1 N : , j- it ''I : i J! Ig it 1 ill..: -t .A ,1 !i Soil! gcntorcoi Cokvallis. Dull times Boein to be uiv ivnrn.il. It was never so ouiet in Cor- valiis as this spring, but our merchants have cause to hope (or a lively full. The farmer Koverns me country aim n prosperity is everybody's. Lee Bee, a Chinaman, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the court house one day last week, to Miss K How, a Japanese lady. Judge llul ford ofliciated, assisted by Bush Wilson Dave Oshurn and Uil Quivey. The cer emonies were solemn and Impressive, Tiie directors of the public schools met last Friday and elected tue lollowing corps of teachers for the ensuing year C E Iilanchard. principal : Mrs ( alia ban. vice nrincinal: Frances IfarriB, Diana Newton, Jennie Lilly, Mis; SJ r.vans. limes. ( Letter List. Following i tin Hat of letters remaining In the. nnat office at Aluaoy. Linn county. OreJOD, June 14, 1S91. 1'eraoua calling for these letters must givej the date on which they were advertised. Albany, q. I1 Arrica, Miss Alita Uniwn, Fred J Brown. Miss Lucy Bird, Thoa 2 Uarchler, t'has Chambers, Mns otu'eluunolly, r J Crowley, Thomas Deuny, B XV Fuiiiman, N F Hawu, J li Lew, J S Pierce, Kwj, John Sitch, W W Stewart, J U Wheeler, Burt Comfort. Mrs Lou Friend, Mrs Mary F Oibeon, J G Hndebreich,L&wronce P wl. Mrs Barba Khepnl, H S 2 Sufcllecy, Misa Lucy Wvlter.Miss r-auiau'a WiUnon. Annio Williams, J F T. Mosteitii, P. I! rHDJTC1 Couh, Colds. Inllucnzfi, ProncMMs, U Ur.no Hoar3cnoss, Wi'iooping Cough, Croup, Snro irtroat, Asllima, and every Affection of tlie Throat, Largs nnd Chest. includ:nc Consumption. Spccoy mui uviuiiiavuU Oeuuiue itu:U " L J U'.'J." QTATB OF ORRGON. O LAND DEPAKTA1EXT. Salem, Oregon, June 1, 1691. The board of commissioners for the ftle of school and ..Diversity lands nnd for tho investment of the funds arising t her a from ot'tha slat of Oregon, hereby Invite sealed application to purchase the following described lands, to wit: All of the donation iand claim situated In sections 15, 10, ill and 22, in Township 12 South Kan go 1 Went, known and describei on the government surveys as the donation land claim of John W Moore and wife, being Notification No 2509, say ing therefrom IS seres sold to Jacob Newman. containing 300 acres. Also begin ning 10 chains west of the iiortbo-st corner of the northwest quarter of section 21, in X'p 12 South Range 1 West, running: thence eHt 30 chainc; thence south 40 ohainp; thence west SO chains; thence north 40 chains to the pises of beginning containing 120 acros, all situated in Linn county, state of Oregon, nnd containing in all 418 acres more or less. Application will be opened at a regular meeting of said board to he neid Tuesday the lltu day of July, 181U, a 2 o'clock, p m. The right to reject any and all bids is resorved by tho hoard - NAPOLEON DAVIS. Clerk of the Board, 11. Baits made nnd repairing done to older Between Third r.nd Vourth.ua Lyon st. vm SALE. Two good bugsy horses, and well oroken, togother with good hsck r.nd hot of double harness. Apply to J F liaok ensto, residonce corner of Calapooia and Ninth btreets. A SCROFULOUS BOY Hunn'-nfc Sores C.v7I III.- IJoiIy and ItVad. I?onri AX-otwI. ('utc.l VTr TT'lIKi n pi: n'.r.nlh.i oil, 1 i't ; VVA Wmmi t. wwrll, (:.! l..i;t t a lir.