H : : I j '" ' I VOL. IV ALBANY", OREGON, MONDAY JUNE 15, J891. NO 32 ! TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND I) HAD.!! While trying t( Crowd tlieh CIY0 & FROMAH BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of th latest Improved Rilles and Shot Gum; an Immense stock of fishing Tckle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands i other things too numerous to mention In connection with the Slore, and one ol lie beat workmen in the state to do any ind ail kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to (how goods. "Small profit and quick aW it oui motto. Conrad Mever, STAR liAKEIlY 'Corner Eroafelbin and First Sts.. i -DEALER IN tuned Fruit, rlea Fruits, Cobaoco, Sugar t'oUoe, Eo Cauueil Ileal, fegeeulilea, t:ir, 6n'ti, Tea, Sic, .Tv 7erything thni la kept In n Ki va 'yand grocery pre, Hlgbeol Jb r.kot p -iraid for ALL KlESS u? PRODUCE. ALBANY NURSERIES 11TE If AY EON H AND t our nursery IT on the C'orvaUt road, one-half nlle from town, as line r lot of fruit ireea of all kinds a can bo found any- irhero on the roast. If you contemplate planting tr"?s It will pay you to ee our lock sr.d got our prices. Calalogue free, HVUAH A BKO'.VNKLL. City Meat Market OLIZ EIIQS,, Proprietors. k.nap a full line of moats of nil kin 'n 4 Ofol p&ee, completely jr tented; aud always fretju. HELPS, Job Printer, X3ct.Sfc.4TrJ. Albany FOR SALE. Two good buggy horses, ar.d well oroken, together with good hack end fcet of double harness. Apply to J F Back enato. residence coraer of Calapoola aad Klnth street. RedCrownMills SOU, LANNIN8 4 CO.. OPR'S. rsw rnooras rtooa sitemor t(i, 'aui'.ib ASD BAKERS 791, ' REST STORAGE FACILITIES. i Revere House; iLLBANY, - OREGON j 3HAS. PFEIFFER I'UOPRIETOT!. Fitted up in rst-:lss style. Tnblfs , supplied with the best in tbe market. '' Nice uieep.nir atmrtments. fcUmplo iooui ,1 nv cominfiroial "travelers. i Biff O It pz-fcrimrlctlBrtl ' lh lMilnfT TV"lfVlr ft) (4norrtkra ilrU The only pte remeoy ror LMcnrrnipnornnuui, 1 ui-escritw it. and feel mm Mir by Etfe In rrof)rameuu;Dg it, tvwsCHEWiritr'i to an sillier!?. mir A. J.blUNhrt, M. I'.p lJfc.'"ATI'R. LU KoM by lraiari9ttfc AVISO A K, A n FortmiKer & frying. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dons Scientll Ic&lly. PargWDt in choice groo.ntt om nwtjrt M teenrta 01 AUra 13ro,. Flioo iSlock. it Toft 1)AYH. 1 -'El SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of FOUltSPRING PASSENGER WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLORj OR THREE-SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY '.WAGONS, ONE-HORSE Wb Guirantee Our Vehicles the Bast, Our PriG8S the Lowest Quality Considered. Special Catalopes and Fric8 List Mailed Free on Application . Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, W.C. DAVIS & CO., BLEATH IS WEALTH! "tiTK't'lTti .1 f ST I)K. K . C. WEST'S Ne-ve and Tlrain Treatment & tim riii eei' snrvrc for H vn'rin. L'izzhikrb. Uoimil liouj, NflWou NeiirslHift, li'iailatjhe, Norvrnw P.'Vitittion cmwl by thu ue of aljohol or lolncw, ivialrfi. .tii -aft, Sl.'iiial Popre3si1.il, Sxfwuiitp vt the Pi.iJi, ro'.iilliii'r i't f iifti iuj- and loadi.i to misery, j-. , -j-tl doii-h, rftmt'iro old ne, barroimcss. loss ol Ht., i,fnisi-l over-jxL'rtit!i or ino rrain Kirh t j i...aitia iiioiiih'if tn.'ntnn,ut, $1 hoj :rm; lf ' tVr S nent by iiiiil jtjv'dou re.-.Hit o tin ). WE (JIMRANTKK SIX B0XK9 TO CURE ANY case. Willi iai.h order .xvcivcl by ui (or nix hn.:trs, &c-t'Mpuv'.V" wit.11 t-'s WA " pun-nns-jr our writt.-ii feUP.rsuttoc .- veinnu mo money 11 iu trtn ir(c:ti h-t not flfcit .1 1 urc. Guarutitc3 imued orty 1 . J. A.Cuunii-ii. l)n-t&t, wdo o't'iit, Albany . Or. f ef.Ci . What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains nolthcr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, mid Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' us by Millions of 3Iothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays forcrishncs3. Castoria prevents vomltlnff Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorto relieves tocthlug troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach nd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cao torla is the Children's Panao-ho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Outorla It u ucelltnt medicln for (till . Mother! Unxt repftUJlj told Di o W mt& tCMt upoa UMk- cblldnn." D. O. C. Oneos, LowtlL, Mml Cm nit It bwt raratd J for hllirto of vtleh I m aoqutiotnl. I hop tht day K not tm Omul moUian will coDdr lh rl Mnat of thalr children, ud CMWrit ! goad of thTmrioutqii