Weather Summtry of Moteoruluuy for Juno, 1S91, from observations taken at Albany, Linn Co, Oregon, by Jolm lirig.ijs.vol. observer for the oikjui oeryice, u a. Army. Highest barometer on the 2S, 30.3J. L"vii barometer, on the lit, 20.58. iJdau" barometer for the montli. 21). 93. Highest daily average of bar., 30,25. Lowmt daily average of bar.,20.b'9. .Higheat temperature on the 30, 80'. i-owest temperature on the 9, 87. Mean for the month 59. Highest daily range of ther.on the 9, 37. Lowest daily rangeof titer, on the 11,0. Mean temperature at 7 a, m. daily 5(i. 3. Mean temperature at 2 p. m. daily Cli 7. Meanteajwrature at 9 p. ni.daily SB. 4. fravMifng directions of wind, N & S Volocity or force, 3. Total rainfall or molted snow, 2.05. IfBqkSi of snow at end of mouth, 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, 1G. Number of day of cloudincsa average 8 scale of 10, 1G. Of 30 days observations 5 were clear, 1 6 ulmdy, U tair, 0 f ggy mornings, 0 rain 0 ft no....,,.. n 1 Frost on the moroiug of the 0. Temp. 2 0 on average of 13 years. Kaiufal!, 0 i'J on average of 13 years, "August Flower" tetter List, following is the list of letters remaining Oregon, July- 1, 1S91. Persons calling for lhaaA lpttara niva ll. .I... l w n ' " uuip uu wuica they were advertised. Allen, Mrs Ray Aohison. A M ijonar, O C BlacKstone. Lee Barrintrer, J G Butter, F C Cane, ila.tin Campbell, Mrs Jessie Countryman, Frank Craxton, Mrs Susie Craxtou. Mra Al Cramer, Kveretto 2 y-"", v. mnielr, J Al Denton, E H Dyer, K W tlhson, Albert Elliott, Charles Faulkner, 8 W Garrett, Bent C ilaro d, Mr Headlov. D H James, Romeo Lyon, W Lyons, Mrs Lizzie Mush, Will Morgan, Mattie Kisley.WO Odonel, Joseph P.anb, J bhaw, J0hn j 8tout E F Whitney, C C T. lle.fTmiar, r. M. tuuc is a genue Dyspepsia, man at Malden-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., named Canf.n ( 1 -w. iiUU has written us a letter in which it is eviaem innr tie n.i tnoHo n t,; mind concerning some things, and this is what he says: " I Ti n vo ncnrl vMv r-- : ----- jvui yiuiauuu called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. It is con stantly in mv hoimiv nnrl it the best remedy for Indigestion, !r,Hin ?uu constipation we Indigestion, have ever used 01 known. My wife is wua dyspepsia, and at auuers very mucn alter eating, The August Flower, however, re- lieves the difficulty. My wife fre- jucmiy says to me wnen 1 am going to town, 'We are out Constipation of August Flower, ana l tninic you md better get another bottle. ' I am also uuuuicu wun indigestion, ana when ever I am, I take one or two tea spoonfuls before eating, for a day or two, and all trouble is removed." LEADING DRUGGIST MEDICINES STAT I0NARY &C II' M IS w w FAIR WARMING- J fc mi lunu, SUerlO Scon :ne Xol Want Hie World. e i nave Ibe Dclln. wen Taxes. mmm , J. JosetDh, Proprietor a. i at Wholesale and Retail. mix white mum ilwloito. PROFESSIONAL CAJSDS K. WEATIIEKFOttD, 1 Attorney at Lvr. Will pm?ti?e in all courU of the BLi'o. Ulllcnt