-v I -oil. VVp'"'-i'v,I it, I n : i. Ai.ont rivo (iiun:!irt ut'r.T i: n, ;; ecrv. tjjoa vtlwr nin' form -.). li.ul two of tin rn ir'--Ov fciiCil, ntnl tin h-. i I : "''-jLaif C-irac tnnrp and unr4i I li iook ii sii intic ior I t.rwik out. A (imp c O-'Ili'Iltll t i. V OR II;,. r.,l,h oniv.-ry . V- rll Ih . l.- vl v.a o:k. f.. V, W d i'.liir..l:i.rnc-.-;.t.:l. ir r 1.' il ! Ho w:illi n l"it r ' le II d.vn, r.'i.l f.u'lii li..t r: . .i.iif no !! oi liirt hiiii.l. Ji;vt.- 1 i -t , :. -.-1 v itli t!u 't'Tliflt Krvr . , Irvv'.v, Oil.- pore nfti-r nnolhir h.-.iU 1, . i' r i.nitL In caoh 0110 M thrr In c ;! , . 'ir-t K'fure liivilLnc, wtilrh would llm!!v ir,n a:kJ wrii' t-ikrti i-ut; tlit-n they would h,- tl a: '. i.f tlu't-o Hirly ttonp form ml on I in-. r AUi r t ikir.ir .1 1l.17.cn n:id A hulf byltloP hr w:i-w 7'-v 'y firi'd, nnd l now, ut I'.io fisf of r :roiinn lho;iltby rhlld. Mil. K. H. IUIM'. Uax vt ivj. eiS E. Clay t?t., i;iooinli ::t.. ., 'ji m.Non romalr. jmrfcftly wrll. N cr.ilms m.d niiore. Mu, K. S. Il;l V&b. 7, liw. nioomlLit:. . : Cutlcura Resolvent Vneniw HI(kkI rtirldpr, Intrrnnlly (to flrn'ico t: bi.-K.d of All itniiurlilm nnd polvonout etcmrntn 1.1 tr.i remove tht nuw), and CiTicrnA. the ft" . (Saih ('fire, nd t'rrici-iiA HoAr.rtn eiqutnito Mli. lVutt:Vr,piternlly (to clvnr the iktn and pojIi.. ivt restore the hilr), cur every dlteftpc nd himu of tho aUo And blood, from pimple to ecrofuU. PoM ererywherf. Vrict, rinmu, ROe.: Pnv JSr.; isnoLTKNT, 1. rrepAred ly Itie Totti.;. lBi'l and CtiFMirii, rnnroRATiOK, 1toton. Bend for " llvw to Care lilood DlwMea." DHDV'C Pkln anfl lp purified and beAiiUtleri DHDI 0 byCmevuloAp. AUulatly pu RHEUMATIC PAINS In onemlnntth CaUrnrn Am Iln riatr relieve rheneiAtle. t- Rtte, blp, kidney, ehett, Ad nnmp' peine eod weekneeae. l'rlce XU. "August Flower 99 For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, nnd was for all that time under treatment by a physician. lie finally, after trying everytniug, sam stomach was about worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least. I was so weak that I could not work. Finally on the recom mendation of a friend who had used your preparations A worn-out with beneficial re sults, I procured a Stomach. bottle of August Flower, and com menced using it. It seemed to do me good at once. I gained in strength and flesh rapidly ; my ap petite became good, and I suffered no bad effects from what I ate. I feel now like a new man. and con sider that August Flower has en tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its worst form. Tames 12. Di;derick. Saugerties, New York. W. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C. writes: I havt: used your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find it rn excellent remedy. q -G. L, BLACKSV1ASV LEADING DRUGGIST lllv OEEGOIT FA13 WAKKIHG Mirrinj.-.c.ill Due. Sot Viiei the. World, uul lie Jin-.!? ti.vo Uiie Delia qutul Taxes. DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &C ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY, J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. ONLY WHITE LABOR H.JU'LOYfi.D. PROFESSIONAL CA11DS J. K. WEATIIEKFOKD, Attorney at r.iw. Will practice In all courts of tho 3, Olltcei 1'imii uiocK, Aiuiuy, uroyou. ty a. bilyeu, AtU.rnAy at Law nJ S -licltor In C)incory. Co'.lee tioita nutlt) on alt i :1.1s. Uyw no jtialttil 'on Uv orabla toruin, Albdiiy, Ortyou, 1EO. W. WRIGHT, I Attornerat Law, and Notary Publla.Willnraettco In all court of this state