AL13JLN5T, OREGON, MONDAY JUNE 29, 1891. NO 44 i Conrad Mevei I .P1U.'PKIKT"U OK- jTAlt JJAK'KUY 4iar Broadalbiu and First Sts., j DBAKR IN 1 kuii-iI J3els, sl'U'eiii-misrr, CI:;his, Hn'n. . Tea. Elt., ricn FrnUn i vbuecn. Snsur 'ol!-e. lite,. . ic-jri-im .inv iw iwijh is h noil iU t yond grocery ore Highest -trjrstp raid for .'ALKiNDSuf PRODUCE. j Albany Manufacture nr TEAM ENGINES GRIST AMD SAW JILL MACHINERY IROHhiONTS I AMD ALL KIMS OF HEAVY I AND LIGHT WORK, III v IRON AND BRASS J CASTINCS. Special attention ,all o t pairing ll i as oi uiacniuer Patterns Made on Short Notice ' TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.!! While trying to Crowd ilioii WAY INTi DEYOE & FRQ.TO1 BROS Store, where they alwats have on hand the larrrest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifle, and Shot Guns; an immense stocK oi i-isning Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks. Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Jteprxii- Shop ' th connection with the Store, and one of lie best workmen in the State to do an Hid ail kinds of work. ' Come one, Come al. No rouble to lhow goods. "Small profit and rtuick ales" is out motto. FaitmiKer & Irving, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS -"Arterial Embalmiufr Dons Scientil lcally. iRedCrownMills KW PUOCE33 LOBB 81TEBIOK FOK AMD BAKEBS T3H. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. J City Meat Market I SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. ixip a full line of moats of 11 km in a cool piece, coinplotoly tected: ml 17 fromi. FC3HAY 6s MASON, Druggists ftnd Booksi'ilfrs Avrii'lefor John B. AMbo's fiuliralinr,i ' UipU w, B?il a. oublla):cr' yziot viiL ALBANY. OREOt Revere House; ILBANY, - OREGON DHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, Fitted no In flrst-claM atvle. Tables mpplled with the beet In tbe market. a los sleeping avwrtmenta, sample room "T oommennal "travelers. m& O li ftcknowlwljred tho leHfilnir remedy (c (lonnrrhir. A tiltrt, Tho only wiie remefly (or LencorrliirnorWbltea. I prMCribe It aorl feel ufe In recrimtnCDUlDgit f y-jf But H w4 nr. miIi TwtwuCHtum'l' to Bll fiiirereni. Soil r7 Dranlltl. i-au k ei.00. 'iwaVwl SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of FOUlt-SPRING PASSENGER WAGONS. SCROLL SPRING 'HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY , WAGONS, 5 ONE-HORSE Wb Ginrantea Our TbWsles tho Best, Considered. Special Catalogues and Prico list Hailed Freo on Application Staver NEW MARKET BLOCK, .0. . j HLEATH IS WEALTH! DR..E.C. WEST'S None and Ttraln Treatment & miaranleed fnieclnc for Hysteria. Dizziness, (Jin.vul aiuiis, Fiis, Nervous Neuralgia, llc-ailacho. Nervous l'ruxtrattim caused oy me use 01 aiconoi nr humci-u. Wakeful iit;es, Mi ntal IVprciisii .11, :i:.uir nf tlie UratF, rc tuning in linsi.ity ami leaiitnic ' mi:e ml iloK.h. .rfiiit.tnre old aire, barret) lies J 1 of fro,. 1 .ca'iBeJ l)' over-exertion of tho train Each Lfc- contains 0110 mmirh'a treatment, SI air or six be, is for sjo, sunt by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE GUARANTEE SIX TO CURE ANY enaa. With each onler received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $. we will send the purchaser our written guarantee u rcitinu me money u me rwi. ment does not effect a euro. Guarantees Issued only by J. A. Cuauniii, Druiut, sole agent, Albany , Or. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Iuf.inU nnd Cliildroa. It coataina neither Oiium, 3Iori!h:KO nor ether Narcotic substance. It is n barralcss subsiituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Jliliions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoriu relieves teething troubles, cares constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. , Castoria. " CaJtorla l an illont mc!!c!no for efcll dren. Mothers have repeat"11' to14 nie of lu good effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Ofaoon, Lowell, lima. Cutor!. b the Imt remeilr for c!i!ldrcn of vhlch 1 am acquainted. I hop. tha day ti tot far dintant wlwn mothers wltloonslJertlio real Intemt of their ebildren, and i Coatorla In stead of th. YaHousquack nottrnms which are dutrojlnj their lord ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothinc lyrnp and other hurtful igmtt dowa their Simla, thereby scodlaz Ihecn to prematura fntres." Da. J. T. Kixcsnos, Conway, Art, Th Cemtmnf Cosapany, TI BUSINESS WAGONS.ONE.HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Pattiks