Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1891)
glaUij Democrat Sao will celebrate, the 4tli o( July, 0 S May will be the President ot tlio day, Henry Cyrus, Marshal, Mayor Cowau m Vice 1'resideiit from Albany. There will be races, fireworks, etc. ltr a B Cole, of LaSalle. lis, arrived in this city ou edneadity. The Dr is looking for a location, and is visiting cio with that purposo in view. Two nrorninent physicians of this city indulged in a war of words and one or two blows last eunuay. aiib truuuiv u caused by certain scandalous talk that Las been going ou for some time. Dr K O Hyde returned last Saturday from Portland, wlieie lie appeared before the state board of plivsicians, Drs Dick ens, Brown and Walker, for examination for a state license 10 practice medicine. Peter Strauzer and a Mr Rodney, who live iu the hills northeast of town, mid who are neighbors, have had some dini- culty in ttie past concerning tne trespass ing of Borne hogs. Last week the ditlicul ty culminated in a personal which blows were struck. Ou Monday Mr Hodniau was arrested upon a com plaint sworn out from Justice Wi'.'.ianis' court and brought bciore his houor.wheu he Ulead euiltv to assault and battery. Judge Williams assessed the line at live dollars ana costs. rress. "German Coughs, Celds. Influenza, Dron:hri!s, I Hazrscr.LsS. HhoCD'na Couch. CrouD. Sure Tnroal, fitV.rr.z, mil c-.v.y olcciioa oi tlic Throat, Lungaa- Chest, fac'iitltr.j; CDi;aurniiicn. FAIR VARhlNO- KUtrlfr Swat iiov Nt Want the World, bat lie Have tlie Uulin qaeut Taxes. iv-totra. V. 1 Sheriff Scott r.roposcs tomckc it warm for delinquent tax payors unless thty ecttleat once. The follow ing notice has been published several weeks ; but it docii not work as c!!'cctive!y cs it should : By order fil t!: County Court I a:a di reeled tol'orco the .moo.Ion nf nil taxes slKiuiiny: unpai.i ( tin) a-;s:-.i'-'.Terit lolia of this county, ir s;n;!i ti..ts are not laid'y i uliall fin-wed to levy cpou mid fc o. : J h f-:-i:firl.v ol'ittrinquoms to nu'.ke eolith lic.u. 1 nn;:ui bunima. M. SCOTT. S-.l'orilTof Lino county Now lie prof p- to enforce the collec tion of all unpaid taxes, which, though not tl.epleasaiitc-at business in the world, must be done. DuiinguvnU should cone to thae and Ay up, thereby avoiding leyal proceeding, as provided by the laws of Oregon. This is positively the l.ut call. Loo'.: cut for the explosion of the bomb. ADKIHISTBATGS'SKOTICE. N.iTH K 19 I1K::K!1V GIVES TO ALL CllKDI at id pt nt "n tJiu eatjuo of William C'!in, (IfCPfiiefJ, that on tde Sr'ii day r.( June, I liktl ii.y ti ml iLciMunt in nuid iirttUT in the comity court I.I in cuntv, ri.''oit, ai:i that said curt hn cd the Oth day of July, 1S91, at the hour of 10 t kt.v m, of said dny as the time fr huariri atiti t:!ii;i? all (hjcctini to said amount and (or liic filt.ll scl C I'f it Ol" id Citj!!). DaUhI - uuC i, I . SAM 'L CONN. K Uilvkj, Administrator. Attorney. (C-2 A SCROFULOUS BOY Ruritlng fjo. t ;i Clwil II".s Ko.!j lind llea.1. I.n:-.;- .tf."vt',l. Cured iy C'tiueur.a lr.