NOL. IV ALBANY, OREGON, MONDAY JUNE 22, 1891. m 38 i TWO MEN AND ONE BOY OUN1) DEAD.!! While trying to Crowd then . WAY INTO CEYG- & FR0B1AN BROS 6tore, where they alway have on hand the largest Slock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Hammocks, ump inairs anu thousands f other things too numerous to mention 1 .Repair Shop In connection with the Store, and one of Jie best workmen In the State to do any jiid all kinds oc work. J Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick tales" 16 oui motto. Conrad Mever, ' jSTAIi BAKERY "Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN tuned Friuta, Canuedt Meals, laaswiare, Qneeuawan, rlea Fralta, Vegetable, fobaeco, Cigars, ttogar Np'.cCN,' i Coffee.. . Tea, I Eto Etc., 5 iUa.. verythlng that 1 kept In a yfisa l ts tyand grocery ore. Highest rjcet p ' ifald for ALL K.WDS uF PRODUCE. Albany mora WORKS Manufacturers o' ' IE AM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW ; U ILL MACHINERY IRON rKONTS ) m ALL KIFDS OF HEAVY I ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON rtND BRASS I CASTJNCS. 'I 'ipeolal attention 1M o i pairing M )f ds of tnachlner f Pattnrns Made on Short Notiot ' I Fortmita k Iwing, IS Si -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dona Soietitil lcally. Revere House: 1LBANY, OREGON 2HAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. F'tted n d in first-claw style. Tablfs supplied With the beat In the market. Nice sleeping aoartmenta. Sample room' or commercial travelers, I THf? O i.i nekriowledgwl tho lcftiilnir remedy to GonorrCiora A tilcet Tiie onl- raw remedy for i'nrn In I LcocorrhtiMiorWhitefl. bum Btnawn. I prescrltHj it ana feel fafo in recommondinR it HfdoiilT T kTHEtvwsCHEMmiinrr to oil !Jr.". 6oM by Trnicvt3tS. ANAirn A tt, A n RedCrownMills 80M, LANNIXU & CX IU0PR S tw raoens rLorjB arTBBiOR iok nui'ic A1TD BAUD. 781. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. oep a full line of meat, of all kin in a cool plcoe, completely pr tected: and always freau. FOSHAY & MASON, noLBbiu ana aaraia Druggists and Booksellers Aesi.ta for John B. Aides', publlcatlona, tiich wewjlat pnbli.ber' prleee with 4 J mmm SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is trfe Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of FOURSPEING PASSENGER WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR, Oil THREE-SPRING WAGONS, IIALF-SPRINO WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE Ufa Guirant88 Our Vehicles the Best, Our Prices tho Lowest Quality Considered, Special Catalopes and Price List Mailed Free on Application Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, W. C. DAVIS & CO., HLEATll IS WEALTH! tar ii DR. E. C. WEST'S STerve and Brain Treatment n. l . jni ied Brwclflc for Hysteria, Dimn&M, Cm.vul 1, F''S, Nt -youa NuUiV.ifi, HcuHciie, Nervous P.r,f,t ' n 1 cwwd by the Hoe of alcnhol or tobacco, Wi-sJi-li'. M"ntM Df-pressi'-n, Hnftimnjr of the i-esulti 'K i 1 iniiity and lending lo mtecn, in,' uli'enh, prpiiiilnre old ftje, barrcim&M loss 0. t .C"Jeu ly ver-excTiun 01 uiu rrmu Ei h U contain ona month's treatment, dl - bo ar bO3 for .'seiit by mail preiwid oq receipt o i..ce. WE fiUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY mm. Wii.mach oruer received by us for six boxes. arconirmiiM with 5, we will send tho purchaser our ffritUi.i nuaiantco to refund tlie money if the treat ment di 8 not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued on.y by J. A. Cummin?, Uruiocist, sole anont, Aioauv, ur, What is Castorla is Ir, Samuel Pitchor8 prescription for Xnf.iuts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic Btibstancc. It ia a harmless hubatituta for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms end allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Cofltoria relieved teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla nesimllates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea-!. Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castorfi Is an execllen. medicine for chil dren. Mothers hftTerepeatedlr told me of iu ood eCect upon their children." Da. O. C. Oaeooa, Lowell, ataia. Castorla is the beet remedy for ehiWroo of which I am acquainted. I hope the day Is rot far distant when mothers will consider toe roal tntentt of their children, and use Cortoria In atd of the Tarlouaquack nortmme which are deatroytiur their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing eyrup and other hurtful Cante down their throaia, thereby sondioc ahem to pranatore frarea. pa. J, f. Knteffatoa, Conway, Ark. The) Car OoempMy, TT If BUSINESS WAGONS.