Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, June 22, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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. When Cleveland was occupying the ex.
ecutlve office, he, on more than one occa.
tlon, appealed to congress to lift lome o(
the hravjr burdens of taxation irom the
people. He gave as a reason that there
was a hundred millions surplus money in
the treasury for which the government had
no need. He Insisted that the govern
ment had no right to collect a greater
amount oi taxes from the people than was
neccessary to meet the just demands ol the
government economically administered.
A republican congress turned a deaf ear
to this appeal for a reduction of taxation
and so when Harrison came in as presi
dent he found an overflowing treasury. A
hundred millions surplus. And this money
rightfully belonged to the pockets of the
people. What did Harrison, Keed and
Mckinley do? Instead of taking steps to
lift the unnecessary buiden of taxation
from the people, they began to devise
schemes by which to get rid of the surplus
Of course this was not difficult to do. They
increased taxation In many respects, but
their schemes of extiavagant appropria
tions far outstripped their Increase In the
(revenues. The appropriations of last con
gress, (Reed's and McKinley's,) exceeded
one billion dollars, a sum two hundred
million larger than the preccedlug con
gress over which Carlisle and Randall
presided. Now tne country Is confronted
with the alarming fact that the treasury is
depleted. We are told that there is now
an apparent deficiency of $6oo,coo. "Ap
parent," Indeed, It Is a stern, actual, de.
Ac'incl and unless some extraordinary
means are resorted to to raise mon:y, in
less than a twelve month there will be a
deficiency of fifty millions. It will be re
membered that dui-jng Cleveland's admit large Was the surptiis thai con.
gress was asked to authorize the secretary
of the treasury to go Into the markets and
buy United States bonds, not then duc.and
retire them. This was done, and during
the remainder of Cleveland's and a part
of Harrison's administration bonds were
purchased and retired. But the surplus Is
all squandered by the Billion Dollar con -gress
and Harrison's secretary of the treas
ury is reduced to the necessity of going to
the holders of the balance of the per
cent bonds, (which become due the firnt of
next September,) and ask for an extension
of time of their payment. In all this is a
lesson that should not be lost sight of by
the people. Tax payers every where, with,
out regard to party, 6hould as patriotic
citizens seriously ask themselves whether
a monopoly-ridden, extravagant party like
the republicans have proven themselves
to be should longer be kept in power. As
indicative of the way things are drilling
we submit that the receipts of the United
States treasury for May were $27,417,000)
against $35443,000 the same month last
year, a decrease of over $S,ooo,ooo, or at
the rate of nearly $100,000,000 a year. The
customhouse receipts i howed a decrease
of over $5,000,000.
For the Arst three months of this year
the total expenditures were $86,595,000,
against $74,654,000 for the same period
last year,an increase of nearly $1 3,000,000,
The ordinary expenditures so far this year
are $64,920,000, last year $27,498,000, an
increase of $27,422,000, or at the rate of
$109,000,000 a year,
Thus far this year the expenditures have
exceeded the receipts by $2,630,000,
whereas last year the receipts exceeded
the expenditures by $29,428,000 When
the deferred pension payments are made
at the end of the month, the deficit will b
many millions mere.
John Sherman in a speech In the repub
Mean convention in Ohio said:
The democratic house passed the Mills
tariff kill, but It ai rejecied bv thr senate
and by the people in the election ot 100a,
In marked contrast with this is the repub
lican administration of Harrison and the
recent republican congress.
Well, yes, the contrast is marked, very
marked Indeed, The republicans In 188S
succeeded in the elections by the skin of
their teeth, and that only by the corrupt
use of hundreds of thousands of dollais
raised by the pious Wanamakerand others
to bring In votes in "blocks-of-five. Last
year Undemocratic victory resulting from
the passage of the Mckinley bill was
simply overwhelming. Yes, the contrast
was marked.
Wall Paper, etc. I have just received
a new line of wall paper and decorations,
Have more than doubled mv facilities for
handling them, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall riper and border to
match. Heaultes, and much cheaper than
ver before. Bamuel E Young.
It Is estimated that at least $50,000,000
of the government's paper money, sup
posed to be in circulation, has either been
lost or destroyed. Some years ago, by
the sinking of one vessel off the Atlantic
coast, $,000,000 In greenbacks was lost.
