SrtUij democrat. WASHINGTON. (From our regular ourrsipondent.) Washington, June I, 1S91. There l considerable Indignation ex pressed by democrats here over a publi cation In a New York paper Intimating that the National Assocla'ion of democratic clubl mi using lis machinery to boom Senator Gorman ior the presidential nomination. The principal aim of this magnlfklent organization, which is bound to play a very Important part In the next campaign, has been, from its organization to work for the cause of democracy, but under no circumstances to take any part In the making or unmaking of presiden tial candidates. It was because of this aim that when the association appointed Its corresponding agents, one or more of which it has in every county In the United States, It decided not to select the men, but to request the democratic slate com mittees to make the selections. Now It re quires no a'gumcnt to convince anyone that If this association proposed using its vast Influence for any one man it would have made its own selections of corres ponding agents In order to be ccitain of having friends of its man. By getting the j state committees to do it, all chance of fa voritism was done away with, as It Is well known that a majority of the committees of the different stntes favor different men for the nomination. There Is no objection here to Senator Gorman, for he Is idolized by the party.but It Is the intimation that the association is trying to force his nomination that Is ob jected to. The asiociation proposes leav ing the selection cf the candidates to the national convention; the work for which it was organized, and for which it is now planning, is the election of the nominee, no matter who he may be, and it will confine Itself to that work. Representative Hitt, oi Illinois, rl,o has been called Mr Blaine's personal repre sentative In the House, has just returned from a visit to Mr Blaine, and It is said that he brought a message to the White House which gave Mr Harrison a bad half hour. It was a remonstrance against certain changes that Mr Harrison proposed mak ing in 6ome of Mr Blaine's plans, and it carried with it a threat of resignation, and my Informant says Mr Hitt left with the assurance that Mr Blaine's plans would not be Interfered with. Ex-minister John W Foster will act as secretary cf state while Mr Elaine is taking a ret, but the assistant secretaries of state do not take kindly to the Idea Ihey think they should have had the honor, but neither Mr Har rison nor Mr Blaine thought either of them big enough for the job. Mr Harrison does not approve of Secre tary Foster's scheme of extending the i'i per cent bonds which mature next Sep tember, but the secretary still hopes to talk him around, as he knows the necessl ty of having the money for other uses will soon be so apparent that everyone can sec It. State department officials are trying to make the people believe that we are to have a closed season in Behring's Sea this season, but it only raises a smile upon the faces of those familiar with the subject. It may be several weeks before the British Parliament passes the bill now before it authorizing that government to agree tu the closed season proposition pending the arbitration; meanwhile the Illegal sealers sailing under the British flag are taking seals, and by the time that all the neces sary red tape is gone through with and a sufficient naval force Is placed inBehrlnij's Sea, even granting that Lord Salisbury finally agrees, to enforce a closed season the season will be over. It looks at pres ent like the usual British diplomatic trick. The pension office Is giving the admin istration a good deal of trouble. Accord ing to good republican authority Mr Har rison utilized his visit to Philadelphia on memorial day by trying to get a big OAR man to take Commissioner Raum's place ; but he didn't succeed The Pennsylvania man was too smart. He wasn't looking for that sort of an office. There Is lots of talk about resignations these days, and, strange as it may seem, some resignations. The commissioner of patents has discovered that office-holding Isn't his forlc and has resigned; the Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital Service has also resigned -he'got $4,000 a year, and thought he ought to get $6,000. Cabinet rumors are a'.so ag.tln of them pjts Bob Lincoln at the head of the war department and sends Secretary Noble to England as our minister. The agony a to who shall sit on the new land court bench will be over In a fe w days, probably this week. The Attorney General Is 1 eported to have said that one of the judges will be a d.