HSAH H 8 ft P J VOL. IV ALBANY OREGON, WEDNESDAY JULY 1, 1891. KO 46 3 w If rViJ f-V, a'l m n II M Hi HI m VI N r Conrad Mever, ST A 11 KAKERY Cower Broadaluin and First Sts., DKAI.ICK IN tuned VrullM, t uuu(i Menls, taiawre, Uccnswarur rlen Fruit. Vegetable. obHCco, Cigars, fngar 8n'.i, t'ollee. Tea, K(c Elc, "'. . 'erythlng that is kept In u Kin U va vnd grocery ore. Highest a rkat p raid for tU!. KiNDS uf PRODUCE. Albany i .Mnuufacturers o' . ! IE AM ENCIMES CRIST AND SAW f MILL MACHINERY IRON tKONTS W ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN J IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Special attention ald da of macblner o t Miring 4ll PU6rn8 Made on Short Notice TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd then WAY INTO BEYOE & FRQRflAN BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of : , the latest Improved Rifles and Shot , Guns; an Immense 6tock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p 'Chairs and thousands ; of other things too numerous to mention ,: Xtepnir Shop in connection with the Store, and one ol :he best workmen in the State to do any ; ind ail kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick ' is out motto. Fortmiller k Irving. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS , Arterial Embalming Dona Scientil lcally. iRedCrownMills SOM, LANNISa Sl CX. IIOPK'S, KW PROC1HS I.OUR SP?BBlOE IOK WSIM1 AND BAKERS 7SS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. fciep a full line of meats of nil kin In a cool piece, complotaly pr toctod: and slwars Treat). FOSHAY & MASON, TVOULAM AMD KHAlb- I)rn2?is(s,in(l Booksellers Aeei.ts for John B. Alden'a put)lloalloii, .UgeadAi ALBA BIT. UBKOB Th. only mie remel7 fot I IrtnearrhaEaorWhltei. I DreKribe it anil feet ate In recnmmeDtlLDK H nHtmCmii'riH,o to aii """jr.; - Dkcatt-m. iLb Bold Tiy nrwiaik STARABD A tlKirK, iaraU. Revere House; 1LBANY, . . OREGON 3HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted op In 8 rat-elan style. Table supplied with th. beat in tb. market. Mlo .leaping apartment., tempi a room n commeralal traveler., M g (JnwuitMd not m iaM IIMiallh SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is on the Pacific Coast, Leading lOUK-SPRING PASSENGER WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREESPRIXG WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSB We Guarantee Oar TeWclos the Best, Considered, Special Catalogues and Price List Hailed Free on Application Staver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, W. C. DAVIS & CO., HLEATH IS WEALTH! DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treatment a icuarantoed npeuiflc for Hysteria, Ltlzzumss, Convul stons, Fits, Neryous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration oamod by the use of alcohol or tohacco. Wakeful noes, Mental Impression, S ft iiiiiijr of the Brele, remit Inir in insanity anil lending to hilrrv, decay vulriuiuli, premature old aire, barren item, M ft Pot t . caused by over-exertion of tbo brain Each ln contains one mouth's treatment, $1 a h-x or six box it for ;Jj, aont by mail prejuiid on receipt o price. WIS OUAKANTRR SIX BOXES TO CURB ANY eaao. With each order received by m lor six boxes, accompanied with $., we will send the purchaser our written Kunrantco to refund the money it the treat ment docs not effect a cure. Guarantees wtnietl only by J. A. Camming, Druggist, sole axent. Albany, Or. What is Cast on j, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription lor Inf.u.ts and Cbildren. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino iior other ITareotio substance. It is ft harmless stibstltuio ' for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantco Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevcrlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria la tbo Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cactnrii Is ao czorllent merlicln. for ehfl inn. Mothers hav. ropoatcdly told ma of IU food oCect upon their children." Ifa. 0. C. Oroe.D, Low.ll, Haa. Castoria Is tho bwt raraaly for chlldron of whlchlamRCTTinlnted. I hop. th. day Is not far distant irhn mothers wllleonsldor tho ronl Intamt of th.lr ehlldron, and use Ctuaorla In tead of th.Tarlwaeoack nostrums which are dMtrsyliit; their lovsd ones, by f orelnj orauni, morphine, eootklng ijiup and eeaor hurtful acuta dowa. th.tr Inut thereby aKllai Ibem to pranialnr. Bravae." Da. 1. W. KneawLoa, CMwaj, ark. Th. Catena- Company, TI the Largest and Most Complete and Comprises all the Styles of BUSINESS WAGONS.