Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, June 25, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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FublUtwd try day la lb wttk sx
tai uady.
CITBS k FITTING, Editor! md f rop'n,
Entered at the Pout OfflcA nt Albany, Or
egon, as Hoooua wahh mttu mm lor.
..JIHE 15, IStl,
jlildllUnaiilazftWciMili rC
The firs yesterday evening in
the game between No I'a and No 2', It
jwafc a" fx:lling contest from beginning to
'end. All the same as in theatrical per
formances, at an n cell ni; moment, rso i s
mascot, Mutztrir, brought his hand
organ to work. Three or four players
retired during the game, bat were prompt
ly replaced by a strong reserve force. At
the end of four Inning the score 14 to 6,
in favor of No t's.ln the 5thinning No a's
made the fire fly, and even Austin Crowdcr
hit the bail, resulting in 12 runs being
made. Seven innings were played. No
i's made their runs like this: 2 1 U 3 3 2
1 20, and No y& thuftly, 0402 1200
I- 18. Under professional rules No i'
did not need to go to the bat a they were
already In the lead, but they were warmed
J up and wanted the fun. "George More-
1 1 : . 1 .1...
About eight years ago the II & L Co
defeated both clubs nr.d now think they
can do il again, though Van WKson, one
of their best olavers. is laid uo with a cur
N tailed finger.
A Lawyer Left. It is not olten that
Hon Til Fcrd, of Salem, gets left. When
it comes to matters of law he is in the
front car, but in traveling on the railroad,
that is a different thing. This noon Mr
Ford took his sttat In the Lebanon car,
and settled dowa for an easy time until
he reached Salem. The train started up
and Mi Ford did not discover his mistake
until the Portland train was jusi going
out of sight. Then he rushed onto the
platform and remarked that ? ? I ! 1 t t !
d. As the Lebanon car was directly
against the Portland train this mistake
was easily made. It is a serious question
. if Hon Til Foul will not havegtounds for a
$1,000,000 suit.
A Dog Incident. Last evening an
exciting event occurred during the base
bill game. Among many others Mr
Henry Broders had a seat on the Ferry
street sidewalk. During an Interesting
period In the game Mr Broders arose from
his seat and started forward. The doe of
Mr Al Reed saw the move and objected
by grabbing Mr Broders by the seat of the
J pants and litierally tore out a piece of
cloth about a foot square. Mr Broders
took a bee-line for the nearest clothing
house, L E Blain's.and was soon in a new
pair of pants, which the owner of the dog
kindly agreed to liquidate for.
Mr Gutt Wheeler, of Portland, Is In the
Hon S A Dawson returned from a tilp
to Portland this noon.
I A Beard, of Lebanon, was in the city
today on his way hnrne from Salem.
O C Lee, representing the Portland
Dispatch, is In the city, canvassing for
Dipt journal.
MUses Birdie Anslvn and Mamie Hvde
returned this noon from Monmouth, where
they have been attending school.
R Thompson returned i day or two ago
irom canton, xamm.i county, where he
had been attending the Baptist association.
Hon W 1) Fenton, of Portland, who
once stumped the state in good shape on
the Democratic ticket, for Congress, is in
me cuy.
Sol Stock, Clara Stock and Hattie
Friendly, of Corvailis, were in the city to
day, haying come over in the old fashion
a style, by carriage.
Rev G W III11 returned last evening
from Salem, where he attended as a visit
or the meeting of the Baptist convention,
of which Albany Is not a member.
Marshal Ramsey, of Sclo. was In the
city todav on business connected with his
new brick to be erected this summer, and
also as a witness In a case in the Circuit
Miss Flora Red fie Id left this noon for
her eastern home, taking with her kind
remembrances troin many Albany people.
who will regret generally that her visit
could not be extended.
