work at loweltrates for tirst close work. Weshatl r pleased to see yon at our Stndio in Froman s block, neataoor so maeuuiw AT...F.-. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. rterial Embalming: Done ScietitU lcally. What is I RedCrownMills SOM. LANNISfl & C').. V aOrK miw i-Rocssa floor scrERioR oh "" ASB BAKBM 5S. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. City Meat Market. SHTJLTZ BROS,, Proprietors. -vp a full line of meats or sit am in a cool plow, completely pr tected: and always frosu. FOSHAY & MASON, -noiaSiiiia sua aiAib- ftmtvfristsand Booksellers APtrforJohnB.Alden'.puUor, Dlch we afyll t publiaher'a prlewa Ugeanoiw tLBART. OBB0 rug n Is sekncwMfe the leadlnr remedf Ifcr "L'l?n?S?Z2l safe In ttcnmmerjdinf u ltT1. to all sum-rera. telel T Drareeaaem, T W4S1D at Cl alCeS, tpslli Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Intuit and Children. It contains neither opium, samvu u other Karcotio substance. It is a uarm.o .aaUi. for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlns Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its gtiarantco is thirty years' use b7 Bullions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and atlaya feverishness. Castoria prevents vomltlnff Sour Curd, cures Plarrhrea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowels, BlvlnS healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. 1 1 i t pvioys T1IK .OI.IKjl" III IK BA.AAII, . r. lnron nntl complete line of i ,inii ,lnll buiriries.'ljoys' wagons, veocipede, and. nanjoiher goods wch tesides a comiileto line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy Sated wU, glassware bird cage , plush goods, Bticn as l, V, "7' autograph books, scrap books, children s ABC picture books, and all goods that avecarrie.i l. a v: . tlCUl.ir 10 Hie ivnrr foV Eun'l.S tfie best of satis- who nave ubuu hhh v - . - nowucr ever bhivu , UoUleiiRnle Bazaar. Each package of nriroin the shape of a line pie.co of glass w"e. lie sure to call, when. a AlGany, attiietloldenRule Bazaar you w he sure to nnu wiiai y"" S shown over the store and he trea ed goodsare all .narked in plain figure , bo as not to deceive anyone, mid I hao bat one price to an. .-,.. Bicycle Ultllng Hamiltnn. Ont, July I. The ninth an nual meeiing of the Canadian Wheelman's Association took place here today. Tue city is full of wheelmen from all parts of Canada and the United States. The races this after noon resulted in lowering the American chaninionshiD recorrls. T Skerrer. of Hamil ton, wen the half mile dash at 1:17, and W M Carman, of MonUeal, the mile race for oruinanes in 2:42, ureaKing tnc rccuiua iui those distances. raining Events. Saturday, June 37, 1 p tn Colt 6how st Albany. Wednesday, July S, at Opera House, SI Plunkctt. One half dollar reduction on every pair of Ludlnw's fine shoes. A good line of them at.8 E Young's. Novelllra In Jnrlteta. T 1 ..nnnt..AJ - nn.nll niHnmant nf 1 nave jetencu u dmiihi aui,.vi.v. novelties in ladies spring jackets, made .1 .... ... ni: .1 in ine latest, styieti 01 jiwib nuu oocr ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full lino of these goods, as well as all the loading styles iu Ladies Capes, beaued, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken lor special stzes anu oiyioa. Sah'l E Young. rhe best roatt eottce in the city at Com a JTjyer a OX3 r-y.il f tosdayb.I SV ..... SOUMW. tA Kreaausr tCU T.(.i.lOI"'' V"Wa.57 Revere House; ILBANY, - ORE00" 3HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, fitted o. in M wpplled with thts beat in th. market. Mlot aleaptngaasirtmanlsw Sample room, trtxxroinaitjIal'.trBTelers). . Castoria. . .allrrt mtvlWrM far chtl- MCawrt nuaa-- dJuTother. hay. repeatedly toid m. of lu mod effect upon ihelr children. a" r n r. 00000. Lowell, Mat. . .l- 1 , rumadr for chlldreo of - raatnr.a 1 tac - ... far distant when mouwra wm--..