-jue",lf s. V,";'n nir nor.thii ( lit, t!i.' I r; !.iT;t! r.; ; (PT.w4-hllil I .yan f ! .cil, r.n.i t.i.i n-:- , nr.r j ,.t m lu.-.o boll. " 1 -Ji : , P'l -.-- ft.-. At-.-:t IV,' i-n tt.l, r It I . l. -i uu-.; ovrt-. fcucu o'.Vr i i!.;' i -S-. tllkij t o Cf C'. HI (II JteJSK Uoil, mil i I !... . .f5'i1Ji)i'V rininmoronrMl in.'ii- ,:. : fo'-"m"-a:fi ttt...kl.. llmo f.r I!,' . it' i hn-k o'tl. A '!. r: t 'ir , V ! t-.n. K'litb I.-.. V . . '-..vl v r.f-r-:.: . iL w, f! i!! . Jnirririi :i rr--:.; ij . . tl'., uuw v v . i. i'j)' . ! 't. r I! iiilif! (m I 'SfiiC o:.i, ..".'.:iMii,:;.i'.)-. '-ji'itf.?!. Ho w.!!; n Ilii' ; i. i!-.. it i,'U .!..v! 1 fn'.-i r.-i in ".f!. '.!;.-, t..; r i i;.. ; ol !!-. hn!-. i i: .: . !,:: ;,. v,!i t-. Crvi. i r.A I-F.'J; !,?'. lit I'. fu? torii !i!'i.T iiin'.rb'T i.; a'-'-'. ;i ' i". i'.tor luriT. iinj in or.o of Ih. f'.w . l' f..;-i a niji.:r, wliich f iM :i';a,:V r. i ar.i wri? t .h.-ii out; th-n t'.cy t..uKI hrai n-.j ' cf tlK'fa tiijly bono f, n ia'.ion 1 pn-MV Ai: t t ;'Kiiik adw n mid n half holt!i.ri hu wri' . u'rlf !y c-i-t d, and 1 now, at : f-lt v- r..i: h.-allhy rhild. M :tfl. ll-MCCi'.' ?.!av l, issi. 612 K. Hay tft.t Lloomi: .: . ?I" rrjr.dfon rcniV.ns pcrfcrlly writ, fr f Bto---.i;a m-.ti nn aore. Mrs. K. S. I. 126. la.O. HWoiniUii-- u. . Cuticura Resolvent The nrw IiUvkI l'liriricr. IntcmnKy (to cl'tn bloiwj of nil ii; urttion and poisonou olcr.n iit- r thn r'-muvo I'u' cm;w), and L'nkTBA.lVcv, K'iiii i'urc, frTHTHA Woap, an exquMta I-' Keaiitifipr, ritcrnally (to rh-ar tliA akin and i'iil; and rrittor thrhairj.fura vry dltfaatanri hiim-. of tJ0 akin and blood, from ptinplM to acrofuW. Potd prrrnrhfrf. rrlM1, rrrrrrai, Me.; P u 2V.; Ic5oltst, t. I'tTparpd hj th l'.nt. JRf akd ('Hlir ai, OonpoRATirtJi. Hogton. MCDd fr"How totNarc Itlood Iltpu.-a.'' DinV'C t31tln n'1 l,fH P"rlrtH and l-cvtiitl UMUI by f CfTlcr S'AP. Abaal'll.,y ji-n-. RHEUMATIC PAJTJS Tn on mlnnt tli CnMrura 1 .i rln rimer rrUfvp rh."-i.4t,.-, ail-, liln, k d'i'T. ! w-i .as ar.d wealiiM. 1' . .. a yrup 55 TW children a medi- A Cough ci,,e should be abso- lutely reliable. A and Croup must be aWe tQ Modlclno. pin her faith to it ns to her llible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, or dangerous. It must be standard iu material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin ister; easy and pleasant to take. The child must like it. It must be prompt in action, giving immedi ate relief, as cliilclrcns' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. U must not only relieve quick but bring thorn around quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long con finement. It urast do its work in moderate doses. A large quantity of medicine iu a child is not desira ble. It nuiit not interfere with the childs spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as well as young folks, and make I5o schee's Germau Syrup the favorite family avJirkio. 