Mr Scott Ward Is in the city,after a trip
to Uellknap sprint's, lie noes not tell any
long fish storles.but claims to have caught
a trout weighing ( pounds, and no doubt
did. loo much ruin dampened matters,
Last evening a farewell party was tend
ered Mr and Mrs E C Searls at their
rooms in the Blumberg block, A large
number were present to enjoy the even
ing's festivities, which were of a varied
nature, A pleasant time wis had. Mr
and Mrs Searls have mode many warm
friends In Atbany,whose best wishes they
wMl take with them to their new home in
MIS Ml 4
There are 518 members In the Baptist
church of rortiand, 352 in me uregon
City church. 244 in the Salem church and
144 in the &ast rortiand cnurcn,
Considerable alarm was felt when In the
fi rem ens base ball game the muscular
catcher of No i's took his position behind
the bat with a boxing glove on one of his
The action for libel brought by Camp
bell, private secretary of Parnell, against
the Cork Herald tor statin? lie, campocu
hired houses for Immoral purposes for
Parnell, has been commenced at Cork,
The Salem Flouring Mills are shut down
for want of wheat, but expect to have an
other run before harvest. The first new
wheat generally gets In late in Julv, but
, will hardly arrive this vear until Aui
st, Journal.
4 IK4 IIT )! UT l'KUT:im;,
H'..,ln.,..l. .1.. . T . - ..
......u JUne J4m. Show cam fr sale at Searl,
' '"tin tutivui, Kcto UUP. ftLri'H om. r 1.. . . .
mlssloner. Treasurer. Surv,. Ar,w! f . "'Y OUB e lno" arK.l.,..t
oilmen French, HawKiiu, 'Tabler, Hurk- I " .
nan ana uarrclt.
The following bills were ordered paid:
Stewart & Sox, $4; John Clelan, $5.35;
I-airlck fenneil, Sis W li B.irr, $55; Ju
llu Gradwnhl,$;.7s; Fortmlller.v Irvine;,
36.75i John Jwes, $70; A W McClain,
6o; I W Anderson. S6c: N I Henton.
committee reported no action in
reference to street near Farmer's ware
A dttail from li Co. of Salem. wut to
fcuene todny.
Kentish cherripi next week. Order left
at C J5 UrowoeH't for time will be hi led
member that this - the last week tha
vou can buyfitzent's furnishing tt cost at
The grand jury did Lnaines op quickly,
in contrast to its predecessor.
The neat signature of Sylvester Pennove:
V II Goltrn vs Win Khnro and Elmer
Morris; To recover money. Dismissed
without prejudice.
I F I lend rex vtt Ilcnrv IW'vr? Tn rp.
cover money. Judgment tor plaintiff lor n" nii o"KQ rates,
N Mills v J O Lynns et al: Eiecfr
inent. Judgment lor piuintitl.
j rut smitn vs u 1 Uralt, To recover
money, Continued.
Sute vs M Bingham, bigamy; Contin
Given vs Given ; Divorce Granted.
True bills wore found against Ellas
The petition of T N Hoffman and orS miuht Iw u.n i.n Dim Moiitjii nf t ha It flvsm I Ma WffIL t''f.l iilh inc.. I. nn.l M t
Msncu utai yraae ot Elaine street, 5m to
7m, oe rained one loot above established
grade. Granted,
Petition of Albert Hunt and ors n.ked
that lackson street, 7'h n Sth. be irradcd
and graveled, anil waon bridge be built
across ditch at Sth and Jackson ttreets.
Ordinance oil! No 2:5, refcrrlne to
minors, was read tl.lid lime and passed in ff their hsods for January, and bread
ui.uiiKuv'uai, (tmile pervades the facos ct the employees 01
Ordinance No 223, referring to nuU Itttei'osd,
ar.ces, was read third time and passed Havne & Rnok have beei awarded the
unanimously, I oritract for excavating foe tHe aewers, and
A resolution was Introduced ordering V B flellman has the contract for the brick
notice given of intended improvements of work. Eugene Register.
first street, wasnington to Lyon, and Albany is alive with bridge men, and
latteral streets to Second, except Lyon to while they do not give their business awav.
depot, Council to meet on July 3rd to hear I it may be predicted tho bids for constructing
ODiecttons 11 any. Adopted. 1.1 nigii steel bruise will be much l.s loan
The time cf Mason & Strang to com- some have anticipated from circumstances
house this furenoon. I ulnghatn, wttli biizninv.
The overland this morntnii was several 1 Mrs Mnud Powell has broui'lit
no:ir late owing to a ooupin engines in sue- 1 against j 1- I'oweu tor divorce.
oiasionnrea-singaown. At press ti ne the iury was out In the
Eucules circus has been exhibiting in the I case of the State airt l Refers.
smwierttwnsol the valley, giving oxninii- On trial. Will & Link vs J.icob Miller
CUlfCUt?, SIC.
