Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, June 24, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    fcwlshed avary day in lb .reek ex
BSHUTTI.NG, Editor! and Prop'ri.
ired at the Pout Office at Albany, Or
ou, at second o'ass mail matter.
L:kiat JINB U, ISSI,
A.MHUmlll ciculn on 4tb Page.
Mens Fkee Advbktisinq. People wlio
real the "cowardly" attack on Oregon,
nublished in the Jikmockat yesterday,
nearly every word ol which the readers
oltbe i)KMo KAT have indignantly de
clared to be false, will read the following
spicy Hem signed by the author of the
Kebrnska letter with much amusement,
an ximiple of gall not often witnessed:
"The editor of the Democrat came out
vesterduy in n cowardly attack against
iue i becuuae I have never blowed my
money in on his paper for subscription
tnd advertising, anil because I am deal
i g in some goods that his relations are.
A prominent merchant here told me that
was not worth noticing as ever one
tows that the Democrat Jis a liar. The
id agent who instigated this landed in
oany with $2.50 and thinks everybody in the same fix who comes from
sas and Nebraska,"
liiE Encampment. Col Lovell, of Sa
of the 2nd Kegiment, 0 K O, Bpent
T 'ooday night in Eugene, returning on
a niorning'B local, lie selected and
i surveyed the camp ground on the
air farm. The tents will cover about
0 feet square. The tenta and other
unp equipage will probably arrive here
a tonight's freight. The Colonel says
tat the Monmouth cadets have conclud-
1 to take part in the encampment.
j.hls will make twelve companies of in
fantry, besides one company of cavalry,
that will take part in the encampment.
Col Lovell says that he will arrive here
tomorrow and rein.iin until after the
Fourth. Eugene (Juard.
New JIininq Claims. The following
mining claims have been filed with the
county clerk, and the Democrat is glad
to observe that even the women are in
the field.
Ollie Quartz claim in Calapooia dis
trict, an extension of Anna Dora; loca
ted by Mrs Sarah Averill and Mrs Ollie
Stanard, on June 9th ; claim filed on
Jane 20th.
Anna Dora Quartz claim in Calapooia
district, located on June ', oy uoorBJ
Dry; claim wea June r.;,
Weber Gold and Silver Mine Quartz
' claim in Calapooia district, extension 6?
Anna Dora; located June 9; claim filsd
June 22,
i Ai jblD Pici-V-ftfe. This morning Mr
1? IS, ItedntWl received from Vermont by
ixArest, an oil painting of his father,
jpaunled in about 1835, before the days of
4iruerrootypes, by a great uncle. Mr
Eedfleld had not seen it since 1859, when
hit left home. The picture is an heir
loom to be proud of.
A bank was broken into near Albany,
.aiew days ago. Just how much money
WM taken has not been learned. The
Dihocrat gets the particulars from Mr
Denver Hackleman', who run across it on
the railroad track near Albany. It was
a 10-cent bank, and there was no blood
on it to indicate a struggle. '
Sheriff it cot t went to Salem this noon on
V II Daber, of Junction City U hi the
city today.
Prof McKee wifo left this noon for
Cal'ornia, by way of I'atjuina bay, where
mo win spend their vacal'on.
Mr II F Merrill went to Salem this noon
to attend a meeting of the board of trustees
oi ivicMumvllle College, of which he is u
Dr Geisndortcr has lieen elected presi
dent of the new Christian Endeavor Ho-
ciety ol the Presbyterian clui-ch of
Jacksonville, where he is now located
Mis Susie Martin has returned home
to Ashland lor the summer vacation,
having been in attendance at the Albany
college during the past season. Times.
Miss Flora Mason went toCorvallis thU
noon on a weeks visit with Miss Maud
Hoffman. Miss Hoffman hai accepted n
position in St Helen's Hall, Portland,
where she will have charge of the depart
ment of physical culture and elocution.
Last evening Mrs F W Fesler received
a telegram from her father in Portland
to como home, as her mother was very
ill and not expected to live. Sho left on
the morning train.
Mr Isaac Meeker and William Hale, of
Millers, returned Yesterday from a trip to
the Foley Springs on the McKenzie, leav
ing there earlier than Intended on account
of the severe rains. They had a good time,
though, enjoyed the hot baths immensely,
repart fishing good and Foley a splendid
place for rustication. It takes between
four and five days to make the trip by
A party was given last evening at the
residence of Mr I) P Mason. An enjoy
able evening was passed. Those present
were Mrs Oley Woodworth, ol Waita
burg; Miss Grace Piper, of Gray's Har
bor; Mr Geo Piper, of Seattle; Misses
Marshall. Whitmer, Laura Vance, Lida
Galbraith, Alice Moses, the Misses Ma
son, James Wilson, Win Covtan, Fred
FortmiHer, Dr kieneiiger ana Mr .Lyon.