--- --- f" their children, and us. Castoria In-So-eraHousquack rrums-hhar. Soylo, tbelr lored one by 'orclo opium. aoothiog syrup tgZ dow th'ir f-troau, thereby tending 14 ,rem'W" fj. F. Krsa.au.., Ceoway, an, Castoria. castoria Is so well adoptnl tncini-'rea that I recommend It u superior toany preacriptioa known to me." Jl. A, Aacasa. M. D.. lit So. Oif.ml St., Brooklyn, Jf. Y. "Our physicians la the children's depart meat have spoken highly ot their experi ence In their outside practice) with Caatori. and although we only bara. among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet w. are f re. to contesa that the merits of Castoria baa wwn us to look with favor upon It." Uxitid Hosrrrab m DiarsstMaT, Beaton, aUas. Aiurx 0. 8itw, Pm., th,? niflliiitl and reatiits wneL - .if 1'1,'j ia t'lkvn : it is lilcusanl I ..'.frpal-.iiitr tn tlie last", anil nt-t.- ifent'.vyet irti!!.t'iy on tlie Kitlneyi, !ivr uti l Ht'wele. clennscH tlio sys t.-ri cRectnally. dispels olil. iieiid rt:!t -J nnti frvcrs ami cures lm'..iltml ,-.M,tii)Ktitti. Svrun of Figs i. the -iiy r""!'ly of Us kintl ever iiro , ,v.n . rileitaing b the ttifto Bint :io . -;i"-''e t' th stnmafh. jimnijit in i i s ti.i'i ami truly in-nehcial in it 1. ita ntuv excellent oitulitics . vr.fr.ftiiii it't'i all. it i fur sale in ati.i SI bottles by all leaJiag ur-.iotl. v.jaA-Tua-D CMtV av TV? VJFGZHIA FIG SYRUP CO. -fttf r . tv TOM f Change of KiiloeM. . U oltraat til ttt liaUnf Garrftt have sold to E J Innlng the.r entire buMnrw. good. war.,, neroha rl ,e, mnK account". iiit"-. Indebted to anld firm will ple-aw call and Ule - once with K J Lannin to wbo.n all aeountM aro pava'i'.n. All utnandlng li'debtednoss w!L hs settled by Mueller "" ,i i, r.i.i.r.n . EJ liANKISa. Albany, May 25, iStU- A llenalrrt llon-e. . I, . hpAii likned to I lilts t'at " , . , . tnnnieiis is r - ....n..k S...rt-d bv the eltllich , ... ..! ,1:.. .n.l refnaea aorlte, nyppep-', "'a"" , ,, . . ti ,otnrn. What oan breaa the spell, what can rat- the ban laid upon me unaaru, oanr? we answer uun -j . -- e . . in.. ..J . . .r. w ai anted : .7 i... l.. rnnitTiivA tefctimoov in the respon-. .., -"-- -- - ,. . A of myttads, covering. ! ""-"i .' ,"" .century. A cour-e o. ... follow. .1, will tenniote .n cur Hitive,not partial. Tho bittera ref.iw - . - - - eaaatsaaavjaw Band nUrliiCS tO iicUetuding fromth... n g act npm. - from the stomaco ... .-; - mote, a regular -- -.,,. k dney coinpisint. nervoi.'" ----- ' .1.5. ..: this miuicinr. ana neuralgia - I bnve lor sale 1G0 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In high state of cultivation, no duhu ings, but lias aheautful building loca tion. Kight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the SPRK. Terms and prico reason able. Call and see me on second street, opposite nn OCKATOmCe. 1. VI. il,aiia, Albany Jlarget. PAISLEY & SMILEY. Wholesale talers In - TOBACCO - ard - CIGARS. Atetawy. rsi Whet-80o Oats 48--Btitter-lc prto. HO,W to 18.00. Piitasoea to i- - Bstcons i;stna... hoaldara 7e ssdM.te irdJOrtr-erlb. n-. . . , a n.r hnl. r Km i ... - , ObWcena- per o.. Hill rsa , .horta, la. oilfMitnisa, -Chair, . farm rar Snle. inn or.aiiui.Ai -in a,i.... - machine of any make desir-d, except one or two. fiir-omeoak ruh wood and part cash; or "ill consider other propositiona by any one iibiiiuu. ... ui.iiuniw. ...i ......... .,i.K .a rin.nl nm i-cruiuiuu-, .iu(pi,..u.i - " i r- . di.onlnratiou of the skin, especially on-th. faoe, are caused by impu-e hood and will disappear rapidly by n.ing I'funder s U-e-gon filood Pnriner. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Their Only Mrltltlae Cheat. William W B Miller, Deerlodue, Montana, writes: "I have been uiiog Btandreth'a Fills for the last thirteen "ar, and thonkh I have had nine childteo, I have never had a doctor lntnanotiae exct-pa irtroe ainiev, i . : i . t l. .lieu w. Dsn an rpnirnnv --..i w ll ii.ll i. r.'n ivui. . - .......... .if Hr.ndreth's Pills. I have used them ftr myself, two or three a nnint ror a mooin.ror liv.r oomplsint.dyapepaia, sad constiatita. laHiaeiooea. oreni"a,,.iiiii nw, ,v., .me nj twn Bramlieth's Pllla Hied the rhil.l- ren at once. A rmx i-I puis l. an toe anmi ein. cheat we reqnir. in thenmae. Wa as them Mir rheiimall-ln. coiia.rrrii,iMinii- I i l...ul Thav R.V.. ha nr.. riiw , I,, ...... - .fsilnl tn u. all the above o mjd.inte in verv lew nay..