Lebanon. Rov HiUi.eitur requests ua av that iu ioit. about tho 1st to Kith ho will bein a camp-meeting, just north of the ditch on tho Lebanon and Albany road. Bishop Key ami other prominent imuisu'ra aro expccieu 10 usairji. uuruig tne meotiuK. Mr J B Thompson, an old resident of Llun county, 1ms bought the St Oharles liotel, ol tin citv, ana irns inxeu cimrso, the ouuhidi'iulinii beuit; ifl'iX). 1 bought of Win tiuy and ii V Doud. Kxpresa. A chlcLen cleaiiinir contest, for tl: chickens and the stakes, took piece Tues day between the cooks of the Arlington hotel and the American lunch counter and chop house. It was as lulnnou anort ai a cot-k nit contest, eume tliir or more people bcini: present, will', l'atay i'onoKtiue, tne notorious, as re.cree am: grand master ol ceremuues. in ' Kinjjili came oil victorious, removing tha head and cleauiii" his chicken of all feathers in just 1 went y .seconds. Hot li chickens were still hii-king viuuroualv after their beads, feHthcrs and tails were "in th eoup." Ash land Record. . Cronchlllt, uon.urouo ction of tlic TVval, Ljftgt and Chsst. including Consumption. ijiilil-O KafEor.ess, ViLobping Couq Sof8 Throat, Asthna, ami every tcfcctii FA! WARNING- ulurlif sroll nor .Vol Maul Hie World, li;l he fvl llnve H.o Ilolln. qnent Taxes. 1mm mmm Sheriff Scott proposes to make it warm for delinquent tax payers unless they "Hleat once. The following notice has l::cu publij-'.ed t:1 vf.-.tl weeks; bnt it J-.cs not work as eiftctivclyaa it should: Ry ortier .! Couniy Cou't 1 am di roofed lofi' e ths onHycMon of all taxes iHDriirif; rnpui-A fn U:h as-,vr;it ro 1 1 s or tl:in county. Ii" such t..-vta are net paid iniiiihOiAVy'y J sliail proceed to levy uj.ou viiil s.i a r-rc-pei-L' ol'tteiltuiuouU to n.ultu co.iLct.on I mean l;iisjnea. M. KOOTT. Shot ifl' of J.iun county Now he proposes to enforce the collec tion oi all Uhpai.i ta;es, which, though not tl.cpleasantcst htisineasin tlie world, must be done. JV-IinguenlH should come to time cud jay v.p, thereby avoiding l"ir:il nroceetlins, a provided by the law's of Ore-son. This is positively the laot all. Look out for the explosion Of the boml.1. ACKiSISTRATOR'S KOT! CE. OTK'E IS IIKItEilV GIVEN T'.l ALL Clli:DI. furs inrrs i'is ip the C3latt of William Cnin di'CC'jaod, th.tt tui Uiu :irJ ilay tf Jan, n'Jl, 1 Hlt-d my ll'iil .icwun". in tail I iiuu.tr lu Mis county cuurt Miiii ROu.ttv, OrcifMii, an I Hint raid court ha ed l ho Otli tUy of July, at the hour ol 10 ltH.' in, of taid day as tho timo fur hirarlng and HtiiJif all objetti.iiis Ut mid account, and lor the n it i t-ot e.i. into! kid eu. Dit-d wJ-i, 1. SllI'L COXJf. W 11 liiLVln, Administrator, Attorney. (0-3 fi SCROFULOUS BOY "rtvl iris Vnty and ..Tvr..;. CuraJ i jl.'iaiillrt T.on fit r.i!'i'.!;j old, Ci" 1 ?-: t,f t,f praidfi:lri Wxa li a:nl h i t mm-- ! . itl a la.-K.; U;il. W-.- t lii'.tic--i i'.. i. . ! j.ur-.w. AL'CUi I'.v? nuththt ;r r U iiiL:ii; cor. f; tn.ii otht-r rurt'B fnr;iwd. I h:.d two of til' ir) i hand, end a hi l-!...- A -3.i :-,ii.H c:uuo raoro a-id n. break out. A ":p -i. (? - 'vl.'ich wan vt rf'Vr y- Hh head Wii Ot. c i -l r.y him:ii.kiiik K:ni ill'.'.. A" v a. Iila rontliti'iu i.t - IciVllIf till' I V. T.i.i a lttli. limtf t r. -- .' .liTii.'l. !! civi'd w-iHi n iitllc, In:t t-. . ; v. I:' '.