That Coal Mine. The coal mine
owned by Coll VanCleve, L E Blaln and
others, says the Corvallls Times, was dis
covered about 2ft miles Irotn loiedo, up
Depot slough, and the quality has been
tested in Portland and pronounced good.
Th;re are two veins, one of which is six
feet thick, 41 feet below the surface; the
other is eight feet thick and is 75 feet be
low the ground. MrCrosnosays there in
no question about the discovery of coal in
paying quantities and the mine will be de
veloped at once. J he company own 170
acres of ground where they have been
prospecting and last Saturday they pur
chased an adjolalng 166-acre tract.
The Fourth at Ecoeke. The excur
sion train of the Southern Pacific, will
leave Salem at 6 a m ; leave Albany nt
0:45 a m. Returning, leave Eugene at 6
p in. Faro for the round trip, $1 75.
.Mr Rice, the ticket agent, requests us to
say that those who wish to go on this
excursion should purchase their tickets
on the evening of July 3rd, as there will
be a rush on the morning of starting and
some may get left. Tickets can be had
from 6 :30 to 9 o'clock on the evening of
the 3rd,
The census of England and Wales, just
comiileted,nhos a population of W.OdO,
00(i, ai inc.ease of H.wo.uou the lust du-cade.
The barometer now-a ilays is very ca
pricious. It is clown one day and up the
next, but the wheat is booming and fine
crops are promised.
There will be a big crowd of Albany
here Saturday.and they are invited to lake
a look at our improvements and notice eur
"gait." Statesman.
A Salem married woman got off this:
"Buy a tricycle bcfoie you try a blcyle."
And now it is in order for the Welcome to
pronounce this an old Grecian pun.
City Couacil to-night.
Show eases fir sale at Searls.
Onlv one week more to not the bargains at
Searls' store.
advertisement in a newspaper is
what counts because the people w ho read
it, o.' at least many of them, pay for the
pnpe" m which it appears, and they
place yanio on it for that reason There
is a poi'ite.' in it worth considering.
Those w ho think that the flea 01 the
tail of too dug of tliewild m?n o llor.ieo
has applied for a pension w.ll be awlon-
ea to leti'i that it is only me wne of
the son of a cousin of the president's
I' ami. nine.- who is niter it and expects
to get it. Ex.
Fred Reed, who escaped Trora the Lane
county jail in May, IS'.iO, was ariested in
1 o.tiunu today uy Deputy Mieritt Coch
ran. Jle was engaged in timber land
frauds. and there is an indictment against
him io obtaining money under falBe
'etenses. lie will be brought un to
night. Guard. This was the fellow Al-
baiv police olhcers had a chase after
under the wire works.
Our people are united on the fact that
a o'ldgo is wanted at Alba iv : but they
a e not united in location. It is time the
quaireling was stopped and harmonious
action taken. liids for a high steel bridge
at Calapooia street will bo opened on
Saturday, when the futu-e ol the bridge
question can best be told. It is confi
dently claimed the bids will be much
less than generally estimated.
The Oregon Scout of Union gives a
neighbor the following timelv hit, which
should be a warning t all cities not run
in a business way : "The city council of
ISaker Citv has entered into a contract
with a company to put in a system of
electric fir? alarms, to cost nuont fizuu.
This action does not seem to meet the
approval of a number of the heaviest tax'
pavers who have io foot the bill. ISaker
serin is worth about 50 cents on the dol
lar and the monthly revenue is much
smaller than theexpenditure. Froin all
appearance) the city 13 fast nearing
bankruptcy, and we uo not blame the
taxpayers for making a kick at the ex
travagant manner 111 which the city gov
ernment is carried on."
. BoMETnrxo new in the world is a ma
chine exhibited on the streets, mostly
for nse by farmers. It boils water in Vi
minutes, dries fruit in 40 minutes, boils
potatoes for feed in sho.'t order, and does
everything elBe in quick, boom time. It
looks like a meritorious arrangement.
Right to the Point. Allen Bros. i
their own delivering, promptly and care
fully. Fresh peas, strawberries, cabbages etc.,
just received at Allen Bros.