The brightest star in the firmament was
called the dog star by the Egyptians, Lecauss
it watches the rising of the Nile and gives
notice by its appearance of that important
When the taipayera begin to pay the $12,
000,000 annual bounties to sugar growers
they will appreciate the republican trick of
'free sugar."
More than 316,000 emigrants landed in the
United States during the last six months of
the yor 1S90 and the first three months of
There arrived in New York the other day
a German immigrant 103 years old. His fourth
wifc,aged forty, and his son, a youth of seventy
accompanied him.
It is predicted that the present Cuban to
bacco crop will surpass even that of ten ea,s
ago in both quality and quantity.
The United States has 1,000,000 miles of
telegraph wires.
Taris has a population ol 2,423,000.
"At & IhvinuN 150 dozen
window Bluult'8, jttft received.
A liirpe and clejtnnt Block of ItUh cou
rt rv bedroom sets.
A la "' 1 1 11 1 ii 1 ! c iiyjt!, m my
c iUii;n.
The l."vt nut C'-thu m tlie city at (.Vina
Try ('.'.un it I'.-knr: I'nu'lt", the 'iir- .-t
oncrth. C I' iIk'iwn t: 1 1, .
Ladies Oxtord Ties. I have a very
arge stock of these enods, in qualities rar g
ng in price from $1.25 to $4.00 a pair. Thoy
v- e trade ol leather ; svery pair warranted.
Sahi'il E Yocae.
17ISTRAT.-Stryrl from my premises
24 a bright bay mare, aix years aid.
branded with the figure of a pair of
apectaolea cn left ahsu'der. Reward to
anyone who will notify lne at Albany
postomce. a. u. Burv.
MONET TO LOAN. In atnall and
Isree amounts, from six months to
five veais. on Kood Albany and .'.inn
county real eitate. Call on orailrtr.ns W
E MoFueraoa,rlMit.c)., Altiany.Or.
MoiMSiir Cloiig?
to make nionev. The best pavinK
restaurant in Euicene for sale, aa the
owoor ia going to retire from businbas for
gome time. Any person fleamo unor
matiqn regarding thla business, B
uorrls, attorney as lavy. ur 4 n ii-rmi
prop, Etigontt Oregon,
WANTED. To bnv notes and irort
ganes. H E Noble, Portland, Or.
room 18, Concord block, 2d slrect.
jvX at Corvallls, is the beatba3' prss in
the market. Ordera for presses sent to
CurvtUis will be promptly fi led,
Any 'ne infringing on the patent will
be prosecuted to the fullest oxtont of the
UT ANTED A aix, or more room
h.niw, with tarn, to Leave
word at Democrat 0IU03.
sealed bids will be reooived at the
office of the county clerk of Liun county,
Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, Wednes
day, the 8th day of July, 181)1, for the
keeping of the county poor, for the term
or one year from the 1st day ot August.
itrai .
Ail bids to be approved or rejooted by
the county court. N. P, PaYNF.,
OBDIKJNCa Kit tit,
Bsctiok 4. The amount of taxes ao
assessed on each dog shall be due and 1
payable to the recorder at the time such
assessment ia made by him, and if such
tax ia not paid to the recorder within
five days thereafter, the same ha 1 be
deemed delinquent and tin recorder
hall immediately thereafter notify the
person to whom such dog it assessed, in
writing, that the tax thereon is delin
quent, and that within five daya there
after, if such tax ia not paid to the treas
urer of the city and his duplicate receipt
therefor presented to the marshal, that
the aaid marshal will proceed against
such person for the collection of such tax
as by the ordinance for the collection of
fines and taxea provided ; and it ahall be
the duty of the marshal, if such person
so notilied, shall neglect or refuse to pay
such tax within five days after roceiving
auch notice from the marshal, to at once
institute groceedings against him for the
collection of taxes as provided by ordin
ance for the collection of taxes,
Skotion 6. It shall he the duty of the
marshal to immediately notify" the re
corder, upon his own knowledge or upon
information, of any person who may be
keeping any dog within the city limits
upon which a tax has not been assessed
and paid within one year, and upon re
ceiving such notice the recorder shall at
once proceed to make inquiry in regard
to such matter and to assess such dug if
he finds the same, and tax tho owner or
keeper thereof, as hereinbefore provided.
i6)f ACRFA 110 ACRE? IN
lFi'l". 1" In or.rn and roois, 40 in
I il y. Well fonced ami seeded to urns.