1 .TTo ay Judge of the hoise havo ulven It an their oiiitilon, that Titus, llluinbern's black I'ercheron stallion, atandii at the hecdlnhlaclaso. He la In tho banila of MrC K lUrro' eflicient and oxnor- louotd bonieinau, who will gtvo his patrons cvury poaaible attention. Tltua will mike ttie season or 1SV1, Mondaya and Tuesdays at Jetteraon; Avoilnoidajs ana 'liiursila.vs at Sow; Frldaya and Satttrdiiya ot Albany. Mr Bluniberg la alao owner of the elnmlard brod trotting horao, Alwood l.ietz.i, (No So3), who can be aeon at the stable of Trlteg Bros, Tho (!t of this horao aro large and fine formed, and only need proper development to show jpoeO. fDRIl liaTtnvll naim.Tair- anui iiaiiv.iaii naiit, ProbMont- , 1cj lrcaldeut . wilor ... -AS t' -FUNEKAL i)I RECTORS. trtorial Embilmitig' Dona Scietttii icaliy. iLSANY COLLESJATB IKSJIIUTE A'.BAr.Y, OREGON. 1390, 1SQ1. rtral Term Opened Keplcuber 10!b, 1X90. AJuli corps of intttructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY JOKHSGSAL AKD KORMAL OS.. WkJi ("oursos t tudv Rrmnged to meettb' awi of alt grader of students. Special inducements offered to students ft an abroad, ur.v. i:LBKJtT X coxdgt OHI9I3 SEED Grown From Selected; EirSr Ueil per ft 31 SO H.l WfitiorslM " l fcO T-iliftw D.mrrs ' 1 White lor.ivu... In romparliitf Tiri'TJ -:e-.09 rfmomhor that above tolaltona ia'-'U'!'.' I'l tir.'.oii. Wico Oar Kcad a Trxl. orreii'oi:(Itnfi 8Jiiit-xl. TKUuViitJiL;- - ik BEEBE Sceif, Tress, Bulbs and Plants, iiTitfitinn this iuiur. LFLISrf ...... S, E,VtN ..K. W. LANG DON TRANSACTS A GENERAL ban'ihiklualoeM. ACCOUNTS K KPT suhjoct to alwcE. BIGHT EXCIIANOE ai-'i tel 'rapbio tracker, 1M Nw York, Sail i'rsaciaco, Chica anil l'ntland CO JlEOTIOSS tfADKon foraMe lenca. DIkBCTOM J. E. Toriro Kt V, Lnudo L K Blaim, L. 1'usa Udwiid V . Sox. L INN CO NATIONAL It.INK, Or ALBANY. OUSOON. CAPITAL ttiOCK 1100,000. PrtilHoat J L COWAN, ' iwrmwmm j ai KAt.a L (IN. 0thlar Geo B CUAMUEKLA1N, Ami Ciwhler O A AUCU1BOLU. P'BRCTORS. J L Cowtn. J M R&l.tnn. On, R Chsmlnrlitii, vr 8 Lld, W U Oollra, J A Craw TRANSACTS a general banking- bualneaa. DRAW Slum DRAFTS ou New York. Baa til PireUn I, t0rifcil. LOAN MOriEYon aiipiorad saeuritj eueck. B ANK OF OSEGOS. ALBAKY, OBEOON. Capital. f President Vieo-Prealdont Cuhinr 8S0.0OO. H F MERRILL .... E J LANSING JlT W L'LAIN J. PKOrSSSlOXAL CAKDH. II. WEATUEUKOBU, i.i..,.,.. .i Will nrtclln. Ill all omnia ot tht .l.U. onictt-Kliun block, Alliui;, Omiiun. y- R. UIXYKU. Attom.7 at Law tnd Sullaitur In Chano.rf . Collee tiun. mail, on all piilula. L iaiia negotiated :on far onbla tarma Albaitj, Or.oa. QGO, W. WltlOIIT, ittonuT at Law.and Xolanr Publk. Will iir.clloo In all eourtioflluiatato anil In til UnitM HUU ttiurta (orOrrpiu. Illtlri -Fnmt rotinil over nana ul Oregon, Albany, Ogii. II C. WATSON. Attornof at I aw. Ofllret