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Patties Wasting SPRING WAGONS OF ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL TJl'ON OR CORRESPOND WITH US Our Prices the Lowest Quality Walker, PORTLAND, OREGON, albaVyTorecon. Cannot be successfully traveled with- out good health. To roach wealth or any coveted position In life requires the lull possession and operation of all the fac ulties kind nature has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the physical being Is In perfect working and this is impossible when the liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct Ing tte secretions, causing Indigestion -and tfycpcpsla, with all cf their accom panying horrors. P. HENLEY'S Engsh Dandelion Tonic exerts a tp- Ific Influence over the liver. excltos It healthy action, resolves Its chronic onav;gemcnts, and promotes the secretions: cures Indigestion and const i- i pat' on, sharpens the appetite, tones lu the entire cysiem, and makes life worth . I living. "While YouWai!" BUT CURES - NOTHING ELSE. mmm Hi'3 tSBM - mi Castoria. M Caatorfa Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior loany prescription knows to me." R. A. Aacnca, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Draoklyn, N. T. ' Our phyalelaas in the children's depart, meat nan spoken highly of their uparl' sues In their outaul. praetlM with Castoria, aad although wo Mly bar. anions; oar ncdleal guppUe. what 1. known aa regular predoeca, ys w an free to snuliss that th. KMrits tt Caitorla kaa waa aa t Ivh wBa savor ape tt." Varna Hobsoal am. Psaaaiar. Ataaa ft. Marraw tarMt, Vmw York City. en AKY M ADAGHE notrthUrttQwV.S.Gov'tRwTt,tog.ij,x&S9, mi AEVSOUUTELY PURE fVOBVll COXSIDEKIXG. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Iew cream cheesa iuat isoeived at Prmrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5tcent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A Urge stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller fc Irving 's.just received. Have you scon those parlor suits that T Brink has just received! They are nice. Great redaction 'omen's furnishing goods for the next 30 days at W F Read's. J W Bentley. best boot hnd shoe maker Jio oity, three doors north of Democrat office. W Achison k Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walla for cemetery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make them look as pood as uhw with Wolff's Aome Waterproof Polish. For sale at Samuel Young's. Dr M H Ellis, physician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made In city or country. Ladies can do theirihoppin? in San Fran cisco without visiting tbe city, and without extra commission. Miss B J Borrows P -r. chasing ageut, 1G69 Grove St, Oakland, Oti French Tansy Wafers. The wafers are a sure and safe cr cm for a ktndsof female troubles anew1!' re mot alt obstructions to the monn 1 penoa no matter what the cause. U.i i are ji nwhat every woman need-f ar c can be ised with safety. For sale I th Livingstone Chemical Co also fron jU sole agent, J ACumming, druggist. Bit T' bergb;ck, A lbanv, Oregon. A sue Cure for the whiskv tiabit: l)r Li viuiis ton's Antidote for Orunl-enness will cure auy cae of the liquor nabit in from ten to thirty tlayfl, from the nno dorat e driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote can be rriven in i cup of coffee withmit th knowledge of the person taking ii. The Antidote will not injure tlie liealtn many way. Manufactured t.ytne LivuiLfatnn Uhemioal (Jo., i'ortland, Oregon cr trom J A tumming, sole agent Vt rdingl'liotogrnphcrs A rany Oregon. We have housht-all thenceativt t made by L V Clark and V H Greer .ood up to Nov 15th. 1889. Duplicates can be had from hem only of ns at reduced jnten. We haye also about 18,000 negatives mcde by our selvcn, from whick duplicates can be had at like iaies. We carry tbe omy full line of viewt i f this stato and do enlarged work at lowet rates for first class work. We shall be pleased to eeo yon at our Studio in Fromans block, next door to Masonic Temple. oivu ijAVjoYfs; Tiotli din iiii-lliud nitl nisults w'101. .Syrup uf TiK-s U ttiken ; it in Ic:isiiii: t'.nd refreshing to llio fitslc. nnil aci: jrontlyyet roniitly on tlm Kidneys, Liver ami Dowels, clennsoa tlie tyf, tern oficcttmlly, disiel3 coltlt-. licnd lu'i.i a and fevers mid cnrns lndiilnnl eniHtiputimi. Pyrnp of I''ig3 is tho 1 n!y remedy of its kind ever pro li.itvd, pleasing to tho tnsto nnil ac- 'I'Ublo to tlio stomach, promjt