PUnii blix-k. All.niv n,.,,.. ntwiss mw umm kiiu ouiiVi'r III wIlincerjr. LO.lce- tiuiisiuauleonall Mi!nU. L'aiis neitUtnl Ton fv I G EO. '. WKIC1IIT, Atiunivn Liw.inu nuiary ruouc. n ill practice In Ml eourtiuf tbii state and in the Unit ml ISUttje court! - -" v.. iWHlf VIC IMUk VI Oicmni. A!baiiiv. tiin. I 2nd i" Store. . ... (uuvi in iup v lV. fttld MIA tlWiMr- rniia .a. la r.lnnn U. a. til k'Uun FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. door west of 8 E Youcg'a oil" ninri Embracing all tlio latest Novelties ia Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC -To The Ladies,- Make a Snocialtvof T.nrtia TT.i., T. i if r I 111 k unu juuslin. iiy rmcEs arc iio LOWEST anil my Goods tho Best. Am sols rgent for tho Celebrated Y. S. E HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warrantod absolutely fast, and Freo from Poison iff minF? Cotofcs, Colds Intluenn. Bronchitis. yUllLv) Hoarseness, Whooplna Cough, CrouD. Sore Tnrost, Asthma, and every affection of tlie Jhroat, Lungs and Chest, includmi; Consumption frpcedy aiidbvruuuieut. Oeouine Kiucd "L Ea'.U." OTATIC OF OREOON. O LAND DEPAKT.MEXT. Salem, Oregon, Judo 1, 1S01. Tljeboaril of coimnissioners for tho v. uuu i.niversitv lands nod for tbo investment of the funds arisinc therefrom of the state of Orefron, hereby invite sealed applications to purchase the following desonbe-l lauds, to wit: All r.flho ,lnntlon i..J .l.i ., . .mpiiuuftiiii MlURtfKl n wotions 15, IB, 21 and 22, in Township 1J, faouth Kttiino 1 West, known and OHCrillAfl nn tli nnvoH . tho donation land claim ,fJoh W Moore and wile, twins Notitlcation No2'.0i. snv "1R therolrom 18 hcios sold to Jacob Jum inan.contaiuino; 300 acres. Also becin nliiX 10 chains west of the uortlioist comer of the northwest quarter orsoction -1. in lp 12 South Hnne 1 West, runninjr .....vU uumnx; tuence south 40 chains; ihence west 30 chains; thence north 40 chains to the nlace of becinninir ntaiiiir.Kl20acros,BlI situated in Linn I!?l;?iy.'.2tateof reKa. and ointaluing ID U114 S flir(w mn A. ID JPplicaUona will be opened at a regular , .V-i ! i""l - O'CIOCK, . VI -'"'K"' to reject any and all bids S rANArvuil in I. 1 1 NAPOLEON DAVIS. C'ierk of tho Hoard. Sheriff Scott for delinauent tar nnvpra nir.aa i.A.. I i J """on mcjf settle at once. The follnw int. nntioA lion been published several weeks; bnt it v.o nui ua euccuveiyas it should: ojroruer oi me uountv Court lam di mcten In hrn. tl.A : ,. . ,: iww'iiKiiua oi an cases standmir nnnn .1 nniha . ,, of this county. If such taxes are not paid iinmedialely I shall proceed to levy upon and soliihe property of delinquents to make collection. X mean business. M. SUOTT. Sheriff of Liun county NOW llP rnilVKUIB Irt AnlnxnA 1. -11 , .. r "1"" ,wiiiiuii,b U1C tion of all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasantest business in the world, must bf(lniti iw.i;.w,n i i.i to time and pay up, thereby avoidinc .v,.ba, g iuuviul'u uy me IftWfl nf lirnimn Tl,;n : :ai..i n 1 11 V . -""a ia fjusiiivuiy me last call. Look out for the explosion of the bomb. II. C. WATSON, $500 HsT7axvI Attnrnnv at r.nur Ain... I c . 