In tht fllrahan blork UWtairi. Albiiiy, Uro(fuL. D R N. A 1j A I'K It lrUN, Attoruatyat l.w. Will praetics Iu a'l tho court of Ortjrnn, x:apt tho euunty court i( l.inu county. A.l tiuiliiu will recti ve prompt altuulluil. UUlrc'l -OdJ Kullowa' Tomiili', Albany, Or. J. WIUTMEY, Attornny at Law, anl NaUry PubHo. Oregon, Alaany I) II. J. Ii. II I LI., rhyclcian anrl 8ur(feoti, OKFICIi Corner Fint an Forry itrtata, Altai. j', Oregon. O. WATSON KIANTCIV, .hialciiin aul S'lrjann. OKi-'lCE-Optwulto "th LuH3ckat office, Albany, Orum. JJU. W. H, OA VIS, !'h)ician antl Sunreon. OrTICE-l'psttlrf ln the Strahaa blwk ; Ujr he found at hl otllce Uay r D K. O. A. WHITNEY, I'hv-al.a. .n.l O..-,- .1 i . ... . i i , 7 , V riiu iieueviM Had IDedaltV. flfKll'R- Vrtn..n Kl I, All " ' . w...-m,. I'lTba, Aiuaii;, lIOgltll EAST AMD-SOUTH, , VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express TraJni lears Portland Dally. (North " Ar 0:85"am L OIL'S a M 1.T v,09 u All..... San Pran!f ro Transacti a peiie'nl business: Exchan-ro bouirht and on all fha Driuclna! eltlea in tho United States also oa England, Ireland, r ranee anu uamiany. Collect i one made at all accessible nolnta on favor able tfrnw. Interest allowed 0.1 tiros deposits. P SCIO, OREOON. Preiiflent , Vlco- Probtdtint Ciahior .... J S Msr.Ris J KFT MVKUS O 8 Mat J S Morris, HG&his, .lolm Gained 11 llryant P O 3iiiitb. Doai a f?tiornI biukinar and exchingo buaineM. BS'bt 'lrn'M fs;:eil on Albany, Portland and ban Francisco. WANTKO, A VOSUiON. Bythonn. flersii't-td. to loflt niter the nvl' nuc:4 of a aiorn or varfiliouse. having jCiany pata yoar oxiiericnoe at nnt; laUora 1 i'oel aiciiii&ii that I crii civa gouernl 8atis;action at V3ry moderate wrtm.. KKKawEKcics Any of the first neuiern iu anu arouun Aiur.ny. MILTON JJjSACH, Having boo a eutirely remodeled, this old sua popular restaurant wui be tnvie nrsc-. cldaa n every respect. The publio wilt be given good meals at all bourn for only 25 etus. lvervtinnx ucat and cttraciive. rrivata boxes. Oyatera iu every atyle rCSHAY & MASOW, "P3I,RLi A I'D HnTAJia- i.;c-. , A.T'! 18 tor John B. AMon's piillcatlona, so!i re arl a pv.bliilK.r'a pricii with .t.!V. -'V. i.'W, ty tho ft-rtT? r;fml f r M"o "r T.!? orn ' im, i -!Cfc v. it !.. , li.-l ,: iir, , dn 'i' f'WtlV?nM V-. f.H t 11! itn Wi'll'S '(.il :o i-ivt i- v. !.i '1 tii. i:.-ct 1 1 tivi ari'ftrict'y "'JiVii'- Uh. Tli-y t.rv :.-y Wt-ihI, and novor ill tu give wui ''fnjti'jn. ii'v (' 1.1 1 .t rt.xoa, H(rf: " ivotil?. IVWitr nf niiiiiturieiM rui'l in -is ?t:iuin i:;jvinif.'.Miirrl ou.y ty J A Cutiitninc. ARetil Tho Wemcn's PublLsUing Lxuciatio;!. Esps en htad snd for stle fill Hie of RippiM for lNrmpertni-e Werters, inflndinjr Ronlm, fnnsts, lc, eufuble for tvery p h m of Oovpel Teaipsrave Work. Pabltatiet Tho UNION SIGNAL, he flntat tetruwranee ami literaty Mpr fa Mie eenairr. Wo ene eaa fforrl to do vlthnnt Mitt valiiaTale pper. PHTCR 00vr year la adinee. ttt otiteiftanr are aeneng lbs set writers in both bsmisphers. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, aiaiMT tar Tiiaf Pwrla. aaollad far Ita fat pw, PMO- MM par jiar. The YOUNG CRUSADER, ret ailarea. for Mpiss: o MM Readiara. rvpoarlre aVtadtnjr", fNuHaf kheel TeMpermeee iMauns, ProfisaM Hr pesat af aad tker atena.a meats. MBnd far Oataieraei aad Tews, aad all erief te lt La Mietftrret, Ma IV. OF POHTLiUD. cnRClOK. Filil ii? eiiiltal. 82r'.0.OW Sarpl'ia aad protlta CJ.toO Intercet all;.wi! rn p. rItv-3 diDosis at foHowi: Oaor-limry viivbH)lrs ....4 per c-r.t annum. On term savin;; boi.k.t 0 per cont per annum, Jll rRrblilCH.US ui ui'pumv; Per thrse months 4 por eent per annum: For tlx months 5 por cent per annum; I'or twclva moUis cp-jr oont per aunuoi: I'RASK UCIiUM, l'roeicfent I). KTHmmi-s Vico-lVflsident. II. U, STRAIT ON. Cashier! AGADE3IY -OF t Oar Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - REGQN Condnotod by tlis fi!aUir f St. Bsnedliit ,rTUlci in oleot',-y:liool ranges from fO to 11 10, Kortorma of lioardinj r.r.bcol or any prticclaraapiily ntlho icalnmv arid srlesH sister yuperioreaa hi pST Store. lev ;ooilsiiitho Vn .-ifi nnrt tlio moKt roaar mm prices, both ''''I aolling. i bave on band all levin FL'JifJiTURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, C3GGXF.RY, ETC., ETC. iJijor wast of S E 'YonnK's oil inra' L. COTTLteS SoathT 7l0b. m. 10:2a r u lo:Ua a o "..'j' win; b nmoirinff tutlona norlli I Roi.burK. KMt Portland, Orfifun Cltr, Wood Mini, Salm, Alliaiiy, Tanj-ant, Shodil, Halie. llar- Isburj, Junction City, Irtlnf, Kancnt. aoaBacaa mail, dailt. trum I Lv ir:!!iiaH Lr klOra Ar Portland Albny R'i8flmr(f Ar 4.00ra I. 1 12:00 a L 1 a 20 a a AWIAirT LOCAL( DABiT BXCAPT BrxUAT) 1 r a I Lt Portland Crl Af Alninj Ar 0;TOa a J-v I S:00 A a I4IBAN0N aaAKi-H. 8 L'5 r a I Ar .ohnnn r:iAL Alliany :22AMAr Lebanon ATI 11:25 A 11 U 8:10 ah Ar I 1:20 r a I. I 5:0r m PULLiVIAS BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, for lrnittiitiila(innnf Si'ronil. l:i. 1'naaen Cera, ulluclii U t t viirujii Triilnn. '"I Mile tllvl.lon. DZTITtKJI -BTI,AJit AM ('OKTALMK, Mail fhAiKOAiiT (C.txptSiinimy,) 30 A M I Lr :10r Ar ri.Ptiunii trvati:s Ar J 5::'.l p v arrRMSTAAis DAn-T (Excjjlbu::iluy. illralLv Pnrtiaml I Ar McUlnnvllla Ar I :20 a v l.v I 0.4ft a a TIaroiTS7h. Tickets To all points EAST, AN53 S3'JTI3. rnituil Intormatlo.i rcKorilliia ratca, uana, o on Company Anont at Albany, t. . OUHLliR u P. ROOKRS Mauaitor Aii t o. F. and P. At YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific" Railroad, T R ll;;, tiecclvcr. 0 0r3g?n BevelcpEent Po's Steamers, Short Lino to California. ''?"! n?ft'm ''"'-nd niulnll pointe n the TV ill&matto Vslloy to n nd from 8an Fraaoloco, Ual. Boats mk o'.osa connection at Alh.n !ltt7alcs of "' 0rriD I'nci d f-lail road ALBANY NURSERIES fITR Hivr nK uivn . 