-mocrat. Little Rhody l "tome pumpkins" of a state after all. The smallest of all the states, she hs the largest population per square mile, or 31844 person. The fig ures of the last census show tint if the whole Union were as densely populated it would contain 948,776,800 Inhabitants. Now it is seen for what Rhode Island is distinguished above all her sister states, She has been observing Lord Baltimore's Maryland motto, which rendered Into plain English reads: "Increase and mult I ply." It is difficult to convince the average dear, delightful woman that there is not some deep laid connection between the hurried shipment of gold to Europe and her husbands know ledge that the bill far her Easter bonnet will be coming in in a few days. Mr Cannon's o,o!o;y lor the Billion Cra gres, that it was preceded hy a niggntd'y body and i3 to b: followed by cj-.tnlly parsimonious, does tut afford finite so much conuolaiioa as it doss hope. It is scire com fort .0 kn.iv tin', c!)!e ar;rne of ex paiiiiur: is to he nircntain? !. T;ni I i.! n i:r .'.!!: swu.a a itewiuw, mv;',i;ie -.'i a litis if il.' r 1, .r.-.i -!''. "'te w twi. f ji ai.ui.: in ii u i v,i .: iid a rt in; '..: or i.l Ri'.iju'.iT u'.l' :r j ;i;i,.ntwiii by an; oau dvniiinii j. ,hiw ..iivilitiu. The fact remains that the last cangress perpetrated a prodigality of expenditure to which nothing in our history can be com pared. In a time of profound peace it has done this, eating up the surplus and at the same time Increasing the tax on our con sumers to the unheard-of rate of a 6o per cent average while reducing the revenue. The public treasury Is plundered on the hand and the bounties and perquisites ol tl.r milllonaiics Increased on the other, and the people are whlpsawed between a decreased, revenue anil Increased taxation. Lace Cuktains In great variety from S cts. to $9 a pair. These goods are bought from New York jobbers direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style nd price. Samuel E Youso, NEW ADVJSKTISEMENiS. STRAY' NOTICE.-Strayd or stolon y froin my place near Muddy station, a dapple gray mare, six voars old, MX hands high, branded on left shoulder witU the letters IIH. combined. Will reward any one giving iniornianon an io ner wnereBDems. Auumiw, xi;Htv. J P ALLISON WANTED. To bnv notes and rrort usees. H K Noble. Portland, Or. room It, Concord block, 2d street. HONEY TO LOAN. In sniail and $ fi. larqe amounts, from six months to nvo yeais, on guou Ainauy huh iinn county real eniate. Call on or address W E McPherson, First St., Albany, Or. ysrANTED, A POSITION. By the nn IT dersiuned, to look after the bus! nas of a store or warehouse, having many past yoars experience at sncn labors I feel satisfied that I can Rive general satisfaction at very moderale wastes. Rkvkrences Any cf the first settlers in and around Albany. MILlUa UnAUU. ' JKOKESSIONAL NURSE - Inquire -.t tio i-o-ner of Fifili and Baker sireots of Mrs It Campbell. STATE OF OREttON. LAND DEPARTMENT. Salem, Oregon, June 1, 1S0I. the board of commissioners for the sals of sctiool and university lands and for the investment or the tunas arising therefrom of the stats of Oregon, hereby Invite sealed application! to purchase the following uesorioen lands, to wit: All of tbe donation land claim situated In sections 15, Hi, 141 sod 22, in Township 12 fcsouih Rango 1 West, known and described on the goverumect surveys as the donation land claim of Jobs W Moore and wife, being Notification No 250. say lug therefrom 18 acres sold to Jacob Newman containinc 300 acres. Also begin ning 10 chains west of the northeast corner of the northwest qnsrter of section 21, in Tp 12 South Range 1 West, running thence east 30 chains; thence south 40 chains; I hence west 30 chains; thence north 40 chains to tbe Dlace of heainninK containing 120 acres, all situated io Linn county, state of Oregon, and outainirjg in all 41$ acres more or less. , Application? will bs oponsd at a regular meeting of said board to be bald Tuesday the 14th day of July, 1891, a 2 o'olock. p m. . lie ngnt to reject any ana an oias is resorved by the board NAPOLEON DAVIS. Clerk of the Board. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. AGtfl ACRES; 110 ACRES IN 4vvvl grain, 17 In corn and rooti, 40 in nuioii v. vveu iCDceu ana seeaeu io eras. Well watered; good soil, do gmvel. 80 beau witt lo, 60 uoga. 4 norsea, farm lm plementn, large house, 4 large new baroa, srocvi ftclioo. and church near hotiBe, on place: Fruit of all kind- 3 miles to postomce ana store, o uniies irora stay ton ii ml 2S miles aouth cf Kings tionon tbe Oregon Pacific raiiroad Flacecan be cHvideMnto three or four farina with county road to each. Place with every thine 'M per acre. Terms easy. For turther particulars apply on tbo premises at Mt Ploasant, Linn cout-ty, or address ii, r. MtiLtiUtt, stayton, Oregon. 