and hi tliu United Slutoa court (orOreoii. iHllcei rront ruoina over Hank 01 Ciouu, A.baiiy.Ou. . mmm 4.1(1 mm Sheriff Scott proposes to make it warm (or delinquent tax payers unless they settle at once. The following notice lias been published several weeks ; but it does not work as effectively ns it should : F.y orlor il the County Court I am dl rectsd tofjroe tlnx-iliociion of all taxes staudinnr animld rn t'le assessment rolls of this county. If Kuch taxes are not paid imnimlituely I shall proceed to levy f.pon and koIi he property of delinquents to make collection. X mean businots. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Linn county Now he proposes to enforce the collec tion of all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasantest business in the world, must be done. Delinguents should come to time and pay up, thereby avoiding legal proceedings, as provided by the laws of Oregon. This is positively the last call. Look out for the explosion of the bomb. C. WATSON. Attorney at I.iw. OHlr-ft: In tho 8lmliaii block uuunt. AllMny, Oruj'im. EAST AND-SOUTH. VIA Southern Pacific Routg SHASTA L.INE, Exir.9j Traiiu Portland Dully Embracing all tho latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC? 7:Wr. . I if 10:23 pl.. I0:16A I Ar I North Ar I U::is a a l.v 1 t::!2 a u Lv I D;0e p u r'TtlanJ AMi'uiy San Franclnco Almvo traiiu t.)i only at lollu. lng atitiuiia north r.j. ionium, tirccon rtty, wkh1. ""f". ha..m, Albany, Twtireiil, Slimlj, llalit.y. llr. XOfllSrRQ V1IL, DAILT. B;0llii I Lv 120 r m I Lv frQpil Ar rortluna Albany H'Nwbiirir Ar I 4:00 p LiT 1 . -jo a ALBiXT LOCAL( DAILT RXCaiT STNDAT) KWPM I 00m j D.R- X. UL4(HItnt, Attonwyat Uf. Will practice In aM the coiirtso vcegon, except tuo county court or una county. Ad business will receive prompt atteiition. UlUcet Odd tellowa' lem.ilo. Aluauy, Or. T J- WHITNEY, Attorney at Lw. anil Notarv Oregon. Public. Albany D k. j. l; hill, Phycician and Surye'-n, OFFICE Corner -First ran Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. R. . WATSf). MISTOX, Phylcian ai-1 Suroiii. OFFICE Opposite lli Democrat olEce, Albany, Orejfoa. . j? .j V, n-.. (: ;r-r ,',;t-v r- ' V:i'-: V."i.".i ... I.,. !... ci f.y .:.tcU-AV J A Cnmrnini, Aittmt PHELPS, Job Printer, Ist.St.E.TO Albany ACADEMY OF Our Lady 0! fcrpetual Help, VLBAKY, - - - Coudnoted by the Histti-i REGOEM f St. Benodlct Tuition in o!eet day school rangeHfrom fb to?I0. Forterma of Bowrding Sch'ol or Any prtlcclnra Hpiy nt tho AoafniTr nr.id. atiens Sister Superior Hiving been cutirely rernocle'etl, this oIJ ani popular rest-mraut will bo in a Jo tirst c!a? 11 ovory rcipct. The public will ht giwn Hj1 mealj nc nil hours for only 2j itit. Kvery llnn iiet and ar,tracive, Private bt.'son. (lyRitib in every atvlo. KarKaina iu ehotee rociics can always oe iccrrd of A Ueu 13m,. Flinn tilock. OPilON SEED Growu From Splertvil Bnlbn F.irly Itotl .pcr Us $ M K tl Wrihcrffle'd " 1 Jit) Yi-liow Put 1 vein I White Portugal ' 2 In comparing priro pica remombor that above UAUttuni lnciuiie I'iwtai. ; ice Our Nerd n Trial, rresprtmlonce solicited. TRUMBULL - & - BEEBE IKVORTS, ORWrRa AXD DlALKflS IV Seeds, Trees, Bulbs and Plants, 419-421, Sanson Franei C71tIrntlon thta paper. D It. W. U, OA VIS, Phyilcian and Sunraon. OFFICE Upstairs in the Strahan block ; M iy be found at hi office day or night. Albany, Oregon. TR. G. A. WIIITWEY, Physician