VTo get fresh produce, frui etc., al
ways call at Allen I'.ron.
Sake Ball. Yesterday afternoon Olle
of the most hotly contested base ball
games of the season was piaveu ..on tne
1st Ward grounds, between the. Thomp
son Rustlers and the Moonlight Allev
lub. The former won by a score of zb
20. Another game Will be played
A large crowd will go to Salem Satur
day to Bee the game bet veen the Albany
club and the Salema. Burps Bros, will
be the battery for Albany.
A came of base ba'l was in progress
this afternoon between No l's and No2's
with ilie following nines: Ho l's Ala
Marshall, c; Fred Klonnt, p; Ed Moore,
lathnqp- lames Mnrrav. 2ndb: OW
Watts, 3rd b; Will Campbell, s s; James
Shahan, If; Will Richards, cf; James
Blackburn, r t.
No 2's Frank Dorris, c ; Chas Mueller
. WallrnT 1 Vt fir.iren. 2 h: Austin
Crnwder. 3 b: L M Curl. If: Sam Conn,
cf ; John Robson, rf ; Otto Cleland, ss.
The United States Navt desirina to
buy twenty moderate-priced wfttche',invited
the leailinr American munufaotnrers to send
watches for trial and ratio? at the Nayal
Observatory in October add November last.
One hundred and thirfcy-eiiiht watches of
liferent makes were sent in. It Has neen
otficially announced that a Seth ThomiM
watch stood lirst in the trial and the Seth
mas watohea averaged the bur.. Phil.
Times, February 18, lc90. F. M.French,
oweler, agont. Albany.
jt Lace Curtains In gieat. variety fiom
5 ots. to $9 a pair. These goods are
ought from New York jonbers direct
nd cannot be excelled for qiiallty, si vie
.nd price. Samuel E Young.
Niw Sriuife Goods. I keep fall line of
priDg sqH Rummor riress gcnilfl, in wash
flt'.icei. Driati. iftneWjis. nerncker, uto
1 have also a new lit;,' of miniine, u'j d. be
luics otJier coveltien m hies ami au wool
.tings. Sami'K.l E iounc
Get a Bicycle. The New Mail Is one
the finest bicycles manufactured. It
as no superior. Ohllng & Wilson, with
Stewarl & Sox are agents, where these
:ycics may oe seen.
the Spring. A line line of Blazer
Jcket8 for spring wear, in many dosign3
JBst received by G W Simpson.
4 aiso a large stock ol the popular salt-
iiing corsets.
School Tax. Notice Is hereby given
at the school tax of district e. Is due and
fa-abie. All taxpayers are requested to
.i i once and attend to the same, at th
race oi the clerk, C G Bnrkhait.
i all t
J DRF.-4
ancR. All person Indebted to E C
Searls will pleare call and settle at once
an recounts must tie closed.
E C Searls.
aking. Work neatly done
on guaranteed. Room
and sqtlsfa
pith j c barter s, corner Railroad an
Fifh, reeu. AmaiA Ucvkhart,
If yur )-f trn:,!-.- y"i m 'n F
Fr-'uc i' an 1 lve ISe-ii tj-t"l b .-hnsv
patent ya -neu-r. an 1 1: t k i - 't- s thit tit you
proporiy. GUrsei Irom 25 eet. s to f 10.
G Saltma -sh et ux to C A Elson,
lots 6. 7. bl 17. R's 3rd A,Leb..$
obt Cary et ux to A A and O B
Dertlnck, iw acres in sees it
and 22, tn 11, SR 1 W
Chas Marsh to Ameicus A Do'iig -
las, 20.43 acres in tp 10,8 K ii w
w (juiss et ux toLeonara win,
Sr, E y. N w qr bl 12, H'b 2nd
A.Albany 1000
W Hamilton to N C Myers, 40
acres in sec 9, tp 10,S R 1 w . . . 190
S to Andrew Hite, 104 acres, tp
ll,SR4w Patent
S tdH Cushman, 160acrsin tp
11.8R4W... Patent
U 8 to Robert Caiy. 320 acres in tp
'11,19 Ki w rateiu
S to Lizzie Covle.lGOacres insec
Q t IO Q T Q V Patjjnt
Wm Ralston et ux to t athariue
Worth, tract in Lebanon. . . .