The Oregon Pacitio Railroad Co are pay-l
tritrttl inr Beiort.
To the Honorable Circuit Court of the
county of I.tnn, state of Oretfon:
We. the trand iurv for the lune term,
ip-01, ask pt;rmUsiuri to Mibmtt the to! low
ing report, to wit:
We have visited examined the sev
eral different couniv o'fices, and would
reccommend the fojlowint;: That the
county court purchase a set nf township
plete latteral sewers was extended 30 days
from July 1st.
The owner of building recently burned
on L,yon street, was ordered uolUied to
put the same in a safe condition.
The Recorder was directed to advertise
the assessment of costs and expenses
maps of all the townships of Linn county.
1.1 i. i 1 il l... . I w rc Mfitc mute u:t nrc m 111c uim,c,
that have happened. Tho natter is being .. '
watched with great interest.
About thirty fit a member of F. Co. will
eave for Eugeno next Saturday noon to at
tend the annual encampment Those uoins
uave ineir expenses paid and receive wages,
wmie tnose wno do not go, without excuse,
or more a
me assessment ot costs and expenses can only linuidste -y paying 55
against seveial pieces of property, where j jav r "
regular meeting.
The matter of sewert was left to com
mittee on streets and public property and
F M French with instructions to bring in
a report on a formulated plan for the
sewer system to be built this year.
' Licenses to sell liquor were granted
Peter Schlosser,H M and Jerome Williams,
Marx riaumgart, and bonds approved.
The matter of objections to Improve
ments ordered b.v recent notice was called
up and Mr William Shields asked for in
formation In reference to grade tor side
walk at his residence.
Street improvements were ordered
made as per notice published.
Bill of J A Warner, $45, was disallowed
tor the third time.
Adjourned until Friday evening, July 3.
Some Races. On Wednesday, July 1,
there wilt be a trot at the fair ground near
this city, for a purse of about $50, between
the sorrel stallion of 8 G Gouriev,and the
gelding of Mr David Junkin. The race
will come off at 5 o'clock and promises to
be an exciting affair. One heat will be
trotted. One or two other contests are
being; arranged,and the event will no doubt
be attended Dy a large crowd.
Bask Ball Excursion. The steamer
Bentley will leave Albany at 8: to a m
Saturday, June 27th, for Salem, with the
Albany Base Ball club, who will play the
Salem club that day. The Albanies have
never been defeated,and are to be assisted
Saturday by the Burns Bros, as a battery.
to tneir admirers win De sure to witness
an Interesting game of ball. Tirkets for
round trip, $1.00.
They have been naming John D Irish,
late editor of the San Francisco Alta, for
the editorship of papers all over the U, S-
He was timed tor a rortiand paper and 11
immediately collapsed. He was mention
ed for the Morning American, of Chicago,
and it run one week. But Irish is a bright
man. It wasn't his fault.
Several Bridge Men are In the city
figuring on the htldge to cross the Wil
lamette at this city, bids for which will be
opened on Saturday afternoon. Matters
seem to be proceeding harmoniously, and
we are assured of a biidge across the river
at this city this year that will be a credit
to the city. The general cry li,"give us a
Wall Paper, etc. I have just received
anew line of wall paper and decoratlors.
Have more than doubled mv facilities for
handling them, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall paper and border to
match. Beauties, and much cheaper than
aver before. bamuel t Younq.
New Carpets. A B Mcllwain has
ne of the largest and best selected lines
fC It Wily embracing all new
patterns and designs, and as he has made
a great reduction In prices it will be to the
advantage of ca pet buyers to call and
ntnect his stoc . and price octore pur
We ip'.ure against tramps.
At Fortmiller A lRTrMo'a 150 dozen
window shades. Ui(t received.
A large and elegant stock of 16th cen
ry bedroom aeti.