1 -- ' iu. Dumarj T on tba Ccrrallla road, one-half nlle from town, as fint lot of frnlt torn of all klndi as tan be found any. ffhers on the ooaat. If alinMnj truss It will pay you to our iv our puma, lamjcgne neo, H T M AN BROWNELL. City JHeat market SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors! v iasp a full line of meata of til kin Hi a pool piece, completely ar tected: and alwara freao. T1MB SCIHSnm.K. erc-p: Snnihja.) .MvoAlbaiy 15--) r. m,:ljvo Yaqmin. 7:iii)a a l,",v '?"'" l:(is,,. uva CorvMII.10:Sr,A i irrlra Yaqulna, (:36 i. ti. Ampo Albany, il:i'a a.' a O.A.C. tralaa mnnn til CorvBllla. The above trains connect at .-.ui. mo uregon ueTelopment DriiaiiAny'a Line of flteamships botween i equina and :in Francisco. SAILING DATES . ran TAgriaa. Wlllanctta TalUy, iuit 4th ; ltth ; I!nd. raoa iAa rnAciara WlhaHMe Tallar, Hay Hit; Jnaa tla s lltk; Rtk The Oiaauf hmitu the ngut to aVjre aattlnc al 1tnont notice. . B. FaaMiigera from Portland end riilamatte Valley point eaa make close " l aaMuaa li hllW IBUUIOI tnhlll A 1 hfa.H V .nrvallU .MJ l.l . 7 .. nun it uS- HtMHMin rrinmoo ahould arrana to mihii hum Ytniof Dror pat TTlr aa Vrht rai alwatt ttie ftr larMMMn tHr UAR Chtvnratn, Frtirlit ina Inkaat Iraal i'aaaa a a. . . T -v w v. napm i, . .r.anp. Asb . ' - Crra1.U. TJHELPS, Job Printer, ala.flSt.St Ovt a ii li M is low l!oiiinf Embracing all tho'latost Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FAliWC? -To The Ladies,- I 1I1UAU Vt KJJVliI I'J AJtllV V i-'UUU. T 5 Oi t j 1 1 IS KimiKD and rilcsnN. My 1 kick. are tie LOWK.ST and my Goons the Bi:st. Am sol9t j;t"it, for tho Celebrated Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Freo from Poison. : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Furmsliing G-ood I have a Largo Stuck at thn Lowest Prices over oil-irei) ix the VA), I cairy a all lino of tba worM-renowed IlKOADIIHAI) gonh, mnu't for wearer Gniali. Largo atoob of Embuoiiikkiks nd FLoasciKol Ci and be cor ccd that AJbuny in tho best trading point in Oregon, W. 1E 3Z5 JZ. BUY THE "MITCHELL VVACOfi," ACOTMBll A on arch o f the Road. Wfi CarrV ft f ill linn nf TTurlru TlnT flAB ami f'nrrlnrmtn alcA Firm Implement of nil klntln. p4"0all nit ua baHirc. imrr-U.isln :!Kovhere. Mitclif-11 & LewisCoM Albany, Orrgorj eaters, -Xjitlrc our JLlKt f rianH- J. BAUER & CO. F. MILLER Zrr''l Colnbrabxl f'U it' bri!lit f llnlsb anil durability. VUSE & SON rK,S"i I'alnce and Earhnir Slonwo I'roof OrRitiiN, (Jul tarn, VloHn ai Ktnall luNldiieiitn a Sc-clal:j. Agent for tbe Mew Home, KMrldge 11. and oilier Sowing Machine b'uppliea for all kinds! ot (Sewing Machlnca. Wo irtiardour ouhiomora inuroHts and gimranibo satlaluctlon. We alio carry a Toll ossnrluicnt of Ilnalc aail Muile Itoiika.' Cor. Second and Ferry eta., (Sond for cataloRne.) Albany, Oil wi.iiiiii.w rf CTfl icmi evi.l'- nwn '" Li K if p M -2 w Mi n -s-5i ct'- -rr.r-iv;?!-.- The New Yor kC.RH Is the Place to Buj FOOTWEAR. THY Their Field Thycr Shoes. McParland Block, ABL AN