Wasting SPRING WAGOMS OP ANY ESCRIPT10N TO CALL UI'ON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. Our Pricss tlio Lowest Quality PORTLAND, OREGON, . , AGENTS ALBANY, OREGON. Cannot be successfully traveled with out good health. To reach wealth cr any coveted position In li'e requires the full irj possession and operation of all the fao 'ft ulties kind nature has endowed us with. Thece conditions cannot exist unless tho r pt-Tclcal being Is In perfect working ."iv", ant! this Is Impossible when tho livor end spleen arc torpid, thus obstruct ing the cscretlons, causing Indigestion end rJ-rp'paia, with all cl their accom pany! r.g hcrrcra, PR. HENLEY'S EngSifr Dandelion Tonic exerts a si-r Ific Influence over tho liver, excites li healthy action, resolves Its chronic enVurgefnents, and promotes the secretions ; cures Indigestion and const) pat 'on, sharpens the appetite, tones tv j the entire sjstem, ana makes life worth i living. ss Castoria. M Castoria Is so well ailcpted to clilMron that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." IT. A. ARcnsa, BL D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X Y. ' Our phyoldans In tha children's deport meat hT. spoken highly of their xri Mice In tUeir ouuldo practla. witli Castoria, Red although wo only have anion rr our medical supplies what Is known as rerruldr produela, yet w an freo to oonftww, that th. SMi-its of Castoria has wsa us te look wlt favor upon It." Uirm Hoss-oai. txm DismssaT, Allsm 0- Issiii, Prn.t tr t, Vmw Torh City. & Walker, Highest of all h Learening tomtit Rdy Baking AB6C1JUTELY PURE uoiun oaiDr:ieiu. F. M. French Leaps railroad timn, iiew cream cheese iuat roceived at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5'cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A large stock oE wall nanor. with )ato de signs, at Fortiniller t Irviug'B.jast received. hive yoa scoo those parlor suits that T Brink has just received? They arc nice. Grant redaction 'n-nsii' ftiraishiaz irood for the next 30 dvs at W F Head's. ' 1 W Bentley. best boot and shoe makerSin oit, Ihree doors north of Democrat oitice. E W Achison & Co handlo the celebrated Portland cement walls for Qemoterv lota. Theso walls can be furnished at half tho coat of any other and arn far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make them took as cood as nw with WolfTa Acme Waterproof Polish. For sale at namuel li lonn; s. Dr M H EUU, physician and surgeon. aiDany, ureon. Calls maao in citj o country. Ladies can do thoirjshopptnz in San Fran oisco without viaitiui tho city, and without extra commission. Mias K J B irwws J r -chasing agent, 16u9 Grove St, Oakland, J t mm French Tansy Wafers. The far a remot period wafers are a sure and snfe c cm kindsof female troubles anew1! all obstructions to the monn 1 no matter what the cause. It.t are ji tlwhat everv woman nrprv nt can b ibed with safety. For sale t th Livingstone Chemical" Co., also fron :u sole agent, J ACumming, druggiet, Bii i bergbiKk, A Ibanv, Oregon. A sud cure for tha whisky -labit; Dr Livingston's Antidote for L.'runt enness will cure any case of the liquor nahit in from ten to thirty days, from the moderate driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote on be given in 1 cup ot coffeo without th? knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the heaitn in any way. Mumifactured l.y the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon cr from J A Cummiug, sole agent Albany. IJuy your grocrri -a of Parker Bro Vi t.ding Photographers A -niir .'repou. Wo have houeht-all thetKg:.tiv t made by L V dark and V II Greet' ood up to Nov 15th, 1S59. Duplicates can be htd from hem ouly of us at rednced latcs. Wo have also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from wIuch duplicates can he had at likeiajea. Wo carry the ouiy luli lino of views i f this state and do eDlnrtri d work at lowett rites for first class work. W e shall be pleased to see yon at onr Studio in Froman'e block, nextdoor to Masomo .temple. - . . N';?. . I'M ' 'fyhj 'j '-' 5' 1SI 3v K 2Z J O V 5 rilr-v-iiin t, t;i-. ::i -io. juiti n.v. tri t ' y t t?l; 1 ! ; 1 1 1 t!n: Kt;1!!.1;-', 1 .!(,' iiij'.i K'vcrr t;i id on:',-;.' hji'iilimi I'm. f-vrtin tif i'i'f',f- if the f i'. ; l:iiiil (vcr t-rfr i!i:..-'', i)!!'i;yinjj t" the Uiftu unilno-t-i-laJ.-a to lh! stdm.-.'-'i, j'viinit in r.-' tic: j-. :i ciiil truly l;i-;iOi"-; in ilf :!!