Well watered; annd soil, no gnvrl. 80
uoan naino, ou lion. 4 horara, farm I'll
pleniems, lsre limine, 4 lara; nnw barns,
good sehno: and church near house, 011
place: Fruit a 1 kin. s mliaa to
IMiMofflceaiid store, 6 mles from Mtayton
and 2,'t miles south cr Kings stitionnn
tho (degon Haeillo I'lacenan
he dlvUlei' into three or f.iur farms with
eoutity road to each. Plaee with eveiy
thinic'4 per acre. Tirim easv. For
further particulars apply on the . remise
at Ml Hiant, Linn couuv, or address
It, P, MILLER, Stay Ion, Oroiron. (20)
We wWi to av to the ptiblln that we
Iwve Just added a lare planer to our mill
and prepared to furnish all kinds of
lumber, dressed or rough, as the pur
elmser m i ohnae, as good as the best,
a.i.l asehe ip as it can be sold.
In piyment we will take all kinds of
produce, sueh as hay. Hour, prain, lajon,
. utter, beans, heoi by the quarter, etn
in irl anything that wo ean uo. Please
Nee in tielVuo you p.nchano your bill of
Inn U-r, sh we feel comment that woean
suitycu. You will nlwuys find one of
ii i our mi!!, M ml, us fr.nn l.ebinon
mi w I'.'otll Vh r ,..1. on Hamilton
creek, Wllif liKKKIUAN,
L' t.aiioti, Oregon.
Without being Interested. Thero will bo for
tho Month of June, a Genuine
Liglt Weight (Mint Summer Fnrnisis Goofls, Hats,
Shoes, nj all Kinds of
Wearing Apparel Now in My Store.
Leaflii GlotMer and irctal
Ho has received a largo and choice stock of Bering Dts
Goods, new sty'es and shades. Wash fabric?, consisting
rrinfhfims. seersuckers, sateens and chambre. A comr:
naanrt.nifint of white Coods, flouncillgS, hosiery, enru.
( ' V r M I
gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the Bpr'J
trade. A large and complete assortment lor mend
vniith's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing coods. J
J ' wu-issi,
if you want the host bargains you will hav to tall on hit
Is the Leading
illineiy and Fancy Goods Store of Albany,
lev "7 U Latest Styles and Novelties In the Milliner line, snd
nplete stock of Ladles and Children's Furnishing goods, and retdvmii!
tents. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be coniinnd.
a com
We are the People
Who carry tht most complete lino, of Hard-'
ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market.
Alhnnv. Orccon.
. .r t ..i.iouf J O WRITSMAN. Seswtsry.
W ?L WWAN, Treasurer. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice Preside
JLCowsn, Geo F Simpson, W F Head, Pr L Foley, M Sternberg, JWB.n.
j i, towsn, j K Vealhertord, R 8 Stratum. J O Wntamau.
kr$5lti&tL London L.nol,a.hir.,
Loudon, Kns. Guardian, London, Eng. Man
chaster, Manchester, Kngland. Caledonian,
Edioburg. Scotland. Weachealer,
' New York.
"1 r
Pfeiffer Block,
Stand Sl Cusick,
Fruit Raising iix the Willamette Valley Pays 100
Per Cent, on the Investment.
Ten and Twenty acre Parma, all in Cultivation and Ready to set to
Fruit, within Seven miles of Oregon's Capital, for $75 00 per acre; one
fourth Cash, Balance in Three equal Annual Payments: or, set to Fruit
and Cultivated Three Tears for $175 per acre, For Further Informa
tion tsend for Pamphlet, to
Tho Oregon Land Company,
It j-ou want the bcsl
and most durable furni
ture that is manufactur
ed in tho oity go to
Cor Mpcond andFeny St, Albany, Ol
yUPKKIOK work, guaranteed In ever
3 branch of the art. SiS-Jinlargins; c
all kinds a specialty,
Druga, Medicines, Cbsmlsalf, JoQ
and Toilet Articles,Sponges,Brw
Perfumery, School ;Books, and
Artists' 8uppllea.
PhlclanB prencripHon'
lully tcnipoonded.
There la no doubt tn'
Stook of SILVERWABK. eo"ilr"
aiwons. knives, forks, friiitdl'""' w
gold and silver watches. !'
eto, is the largest and betf"
the city, and by far
bestevt'r brought
PRICES the Most Reasonable.
Call and .See the COODS..
J. A, dimming.
Wall Paper,
ALBANY, -:- 0"'C?