in irs notion aud truly heuencial 111 tt "ileets, its many excellent qualities l ommend it to all. Itisforsalo in '''c and 51 liottles by all lc&dtDg ilmggitits. t'MurcrunEO cnlv ov thi CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sin FttAHCsco: cm. immiyiuc. rr. NEW YORK, H.r PAISLEY & SMILEY. -W hnleeal. Djalrra In -ar-d-CIGARS, Alkaay, rga j I Buy yoar groceries of Parker Bro ess I'SES OF HOT WATEK. Hut water is one of the best among simple remedies, says the Ladies Home Journal, For instance, headache almost always yields to the simultaneous application of hot water to the feet and back of the ne-k. A towel folded several times, and dipped in hot water, and quickly wrung out and applied over the toothache or neuralgia, will generally afford prompt relief. A strip of flannel, or napkin folded length wise, and dipped in hot water and wrung out and then applied around the neck of a child that has thecroup,"wilt sometimes bring relief in ten minutes. Hot water taken freely half an hour before bed time, is helpful in the case of constipation and has a most soothirg effect upon the stomach. A gub'cl of hot water taken ju$t after lising before breakfast, has cured thousands of in digestion, and no simple remedy U more widely recommended by pnysicians to dys peptics. There Isn't the 'east doubt but that Cafe Cod Is gradually being eaten up by the greedy ocean. Leu than 100 years ago a light house was placed on the headland by the government. The original deed calls for a plat of 10 acres In extent. At the present time the enclosure embraces six acres. On a point just north of the marine stations at Ulghlanu Might the face of the bluff has moved In nearly 350 feet in the last seven years. At this rate it Is only a question of time when Cape Cod will be a thing of the past. The day before the Rey Dr Breckln ridge died of heart disease at Detroit, dur ing the Prekbyterian gneral assemblv, he telegraphed to a lending New York life Insurance company; "I am here. My prer mlun is due. W ill It be all right if I pay Iton my return to the city?" To which the telegraphic answer was: "Yes." The next dav lie was dead. Two or three days ago the company paid the Insurance on Dr Breckinridge's life $20,000. f'ouilux Events. Saturday, June 37, I p m Colt show at Albany. Wednesday, July 8, at Opera House, SI Plunkett. m a T11K C.OI.I1K It! I.E RtZAAR, Has a large and complcto line of goods, dolls, doll buggiesboys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which !0i to mase up a complete aBaoniiieiit, tpniilpfi a rnmnlete line of lninns 01 every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plnsii goous, sncn as aumins, toilet, hulh, autograph books, Bcrap Iwoks, children's A B C picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to enll the attention of llie public in par ticular to the Golden Kule pri baking powder and tea, put up expreebiy f:: this t-ade, which gives the heat of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both tbo tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the (inhlnn Kule linzaar. Knell liackniro of ten and can of backingpowder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. Jie Bure 10 can, wneii 111 Aiunupr, at the Golden Kule Bazaar, s you will be Biire to find what you wauit, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindlv bv mv clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods arc nil marked in plain figures bo as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. , Jl'MCS UnADWOIII. Change ef Rnslnrss, Not',-. la hereby gi.T tht: n.ller ,t Oarrnt have sold to E J Liinnln tlie.r entire hulne, goods, wrea, morohan dlw, look acoounls, fix'ure., etc. Prtles indebted to aald firm will p!-io eall and lettle ntonce with K J Ijinniiu to whom all acomnta are payable. All outKtandlng Indebtedness will ba settled by Mueller Garrett. MCRLT.KB A UAKREtT, E J Lanimo. Albany, May l!5,i8l. Albany Maraet. Wheat-8a Oats 8i BnUer-SOo priti, TRga 15( Rav 10,00 t 18.00, PotaUM ' at. pr baah.l Beef-on foot, aw to aV f?oik-6Xo per lh.Oraeetd. Baccna hama,lle ahoulders To aldea.o rd jaoporla, riour.-o.tt per bbl. 