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGON3, ETC, It Win Pay All Patties Wanting SPRING WAGONS OF ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. ALBANY, okicON. Cannot be tuccessluHr traveled wihV out good health. To roach wealth or any , coveted position In life requires the full possession and operation of all the fac ulties kind nature has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the physical being Is In perfect working l'T'Jj, and this Is Impossible when the liver and spleen are torpid, thusobstruct Ing the secretions, causing Indigestion and dyrpepsla, with all of their accent panylng horrcrs. PR. HENLEY'S EKgiif Dandelion Tonic exerts a si r Ific Influence over the liver, excites It - healthy action, resolves Its chronic enlargements, and promotes the secretions ; cures Indigestion and const 1 I pat 'on, sharpens the appetite, tones Uj js the entire system, and makes lite worth m living. AMY EADAGHE "While YouWait," BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. Castoria. " Caotorta is so writ artaptrd to ohlMrea that I reoommona it&Mprlortuaiiypreeorlptk known to we." fc H. A, Aarnaa, K !., Ill So. Oxff-nl lit., Brooklyn, X 7. "Our physicians fu th eliildran's c opart ma. t h..v4 spoken hlfc-hly of tiie.r eanvrl ence In (Iieir uttde practioe with CnMtotta, and alUioili we enly have amouc atn socd'cal suppllos what la known as nuUr prvduew, yet vra are frae to ootifeM tluit the merit of CaMorla baa wa m to louk wwt favor upon It. U.xrraa OoanTAb am DiMnmaAaT, SopSoo, llaaa Auxs C Smstb, JVm.. mrrr Streot, Kern York City. IfheBGadttTWealP Hler of all In buncoing Power.-. ABSOLUTELY PURE 0 Kin COVelDEBIXU. P. M. French keeps railroad time, N(?w cream cheese just teceived at Conrad Meyers, Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled 5'cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller t Irvipg's.juBt received. Haveyoa seen those parlor suits that T Brink has just received ? They are nice. Great reduction inmen'n famishing goods ior too next av asysat w r Kead . J W Bent ley, best boot and shoe makerjio oity, three doors north of Democrat office. K W Achison & Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lota. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make there look as good as new with Wolff's Aome Waterproof Polish. For sale at Samuel fc Young b. Dr M H EUis, physician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made ia city or country. Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visitiug the city, and withont extra commission. Mis K J Barrows J?ir- cnasmg agent. Urove St, Oakland. A sure cure for the whisky uabit: Di Liviniiston'a Antidote for UrunKenness will cure any case of the liquor nabit in trom ten to thirty days, from the troderaledriuker to the drunkard. The Antidote cm be given in i cup of ooffee without th knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the health in any wy. Manufactured by the Livingston Chemical Co.. Portland. Oregon cr from J A Camming, tole agent Albany. French Tanny Wafers. wafers arc a sure and enfet- zo The for a re mot period are it kindsof female troubles ar.c w'i' all obstructions to the monii 1 no matter what the cause. Tl.i i itwhat every woman need- ai can be lsed with safety. For sale t th Livingstone Chemical Co., also iron w sole agent, J ACumming, druggist. Bit r. berg biKk, A Ibanv. Oregon. The Democrat wiil exchange ajdewing machine of any make deairid, except one or two. for some oak grub wood and part cash; or will consider other proposition by any one desiring a new machine. Buy your groceri'js of Parker Bro l i dlnp Photographers A cany Oregon. We have bought-all thenegativ mad by L W Oark and W H Greet' ood up to Nov 15th, 18S9. Duplicates can be had from horn only of u at reduced latca. We have also about 18,000 neativr made by our selves, from which duplicates cua be had at like ia;es. We carry the only full line nf viewt f this state and do enlarge d work at loweitrttes for first class work. We shall be pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman'o block, aextdoorto Mnsonio Temple. Fortmiller & living hsve some Kenait (ttnee lace curtains for $18 a pair, as tineas anything ever een in the flity. They range down ti $7 a pair. Other liC3 cur tain down to $1 oi k-x pir. r : Ih the nivilinil mid results whei. .ivrup ' Figs ia lakoii : it is tilramul ami refreshing to tlie tuple, nml act 5entlyyctjironit!j on the Kidneys, r 'N "" t S V.'S Liver and Jiowols, ck'nuwn tlie y :em eirectuully, dispels coldi-, hciid iclno mid fevers nnd cures linhitiml