-ots, :i cxu-'lont ounlilios '"'.mi'DihI it to all. it is furfiiie in V'.: anil SI buttles by oil leading V'-JAmiiirO CKt.V RV THg rMFCZMA FiO SYRUP CO. ,1. OIL fiv mix. h.v PAISLEY & S1VS.LEV. -WhnlMale Donlors In Albany. Ong.a V, & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iS6y The lust railway of any kind whatever constructed In the United States was laid down wilh wooden rails In Ridley Town ship, Pa. In 18:6 the first Iron rails were laid for a distance of four mles between Quincy and Bos ton, Mass., to carry granite for the Bunker Hill monument: the loaded cars descended by gravity. In the follow ing year the Maunch Chunk line was built, with two tracks so graded as to carry coal one way and empty cars the other way by gravity. The South Carolina railway, from Charleston to Augusta, begun in 828, completed In 1830, was te first rail way in this country constructed to be op erated by locomotive engines. The first locomotive used in the United States was brilt in England, and was first operated Aug. 8, iSjo, near I.opesdale, ra. 1 he first locomotive built In the United States was constructed by Peter Cooper in tS2a and was first operated on the Baltimore & Ohio RaUwav, between Baltimore and Elllcott's mills, on Dec. 2S of tha. year this line continuer" to use horses until 1832. The Japanese are a curious people. The Japanese carpenter planes towards lilm In stead of from him. The Japanese horst. man mounts his horse from the right side. The address of a Japanese letter is ar ranged In strict accord with the progress from the general to the particular. Thus, a Jap writing to a countryman in New York wou'd place on the envelope: "Un ited States of America, New York State, New York, tVest Tenth street, 115, Hoe Yank." A Japanese always gives a grat uity upon his arrival at a hotel or restaur ant, Instead upon his departure. In draw ing a cork the Japanese waiter never turns the corkscrew, but whirls the bottle. The cfi'dct of moving tasrels from corn is to turn the strength of the plant to the ovaries, and so produce a larger amounr of grain. The sun istrtmendously large. It is equal to I,3ou.'oo earths , but oingto its small density its weight equals that of only 332,000 earths. 1 1 TltK UOLUE9I BILE BAZAAR, Has a large nnd complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, vc ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides' a complete line of lamps of cverydescription. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, nhm'i i..,orlE. such as albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, nnd all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roiier Bros. 1817 silverware. We wish n r-i'.l the attention of the public in par ticular to the (iolden Rule pri Takirp unwiW anil tea. Dut 11D exnrehh. this t-ade, which gives the bust of satis faction, as is attested by tho hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the tiollltn ltuie lnr.aar, i-.iiuu ihiumii hi tea nnd can of backing powder draw s a prir.e in the shape of a line piece of glass wan. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will be sure to lind what you wait, and will bo shown over the store and bo treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one pi ice to ail. Ji i.ius Gkadwohi. ('ItniiKC t llmlucM. Notion Is hernb given tint "-t'lallw aTrltliave o:dtoK J f.-nnln? th 1 r entiro buiiifs", gnodi. w.iroi, cerchm rlhe. Innk iicnnunlH. flxuiroi. etc. P'rtles Indebted to said llrm will pumw) call and (.til? hi once witli K J T.nutiin, lo whom nil prnmntH are pavs'il". All tii'tani'lng Imieiiteitnoss v.111 ni settled by Mu!lnr A (Jurreti MtlEl.tKB A Hv.m:iT, K J Lamniko Albany, May 25, 8M. Kue half dollar reduction on every rir of Ludlow's fine shoes. A good line of them US K Young's. , Aiiiany aai-sei. Wisest-(0 HKti-.S.-. ItiitU'r-fo prm. Pegs !f Hnv-10.00 tn 18.00. Piitatoes ' ets per bashsi FWf-on to Sc Pork-5!e por lr- aresnoo tooons hams. 1 If shoulders 7o sides ,8c jirrt lee per lb. Klonr. p.' I'1'' "bleken. 