and Sur-ion. Ora-Jinto c! B)'I;vue Mod leal Col ego, New York Citv, DisuanflH ul women a pecialty. OKFICE Fniiiin block, Albany, Oregon T7IEKST NATIONAIi It AlVEf 8.1 OF ALBANY, ORKQON, PreflMcnt Vice Pron Silent .... Cashior...n. , LFMVff S, E.YOL'Ml ..li, W. LANUDOM ntANSACT5 A OENEHMLbanVlnRbiulneBe. ACCOrNTH KEPr auhject to etiocb. SiGUT EXCHANGE and to) Tpiiic tnn!er, void Now ifork, 8u Francisco, Chicago ami Pxtland oTon CO JECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. DIRECTOR J. R. Tomw E, V, Lakqcun L Blam, L. Fuss Edward I. Box. IWCO lVATIOKAIi UAKEt, J OP ALBANY, OKKCiOX. Portland Albany tBUANOSBRAKCH, 2:36 F H 3 2i r H 7:50 a m 8:22 a M Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon :5a 8:40 a 4:26 r 3:40 r PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleepiner Cars. For eriiuniHlntion nl Kpronil-'la. I'naacn v... niurura M Uire Traloa. V..t Hlil Itlvl.lon. Blaib raai!i0AllT(r;eptSUDaa7,) Sua S:10 P PortlanU Corvallia I !'.3D r 1 1 55 ra XPRUH raain dailt (GxcptSuntlay. 4HPMI 2 m Portland VIcMiimville 4."0 A a 5.45 a Tliroupli Tickets To all pohiti EAST, AND S0UT5.. Km toil Intorraatlo rcjar.li,B rate, mr j, n Company Aent at Al'iany . . ur.HLI-.H K f. BOOEKS alanajfor 38't U. f. anil P. Ar YAQU1NA BAY ROUTS, Oregon Pacific Baited T n HOCK, Beceirrp. uregra Uevelopmeni Fo's Steamers. at' I. w t . ' V(r..f.1p.Bn al . BCio -r,l 11V"M BoatB mI:e clOKft nnnnlinn n ah with trains of the Oregon PuciU Kallroad TIME SCHEDULE, except SmnlarQ Loav Corvallis 1:03 p, h ' Arrive YaquJua, 4:85 r. " L.e lvnuna, 7:'0a,m Loavu Corvaliin,10;85AilI Arrlvo Albany, 11:13 A. u Prcstd-nt ice-President C-abinr Asst Cashier , CAPITAL STOCK 9100,003. - J L COWAN, J M RALSTOV (IfiO E CIIAMHEKLA1N, VT A. AKCillliULiU. P ructor-J L Cowan, J M Ralaton, Geo E Chamberlain, W S Luld, W II Ool:ra, J A Craw lortl and O A Archibold. TRANSACTS a ecnorat baiiklnjr buslncnt. DKiWblUlll DRAFTS on, Now York, 8an wl Ptlr I, 7 Oregon. LOAN MONEY on iptc.red security RECEIVE deposits subject check. AK OF ORN, ) ALBANY, OKEQON. Tap Hal, President , Vice- President Cashier -: $.10,000. , II FMFKItILL E J ( ANNIN1 W ULAIN TraTiwicts a eetie-al bunking bushi:;; Kxrhni)(,'o bmitfht and Bold 011 nil tb. rities inthelTnitfil State. ..; oil Eiialam!, Fmiee and Gentiiny. Collectiiinamaduata;! nccesiblo pu'mta 1 able terms. Interest allowed 0.1 Utno doposUn, ricuipal Ireland, AMU OF i SCIO, O'.:KQ0N. Prcsidf nt , Vice- Prcsiilent . Cashier ALBANY NURSERIES tTE HAVE ON HAND at enr nnnrT T on the Corral I Is road, one-half alls from town, a. fin lot of fruit reos ofallklnda aa ean be found any. tbers on the coast. If you oonlemplats lantlng trees It will pay yon to ee sntJ lock and get onr prion. Catalegne flee HYtlAM 4 BROWNKLL. J S J!nrrl, 11 llrjanl tuiiruToRa: 1: Ualnt, P'cs a ci'neral lvinki!i7 iini ex-li : Slirht ilrullt usiuil on AMunv, V irt. Francisco. I)ORTI.A! 4VIS. B..KK, OF FOl.TLANO. Or.IiUaw. Paid up capital Surplus and profit. ..t!,!,W) .. C'J.'XIO u a U. tra nn pnnnbw in. VsquinaatidSun l'ranoinv F"Oa TAQritTA. Willaractto Valley, June 4th ; tilth ; 22nd. MOM HAS PltANCISCO Wil!a.iutt VallQT, May 31st i June 9th ; 18th ; 27th to The Companv tvmtyem too riKUt ihAnge sailing Oaten vthout notice. j,;':: """enRors from Portland and i uiomatte valley lointa oan mnke olose Jonnnotion with the trainB of the Yanulna ronto at Albany or Corrallia, and ir des tined to San Franciaco should arranaeto rrive at Yaaaina the ovouinpr bel'oro "date swiintr aPnenKcr an t'roglit rnie alwaya the Lowest Fir Intnrmiti.yi apply to A !l Chapman, Frciht and i;. Ibflfil.K, O. F. anl P. An . Corval.ls. Interest alloweil on "ari'ij il"p..ita i, (0:iow.: On ordinary savim.'