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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1891)
aUtj .Democrat If American tin-plate couU be argued fnto existence the republican press would turn out several thousand tons daily. How such a simple, trusting soul as Jol.n Wauamaker erergot to be a millionaire is as Treat a mystery as Mr Iiarrlson'a views on the silver question, 1 1 L Some measures of an extremely vigor ous and convincing nature appear neces sary to correct the apparently prevailing Impression that public money is private grab. Gov Bulkeley's denial of the report of hi, contemplated resignation is wholly uooalled for, A man who would draw tho salary and enjoy the emoluments of an ofKco to which he was not elected would not voluntarily giye it up, , "We are now making Iron cheaper than It Is made In Pennsylvania," says Repre sentative Forney, of Alabama. Cannot some kind of a tariff be invented that will protect Pennsylvania from Alabama as well as from Europe? Senator Quay.s statement that he would not support Senator Cameron for the pres idency affords an Instance of gross politi cal Ingratitude. Senator Cameron is cred ited -with having given Senator Quay Invaluable suppoitjln his effort to keep out of the penitentiary. The Protective Tariff League Is sending out circulars to manufacturers all over the state asking for contributions of $50 each. The circular announces: "In addition to other work, we are now supplying 2,000 newspapers with their tariff matter, and through confidential agents in 1,800 dif ferent places are extending the operations of'the league." The sub-treasury denationalizing crops" was once very strong with the Mississippi Farmers' Alliance, but it has lost Its hold on them, and after a few months more of free discussion farmers everywhere will be surprised that It was ever necessary to do so much talking to expose the lunacy of the proposition. A despatch from Rome announces that the Italian government has lost 13,000,060 lires this year through a single injudicious Investment. If Humbert Isn't too par ic ular about his pronunciation perhaps he can find them in the tin-plate business In the United States. There is a truthful writer who speaks of the United States as "that great land upon which If England were bodily set down It would be as hard to find as a threepenny bit In a ten-acre field." Yet this little threepenny bit of territory, with Its free trade, outstrips commercially the great republic and all the other high-tariff coun. tries of the world. Mr Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World Is heme again. He arrived on Thursday by the Majestic. We are glad to hear that his health Is greatly Irr preyed His eyes are in much better condition than they were, and he Is. mentally, as vigor ous and active as ever. He has some hard work before him. That newspaper men will watch hit course with Interest and de termination goes without "aylng. To keep Ice from Is necessary that It be kept dry and cold. Wool and pa per are both excellent non-conductors, nd if a piece of Ice is wrapped Srst In a blanket and then in newspapers, It will keep a long time, but it should rest on slats or some thing that will keep it from touching the bottom of the ice-box. No matter how well the piece is wrapped, it it lies soak ing in the water it will melt In the water it will melt faster. "The administration," says the New York Wold, "Is anxious to secure an ex tension of the bonds upon which bank cir culation Is based, hut there Is 110 extension of time uoon the taxes Imposed on the people by the billion-dollar congress.'1 The World should be ashamed of itself . It Is just such remarks as this that make the administration tired of public life and that make the taxpayers so tired of the admin. istratlon. During the battle of the V ilderness, In Virginia, May 5, 6, 7, 1S63, occurred the heaviest loss of the Union army In any one baUlc.bclng 5584,kllled, 3S.364 wound ed and 7450 prisoners missing, out of an army of 130,000 men. Four thousand one hundred and seventy-seven were killed, 18,687 wounded and and 3577 missing dur ing the succeeding engagements at Spot sylvania, which continued from May to May 31. A "llll.LION DOIJiAU COUNTRY Secretary Foster,! recent remark that "this Is a billion-dollar country" Is accept ei by the unthoughtful organs of his parly at a splendid vindication of the lavlshnets of the bllllon-dollar congress. They Insist that the "growth of the country" renders necessary and therefore justifies the in crease In expenditures. Let us see. The population of the country just doubled from 1S60 to 1890. Out the expenses of the government dur thls period Increased almost tighl-toU from $63,000,000, or about $2 per head, to $500,000,000, or $3 per head. To bring the comparison down to more recent periods, as the Indianapolis SchIIm! has done, "at the last session of the Forty frurth congress, presided over by Samuel J Randall, the appropriations were $144, 392,149. At the last session of the Fifty first congvess, presided over by Czar Reed, the appropriations was 1S3 per cent, al though In the same time the increase of population had been only 39 per cent." In other words, the appropriations increased nearly five times as fast as the population. This may be "a billion-dollar country," as Mr Foster says, but the people indica ted by more than a million majority last year that they do not approve of billion dollar congresses. A statement prepared at the Treasury Department shows that the total receipts from customs at the poit of New York during the fiirst ten days of June were $3.735.855. The receipts duiing the first ten days of June, 1S90, were $4.5.7,56,. This will p-obablv remind the Occgonmn that I-s elaborate ar'Icle published a few days ago to show that the McKlnley bill had Increased importation was built on. a very sandy foundation. If the tariff in creases impor'a ions then the manufac'. urcrs and other pro'ected 'people would not want It. Counting small change as an available asset only shows how hard up the Pillion Dollar Congress left poor Uncle Sam. Don't forget, Paisley & Smiley, Printers. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. To bnv notes and rxort Eases. H E Noble, Portland, Or. room 18, Concord block, 2d street. UT ANTED A six, or mors' room house, with tarn, to rent. Leave word at Dkmoorat office. J J STRAY.-"-Stry8d from my premises !i a bright bay mare, six Tears old, branded with the figure of" a pair of spectacles en loft shou'der, Reward to anyone who will Dotify me at Albany pcstolHoe. A. B. BOND. The "Coincident" Franklins, living on Glade Mountain, have had a most curious chain of events happen on the 14th of October. The marriage of "Josh" Frank. lln, the head of the family, took place on that date. He entered the confederate service on October 14, 1S62 and 1863, and had two brother killed on October. 14, 1SC4. He is the father of nine children, six of whom were born and five of whom have died on this fatal date. The Frank lins are looked upon with superstitious awe by their neighbors, and It Is doubtful If anyone who knows thcli history could be persuaded to remain on their premises on the memorable 14th. The best rnt;cofTa in the eity at Uoaia Moyr a MONEY TO LOAN. In small and large amounts, from six months to five years, on eood Albany and Linn county real estate. Call on or address W 12 Mofberson, First St., Albany, Or. A BIO CHAKCE FOR 8OME BODY to make money. The best Davinir restaurant In Eugene for tale, at the owner it going to retire from business fni sometime. Any person desiring in for mauoD regaraing mis business, U B Dorrln, attorney at law. or J K Dixon, prop, Eugens, Oregon, MEMBERS OF THE LINN COUNTY rAKMcKS ALLIANCE: XTOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED known firm of Stewart A Box. at Albany, u Duutssj jvu vein sjl Ut?l O, JUJW9ril. ska. twin. t,-.!.. 1 ' a a noes. miuv, iVJs1, UUICK, WlgODS iiwwb,wo,h wen as an arvoica in ine linsk t nanaMl ha4a a f Uirlnn rmiintw mom Knva UH V.... nr.n. n. iKvirwai: Financial Agent, NOTICE TO BRIDCE BUILDERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sealed bids will be received at the office of the county eierk of Linn county, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon. Wednes day, uie ntnor July. ltntl, tor the con struction of a county brldire across -flint is known as Owl creek, near the farm of wiiiiam vance, in said county. Paid bridge to be of the following: dimension. to witr Forty foot spans, of the Queen truss pattern; eeveniy leet approach. Bents for the approaches to be anehnrml or constructed of oak piling and 16 leet apart. All bids to be approved or rejected by iub uuiiuty court. fl. . .rjaifllK, Clerk SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. AGi( ACRES; 110 ACREJ IN Br",n-17 In eern and roots, 40 In tiiimtl y. Well fenced and seeded to eras. Well watered; good soil, no grtvel. 