i,iiipiitirti. Syrun of Figs ia tho inly remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, jileasing to the taste ondao i!Citahle to tho stomnrh, prompt ia it.; action and truly beneficial in its il'. ctr., its many excellont qualities rommcml it to all. It is for solo in Vo and 81 bottle by U leading druggists. MANUFACTURED OMtt SY THt CAUF0HNIA FIG SYRUP CO. etfi rttANoisoo. cti. LOUMIlll. Kt. HID fOK, H.l U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1U3, Powder CLEVELAND TO BE A FATHER. A dispatch from New York has the fol lowing delicate reference to a very Inter esting event soon to happen In that city : A little while ago there came a message to certain ot the women who are engaged in works of charity, and who at the same lime are among those who carry the bur dens and favors of social life in New York The message was one of those delightful hints which matrons hear with a sense ot sympathy and of gentleness. No more touching message is ever brought to mother, and with the freemasonry of her sex wnicii me tender experiences ot ma ternity teach every mother the message is communicated by Intuition almost, so that all women who are friends of one another know It. and from every one of them there goes to that one upon whom the hint is centered that s-.veetest and most tender .sympathy which mothers accord to one another. And to the word has been pased around that one who Is not only the: idol cf her circle, but is viewed with most tender reverence by a nation who has been charmed by the exquisite story ot her ro mance, wh re h brought to her teet the cmei of the nation, is now approaching the crowning event of womanhood. No queen was ever held In higher esteem or ever received such tributes of affection a is the lot of the fair young woman t3 whom a president of the United States devoted his a flection, and who brought to him a greater crown of delight when she became his bride than even the exalted honor which a nation bestowed upon him. When it is known by the people that the time U near at hand when sympathy and prayers, and hope and joyful greeting should be extended to those who invested the prosaic life of the white house with ronrance, then congratulations will be gWen. Of all presidents none have been blessed with children after quitting the office ex cepting John Tyler, and he was the only one who had ever brought a bride to the white house prior to the delightful ro mance of 18S6. After Mr Tyler retired from the presidency several children were the tri'it ot his union with the oeaumui New York ah I. Miss Gardner, whom he brought to the exectutive mansion as his Drtde. All the otner cnnuren oi presi dents were born prior tc thr election of their fathers to that office. THE fiOLOEM KI'LE BAZAAR, Has a large nnd complete lino of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to makeup a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps oi everydescription. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, sitch as albums, toilet sets, autograph hooka, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in ft Bazaar store, including Koger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule pri baking powder and tea, put up expreso.j fc: this t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the (iolden Rule liuzaar. Esch package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a tone piece 01 glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you wil be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindlv bv niv clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all mnrked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, aim i nave uui one ji ice to all. Ji'i.ius GlIADWOUl,. (haniin f f KinliifM. Nnt'.in Is herabv glve-i tli uo'lnr .fc GrMt have sold to E .1 li'nnin the.r pntirn huNiitfR.. coori. w-iies. nerch'jn. illn. hink account. flx:ure. etc. P-rtlps indnlied to fcald Hrm will plenwoall and teUlfi nioiiC3 with K J I aniline lo whom ail act! tunlH aro pava'ilw. All "lltktaniillig IndebterlneM wil' h) sitiled by Munllor A Ourrett. MUBLLBB A QAKRKIT, K J Albany, May 25. Farm rur Sale. I have lor sale 100 acres of the finest farminir land in the state. All In a high stiite of cultivation, no bmld- nus. but has a heauttui .umiuing iocii' tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the r 1 K K. Terms and price reason able. Call and see ine on Second street, oppoiite D oca at office. Da. G. W. M astox. AlkuyBara.t. WsssMOt nts.r-'M. ri. Bar n.wai !. , rWHK-4. M HI .Md (Ml, ) r , r pt 1. tinni. 1.MIM, II. . sn.al4M 7. sasto. 44USB M. fr I. VtawMB r rili nni f r' TiHJ fiW-', nMf K' saUdlSM, M. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Drad Sta.t.r Indiasatolis, June 21 . Ex-Senator Mc- DonalJ died at 11:35 tonight. lathe pret ence of all this afternoon he said he wished to - give testimony to his faith in God s saving grace. Then he grasped each by the hand and Lade them good-bye, laying he could see no more callers. Joseph Ewing M:I)onald was born In Butler county, Ohio August ao, 1819. He was ed ucated at wabatn college and Ashbury uni versity. After leaving college he studsed law ard was admitted to the bar in 1844. In 1845 he established himself at Crawfordsville, Ind, lie was elected to congress as a democrat in IS40, and served in i&iq-ci. lie was de feated in the next canvass. In 1S56 he was elected attorney general, and in 1864 was de feated Oliver P Morton for governor. He was elected United States senator in 1876, and served until 1S81. Hasnoa Trouble: New York, June s: Advices received at the state departmert from the United States consul at Samoa substantially confirm the re ports received in London vesterdav of threat ened trouble between King Malietna and Mat aafa, owing to the aspiration, of the latter to Become king ue ure, as wen as de facto. The prospects for conflict are sufficiently serious, ia the consul's opinion, to warrant the suggestion that the United States send a war rhip to thosa waters to look after American interests with as little delay as possible. An R; K. Accident. Cleveland, June si. An excursion train of filteen cars, which left this city this after noon on the Nickle Plate Railroad, jumped Ihe track near Denver, O, and seven cars weie wrecked. The train was loaded with street railway employes and their families, who were going to Ouk Point, a pleasure re sort on the like shore. One man was killed and about thirty pe.sons injured, A Kansas Cyclone. Kansas Citt, June 20 The southeast ern corner of Kansas was visited by a terrific storm last night, causing some loss of lifr,and much damage to property, and enormous damage to growing crops. The storm was of a different nature a' different points. At Fort Mcou, it lock tne Iorm ot a cloudburst, at Kansas City a cyclone, and at Emporia a tornado. An Illinois Cyclone. Cairo, III, June 21. A c) clone in this vicinity this afternoon did consideralbe dam age, unroofing a great many houses, uprooting trees, blowing cars oil railroad tracks and knocking all telegraph wires down. The lerry boat Gwyan, from l'aducah, while landing an excursion parly for Cairo, was blown over lo the Kentuckey shore. There was no loss of life. The Xol.llcn .rqnllled. Walla Walla, June 20. The jury in the case of the six loldiers on trial for the lynching of A J Hunt returned a verdict of not guilty this afternon. A body guard escorted he soldiers to the carnson, whose they were placed in the guard house to await a court mirtial. Cuming Events. Saturday, June 7, 1 p m Cjltshow at Albany. Tuetdav, Tune Scat Opera House. Lltlle Lord FontleroT. Wednesday, July S. at Onera House. SI Plunkett. Wkerbto Gut Thkm-When wantlne mi organ or plana call on G L Blackman a-Ik 'e vou uan select trom a first class to.... Don't forget, Paisley & Smiley, Printers, but arrived a full lino of ladioa. chil dren., men's and ticy's foo- wear at G W Simpson's, which will be sold at bottom pneei. Wanted, to loan $40,(100 on Bond farm security, in the nnxt thirty days. Money ruaiiy, J sue can vetit, 8 N Stekle &Co hen Baby was sick, wo gave hor Castoiia. When she was a Child, aho cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria. ' Korclllr. In Jackel.. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the leading styleB in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken ior special sizes and styles. DAS l 101-MO. K. Re.d kcrpethe best, asaortment of g cts in towi.. Their naly Medicine Chest. William W B Miller, Deerlndg,Montaca, writ"! "I hae bmo nsini Rrandreth's Fills for the U.t thirteen yrorr, and thonth I have had nine children, I have never had a ditor in th hou.e except thru, time., wheu w. hail an epidemio cf tcrlf-t fever, whioh wo soon banished by a vignrcus nn of Hrandreth'a Pills. I have used them fcr myself, two or thnw a niaht for a month. for hr 'nmpLint.dy.ptp.ia. and OMntipatloo. Indiafhoea, o-ami.,wipd of lie, indigrjoo, on. 01 two fcrio'lieth'e Pill, rlxnl Ih. child ren at once. A box of pills is all th. medi eir.e chest w. reejoir. in the ncn.e. V. n.a them for rhenmati.m. cnld.tC.tarth.hilinai. nr.s and impnr. blood. They n.vrr hav. fail, d to enr. all th. abov. o.mplaints in a verv few dy." ALBANY. OKCUON zEESEeaxsxEamKmma