1 11. U. N. BLACKBI RN, AttomayatLaw. Will practice In ail ths courts of n.i n vV w!",recelv9 )rrapt attention. OOlcei fViVl' 'r'l':. "f";") !;,'r"' tT .1P7n- rtf ;,tvH i.ixi,.n ,.p ?".r.m r",H"jr"hr,u"'w .. .. ... . '""f,, "w nitfitii cure wun w.-st a ! in i-iv.. V 1 . !'" -j ejn-iaitie. ana novvr 1IL...-. Jl0 -onHin.i tn..t nt t.. - , VUUnlUVI, li. J A Cuiumins, Agent J. J. WHITNEY, FOR SALE. Attorney At t,w mid v..t.. Oregon. Albany T. i . .I:".. M"raoat anu won I- v. urn uot AUDiy (0 J K liaplf NlnS rf"C' COrn" ' Clapool. .ua D n. j. l. hill. Phvftiotan .n1 Qi.n U'lMnr. n . . . ...Jv.v,.,..,lul u,)(wii1 rrnv.E. uonier mm an fcVrnr itnuta A Kn r. , - w.wr, uiuiaii;, VIUKUII, JB. G. WATSO M ASTON, Pholon Q n.onn A .... JJH. W. II, DAVIS, niS i1 1?r w ''1"J " hi' offlce dl,r w 0-- .w..VV VlUJjUII.J JJK. G, A. WHITNEY, GSf" ""l""?"' OraJimsof njllofue Mod EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route shasta:liNe. Express Trains leave Portlsnd Dally South I , ire sir te," til ""SUHB B08EBL-RO MAIL, DAILY. Portland Albnny ALBANY iOR. WEI'MAN & HDIBEET BEOS, . Real Estate Agoits Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city Property in Albaa aod Coryallis. THIRST NATIONAL BANK, Ar 4.00 P; I.V I Hi'lHI u Lv I it ro a u : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in v uraisnmg -:- u-oo I have Larga Stock ut tbp Lowest Prices ever olleieil n, yA Icairya ill line of the world-reoowed nihUliuifin . for wear a- Dnish. LarEe 8tofc cf EMiiRnmemra .,! K- and be cor oed th: Albany in .he bent trading point in Oregon. BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON; OF ALBANY, OitEQON, President Vice PresideiK . . . Cannier...... - 1. FUN'S S, E, YilU.NO iLBAsr locai( DAlLr axoirr J?HiLM' Al!,av V ',".?" 1) fl SCROFULOUS BOY Kunnlnfr Sores Covered Ilia Body nml A,,,,.3 t'ureu by Cutieurii Kemcdlvs. ...fl'K0""" oM- "" l, f' tla'"l "f '-ur 1 , mmlrlillti N-Kun lo .well, .ml had cvi-rv -n ! a Liruo boll. Wopmiltlml 11. but, 'i ' .-npnc About llro month, fi,p u u ,. ruauiiig sore. Boon olh,-r .ores forrniM. uau iwo 01 iiicia on I man, ana aj lit. Wood ) more and more Ini-.,:-It took led. time for tl-m break out. A .on, rwr , the chin, beneath lhn i:., lip, which was very offeii-1, Hi, head wa. ono ai,l;t X difi'lnriflnit a great deul. ':' 1" v.aa hie ro:iditbn at lv A. J ' o monthe old, !i.m I ; f VV? y4.w d'rl,",! ho care of I..-1. ' N'''.'SSv'S mother ha iimdU il i I, . ; n littlo ii'b .1 , II e.:lr,p). ITe eould waik a lltfle, but con" ( up If Iio fell down, and eould Dot move n U d, having no line of 1.1, hand,. J ir.nti,-;; . 