noitnramihith an atatrortnc their lortd oom, by forcing optun, torphiaa, toothlns tyrup d other hurtful r, ion their throat, thtrtoy taaotac ittm praauMm fra.ea." Da. J. F. KrxcmiLOl. Conway, Art. l Ik C.nWr Co-py, Tl BUSINESS WAGONS.ONE.HORSE IKON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Patties Wasting SPRING WAGONS OF ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. -AGEKTM- ALBANY, OREGON. to Cannot b successfully traveled with out good health. To reach wealth or any coveted position In IKe requires the full i possession and operation of all the fao j utiles kind nature has endowed us with. ; These conditions cannot exltt unless the physical being Is In perfect working c:-??, ana this is impossisio when the liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct Ing the tocretlons. causing Indigestion end djcpcpsla, with all of their accom (lanytng horrors. PR. HENLEY'S Eng!fe Dandelion Tonic exerts Of-, ffio Influence over the liver, excites It healthy action, resolves Its chronic efiVvflemenis, and promotes tl:e secretions; cures Indigestion and const) a pat'on, shcrpens the appotlio, tones up !j the entire sytccn, and makes iile worth H IWng. Castoria. " CaatarU b go well adaptnl to ohlldna that 1 ffttommtnil H aatuptrlortoany praMtiptloa ktmnaa- Tt. A. Aacawt, X. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklya, !f. T. Our phytldaM la tha chlMrao'l depart nent bavo apokea highly af thair az)Mri ano In (hair otiaaJa pracUra with Caavurla, and aithough wa anly bar aiaoeg aar aiadleal auppUaa what la kaowa at ragalar product, yet wa art fraa to aoaf that tha niarita of Caatoria hat was m h look with faror upon It.' V.-rraa BoarrraL ! DlarKiuaT, Baawa, Maaa. C. Sam, n-M., Mrry Btr-t, H.w Tc1 k Cir ZHgtxal at all in LMreaing Paw. ABSOUUTECy PURE n'OUTa COS8IDEK1SU. F. M. KroDch keeps railroad time, liew cream oheeae jast received at Conrad Mcyera. Smoki the celebrated Havana filled 5, cent oigarat Julius Joseph's. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, as f orumller K Irving s,just received. Have yon scon thoso parlor snits that T Brink has just received! They are nice. Great roiucti3n nnnWd furniehins iroodt (or the next 30 days at W F Read's. J W Bentley, best boot and shoe makerin city, three doors north of DkmOckaT office, E W Achi;iD k Co handle the oelebrated 1'ortland cement walls for temeterv lots. l'bese wills can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten np your old rubbers aud old shoes and make tbem look as cood as new with Wolff's Acme Watcruroof Polish. For sale at aamaol Young s. Dr M H Ellis, physician and snrgeon. niuauy, uregon. L;aiis maaa in city country. Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting tbe city, and without extra oommistion. Miss E J Narrows rcr chasing agent, 16G9 Grove St, Oakland, A sare cure for the whiskv habit: Dr Liviogston's Antidote for Drunkenness will cure anv case of the linaor nabit in trom ten to thirty days, from the moderate driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote oon be givon in i cap of coffee without ths knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the healtn in any way. Manufactured l.y the Livingston Chemicil Co., Portland, Uregon cr from J A Cummiug, nolo agent Albany. Reliable nnd Always the Same. P-randrcth'spills are the oldest, safest and best bl od purifier and purgative known. They are purely vegetable, therefore harm. Ie8. They are alwasthe same and always produce the same eftect, 'Jther purgatives require increased doses and finally cease not ing altogether. A nourso of one or two of llraodroth's pills taken each night is a posi tive cuie for constipstion, headache and all bilious disorders. If you caut take them plain get them sugar coated. French Tansy Wafers. wafers are a sure and safe tr on klnd6of female troubles ar.i w'i' all obstructions to the mon:l no matter what the caute. tl.i , The for a remot period are ji nwhat every woman need' , ai can be lsed with 6afcty. For sale L th Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron ti sole agent, J ACummlng, druggist, Bi, berg brck, Albany, Oregon. Vi i tilng Photogrnjiiicrs k -wiiy Oregon. Vfn have bought all theapgativi smado by L W Oark and W 11 Greon.oo(. up to Not loth, 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from hem only of ua at reduced tatcn. We have alto shout 13.000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at likeia.es. Wo carry the on y full Hoe of vicwi i f tbie state and do enlarcn d work at loweit rites for first class work. We shall be pleasod to see yon at our Studio io Froman's block, next dour to Masonio iemplo. 