M Bardue et ux to E E Davis, lot
2. bl 5. H's 2nd A. Ilianv.. . .
rankandEdO'Ne'l mi' Cal-
laghan, tract in 1.-' :ni"n
Ed and Frank ()'iV-il t
laghan, 100 aere
R 2 w.
ames Anderson :il
ler, 35 asres id t p
S Miller el ux to I
son, 35 acres in Saul mm city. . 1100
Basb Call Excursion. The steamer
Benllev will leave Albanv at 8:to a m
Saturday, Tune 27lh, for Salem, with the
Alhany uase tfau ciuia, wno will play tne
S. lem cluo mat uay. ine AiDanies nave
never been defeated.and are to be assisted
Sa.eidav by the Burns Bros, as a battery
so Iheir admires will be sure to witness
a interesting game of ball. Tickets for
ound trip, $t.oo.
The Champions. Whoever the cham
pions are in the base call held when it
comes to groceries and produce Conn &
llnnd.-icson will not be knocked ont
They keep a large and fresh stock, and
their prices are as low as tne lowest.
rresh vegetables, lruits, anu an tne
standard groceries always on hand
Whoever buys of them always makes a
good strike.
Nkw Carpets. A B Mcllwaln has
ne of the largest and sest selected lines
ofttMyMBtMlaStlly, embracing all new
patterns and designs, and as he his made
a great reduction In prices it will be to the
advantage of CA pet buyers to tall and
nmect his ttoc . and price before pur
Wd More axa,iittram:.
TowBsaiiD i W iuok.
C E liliOWNEU,
G-od gojli, low p-ic s,an.'J u nett tra'
, ( Cal-
ip 12, S
. KM Mil-
i S R 3 w..
L Ander-
Milton is to have a woolen mill, the first
tu Eastero Oieguu.
liiiinenilier tlmt this i the Uit week th
you ean buy teat's luruishiuii at ooat at
Keutish cheriies next weik. Orders left
at C E Brownell'a for same will be Piled
A fortund teller and astrolosist, of
great renorn, is doing western Oregon, and
there are people who, wid consult her on
futurity matters.
Ashland's oouncil found no purchaser for
their proposed issue of bonds for the pur
nose of buildiniz a new citv hall. Not a
si-mle bid was put ia for the bonds.
It ia no discredit to anvone to reach Ore-
gnu with $1 50, if tlKlwinuv kcepi glowing.
Wbe-e it hicrenes to S'Jo.OOO io la a matter
for cougiutulatioD.
E P Rogers, G F & P aizent of the 8 P.
who has been out on bail fcr several mon.Sa,
ih in the city. It will he remembured that
AlrKouoiswas uuictfd for discriminating
iu f 'e'ght rates.
The two iunhwv PorUand boys that
were ne'e last wek. were arrested on their
etu-n trip at Albany. Thev were wauted
i Pottland for stealiae aoine iewelrv.
There are only about 85 wild bufTalns in
the U. S.; 304 in captivity and 200 in Yel
lowstone Park . Nearly 8,000,000 have been
killed off in 20 years.
The Mascot Gun Club will have a practice
shoot Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
club now has three traps and all will he
A letter received iu Albanv fiom Mr
Henry Spencer, now in Canada, announced
that Miss Helen waa well and euiovine her
self; but Mrs Spencer was ill. The ther
mometer was 61) in be shae.
Mr L M Curl is interested in the county
right of the Paoifio Washing machine manu
factured by Bunch Williams, of Eugene.
He will cauvas the couDtv. The machine is
undoubtedly a good one. ,
The grand jury has indicted Charles Den
ny for assault with intent to kill. ThU ia
the mn who shet at the young woman in
Schmeer'a stablo sou'e time ago for rofuaiag
to urarry Dim,
It was said yestcrdav that Dallas citizens
had succeeded iu makinu all arrangements
for the establishment of a good sized paper
mill in that eity. The contract ia said to he
alt ready for signing and the oenua is on de
posit in tne Dink. Statesman.
Some parties have arrived fiom Kansas
bringing with them a printing outfit for
newspaper and hob work. We understand
that they propose starting another weekly
paper here. They have rented one of the
rooms iu the rooms in the old Cberry build
ing on Eighth street. Eugene Guard.
Violin & D.iwsGn, dru.-c.3ta
Fine groceries at Conn & Hendricson's.
Fresh vegetables ana berries every morn
ing nrowiiti.i s.
Best assortment of teas iu town at C E
A tine line of cr.iokery ware at Conn &
ttendrlosou a.
Good venti'ated and sun lighted bath
roo ns at Vioreok s.