'Slekena ,. par d.a. MU Faad-braa, St. 00 per lea,' iksns, SK. aaMatlaaa, 1. . m. 3E TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Mate Teachers' Asaoelalloa. KEwrort. Or lune 10. About on h.i, teachers came inlo Newport today from vari ous parts of the state, Lxtensive preperationa have been made by I lie citizens for the enter tainment of the teachers. The opera hall in which the exercise, are to be held, is beauti fully decorated. At 7:?o this morning the "r ..Uv....c luuvcnca in the hall, with President D W Jarvis, of Umi- cuumjr, m mc cnair, ana proceeded at once to elect officers for the ensuing yer, with the following result: rretident D W Yoder, of Marion county; vice-president, C S Price, offackion roumv. secretary and manager of the state teachers cuu.ug miic, eieu, niu.tnoman county. fraaj Train, Lonixjn, June 30. Georee Francis Trflin arrived at the hotel Victoria this morning, and was astonished not to find a crowd of reporters there to greet him, in reiponce to his telegram liuui rraucc, invuing me press C1UD to a re nast. in whirh ten nwlv lirnnnl. r .1 Orient by himrelf was to figure is a beverage. t kcw, mat mc proprietor 01 me notel nad failed to enter into the spirit of the occasion and the invitations had not been ntmH desired. Train annealed to heaven inw his opinion of British stupidity and rushed to the Turkish bath across tne road and ordered the shampooer to remove the dirt of two hera- Bnslaeaa Fallares. New York, June 30. The business fail ures for the first six months of the present year are reported by R G Dunn & Co. to number 6074, as against 5385 during the same pcnuu in ioyo. ine increase 01 009 failures is unusuallv larpe. Th in, nl ,h. iuk:i: ties is also excessive. The amount owing ty the parties who have failed in 1891 foots up 10 cv,uu,uoo, wnne lortne same period in 1890 they were only $65,000,000, indicating an increase in liabilities of $27,000,000, A Blah R; R. Colorado Sprincs, June 30. The Pike's Peak railway is now in successful operation. The first nassemrer train rnrl,.t ,!, this afternoon. The lower terminus ol toe line is 8400 feet rbove the tn level and tbe upper 14,417. The distance is nine miles. A Poor Diet. Ciiicaco, Tune 30. An officer of the health department asserts that he has discov ered that the flesh of broken down, emaciated ana diseased norses is being made into sau aKc UM:cl a"u soio 111 tne poorer quarters of .. .mi investigation is Deingmade. Another Cyclone In Kansas St Louis, June 30, Brief dispatches from several points in Kansas and Missouri are to me eltect lhat another hurricane swept through a wide section of tln.se states yes eulay, do ing much damage to crops. One half dollar reduction on every pair of Lnd.Ws Hue shoes. A good line of them atS E Young's. Knrrltlea la Jarltrfn. I have received a smnll nssnrtmnni. nt novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers and Keef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. 1 expect to carrv a full line of tlipnn oyvuIu as well as ail the leading stvles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. writers taken for special sizes and styles. dim ii n. i ouira. E;The best rnai t oi;ff. e in the ity at Coin a Huyf r a. Farm rr Snip. I have lor sale ICO acres of the finest farming land in tbe state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but lias abcautful building loca tion. Kight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the SPEE. Terms and price reason able. Call and soe me on Second street, opposite Dkm oca at office. Dit. U. W. M.istom. The Demockat wiil exahaoge a wiwinir machine of any make deir l, except one nr two, for some oak arub wood and part oish; or will cotihidir other propisitinn by any one defdrinu a new ui&cluno. ..u....-...u.-, .MK.,....n, rum, I IHHIira, dircolnratlou of the skin, especially on the face, are caus'ii hy impnrn hood nd will disappear rapidly hv uaiug Pfuuder'a Ore- gun JWood 1'nntier. "Then Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria. When ahe waa a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Waa, ahe clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. Their Voir Medicine i hrsl. William W B Miller, Deerludge, Montana, writes: "I have hr.cn uing Rtandreth'. r- sl las for the lait thirteen yer, and though I have had nine childteii, 1 have never had a diotor inth.honte exuipt three times, when we had an epidemic of srsrlet fryer, which we snou banished by a vipon us one of Krnndrolirs Pills, I have used thfin fcr myself, two or trr a niilit for a mooth.for liver uomplaintidyoppcia. end constipation. Indiaiboa, cruiw,ind colic. iiMiiMtion, one oj two Brao'liotli'a IMilo tixd the i-hifd-ren at once. A box uf pills is all the medi cine cheat we rrqnire in thehonae. V nsa thm for rheomtim. coldn, catarrh, hi I ion.. nea and iuipue blood. Thy nvar have failrd to eiirn all the at ore ccmpUiuU in 1 verv fw ilaya,"