Alarira I clino hi i jf j:s, mny
Rsimm'jer Paisley & S.nilj', Pi-intaf
Have You a Wife and ten children
have vou anv children ; are you an old
bachelor? Whatever you are you can not
do better than by buying your groceries
produce and baked g xnla of Pai l;er Bros,
You want to save monev and nt th
same time cet aood trocsries, then call
on them. You will get Urst-elas treat
ment and first-class goods Their baked
goods are made in an experienced man
ner, and include a i.trge variety 01 eata
0'i half do I ir n duo on on ivery pa:r of
LadUw's fine shoe. A gonl line 01 tl en
atS K Xoanj-r,
T.yCVunrt tik'ng lowder, tlepuiet
en earth. w i' BRO'fVC.l.
Ujlla Si Dawson, druggsta.
Fbe groceries at Conn Si llendricson's.
Frcth recetables ana berries every mora
Best assortment of teas in town at C E
A tine line c-f crockery ware at Conn &
uemlricsau s.
Good ventilated and sun lighted bath
roo.ns at vureck s.
Sh.tyinu. 15 cents, at Viereek'a shop
Closed on aunda) s,
Drick delicious ice cold soda water at C
E tiiowuellV.
A larz. assortment of uardeo seeds on
ale at C h brownell s.
E W Achison &Co are selling monuments
rortiand price.
Golden opportunities are wasted every
day by not trading with U a rJrowueli.
A new line of winduw shades from 50
cents to $l.fiO each complete, at Samuel E
z onng s.
Just received a fine invoice of barber's
by L
which are worn out
We have looked through the various
county offices, including the cuuntv school
superintendent's cifice, sheriff's office, the
count) clerk and recorder's office, and the
county jail, end find them in a respectable
condition. submitted
T F Smi rn. Foreman,
Ronr Anderson,
G I! Splawk,
Gun W Clink,
C F Moist.
L F Smith,
Frank Trites.
Suits made and repairing Jontooidr
Bstwesn Third rnU kourtu.on L,yon si,
Owing to tbe dull times Dr Damn gener-
ouily offers to treat all patients free cf
charge hotwfen hf nours of 10 and Ham
daily and thoe ahlo and iHioif to pay at
s oriuioal rate. The alUioted will do
well to make a Dote of Ihi i uenerous offer
and apply at once as these rates will last only
lora limited time, ibe doctors fall in
prices is not only a toon to the poor but will
be appreciated by th msands unable to puy
lartte fees. A reporter hid occasion to visit
the doctors office recently and was aniseed
at the reports of patients waiting their turn
to consult the doctor. One case in particular
came to our ear, well worthy of notice. His
name is m w Karngsn, of San rrancisco,
now stopping at the Depot Hotel, this city,
'le came for eleotrio treatment, about May
15, for kidney trouble, catarrh of the blad
der aod diabetes of long standing, having
tried all the school of pracll.te to no pur
pose. He was cured in on month and told
us bis sister was cured in San Francisco five
years ago by Dr Darrin of a lecthsome scro
fulous fihet ion and had never seen a return
of her complaint. Many other gave their
experience with Dr Darrin and all with one
accord were loud in hi praise. The doctor's
mode of treatment is peculiar to himself and
strikingly successful. These cures arc prin
cipally done by electricity snd n.atjnttiim,
medicine being given when neceseary. Head
office 70$ Washington street, Portland, Or,
branch office at Sargent's hotel, Aberdeen,
Wash. Examinaticn at the office or by let
ter free aud contidentiah Honrs 10 am to
8pm daily. Question bla.iks and circular
sent free. I). Darrin treats nil curable pri
vate, chronio and nervous dinoases, seminal
weakness, srvcret blood and skin diseases,
nervous debility, impotence and other weak
nesses of roanhocd.
Bas just received a Urge Invoice of new derijuH
WMo Shades ami Curtains
and sew and beautiful patterns hi
Wall Paper
Elegant Eonlers to MateL
Base Ball. Thejbarbers hereby chal
lence the truckmen for a game of base
ball on next luesday atternoon, razors
barber poles and truck posts not to be a!
lowed tn the came,
This forenoon a very live gtme of base sopplios direct fnm Philadelphia,
hall was played between toe Ihompsonl vierec.
Rustlers and the Moonlight Alley clab. 1 At the co ner of Broadalbin and 1st street
Steinberg and Stewart were tho battery fur vou will find C E Brownell always the lead
tne lormer, wnne aionmaoKtr ai iti, Annoy i tn tne grocery business.
at ana ana mompson a Jra woraea 10- - in monnments. headstones
getner :ik. professional., xoung i nsis et. to E W AehinitCo.Albanv.Oreiion
ftt short fea.lesjlv faced the batters riftv feet
from the plate. In the latter club eysa
and Moore did some heavy work, but were
cot sufficiently supported and the came
went against them J to iy.