ShayiniA 15 cents, at VierecVa shop
Closed on Sunda. -
D ii A- I'ji'iu ice oold soda water at C
E Brownell's.
A large assortment of garden seeds on
ale at-,C.E Brownelra. . .
E W Achison &Co are selling monuments
at roitland prices.
Golden opportunities are wasted every
day by not trsd'Dg with u is Brownt I!,
A new line of window shadea from 50
m-nta to $1 50 each complete, at Samue' K
Just reO'ived a fine "iv .ice of barber's
nonliea direct trim ' Pni .ripnia, by L
At the co ncr of Broadalbin and 1st street
vou will find G E Browned always the lead
,n rhe grocery Dullness.. . ,.
h'or bargains in monuments, headstones
'ego to it W Achi"i)tt'o,Albany,Oregon
Fresh bread, cakei pies, ete., every day
- the Delmouico restaurant. Leave your
Ker-p it iu your mind that Allen Broa pro-
ohe keeping the klnn of groceries tne public
manna. Iheir stooa is a line one.
nurnT tniruT Htix iwmca.
Davis Ilros v O T McDowell. To re
cover money. Default and judgment.
Davis Bros vs Henry Ackerman. To
recover money. Dismissed on motion of
John A Crawford vs N B Fry. To re
cover money. Default and judgment.
Yuen Fong vs Kwong Woo Kee Co.
To recover money. Judgment and default.
Lelghtun Knox vs Adam Sltemtro. To
recover money. - Continued.
Assignment of Kwong Woo Kee Co.
Below wo give a picture of the mer
chant who does not advertise. He has
beei completely skinned, and is in a
condition to spend his time running the
country uown :
)o o(
O o
I o I
o . o- o
f 1
0 o
1 I
o o
OwiriK to the dull timet Dr Darriu gener
ous.! y offera totrei all patient free of
charge between thti noura of 10 and 11 am
daily and thooa Able and witling to pay at
half hit original ratea. Tha afflicted will do
well to make a note cfthi. generous offer
and apply at once as thmte rittea will lntt only
for a limited time. V be dootor'e fall in
prices ia not only a toon to the poor but will
be appreciated by ttuueanda unable to pay
large feea. A reporter had occasion to visit
the doctor's office recently and wan amaeed
atthereporta of patients waiting their torn
to consult the doctor. One case in particular
oame to our ear, well worthy of notice. His
name is M. W Karri nan, of San Francisco,
now stopping at the Depot Hotel, .his city.
Ie oame for eleotrio treatment, about May
U, for kidney trouble, catarrh of the blad
der and diabetes of loDg standing, having
tried all the schools of practice to no pur
pose. He was cured in one month and told
us his sister was oured in San Francisco five
yeara ago by Dr Darrin of a lo&lhsome scro
fulous sfHiction and had never aeen a return
of her complaint. Many other gave their
experience with Dr Darrin and all. with one
accord were loud in his praise. The dootor'a
mode of treatment is peculiar to himself and
strikingly successful. These cures are prin
cipally done by electricity and magnetiem,
medicine being given when necetsary. Head
office 70 Washington street, Portland, Or,
branch office at Sargent's hotel, Aberdeen,
Wash. Kxsminaticn at the office or by let
ter free and confidential. Hours 10 a m to
8pm daily. Question blanks and ciroular
sent free. I). Darrin treatB all curable pri
vate, ohronio and nervous diseases, reminal
weakness, secret blood and skin diseases,
nervous debility, impotence and other weak
nesses of'manhood.
IlemsrrJjer Parley & Smilev, Pii'Uer
Hate You a Wife and ten children;
have you any children ; are you an old
bachelor? Whatever you are you can not
do hotter than by buying your groceries,
produce and baked goods of I'ai Iter BroB.
You want to save money and at the
same time get good groceries, then call
on them. Vou will get tirst-clase treat
ment and first-class goods Their baked
goods are made in an experienced man
ner, and include a large variety of eatables.
Olio baU dollar reduction on every pair of
Ludlow's fine shoes A good line of them
atS K Young's.
dnrpiLMiHl. administrator of the estate of
iSrlosT. Mct'arland. deceased, has fileil his final
nunt in the oflitt ol Ihe ele'k of the county
court for Linn county. Oregon, a'.ld the j'Jt'ueof said
court has ct the :trd day t t Ankost. at Iho hour of
o clock, f m. a tne time or neaime objections to
said account, it any, atiu to settle earn edwte.