- hII d. : n, mid oorld U rn,',. It. t -...1, n,r i. v; no tie j r.f l:a:;tH. J i ..:n -. . i"- v iib t!u i rrift r.A i;ri::;Mi:y) -i t lv, (:.o sorj nit.T anoihor fip.i.ft!. ft ir i rr I rrt-.iu' Iti e;ir!i ono of theo live ditcf. ;,'. .vf-irt hiilhiT, Trhlch would HnaMr ororr :.; w Tt- iftken out; then tliey would nral fa;.. ' i . of iVvfl Uirly Ikiiio formation 1 rrBM-... r tVli; a dozen and a half bottle fv xrf . jii'St'iy ci: nil, Wnd t now, at th aim of px vp vtr-.:u'-vlhalth7 child. Ilt. K. S. M(l4- . '7 6:: E. Chy St., lUitominffio: , V v VMTiJon rmaint perfectly wpU. N" '. wtoiiii-j a,i no tore. Um. K. 8. PlUtit. . l-'-c. 7, 1?'.W. UlooiuiUjr'.y.i, i Cwticura Resolvent Yhr nerr IUwhI 1'iirlfler, internally (to eleans . hlood nil in:uririea and jwlnonotia elfmeiitii thin remove th" eatie), and Cuticvba, the r Mt:i:i Cure, and Opticvba Soap, a Hf(iiitite k Heamttr, ntrnally (tn clear thu Pkin and aeaip at id ret ton th? hair), enre mvtry dlaeaaf and htuao' of tho tata and blood, flora plmpla to acrofuln. Ko-.l fverywhre. IMc. CtTtfTRi, WV. : P.A 2i.; tflOLYSST( fl. Prepared ty tlia VrtTt.r Ittf4 amu Crural Cosporatiox, It.xton. 8cnd for" How to Can Blood !MMAe." IJ1 PV'C Pkln n'i s1p purified and resmlrtetl OMDI 0 !7 CfTirtHA 3oai Abaohiiply ,ir- RHEUMATIC PAINS Tn one minute thfCnMrum Ant . Aane, nm, hinnev, fin:, it'.'i nnit.-uis li .iut ai;,l K.il::;ea 'i i. u J o. "August Flower" Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo., during the past two years has been affected with Neuralgia of the Head, Momach and Womb, and writes: "My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in my left side. In the morning when I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weather of Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my teet ana Hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and prot no relief before using August Flower 1 nen tne change came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during tne time 1 nave taken it and is work ing a complete cure." G. G. GKEE.M, Sole Maa'fr, Wocdbury.N.J. FQftiuil.'sf & Irving. 9, Mm lfcSB3SKK -FUNERAL D1RBCT0RS.- A.rteriafr Embalming Dons Scientil leally. ALBAKY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. Viral Term Opened Aeptewber 10tb 100. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY :0M;O3;AL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot atudy arranned to uiMt tb' on J of all grades of students. Special tttaucementi offered to sitidentt from abroad. RET. F.IUBKT H COXUIT PROfKSSlONAL CARDS. J. tt. WEATIIEIiroBO. Judt; or tue bursa bars given It as their opinion, that Titus, Blumberg'a black Pereberon stallion, atmitls at the hecdlnhlsoiaso. lie l In the bama of MrC K Burrows, an oftlclent and oxper- loucta horseman, who will give hit patrosn ovtry possible attention. Titus will niiktt the season of 18U1, Mondays ana lueauaya at Jolreraon; veduoidajs and Thursdays at ticK; Fridajs and Saturdays at Albuuy. Mr 1)1 uui berg is also owner of tho standard bred (rotting horse. Alwood Breeu, (N'o2SU5), who can be son at the stable of Trites Bros. The got of this horse are large and line fonnod, and only need proper devolopmnnt to show ipood TjTIKST lATIOXAI. BANK, CP ALBANY, ORKOOlf , PrsMr.t . L Fi.txy , IC3 i roa:o.4Dl M a. K.YOuNti uui ..K. W. LANUPON HtANSACTS A OENEIUt,bnkliiBlm!oe. ACCOUNTS KKKT i-Jllt to l.uct. 8IGMT KXCHANUE and Ul T.hlo trtimlor, -Id Nvtr York, dku rraitolsco, Chlowo aad 1'ittUnd CO J.ECTIOSJ HADE on borahla