4M por dot. ' Illl Fsd bian, M.OOner tot,' shertu, i-mldilrin-p, M. Hot-- "k TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Fatal Fall; Salem. June 28. Mrs I N Gilbert, one of Oregon's pioneer women, met a sad and awful death at on early hour this morning, or some time during the night. Her body was found this morning at the foot of the stairs wilh her neck broken, she having fallen down the stairs during the night. Mrs Gilbert came to Ore gon frcm Indiana in 1S47, and was the wihow of the late I N Gilbert, She has a son, Frank in Fori land, aud a sister, Mrs William Eng land, in Salem. Mrs Gilbert's father, A Stan ton, lives in Salem, and she has a daughter, Mrs Sidney Sladuen, at Eugene, and a daughter here. Mrs I almer. When the body was found it was cold and rigid, showing she must hive fallen about midnight, She was dressed in her night clothes, having no doubt aiisen from Led to administer medicine to a little grandson, who is sick and living with her. A thH.lly I I lid. Cl! ica - j, June 28. Thirty skeletons were found yesterday in an old ice house, at the corner of Archer and 1 1 ouch placed For several days numerous complaints have been made to the health office and to the Dee ring street police, an investigation was made. Yesterday the mystery was solved. A bad odor was detected from an old ic house. The searchers ripped up a part of the flcor and were horrified to find rows of skeletons, to some of which shreds of flesh still clung. Who placed them there is not known, but a de termined effort is being made to find the guilty persons. The theory advanced is that some attaches of a medical college brought the subjects there to bleach. Salvation llootli, Portland, Juae 2S. Ballington Bcth, commander of the Salvation Army in th United States, and wife arrived yesterday morning from San Francisco, ascompanied by Major Kyle, in command ot the California di vision, and his wife. They were met at the t. street derot, on the east side, by the Wcet side. Fast side and Vancouver commands of the army, and escorted to Fourth and L street Here three rousing volleys were fired, and Commander and Mrs Booth entered a carriage M Mile Hlrlkera nail. Seattle. June 38. A special bulletin to the Post-Intelligencer from Frank lb says that 'he white strikers, angered at the action of the Oregon Improvement Company in taking re--groes to Newcastle, started to clean out the negro cump f anight. In the scrimmage one person was killed and several wounded. Dep uty Sheriff Ben Stretch, who has been at the scene for the past four weeks, has called for tne miitua. I utter a new Law. Portland, Juns 28. E M Carson presi dent of the Baker's Union, has been arrested, charged with boycotting, under the law passed at the last session of the legislature, and will have a hearing before justice Moreland in Alhina today. Carson caused the issuance of a circular urging people to boycott August Fink's bakery in A'bina. Kovellles In Jurkefs. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal anil worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all tho leading styles in Ladies Capes, beawed, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken or special sizes and styles. Sasi'l K Youko. l-'arm for Bute. I have lor sale 100 acres of the finest farming land in tho state. All in a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but has a beautful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the S P R R. Terms and price reason ahie. Call and see me on Second street, opoiito Dbm ochat office. Dr. G. V. Mastos. The Dkmockat wiil exchative s sewing machine nt any make di.riiri), exupt one or two. for home unk grub wood and purvcash; or will oonsidt-r oth-T ))ioi-isitiii:u by any oue dcniringa row mitciim,;. Hcrofulou'. erutiti'inp, su:h as i.iniDleft. diicoloratiuu of llie i-ktn, t-.s;ci'i!iy 011 the tan,-, too csuse'l ly inipurH l,.m,i an-.t will diiHi-pcnr rnpid'y bv uHng I'fiiuder's Ore gon llifod i'nrinor. Tlielr Onlr Mr-llrlnr h,-i.f. William W H Miller, Dccrlodge, Montana, writpi: "I luive reen uimir l.riinibeth'. f-il's for the last thiitii-n jeiir?, anil .lienj.b 1 have h.ul nine clillilten, 1 isve nevti lifd i-ctor in th: Iioiih i-xct-i.t irrce tip ei. v (h n we hail an fiiioVmin of losrlr-t fever, w biuh ivo Hrnti Imbislied h a viuoreus n,s of r.rr.ridrelli'a Pi!!. I Imve used Ihein f, r iiia reU, two or tl ri-e a idclit for a mooth.for ln-,-r coinplAint,d Kpupfia. snd constipation. In iliitihopn. ci9iup,wiril ci-lie, iniligeslion. i-re oj two 15riiiiilH'tli's fllln tix'-u the rhilil rrp at ci-ce. A ox ,.f piDa it nil I ho medi-on.fclie-it we riquiio in iliehiufe. We use thim for rheuinvtiiii. c, ldf.c-'tarrli.hilioni-ns and jmpuie Th-y 111 ver have failed to cure all the ul-ove omplaiiits in a verv few iiavs.'' . tVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gar. them Castoria. ('omnia: fcvenM. Saturdny, June 17, I p m Cjlt show at Albany, WednesdayJIuly 8, nt Opera House, SI Plunkett. K, A