1 E.VjOYS RmIIi i!io int'lhiiil nnil ri'Milt whei. Syrup tf Fignis Ini'H j it h iiloiisitir, mill rcl'rts!:i',' to (lie tii.to net. ireiit1yyetroui)t!r on tin- Kidiirys, ijivrr ami Bnweli", clcsnst' tlio ays ti'm clli'Ctnslly, diopels Cnlilf, lieml-nli-s still fnvcrs sinl ciiv.' lin'oitnsl mttpittiiii.. f?yrup of Fi( i tht nly remedy of its kiiul ever pro ilnceil, plonsiiig to the tuito siitlao ofptalilo to thn stomach, promjit id ltd action and truly beneficial m itf "flt-cU, its nmtiy excellent qualities I'otnnibnd it to all. It in for sale io fiOi: nnd (1 bottles by all leading druggists. MMnjrAOTunrD cnlv v tm CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. am nincisco, cl. Loutsmu. nr. item rout, n.r- V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1U9, Povider WISE. The farmer's alliance la many sections of the country art refusing to endorse the sub-treasury scheme which proposes that the general government shall loan money to farmers upon non-perishable products and upon real e tatt at a rate of Interest not to exceed two per cent per annum This Is vise. The more the alliance en dorses this scheme the weaker It will be. Ihe republicans of Kentucky have nom inated one of John Morgan's guerrillas for Lieutenant Governor. It is a remarkable fact tl:?.t when the republican do take it rebel In, tt Is always one of the worst ele ment. Hosby, the Virginia guerrilla, Jeff Thompson, the Missouri guerrilla, Forrest, the "butcher of Fort Pillcw," all favoied republicans. It Is 6trange, but true, thai with the single exception of General Long street, that all of 'he republican appoint ments of ex confederates, they have re sorted to the very worst element. Marsh field Sun. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decided that the governor of that statc.and not the city council of Philadel phia, .has the right to appoint a city treasurer of Philadelphia to fill the va cancy caused by the defaulting of the republican treasurer. THE COLDE.1I HI I E BAZA Alt, Has a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll biiggies,'lxys wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plusb goods, stieh as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of Hie public in par ticular to the Golden Rule pri "o?.kins powder and tea, nut un cxprees.y :ri this trade, which gives I lie best of satis faction, as ia attested by tbo hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Ololden Rule V-azaar. Kacb package of tea and can of backing powder draw s a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, s you will be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store nnd be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I bave but one price to all. Ji i.ii-s Gradwohi.. 1 IScrufulona. ernritions, such as pimples. discoloration of the skir, especially on the face, aie caused by imp tru bond anil will disappear rapidly bv usiug Pfuoder'a Ore gon Blood Pnritier. The Pemockat will exthsnge shewing machine of auy mak de-iir-d, excepi one or two. for some oak irrub wood and part cash; or will consider other nro-pi sitiout by any one doi-iritig a i.ew machine. R cir.cnilcr Parley & f-n.ili v. Printer Buy your proaeris of Parker Bro Ju-t ariived a full line of ladies, cliil dren. men's atd hev's foot wear at GW Sinip-im's, which will he sold at l-ottmn price. W herb to C ar Tiikm. When wanting n organ or pinna call on G L. Illackirian A-h e vou can set from a first class Wall Paper, etc. I have juit received - M . Iln. nf U.4II nnnr nr.rl .ml tnn Have more than doubled mv facilities for handling thetn. and will keep a mucn larger stock. Wall paper and border to match. Beauties, and much cheaper than ver before. Sami'ei. V. YocNO. The best roast cnOea in the city tt Ci-oia Mjyrr a. . T. R.sd ka.ps the bit ;a.sortmtnt .1 g. s is in town. Altaay MarKst. Wtwal lt (Msa-aSi stHI-N frit). St-,. It. 57-M.Hhtlt.N. Patttttt 'tt per ..! - ft.l , Patr- VA pa lb. drwsaod ataas hams, lie ahanldart aidet.tt lartl-lsaBsrlh. rUnr.