80 head cattlo, 60 hegu, 4 horses, farm tm plementa, Isrge house, 4 large new hams, good school and church near house, on place: Fruit of all kinds- I miles to poatofilce and store, 6 miles from Stay ton and 2'A miles smith cf Kings station on the Oregon Pacifie railroad Flare can be divided Into three or four farina with county roan to eaoh. Place with every thitiK(24 per acre. Terms easy. For further particulars apply on the premises at Mt Pleasant, Linn coortv.or address H, V, M1LLRK. Stavtoa, Oregon. (20) UMBER. We wish to say to the publlo that we havejust added a lare planer to our mill and re prepared to furnish all kinds of lnmber, dressed or rough, at the pur chaser may chose, as good at the (best, add aacheap as it can be sold. Inpayment we will take all kinds of produce, sued as hay. floor, grain, Lsm muter, beans. Immi hv 1 1, -.' in fact anything that we can use. 1'ieaui' j . ..- ., v u. vunm, jiinr uill 01 lumber, as we feel confident that we can suitycu. You will slwavs find one of us at our mill. 14 niline Irora I-ebsnmi, ml et from-i Wsterlno. on Hamilton creek. WlRtf A HERKIGAN, Lebanon, Oregon. Do Yon Want Sninmer Glottina ? IF SO YOU CAN'T READ THIS Without being Interested. There will bo for tho Month of June, a Genuine CLlflliilCl OF SUMMER GOODS, List Weight Clotlii Snmmer Fnmisbine Goofls, Hats, Shoes, aM all Kinfls of HOT WEATHER E- Wearing Appaiel Now in My Store. li. nf. m is in 111 Ho has received a largo and choico stock of spring Dr Goods, now styles and shades. Wash fabrics, consistim 11, c ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and ciiamir. A complj assortment of white gooils, iii.uncings, hosiery, eorstt gloves, ladies and children's shoos. Clothing for th Bpr;, trado. A largo ana compieio assortment lor nienal youth's. Hoots, shoes, hats, caps and fiirr.ishing goods a; f L 11. - 1...,. 1 , -...ill 1. n II you Want 1110 uuoii tiuigauiajiuii niu nue tu can On hi T! LADIES BAZAAR Is the Lending illinety and Fancy Goods Store of ftltai), They carry all the Latest Styles and Novcltlt-s In the Millinery line, Ulj a complete stock of Ladies and Children's Furnishing poods, and rJie garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowekt. Call and be cooia Tim Leaiii Clofc L I fx! j ani Merchant Tailor. FIRST STKEET, FliOMAN BLOCK We are the People Who carry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. PATRONIZE HOME IKSTiTUTKHS. THE FMS k HUTS IHCE tl. Albany, WRon. W F READ, President. -I O W RHNM N. Seewluj. J L COWAN, Treasurer. Ceo V S1M1WON, Vice I'residont. DlnE0TOHS-"--J J L Cowan, Goo F Simpson, W IP Bond, Dr L Foley, M Sternberg, J W Bra j K v eatnerioru, n o aLraimu, a v tiumt" ALSO M8T1UCT AUF.XTS POH Oakland Home Insurance Co, Oakland. Cal. Tradors, Chiesgil American, Philadelphia, fa. Phoenix, London. England, Norwich Union, London, Eng. London tfc Lanohashirt, London, Eng. Ouardlan, London, Eng. Man chester, Manchester, England. Caledonian, Edijburg. Scotland. Weschester, New York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. - HOW DO YOU There it no doubt that I 1 IIT HAS BEERI TBIED1 MkU H 1 I Fruit Raising in the Willamette Valley Pays 100 Per Cent, on the Investment. X Ten and Twenty acre Farms, all in Cultivation and Ready to set to Fruit, within Seven miles of 'Oregon's Uapital, for $75 00 per acre; one fourth Cash, Balance in Three equal Annual Payments: or, set to Fruit and Cultivated Three Tears for $175 per acre, For Further Informa tion send for Pamphlet to ' . The Oregon Land Company, FURNITURE! If you want the best and most durable furni ' ture that is manufactur ed in the city go to THOMAS BRINK'S NOTICE. I hare this day made arrangement wi Messrs Knapp. Burrell &Compauy f Al uanv, to lurnun all patrons will, eering uiuuori. riease can on them and g s your Orders st once. Also arrangeme a an nude with them for everything ia efarm Implement line, inclnding binding twine. Albany, Or., May 30tb, 1891. Mart Millsb, Financial A t. NEW OIUOK OI mm ----- spoons, knives, forks, fruit dlsbsM goia ana euver wku.. i. etc, is the largest and b" the city, and by far tw Doiierer orouiu to Albany. nntorn .1 1. l D ,AnklA. rruir.3 ine mosi reav""-' Call and 'Se. the GOOrt QiTY DUES STOKE Pfeiffer Bloek, -:- t i Stand k f rsoraisvouS suits i " Drugs." Medicine., "'"' nd Toilet Articles, opos- , Perfumery, School Artists' SuppUet. Phynleimift' peelp"', Inlljr eempoonaea 4 J. A. CummiDg' Wall Papa ALBANY,