Urma. siaKOToaa E. Yorno E, W, Ljkiidcs L B Bum, it. Klisk Coward V. Soi. L INN CO NATIONAL BANK, Or ALUiBY, OUBUON. CAPITAL STOCK (100,000. froilddat J r. cnwAV Vlto-Preililont ) M RALSTON. Otlilor (ISO B CIIAMIIKHLAIN, AMCMhler.... O A AUUUIUOLU. Cbamhrlln, W 8 Luld, W li Ool;r, J A Crw ior ana j A ArciilBola. TRANSACTS s cenori! baDklnflr boBlnos. DHAW SlOUl DRAKTS on New York, Sad it P,rtip I, f 0rgon. LOAN HONEY on appioved soeartty KKCE1VE tlopositt- suofact choU. BANK or ORKON. ALBANY, OREOON. rspllal. Pretfdent , Vlco-PreBldent.... CsBblr : 8.u,ooo. H F MERRILL K J I.ANNINd JatWELAIX Atunnor l Lw. Will rcll. In all oouiu ol mt ,uu. ttnlnl-riiun block, Aiuny, oroou. B. BILYEIT, Attorney ftt Iaw knd Solicitor In Chaitoory. Collea- tion iiiwl on all polnu. Iiana iiaatlattl ,on laf orabla taruia. Albany, Orcgoif. I KO. W. WHICJIIT, Attorney t IawiuI Notary Ptihlir.Willnrtvcttc tn all court of this tt hixti in 1I10 Un.tt HUUr oouru rrunt ntuiua over Imuk forOrr'on. 4imret -Oragou, Albany, lf iu II. C. WATSON, Attornay at Law. Oftlr! In th Itrahan block iiixuin. A I bun j, Orcgmi, D. " AtWrnarkt Law. Will praetlc In all ths courts of Ortftfini, (Rcitt ths Rounty ctturt u( Liun county Atl liiuinvu will racaive immipt attvutiuli. V At re I -OJJ Felluwi' Ttmilu, Albany, r. T J- tl a WI11TNGV, Attornaj at Lav, and X.ttiry Orrt,'uu. Albany J. Ii. HILL, Phyclelan and Burgeon. OFFICE Corner Pint an Furry trtoU, Albany, Oregon. I) B. . WATSON SI ASTON, PhyalHan aid S-ir.-em. OFFICE Oniiaillo UaaooaAT olCua, Albany, Oruou. ' w. h, iAViav Vlivdiclati antl fiuivsoii. OFf.CE tTnatkti-. ni ti,. Strnhan bNek ; tfj b found at hta olflca day or JJR. . a. niiiTNEY, Fhvileian and Stir?Mn. r.rrinirf n.iia.... i 1 r" -' "'w ot woman a -rmswtj. utdLEr-frimin Diaaa, Albany, Oregon EAST AND-SOUTH, Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Kiiraai Timlna laara IVrUaud Dally. 7fcr. ji. 1 Lv 10:!l r u I Lr 10:161 v Ar Portland Albany Snn .Franelaeo SEED Growu Front Selected Ba!b; Krl Red per B $1 Rwi Wetborn(d l JO Tel!ow Usnvers 1 White rortujul " 2 In Por-U'RHnir nric nleaM rcmo&ibcr that abovo UoUliona inclnJo Po.taoh. dice Our (Need a Trial. 3rrespon'ienc solicite'i. IMPORTS, OROWMae AKD DZAhT.KH IB oecla, Trees, Bulbs ana Plants, 419-431. Bansoma TtMdl torn. .t'MenUwn this pipor. WANTKD, A POSITION. I!y the nn. dorslKBod, t look nttor the bust- noi-s of a store or warohouse, havlntr tjany uist years oxporienoe at such iaoors I foel satisfied that I can plve general satisfaction at very moderate ages. Ukfkuemceh Any of the first settlers In and around Albany. AlllVlXliN BffiAUU. Hiving been entiroly remotlelod. this old and popular restaurant wiil be made first- olasa u every resuoot. The publlo wilt be given good meals at all hours for only 25 jer.is. .vorvininK neat and attractive. KnraU boxes. Oyaters In every style FOSHAY &. MASON, JJraagists mi Boiikselkrs Am.Ufor John B. Alden'a putdlcatlone, niib wo eil at pu'.ilUliol'a .;-Jwi with fi V.-1?. JV.Y IhOFlnVft TWtr ffr Any r.V of T.'wn f.ii i li'iTit, l.;-'if ;a, Mt t Ki-.ufatt'Jip, I:ni;titt(jfi. Con imti -t ir ('-.. i .vt-nti- w (vnr.ot euro wltrt Wpsl'o t'HTt;ih: t.'