The Burns brothers are expected in Al
bany this afternoon when a practice game
vui rje naa in tne evening.
ft. game of base ball was heioa played this
fternoon between the Willamettes and a
piolted nine.
We are told that the Southern Pacific
company will, about August 1st, run one
passenger ant one freight train each war
dally between Springfield and Portland.
It win take arjoui a montn 10 get me new
part of the road ballasted and leveled so as
to insure safety in the running of passen
ger trains. Register.
The secret of advertising is to give
something striking that the people want.
The National Advertiser elves a case: A
colored man was to be hanged at Trenton,
Ga., and the landlord ot a notel in that
town, with an eye to business, inserted the
following (d.) in the Chattanooga Times.
"Are you going to ine nangingr xne
Blank House at Trenton, Ga, offers an ex
cellent view to witness the execution.
Stop at the Blank House, Trenton, Ga.
when vtsitingtne nanging on tne I5'.ninst.
Can see all from windows. Gallows with
in 150 yards. Meals joc."
Ir Conn & Hendncson can give you a
large and choice stock of groceries, pro-
uce. fruits, berries, etc, to select from,
then their store is one to visit when
wishing anything in their line. An exam
ination of their goods will convince any
one that there Is no better place in the
city for trading in their line of goods.
Their prices are low, with good reasons
tor the tact, xney invite an to call ana
see them and learn by experience where
the best bargains can be secured, both in
prices and quality ot goods.
New Srnl.N'O Goons. I keop a full line of
spring and1 summer dress goods, in wash
fabrics, pruts, ainehams. seersuckers, etn.
1 have also a new line of summer plaids, be
sides other novelties in bines and all wool
sritingS. BAUIIEL , lOCild
game, for a friendly game of base ball to
be played at some date to be agreed upon
Dy tne memDers ot tne two companies.
tsy order ot tne rrestdent.
The United States Navy desirina to
bny tenty moderate-priced watcbes.iuvited elegant line of suitings for the spring and
-rSl ' TheV ".ThTbest-to biTbi
Observatory in Oetob.r a,d Wmber last. g'J FeX
yne nunureu aim imrty-aiRnt w.ione. o. , . . . . ... .,. ...
.itterent makes were sent in. It has been I , f " . ' ... . , .
officially announced that a Soth Thomas ff"
watoh stood nrst in the trial and tbe oeth
Thomas watches averaged the best. Phila.
Times, February 18. 190. F. M. French.
Jeeler, agent, Albany.
Get a Bicycle. The New Mail Is one
f the finest bicycles manufactured. It I
has no superior. Online & Wilson, with
Stewari & Sox are agents, where' these
Icy cles may be seen .
Right to the Foist. Allen Bros, de
their own delivering, promptly and care
Fresh peas, strawberries, cabbage? etc..
just re:eived at Allen Bros.
To get fresh produce, frul etc., al
ways call at Allen Bros.
Lace Curtains In great variety from
;c cts. to So a pair. These goods are
bought from New York jobbers direct
and cannot De execnea mr uuhuit, iyn
and price. Samuel t Younq,
Ladies Oitshd Ties. I bavs a very
area stock of these goods, in qualities rang-
ng in prioe from $1.23 to $4 00 a pair. They
tie made ot leather l svery pir warranted,
Samuel E loiao.
YOCNG. On Wednesday evening
June 34, 1S91, in Albany, to the wife of
,iack xoung, a ocy.
Fresh bread, cakea. pies, ete., every day
at the Delmonico restaurant. Leave yonr
Keep it in yonr mind that Allen Bros prc
ose keeping the kind of groceries the public
mands. Their stook is a line one.
At Viereck's shaving and haircntting par
lots, ladles and ohildreo'a hair eutting a
See W F Read s lloe of dress coeds! and
niks before baying elsewbere.