'niiieiiKil wliu Urn ciTicrn.t iT.r.h., nil freely. One .oro after another healed, a i . -rut, r forming In each ono of llieae fl.ofJe, , - i ,-,: lK.forehealin, whleli would lin,Slv irrow I- H,'rv uk"'n out; then they would heal r.,.. V'.V' '''"'" ngly bone formation, I nreae". I.ler I iMn a den and a half bottle, he n. , . I, 'le.y r ired, and la now, at the aire of ait y 'i ' no-mid healthy thlld. Mas.K.8. Mil'ii'. . M i J, 1 M5. ol i K. Clay St., Bkraln1;. . My cr.mdon remains iicrfeftly well. Ko. ,- . cv.ifulaand no .ore.. Mas. K. H. Miilili ku. 7. l'itw. Ulooml.,,,!.,. . Cutlcura Resolvenl nieVi'oT I!',""'' '"fl". Internally (to elraire M.ieJ of all Impnrltlea and polaonou. elemei,!, : 55,"; '"" J, ranar), and C'lTlcrnA. the l- eitlfler.exiern.lly (to clear th. .kin and s.i.. and n.iore Ihehalrl eure,ry tl.fc..n.l hi,,. ol l..o ,.!n and blood, from pimple, to Krofula. Bold everywhere. Prlee, Ci tiixba, MV.: Ho.v J-.e.; aEaoLviXT, 1. frepared by the r,.rm " "" CoaroHATios, n,i. Becd lor" How to Cure Blood IHmsk.." RSRY'Q f 1 purified and heamllW UU I Q by Cmroat Dutr. AUulahdy pn- RHEUMATIC PAINS In on mlnntt th Cntlmra Ant J'ln rilr relifVM rhnuumii'-. tU', htp, kMrwy, chfii, n m'itn5r pKlua Md weakni'MC-. larl- ii,-. ALBANY COLLEGJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 18Q1. first Term Opened September Illtt, isni) A lull corps ofinstructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. "rr8iBi" otftu1y Rrranired to ineettb " rioo oi sbuueuis, Sfea'al inducements offered to ttudcnti from abroad. KEY, BLUEST , COMIIT P: PS, Job Printer st.St.El7rS,T0 Albany ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - REGON Conducted by the Sialsi f St, Benedict Tuition In Mlwl lUO .nhn.1 ... .. ,n eio -vmTO. .ouBoo.roio FortArmn nf nnnrrl In r 0A1.AM.1 nrtlnaci i ovii'iw r iuj " .T i j io -einv or .ia oiBier C3U per to re vi ALBANY NURSERIES TRANSACTS A OENERA L bankine liuioess, n..wu.i m iii.i i suii'UVl lUVIlUL'K, UinUTIr-VfUUVIlL' ...1.1 a . .. " swau m raiiinu .runrttcr, lOia Now Vork, San iVaucisco, Cliicaxy and r tjtJatid retron CO XEcmONS HADE on fA.urahle vontB. DIRICTOIUI E. Torso E.W, LASCof.H L & Buui, L. Flias Howard 8ox. LIJJMCO NATIONAL BANK, " OP ALBANY, OBEQON. CAPITAL nTOCK 8100,000. fresldent j i, eni'.'iv Mee-Prasident j M iui.sTOJJ J","r-:-. Go E CHAMI1KHI.A1N-, Ami Cashier o A AKL'lllliOLD. nifrM. T T. f t . . - . u tf M i.aiHioii, uco r. ?3 J?,1?' y 8 LwW W U "ulTa, J A Craw ..w wiu w n ArcniDom. TRANSACTS a tronoral hanking bualncss. DIUWSlulllUKAtTSoii New York, 8ao aal p.irtl.r I. '.Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appioved security KECEIVKdeuoailssubleot check. 2:.0r 3:25 p a 7:30a a 3:'22 a i I.SS.UI0.X IK.15CII, Albany Lebanon A; batty ueiiaiion r 11:25 a a Lv I 8:111 a a Ar I Up. Lv 3:40 r u Acknowledged iHoiiarc.i. of jlic libai Wft on... r..ll 1 f it . B ANK OF OREOON. ALBAKY, OREOON. rnullnl, .. $r,o,(wo. vKpitiu-. II F MKRHILL iasniur i,w m uu Transacts a freneral banklnirbtHliiciis: Ctilleetiftnn mn,l. . .It . it.i . able terras. -aa. Pom.s on lavor- Interest allowed o.i tlmo deposits. 6 ANK OF KCIO, SCIO, OREGON. PULLMAN BIJFFEtIlEEPERs: Tourist Ri -'-irv.a arains BfcTEfc. I'OIITLAKts A.MS CIlltVALI.lg """PailT (Except Sunaay,) in a u i r ... ,r"" raaix dailt (Exc.