-t.lt fr bl. Ofcttht- 4. St) par im. Mill F braa, M.Wpn too' ' taorM, Sc. aalddlUic, S. wliwr- ! or TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Wonderful Operation. Kansas Citt, June 14. A succestlul grafting of skin sufficient to patch up twn legs was completed here yesterday. A year ago A C Fulkerson stepped into a vat of boiling grease. The flesh of bofh legs from the knees down wos cooked away. The only method of repairing me damage was by grafting tkin from other human beings upon the injured members. One hundred and sixty persons. Odd Fellows and Knignts of Pythias, of which organizations Futkersaa was a. member, con - inouieo poruons 01 tneir anatomy to be nsed in piecing up Fulkerson 's wounds. The grafts were about 1000 In number and a majority of the cases were successful . Fulkersoa was out today enjoying the use of both limbs. reign Accident . P.ERNE, June 14. A horrible accident oc curred on the Moenchen, Stein 4 Bale rail way today, through the collapse of a bridge beneath a heavily loaded excursion train, crowded with people on their way to attend a mnsicale fete, Sixty persons were killed outright, while hundaeds were injured. The two engines and the first car plungen into the riqer, and all the passengers in the car were Jiowned. Two oars remained suspended from tbe bridge. All the trainmen were killed. A Cub Aerldrnt. Redwood City, Cal, June 14. While 14- year-old Lizzie Kress and 17-year-old Albert, Bro n were handling A gUn at the residence of me parcuu 01 me girl, at San Uregorio, twenty-rive miles wen of here, the pun was accidentally discharged by Brown. The cnarge struct: ner in the forehead, horribly mutilalino her face. She.died in five minutes When Brown saw the effect of the accident he went insane with grief, broke the gun in pieces and would have killed himself unless nre- vented by others. Chinese Style. San Francisco, Jude 14. Tht details of fifteen Chinese at Kowloon Cily, opposite Hong Kong, May 1 1. were received last nlnht by the steamer Kio de Janeiro. Six of the men were pirates, who looted the passenger steamer Tamoa on the Chinese coatt. The fifteen doomed men knell in a row in the pub lic square, and tbe executioner cut off their heads with a sword. It was all dona in a few minutes. New OrlcaAS-Slyle. Sax Francisco, June 4 Ah Quong Tia having lieen acquitted of the charge : of mur dering "Poker Tom, a Piute Indian of the Walker river reservation, at Bridgeport, Mono county, was dragged from the court room by the friends of the murdered man and hacked to pieces. A Former Albanian. Portland June 14. John T Hughes, a democrat, who is on ihe republican cily ticket for councilman from Ihe -Eighth ward, has issued a card which reads: "Citizens candidate lor councilman from the Eighth ware." Mr Hughes evidently intends to convey the idea that he is Iheconioltilatiun nominee, which is not true. He was aa anti-consolidailonist. Kovellles In Jackets. I bnve received a smnll nKmrtniont f novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in tbe latest styles of lliiiaei-s and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a tun line ol these goods, a,s well as all tho le;vJing styles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken for special eiies and styles. Sam'i. E Yocno. Will Bi:y Houses. Mr II Branilen stein, from Pan Francisco, will be at Albany June 20th, buying liorBes, of the follow ing description :" bays, blacke, and grays, age, 4 to 8 years, 15 to 10 bands liigli; weight, 1)50 to 1150 pounds. Must be gentle to ride under saddle and gen tle to work, without 1 j!e in if-li anil sound, in every particular. Also a number of good carriage borsos, weight from 11(H) to 1300, and a number of heavy draft liorees. Headquarters at L Senders' stables. l-'arni rr n!r. I have fur sale ltlO acres of the limst farming land in the state. All In a high stnte of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeatttfiil building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on 1 tie S P II R. : Terms and price reason able. Cnll an l see me on Second street, opposite D.cm OCR AT Office. l)it. It. W. MasTOX. Cfintiue f llmtlnrn. Not-.-A ia hereby givni th 1 vf nMrtr -v. O.rrett liavo ajitl to K J hmtiin thf.r i liro ludiir-s-, ir-io-u. w-iie. , i.ereh'111 -dim, hnok accnunt. fixture, etc. P.rtles ii.de'uteii to said rlrm win plnaw ealT anil wtiln at odcb with K J Lanuiiif 10 whom ail sceiunln arn pvnhle. All outstanding Indebtedness H be bi tiled 1 y Mueller ,V t.nrreU. MCKI.LKK A UAHT.K1T, K J LNMNO AlbaDy, May 25, ifct'l. When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria. Wh-n she was a Child, the cried for Castoria. W hen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When iiho bad Children, she gars tbem Castoria. BxeltemeM Runs huh in Albany at Foiliny St Ma son's ding stora tier Syitem Builder, aa everl -iv it ntirg it for 'arar.H. of tl S-'.ir:ach, Dyarepsla Constipation and Im piiin l lo. d. Try tell your frieuda ahnut it at it must possttiwon'Uf ful insriu when ad - peak wall of i.