'M) NOTICE. i have this day nude arrangement n't Mcmt Kimpp, Uurrell &Ootnpny of AI- banv, to furnUh all patrons with tierinq binders. Pltniucill mi them aud g your crrterM at ones. Alo arrviflmo a are n-.ttdo with them for everything io e f arm implement line, including htndiug twine. Albauy, Or., May 3tith, 1801- Uakt Mi i. lb it. Financial A t. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 13 Hf-.KCIIY OIVEV TO ALL WHOM it may concern, that the iii lereinmJ iwlniinlH fix t( the entate ! Jacob Stover, Uoceaset, hnn A let! bur filial nceoimt In said estate, In the county futrtof I.inn vi'iinty, Oregon, and thai the JuJceof na:.l court ha u til the tkh Uy ot June, lSDl, at th hour of 10 oV'iot'k, a m ot ulJ Ay, for the of nil objections to suM final account, and the avttle incnt of tlidfuimo. Dated this 1st day of 1U), 1831. A W STOVER, W It Dii.yri', Adminbirntrlx. Attorney-. 6-S) A. STKAfMEY, .rRordiXTOB of the.. City Livery, FeeA anil Sale -STABLE.- Utvl:ig pnrcha eJ new rign can fnrn- a.;-Mii-;n gtvn tftraiiHientatocK. Hoi pom boitrtlMti hy theuay or moniu. iu'r-:w.t Kate In tlio lly. T.ilr.'lioTio crtnnvtlon with tht St rjutvit JlntH Tolophono ordont giv-n .io"t; l :WtoiUlnn. h.utrtii ,S:reet, ltwcon Kllswortli and S ..root (. p.? line. MiMSiirCliii? YOU CANT EMD THIS Without being Inttrosted. Thero will bo for tho Month of June, a Genuine OF SUMMER GOODS, Li&M Weight Clotlg. Slier Fninisiiiia: GooJs, Hats, Shoes, M all Ms cf HOT WEATHER E- Wealing Appaiel Now in My Store. Ho has received a largo and choieo stock f spring Drt Goods, now sty'ifs and shades. Wash fabrics, consisting, ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and elianiliro. A complJ assortment of white goods, (louncings, hosiery, corset, gloves, latlies and cinuiren s sno-.-s. viouang ior lliespry trade. A largo and complete assortment ior menu youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furbishing goods, aj if you want tho best, bargains you will have to call on hin -PATR0N!ZE HOME INSTITUTIONS.- WE MM & MERCHANTS IISUR1ICE CI W F RKAD, ProlilBt. J L COWAN, Trcasuror. Al-Siiuy, Oregon. .3 O WRITS.MAN. Sortl.r,. Geo K SIMPSON, Vice l'ronlclont. -DiiiKrroK- J I. Cowan. GooFSImpHon, W K Ilnad, Ir I. Foley. M Rlornherg, J W Burt J K. YV Balliertnri), H8 Strahin, J WrlUiuau. -ALSO DISTIllcr AdKNTJ H- Oaklaml Home Insuranne Co, Oakland. Cat. Amorffan, I'himdeliilito, fa. I'lu The Prices are Out ol Sight. I I Soma h sssa b 18 Mil Cider ai Merchant Wor. 9 'I'radorn, Cblcam.Hl Amorffan, l'liimillilita, fa. i-inunix, i.nnoon, r.tiuiautt, Norwich Union, LaiiiJoii, Kntc l oiiilun A Lauvliatliira, Lomlim, I'.ut;. Ouurdwii, T.0111I011, Knu. alan cLo.tor, Manuliextor. KnKiaml. Oalmlonlan, l.dl. lburg. b'cotiaml. Wooclifiamr, How Vorli. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. - LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS. EV1E0ICH2ES STAT I0HARYM 5?na ALBANY C J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. ONLY WHITE IAIIMI EMPLOYED, jlT HAS BEEE1 TRIED! ii Fruit Raising iix the Willamette Valley Pays 100 Per Cent, on the Investment. x Ten and Twenty aero Farms, all in Cultivation and Ready to set to Fruit, within Seven miles of Oregon's Capital, for $75 00 per acre; one fourth Gash, Balance in Three equal Annual Payments: or, set to Fruit and Cultivated Three Years for $175 per acre, For Farther Informa tion send for Pamphlet to The Oregon Land Company, cat jwmjMmgCTaria3aBg,!Cxrj6.Tgc ?.ninnEK2i icons; rp t?3 Li 'mwf mm ' i 5 '' i A It you want the bel and most durable furni A ture mat is manuiactur -m Ef'.1 ill flft Aitv rrrv BRINK'S PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor .Second andFrrry fit. All-nuv, Ol SUl'KKIOK WBrk.Vnarantoeil In ivnr branch ofthe art. fSTKnlaitUf all kimlp a specialty, HOW. DO YOU There la no doubt Ibal II NEW Stoek of SILVERWARE, contlstlM i apoona, icnivea, xoraa, run.ciui-T gold and silver natohes. Jewel Ti etc, la the largest and best in tbe oity, and by far tbe best ever brought to Albant. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. ftlTY STORE Pfeiffer Block, Albwj Stanard k Cusicl S rr.0PRiK0M:M -SSALIOS IN- Drugs, Mediclnra, Cbemlcalf, Pn!t and Tollot Artlclos18onge.In',1,,, Perfumery, School '. Hooka, and Artista' Suppllea. I'hyalclHun preMtrlpUo" ,r lully oomponiKlcfl. J. A. Camming, win Daiuw at 111 k ) OBECON