.riT rvii, . !;.. tt.i- rtirf cUon arorlrictly "iipllni wilh. Thfj arc l'Hrrly Vorrlw'j'o, nd never fclltoiTa n:ia'ii'rion. SucrrCo.itcil l,.r(r hnsea, "nt(.: ' sjiH!. ilowar of counterfeit 1411I IrUi.w - f) MVh'iln tr.r.p'irtuturi'd only Iry J J U.N C XftaT UUatrADY, Ll.iCAUU, UJL. J A Camming. Agent The Wtmcn's Tcnnrrauto Pablishing l.sodaiion. KM bawd ad for atla a frill line af finppm (or 7iarana wmarf, tnoiiiiinr Haon, naanaw, wtm.t aottaaia lor trtrwj pMH ar wmi 1wtf nn Work. Pbllkka The UNION SIGNAL ht fnaat taaajaniaaa aad HtaMff aayar la tb aanatrr. tynana an ttTr aarttaaat Ihia valnabla Dapar. PrUCrt Mawyw ia adaaae. ita armtrtVaarn ara aaiaai; Mia baai wrflaaa in balk banilapbgraa. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, aJrapar far Taaf vSarJa. maaaailad far lla aur The YOUNG CRUSADER, '1 fc.la'rta. taad far Naipiai. RiVl Raaaiagfl, put.ra aatiiafa. Ihaada? taaaal Taaaraaae Laaaona, Praftaaia (ar aaaiml a aaa catar Intaitaiaaiaata, tFfm4 far Tataiarvafl aid Tanaia, tad all ardaaj, ta WhwN'8 TMIPKAMi'l FtRI.a.lN Aaf. Af, 11 la taTiaaKaet.9aia.ita, 111. Transact! a trenaml bank in business: Etehat)Lre bought and aTtl on all the urluelnal cities In tho Unito-1 Slatos I alao ou Knglaiid, Ireland. 1 mncu wiu ueruinny. Oullectious uudc at all aeceBslbla points on faror abla tnua. Interest allowed 4.1 time dortoslts. ) ANK OF HCIO, i iCIO, OUKQON. President Vice- President ... Caohler J 8 Morris, II Uryaut dirbctors: E Goiui, J 8 MdRRis Jarr Mvuns O 8 Ur John Gaines F O Smith. D093 a vener&I hanklnar atid exchaiiea buslneu. &hrht drnfu inflU9d on Albany, PortUad and 8&u JL OF POUTLAND. ORE90f. 48P,000 eo.oco Paid up capital .. barplua and proflla M.. Ir.teroet allowed on tarinira deooslts n foIlrwi; On ordinary flaring books ....4 per coni par annum. On term Barings books per cent per annum. On certificates o! depoalt. For threo months 4 per cont per annum: For six months 6 por cent per annum: For twelve months ft .pur eent iwtr annum; Fit ANK DKKL'M. Prvstiient V. P.THOMI'SOK VIco-PreaManU . II. C, STRATTON. Cuhlar. ACADEMY -OF Oct Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - Conducted by tha 8istu REGON f St, Benedict Tuition In neloct dav arhn.,1 nH nrlaaaannn ...I.. Di . X ftaofffi Sinter 6aptrforefi Bon stock of 2nd tiW inrl the most reasif b wllinc. li kniuf. Store. . :oods lu the Va ale rlcoH, both I have on hand FUHNITUH TRUNKS, PTAlfr-rt vniMim. i, OlUVCd, IIMWftttt BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. (Ja-ir wjt of 8 E TonBK'a oi? store L. C0TTL.EB ALBANY NURSERIES rmE HAVE ON HAND at our miner TT on ihe Corraills road, one-halt II from town, as fln a lot of frull rees of all kinds as (an b found any 1 here on tb eoast, ir you oontsmalate lanWn( trm It will par you to a nr tk sad get eor pHre. Catalogue fiee. HVVANaBROTTNBLL. City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,", Proprietors; : tp a fall Una of meats of all kin IB a osol plaoe, onmplsiely pr , te.'.srl: and always freiti. Ar I faiA u Lr I :2! a m ui 1 w;os r u AkoT. tr.lna atfp anljr at tollo.ln, atatlona nortU I Ro..hur. Uat rortl.nd, Onaa Clly, Wood mini. BaUm. Albany, Tanjinnt, Sho.ltl, Hala.r. liar. Iskarg, Junction City, lrli.r, Hug.