-p; Sunday. up.l . T: III ir a,:.'::"",'. Ar I :-20 A a . " 'iim i.w 1 fi.dK 1 ia uy Throtiffh TloliotH io an points EAST, &m sniiTia . r OEHLER t"'' uananer s.'tO. F. and P.A, PrMlrfnt ViM.,, CMhier 1 S Herrle, 11 llryant omcBas: ainseroas: Eaolns, -J 8 M;n Jsrr mtsrs O JIai Jolin Qalnes r o omitb. i l . .""c'" uiinit ana eacnanjte nualness Bishl drafts issuad en Albany, Portland and ban at. nA v r. u.i man at our nnraerr i-half . - -. - - ...... u . uu, ii it i on she Corrallla rnaH. nn nils from town, as fins ft lot rr rv,,ii reea or an kinds Mean be found any. here on (he coast. If you oontnmnWua. slanting trees It will pay yon to ree our ioca .uu get our prices, catalogue ftse HVMAN A BROWNKLL. City Restanrant. Wswint Kaiatn aMtiMla tu,MJl..l al. .' a -"Ft wutjiia ivmvuoiBUt llllsl OlO and popular reiUarant will be made firat elH n rery respect. The public will be given good meata at all hoora for only 26 moU. ETery thing neat and attractive, Pn watts. Ka... n...t I a . - t'jtif,! iu every etyie PORTLAND SAVING BANK, PaM nn Mnlltit Surplus and profits...." J..Z..r.""... OO.'SSo Interest allowed en strings deposits as follows: Per three months .....lur rani ... , r twdn -"tj ........ psr eent per annum: t'r.nvn iTesioent D. P.THOJirsorf VWPrestd.nt. H. 0, STRATTON. CMideri YAQUIJU BAY ROUTE, Oregon Pacific Raitad, " "", needier. Oregon Dewlopmant Po's Steamers, T.ME3CHBDULB. e.TT Leave Corralll, TJ3 V H'lk? Tl37" 4r. vui :, v'fasaA:; rson;w,tin!h.'T4,-n"i-f wimpany's Line of SteamaLin. uJ. em TsquinasndSan F."- Ip" between SAILING DATES . Mitchfcll & Lewis Co., Albany, Or?g. ILL LI 0 sic - Dealers, " our List or riatioa '1. 1". MlTsTRlS fT1i9m"k' popular piano among'hemHi -r ,f---J.JJL'l, I f.nii'us Manists. s i xSASJJIr t (Celebrated fot its brillUtc; "VT'aTk "iiisii ann auraDimy. V ( I S 1 iT fi fit T The bost niodlum ptlced Agents for the New Ifn,., a.-. . . V 1 Supplies for ill kimif'ni d . B n'1 ol1""- Sewlnr? MacblMi cu SoSiers lite ta AIao,1"le- We K..r.l our We .b. car . r..n . ' ''' Kuaraniee satisfaction. C or. Second and Terry sts.t (Seml tot Cat8lo8Ue.) A1anyi 0r, The New York C. B. E. Ste Is the Place to Buy FOOTWEAR. 'TEY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ftOTlra- IS ItKltKnT OIVF! TO AI.I. CRFDI 11 lore aid perwns In th. WW of William rw. IMHM4, that en th. 8rd daj el June. 1891 1 fllJ T al aeeount In said natter In the eoontj ,t I IJnsl Mnaat - aaJ it... . . ' . ' lee. aa,.fii.idd.;asia. Urn. f.r artnrand It tea all ehltlo., u .aid m..t J s? aala.1. anMri aid satats. or ' Bjaterf J.,ii ,1 ... - W (atraw, AdmlalA .1 mil.m.tHV.ll.y,j0.4thi lath; 2A,,1 rto. sa rA.iciaco wtiirtt.v,M..a,B!,an, w 8th -. Thl rVimnarxt mnu.t iik... V.-'"" ."' laoulna rrlTe at Yiaulns tfae i." r aaillns 8 iorsj tate T.aae.tfr rretht nirl O. r. ar.l p. Ata . CrraLU. Their Meld Thyer Shoes McParlandlBlock, ABLANf. TR ia'IEFFEL'IB anil et (avMirn a IT ww crs AMseaer. (f St) .. JIT , ! '." ' J '"'" '"""I of 101. . - ' - '-S.rH'jl.MCO.SPRjHGFIELD.OU.S.A-