1 liis 17lh day of June, 1SD1.
li. 11.
K . WKATHltsroaD, Administrator.
Atl'y for cdininfstrator, (a-2tS)
thai I linve ccntrnctorl with lh well
nown firm f Stewart Box. at Albany,
to supply you with birders, mowers
rlHM 1W DS. DRCKli UHXKiea, T. pkuiii
plows , eto, ss wtl I a all artiolcs in the
ine.ol sonerai narawsra.
"Marlon ccunlv membera ean bay
at the aaice place on tne same terms.
an, n. inviflui
Finaneial Agent
Wall Paper, etc. I have just received
a new line of wall paper and decorations
Have more than dim.. led tnv facilities for
nandllnK thon, ami will keep a much
larger stock Vall paper and border to
match ttrauties. and much cheapff than
ver before. sami kl E Yoiino.
At ViereckV abavinc end haircutting par
In a. indies and cmldieu s hair eutting
See W Y ReadV line of dress gocds'j and
silt h.'.foro I umiji elxewhure.
Mustache tvinu drne on short notice with
he M-Dowred (jennnii iustaDtaneons dye, at
Vte cck s
LamsiJ OxroRD
rire Htn i n'
H in y i" r
tt 'I MC i-l I
Sound Advic:;.-
beBt; even Slwltf
In this rritiitei'ti.
that ' II 'in'
elevnnt litx iif ..!
summer. t-"Vi r k
market " v
tainerl, a" no
Mr ('rnhan ;
up in thf ! ' '
lon(i expo:- "v
master of.
ti .
t th
l on
1 . All-
" flh'i
i I
Tarrot Lost. I hereW warn all per
soon sgainet 'njurinff or scaring away
Ti-et parrot, which was tl',n from home.
nd is now a large t. he hnne tre?s or or
!hnrda of A'lianv ! fnrmati. n of its when
ihonts w II I e gratefully reoeived and suit
ihiv rewarded by the owner
Mrs L A. Bliss,
Cor First and Maine -tn, Albany, Or,
If ' .11.
1 1 'i . i
1'JS, ,n
eeri on h A
'nd produce It
iiabirriei. outran
enirrte-4, banns,
B whoi et
I heat 03 o
e nro ton
K Paisley -fe Smilet
FESl.ER-SHIFFER. On Jun 23rd
4801 , at the residence of Wm. Moore, In
Albanv, bv Geo. Humphrey, Esq., Mr,
F. W Fesler and Miss Mary T. Sniffer,
T"ie ftronm Is tailor who has besn
In the employ of W. K. Graham for eer
er'l months, while the bride is a tailor
ess who recently came to Albany from
m0 Baking
Uacd In Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
WT ANTED. To buy notes and tisrt
a-aaes. H B Noble, fortianai,
room 18, Concord block, 2d street.
FRoraiBToK or thi
City , Livery, . Feeil M Sail
S T A B L E.-
Tiavtncr nnrehaaea new rise can furn-
lab first. claa lurr-oota at eil. rjpeoifl
attention given totransient stock. Boisei
boaraeu Dy tneaay ormuuia.
Cheapest Rates la th City.
Telephone connertion with the St
Charles Hotel, Telephone ordera given
prompt attention.
Fourth Street, bttween Ellsworth and
StrestCar line.
and a fine stock
generally, as will as jeweliy, V.'stcLts
clocks, etc., at
. M. French's.
WMof Sliaaes aM Curtains,
and new wad IwauUTnl pattarmi ia
Wall Paper
Elegant Border, to Matin.
Wt hat th ben and
Drtttlaat In to market,
I have thi day made arrangemenl wi
Mesira Knapp. Burrell & Company f Al
banv. to furniih all patrons with ericR
binderg. Ploaca call on them and g t your
Orders at on 00. Also arrangeme a ar
made with them for everything in farm
Implement line, incladipg binding twine.
; Albany, Or.( May 30th. 1891.
Mart Milikr,
Financial A t.
200,000 pounds of wool wanted, for which
the highest market price will be paid by A.
Senders, a cent, who may bs found at the
store of P. Cohen.
Russell : Engines, : Separators : and : States
Osborne : Binders, : Mowers : and : Rakes.
We carry noniachinery that has not been tried in thii
locality, and found to bo satisfactory, and, as 'we represent
factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms."
-:F. L. KENTON,:-
-Dealer in-
Near the Post OfSce,
Albany, Oregoz