. t.!.s pci c.nt ;,cr anuirm. On term urine" l-' k ........r. per cent per annum. Par three months t per cent per annum: ""'.'" 0 tT CCtll KT .111.11.11 r.r iwe.r. caonm....... u per cent per .nnnm: rr.-.r i.rVLBI, j rcMitent t V. THDMIftnX VI-c.Prvid.nt. II. C, Sl'KATTOH. C'Mhieri ADMIIilSTRATOR'S NOTICE. TtAoTirp, is nr.Rnr.T oivf.m to am. rKKm- ll lor. and person, in the esute ot William Conn deceased. th.t on the Ird day at Jnne, 1601 I Hied say Aaal account in Mid matter In th. county 1 1 inii su.it, viTTion, .no mat S.li court hi. s. th. fXh day. I July, 11)1, at the ha.r .1 l, loo. ra, of .aid day as th. time tor hearln. and ttllna all ehlectlii.s t. nIH soo., ..j . ". .i fl.al ask. Mlat tt .id Mtata. ati J.n, tl. AMI, C0XV W S BtLTS., AJi.l.t .i ". () ftet stock orand pgr ;oods In the Va y, and the raiwt roa mlo prices, both '"t soiling, i have on band 11 Killuo FdiiKITURS, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PiUTURES CLOCKS, CROCKF.RY, ETC., ETC. dor west of 8 E Young's oif store L. COTTLiLD .LBAHI DOLLEGJATB INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 1891, Mrat Tern eaesl Sepieaaber loth, isos. A roll eorps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Parses et stud erratum! iu. KM of all grades of students. Sfteial iMtmmawi Jtrul It $lKdtnli frm broad. bit.'ilismt a ssnrsi -To The Ladies,- I Mako a Specialty of Lacies underwear, in i Eir.jiKD and Muslin. My Pmces aro Lie LOWEST and my Goods tho Bkst. Am sola t gent for tho Celebrated Y. 8. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison! : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishing xoodsi I have n Largo Stock ut the Lowt st Fricos over ollcrtid in tlio Vji;e, I cat rjr r wear a' and bo cot ill iiao of lliti worM-renowed CUOADIIEAD goads, nam, fiiijob. Large elock cf Kmukoidehikb and Flooxcixoj. i oed tbf. A.'bany i tho lest trading poitit in Oregon. BUY THE "MITCHELL WAC0N ' Ttaa.,T. .j.nm-n rf, .li Acknowlcdjjcrt Mocajarcla of Hie Koai, We carry a full lino of Ilacki. Bugles am C irriairps; also Farm Implements of all kimln. ' C'nll on us bufure iurcbaslng Elsetvbere. Mitchell & Lewis Co. Albany, lW . WILL a LMK Music- D eaiers ( Tbo moKl popular piano among '.bo woilij t lanious v .Vitlre aur VUi of IMnniis 1. F. MILLER JlainTTlBJ f-r f1 lf fColol.rf.ted foi lis brilliant. JJiVU J!iIL CC IjAJ. finlsU and durability. VOSK & SON i&JSSt I'alace nnd Earlincr JIoiino Proof OrKuim, anltars, Violins ' a....... aianiaillvniH a NpCCIalty. Agontsforthe New Homo, Eldritlire It. and other Sewins Machlnti. Hupplios for all kinds ol Sewing Maohlnes. Wottuardour customers interests ami (ruaranleo satisfaction. We also carry n Sull nsaorlmcnt ef Music nn.l an.. nnk. . Cor. Second and Ferry et3., (f-'end for cataiogus.) Albany, Oi The New York C. B. R. Slower the Place to Buy b- Their Field Tliycr Shoes McParland Block, ABLANf. ALBANY OR. WEITSMAH & EULBERT BROS, Real Estate Agents Farms and Ranches fersale. Also city broserty in Albaor and Ceryallis. PAISLEY & SMILEY. TTaoI.nals Saalers In- - ard - CI Aaar. Sraa-aaJ the t Gu 1 Ha mt it