A Challenge. Rescue Hook & Lad- 1 Mastacbe dviog dona on short notice with
er Co No I hereby challenges Albany I the renowned bermao Instantaneous dys, at
ngine 10 no 1, winner ot yesterdays
at CorvaUir., 1m the belhay press in
the market. Ordtire for oreswn sent to
CurvrtlliH will be prnnptiy ti-icd,
Any.siie mtrmiuiii: on tne patent win
be prusftuutel to the fullRdL extent of the
Cor Second and Fen v St, Albany, Ol
OUVERIOK work, guaranteed in ever;
it? Drancn or tne an. m r,marging c
all kinds a apuoimty.
We hire the beat and
prettieet fa tbe markot
ygj "tt- iitfTiifffsi
3l the nndersigiied has been duly ap
pclntd assignee oj' Ihn estate of L T
Henness, an Insolvent debtor, and that
be bas qualified as such assignee in the
manner pre.)ribed by law. Allpersons
baring claims against said L T Henneaa,
5'S hereby notified to presont the same
under oaw as requireujuy iw, iu mo
undersigned at Bock creek, In Linn f!o,
. i iiMi'nn. nr 10 nia aiioruevn. we it
SOLHD ADVICE. 11 pays to gel lot 5,1," u -j n h K fti.ckhi.rn. at the
best: even Bhakespeare admitted that. 1 1. nm nr nkhnrot them. In Albany,
In this connection it may be remarked I Oregon, within tbree months from the
tnat w n tiranam naa just receivea an i aste neroor.
iMtea June utn, ion.
I Viereck's.
T. J.
Oeo. W. WmoHT,
D. 11. N. Blackbukn,
Attj'8 for Asalgnee-
'and a fine stock of
generally, as well as jewelry, 'Watches
clocks, etc., at
F. M. French's.
..FRormiTOB, or the..
master of.
V e are making a big drive on
E i. elopes, Paisley 4 Smiley.
snn.nno nonnda of wool .antsd. for which
th. hiuhest market nrice will be paid by I A
Senders, agtnt, who may be loana t the
store of P. Cohen .
City Livery, Feel anil
Having purcbaaesl new rite can furn
ish first-oUss lurroula at call, gpecitl
attention giren to transient stock. Hoises
oaraea Dy tne uay or montn.
rhcatpeat Rates) la the City.
Telenbone connection with the St
ebarlea Hotel. Telephone orders given
prompt attention.
Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and
IS'.reetCar line.
In the Spring. A fine line of Blazer
jackets tor spring wear, in many designs,
just recejveu oy u w bimpson.
Also a large stock oi tne popular sen-
pemng corsets.
School Tax. Notice is hereby given
that the school tax of district 5 Is due and
payable. All taxpayers are requested to
call at once and attend to the same, at the
oftice of the clerk, (J b unrkhart. 1
Good goods, low prices and honest treat-1
ejomtBc Events
Saturday, June 17, I p m OH show at
Wednesday, July 8, at Opera House, Si
Notice. All person Indebted to E C
Searls will please call and settle at once,
as all accounts must be closed.
E C Searls,
Parrot Lost. I hereby warn all per
sods against fujuring or searing away a I
green parrot, which was taken from home, I
and is now at large in the shade trees or or -1
Making. Work neatly done Ichards of Albany. Information of its where-1
Room, at anoats will be gratelully received and suit- I
ao:y rewarded by the owner.
Mrs L. A. Bliss.
Cor First and Maine sts, Albany, Or. I
Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : Stackers
Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rakes.
tnd satlsfatlon guaranteed.
M-s J t Carter's, corner Railroad anp
Fifthstreets. Adelia Bjrkhart.
Wiiereto Get Theii. When wanting
n organ or plana call on (j L Hlackman
rli-e vou can sect iron a nrst class
If vnnr eves tronble von go to F Ml
French's and have them tested by Johnsons
patent eye meter, and gf t glasses that fit yon
property, uiassas irom cents to aiu.
Fresh pe. beans, gooseberries, oarr n
sdishes, strawberries, oherries, an s,i
snges, eto, at A Men Bros, whobw yi
p on hand the latest and bos t locie
nd pre dues le the narkzt.
W. 7, Read keeps the best? assortment of I
dry feeds in town.
We carry no machinery that has not been: tried in thii
locality, and found to be satisfactory, and, as we represent
factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms.
Ued in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
:F. L. KENTON,:---
Dealer in
Near the Post Cllica,
Albany, Oregox