-n.. nSAKBURS HAfL, DAII.T. 19:!U r M I I,t UIpi Ar Portland Albany hoabur(p Ar 4:00 m Lr I 1!:0Q m I.t I e ii) a a 90ra ALBiirr local( uatLT Ktcan BnrDAr) Portland Albany Ar I 8 ;00 1 Lr I 6:00 a a LSDAltOn BRAKCU. tWf i I S:25 r V I 7:80a a 1:83 A M Ar Lr Ar Affcanr L.banon Ail-any Lebanon Ar I.r M a a B:40as 4:26 r S 40 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Tor ArroimiuMlnlHin r K. roiiil-I'ln.. aaaen gvrs, altacliedla ExiireM Trulna. fel Blilr Ilvlalnn. BtTrtTEL.1l I-UIIaXASU ASU CUUTALL18, MAlb rKAis DAltT (Gxcept Sunaay,) 80 A H I t:10 r a Purtlkri.l Cwvallij I 5:31) r a I U:M. ra BXraBBlTaAia DAU.T (nxciptfituiday. t ra Portland UcMinnville Ar :20 A a 5.5 a a Throixp;li rJrictcott To all points EAST, A?JD SQ5JTE3. ffti (ml information retrardlnit ratca, mapa. m Company AKant at Albany . . . OF.ULKIt K f. nOCERS Manager Aaa't O. F. and P. Ar YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oregon Pacific Railroad, T B HOCIi, IIcccJtci-. 0 Crsgon EevoloFiiient Co's Steamers, Short Line to ijiillfbriila. . ?u:','-ltt8!l through paaaenKer and ralentllnetroin Portland and nil points umuicn vauuy w anci irom San Boats rial: close connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Faolfl Railroad T1MF. Si-'llKDULE. excopt Sundays.) r J I LMre Ya.iuna, 7:00 a a Laararorval. l-ra. .-'..'.... Arrlra Yaquina, (:u r. a.Amvo Albany, li:ia a, o.tralaa connect at llhanr inri OorTallla. Tha above trains connect at Muuiamm lue uregou Derelopraent - j - .... ... . rmnunii i fn uetween . .iuaa auu ana r rancisco, SAILING DATES . FROM TAQriSA. Wlllaaiatta Tallay , isaa 4tk ; llth; ttni. raoa sas raAvciars rmasaatt Tallaf, Hay Hat : Jnaa ttk ; lltk ; trth Oasaaar ssnTea tha rient to alaytmstiaini states wtlhont notice. V. B. FaaaeriMra Cram anrtu A .i fTllaaaesse Taller poanU east make close asasisls with rhe trains nf tka Yanni,.. Jsase at Aibaa ar Coryallia, anal If dea w4 aasaan rraneiso shoulsl arrange to sjrtr at I aa4aa til STsnlng bsfore alata faajlaas- ssrrassawater aa laai sates always sae "ar aafansaslaaaaiBlrte ARChapmta.Pralgktaaa . '.. '..I Carral.ls. PHELPS, Job Printer, lst.St.: Albany llv Hi Inn' bi Embracing all tliolatost Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN nnd WASH FABIUC.?, -To The Ladies,- I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear in jj, IlimiKii aiul Mitsi.i.n. My Piuces aro tie LOWEST and my Ciooiw tho Best. Am Bole f gent for tho Celebrated . S. F. H0SIEIIY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishin -:- Goog a I have a Largo Stock at tho Lowent Fricna ever oftorod in tbeTi, 1 cairy a for wear a and be cot all lino of the world-reno wed BltOAUHEAD good,uimlf Gniab. Liiil' Ktock of Kmoroioehies and Flodxruti r.r ed that A!lany in the hunt trading point in Oregon. BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON, onarch of tlic Road, i V ec.irryaf-.il lino or ILw-Uh, f)ii!rKlce aii.l Onrrlaircs.; aleo Farm t Implements of all kitula. '''ei; c::i un hefdih piircbailiiK Klsowlisr. f Mitchf:)! & LewisCo., Albany. Orsgs;'.- L USIC D eaiers -Hoi:ce nur l ijl or rinnos- f The nioet popular piano amongtheworlJif: I I'amoua l'mni.itH. ' 't (Colelirated for Its brillUmj I llninh anil durability. '1 M. F. MILLER J. KAUElt & CO. VOSE & SON rzLZZTn PslBoe ana EarlinflT Blonwe froof OrgniiN, GnKnrs, Tlollm Nuiatll luMttnionln u cuially. t . Agent for tho Wctr Home, KldridEn II. nnd oilier Sewinf? Maoblnti. J Supplies for all kinds ol Sewing Maohii-.eB. WeRtiardour cuetouiora Interests and ttimraureo Hatlsfactiou. We al.o rarry a Ifnll amortnirnt or Jtnale and Muale Books. Cor. Second and Ferry sts., (Semi for cataitiRue.) Albany, Or., mi 1 Iffll ill '"""-""T"- fizz w IJ liEaite " The New York C. B. R. Ston FOO the Place to Buy TWEAR. TRY Their Field Thyer Shoes- McParland Block, ABLANY- c th Qr